Probably not in Russian Federation more shocking and a bright representative bohemians than Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov. This one is wonderful and incredible talented actor, artist, television program presenter, musician performing rock compositions.

He draws incredibly accurate pictures, made in the brand realism style he invented, which indicates that a brand makes a person who he is.

The highlight of the Cord are songs in which more obscene language than words, as well as statements concerning death penalty, sexual minorities and politics.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Shnurov

Fans seem to know absolutely everything about their favorite; his height, weight, and age are no secret. It’s quite easy to find out how old Sergei Shnurov is, knowing his date of birth.

Sergei Shnurov was born in 1973, making him forty-four years old. According to the zodiac sign, a man is a fearless, stubborn, selfish and shocking Aries, ready to attract attention to himself by any means.

The Eastern Treaty endows the singer with traits that are inherent to Oxen, namely, hard work, perseverance, and patience.

Sergei’s height reached one meter and seventy-seven centimeters, and his weight does not exceed seventy-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Sergei Shnurov

The biography and personal life of Sergei Shnurov are simple and shocking at the same time. Little Seryozhka was born in the northern capital of the USSR; he was a smart and nimble boy. The boy did well at school and bore the nickname “Shurik” for his cheerful disposition, however, he behaved simply horribly. IN early age Sergei swore and was a regular in the police room.

As a child, the boy had no authority and mercilessly broke the system, however, he adored informal rock music. The guy wanted to become a musician or diplomat, but decided to try himself in a more earthly profession. He studied at LISI, but did not graduate and received the profession of a restorer at a vocational school. Sergei did not work in his specialty for a single day; instead, he studied at a theological seminary for three years, which he never graduated from.

Before becoming the leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups, Sergei tried many professions. He was a glazier, a watchman, a carpenter, a radio presenter, a loader, and an assistant director. Since 2000 he began to paint beautiful paintings that were popular among connoisseurs contemporary art.

Since 1991, he has played in a number of musical groups, including Alkorepitsa, Van Gogh's Ear, Leningrad, and Ruble. He wrote soundtracks for the films “DMB”, “Election Day”, “Boomer”, “Baby”.

He was the leader of the series television projects, acted in commercials and films, voiced animated films.

Shnur’s personal life was quite stormy; he never suffered from a lack of attention from women. The singer and musician was always surrounded by fans of all ages.

Sergei Shnurov was married three times, however, he easily changed women. For him, there were no barriers to love, for example, the frontman of the Leningrad group began an affair with fifteen-year-old Oksana Akinshina. The romance lasted five years, and the guys broke up after another drunken quarrel.

There was talk about Shnur’s connection with Yulia Kogan, who was the lead singer of the Leningrad group.

Family and children of Sergei Shnurov

The family and children of Sergei Shnurov are quite ordinary people who adore their extraordinary father and son. Shnur’s parents had nothing to do with the world of show business; by the way, they worked as engineers and never used obscene language.

Sergei’s mother often reproached her son for provocative behavior on stage, naked performances and songs interspersed with obscenities, but he suppressed all reproaches. Shnur told his mother to try to create her own group and prove that songs without obscene words would become popular.

The family was quite poor, so the boy earned money by delivering Flyers. He is grateful to his parents and constantly supports them financially.

Sergei Shnur has two children from different women however, the singer often says that due to stormy youth there may be many more illegitimate offspring. Sergei is not involved in raising children as a father, he communicates with children as a friend and adviser.

Son of Sergei Shnurov - Apollo Shnurov

The son of Sergei Shnurov, Apollo Shnurov, was born in his second marriage from Svetlana Kostitsina in 2000. He was named after his favorite poet, singer Apollo Grigoriev.

The guy studies at school, he believes that he is very similar to Harry Potter and loves the series of books and films about the young wizard. By the way, Apollo does not have any vision problems.

The guy is not a public person, he is tired of his father’s popularity and the need to maintain the image of a bad guy.

He claims that he does not want to be a singer or musician, and, in general, has not yet thought about his future.

Daughter of Sergei Shnurov - Serafima Shnurov

The daughter of Sergei Shnurov, Serafima Shnurova, was born in her first marriage from Maria Ismagilova in 1993. From the age of three, the girl lived only with her mother, who tried to turn Sima against her father, so now she does not approve of much of the star’s behavior.

Serafima graduated from St. Petersburg state institute, having received the specialty of philologist. She writes beautiful poetry, photographs and draws. The girl works part-time as an interior designer.

Sima recently married Vyacheslav Astanin, who works as a bartender. The girl does not have children yet, since her previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Maria Ismagilova

Ex-wife Sergei Shnurov - Maria Ismagilova - entered the guy’s life when he was a student at the Theological Academy. Sergei fell madly in love and pretty soon invited Masha to become his wife.

At twenty years old, Cord became happy father beautiful daughters. He never was an exemplary father. The guy continued to party and drink, that's all free time he gave to his brainchild - the Leningrad group.

