Hello, dear friends! So that the coming year brings success and good luck, let's try to make talismans - time-tested means. How to make a talisman for good luck in study or love, you will learn from this material.

The history of the appearance of magic items

The history of the appearance of talismans is rooted in the culture of the Ancient Slavs. True, in ancient times everything was explained magical power gods.

People made it with their own hands magic symbols, the patron of each of which was one of the gods. Talismans were used to ward off the evil eye, to preserve the family, increase wealth, and achieve new heights in creativity.

Today, as always, talismans for love and increasing wealth are especially popular. They can be bought in special stores, or they can be made at home from improvised materials. It is not so important to make the desired symbol, it is important to believe in its miraculous power.

Difference in meaning

Many do not differentiate between amulets,... By themselves they have no power, but they know how to attract and enhance the energy of the Cosmos.

Has force only after what has been done to it magical ritual. To make them, they take something that does not break down for a long time, because a destroyed amulet can harm its owner.

It doesn't have to be specially made. A talisman becomes that thing whose energy affects you in the most in a positive way, so you want to be with her all the time. They do not need to be charged, since they already contain a miraculous code that brings good luck without a conspiracy.

How to make a thing a talisman? A pendant can become a talisman, soft toy, any thing from which its beneficial effect descends on you. Hold it in your hand to feel its beneficial effects.

Will save you from failures and lack of money. You can make it yourself from different materials.

Memo to the symbol manufacturer:

  • It must be made in a quiet, secluded place.
  • The amulet must be charged in order to establish contact with it, using water, fire, earth, air.
  • How to charge? Dip into water, bury in the ground, scorch with fire, expose to wind.
  • Do not show the talisman to anyone, so as not to reduce its power.

A strong amulet for success

You can encode cosmic flows for good luck at home, without resorting to expensive magicians.

To do this, choose a stone that matches your zodiac sign. Then, using engraving, draw runes or codes on it to direct the flow of Cosmic energy into the right direction. But no more than 3 characters, so as not to confuse the flows in your magic item. Most often, these are money, health, love.

Attention! Be careful with the sign of "change", as changes may not turn out for the better.

To make a magical sample, take leather, thick fabric, braid, laces, and stone.

Find in magical runes the one that corresponds to luck. Apply it to the stone by an experienced engraver and insert it into the frame. Say a spell consisting of two or three phrases 3, 9 or 12 times, whispering them to the magical assistant. This amount must be strictly observed.

Belt for good luck

This could be a bracelet or a forehead band, which was worn by the Slavs in ancient times.

  1. Take unpatterned braid of the required length.
  2. Apply Slavic symbol to attract good luck.
  3. Can be embroidered or woven when weaving.

Magic capsule

  • Sew a bag from fabric or leather.
  • Apply the Slavic symbol “Alatyr”.
  • Supplement with stones that have the property of bringing good luck, this could be turquoise.
  • Inside, put a note with a protective prayer, dry grass that brings health.
  • Insert a lock of your loved one's hair if you want the attention and love of a specific person.

If you are married, then Kubishka will protect and multiply your love. To add protection from the evil eye or damage, put inside the element that will protect you from exposure dark forces. Do not put love spell elements or elements that bring evil to another person into the bag, all evil can turn against you.

Attention! If the Kubyshka has served you well, then it can be passed on by inheritance.

To choose a lucky ticket in the exam

Students do everything they can to successfully pass tests or exams, but few people use an amulet to study.

Of course, magic will not be performed without difficulty, but a magical little thing will help you remember the material well, not get lost in exams, and be more confident in your knowledge. You can choose a ready-made copy, but it is better to make it yourself.

Make a lucky tree:

  • Cut out a 5 cm tree figurine from cardboard.
  • We paint it over with a soft-colored pencil.
  • We glue the branches of those trees or grass that have a certain meaning (a sprig of rosemary, a leaf of hazel).
  • We glue a red thread along the edge.
  • We tie three knots.
  • We put the tree in a fabric handkerchief.
  • We collect 4 corners, tie them with 3 red threads, say the words: “Learned-memorized, understood-said, tied in a bag.”

Incense with herbs and spell prayers can also be an assistant in your studies.

Prayer for Orthodox Christians: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for my studies/exams, send Your holy help, so that I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful for me. Amen.

