Buying a weapon is enough serious step. And the point here is not only that it is necessary to follow established procedures and obtain permits. Particular attention should be paid to storage conditions and rules for carrying weapons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Relevance of the issue

Many, even experienced owners, have many questions regarding the existing order. The fact is that according to the Law “On Weapons” (Federal Law No. 150), each region has the right to provide additional rules to federal acts. In this regard, the requirements in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ significantly. In addition, specialists from the licensing and permitting department can put forward their own requirements. There are no clear formulations in the legislation specifying regulations that directly concern individuals. Nevertheless there is general order which must be followed.

Normative base

The basic requirements in accordance with which they are determined are established in Federal Law No. 150. In normative act There are provisions regarding other types of special equipment. The key requirement is found in Art. 22. It says that official and civilian weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure its safety, security and prevent access by unauthorized persons.


Many experts consider the above formulation to be very vague. In this regard, experts recommend that before directly submitting documents for obtaining a license, you should find out from the territorial OLRR what they have established. This need is related to the requirement of security. The rules for storing weapons and ammunition require the installation of a safe. However, this is not enough. It is necessary to ensure reliable security of the metal box. Installing it in a separate room does not guarantee its safety. Real security can be achieved through a set of measures.

Government Decree

This document specifies general rules storage of weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens. In Government Decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998, attention should be paid to Ch. 59. It is installed following conditions. Weapons and ammunition that belong to citizens should be stored at their place of residence in compliance with the rules that ensure safety and security. Access by unauthorized persons must be prohibited. Rules for storing weapons at home include a lockable box made of high-strength material. It is allowed to use a wooden cabinet upholstered in metal. The police department at the place of residence of citizens has the right to check the storage conditions of purchased and registered weapons. The maintenance of special equipment in places of stay must be carried out under conditions that exclude access to them by outsiders. In accordance with these provisions, any reinforced box or cabinet with a lock, which is located at the place of residence of the owner of the weapon, can act as storage.


She reveals in more detail Rules for storing weapons and ammunition. The instruction was approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of April 12, 1999 No. 288. The rules for storing weapons established in it also prescribe the installation of reinforced structures that can be locked. The box or safe must be located not at the place of registration, but at the owner’s residential address. Moreover, if a citizen has a collection of weapons, the room where it is stored must be equipped with a security and fire alarm. The entrance must be equipped with a metal door with additional locks and a door frame. Storage rules hunting weapons and ammunition additionally establish requirements for windows. Grilles must be installed in rooms located on the first/last floors. If according to technical reasons the room cannot be equipped with an alarm; boxes/cabinets containing weapons are attached to one of the walls with two or more steel bolts with a thread diameter of 16 mm or more.

Requirements for legal entities

Rules for storing weapons in organizations, provided for in paragraph 164 of the Instructions, they require that it be kept in boxes, pyramids, cabinets, which are installed in specially equipped rooms, in a discharged state, with the trigger on the safety release. Items must be lubricated and clean. Storage is carried out separately from cartridges. Tags are attached to the box, pyramid, and cabinet. They indicate the model type and number, in accordance with the inventory and accounting book. This requirement is established for weapons assigned to employees of a legal entity. Some organizations may provide for the implementation of special statutory tasks. In this case, the rules allow cartridges to be stored with the weapon. They must be in clips, removable drums, magazines or blocks. Weapons in factory packaging (boxes, boxes) and cartridges in capping can be placed on racks. Placers may only be kept in metal boxes. In this case, they must be closed with two different locks.

Separate placement

Separate metal cabinets, safes, boxes, pyramids contain:

  1. Cartridges and weapons, except those specified in paragraph 164 of the Instructions. In this case, elements containing pyrotechnic compositions charged with or other irritating substances must be placed in separate packaging. A similar regulation applies to cartridges that misfire.
  2. Artistically designed models, which contain gems or metals.
  3. Weapons seized and accepted for temporary storage from employees of organizations and individuals, as well as those on the balance sheet.
  4. Gunpowder packaged in special metal sealed closures, as well as plastic bags for retail sale.

Storage rules rifled weapons require the installation of cabinets and drawers with locks, the walls of which must be at least 2 mm thick; in safes containing gunpowder, products including pyrotechnic charges or projectile equipment - 3 mm; in containers used for air transportation - not less than 1.6 mm.

