Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova.

Gennady Avramenko

The personal life of actor Denis Matrosov became the subject of discussion on the sidelines. According to rumors, the artist, who has not yet divorced his wife Maria Kulikova (“Two Fates”, “Sklifosovsky”, “Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”), is dating her colleague Irina Kalinina.
The date of the couple’s divorce is scheduled for January 26, but fans of the actor’s work have already seen Matrosov with Kalinina more than once. Irina knows Matrosov’s mother and often goes out with him. Interestingly, the girl is also not free - she is married to actor Yevgeny Martynov.
Rumor has it that Denis and Irina met 10 years ago on the set of the series “My Love,” where they played lovers. True, the romance began much later.

She herself is still current wife Matrosova Maria Kulikova seems to know about her husband’s affair, but she cannot leave their apartment, since she does not have money to rent housing - she gives everything she earns to mortgage payments. According to rumors, Kulikova bought the house while renovation work is underway, and she can’t move in. Maria receives offers to stay with friends, but does not want to burden anyone. Perhaps, after the divorce, the former spouses will have something to share, and the actress’s housing situation will improve. And fans have no doubt that the personal life of the beautiful Kulikova will soon improve.

A joyful event is coming in the actor’s life: in early May he will become a father again. Only with “Antenna” did Denis and his beloved girlfriend Olga Golovina share their happiness. Moreover, the couple met thanks to our magazine.

Any day now we are expecting a new addition in the form of another Matrosov! There will be a guy, but we haven’t decided what we’ll call him yet, there are family debates going on. I am inclined to one name, Olya - to another. We decided to give birth, and then decide, looking at our son, and we will also be guided by Christmastide. The doctors gave us a date of approximately May 3rd. I will definitely be present at the birth, although Olya is worried about me, she is afraid that I will faint and the doctors will have to deal with me instead. But she shouldn’t think so badly of me, I’m a responsible person and I’ll help in every possible way. I want to be the first to hold the baby in my arms and cut the umbilical cord myself. I think that this brings people very close and helps later in difficult periods of life.

Is this a planned baby or, shall we say, an unexpected joy?

More planned than unexpected. We both wanted a child and knew what we were getting into. True, it appeared faster than we expected. Denis is happy that he will have another son. He treats the baby with great trepidation, hugs his belly, and talks to him. God willing, then there will be a daughter, how old we are.

When we first met, we immediately discussed many points, including the birth of children (laughs). In general, everything was very funny and unexpected. At the very first meeting, we began to lay out some conditions for each other, what we could put up with and what we couldn’t: “I love this!”, “But I don’t like this,” although the relationship had not even begun yet. For example, I immediately told Olya: “I hate restaurants.”

And I’m sitting in shock, I don’t understand what restaurants have to do with it... My requirements are as follows: to be honest, sincere and attentive. She also asked: “Do you want children?”

How did Denis react when he learned that he would soon become a dad?

When I found out that I was pregnant, Denis was not around; at that time he went with my mother to the clinic. I sent him an SMS: “Matrosov, I’m pregnant.” He replied: “Hurray!”, and a few minutes later another message came: “Is this true?”

Yes, I was driving at that moment, and here was this SMS, followed by a photo of a test with two stripes. I was both happy and in disbelief, since literally the day before we had talked about how we wanted children. And here you go, as ordered. Mom felt something and began to ask: “What happened?” I didn't bother her ahead of time. We didn’t tell anyone anything for a long time, we were afraid, you never know, especially since Olya had a difficult pregnancy. Only a few months later they told the relatives, and my mother was almost the last to find out. We protected her from this information, and when we told her, she burst into tears of joy.

First there was a mitten

Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk/Antenna – Telesem

Of course, everyone is interested in knowing when and how you met.

My version of dating consists of several stages. First: I don’t remember anything! Because the meeting took place in Moscow at the Central House of Culture after the play A Streetcar Named Desire. In the crowd of fans who regularly come to performances, a girl came up and handed over a bag containing mittens and a note. I remember that I reached out to kiss her on the cheek in gratitude, but for some reason she shied away from me. Well, that’s it, then I read the note in the dressing room and happily forgot about it.

And the note said something like this: “I don’t know you either as an artist or as a person, but I recently saw you on TV, and something turned upside down in me... And here I am, what if you feel the same?” Well, I wrote the phone number. But Denis apparently didn’t feel it. (Laughs.)

