Home canning has long ceased to be a relic of the Soviet past, and modern housewives are trying to prepare delicious winter preparations for their families from seasonal vegetables and fruits, without preservatives and other chemicals inherent in store-bought canned goods.

And of course, I am no exception either. For several years now, I have been collecting golden recipes for winter preparations on the Home Restaurant website. Recipes from my mother’s notebook, homemade recipes like my grandmother’s, recipes for preserves and jams, pickles, adjika... these are not all homemade preparations for the winter, recipes from step by step photos presented on the Home Restaurant website.

In the “Winter Preparations” section you will find the most delicious recipes for winter preparations, time-tested and proven by more than one generation of housewives, as well as homemade winter preparations according to modern adapted recipes. Golden recipes winter preparations from the site - these are proportions verified down to the gram, time-tested recipes, detailed description canning process with high-quality photos, and, of course, the predictable result in the form of appetizing and tasty jars with twists.

For your convenience, all golden recipes for delicious winter preparations are accompanied by step-by-step photos. After all, you will agree that it is very convenient to prepare delicious preparations for the winter by viewing recipes with step-by-step photos in your kitchen from your phone or tablet. If you liked the golden recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant website, do not forget to share them with your friends on in social networks, and also write your comments and reviews of canning recipes on the site!

Not only can you cook plums delicious jam or compote, they make an excellent sauce for meat dishes- tkemali. As is often the case with popular dishes, there are quite a lot of variations in tkemali, so I’ll make a reservation right away – today’s recipe for tkemali is...

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! Mushroom season I started late, and I hasten to tell you another way to prepare pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars. Last winter, while visiting, I tried very tasty pickled...

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! I dedicate today's recipe to all those with a sweet tooth and fans of chocolate desserts. As you probably already guessed from the name of the recipe, we will prepare plum jam with chocolate and cognac. Incredible, magical, velvety...

Among the preparations made from plums, jams, preserves, compotes most often prevail... But plums are good not only for sweet preservation. The well-known sauce - tkemali - is prepared from them, and adjika with plums is also very tasty. Yes, yes, exactly adjika. She has a very...

Caviar from bell peppers, pre-baked in the oven, turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic. I make this preserve every year, it always runs out faster than the rest. The specified amount of products makes 3 half-liter jars, so feel free to increase the portion several times. Caviar …

Greetings, dear friends and guests Home Restaurant💖💖💖. Based on your numerous requests here on the website and on social networks, I have prepared a recipe for you with sea buckthorn. The simplest and most affordable thing you can do is sea buckthorn with sugar for...

Dear friends, today I want to invite you to prepare sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter. They really turn out sweet, or rather, sweet-spicy, very interesting in taste. This preparation is relatively new to me: a recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter was shared with me at work a year ago...

I don’t know for sure whether this is how they really prepare tomatoes for the winter in beautiful Portugal, but the recipe for such marinated tomatoes in slices with onions, which a friend shared with me, had exactly that name – “Portuguese style”. But, by and large, what difference does it make what it’s called...

Today we are preparing delicious Mother-in-law’s Tongue from zucchini for the winter - a recipe with photos at your service! I love this recipe for its simplicity and, of course, great taste. The result is approximately 4.5 liters of delicious finished preserves. To keep the preparations for a long time, use...

Winter preparations are very popular, and the range of prepared products has expanded significantly compared to what our grandmothers once used. In addition to the classic set of products for canning - cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, today's housewives even use exotic vegetables and fruits, preparing salads and snacks, vegetable caviar, compotes, jam and other sweet desserts.

Even though today any canned food can be purchased in a store, homemade products are in great demand. Experienced housewives constantly experiment with ingredients, creating their own bouquets of tastes and aromas using spicy spices and herbs. They will willingly share their secrets with you!

The recipes in our section will tell you in detail and show how to make preparations for the winter from a variety of products, with and without sterilization. And let your daily menu be varied, healthy and tasty throughout the year.