Gaps in legislation

The above do not contain separate paragraphs relating to specific categories of owners. In particular, requirements are not established for legal entities that are detective agencies, sports, trade and other organizations. There are no specific regulations for athletes, hunters, collectors, hobbyists, and so on. In accordance with the Instructions, the procedure provided for legal entities is also applicable to citizens. At the same time, there are ambiguities in the requirements. For example, p Rules for storing weapons provide for the installation of bars on windows. At this point it is not clear whether they apply exclusively to collectors or to other citizens too. Meanwhile, in rural areas many individuals live in one-story houses. Accordingly, the requirement for bars is somewhat absurd. Another incomprehensible point concerns the conditions for attaching the box to the wall, the presence of an additional compartment for storing gunpowder and cartridges. It is not entirely clear whether this regulation applies to all owners or to certain categories. Experts recommend ensuring maximum safety. This means that it is advisable to study everything - general and special, developed in the OLRR - and create conditions that best suit them.


Based on the information above, the following can be formulated:

  1. The thickness of all walls of the metal cabinet is at least 2 mm.
  2. The presence of 2 different locks.
  3. Installation of a separate metal box for ammunition and gunpowder. It must also have 2 locks, and the thickness of its walls must be at least 3 mm.

Rules for storing hunting weapons allow installation of an additional lockable compartment in the cabinet. Its walls must also be at least 3 mm. It is important to understand that these requirements are the minimum required to ensure safety. Accordingly, if a citizen is the owner of a particularly valuable gun, then a cabinet with 2 mm walls cannot guarantee safety.

Experts advise choosing cabinet locks with special attention. Locking mechanisms must be resistant to burglary and many years of frequent opening. Don't save money and buy boxes with postal locks. The resource of such mechanisms is very limited, and the reliability is minimal. Experts also recommend avoiding purchasing cabinets that have door locks. As practice shows, Chinese mechanisms last no more than a year, Italian and Israeli - 4-5 years. According to the results of the research, it was found that the owner of the weapon uses the cabinet for an average of 25 years, and opens it about 20 times a year. Thus, the need to install a quality lock is obvious. Most of cabinets and gun safes are different large mass and height. To prevent such a structure from falling, it is advisable to attach it to the floor or walls with bolts. This is also true for a private home. Country property owners should pay attention to the built-in designs of safes and cabinets. Such structures are highly resistant to burglary. In addition, they can be disguised quite easily. Don't forget about fire safety. Cartridges should be stored separately in a safe located away from heating appliances. You can purchase a fireproof cabinet in specialized stores.


The prices for gun cabinets vary. The cheapest ones cost from 1 thousand rubles. But in the very first days of operation, the paint will begin to peel off, and after a while the locking mechanisms will fail. In general, the reliability of such boxes is highly questionable. A quality cabinet can cost tens of thousands of dollars. The price of a box depends on its dimensions. For example, pistol metal safes They are smaller in size and, accordingly, their price is lower.

Code of Administrative Offenses

Rules for storing and carrying weapons must be strictly followed. Failure to comply with requirements will result in liability. Administrative sanctions are established for this. Officials face disqualification for a period of six months to a year, and organizations face suspension of activities for 10-60 days. There are also fines. For officials, the penalty is 4-5 thousand rubles, for organizations - 40-50 thousand rubles. Failure to comply with the procedure for issuing a certificate of completion of training, testing knowledge of safety requirements when handling weapons or medical reports on the absence of contraindications for citizens to own weapons is punishable by an administrative fine. For officials it is 10-50 tr. The perpetrators may also be disqualified for 0.5-1 year. If these actions were committed by an entity brought to administrative responsibility within a year for violation of weapons storage rules, its production, sale or accounting, entail a monetary penalty. It amounts to 20-50 thousand rubles. In addition, the offender's weapons will be confiscated. Failure to comply with the procedure for detention or transportation by citizens who have permission from the Department of Internal Affairs will result in a warning or a fine. The amount of recovery is 500 rubles - 2 thousand rubles. The legislation also allows for the seizure of weapons for a fee.