Yes, in a state of euphoria after the performance, I didn’t even remember his face. More than a month passed, and once I went to my Facebook page, I saw a message: “Well, did the mittens fit?” I immediately realized who it was, because no one had ever given me mittens, especially ones with an elastic band. And when I saw the photo of the author of the message, I was even confused: how could I not have noticed such a beautiful girl? Wrote a response: “Are you 18? Can you show me your passport? And so we began a correspondence on the Internet. By the way, I noticed an amazing pattern: all my friends who got married in the last five years met on social networks. Well, I invited Olya to a hockey training session for the team of artists “KomAr”: “Take your skates, come and cheer, and let’s get to know each other at the same time.” And then I saw with my own eyes a very beautiful girl. According to my concepts of beauty - a goddess! There, our entire team stood at attention, they couldn’t take their eyes off... And this spurred me on: we have to take it!

And Denis immediately became so clumsy on the ice, he started crashing into everyone and falling (laughs). The guys started teasing him. And he lost his temper in response, became nervous when they said: “Stop staring, let’s play.” Well, then we got into the car, and Denis’s first phrase was: “I don’t like restaurants!” Apparently, he decided that he would have to take me to restaurants every day. Now, however, we go to restaurants quite often, mostly together.

It was like love at second sight for me, since I didn’t see the first one. I really really liked Olya. After that hockey meeting there was a long correspondence on Facebook, so we studied each other. Well, then the candy-bouquet period began.

Olya, how did it even occur to you to go to Denis Matrosov’s performance, and even give him mittens?

One evening, turning on the TV (which I almost never watch), I found myself on Andrei Malakhov’s “Saturday Evening” program about the film “House with Lilies.” And when I saw Matrosov there, some kind of explosion occurred inside me. I asked my mother what she knew about this actor. Mom said that he was married to an actress... Well, I calmed down, since the topic of married people is closed to me. And then two weeks later I came across the magazine “Antenna”, where Denis talked about the divorce. And I realized: we need to act! I started thinking about where I could meet him, found out what plays he was playing in, got tickets, and the three of us went - me, my mother and my daughter Sasha. I prepared a gift in advance - mittens with elastic. At that time, I worked for a children's clothing company, and there was an opportunity to order mittens in an exclusive version in men's sizes. I saw Denis on stage and immediately understood: my heart did not deceive me! Having given my package, I waited, of course, for a call - a day, two, a week, but it didn’t come... My soul was restless, it seemed like I had taken a step, and my heart told me that it was the right one, but he didn’t call. A month later I decided to write to him on Facebook, and after that everything started to happen...

Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk/Antenna – Telesem

Despite the fact that in life I am a human quick action and decisions, with Olga everything turned out the other way around. After a recent divorce, I was overcome by a terrible fear of new relationships. I was glad to meet Olya, but I was in a stupor, not daring to take a step and move the relationship to another stage. We looked at each other for a long time and were cautious. The turning point happened in July, when we went on vacation with friends to the Volga. Then we already understood for sure that we would be together. Olya moved in with me in August. And soon we found out that we were expecting a child. Of course, initially there were fears about how the relationship would develop with the children from her first marriages; after all, Olya has a 14-year-old teenage daughter. Olya didn’t introduce me to her for a long time, but when the acquaintance happened, Sashka immediately accepted me. Now we have great relationship, we all live together, we got Sasha into a school nearby. It’s the same with Vanya (the son of Denis and actress Maria Kulikova. – Note from “Antennas”) Olya instantly became friends. They also met in July, when we went with the children to the festival of colors. It was fantastic fun! We ran around, jumped and fooled ourselves so much that after the holiday Vanka fell asleep right in the car.

I was worried about how our communication with Vanya would turn out. But having met him, I realized: he is simply a unique, smiling child, it is impossible not to love him. The guy, at four years old, thinks very wisely and has his own opinion on everything. They are with Sasha now best friends, she calls him brother. And by the way, the first message about continuing the family came from Sasha, she said: “Give me another brother or sister!” We are trying to gradually prepare Vanya for the arrival of the baby. We talk with him a lot, discuss together the future name of my brother. We are worried about how he will perceive the arrival of a new family member, so we are already doing everything possible so that he is ready to meet his brother and enjoy this event with us. After giving birth, I really count on Denis’s help, because I myself gave birth 14 years ago, I forgot a lot, and I’m very worried. Denis even takes a break from work to help me. He loves children very much and is a responsible person, so I’m sure he will eyes closed will change diapers.