An amulet for study can be made with the application of the Anzus, Urzus and Yen runes. Each rune responsible for study can be applied to a stone or skin that is carried with you in your pocket.

An amulet item can be something that has already brought good luck, for example, a ring or pendant. They can be worn every day or put on at the right time. Don't forget to charge them:

  • Place the decoration on a white sheet of paper,
  • Read the plot, wrap it, leave it overnight.
  • Put it on in the morning.

My talisman is my (name of decoration). It will protect me from dark views and bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.

You can also charge natural stones, personal items, toys, then used to increase your knowledge or attract good luck.

Paper helper for good luck

The simplest amulet can be made from paper.

  1. Take thick cardboard of gold color. It is gold that will attract Fortune to you.
  2. You will need a pen with bright ink.
  3. At midnight, draw a five-pointed star on cardboard.
  4. Draw a Wheel of Fortune inside. When you draw, say the text: “May this amulet help me achieve what I want in life (wish).”
  5. Dip the Pentagram into melted wax from church candles, calling upon the guardian spirits.
  6. Carry a small paper amulet in your wallet or pocket without leaving it.

You can make a lucky talisman for good luck on wood, paper, or a shell. On the selected material, draw a five-pointed star and write a number in the center. Number meanings:

1 - desire to dominate people.
2 - desire to find a soul mate.
3 - the desire to achieve success in creativity.
4 - desire for stability in all matters.
5 - win something or receive a prize.
6 - desire to make a career.
7 - achieve success in magical actions.
8 - financial stability.
9 - liveliness, energy.

The magic assistant needs to be charged. Take two church candles, light them, place the Pentagram between them, and let them burn to the end. Wrap the talisman in a red rag and place it in a dark place.

Take it when you need it.

For success in love

Everyone has probably heard what it is amulets, amulets and talismans and understand their meaning. But not everyone knows how to make a talisman, amulet, talisman for good luck and money with your own hands, i.e. independently, without the help of magicians and sorcerers (if there are any).

Due to this negative programming people have various fears, phobias and neuroses, as well as failures in relationships, and in life in general...

Since a program is essentially a set of various information stored in a person’s memory and tied to certain emotions and behavioral reactions - just like Pavlov’s dog, the bell is salivating - then everyone has the power to reprogram themselves, put new anchors and give themselves settings for success and good luck. The “start button” will be your talisman, amulet or amulet.

We program our talisman (amulet) for good luck and success, or make a talisman against the evil eye and damage

To begin with, make yourself a simple talisman for general good luck, for example an amulet from a ring on your finger, which will be a “start button” for positive emotions or

In this article:

Amulets, charmed or made for good luck, can be different - exquisite, purchased, gifted, made with your own hands and charged with positive energy.

The most effective amulets are those made by hand and which really bring good luck to the owner, since they contain a piece of the aura of the owner, and not of the stranger who carried out the charging.

Talisman of good luck made of stone

How to make an amulet from natural materials and charge it for good luck without using cunning devices and rituals? Start from the very beginning simple method, for which you only need a spring and a stone. You should pick up a pebble from a spring, and then draw your desire on the surface of the future amulet, for example, a house, a car, money, etc. Afterwards, you need to hold the stone tightly in your fist and walk around the spring three times counterclockwise, fully concentrating on your desire. Having completed the ritual, throw a stone into the water and go home.

Luck in a bag


On the first day of the new moon, you need to sew a bag from a scarlet scrap. The next day, put a pinch of cloves, allspice, fennel, rosemary, bay leaf, and mint in the bag. At the same time, over the bag filled with herbs, you need to read the prayer “Our Father”, and then the spell words:

“I put the grass at God’s command for good luck and luck! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Place a bag of herbs on the windowsill for three full moons in a row. When all actions are completed, the talisman will begin to work.

Luck per coin

A small coin is charmed for good luck in trade affairs. Starting from the new moon, for six days in a row, collect all the small change from purchases, and on the seventh day, buy a notebook, keychain, pen and some souvenir with it. Throw the change remaining after purchasing a souvenir over your shoulder at an intersection, saying:

“Paid, paid for everything in full! Let it be so!"

Then leave without looking back home, without speaking to anyone along the way. The purchased items will become your good luck charms.

How to charge a talisman for good luck

How to make an amulet more effective? The easiest option is to charge positive energy. The method below is recommended to be used even with talismans purchased in special stores, since in this way you will charge the amulet with your energy, which means it will work only for you and no one else, and especially not against you.