When installing a device on a weapon that ensures silent shooting, or a night vision sight (except for devices for hunting), the perpetrators are fined 2-2.5 thousand rubles. In this case, the equipment used is subject to confiscation. The procedure for using devices that ensure silent shooting, as well as night vision sights, is established by the Government. Illegal manufacture, transfer or sale air guns, caliber 4.5 mm, the muzzle energy of which is more than 7.5 J, suggests administrative penalty from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles - for citizens, 3-4 thousand rubles. - for officials, 30-40 thousand rubles. - for legal entities. In this case, confiscation of the product is allowed.

Tightening the order

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to complicate the rules for storing and transporting weapons for individuals. Thus, it is proposed to make a change in order, consisting of the following. Storage of weapons is permitted by persons only at their place permanent residence(at registration address). A subject who is temporarily staying, for example, with relatives or in a rented apartment, cannot keep the corresponding products on him. Another innovation concerns transportation. The rules stipulate that weapons can only be transported with police permission.

Important point

According to Article 22 of Federal Law No. 150, storage of weapons, as well as ammunition for them, is permitted by entities that have received special permission to purchase them. It is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. Storage of weapons purchased without a license and not registered with law enforcement agencies is carried out without permission. At the same time, conditions must be created to ensure security and prevent unauthorized access to it by outsiders.

Criminal penalty

The Criminal Code establishes liability for failure to comply with the procedure for storing cold, gas and throwing weapons. Punishment ranges from restriction of freedom to 3 years. to imprisonment up to 8 years. In Art. 222 of the Criminal Code defines sanctions for the illegal sale of products. Criminal liability (from 180 h. compulsory work to imprisonment for 2 years from monetary recovery or without it) is also established in case of illegal (in the absence of a license) manufacture or repair of weapons, components for them, as well as the production of ammunition, explosives and explosives. Punishment is also imposed in the case of making products using handicraft methods. At the same time, an examination is carried out.


As is known, there are different kinds weapons. Most of them require obtaining Rules for storing traumatic weapons require, as in other cases, to ensure safety conditions. Negligence in this case is equivalent to a criminal offense. The criminalization of non-compliance with the established procedure is determined by its high danger. The object of the crime is the health and life, and in some cases, the property of a person. By not complying with any other type of it, the subject creates conditions for its use by unauthorized persons. This can lead to serious consequences.

Failure to comply with deadlines for registration and registration of products

Violation of the established procedure by a citizen involves a warning or an administrative fine of 300-1000 rubles. The subject is obliged to register/register weapons acquired under a license within the prescribed time frame and renew the validity of the documents. In case of change of permanent residence address, the citizen must re-register the product within the prescribed period.

Prohibitions on transportation and restrictions on use

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for the shipment, violation of the procedure for transportation or use of weapons and ammunition. Sending products involves a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. In case of violation of transportation rules, the perpetrator faces a penalty in the same amount. Failure to comply with the procedure for using products will result in a fine of 1.5-2 thousand rubles. with or without their compensatory seizure. Liability has also been established for violation of current rules. Thus, in the case of shooting in places not designated for this, the perpetrators face an administrative fine of up to 1 thousand rubles. In this case, the product may be confiscated from the subject.


Despite some vagueness of a number of provisions, one thing is clear. A weapon is a dangerous object that poses a threat to others. To avoid negative consequences it is necessary to ensure proper conditions for maintaining such products. In case of failure to comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulations, the perpetrators may be subject to administrative and criminal liability.

The rules for the acquisition and storage of hunting rifles and other weapons at the place of residence when changing the address, as well as not at registration, are regulated by law Russian Federation. Since the regulation of these norms is also placed under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and each region can establish its own requirements that do not contradict the laws federal level, owners often have questions about how to properly organize the storage of weapons and their transportation to the hunting site. Licensing authority employees also have the right to put forward special conditions due to the fact that legislative framework regulating this issue contains enough gaps.

Today, every adult, capable citizen has the right to purchase a hunting rifle. However, this requires passing a medical examination, training and obtaining permission to purchase and store firearms in the licensing and permitting department, which is often called a license.

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Transporting a gun is also permitted, but subject to certain requirements. Once the weapon is unloaded and sheathed, you can carry it with you even in public places. The main requirement for storing a hunting rifle at your place of residence is the presence of a safe, which can even be made independently. However, first of all, it is necessary to obtain permission to purchase and store weapons, and also to inform local authorities about this fact.

