Spells for good luck in trading and shopping

Trade conspiracy

D ate, Lord, you said with your most pure lips, that without me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, I believe about our souls, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), to improve my life by trading in buying, selling and money changing, and in everything. You, O Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Archangel Michael, in your honor holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Buyer's spell for a successful purchase

This spell can only be used if you are buying something big: a house or a car.

Take a half-burnt candle from the church, put the stub in the pocket where the money is (not all, it may be part of the money for the purchase) and say:

G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (name), amen. I, servant of God (name), go to bed in the evening, late to late, blessing myself and crossing myself; I, servant of God (name), get up early and wash myself with three-day water; I go from the house by the doors, from the yard by the gates; I’ll join good people, I’ll start trading and bargaining (say what). Yes, behind me stand Michael the Archangel and Gabriel the Archangel with their heavenly power. Create, Lord, prosperity forever and ever. Amen.

Buyer's conspiracy not to overpay

On the new moon in the evening, pour a third of water, a third of milk and a third of sunflower oil into a glass. Tell:

T merchant, merchant, if you deceive me, the servant of God (name), I will treat you, I will pour from this glass, I will rinse out your guts. Don't make me angry, tell the truth. Amen.

The next morning, cover the glass with white paper and place it under the stairs in your house.

A conspiracy to prevent you from being deceived when purchasing

Mix milk and sunflower oil in a glass. Add Epsom salts (available at pharmacies) and place in a window. Say this to this glass:

N I went out and brewed a potion. As she brewed it, she said. Let my adversary drink that potion, and when he says his false word, he will tie his stomach in a knot. Do not untie, do not unbend. Amen.

If a person wants to deceive you, his stomach will immediately turn, and this is how you will know about the deception.


D ate, Lord, you said with your most pure lips, that without me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, I will expand the volume of our soul, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), in this life of our trade in buying, selling and bartering and in everything. You are the master, Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to lure buyers

To successfully sell a product, repeat to yourself on the way to the place of sale:

TO Just as flies fly to honey, so all the merchants would flock to my goods. Amen.

After each repetition, spit over your left shoulder and tap your right shoulder three times with your left hand.

Spell on a bill and a blade of grass

You need to take any green blade of grass, lightly spread it with honey and stick it to any bill. Then say:

T a rava reaches to the sun, a fly lands on honey, so merchants would be drawn to my trade, like grass to the sun, like flies to honey!

Then fold the bill in half so that the blade of grass is inside it, and carry it with you while trading. The ritual must be performed on the waxing moon.

Plot for a new towel

You should buy, without haggling, a new white towel made of natural fabric, without patterns. At 3 o'clock in the morning say to him:

WITH There is a hive in the field, humming, buzzing, in that hive the queen sits, counting the bees, but cannot count them. Just as that queen bee cannot count her bees, so I could not count the money, and just as those bees bring honey and fill the honeycomb, so I would fill my purses day by day.

And go back to sleep. In the morning, after washing your face, blot your face with this towel for several minutes. Use this towel only when you go to trade.

How to tie knots of trading luck

When washing your face before trading, you need to dry yourself with a new handkerchief, tie knots at its ends and say:

TO Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my goods; Just as a groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they were all sold out. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

Take a scarf with you and always keep it with you when you are going to trade. After washing, the ritual must be repeated.

Spells for good luck on the roadPlot for good luck on the road

When setting off on the road, lean your cheek against the door and say in a whisper:

M Wait for her, call her home!

When you arrive where you were going, cross yourself three times and say:

WITH lava to you, Lord, for bon voyage, for your quick return!

And then everything will be fine with you.

Plot before leaving home

Before leaving home, say:

B God bless the road, send the angel, watch over me yourself! Amen.

And cross yourself. And as you cross the threshold, look around and say:

P behind is the threshold, ahead is God. Amen.

Conspiracy against fear on the road

In order not to be afraid of anything on the road, a stone is placed under the threshold. The one who sets out on a journey steps first. After which you need to take a stone and say:

TO I am not afraid of rain, wind, or heat, so I, the servant of God (name), am not afraid of anything on the road. Amen.

You need to say it three times and put the stone in a place where no one will step over it.

Conspiracy to leave a loved one

After the person leaving, one of his relatives or friends should splash water and say every evening until the traveler returns:

G Lord, save and have mercy on Your servant (name), and send him a guardian angel on his way. Lord, help him, deliver him from illnesses, from sorrows, from destroyers and robbers. Save and preserve, O Lord, Thy servant (name), throughout his entire journey. And return home unharmed, undefiled, incorruptible. Amen.

Conspiracy for Yegoryev's day against fines on the road

On Yegoryev's Day - the day of St. George the Victorious, which is celebrated on May 6 - in the old days they drove out cattle, whipping them with the same willow saved from Easter. Well, I’ll give you a spell for those who have a car - in our modern times it is of the same value to people as cattle used to be. And I am often asked if there are any conspiracies to avoid unnecessary spending on a car. I give you this spell.

On Yegoryev's day, take the willow branches from behind the shrine, place them under the windshield of the car and say this:

TO My chariot, my chariot, run faster than lightning, don’t be nice, but be manageable, don’t waste money, take care of yourself and me. I conjure with the holy willow, I overshadow with the holy cross. Amen.

Cross yourself three times. The car won’t break down, you won’t have any complaints or fines on the roads - your money will be safer!

Conspiracy for a long journey

To prevent anything from happening on the road, say the following conspiracy before leaving:

E I blow from field to field, to green meadows, to distant places, in the morning and evening dawns; I wash myself with icy dew, dry myself, clothe myself with clouds, girdle myself pure stars. I’m driving in an open field, and in the open field there is growing grass. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you; The raw earth gave birth to you. Overcome the grass! Defeat evil people: they don’t think evil of us, they don’t think bad, drive away the sorcerer, the sneaker. Overcome the grass! Conquer me high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs. I am going with you, overcoming grass, to the Ocean-Sea, to the Jordan River, and in the Ocean-Sea, in the Jordan River lies the white stone Alatyr. As he lies firmly in front of me, so evil people’s tongues would not turn, their hands would not rise, but they would lie firmly, as the white stone Alatyr lies. I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart, all the way, all the way. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of an Altai healer on water author Krasnova Alevtina

Conspiracies for good luck in life and in business The conspiracies that are described here will help you find what you are looking for. Everyone has cherished desires, everyone wants to make them come true. But not everyone succeeds: some lack intelligence, others lack courage. And to the third - just modesty. You take the words

From the book Conspiracies that attract money author Vladimirova Naina

For success in trade Let the servant of God (name) be successful in trade, in buying, in selling and bartering, and in everything. Be strong to my word. Amen. Read this spell on holy water on the new moon, drink the spelled water every morning on an empty stomach, sprinkle it

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SPELLS FOR LUCK SPELL FOR LUCK ON THE ROAD This spell needs to be read before going to some new place, where you will meet new people, communicate on which your destiny somehow depends. Before going on the road, you need to sit at a rigid post for at least one day, do nothing.