Preparations for the winter

I offer my version of preparing delicious vegetable snack– lecho made from zucchini and pepper. To be honest, this is only my second year making zucchini appetizers and salads. Before that, I thought that it wouldn’t turn out very tasty, so there weren’t too many recipes. But I was very wrong. Zucchini makes simply wonderful preparations that can be served in winter with any side dishes and meat and poultry dishes. For treatment, I recommend using...

I like to make jam from several ingredients and sometimes I use different berries and fruits, so the result is always a new and interesting taste and aroma. This time I made jam from blackberries and apricots, not even expecting that it would end up being so delicious. The cooking principle is not much different from ordinary recipes for cooking sweet preparations, but there are several nuances that I will be happy to share with you. Blackberries are best used...

I offer my delicious recipe preparations - adjika with bell peppers, tomatoes and garlic. I found this recipe 2 years ago and have been making it for the second year now. The appetizer turns out much tastier and more interesting than regular lecho. The dish goes well with pasta, rice, buckwheat and other side dishes, as well as meat dishes. It is very simple and quick to prepare, and the ingredients are available at any time of the year, but it is better to use seasonal vegetables, as they say - ...

I offer my delicious recipe vegetable preparation for the winter - salad with eggplants and tomatoes. My family loves winter salads that are a little sweet, so when preparing this appetizer I use more sugar. In this recipe, the amount of salt and sugar is arbitrary, and you can also use it according to your taste. Vegetable salad This recipe turns out bright, juicy, rich. Products for cooking are available at any time of the year, but it is better to use...

Summer and early autumn are the time of intensive preparations for the winter. This section contains the most favorite recipes: tasty, practical and reliable.

Thanks to the presence of apples and tomatoes, this tkemali sauce is softer and less sour in taste. I really liked it, you can prepare it for the winter or cook it for every day...

The pepper tastes simply divine - aromatic, moderately spicy, slightly sweet. And how beautiful, you can’t take your eyes off it! You open a jar in winter, and until you finish it, you won’t stop...

The advantage of this recipe is that the tomatoes are canned without long and tedious sterilization, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the whole process. The tomatoes come out undercooked...

Very easy recipe canned cucumbers. The cucumbers cost well, and they taste much tastier than if you roll them up classic recipe with mandatory sterilization.

This caviar is made two to three times faster than the classic recipe. Agree, a significant saving of time and effort, especially in the summer, when there is so much to do...

An extremely simple and practical recipe. The tomatoes are aromatic and moderately sour; they are always welcome on the dinner table. You can drink rich tomato juice, or you can make tomato sauce from it...

The salad is very simple to prepare, and the flavor of the wrap is extraordinary. You open a jar in winter and are immediately immersed in the stunning aroma of fresh vegetables. So delicious that...

During the season of lettuce and tomatoes, be sure to roll up lecho. I offer a very simple and quick recipe for lecho, which is prepared without sterilization, without adding vinegar and oil...

These tomatoes are salted cold, without vinegar or sterilization. The tomatoes are spicy and very tasty. Ingredients: green or brown tomatoes, garlic, salt, water, dill...

Try this natural homemade tomato juice. It is prepared very, very simply and quickly, without sterilization, without vinegar and other preservatives. Even kids can drink this natural product...

Prepare an amazing sour-spicy Tkemali sauce for the winter, which is much tastier and cheaper than the sauce sold in stores. The recipe is simple and tasty, all ingredients are available...

This special recipe makes the cucumbers very tasty, elastic and crispy. Salting time is 24 hours! You can pickle any cucumbers and in any quantity! As they say, fast, tasty and practical!

An amazing recipe made from the simplest and cheapest ingredients. Cabbage rolls are easy to prepare, they turn out delicious and beautiful. The perfect recipe, both for every day and for the holiday table...

This very tasty, beautiful and appetizing cabbage is also called “Festive”. It is prepared quickly and simply, but it always becomes a hit at the holiday feast...

Sunsets for the winter are great, but no cucumbers and tomatoes can replace practicality sauerkraut, because you can bake cabbage pies from it, you can cook stewed cabbage, Can i...