Before purchasing, storing and using a hunting rifle for its intended purpose, you must obtain a license and permit. Compliance with these requirements is mandatory, since there are penalties for illegal acquisition and storage of weapons. To obtain a license, you need to decide on the brand of the gun and contact the licensing and permitting department, where you write an application (a sample will be provided by the government agency) and submit a package of collected documents.

To obtain a license you will need:

  • Passport. Original and copy.
  • Conclusion of the commission on the results of the training.
  • Certificate of passing a medical examination.
  • Hunting license.
  • Photo. Size 3x4.
  • Receipt confirming payment of the one-time fee.

The application is reviewed within ten days. As a result, the LRO makes a decision to issue a license. Upon completion of consideration of the application, the LRO makes a decision. A storage permit can be refused for the following reasons:

  • The person submitting the application is a minor.
  • The citizen has contraindications for medical reasons.
  • Incomplete documentation package or submission of false information.
  • The person has repeatedly violated public order, which was recorded in protocols on administrative violations.
  • Conditions proper storage weapons and ammunition are not respected.
  • The citizen did not appear for a license within two weeks of receiving the written notification.
  • The person has a criminal record for a crime committed intentionally.
  • A citizen is serving a sentence for a crime.

If these reasons are not present, the applicant will be issued a license. After receiving the document, the citizen can purchase a weapon.

Next, you need to obtain permission to store and carry a gun. The license is part of the package of documents for obtaining permits and has a limited validity period. It is issued for six months and only for one weapon, so if you purchase several guns, you must obtain a license for each. If a citizen does not have time to obtain a permit during the validity period of the document, the next license can be issued to him only after a year.

After receiving a license, you should purchase or build your own safe for storing guns and ammunition, which will be checked by the local police officer to obtain permits. Next you need to do the following:

  • Apply for a firearms storage permit. This must be done within two weeks from the date of purchase of the gun. Without obtaining permits, the operation of weapons is illegal.
  • The received license must be attached to the application.
  • Agree with the district police officer on a date when he can check the storage conditions of the gun. Upon completion of the inspection, the employee will draw up a document that is attached to the package of papers for issuing a permit.
  • A written notification will be sent by mail after 10 days indicating that the application has been reviewed.

The basic documentation is submitted by the citizen when obtaining a license, so when obtaining a permit you will only need a general passport and 3x4 photographs. You also do not need to undergo a medical examination again.

A permit for this type of weapon is issued no earlier than after five years of smooth-bore operation. To obtain it, you will need permits for smooth-bore weapons and a citizen’s hunting license. The procedure for obtaining paper is similar to submitting an application for permission to store a shotgun. Documentation is completed within the same time frame.

A weapon storage permit is an urgent document. It must be renewed every five years. It is necessary to take care of this problem in advance by contacting the LRO three months before the end of the document’s validity period. An application in the prescribed form is required. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination again. There is no need to retrain how to use a weapon. The extension procedure is carried out, as a rule, within a period of about one month, during which employees of the permitting department will check whether the applicant has committed various offenses. If a person has two or more recorded violations of administrative legislation, the permit extension is denied.

Conditions for storing a hunting rifle at your place of residence

The storage of firearms may only be carried out by persons who have received permits. At the same time, it is the owner of the gun who must use and ensure proper conditions. It is prohibited to transfer weapons to third parties. If a citizen finds a gun or receives it from someone, he is obliged to hand it over to law enforcement agencies. Otherwise, the person may be brought to administrative or criminal liability.

A person who owns a hunting rifle is obliged to ensure established by law conditions for its storage. A citizen is obliged to organize the situation in such a way as to guarantee the safety of weapons and ammunition, safety for others and to exclude the possibility of use by others. The gun must be stored:

  • In the safe.
  • In a metal cabinet.
  • In a box made of high-strength material.
  • In a box made of wood, covered with metal.

Whatever device the weapon is stored in, it must be locked. The difference between a safe and a gun locker is mainly the price and level of security. In this case, a device for ensuring the safety and security of the gun can be made independently.