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CONSPIRACY FOR GOOD LUCK IN TRADE Maria Fedorovskaya says: “There are different conspiracies for good trading. I’ll tell you one that is most often used; I always teach it when someone turns to me.” Just keep in mind that it’s not enough to just say the words of this conspiracy. Need first

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For success in trade This hex is read with holy water at the birth of a new month: “May the servant of God (name) have success in trade, in buying, selling, in changing, and in everything, success. And be my word always strong and sculpted. Amen!” Repeated three times, then water

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For luck in trading If you are engaged in trading and things are going badly for you, come to workplace and sprinkle the charmed poppy seeds. The plot goes like this: The one on foot walks, the little one crawls, the big one rides. I'm coming, the biggest one, my trading shop is golden. The saints entered it, one towel at a time

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M. Kanovskaya Magic spells and amulets that attract health, well-being, wealth, luck, prosperity and

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CONSPIRACIES AND PRAYERS FOR LUCK Morning prayer to the Guardian Angel to protect you from failures in all your affairs In the evening, dial glassware clean water, and leave it on the window overnight. In the morning, get up at dawn, take a bowl of water and go out onto the balcony or onto the street. If

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

CONSPIRACIES FOR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS AND TRADE To ensure that profits constantly grow At dawn, get up, take a ribbon of sufficient length, connect its ends (tie or sew) and place it in the shape of a circle on the floor. Stand in the center, facing east and say three times out loud: Business

From the author's book

FOR SUCCESS IN TRADE A conspiracy to trade. The works of the Lord, His most pure lips will pray for me. Lord, my Lord, with the faith of my soul, help me, multiply all my business in trade: in bartering and buying, in everything that a merchant lives by. In Your sacred My name is bargaining, but Your defense will be.

From the author's book

For success in trading If you have acquired a store, then take care of success in trading. To ensure that you always have a lot of customers, do this: Take oats from nine horse feeders, then litter from two canteens or cafes at the door. Sprinkle this in your store at

From the author's book

For well-being in trade From the letter: “I think that you have received similar letters more than once. These are dark times for everyone involved in trading. People don't buy anything. Renting and purchasing goods does not achieve the desired results. Due to huge competition

In life, it often happens that a person who is engaged in trade is faced with a depressing situation: a product is of high quality and inexpensive, but there are no buyers. In business you can't do without luck. A spell for good trading will help you grab luck by the tail.

Basic Rules

There are many prayers and conspiracies for the rapid sale of goods. But to apply them, you need to know and follow certain rules.

  1. It is advisable to read the spell for good trading during daylight hours.
  2. It is good that the moon is “old” (unless otherwise indicated).
  3. It’s a good idea to choose Wednesday or Saturday for rituals, unless the instructions for a specific practice indicate otherwise.
  4. You need to understand the words you speak. It’s pointless to not just ram them.
  5. It is necessary to believe in the positive outcome of magical actions. If a person does not believe in magic, then he does not need to do anything.

At home, conspiracies for successful trading are rarely read. As a rule, this happens at work: in a store or any other retail outlet.

Mandatory purchase spell

You need to collect some water in a white container and read the words of the spell over it:

“Lord of hosts, help the servant of God (name) in bargaining, help him in buying, help him in selling and exchanging. Protect me from envious eyes, from evil glances, from damage, from ruin and loss, from all feigned evil. As bees fly to sweet honey, so let the money buyers all come running to me, let them praise my goods, let others talk about them, let them turn to me more than once or twice, let them cross my threshold often. I lock my words and throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can open that lock, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, spray all the corners in the room using the charmed water.

The ritual cannot be performed often. Once a week is enough. In this case, the day of the week, time of day, and which moon (waxing or waning) do not play a special role.

If the seller wants to prevent the potential buyer from leaving the store "with empty handed", he can perform the ritual in front of this person. Only he should not see or hear anything, which is difficult.

Therefore, there is another version of the ritual.

As soon as a potential buyer enters the premises, greet him warmly and smile. Next, you need to rub your hands and say in a whisper (if the client cannot hear), or mentally, the following words:

“Take my product, Take it, it’s inexpensive, Take it, you need it, Take it, you want it. If you take my goods, you will give me your money. Take my goods, give me the money. Amen".

“Take it cheap!”

About myself:

“You’ll take what’s mine, give away yours. Amen".

Ritual with change

This will require money.

A strong conspiracy to trade is obtained when small money left by buyers is used. As a rule, people easily part with small change when purchasing.

For the ritual, it is small coins that are needed. During the day, the seller needs to collect coins in a separate bag and store it in a special place. You can't spend it.

“The month is full, the month is clear, the month is middle, the month is young. Give me the servant of God (name), a month, a whole treasure from one penny. Just as my mother, the servant of God (mother’s name), gave birth to me, just as she swaddled me in my first swaddling clothes, so I gird myself, not with a belt, but with a tie made of gold and silver. My will is strong, my word is strong, everything that I said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen .

The coin spell is repeated three times. Not less.

Then they put the change in their wallet and don’t spend it. This is a talisman. In theory, ritual has powerful force. But often one cannot do without magical practice. A person must be able to handle energy. Therefore for best result It is advisable to involve a specialist.

The second option is to train on your own for 3-5 days.

For success with a coin in your shoe

This is one of the powerful conspiracies for successful trading.

Take the highest denomination coin in your wallet.

Before the working day starts and you start trading, you need to say the magic text, and then put the charmed money under the right heel in your shoe.

Here are the words of the spell:

All the merchants came to me in the morning,

My product was praised

Clients were lured.

Buyers lined up

All my goods were dismantled.

The boxes are rich - the bins are full. Amen.

As soon as the work day is over, take out the coin and take it to church as a donation. This will be your payoff for performing a magical ritual. Have no doubt, your profits will begin to grow, and success in trading will come.

Ritual with a banknote

They spend it by choosing any day of the week, except Saturday, as well as those days on which the numbers fall: thirteen, twenty-two, twenty-seven.

In the evening you need to return to your store. No strangers should be nearby. Take a paper bill in your hands. The denomination may be small.

After this, take a red thread. Measure the length of a paper bill on it forty-nine times. Cut off the resulting length. Wrapping the wrist of your left hand with a red thread, read the following: magic words:

“Money for me, trade for me, profit for me, luck for me, deal for me. And you get a deal, you get the goods, you get the change. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy on church holidays

Although the church does not approve of such magical amusements, a conspiracy for successful trading is often read on major church holidays.

The seller, before going to sell the goods, should take the prosphora (purchased in advance specifically for the ceremony) left hand.

Then right hand cross. Read the words for the ritual 12 times:

“Lord God, help Your servant (name). Just as it is true that there were twelve apostles, so it is true that I will sell all my goods. Just as your teaching is true, so is it true that I will receive a good profit. As Your Son Jesus Christ truly said, it is so true that my product is good, that the buyer will like it. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for good luck in wholesale sales

If you are a wholesaler, or your business is such that you sell a large number of things for every buyer, this ritual is for you.