A horseshoe, even a souvenir one, is an excellent talisman for good luck

Wait until the new moon, fill a large crystal bowl with water and place it so that the moon is reflected in the center of the vessel. Place the talisman in the water, make a triangle of large and index fingers hands and hold it over the talisman for about five minutes. ask the Moon, the patroness of magic, to endow the talisman with its power.

Choosing a good luck talisman based on your lucky number

A numerical talisman is made of wood, stone or paper. Select the amulet material and draw a five-pointed star on it, called a pentagram. In the center of the pentagram, draw the number you need, which is chosen according to the given life goal. Number meanings:

  • A unit indicates a desire to dominate and command people. If you want a promotion in your career or recognition of your leadership qualities in a team, then you should draw a unit in the pentagram.
  • A two speaks about your desire to find your soulmate, sexual partner or friend.
  • Three should only be drawn by those who want to achieve ideals in self-improvement and success in creative activity.
  • The number four signals stability and constancy, both in work and in the family circle.
  • Five should be drawn when great desire win and receive a prize.
  • Six is ​​responsible for career growth.
  • Seven promises success in magical operations.
  • Eight allows you to find financial stability and peace of mind.
  • Nine gives indomitable vital energy, but at the same time rage and pressure.

These talismans are made on the eve of any important event!

After making the talisman, it needs to be charged. For this purpose, place the amulet between two lit church candles, which should burn out completely, after which the talisman is wrapped in a red cloth and kept in dark place until you need it. When you need the help of a talisman, carry it with you so that it is constantly in contact with your skin.

How to Use Lucky Charms

You must remember once and for all that any amulet is a purely personal thing, so it should not fall into the wrong hands even for a few minutes, let alone be given away. You should always carry the amulet with you, so that it is in contact with your skin - this helps it to fully reveal its potential and work more effectively for your benefit.

You should also know that good luck talismans need periodic recharging, for which they are placed on the window at night (during the full moon) or charged church candles, as described above.

A talisman is an item that brings good luck to its owner. Such talismans can be made independently or even purchased; they can look sophisticated or completely ordinary.

But the greatest effect is achieved by talismans that are made independently, and all because such talismans carry the energy of the owner himself. Such talismans are made not only to get rid of the evil eye or damage, but also to attract wealth and happiness.

Who are these talismans for?

A bunch of famous people use various talismans, which are one of the reasons for success. Those talismans that a person carries with him absorb all the information and then process this information and give it back to its owner.

But not only jewelry or jewelry can become talismans. Some popular people They consider both pets and plush toys to be their mascots.

What can talismans be made from?

To make a talisman at random, you can take any materials, but most often jewelry is used for such purposes. The materials used for the amulet are gems like turquoise, amethyst or jasper, shells found on the seashore, rings, earrings, bracelets, buckles, pins, hairpins, cufflinks. Other items that can be made from cardboard or wood, clay sculptures.

All such talismans are usually made by people who know about the energy with which they can attract good luck and happiness. Such people include psychics, healers, healers and witches, magicians and magicians. And in order to make such talismans, magicians expend a lot of their energy and waste strength, and such rituals do not take place in one day. The structure of the material, date of birth, day and time of day when the amulet is cast, and the owner’s zodiac sign are also taken into account.

And such pleasure is not cheap, so many people try to make such talismans on their own. But few people think that such a ritual must be carried out correctly, with a clear sequence of actions. When such talismans are made by the magician himself, then during the ritual the magician reads prayers and strong conspiracies so that the charmed amulets have strong impact to its owner.

A talisman that is made for good luck is the very source of strength for the one who wears it. But be sure to wear such a talisman constantly and closer to the body. In order for such an amulet to have even greater power, they apply to its surface special signs, which may be an encrypted spell.

Plan for creating a talisman

  1. Define the goal
  2. Create an image of the amulet mentally
  3. Create or purchase
  4. Clear
  5. Charge

The best talismans for good luck

Magic bag

Magic bags used by witches different directions. They were created for different purposes. filled them with herbs, stones and other fillers and activated them.

To attract good luck, you need to sew a golden bag. Add an aventurine crystal, cinquefoil, oak leaves, clover and basil to it.