If a citizen owns a collection of guns, they must be stored in a specially equipped room. An alarm system and a metal door with additional locking devices and a frame are installed in the weapons room. If the room is located on the first or last floor of the building, metal grilles must be installed in the window openings. If it is not possible to install a security system, metal cabinets, safes or boxes are installed in the room, which are attached to the wall with bolts with a diameter of at least 16 millimeters. There must be two or more such fastenings.

Conditions for storing a hunting rifle at your place of stay

Regardless of whether the weapon is located at the place of permanent residence or temporary stay, conditions must be provided to guarantee its safety and safety for others. Storage of a hunting rifle other than at the place of permanent registration must be carried out in such a way that access to it by third parties is limited. If the owner of a weapon goes hunting, fishing or to any other place of stay, he does not have to transport the safe, which is intended to ensure safety. In this case, the owner of the gun is obliged to monitor the gun, prevent third parties from accessing it, and ensure the safety of others.

If the owner of a firearm does not live at the place of permanent registration, it is required to obtain temporary registration, ensure safe storage conditions with a safe or metal box, and call a local police officer to check the conditions for compliance with the law. Next, the owner of the gun must submit a report from the district police officer and fill out an application for a new permit to store the gun at the LRO at the place of actual residence. It is worth noting that the weapon must be located where its owner resides, regardless of whether he is registered at this address or lives under temporary registration. However, whenever you change your place of residence, you must notify local law enforcement agencies and the licensing department. You can carry a gun on the basis of a permit to store and carry. In this case, the owner is required to carry identification documents and permits with him.

The owner of the gun and ammunition must obtain permission from the LRO to transport them at the place of registration. If a hunter intends to transport more than five weapons and more than 400 pieces of ammunition, he must submit an application and information about the guns to the local police department, it is also required to indicate the transport that will be used for movement, indicate the intended route of movement, and the persons who will ensure security for others.

The initial check of the conditions for storing a hunting rifle is carried out by the local police officer when the citizen receives permission. Next employees law enforcement organize such events at least once a year. The check is carried out at the place where the gun is stored, information about which is provided by the owner when receiving permits. The inspection procedure should take no more than a quarter of an hour per weapon. The grounds for conducting an audit may be:

  • The verification period has arrived.
  • Application from a citizen for the issuance of permits.
  • Application by a person to extend or re-register previously received documents.
  • The end of the period for eliminating non-compliance with the rules, if the person was previously issued an order to do so.
  • Complaints from persons or institutions regarding the commission of offenses by the owner of the gun.
  • An order from the relevant authority to carry out special measures to verify citizens’ compliance with the rules for the circulation of weapons.

The employee arriving to conduct the inspection must introduce himself, state the purpose of the visit and present his official identification before starting the inspection. Also, the official must have an order in in writing about the event. During the inspection, the following circumstances are established:

  • Correspondence of the owner's weapon data to the actual quantity and characteristics.
  • Compliance by the owner with the rules for handling guns and ammunition.
  • The presence of a mandatory device for storing weapons.
  • The owner's compliance with restrictions on third party access to the gun.

At the end of the procedure, the official draws up a report and gives a copy of it to the owner. If violations were identified during the inspection, they are indicated in the document and must be corrected by the owner of the gun within 30 days from the date of receipt of the certificate.

If the owner of the weapon is absent from his place of residence, other persons in the apartment or house should not open the safe in which the weapon is stored, even at the request of a law enforcement officer. Otherwise, this will be a violation of the restriction of third party access to weapons in the place of actual residence.

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What are the rules for storing weapons at home (hunting, traumatic)?

Foreigners can keep service or civilian weapons purchased within the Russian Federation for 10 days. At the same time, they must have licensing documents for weapons.

Prohibition on storage

Citizens are not allowed to keep weapons found or transferred to them if they are not its owners. Weapons received from other persons or found must be transferred to the nearest police department.

Storage conditions for hunting and traumatic weapons

Hunting and traumatic weapon should be left in a place where the safety of storage and safety of things is fully ensured. Conditions should be created that will reliably limit access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Storage of traumatic and hunting weapons is carried out in a locked safe or metal cabinet. Storage in boxes made of high-strength metal or wood covered with iron is also allowed.