You should have a container of holy water on hand. You need to cast a spell on the water:

“Deeds, Lord, are all done that are spoken by Your most pure lips. Without you, nothing can happen in this world; I believe in you alone, Lord, I trust in you alone. Help me, God, Your sinful servant (name). I live by trade alone, it gives me food and support for my family. Lord of Heaven, help me make transactions, help me make a profit, protect me from failure, protect me from damages and losses. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell for a successful deal

There is no need to worry about concluding a large-scale transaction if you read the following magic words above the financial documentation or above the entire product:

“Bright gold, bright gold, pour into me like peas in a bin, like barley on a threshing floor. Bright gold, you stick to my hands, like small flies to sweet honey, like night butterflies to the bright light, like green grass to the sun. Gold is bright. Pour into my pockets without counting, without any measure, in handfuls, and in large handfuls. Gold, you stay close to me. Like ice is always next to water, like a ringing nightingale is with warm spring, like earth is with grass.

I am not a huckster, I am not a blinker, I am a fine merchant, I sell with honor, I hang with excess, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the remainder. Let there be a treasure, a treasure, and a golden warehouse in my barn. May I have ergot in everything, may there be no loss or ruin in anything. There will be no waste or burnout during all the days of my trade and bazaar. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

This spell for good luck in trading is considered ancient and effective. It consists of two stages:

you need to read a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov (there are many prayers to this saint, you can choose the one you like best);

It is important to follow the rule here. When you read a prayer, you must sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, imagine how your cherished wish carried out. You dream of trading being successful, don’t you? You shouldn’t dream about something extraneous at this moment. Then the ritual will not work. You need to focus only on great trading and nothing else. As soon as you pray to Seraphim of Sarov, start reading the plot:

“The Lord’s deeds, His most pure lips will pray for me, servant (name). My Lord, God, help my soul with faith, increase my business in trade: in buying and changing, and in everything that an honest merchant lives by, how he earns bread for himself and his family. In your name, Lord, my bargaining is going on. Your protection will be for me and my work. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Hex on salt

The salt spell is used to ensure that there is no end to buyers.

While at home, take all the salt that is in the salt shaker. In the morning, before you open your store (or outlet), hold it in your hands. Pronounce:

On foot, on wheels, come here, everyone.

Here you have a place, food and water

I need your money, and you have my goods.

As soon as you open a store, give up the price to the first person who wants to buy your product.

For sugar

One of the most powerful conspiracies that need to be read for good luck in trading and any business related to sales is known from Vanga’s book. You need to read for sugar. Preferably on Wednesday. Repeat the next day.

A sugar spell is cast in a store or in a sales tent.

To commit magical ritual To trade from Vanga, you will need red clothes. It could also be an accessory. The main thing is that you wear something red. It is no coincidence that in old images you can see merchants in red shirts or boots. It is the color red that literally attracts money. Vanga advised people engaged in trade to always wear red clothes.

So, you should choose a red item. Even using a small handkerchief is allowed. You need to sew a piece of sugar into it using red threads. Bring it to the store and say:

I sew, I sew, I sew good luck!

Good luck will always be sewn with me,

In summer and winter, let it not dry out, let it not break out,

It will be useful to me everywhere, in business and trade,

I should not share with anyone, but be proud of my trade!

Let it be so! Amen!

The next day, repeat the spell, and then carry the enchanted item with you every day.

Ritual with poppy

Lay the scarf out on the counter. Sprinkle poppy seeds on it. And say 9 times:

How immeasurably and countlessly there are poppies,

So there will be so many buyers for my product.

All those who step on scattered poppy seeds,

They will definitely buy my product for themselves and their friends.

I exchange goods for money at a profit and glorify God.

Then every day until the full moon before the start of the working day you should scatter poppy seeds near your point of sale. You need to “sow” where customers go. People, when they walk along the enchanted poppy, will begin to show increased attention to your product and will not leave without purchasing. So the number of your clients will increase significantly!

For bread

When there was a need for as soon as possible and with big profit to sell all the goods, you need to do the following.

You need to take with you Rye bread(1 piece). As soon as you arrive at the place where you sell the goods, say magic words on the bread for excellent trade (3 times).

The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout,

It turned golden like an ear and turned into a piece of bread.

Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky.

Just as the grain grows and heads, so my money grows and increases.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After this, eat the bread.

To holy water

A spell for water that has been blessed is read at a trading place if you are sure that there is an evil eye or damage to it. And that white magic is necessary for trading to be successful.

Take a glass. Pour water into it. Throw in a coin of any denomination (previously they always used a nickel), and read the following spell for holy water:

Show the teacher's abstinence to your flock as things are true,

For this reason you have acquired high humility,

Rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas,

Pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls

O great intercessor, Bishop of God, Blessed Nicholas,

Like the sunflower shining miracles,

those who call upon you are a quick hearer,

You always anticipate them, save them, and deliver them,

And you take away all sorts of troubles,

God has given these miracles and gifts of grace! Amen.

Installing protection from competitors

Successful trading is often helped by a conspiracy against competitors. When an entrepreneur is doing well, there will definitely be someone who envy someone else's success. This is how it has always been and will always be. Competitors can simply “burn” with envy, or they can seriously mischief by using certain magical actions.

Therefore, you need to be able to protect yourself. In this case, they use not just a conspiracy, but the making of a talisman against damage and the evil eye in trade.

You will need: a handkerchief, a pin and a comb. The main thing is that these items are not used, that is, they must be new. You must say the following words to them:

"Oh my God,

I stand before You

I ask you to keep me tight,

protect with this amulet.

I ask the holy army

Protect me from evil spirits:

Ivan the Long-Sufferer,

Ivan Bogoslov,

Ivan Postitel,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan the Headless,

Michael the Archangel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Archangel Gabriel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr.

Faith, Hope, Love

and their Mother Sophia.

I stand under your protection,

For you to defend me.

In the Name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From the evil eye in trade

Do you want to always have a queue of people wanting to buy your product, and for your customers to become regulars? You need to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye.

This trade amulet should be done on the 19th of the month. To do this you need to have an ordinary nickel. If you follow this simple step, rest assured: you are not afraid of the evil eye and damage, and there will be no end to buyers!

Take a nickel in your palm. Cross yourself with it. After this, cross all the goods and the counter. Then read a powerful conspiracy for successful trading that will protect you from someone else’s negative impact:

“I’ll go to an open field,

I will pray to the Lord God.

There are 3 roads on the way,

On which the holy Apostle treads.

How evil doesn’t touch him,

Doesn't touch the body or face

Neither to the point nor to the word,

Not at the holy feet

So that no one touches my money:

Neither people are evil nor

envious eyes.