Maria, raised in Christian traditions, was shocked by her husband’s obscenities and terrible behavior on stage. The marriage broke up, and Ismagilova protected the little girl from communicating with her father for a long time.

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Svetlana Kostitsyna

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Svetlana Kostitsyna - for a long time headed the successful Pep-C group. This woman, on the contrary, supported her future husband in creative activity.

She became the creative manager of the Leningrad group; she did everything to organize concert tours of the banned group in Russia and the CIS countries. They began to talk about a stormy romance between Sveta and Sergei, and in 2000 his son was born.

New family broke up suddenly when Svetlana found out about her husband’s relationship with an underage girl, Oksana Akinshina.

Sergei Shnurov's wife - Matilda Mozgovaya

Sergei Shnurov’s wife, Matilda Mozgovaya, appeared in his life in 2010, when a stormy romance with Ksyusha ended due to a quarrel. Matilda's real name is Elena, however, the girl prefers a catchy pseudonym.

The young people met by chance, it was love at first sight. Matilda owns a very successful restaurant business, to whom she attracted her beloved husband. The couple owns the popular restaurant “Ko-ko-ko”, located in St. Petersburg.

Sergei Shnurov and his wife Matilda, photos prove that the woman has firmly embraced her husband. She was a former ballerina, so Shnur took up sports, almost stopped drinking and began to look just great.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Shnurov

Sergei Shnurov has Instagram and Wikipedia because the outrageous singer and musician needs somewhere to express himself.

Shnurov’s Wikipedia page contains information about the singer’s childhood, youth and hobbies. It is possible to find reliable information about his filmography, musical creativity, filming in advertising. There is information about children, parents, wives and mistresses.

Sergei Shnurov’s Instagram account is official, however, it is possible to find great amount groups that act on behalf of the singer. On the page they have interesting photos, videos and author's comments on posts.

For some time there were rumors that the girl had inherited an explosive temper and a tendency towards antisocial behavior from famous father. Sergei also fueled such gossip with provocative notes on Instagram, telling subscribers that his daughter drinks, smokes and swears. However, in fact, Seraphima is much less prone to public antics and shocking actions than her father.

Childhood and youth

Shnurov's daughter Serafima was born on September 5, 1993 in St. Petersburg. The girl’s mother was a classmate of Sergei Shnurov: the young people studied together at the institute at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

The feelings turned out to be so strong that Sergei and Maria did not wait for graduation and got married. These were difficult times in the musician’s biography - he had to work part-time as a loader and watchman, but the young father was absolutely happy.

Problems in the Shnurov family began a little later. Seraphima went to kindergarten, Sergei had some free time, and the man returned to abandoned rehearsals.

However, the musician’s wife was unhappy with this state of affairs. Maria didn’t like the songs from Sergei Shnurov’s group; in addition, the woman believed that Sergei should devote more time to his family. The couple began to quarrel and soon decided to divorce.

Seraphima inherited a creative streak from the famous musician. The girl also writes poetry. In addition, Serafima draws excellently.

There were often reports in the media that Seraphim long years she held a grudge against Shnurov and did not communicate with her father. In some interviews, the girl even disowned her father, declaring that Sergei was not her relative.

The hot-tempered musician also did not remain in debt: in the interview, Sergei did not even mention his daughter, but he often and with pleasure talked about his son, born in his second marriage. Fortunately, over time, the relationship between daughter and father improved, and touching images began to appear on Instagram. joint photos Shnurov.


Judging by information on social networks, Serafima Shnurova graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Philosophy, choosing the department of Eastern culture and philosophy. Now the girl makes money from graphic design, as well as retouching and artistic processing of photographs.

Personal life

In 2015, reports appeared in the media that Serafima Shnurova was pregnant. Under the photographs of the girl in "Instagram" Numerous congratulations appeared, but the joy turned out to be premature: Seraphima lost her child. Fortunately, the health of Sergei Shnurov’s daughter soon returned to normal, and the cause for concern passed.

The girl prefers not to share the details of this situation, admitting that it still hurts her to comment on what happened. Seraphim's star father also did not share his emotions after this tragedy.

Fortunately, the loss of the child did not affect Serafima Shnurova’s personal life. In 2016, the girl married Vyacheslav Astanin and began to sign with the double surname Shnurov-Astanin.

Seraphima's chosen one graduated from Moscow University, and then moved to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as a bartender. The wedding of the young people was modest. The girls never appeared on Instagram traditional photos in a snow-white dress that fans were waiting for.

Serafima Shnurova now

Now Serafima Shnurova-Astanina, judging by the entries in social network, happy with my life.

At the girl's interesting job In addition, she tries not to miss exhibitions and presentations of creative people, and shares her impressions of them with subscribers on Instagram.

Relations with his father also remain warm. The girl, like her star father, does not comment on the situation with Sergei Shnurov’s divorce.