Weapons that are owned by citizens should be stored at the place of residence or in places of temporary stay of its owner. However, for such storage to be legal, it is necessary to ensure that the weapon is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Members of sports organizations can store own weapon at the location of training sessions and competitions, if this sports facility is equipped with the necessary protection devices.

Weapon placement requirements

Order No. 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1999 approved a list of requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition and the conditions for their storage.

According to this act, citizens must comply with the separate storage regime for the following objects:

  1. Cartridges. You should sort out cartridges with pyrotechnic compositions that contain tear and irritant substances, and cartridges that misfire. All of them are placed in separate packages.
  2. Weapons.
  3. Artistically designed weapons that contain precious metals and stones.
  4. Gunpowder.

Weapon storage room equipment

If a person has a collection of weapons, then a fire and security alarm must be installed in the storage room. If for technical reasons it is not possible to install an alarm system, then weapon storage facilities are attached to the walls of the room using at least 2 steel bolts. The thread diameter of the bolts must be at least 16 mm.

Mounting the gun cabinet to the wall helps prevent it from tipping over, as tall safes often fall over after the door is opened. The instability of such safes is due to big difference in the ratio of the base and height of the weapon storage. When opening the cabinet door, this difference increases, so securing the safe becomes a necessary necessity.

To make it easier to install gun safes, some manufacturers offer wall-mounted cabinets. Such storage facilities are best suited for installation in cottage premises and some city apartments.

On doorway it is necessary to install additional locks and boxes. The windows and doors of a room intended for storing weapons should be secured by installing reliable metal bars.

Safe design

Weapons and ammunition are stored at the place of residence or place of stay of the citizen. A lock should be installed on metal boxes and safes where weapons will be placed. It is not permitted to place weapons in open safes that cannot restrict free access to the devices by unauthorized persons.

Safe locks are:

  1. Mechanical (open and close after entering a certain code combination of numbers).
  2. Key ones.
  3. Electronic ones, which can be opened after identifying biometric data, for example, fingerprints or a retinal pattern of the owner of a weapons storage facility. Some electronic locks can also be opened using proximity keys or magnetic keys.
  4. Combined, including 2 or 3 locks of different types.

The wall thickness of the safe must be at least 2 mm.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are good capacity, fire resistance and burglary resistance.

To store weapons, you can purchase a ready-made safe or make one (both independently and to order).

Many Chinese-made safes have low quality locks, which often leads to their breakdown. In addition, such cabinets are easy to break into.

That is why, to ensure the safety of weapons, citizens should purchase more expensive and high-quality Italian, German and Israeli weapons storage facilities that can last for many years without failure.

Fire resistance

The gun owner should also ensure that the metal gun storage box is fire resistant to ensure that the gun remains undamaged in the event of a fire. To do this, the owner needs to select durable cabinets coated with fire-resistant compounds.

However, safes for storing weapons with high degree flame protection, as a rule, performs poorly as protection against burglary. That's why gun owners who are concerned about theft should consider hybrid safes. Such vaults effectively protect the device placed in them from both direct hacking and fire.

Although hybrid safes are the most expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their safety and inaccessibility.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must be equipped with all the necessary elements: the safe must have compartments for ammunition, and also have devices that ensure the weapon is held in a stationary position.

Fixation elements can be made of wood, plastic or steel. At the bottom of the gun cabinet there should be a stock made of wood, felt or plastic. The butt of the weapon will be placed in the recess of such a bed.

The interior of the safe should optimally adapt the internal space of the storage to the needs of the weapon owner, so it can be equipped with removable trays, vertical partitions, as well as a variety of shelves, the height of which can be adjusted depending on the type of weapon stored.

On inside Safe doors, as a rule, install additional pockets and hooks on which it is convenient to store devices designed to care for weapons.

Features of placing safes indoors

Safes, cabinets and drawers where weapons will be located must be located:

  • at a distance of at least 1.5 m from front door,
  • at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.

You should also ensure that the boxes with cartridges are no closer than 1 m from the heating devices.

At the same time, the placement of safes and cabinets should not interfere with the opening of doors in the room where weapons are stored.

How to hide a safe

For example, a safe where a weapon is hidden can be placed inside a wardrobe, if such a wardrobe is located against the wall (the owner of the weapon can easily mount the safe on the wall through the wall of the wardrobe). Outside, such storage can be hung with items of clothing. With this method of disguise, it will be difficult for an outsider to determine the location of the safe.