So that they don’t ooh and ahh over them,

No matter what they asked, I was not judged,

Like the holy Apostle,

God blessed.

Endowed with holy power,

So, God, grant me three holy powers:

One near, one behind,

And the third force is ahead.

In the name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Getting rid of trade stagnation

If you are worried about the lack of customers, you need to take a large bill. Then find the seller who has no shortage of people wanting to buy his product.

Approach this person and ask him to exchange this bill for small ones. As soon as he starts to change, say to yourself:

I change the emptiness, I exchange the toil. Take away the stagnation, but my product is not simple, but my product is golden, everyone likes it, everything is going well for me. All with my goods, and I with the profit and gain. Amen.

Important! Make sure that the “exchange of stagnation” is carried out from a seller whose product is the same as yours. For example, you sell clothes, which means you can exchange banknotes from the same seller. The ritual will not be valid if you are selling food, but exchanged a banknote from someone who sells non-food products.

Another nuance: you need to change the banknote from the same seller no more than once a month. If you change with the same person all the time, you can take on not only his trading success, but also troubles. Therefore, for at least one month, try to “change stagnation” with different traders.

Talisman bag for brisk trade

If your goal is to sell out the goods in a short time, you need to read 3 times while at home before going to the store (or retail outlet):

I'm going to trade, sell goods. And you come up to me, take my goods, pay with money. Whoever comes to me will not leave without shopping. I'm going with the goods, I'll come back with the gain. Truly so.

Then find a green bag. Put there: 5 whispers of mint, 10 whispers of basil, 3 whispers of salt (coarse).

You must take three apples. Clear them. Dry and chop the peel. Place it in a bag. “Send” there: 1 white metal coin and 3 copper coins. You must say the following words on the bag:

Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.

You need to make sure that the bag hangs in the place where the trading process takes place. As soon as the week begins, you need to take the bag in your palms, squeezing what is inside it with your fingers, and repeat the words of the conspiracy. You already know them.

Coin-amulet from financial collapse

Do you have a desire for financial success in the future? Then proceed as follows. You need to purchase a green candle. Light it up. Take a bowl (it doesn’t have to be deep) and pour water into it. Throw a copper coin there. Drops of wax should fall on a coin lying in the water. As you do this, say the following words:

How soft turns into hard,

thus my wealth will be established and increased.

From day to day, from week to week,

from year to year, from this minute until the end of time.

Afterwards, pour the charmed water onto the ground and put the coin in your wallet. It will protect you from financial troubles.

Nutmeg beads to increase company profits

Do you want your company to have a constant supply of clients, and to make you happy with the profits? Then take three nutmegs. Drill holes in them. You need to string them on a green thread. Tie the ends together by making a triple knot. The resulting necklace should be hung on the door of your organization. The consequences will be most favorable.

Incense for personal shopping charm

Entrepreneurs whose personal charm and sociability influence their business would do well to perform the following ritual.

It is necessary to heat dark honey (a small amount) over low heat. Then you need to add 3-5 pinches of chopped basil leaves to it. If you don’t have leaves on hand, use essential oil basilica

When you take a bath, add 1 spoon of the resulting product to the water.

There is another version of this ritual.

Basil, bergamot oil, sandalwood should be combined in a 1:1 ratio.

You need to drop this mixture onto the door handle of your office, (shop, institution). When people take up door handle, they will be “charged” with your magical impulse. Then your partners will not refuse you to conclude deals, relations will be friendly, and cooperation will be fruitful. Buyers will definitely not leave empty-handed.

Just don’t forget, after you drop the oil on the door handle, wipe it with a cloth so that it is not greasy. Do not worry: magical properties this will not make them disappear.

Don't be afraid negative consequences trade conspiracy. If you do not damage other sellers and do not knowingly sell poor quality product, there won't be any.

Another long article...
This material, I think, may be useful and interesting for those people whose life and work are connected with trade and small business.

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine and Russia lost their production potential, and people rushed en masse into trade and small business. For many, their own stall, pavilion, store, salon, hairdresser and other small businesses have become the only reliable, stable way to ensure their existence.

Although no, I misspoke. “Stable, reliable” is far from a fact. Very unstable, very risky. It is in the sphere of trade that there is the greatest concentration and competition, and “black magic” negativity.

In the field of trade, more often than in other areas of business, they “crap” competitors with the help of magic and other “dirty things.” In many markets, the “norm of life” is to block or destroy the business of your competitors, to “squeeze” them out of business by any means, including magic and other rubbish.

And the Slavs, Caucasians, Asians, and Gypsies succeed in this. Everyone is good.

Here I will not touch upon the topic of “pure” competition, your entrepreneurial talents, your pricing and product policies, marketing in general, and other micro- and macroeconomic parameters. You yourself are responsible for this, since you got involved in this business.

My task is to give tools to counter “dishonest”, black methods of competition, where energy methods of suppression, including black magic, are used against you.

It exists. Almost anyone can close, spoil, or block trade and business, the main thing is to set a goal. During my work, I cleaned and “pulled out” many offices and retail outlets - from pavilions at the market to “fashionable” boutiques in the city center.

Now I will give theory and practice of working with different types energy negativity.
“Will it work? Will it work? Well...however you try.

The methods outlined below are suitable for both the trade and service industries - hairdressers, salons, cafes, agencies, etc...

The basis of all business improvement procedures is energy cleaning of the premises. Cleaning from accumulated or deliberately introduced negativity.

In the area where it happens constant movement people, there is a passive accumulation of negative energy. Just as dust in an apartment accumulates “on its own,” out of nowhere, so in the sphere of trade and services, visitors/clients/buyers are left with their emotional and energetic “precipitates.”
That's how people are made. Someone is grumbling, someone is grumbling, someone is “eye-catching”, someone is “black-mouthed”, someone is angry at your prices, someone is dissatisfied, someone is crying about their poverty, someone is jealous , someone made a scandal, someone cursed the “bourgeoisie” with the “proletarian spirit”. And all this emotional and energetic garbage remains in your room.

And often there is an “overdose” of these energy deposits. And the business freezes, deteriorates, and slows down. You can panic, “Oh, they’ve done some damage!”, You can snap at your employees and harness them even more tightly - “Damned quitters!” But there is no smoke without fire to suspect damage without visible prerequisites for it. In most cases, this is just accumulated energy blockage.

And keep in mind that you need to be a strong enough and lucky person not to have such an accumulation of negative energy. But most people still need to regularly, at least once a month, carry out preventative cleaning of the premises. "God saves man, who save himself".

Overall, let's look at it Various types energy threats and methods to counter them.
We have already discussed the first type. This is passive energy contamination from visitors, buyers, clients.

However, I will add one to this point important point. Sometimes you don’t need to look for a threat outside if it is inside - in the people who work for you.