Thank God everything turned out well. There are so many terrifying examples in other families where mothers after divorce in 90% of cases do not give the child the opportunity to live in two houses. Women always protect their social unit. And even though according to the law, both of our parents have equal rights, V real life This does not happen in our country. This is what frightened me most during the divorce; it seemed to me that my son would be taken away from me. Therefore, I bow to Masha; we equally participate in his upbringing. Vanya has two houses, as he says, a big one and a small one. Depending on our schedules, our son lives either with his mother or with his father, sometimes for a week, sometimes for several days. Certainly, great importance has the fact that our homes are nearby, 600 meters away. And I’d like to especially note: we were very lucky with our nanny Galina Nikolaevna, who in three years became practically a member of the family. Incredible wise woman, whose heart is filled with kindness and love. I even told her once: “Nikolavna, if it weren’t for your husband, I would have married you.”

Olya, your loved ones were probably shocked when they learned the name of your chosen one.

Of course, such a star is Sailors! Until recently, my mother did not believe that something serious could work out for us. Girlfriends and neighbors asked for autographs and photographs. And now they are handing over jam and pickles for Denis. It’s, of course, nice when everyone admires your man, and he’s yours! I'm very proud of him.

Mistress, girlfriend, fighter

Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk/Antenna – Telesem

How did you and Olya conquer each other? What gifts and surprises do you arrange for each other?

I probably conquered Matrosov more than he conquered me. Because his tension and fear of repeating the mistakes of the past were obvious. And only recently did some decisive actions begin on his part, because all the time before this Denis behaved very carefully, he was afraid that something would not work out, that it would go wrong. For my part, I tried to surround him with care and love.

At the first meeting, Olya said that she did not want a temporary, frivolous relationship. Therefore, either seriously or not at all. When a man is told this when meeting him, it is a little alarming... But in the end, this is exactly how it all turned out. In our big house we live big friendly family. Well done Olya for managing to find an approach to everyone. She is a great hostess. Maybe clean the house and cook a delicious dinner.

But can Denis surprise you with something?

Certainly! For example, in the morning I can wake up and see next to me a bouquet of flowers that I love very much.

Denis, I understand that Olya has a golden character. But has he really not changed at all during pregnancy? Do any weird things happen?

Amazing, but no! There was almost no toxicosis, no whims at all. Although what are we talking about, Olya is generally a fighter in life, she cannot sit idle... Then our doctor, who is managing the pregnancy, was almost speechless when he heard last news: “What, what, are you saying, she dug up the garden in the ninth month? Did you have a Saturday? Well, well, I guess I won’t prescribe you any more medications, you don’t need anything, go home!”

Rather, I want to talk about my character. After all, I warned Olya almost immediately upon meeting him: “I’m not an ideal prince and I don’t really fit into the framework of what you probably imagine a real man to be like - restrained, reasonable, strong-willed. I'm an emotional person." Simply for the reason that the actor deliberately shakes his psyche. It is impossible to play complex dramatic roles with a “cold nose.” And I always strived to become a good actor. I understand that for family life an artist is just a disaster, I can get nervous and lose my temper over a trifle. So I warned Olya in advance: “I’m sorry if this happens. I will try to control myself. But it doesn’t always depend on me.” So I believe that in order for our relationship with Olya to continue to develop according to the golden wedding scenario, we need to make compromises. And it is also very important to find common interests. After all, what happens in acting families? Either six months on the set, or three months, everyone has their own separate life. Returning home, each time you begin to get to know each other again. Olya is a person from a completely different sphere, who has nothing to do with cinema and theater. She is a lawyer by training. I believe that we need common causes that will move us forward. I’m trying to attract Olya to my industry so that she can find her niche there, where she would be interested. I started taking her to filming and rehearsals, she met the artists and got to know our kitchen from the inside. I go on a lot of tours associated with enterprise performances, I play in eight productions. And in order to spend more time together, I decided that Olga and I needed to organize a joint theater project, where she would handle the administrative part. And suddenly fate gave it to us - a wonderful performance “Two in an Elevator, Not Counting Tequila.” Where I, Pyotr Krasilov and Dmitry Orlov play. We opened our own company, Matrosova Theatre, in which I am the producer and Olga is the general director.