A very unconventional place to place a safe is the kitchen or bathroom. Storage for weapons can easily be disguised, for example, as a cabinet for bathroom accessories.

A safe built into the wall can be hidden from view by placing a TV, painting, photograph or other interior element in front of it.

Monitoring compliance with established storage conditions

Monitoring compliance with the conditions for storing weapons at home is carried out by authorized police officers who can check the safety of the weapon and its inaccessibility to unauthorized persons and even to citizens living with the owner of the weapon.

None of the relatives of the gun owner who keeps it at home should know where the key to the gun safe is. To check that a weapon is not accessible to family members of its owner, some police officers may resort to small tricks.

Eg, officials come to the house where the weapon is stored when its legal owner is not at home, and ask one of the family members to present the weapon to check the license plates. In this way, the employee provokes the relative to violate the rules on the inaccessibility of weapons. If a relative opens a safe and shows a weapon to a police officer, it will be confiscated due to a violation of storage rules, and the owner of the weapon will be held administratively liable.

Thus, persons who own weapons must strictly adhere to the rules for storing them and keep them completely out of reach of unauthorized persons.




Gun safe - requirements for a gun safe for smoothbore weapons

The presence of weapons imposes certain obligations on a citizen. First of all, this concerns ensuring its safety, as well as preventing the possibility of the weapon falling into the wrong hands. This scenario could end tragic events, which will bring trouble to the owner of the weapon himself. Therefore, it is important to know how and where to store weapons.

When issuing or renewing a weapons license, the local inspector must check the owner’s home for compliance with the rules for storing weapons. To do this, you need to have a safe or cabinet for storing weapons. At the same time, there are rules for installing a gun safe that will ensure the safety of its storage. The basic requirements for a gun safe for smooth-bore weapons in 2019 are specified in Article 22 on the storage of civilian and service weapons, including cartridges for them. It states that weapons must be stored in conditions that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing them, ensuring the safety and security of storage.

Buy a gun safe

Shop of gun safes and cabinets

You can purchase a gun safe or cabinet that fully complies with all the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the specialized store You can also order installation if you don’t have the desire or ability to do it yourself.

Requirements for a gun safe

When purchasing, it is important not only how much a gun safe costs, but also a number of other parameters. For example, this is the size of the safe for storing weapons, the thickness of the walls, its group, type and purpose. You can study all the requirements for such safes using GOST R 50862-96.

Safes are divided into groups:

1. burglar-resistant;

2. fire resistant.

By purpose and type gun safes can be differentiated into:

1. furniture;

2. built-in;

3. for pistols and long-barreled weapons.

The following requirements apply to a gun safe:

1. a metal cabinet that has two lockable locks. The cabinet must have a wall thickness of at least 2 mm;

2. the second safe is selected for cartridges; it must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm;

3. Inside the safe there must be a compartment for cartridges, which is locked with a separate lock; it must have a wall thickness of 3 mm.

When choosing a safe, it is also extremely important to pay attention to the quality of the locks.

Installation of gun safes

After purchasing a safe, you need to take care of its installation, which will ensure the safety of storing weapons. The fastening of the safe is regulated by GOST number P 50862-2005.

1. In most cases, wedge anchors or anchor bolts are used to secure safes.

2. Holes for fasteners are most often located on the bottom or rear wall. Sometimes it may be necessary to use additional fasteners.

According to Russian legislation, cabinets (pistol safes) and gun safes must be attached to the floor or wall. Safes for the home, which are called furniture safes, must be secured, regardless of where they are mounted.

At the same time, private individuals are allowed to purchase an inexpensive weapons cabinet with one lock, to which access by unauthorized persons is limited. For legal entities, the conditions for purchasing a safe are much stricter. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to this appendix to Order No. 288.