Your employees are not necessarily “sent Cossacks”, traitors, saboteurs and “terrorists”. They may have their own negativity (damage, evil eye). And it may turn out that these people, unwittingly, when dealing with goods, clients and money, can “block” and spoil the process of receiving money with their negativity. Their negativity may extend to the business they are involved in. This can be determined by simple observation and comparison with other employees. In extreme, most severe cases, such carriers of negativity can destroy your business from the inside with their negativity and bad luck.
How to deal with such a person? You are the owner, it's up to you to decide. But if an employee is dear to you, then it’s worth “cleaning” him, or at least sending him to church to order services for himself. This will benefit both of you.

Some of humanity's favorite pastimes are counting other people's money and poking their nose into other people's affairs. Especially when the toad is “pressing” and you want other people’s money for yourself. Not your own money, but someone else's. According to the principle: “If he has them, then I don’t have them.” This is exactly the logic of envious people.

Almost everyone has such envious competitors. This situation is especially pressing on the markets, shopping centers, where everyone is in sight of each other. And such spiteful critics sit, and “the toad crushes them”..., and they watch, and wash the bones, and bleed poisonous saliva and bile. They wish nasty things, and “squeak with joy” when a competitor feels bad.

And with such poison, with their energy saturated with anger and envy, they “envelop” their competitor and his premises like a cobweb, like swamp mud.

A person has energy immunity. He can “digest” this envy and this energy, suppress it, and destroy it with his energy. But the room does not have such immunity and is literally suffocating under the load of someone else’s, envious, oppressive energy.

The result is a drop in revenue, “people don’t come,” a decline in sales, a deterioration in the working atmosphere and other signs of decay and stagnation.

The third type of negative energy impact is targeted harm using “black” methods. This is damage. There are many variants of the problem here. Damage to the premises. Damage to the person himself (health, death). Damage to ruin. Damage to failure... This is the most severe type of problem, which takes longer and is more difficult to correct than others.

The following problem stands out as a separate issue. These are the so-called “unlucky” (and they also say “cursed” places), where the negativity does not come from people, but it was “born” along with this room. I was recently told this example.

The family bought a store. Their trade is not going well, but their neighbors are, despite the fact that both have the same everything - inside and out... And it was like this from the very beginning of the outlet, from the first owners. And then people found out that when the store was just being built, the customers deceived the builders in payment. And he was in a brigade of gypsies who told the owners: “I will curse this place that there will be no trade or luck for anyone here.” And this has been going on for 15 years... no matter who bought the store.

And now - “what to do”?

Depending on the complexity of the problem, a set of adequate measures and methods is required. I will present them according to the complexity of the situations.

Passive energy blockage.

Here, energy cleansing would be an adequate method. Cleaning methods are outlined.

First, you should do a massive cleansing, 2-3 times a week. And then, in preventive mode, once every 1-2 weeks, but not less often.

I will outline the essence of such cleaning in an adapted and simplified manner. It consists of four simple phases.

1. We took a church candle. Stand facing the entrance. Start reading the Lord's Prayer, or a prayer according to your religion, or a mantra. Walk around the room clockwise along the walls. Cross each corner with a candle 3 times. Read a prayer or mantra during the entire time of work. We walked around the entire room and returned to the entrance. We finished reading the prayer (mantra) and extinguished the candle with our hand. Afterwards, this cinder must be thrown away before midnight.
2. Immediately after the candle. We took a container and poured holy water into it (it is best to take a spray bottle). We stood at the entrance. We read the prayer or mantra again, go around the room clockwise, and spray this water on: walls, floors, corners, windows, doors, furniture, goods, display cases, shelving, cash registers, utility rooms. We returned to the entrance and finished reading the prayer or mantra. We're done.
3. Immediately after water. They took a pack of salt, opened it, and recited the “Our Father” or another prayer over it, or a mantra in multiples of three: 3,6,9,12 to choose from. This salt was sprinkled in small pinches in all corners of the room and in front of the entrance.
4. A day later, we washed the floor in the room, making washing water in this way: add 1 glass of holy water and a handful of prayed salt to a bucket of water.

You can do this yourself, or entrust it to a trusted person. It’s best to do it before or after finishing work on your premises.
The second type of negative energy impact is the evil eye and envy.
This is where cleaning comes into play. Cleaning is described above, but we’ll talk about protection here.

1. Hang a mirror opposite the entrance. Any shape and any size. This will provide a "reflective effect" to energy flows and bad views to some extent.
2. Let there be icons in your room, best of all - the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”, “The Unbreakable Wall”, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Savior. Read how to clean and charge them.
3. Light candles for the health of yourself and your enemies (by name, if you know them, or simply with the words: “I light candles for the health of my enemies”).

You can get acquainted with the principles of protection.

For now, we will choose a simple method for protection. We take any item. First, we clean it of the remainder of the energy that is in it. Anyone who knows how to “put in” and “take out” energy with their palms - do this. Otherwise, just wipe the item with holy water. Also, light a candle, and while reading the prayer, move this candle over the object counterclockwise the entire time you read the prayer. One prayer is enough. Any prayer. At least "Our Father".

By the way, regarding the so-called “talismans” - eyes, crosses, pentagrams, stars of David - on their own, just because they are “so esoteric”, they do not work. Like a pistol without bullets. They, and any object, need to be charged with energy for protection. “Defenders” do not carry out their work with their own appearance, but content.

So. They took the already cleaned item. They took it in their hands or put it in front of them. We read over him a set of prayers: “Our Father”, “Psalm 90”, “Prayer Life-giving Cross", "Symbol of faith".

Each 3 times. After each time, baptize the object. The defense is ready. If prayers are not your thing, then you can charge it with pure neutral energy. Using this method, holding it in your hands.

Place this item in any inconspicuous place. The main thing is don't forget about it. Depending on your situation, it needs to be recharged, updating once every 1-2 weeks, but before charging, be sure to clean it.

Now we move on to the third type of problem - intentional harm.

Here is the algorithm: cleaning, protection, stimulation of trade.

I want to indicate important detail- in the presence of severe negativity, which has the goal of closing, blocking, destroying a business, only cleaning and protection is not enough to return lost trade, income, and clients. Cleaning is the resuscitation of the patient, and stimulation of trade is the rehabilitation of the patient after illness.

And now - about the features of working with this type of problem. If you find “undercovers” (which is a very common thing at this stage of the fight against competitors), you can find out here what to do in these cases. And warn your trusted employees about how to behave with pads.
Then order a magpie for health for yourself, and candles for health for your enemies.

If the enemies have already identified themselves, you need to start restraining them, “beat off your hands” so that they don’t spoil things. Order a magpie about health in their names.

If you are sure who is harming you, go visit them. Unnoticedly sprinkle holy water on them or around them and sprinkle with prayed salt. From this to a good person- good, bad - harm. This is not damage, this is the prevention of negativity. You go to him with good things - with prayer, with holy water. And if he does evil, then he will be poisoned by your good and his own evil at the same time.

It is difficult to resist those enemy competitors who have decided to survive, to break you at any cost, as well as those who are “not friendly with your head.” There will be a war of survival here.