A very simple, practical and quick recipe. You can marinate both colored and regular white cabbage. It takes 3-4 days to prepare, but is eaten instantly. Take care of vitamins for the winter...

There are many adjika recipes for the winter, but this is my favorite recipe. Adjika is quick and easy to prepare, it turns out beautiful, tasty and aromatic, and stores well...

For this simple and quick recipe you can marinate any edible mushrooms. They marinate very quickly, store well and are ready to eat in just a few hours...

A very simple and practical recipe. Canned quince without sugar is an excellent side dish for meat, and how delicious the bird turns out if it is stuffed with quince. Ingredients: quince, water...

This spicy, aromatic sauce is simply perfect for meat. The recipe is simple, all ingredients are available. Ingredients: tomatoes, onions, hot peppers, lettuce peppers, vegetable oil, spices...

Be sure to make these pickled tomatoes. The marinating process takes only 12 hours! Ingredients: small tomatoes, garlic, dill, salt, sugar, water, vinegar...

A very simple recipe for cold pickling cucumbers; the cucumbers turn out tasty and crispy, and store well. Ingredients: cucumbers, horseradish, garlic, salt, water, dill, pepper, leaves...

A tasty and practical wrapping of medium-sized tomatoes; cherry tomatoes, different-sized tomatoes with personal plot or dachas. Ingredients: tomatoes, onions, parsley, celery...

If your goal is to prepare eggplants for the winter as quickly as possible, then this recipe is a lifesaver. No sterilization, no hassle, everything is very fast and simple. Only two ingredients...

Very delicious roll from eggplants. In winter, you open a jar, and there are such aromatic, juicy and meaty vegetables, just a real treat for a gourmet! Ingredients: eggplant, bell pepper, onions, carrots, garlic...

A very simple recipe, without sterilization, the saute turns out tasty and juicy, and stores well all winter. Ingredients: eggplants, lettuce peppers, tomatoes, onions, carrots, garlic, herbs, spices, vegetable oil...

Every year I make this salad, it’s so delicious that no matter how much you roll it up, it still won’t be enough. Can be served as a separate dish, also used for preparing meat and fish dishes...

It is no coincidence that canned zucchini is the most popular zucchini, because zucchini, squash or zucchini are cheap, practical, bear fruit almost all summer, and taste just as good as other zucchini...

Prepare these very delicious plums in a spicy marinade. Plums are an excellent side dish for many meat dishes, which will add novelty to the everyday menu. The marinade itself can be used for sauces...

A very simple and practical caviar recipe. The big advantage is that no oil is used, the vegetables are stewed in own juice, and then roll up without sterilization...

Prepare this delicious compote of berries and fruits for the winter. This recipe is good because the set of ingredients can be anything, in addition, the berries and fruits are not boiled, but only poured with boiling water...

Just recently, this dish dominated all the shelves of Soviet stores; more than one generation of students grew up on it. Although those times have passed, this caviar remains folk dish for its practicality...

Delicious, crispy, moderately spicy cucumbers. What housewife doesn’t dream of rolling up just such cucumbers for the winter? The recipe has been proven and tested for many years, so take it and roll it to your health...

Traditional zucchini cut into slices is already boring, so I suggest preparing a zucchini salad for the winter. Extremely simple and practical. In winter, you open the jar, and you can immediately put the salad on the table...

Eggplant is an amazing vegetable, it is delicious both stewed and fried, and pickled eggplant is generally a delicacy. Try fermenting eggplants with carrots and celery. Simple, fast and tasty...

This delicious spicy eggplant caviar is prepared very quickly and without sterilization. The eggplants are filled with tomato juice, so in winter all that remains is to open them, quickly cut them and that’s it, the eggplant caviar is ready!!!

Although Korean carrots did not come to us from Korea at all, the name stuck, and our people liked the recipe. I am sharing a simple and proven recipe for how to prepare delicious crispy carrots...