The talisman that will bring good luck is a stone.

In order to make a talisman from natural materials, or rather from stone, you only need a stream and a stone. While walking near the stream you should find suitable stone and draw your desire on its surface. For example, if your desire is to receive a huge amount, big house, journey, a strong family, health. After a wish has been drawn on a pebble, you need to go around the stream counterclockwise, squeezing the pebble in your fist and focus on your desire. After everything is completed, you should throw this stone back into the stream.

Rune talisman

Many esotericists successfully use runes to fulfill desires and attract favorable events.

They are made of stone, wood, and you can apply the formula not in a photo, but on a piece of paper.

And then activate. This can be done with the help of saliva, for example, blood, and breathing. Such activation methods are based on personal power.

If you want to call upon the Gods or the elements, then you cannot do without a ritual. As a rule, 4 elements are used, after the ceremony they make offerings.

Here are some formulas for good luck:

Dagaz, Soulu, Soulu, Soulu, Vunyo - enhanced luck

Teyvaz, Soulu, Kano, Soulu, Teyvaz - success, luck

I would also like to note that when creating a rune talisman, a reservation is used. You can search for its text on the Internet, or compose it yourself. Naturally, your own clauses are stronger, but for novice practitioners you can take someone else’s in order to minimize possible mistakes when creating them yourself.

The talisman is enchanted on the bag.

When the moon is in the first phase - it begins to grow, you need to sew a bag from a red piece of cloth. On the second day this put a little clove spice, allspice, a little fennel, bay leaf, rosemary and mint into the bag. While these spices are placed in the bag, it is necessary to read the “Our Father” prayer. And after the prayer has been read, it is necessary to read the spell words:

“I lay down the grass at the behest of God at random for myself and my luck. And so be it. 3 times Amen.

During three full moons, this bag should be placed on the windowsill. This talisman will begin to work only after everything is done. And in order for the effect to intensify, it is better to wear this bag near the heart.

A spell for a coin that brings good luck in trading.

A conspiracy is made on a small coin to attract good luck in trading. Within six days after shopping, take change and use the collected amount to buy notebook, a pen and a keychain, and some kind of talisman for the seventh day. You need to start collecting money on the first day of the new moon. After all purchases have been purchased, the remaining change must be thrown over your shoulder at an intersection, while saying:

“Everything has been fully paid for and paid for. Let it be so.”

Then you need to go home and not look back or talk to anyone along the way. And those items that were purchased become talismans at random.

There are many conspiracies that can attract good luck and happiness; such methods can be found on the Internet. The main thing is that everything is done according to the rules and with the appropriate sequence.

How to clean

Any magical attribute is purified before use. How can I do that? Here are the simplest ways:

  1. Through a candle.

Buy or make a wax candle, write “cleansing the talisman” on it with a needle, light the candle and move it over the talisman, reading “Our Father” (at about a distance of 5-10 cm). You can do cross-shaped movements.

  1. Water.

Place the made symbol under running water for 10 minutes.

  1. Salt

For 3 days, the talisman can be placed in coarse salt.

How to charge

  1. Simple methods: breath, saliva, blood with invested intention. That is, you lay down the program for your amulet.
  2. Ritual.

Charging with light

  1. Concentrate on the target of the magic symbol.
  2. Ask the Universe for a blessing on the ritual.
  3. Place the talisman in your hands.
  4. Imagine a stream of light coming at you from above. How it fills you. Fill yourself with energy.
  5. Direct the flow of this energy to the talisman. With the program you need.
  6. Thank the universe.

Spontaneous method

  • Get ready for the ritual.
  • Place 4 elemental elements on the altar (table). Salt, water, incense and a candle. In the center is the symbol you are charging.

  • Activate the elements, that is, light a candle and incense, stir up water and salt.
  • Read a spell for each element. (create it yourself)

For example:

"Power of fire, fill my talisman with your energy. Charge it to attract good luck. Truth"

  • Read the pin

"The forces of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, unite. Charge my talisman with energy. Let it attract good luck into my life. So be it.

  • Finish the ritual
  • Take offerings to the elements

After making the amulet, carry it with you. After 6-12 months, bury it with words of gratitude. And create a new one.

The most effective and efficient will be an individual amulet or talisman that is made independently, putting your own faith, energy and strength into it.