This could happen. You cleaned, protected, stimulated, and your enemies broke it. What can you do, you have to take it for granted. The one who “survives” here is the one who has more strength, patience, and nerves. Do, do, do, until the enemy is “covered by a rollback”, he runs out of strength to harm or money to order you.

For more efficient work to deter a rival enemy, you can read the “Prayer of Detention” over his photograph (or over a piece of paper where his name is written). How many? Until the result.

In the most severe cases, when the enemy has already begun to engage in “lawlessness”, starting to harm not your business, but you, your family, then you have every moral right to Psalm 108 (revenge on enemies). And the “sick in the head” are easily ready to get personal, harming you not as a competitor, but going beyond all permitted limits if they feel rebuff. And this is where the meanness hides. Having done something bad to a person, the enemy forces him to take care of himself, leaving his affairs and his business in the background, or to break into two fronts.

If a negative defeat was inflicted specifically on a person, and not on his activities, then it often happens that the negativity “goes” to the things that are most important for a person - according to chain reaction, including his business. And in this case, first of all, it is worth cleaning and protecting the person, and then taking care of his office, premises, business.

In the case of this type of problem, you need to protect yourself. And all procedures for cleaning, protection and stimulation should be done in “military mode” - regularly, without relaxing. At least once a week. Increase the number of protective items - let them insure and support each other. We order ourselves an expanded set of services in the church: the magpie for health, a prayer service to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a prayer service before the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God. We begin to work with prayers - from witchcraft, and for prosperity and well-being.

How can I find out what problem I have? In a practical way. We did the first stage - cleaning, checking. Observation testing should be done once a week. If things get better - good, stick to this method. If “nothing happens,” we do the cleaning and protection stage. We wait a week and watch. If things get better - good, stick to this method. If “nothing happens,” we do the stage of cleansing, protection and stimulation, and also begin to take care of ourselves. You can clean yourself using this method.

And now we move on to the most important and most difficult part of the work - stimulating trade.
This is the most the hard part work. Difficult to explain and difficult to implement.

For this, simple and almost mechanical actions, such as when cleaning and setting up protection, are not enough. Here you will need imagination, energy, concentration, and visualization.
The mechanism is approximately the same as when setting up a defense. When protecting, you had to put energy into the object, which performs a protective function. And now you will have to invest the energy of money, the energy of luck.

To do this, we will begin to establish contact with money and its energy.
Take the money in your hands. New ones are better large bills. We hold them in our hands, breathe deeply and smoothly. We begin to feel what comes from this money. What energy, sensations, vibrations. We observe how hands, body, emotions react. We “breathe” the energy of money through our palms, absorb it through our palms.
If the sensations are heavy, pressing, unpleasant, irritating, then you should think about cleaning yourself. It is quite possible that the topic of money and finance is “lame” for you, blocked. And such difficult sensations can demonstrate exactly this.

Now let’s move on to charging the object with the energy of money. Choose any item that will quietly take its unobtrusive place in your room. Take it into your hands, which still retain the feeling of the energy of the money you were holding. And the path of the hands will give this energy into the object. Now the object must store within itself these vibrations, this energy that came into it from your hands. And again - before work, the object needs to be cleaned - to remove from it the energy that was in it. This energy can come into opposition with the energy you want to put into it.

And depending on the intensity of your “competitive environment”, the item should be recharged once every 1-2 weeks.

More can be done useful practice to stimulate business.

Take any gold decoration- ring, chain, bracelet, etc. It also needs to be cleaned. Gold is easy to clean. To clean it, simply dip it in a glass of holy water overnight. Or - if there is no holy water, then - for 3 days in running water, changing the water daily. And gold will become energetically pure and neutral.

Why gold? In esotericism, magic, and simply in human understanding, gold is a symbol of wealth, success, and prosperity. And this symbolism also has a practical basis. Gold really contains this energy - the energy of prosperity, success, wealth. And we will use this energy to “attract” wealth in kind.

To do this, place the already cleaned gold jewelry for a day (more is possible) in a container of water (2-3 liters). After this, divide this volume of water into 2 parts.

One part should be used like this. Pour this water into a regular spray bottle. And spray the walls, merchandise, cash register, counters, and display cases in your premises regularly (at least every day) with this water.
And simply pour the rest of the water into a bucket, add regular water, and wash the floor in the room.

This is what the procedure for stimulating trade with the help of energy - the energy of money - looks like.

Now let's come to the conclusion.

The bottom line is short - if you conduct your commercial activities in an environment of "black" competition, I hope that the proposed methods of resisting "unclean" pressure can be useful for your commercial survival and well-being.

And it’s your will - write, we will deal with the specifics of your problem.

Other methods independent work can be found in the section

Today our conversation will be about how they can seriously damage profits so that a businessman goes bankrupt, and we’ll look at how a magic ritual is performed. And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give an example of a home method of removing damage by casting wax on knives. This is a good cleaning that allows you to remove damage to debts at home, which also works as protection against magic and witchcraft.

Business sorcerers can curse in any way, knowledgeable person It is not hard. The magician has the power to change people’s fates; can help a person become rich, or can take everything away, strong damage to eternal debts point it out or do something else. But, any black damage, even for the ruin of a business, even for complete poverty, can be removed.

How to spoil a competitor's trade - ruin an enemy's business

There are so many rituals of causing damage in magic! For example, damage to the Moneychanger, which in different sources also called Trader or Tovarka. Damage is done independently through a doll or photo of an enemy or competitor, changing his good share to what the sorcerer wants to get rid of. But, in detail, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to analyze not this curse, but the ritual of demonic severe financial damage through the lining onto a piece of meat.

You need to take a piece of pork and go into the forest. There, go to a young tree, break off the lower branch, and string meat on it. How to do it, read the words of the conspiracy to ruin a competitor’s trade 3 times:

“The tree accursed by the cross was cut, Christ himself dragged it to the Hologath, if the branch is broken, then (name)’s work is spoiled, God’s body is whipped, and the pig’s meat is scoured by the king of flies, and (name)’s acquired property is lost, what remains will go to the Leshem. Amen".

“Ashes are dust, business (name) is a grave. Amen".

And throw that branch directly with a piece of meat to the one who is being damaged when it is impossible to sell. It can be near the house, or it can be where the enemy trades. This way you can cause severe damage to a store, causing the trade of a competitor or enemy to go under, leaving him destitute. Don’t forget about making an offering to the Master of the Forest. In his domain you will perform a magical ritual, and you will give him gifts.

What to do if trade has been damaged - diagnostics and conspiracies

A person must resist evil. You can physically fight back. You can punish your offenders according to the law. Or you can resist and defend yourself in other ways - magical rituals. Calmly and with dignity repel the enemy with a strong conspiracy.

How do you know that damage was done to the sale of goods?

Witchcraft always leaves traces. Strong magician can hide itself, create protection for the induced damage - an impenetrability that will prevent another magician from seeing it when he diagnoses and.