It feels like you match perfectly in everything... And even look stunningly similar.

There hasn't been a person who hasn't told us that we are like brother and sister! And this is also a certain Starting point in our relationship. I laugh: “Are you saying your heart skipped a beat? This is probably because you saw your reflection on TV!”

Photo: Svetlana Trubanchuk/Antenna – Telesem

We are both homebodies, parties are alien to us. If we invite friends, then only at home. And we go to the cinema together or with children, without company.

There is one more sign in our life, I would say this small miracle, sent to us from above. During that difficult period of my life after the divorce, I really wanted to go to Matrona of Moscow, but it just didn’t work out. Many people advised me: “Go and ask for everything to work out well.” As a result, I was practically forced to do this by our physical training coach at KomAr, Yura Golubev, an absolute champion in bodybuilding, a believer and unique person. Seeing me in Once again during training, in a depressed state, Yura said: “Tomorrow morning we are going to Matrona.” I didn’t sleep the whole night before that trip, I couldn’t formulate what I could ask for... I remember the first time I consciously went to church at the age of 12 after the death of my father, and the only thought that was spinning in my head was: “Health to all and peace to all.” . Asking for something specific is not always good. How many such examples, how many films have been made about this! Sometimes a person asks: “I want to win this match.” He wins... And his whole life goes downhill. It’s not for nothing that they say: everything that is done is for the better. It is very important to correctly formulate your desire. And so we then went to Matronushka, I confessed to the priest, stood in line to see the relics, touched and asked only one thing: “Goodness and health to my loved ones. World peace. Matronushka, make sure everything is good and correct.” But I couldn’t and didn’t ask for personal experiences. But what is most surprising is that we later found out that it was at that time, on that day, that Olga also went to Matronushka.

Denis, I know how dear the house you spent six years building is to you. How are you arranging it now, has Olya made any contribution as a woman?

Of course, she is a wonderful hostess. As soon as she arrived, she immediately began to create coziness, arrange some things, lay out rugs. Yes, the very first thing she did when moving was to bring a lawn mower! After all, Olya had already managed to build a house herself almost from scratch even before our meeting. I purchased a plot of land and built it according to my own design. wooden house. So here we are a perfect match, both home-minded!

We have big family and, in fact, three housewives: Denis’s mother, his sister Olesya and me. Everyone has their own view of farming, and if you try to do something, do it with caution, so as not to infringe on the rights of another. The main thing for me is cleanliness and comfort, and I try to focus on this. And there is still a lot of work ahead, since the renovation of the house is not completely finished; on 500 square meters it is a long story.

We have established normal communication with each other, as Vanya’s parents. Today, thanks to Masha, Vanya has full communication with both parents. Although, of course, Masha misses when Vanya is with me, and I miss him the same way when he is with her. Therefore, in order to soften separations with my son, we exchange photos and videos with Vanya every day. After the divorce, I made certain conclusions for myself: in order to live happily next to my woman, you need to pay her as much attention as possible, be more restrained and patient. Of course, I missed many of these moments in my previous marriage and was also to blame for many things. Next to Olya, I will try to correct this in myself and be more attentive... Now we can go to the pool together, or we can go for a run or go ice skating and skiing. We can go to the river at 5 in the morning, putting the children on the trunk of a bicycle, or just go camping with tents as a family. We both love sports and nature. We hope we can instill this love in children. I realized that the main thing in a relationship is to be able to find compromises and pay more attention to each other.

The personal life and biography of Denis Matrosov became known to the general public relatively recently - after active work in the filming of the sensational TV series “Carmelita” and “Two Fates”. The handsome, stately actor has great success with fans, directors and theater critics.

Was born future sample an “ideal” man in a family of Moscow intellectuals who doted on their first-born. The actor studied at a prestigious special school with intensive study in English, and there I decided on the choice future profession. Thanks to his bright appearance and innate dramatic abilities, at the age of 17 Denis Matrosov became the host of the popular children's program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Early work on television and service in the Theater Soviet army as alternative option completion of military service played a role in the career of the future star - he successfully entered the Shchepkinsky School. After 3 years, the actor received professional education and work at the Mayakovsky Theater. Along the way, he worked on television and radio as a presenter.