The main ingredient of a working talisman is unconditional confidence in its magical purpose. The formula for an excellent DIY talisman is an object combined with the faith and energy of the person who will use it.

How talismans work



If a person treats such things with skepticism or even mockingly, then even the most strong amulet won't work.

Trying to do it with the confidence that nothing will work out anyway, that this is fiction, simply does not make sense. No need to waste your time. For a person who, on the contrary, is convinced that the most ordinary coin brings him good luck, this coin will truly be a powerful talisman.

Each time unexpected joy is attributed to the effective “work” of the coin, it will indeed gain strength and bring good luck to such a person more and more often.

Any object can become a talisman if a person is unconditionally convinced of its mystical power. And the strongest amulet will not be effective for a person who absolutely does not believe in its properties.

Storing mystical items that bring good luck

As a rule, it is customary to keep things that are supposed to bring money or good luck away from prying eyes. If it is an amulet, then it is better to carry it with you, preferably in contact with the body, preferably near the heart area.

If it is a talisman, you need to take it out from time to time to remember its power, which should help.

A talisman for attracting wealth into the home is usually placed in a secluded place in the wealth zone according to Feng Shui. It is best to have two different talismans - one individual to always carry with you, and the other to store in the house.

Recharging amulets and talismans



In order for things that bring good luck to work even stronger and not lose their power, they are very often replenished with energy and strength. This can be done in different ways. Everyone chooses the most acceptable method for themselves, in which they believe more. You can resort to several different methods - the effectiveness will only increase. What is important here is not the ritual itself, but the person’s contact with the object and the mindset that it will bring good luck or wealth.

The rituals themselves exist great amount- this can simply be a person’s contact with an object, with thoughts that the talisman brings good luck, meditation, chanting mantras, reading spells or prayers, burning candles and incense in close proximity to the amulet, you can drop it on it aroma oils, put it overnight under the moonlight on the waxing moon.

Types of talismans with your own hands



Each person can choose a talisman depending on his beliefs, values ​​and faith. Some people are close to hair dryer and oriental trends, for some it is Christian icons and images, some are fond of runes or pentacles, and some believe more in Vedic symbols, while for others an ordinary everyday object can become a talisman.

Often mascots are chosen according to lucky number, date of birth or in accordance with the name of the owner of the amulet. Often, a talisman is selected in accordance with the horoscope sign or year of birth, believing that a certain color, symbol, stone or crystal, and even geometric shape brings good luck to each specific sign.

Talismans according to zodiac signs:

Aries– round and square shape, orange and green color, images of bladed weapons based on the patron planet Mars;

Taurus- any image or figurine of an elephant;

Twins- blue, white and blue colors, images or figures of a key with a lock, theatrical masks;

Cancer- turquoise and amber, silver and white gold, images or figures of the moon, heart, crustaceans;

Lions- gold, the shape of the sun and images or figurines of strong animals;

Virgo- cold shades, calm colors, plaster or clay;

Scales- silver pendants with an image or in the shape of scales;

Scorpios - bright colors, images or figurines of a frog or edged weapons;

Sagittarius- bronze, image or figurine of a phoenix, scarab beetle, horse, horseshoe;

Capricorn- yellow shades, gold, coins or an image of a ladder;

Aquarius- everything related to the sky, wings and flight, figurines and images of birds, angels;

Fish- everything related to water and movement on water, images and figures of fish, ships, boats.

What and how to make talismans and amulets from



The choice of material for making a talisman can only be limited by your imagination. This could be wood, paper, cardboard, stone, metal, crystal, fabric, thread, wool, bird feathers, shells, nuts, clay, seeds, flowers and herbs, beads or buttons, coins or banknotes, and maybe a combination of them to make a special amulet.

There are also great opportunities for making a talisman, it all depends only on individual abilities and skills. You can draw the talisman yourself. Fesh Shui hieroglyphs, runes, pentacles, when applied to paper by the person himself, begin to possess his energy. If you don’t know how to draw, you can print out the sign you like and carefully trace it or paint it. Hand-embroidered symbols work very well. Those who know how to sew or knit can make a unique and individual talisman.

These can be bags that bring money, amulets dolls, baubles for good luck. Such things have enormous power, as they are filled with human energy during the manufacturing process. You can weave it from beads or seed beads, make it from wood or stone, or make a talisman from your favorite coin. The choice is yours and depends on your goals, skills and preferences.