But it is impossible to hide the exact symptoms of debt damage. The main signs that magical damage and the evil eye have been caused are:

  • sudden health and sleep problems,
  • apathy,
  • severe depressive state.

But, if the damage is done for money and business, then, in addition to unwanted changes in the victim’s well-being, her financial affairs will also go down. Such symptoms provide grounds for conducting a magical diagnosis, identify damage to a store or your business.

Diagnosis of damage can be carried out independently at home using the so-called folk ways. You can do this:

  • with the help of matches,
  • fresh egg,
  • or wax castings.

If we talk about powerful professional methods of diagnosing damage to trade, which give clear and substantiated answers about the presence of negativity, then this is, undoubtedly, diagnostics on Runes and Tarot cards.

What to do if your trade has been damaged?

There can be only one answer: get rid of damage. If the damage is not severe, say, unintentional, i.e. evil eye, try reading conspiracies.

In calm weather, go outside, look at the stars and read the words of the conspiracy against the evil eye on trade:

“My mother, evening dawn, look from heaven who ruined me (name), who spoiled my soul. I bow to you, evening star. And how you are always pure and bright, so that I will always be pure and bright, and my damage to my enemy will fall. Amen".

Here is another conspiracy that helps remove the evil eye from trade.

Read the first stars in the sky in the quiet clear weather:

“My mother, evening star, look out from the heavens of my enemy. Remove the damage from me, but they found it on the enemy. Amen".

Helps remove a lot of negativity magic spell from the evil eye on trade, which is read right where they trade:

“Saint Peter was carrying a wallet, on his way there was a snake lying across it, whoever counts the scales of this snake will only interfere with my trade. Amen".

In general, an evil eye cast on finances is a good remedy for flushing. While taking a shower, read a simple plot against the evil eye on business three times:

“Water, water, my sister, wash away, rinse off everything bad, everything bad from me (name). Everything is spoiled, everything is fixed, everything is induced, tributaries, ghosts, love spells, bindings, ties, evil eyes, fevers. Everything drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with lining, with an evil word, given by the evil eye to a young woman, a young woman, a young woman, an old woman, a man, an old man, a small child, a cold deceased, a sister, a brother, a single father, a mother, a married husband or wife. Be it the witch of Kyiv, or her sister the witch of Murom, or sorcerers, or witchers, or women, or men. Everything that was not given by me, not said by me, not punished by me, take my words and carry them with you to the ocean sea, to Buyan Island. Lock them up in iron cisterns, with pound keys. Even if it lies there and doesn’t run back to me, doesn’t run, doesn’t come back, strength appears in me. Strength appears, but doesn’t go away. My word is strong, my deed is molded. As said, so it became. Truly."

The witchcraft plot is very wide range actions, and therefore with the help of this flush you can not only remove the evil eye from trading in a store, but also fresh damage done in different ways: linings, alcohol and complementary foods, love spells, etc., i.e. anything that could be considered negative. The financial damage caused by the ruin of trade in the store must be removed both from yourself and from the place where you conduct your business. And here's a simple way to do it.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Independently remove severe damage from sales - get trade off the ground

Fill the glass halfway with spring water, hold it in your left hand, and move your right hand around the glass clockwise, and say:

“The water is clean, take away all the bad and black evil spirits from my business. Amen".

Pour out the water at the intersection. Spend at least 3 days on the waning moon. An independent ritual makes it possible on one's ownremove damage from the store. However, if the negativity is strong, this will not be enough.

To really rid yourself of everything induced, remove financial damage to your affairs, and prevent witchcraft from destroying your business, use powerful rituals of practical magic, such as casting wax through knives.

Effective removal of financial damage - wax casting through knives

An independent ritual of removing damage from finances works both as a cleansing and as a good protection against magic and witchcraft of enemies and competitors. It hits enemies hard, both everyday and magical. Each main goal; Damage can be made to a product when it is impossible to sell it, no matter how good or high quality it may be. The product simply ceases to be unattractive to buyers. Try this method to get rid of damage to trade.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • clay pot or deep bowl
  • piece of white cloth
  • 2 knives with black handle
  • pure wax
  • deep cup
  • mug, all made of clay

Do it on the waning moon. Go to the river or stream and against the current clay pot scoop up water. Cover with cloth and take home. At home, melt the wax, remove the cloth from the pot with river water, place knives on top in a cross. And, carefully holding this structure over the head of the spoiled person, pour wax through the knives.

Read the conspiracy to remove damage from trade and from the person himself:

“Clean water flowed, wax ore. She ran over the stones and (name) fell on her forehead. It rolled down his body and didn’t come back. She went into the water, became a river again, and ran on. She will continue to run, but not come back, but (name) will become whole, but will not know fever. And with her, and near the clear water, two old guards stand, raising their hands from both banks of the cross, and cursing the feverish woman, injecting the feverish woman, and whipping her, swearing, and lamenting: “Go, old man, don’t toss and turn, go to hell’s cauldrons, There you torment souls. Fie on your black stick (spit). Ugh, on your toothy mouth (spit). Fie on your filthy tongue (spit).” Whatever was done by the grave, whatever was sewn with a needle, whatever was sent by the wind and burned out by fire, and spoken by a dead word, was cut by the guards. Yes, it was washed with water, and it was sent into the ground, and it was hidden in it. And (name) appeared clean before the morning Sun, but from now on he will not experience fever. Truly, it is as if the Sun shines in the morning from behind the mountains.”

Pour wax 3 times directly onto the crosshairs of the knives. Each time, read the plot to remove damage to debts at home. Each time melt the wax and pour in new, clean wax. After this, let the wax cool, remove the knives from the bowl, separate them, and scrape the wax into an empty, clean cup. Then take knives, a cup of wax and a container of river water, and return to that river. Stick one knife on one bank, the second on the other, with the words:

“You are here to stand as watchmen and drive away the fever from (name).”

Pour water from the bridge into the river, remove pieces of wax from the cup and throw them as far into the river as possible.

Give an offering to the river: set a loaf adrift white bread, while saying:

“Take this clean bread from me as a tribute of white bread. Just as you can’t be turned back, (name) can’t become corrupted again. Be as it is said."

Then take a clean clay mug, scoop up water, this time with the flow, and let the person you took it wash with. severe damage to profits. And the clay pot on which the knives were placed must be broken by the person himself at a pedestrian crossroads. Wrap your head with the cloth that was used to cover the pot at night, and then sleep with the cloth on your head. Do this for three nights in a row. Then remove it away from prying eyes and store it. Cloth will be a talisman; you can use it in rituals of healing your diseases, in rituals of removing damage caused by competitors to trade in a store.