First wife

Being an actor at the Soviet Army Theater, Denis drew attention to new colleague according to the troupe that just arrived to conquer Moscow, Lyudmila Tatarova. Both young, both ambitious, raised in matriarchal families, the guys became hostages of the current situation.

Denis’s mother considered Lyudmila a provincial upstart who wanted to take away the Matrosovs’ precious square meters. On this basis, quarrels often arose in the newlyweds’ family - Denis values ​​​​his mother’s opinion very much and even the registration of marriage with Lyudmila did not take place due to her categorical prohibition.

The last straw was the birth of twins, whom the grandmother disliked from the first minute of their birth. It was she who instilled in her son doubt about paternity, as Tatarova believes. Although the actress herself put a dash in the “father” column on the children’s birth certificate, motivating her action by the fact that Sailors allegedly did not appear for the registration of his sons and Russian legislation It is the father's failure to appear that serves as the reason for such an action.

Lyudmila Tatarova in the theater (the actor’s first wife)

In the personal life and biography of Denis Matrosov, children from his first marriage remain on the sidelines precisely because of the difficult separation from their mother. As the actor explains in numerous interviews, Lyudmila responds to all his attempts to improve relations with his first wife for the sake of communicating with the twins with a strict ban.

What remains strange is the fact that Tatarova long years remained silent about her resentment, and decided to bring to light the details of her relationship with her first husband only after his popularity grew. Her performance on the program “Let Them Talk” caused a mixed reaction among Matrosov’s colleagues and fans of the talent of both actors. Denis himself did not want to take part in the talk show; he recorded a video message to his former common-law wife and his sons. He did not indulge in explanations and accuse his ex-wife of all mortal sins, he simply asked the editors of the program to pass on their contacts to the twins.

Second wife

Matrosov began an affair with Masha Kulikova almost instantly. Which is not surprising - after stormy explanations with his wife, problems with children, awareness of his own helplessness in the face of the current situation, the appearance of a smiling blue-eyed beauty could not pass without a trace. Everything was decided by chance - getting hungry after filming in the process of creating the series “Two Fates”, the actors went to have a snack at a nearby cafe and, as usual, got into conversation. In the personal life and biography of Matrosov, Denis’s children, who were forced to live far away and the impossibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict with their mother at that time, played so much important role that Kulikova listened more than she spoke on that memorable date for both. So, gradually, the actors first became psychotherapists for each other (the actress by that time was very worried about the breakup with a person close to her), then friends and, finally, husband and wife.

The actor with his second wife Masha Kulikova

For a long time, in the acting community, the couple was considered ideal - young, bright, talented and incredibly beautiful. They even built a house in the Moscow region, fulfilling the dream of both of them about a family nest for themselves and their descendants. Kulikova tried to be easy-going, interesting in communication and a hospitable hostess, so many representatives of the acting bohemia visited the newlyweds. Due to the specific nature of the profession, constant travel was not allowed married couple get bogged down in everyday problems. In addition, both mothers of the spouses reacted favorably to the children’s joint plans and supported them in every possible way. According to Kulikova, Matrosov adored his mother-in-law, always found time for her in his busy tour schedule and worried about the health of his second mother, sitting in line with her at the clinic.

After the birth of their son, Sailors and Kulikov seemed to have found a second wind - according to the actress, Denis doted on Vanyusha and raised him as a real man. Together they fix minor problems in the house and play hockey. The actress also did not go unnoticed - her husband often gave her pleasant surprises, persuading half of their mutual friends to bring one or another romantic idea to life. The personal life of Denis Matrosov with Maria Kulikova has a fruitful effect on creative biography actor: success in “Two Fates” made him not only happy husband and a father, but also a super-in-demand artist. One after another, TV series are being released, and theater productions with his participation are wildly popular.

Suddenly rumors of divorce began to spread happy couple. During this period, Matrosov was credited with an affair with Irina Kalinina, Kulikova with Maxim Averin. On this occasion, the actors even planned to sue the online publisher, which was the first to publish this information. Be that as it may, the relationship between the spouses went wrong, and neither Denis nor Masha commented on the final breakup.

This time, Matrosov was able to separate from his wife peacefully, without public insults or scandal, for which the actor thanks his ex-wife. In his opinion, it was Kulikova’s wisdom that allowed them to maintain friendly relations. As compensation for joint investments in construction common house, Sailors, with the help of relatives, was able to buy Kulikovoy a house not far from his own and now son Vanya has the opportunity to come to his father at any time. Maria herself considers her ex-husband a “crazy” dad, caring and very attentive. In all interviews, the actress speaks of Denis as an exceptionally decent and kind person - when Masha’s mother died, Matrosov helped her survive the tragedy, taking upon himself all the troubles of organizing and conducting the funeral. For this, Kulikova is immensely grateful to her ex-husband.