Talismans for increase positive energy and good luck

Money talisman by date of birth and initials



We carefully look through the bills that come into our hands and look for those on which many numbers or letters match the birth sign or initials. When you find a bill that seems suitable to you, put it aside, charge it in some way acceptable to you and store it as a talisman, sometimes take out the bill and feed it with your energy.

Lucky Nut

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Good for this talisman Walnut beautiful shape. Carefully crack the nut, take out the kernel, write your wish on a small piece of paper, fold it and put it inside the nut, take a thick thread and tie a larger knot on it, or put a bead on it and put it in the nut, so that they hold the nut on the thread, and it turned out to be an amulet. Glue the shell together and carry it with you.

Bag of happiness and good luck



From any suitable material make a bag (preferably red, gold or green) and fill it with symbolic happiness and abundance. These can be classic coins, rice or other cereals, seeds, aromatic herbs, beautiful beads.

You can put a magnet in the bag to attract good luck. Tie the bag. Charge it with energy. Store in a secluded place. Sometimes you can add something to the bag, while thinking about how your happiness and abundance is growing and multiplying. You can drip aroma oil onto the talisman and light green candles near it.

Doll figurine for good luck or amulet



Make any figurine that appeals to you as a talisman. It could be a classic doll, an elephant figurine, or a brownie. The main thing is to carry out the talisman with love and invest your positive energy into it.

Talismans for wealth and increased cash flow

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As a rule, gold, green and purple, monetary elements (coins, banknotes), items that symbolize wealth - oranges, pomegranate, rice, beads, precious stones or metal, essential oils riches - mint, rosemary, bergamot, sage. Perform or charge talismans to increase cash flow during the waxing moon.

Applying banknotes to objects



Choose an item that you use often, that you really enjoy and enjoy. It could be your favorite cup, a diary, even a T-shirt. Embroider or draw with paint, permanent marker, nail polish your favorite banknote - rune, hieroglyph, pentacle, symbol.

The design can be decorated with sequins, beads or rhinestones. Every time you use this item, think about your wealth and use it with special care.

Twigs, flowers or stones of wealth



Pay attention to natural objects that evoke positive emotions in you. It could be beautiful pebbles, a peacock feather, beautiful flowers, a sprig of cedar or other coniferous tree. You need to take such an item, bring it home, you can tie it with a gold or green thread or ribbon and keep it near the entrance to the house, which will be a symbol and talisman of wealth.

Bead for money



Done to increase cash flow.

You need a fairly elastic fishing line, preferably gold or green, and large gold and green beads.

To hold the beads, we make a hook at the end of the fishing line and twist the fishing line into a spiral, each subsequent curl being smaller than the previous one. Then we string beads, alternating gold and green beads. You can draw money symbols on the beads. The result is a pyramid. At the end, at the top, we leave a kind of small antenna.

You can take a small candle, make a notch at the bottom and place the candle on top of the pyramid. When we light a candle, the cash flow increases. This talisman works very well.

Item that brings financial luck



After the new moon, set aside small change separately for six days, and then use the accumulated amount to buy some kind of souvenir. It could be a pen, a notebook, a handkerchief - this item will become an amulet that you will need to carry with you, bringing good luck in money matters.

Money flower

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Collect beautiful shiny coins of different denominations, then match indoor flower, which will definitely take root well and you really like, choose a beautiful pot for the flower that will please the eye. Transplant the flower into a pot, first placing your coins on the bottom.

Coin for wealth



You need to find a coin that you really like. It could be an old coin, or it could just be very new and shiny. Several options for how to wear it. You can simply store it, like a talisman, separately from other small items. You can stick it on some larger surface (a piece of plastic or metal) to make a hole in it and wear it as a pendant.

Or make a hole directly in the coin and wear it around your neck as an amulet.

In ancient times, mystical amulets were made only by people who were considered magicians or sorcerers. They were not easy to get, and they were very expensive. However, the common people made amulets and amulets for themselves from simple improvised means. Times have passed, but nothing has changed.

And now talismans are of great interest and are in great demand. Moreover, with the advent of television and the Internet, humanity has much greater knowledge about different cultures and trends.

Always remember that only you and your faith make an object truly magical, nourish your talisman, remember it more often, use it with due respect - and then you will really get wonderful and amazing mystical results!