You can also cast from a photo. In this case, instead of washing the patient, spray water on the photo of the person from whom the damage done for trade was removed. Very good wax cleaning. Allows you to eliminate almost any induced negativity: strong cemetery love spells and blood love spells, as well as damage of any nature. It is possible, including independently remove damage from sales that your competitors have done to you.

clear eyes. From blood, from relatives, from the head, from the back, from things, from a wallet, from gold and silver. Wash and clean from windy, false. Amen to my word. Amen to my work. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How can you protect your store from the evil eye and damage?

Once you have established exactly what competitors caused damage or an evil eye on your business (and this, by the way, happens much more often than many people think), take action. Remove negativity and the evil eye from the store. If you can’t do it yourself, turn to magicians. But don’t let it happen if you don’t want to quickly go broke and get into debt. If competitors cause damage, it will not end well, and evil people They won't stop until they completely ruin you.

After cleaning and getting rid of negativity, install protection against magic and witchcraft. And here's the ritual how can you protect your store from the evil eye and damage?

“Crown with a cross, created for every purpose, but flogged by me, stripped of my creatureliness, but marked for my service, spoken of in words and deeds, attached, and attached to me with a shield, if anyone remembers the dead, the spirit of rowan will be thrown away, if the eye the unkind one will devour himself with blackness, if anyone speaks a grave talk, then he will be cut with a rowan cross, if someone lets demons in, he will command, then he will wave the rowan slash, and he will drive the demons back, and drive the enemy into the grave. Either it was read with the Drevlyan prayer, yes, then everything of mine is hidden, concealed, cleared away from all evil, since it is unsaid, unknown, then it is covered with a shield, hidden away. Amen".

You need to read it on water, an independent conspiracy against financial damage to debts 3 times. After this, take everything out, let the water cool, and wash with it. Pour water into the field, throw branches and berries at the cemetery gate and say:

“The good stuff was stored, but the bad stuff was thrown away and sent to the graveyard. Amen".

A conspiracy to trade is a tricky thing.

Some people just think of a combination, and clients are already knocking on the door, others are engaged in advertising and attract science, but there is no point.

Do you think these are innate abilities? Maybe so. Nobody argues, a lot depends on talents. But there are other secrets of successful entrepreneurship that have nothing to do with marketing.

Magic sometimes helps much more than the wise and modern science scamming potential clients.

If you're interested, check out some rituals that make a salesperson's life much easier.

Trade conspiracies

The trade conspiracy has been known as a tool since ancient times. Negotiants have long been trodden paths to the hearts of clients.

Over time, conspiracies and rituals changed and underwent, so to speak, a process of improvement.

Now there is an opportunity, without inventing anything, to calmly use the heritage of many generations of cunning merchants and modern developments.

To get customers to shop

Sellers often complain that buyers rush back and forth, asking prices, but never make a sale. Helping such “grief” is not a problem. Just need a little holy water.

Experienced people take it with them to protect themselves from the evil eye.

If you notice that buyers don’t dare give you money for the product, slowly take a bottle, pour a little into your palm, spray it on the product and say:

“It’s desperately poor, angry, loss is melancholy, I wash you off with water, I send you away. Crawl under the snag towards the old crayfish, hold on, be strong, beware of my counter! May my goods be sold and fall into the hands of a good fellow! I need a coin from winter to summer! That being said, it's a lock! Trade will be good!”

So that the buyer does not leave without purchasing

In a situation where a person cannot make up his mind, hesitates, then buys, then refuses, it is recommended to use such a conspiracy. Just read it behind the back of an indecisive client.

Walk around it and mentally say:

“The beauty - the maiden is languishing in your hands! He asks, begs, suffers from pain and anguish, quickly release the vice! Open the box, there will be plenty of happiness! Part with a penny, let good things come! Amen!"

After the conspiracy, be sure to talk to the client. He needs to be pushed to a decision. Most likely, he is already mature, just looking for a reason to fork out money.

So don’t get lost, say a few words about the merits of the product. If a person does not make contact, then do not insist. Instead of advertising, give him a compliment yourself.

This will definitely work.

Conspiracy for good trading

The ritual is carried out in the morning, at the workplace. Stand facing east (towards the sun) and say:

“Greetings to the clear light, Servant of God (name)! Give good luck so that the merchant will receive coins and the people will receive goods! Support God's Gift! Amen!"

If nothing helps to establish trade, then you will have to look for hop cones. Take one, say directly to it:

“Just as a pillar of hops entwines itself and reaches for the sun, so around the Merchant (name) generous buyers hover, fight, marvel at the goods, take them apart, and praise them. Amen!"

Hide the bump among the goods (or stroke the item you want to sell). You need to speak the next one as needed, when the first one begins to crumble.

For trade for wholesalers

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy any more toys or new things for your children, nor will you please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

“The river runs, through all the banks, call a generous merchant, swim across the seas! So that a fair wind will drive the merchant to the Servant of God (name) goods!

Repeat at least every day in the morning when you wash your face.

And if you need to sell a very large batch, then you need to talk to a powerful river.

To sell “stale” goods

You need to stroke the product with your left palm away from you and say (seven times):

“The good merchant (name) strokes his goods (name), and dares the beggar. A generous gentleman will come and praise you, and the clerk will want to give you the money. They will argue among themselves and start a fight. They will triple the price and take away my goods! The word is a lock, the key is in the stream! Amen!"

For a successful deal

Immediately before the negotiations you need to say:

“For a tree to sprout a flower, I throw a seed. So that the tree grows, I plant a sapling. To seal the agreement, I rub my hands! Said, done, sealed by the Lord. Amen!"

Naturally, rub your hands while doing this.

An effective conspiracy for successful trading

“One to one, be good luck in the house, be income and expenses, for treats, attraction, involvement, attraction! How much I gave - I received three times! How much I took was good luck! I lock it tightly, I kill the decline! Just be kind every morning. Amen!"

So that there is profit

“Trade route, be lucky! Fly to the house, income, so that the family does not suffer! So that there is enough for the table, a clean floor and a throne. To work and count, not to know the need! So that in every corner there is a large bucket of gold and silver, so much goodness you can’t count it! I conjure with the gnome Archim, I close it with my name (name)!”

When you write, put a yellow coin in the corner near the door as payment to the Gnome.

To prevent envy from blocking the way for money into your wallet, it is recommended not to discuss income with people you don’t know well.

And from those who accidentally see the following plot will help.

They slander him about a wallet, purse, bank cards, and so on (you can do it all at once):

“The Slave (name) has protection from the evil eye, all infection, evil spirits and resentment! I’m putting up a fence to fight back all arrows! The devil's spear will break off the spears! Money to money, pocket full! I won’t accept someone else’s, my goodness should be in the house! Amen!"

A conspiracy for the buyer to make the seller reduce the price

If the excitement of bargaining does not go away, you want to buy an item, but the price is too high, in your opinion, then touch the item and say:

“Come (product name) to me like a gentle bird. There is no point in living with a miser! You will be in my house love. Don't stick with the seller, he's stupid! Fly out of the cage and into freedom, no one is captivating you here! Amen!"

Now continue bargaining. It will be in your favor!