Biography and personal life of Denis Matrosov after his divorce from Maria Kulikova

The actor did not long for his ex-wife for long - in the same 2015 he met his current wife, Olga, an ardent admirer of her charm and talent. As his chosen one says, she specially came to the performance with the participation of her idol and came up with a non-trivial approach, leaving warm mittens with a note and phone number in the bouquet. The actor was surprised, but no more - Denis, tired after work, was too busy own affairs. And only a few days later Sailors dialed Olya, who had been waiting by the phone for a response all this time.

Denis Matrosov and Olga Golovina (3rd wife)

With the arrival of this fragile girl into Matrosov’s life, he has already matured as a man and as a professional. I wanted to try myself in a new role. Olya supported her husband, and 2017 in the biography and personal life of Denis Matrosov was marked by his debut as a producer of his own play. The production received highly appreciated viewers and critics, fans of the actor excitedly talk about his amazing performance, sparkling humor and ease of perception of the acting.

This year, 2017, has pleased Denis Matrosov with something new, no less important event in his personal life and biography - his beautiful wife gave birth to his son, who was named Fedor. That was the name of Matrosov’s maternal grandfather. Now everyone is happy - the actor’s mother, who dreamed of her own dynasty, Denis himself, who has the opportunity to give his son everything that he himself has. And of course, the actor’s wife, who loves home economics, like Sailors.

Representatives creative professions It is common to often come under fire from the Amur. Actors, getting used to the roles of happy lovers, sometimes play so hard that they destroy own families, causing pain to your loved ones. Due to the inconstancy of her loving husband, artist Denis Matrosov, she suffered Russian actress Maria Kulikova. The personal life of the theater and film star collapsed instantly, as House of cards. Family drama didn't break the strong lady. After the divorce, Maria Kulikova continues to work, create, laugh and believe in love.

Maria Kulikova in the film “Let me kiss you”

Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova: beautiful love and bitter separation

The blue-eyed handsome man and the spectacular blonde met on the set of the series with a telling name"Two Fates." On the day she met her future husband, Maria was depressed due to failures on the love front. Denis was in endless depression - ex-passion, theater star Lyudmila Tatarova slandered him and deprived him of the opportunity to communicate with children. Maria Kulikova healed the wounded soul of a confused man, brought him back to life and jokingly called him “her Matroskin.” They made a wonderful couple - people of art, who experienced more than one disappointment, became a close-knit family. However, Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova were in no hurry to “surrender” to the registry office. They simply lived together - they took a break from past suffering.

Denis Matrosov, ex-husband of Maria Kulikova

One day, Maria, being in a joking mood, approached her lover, knelt down and ironically said: “That’s it, Sailors! I’m tired of waiting, marry me now!” The desperate girl's boyfriend was a little taken aback, although he had long understood that actress Maria Kulikova was his joy and love.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov

A rich biography of Maria Kulikova: husband, children, home, filming, novels...

The blonde beauty usually plays powerful and courageous women in films. In life, our heroine, like all impressionable young ladies, sometimes gets sad, cries, reproaches herself for imaginary shortcomings, suffers from lack of time and eats up stress with an impressive portion of ice cream. Anything could happen in the biography of Maria Kulikova. The actress's student novels usually ended in unbearable torment. The star has always wanted to embrace the immensity. Maria Kulikova dreamed of a husband and children, but devoted herself to work without reserve. The actress could not make a choice in favor of one thing. Perhaps the star's perfectionism was one of the reasons why her family broke up.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matroso

Maria Kulikova's husband always dreamed of an economic life partner and a cozy home. After the wedding with his beloved Masha, he invested all his strength and savings in the construction of a luxurious cottage. The wife did not want to wait - she would have been quite satisfied with modest housing. The first disagreements in star family were connected specifically with the construction site. Denis was constantly either laying bricks with his own hands or disappearing somewhere on set for weeks. Masha wanted to give up everything - stop pouring all her earnings into the house and start enjoying family happiness.