0 April 12, 2016, 3:12 pm

Who is Sergey Shnurov? Perhaps this is not a question, but a joke. For almost two decades now, the Leningrad group, whose leader is the singer, has been one of the most famous and successful musical groups in Russia. But if you were not previously familiar with the musicians’ work, then thanks to the song “Exhibit”, which is increasingly popularly called “Louboutins” and which created a sensation on the very first day of the premiere, the situation has definitely changed. However, that's not what this is about. We are talking about Shnurov’s children.

Yes, yes, you may not be aware, but the rocker has two adult children: 15-year-old son Apollo and 23-year-old daughter Seraphim. The latter will become our today's heroine.

Family bonds

At one time, Shnurov was a member of official relations with Maria Ismailova, from whom the musician had Serafima. The artist's second wife was former director group "Pep-C" Svetlana Kostitsyna, who gave Sergei a son, Apollo. For the last six years he has been married to restaurateur Elena Mozgova, whom general public knows under the name Matilda Shnurova and who regularly appears on the pages of glossy publications. And not only in gossip columns, but also in cover stories.

But the name of Seraphim, unlike the star parent and his young wife, rarely appears in the press. Shnurov himself almost never tells reporters about his daughter and does not brag about her successes. More often and with particular pleasure, the musician shares facts from his son’s life with representatives of the press.

Several years ago, there were even reports in the media that Seraphima had disowned her eccentric father.

This is not my dad, you are mistaken

The girl then declared to the journalists pursuing her, refusing to comment on her relationship with her father and his life in general.

However, decide family problems, if, of course, there were such people at all, Shnurov and Seraphim still succeeded. In the girl’s profile it is quite rare, but photographs and “reports” from the concerts of his group still appear together with the musician. And especially attentive Instagram users can find correspondence between father and daughter in the comments.


If we talk about the similarities between Seraphima and her father, then, in general, there is nothing to talk about. Except, perhaps, for her appearance and love for poetry, which the girl inherited from Sergei Shnurov. Student of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg state university He also writes poetry, although without obscene language.

However, Serafima is not yet working in her specialty: the artist’s daughter is engaged in graphic design and photo retouching, periodically publishing her sketches and achievements on social networks.

Personal life

Seraphima may not be a media personality, but there is great interest in her person. Therefore, journalists worked hard and revealed some details of the girl’s personal life.

So, it became known that she had been dating 27-year-old Vyacheslav Astanin for quite some time. Seraphima’s chosen one graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities in Moscow, but lives in St. Petersburg, where he works as a bartender in one of the popular establishments of the Northern capital.

Last fall, Shnurova informed her few subscribers that she was preparing to become a mother. However, the girl was unable to save the child: according to media reports, Seraphima had a miscarriage.

A few months later, in February of this year, the press already wrote about Seraphim’s marriage. The wedding of the young people was modest - there was no grandeur white dress and a large-scale celebration. Yes and new status didn’t bring anything new to the girl’s life.

Experience has shown that civil marriage no different from the registered one. If the relationship is good, no marriage can spoil it,

Seraphim reported.

Shnurov, who, according to media reports, does not even know his daughter’s lover, posted on his Instagram page on Seraphim’s wedding day short poem, dedicated to a girl and important event that happened in his life.

And although it would seem that everything about Serafima Shnurova is already known, we are sure that she, like her father, is full of secrets and surprises. All that remains is to wait for them.

Instagram photo

Scandalous famous singer Sergei Shnurov was married four times. New darling Shnurova Olga Abramova for just a couple of years older than daughter singer Serafima Shnurova, born in the artist’s marriage to Maria Ismagilova. Until recently, little was heard about Seraphim, but after the girl published on a social network provocative photo, they started talking about her.

In the photo, Shnurova appeared as a kind of bad girl, who, apparently, is not ashamed of her addictions and is in no hurry to get rid of them. In the photo, Seraphim is wearing a translucent black bodysuit and ripped jeans with the fly unbuttoned. For Shnurova, such a photo shoot was not a reflection of her essence, but just an experiment.

“You know, I love photographs in the style: “a high school girl is trying to seem cool,” Seraphima wrote on Instagram.

Let us recall that some time ago, rumors appeared with enviable frequency that Serafima Shnurova had inherited an explosive character from her father. This was confirmed by Sergei Shnurov, who assured fans that his daughter, like him, loves to swear. Later it turned out that this was not at all the case.

In addition, Shnurov’s fans used to be sure that he had a cool relationship with his daughter, but in Lately Serafima began publishing joint photos with her dad on social networks and touchingly congratulating him on his birthday. Three years ago, reports appeared in the press that Serafima Shnurova was pregnant. The girl was congratulated by subscribers, but this joy was premature: Shnurova lost her child.

In 2016, she married bartender Vyacheslav Astanin; the newlyweds did not organize a lavish wedding celebration, limiting themselves to only a modest celebration in a close circle of family and closest friends.