Try a great recipe for spicy adjika. This homemade adjika is very easy and simple to prepare. But most importantly, this vitamin seasoning holds up well in the refrigerator all winter...

Very practical and useful preparation from young shoots of garlic. This seasoning can be prepared in 5 minutes, is perfect for first and second courses, and can be stored in the refrigerator...

Store-bought juices are very convenient, but if you really care about the health of your family, then I recommend making your own compotes, for example, from ordinary cherry plum...

This is not even a juice, but rather a concentrated juice-pre from viburnum. A couple of spoons per glass, and the vitamin drink is ready. An excellent remedy for colds, flu, and improves immunity...

Quince itself is not very hard, it’s hard, and it makes your throat feel uncomfortable, but in jams and jams, quince is great. Be sure to prepare a very beautiful and tasty quince compote for the winter...

A simple and tasty recipe for homemade apple compote for the winter. Prepares quickly, without sterilization. And to make the compote really tasty, beautiful and aromatic, add thorns and mint...

It’s even difficult to imagine a simpler and more healthy recipe grape juice. All we need are the grapes themselves and a regular juicer...

  • Vegetables and fruits intended for seaming or pickling are thoroughly washed in cold running water. We pre-soak the cucumbers so that all the dirt comes off, and then wash them. We change the water several times.
  • The washed vegetables should be dry from the water, only after that we put them in sterile jars. How to sterilize jars, lids and blanks is described in detail in this article.
  • To prepare brines, we use regular rock salt. Iodized salt or EXTRA salt is not suitable for seaming.
  • The time for sterilization of preparations depends not only on the volume of the jar, but also on the vegetable itself, therefore we strictly adhere to the specified sterilization time.
  • We place the rolled up jar with the lid down; the hot contents of the jar additionally “sterilize” the lid and neck of the jar.
  • It should be remembered that wrapping the seams prolongs the sterilization time. Therefore, cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes that are sterilized in boiling water are usually not wrapped to prevent them from being overcooked.
  • Winter preparations that are boiled over a fire and then rolled up without sterilization are usually well wrapped, thereby prolonging the heat treatment.
  • Sealings should be stored in a cool place away from radiators and heating devices. Hitting straight sun rays is also not advisable.
  • Any roll will be much tastier if it is cooled in the refrigerator before serving.
  • To make the rolled cucumbers crunchy, open the jar in advance, add a couple of chopped garlic cloves, some fresh herbs, and be sure to cool it in the refrigerator.
  • Freshly rolled up jars should not be opened out of curiosity; they still haven’t brewed yet, haven’t been saturated with salt and spices. Only after standing on the shelf for several months do they acquire their final taste.


In the wide open spaces of this section, I will introduce you to a huge amount preservation recipes. The most important detail in any roll - maximum preservation taste qualities canned product. Preserved products have an important advantage, namely the property of being preserved for a long time.

Almost all types of products can be seamed, be it meat or berries, fish or vegetables and much more. Exotic fruits such as pineapples are also canned. A product subject to seaming, of course, loses some of its useful and healing properties, however, according to taste criteria, sometimes it even compares favorably with its counterparts in fresh. Use the recipes I offer - you will lick your fingers.

I bring to your attention the following recipe for canned seaming. This lovely food is perfect for a group of men gathered for a short get-together, especially after a hard day at work.

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various assorted vegetables, jam and berry compotes - if all this has become too banal for you, then by all means take a look at this culinary selection. Unusual preparations, such as cucumber jam, carrot cheese, potato starch, prepared at home, simply excite the imagination. You can find these and other, no less interesting and original, preparations for the winter in this section of the site. Once you learn how to prepare certain unusual recipes, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised! If you choose step by step recipe with a photo, you can handle the job easily and simply.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

There are many ways to prepare plums for the winter. I prefer to store plums in the freezer. When frozen, the taste, appearance of the product and vitamins are preserved. Frozen plums in syrup are most often used by me for baby food, preparing desserts and drinks. Children who often eat poorly eat this preparation with pleasure.