Requirements for a hunting safe

Requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons include:

1. presence of two locks;

2. cabinet wall thickness is at least 2 mm;

3. the presence of an additional metal box intended for ammunition. It must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, and also be closed with 2 locks;

4. It is allowed to store weapons and ammunition in the same safe. There should be a separately locked section, which has reinforced walls more than 3 mm thick;

5. trunks must be stored in a vertical position;

6. there must be a holder for weapons in the safe to secure it;

7. A stock (plastic, felt or wood) with recesses for storing butts is mounted at the bottom.

When selecting a safe for storing hunting weapons, you must take into account the dimensions. The dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons should be slightly larger than the gun itself. The first thing to consider is the interior space of the safe.

Types of gun safes

Types of gun safes:

1. pistol (for short-barreled, traumatic weapons).

2. weapons (for shotguns, rifles, carbines).

Key Features safes:

1. capacity;

2. burglary resistance (H0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

3. type of locks (key and combination). Combination locks can be mechanical, electronic, biometric or a combination.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are excellent burglary resistance, fire resistance and capacity. To store weapons, you can purchase ready-made or custom-made ones.

An important parameter is the fire resistance of the safe. The high fire resistance of the metal box will ensure the safety of the weapon in the event of a fire. Therefore, it is recommended to select durable cabinets that are coated with fire-resistant compounds. At the same time, fireproof safes are less burglary resistant. Gun owners who are concerned about theft are advised to take a closer look at hybrid safes. Although hybrid safes are more expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their inaccessibility and safety.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must have all the necessary elements:

1. the safe must have compartments for ammunition;

2. there must be devices that ensure fixation in a stationary position. These elements can be made of wood, steel or plastic.

At the bottom of the cabinet there should be a bed made of wood, plastic or felt. In the recess of such a bed there will be a butt of a weapon.

The interior of the safe should in the best possible way adapt the internal space to the needs of the weapon owner. Therefore, the following can be arranged here:

1. vertical partitions;

2. removable supports.

3. additional pockets and hooks, which make it possible to conveniently store devices used to care for weapons.

Features of placement of safes

1. Safes should not interfere with the opening of room doors.

2. Be at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the front door;

3. Be at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.

54. Storage of weapons and ammunition is permitted by legal and individuals received in the Federal Troop Service national guard Russian Federation or its territorial bodies permission to store, or store and use, or store and carry weapons.

55. Legal entities, after receiving from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies permission to store or store and use weapons in the manner established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, are obliged to store weapons and ammunition in conditions that ensure their safety , safe storage and excluding access to unauthorized persons.

(see text in the previous edition)

Weapons and ammunition, in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, are subject to storage in isolated premises, specially equipped for these purposes, equipped technical means security and other means of protection, in locked safes or metal cabinets. In this case, the storage volumes of cartridges in factory packaging, safes or metal cabinets are determined by a commission formed in the prescribed manner, based on fire safety requirements.

(see text in the previous edition)

The procedure and conditions for storing weapons and ammunition during their production are established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

56. The procedure for accepting weapons and ammunition for storage, transferring them, issuing and processing the necessary accounting documents is established by orders of the heads of legal entities in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

The procedure for carrying out these actions with weapons and ammunition placed under the customs procedure is established by the Federal Customs Service.

(see text in the previous edition)

57. Storage of sports firearms, including those with a rifled barrel, or sports pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of over 7.5 J and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, sports cold bladed and throwing weapons, and hunting weapons can be carried out legal entities who have received permission from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial body for the right to store weapons and (or) store and use weapons at a shooting facility, in premises equipped in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

(see text in the previous edition)

58. Requirements for engineering and technical equipment means of security, organization of access control and regime inside the facility, in warehouses and storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, in premises for display, demonstration or trade in weapons and ammunition, in shooting ranges and at shooting ranges located outside production areas, as well as requirements for the placement of weapons and cartridges in places of their storage are established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

59. Weapons and cartridges belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as initiating and flammable substances and materials (gunpowder, primers) for self-loading cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions ensuring their safety, storage safety and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes, safe cabinets or metal cabinets for storing weapons, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, upholstered in iron. federal Service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies, internal affairs bodies at the place of residence (stay) of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of registered weapons.

(see text in the previous edition)

The storage of weapons, cartridges, as well as initiating and flammable substances and materials (gunpowder, primers) for self-loading cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms by citizens of the Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to them by unauthorized persons.

(see text in the previous edition)

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs may store their weapons and ammunition at sports shooting facilities at the site of shooting training and competitions.