Maria Kulikova and ex-husband Denis Matrosov

Playing the main roles, devoting time to your other half and “housekeeping” - it’s impossible to do everything! Problems began in the personal life of Maria Kulikova. The situation was aggravated by permanent roles in soap operas, which constantly went to the star couple. On the screen they passionately played love with their partners in the films, and in life they staged family scenes of jealousy for each other. Rumor has it that the impressionable Denis Matrosov, being a married man, “twisted” secret romance with married actress Irina Kalinina.

Irina Kalinina

Despite the hassle and turmoil, the couple planned to have children. Maria Kulikova, even in notes for her husband, which were traditionally attached to the refrigerator door, wrote down her dream of a baby: “To have a baby, go to the grocery store, buy sausages...”

Son Vanya - a reward for love

After ten years of marriage star couple appeared long-awaited child. Maria Kulikova’s son Vanya brought his parents incredibly closer. They tried to ensure that the baby never saw family scandals. True, from infancy Vanya was constantly worried because of separation from famous mother, then I missed my star dad. But on weekends, the parents tried to rehabilitate themselves - and spent all the time with their baby. Touching photos children, according to Maria Kulikova, should not be looked at by strangers. The actress is in no hurry to share pictures of her son online. Still, the paparazzi managed to capture Matrosov Jr. walking with his mom and dad around Kyiv.

Denis Martynov, Maria Kulikova and their son Vanya

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov: working together in 2016 and hints of a secret romance

Actor Andrei Chernyshov has long been breathing unevenly towards the gifted blonde - since 2002, from the filming of the same series “Two Fates”, which brought Maria together with Denis Matrosov. When communicating with Andrem, Maria Kulikova is always suspiciously friendly - she flirts and gives meaningful glances. There have been rumors about the romance between the actress and Andrei Chernyshov for several years, but Maria herself has always maintained that gossip should not be believed. Andrey is just a family friend, and she only loves the “Matroskins”. True, in 2016 the stars were again united by work - filming in the Russian film “Secrets of the Big House”. It is possible that Andrei Chernyshov once again fell in love with a beautiful colleague - now free and open to new passions. What if Maria Kulikova, after her divorce, looks at Andrei Chernyshov with completely different eyes?..

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov, frame from the series “Two Fates”

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin: game or love?

Artist Maria Kulikova is familiar with the unsurpassed Maxim Averin student years. The incorrigible heartthrob always attracted her with his sense of humor and cheerful disposition. In the series “Sklifosovsky”, as conceived by the creators of the film, a wild passion flared up between the characters Averin and Kulikova. It’s no wonder that fans of the stars immediately suspected their idols of having a whirlwind romance. The actors, answering questions about their relationship, only laugh it off and assure that it didn’t go beyond “work” flirting. Although Maxim Averin states that he was ready to lead all the women with whom fate brought him together down the aisle. A confirmed bachelor and womanizer, apparently, cannot be changed.


Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin in the TV series “Sklifosovsky”

Maria Kulikova: personal life after divorce

After the divorce, actress Maria Kulikova and her son moved to a house located almost next door to Matrosov’s cottage. The ex-spouses decided that they should not completely break off the relationship. The child should not suffer.

Maria Kulikova speaks exceptionally well of her ex-husband and believes that he is an excellent father and a decent person. Denis, after breaking up with his wife, managed to fall in love several times and become a dad again - for the fourth time! Maria Kulikova is not trying to resurrect her former love. After a divorce, a woman tries to cope with a million responsibilities alone and devote time to herself and her child. She felt strong, confident and now makes many demands on potential suitors. Despite the divorce, the woman does not lose optimism. The mood for new victories will definitely change Maria Kulikova’s personal life for the better.

Russian theater and film actor.

Denis Matrosov. Biography

Denis Vladimirovich Matrosov born on December 10, 1972 in Moscow. Matrosov's father died when the boy was 11 years old. Denis and his sister were raised by their mother.

From 1989 to 1991 Denis studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. Then from 1991 to 1994 - at the Shchepkinsky Theater School (course of N.A. Vereshchenko).

Denis Matrosov. Creative path

From 1994 to 1995 took place military service in the theatre Russian army, where he then served as an actor for eight years. However, bright roles in this theater he did not wait.

Denis: “In 1994, no films were made, but I really wanted to stay in the profession. I made money where I could. For example, if he loaded fish, he received huge money for those times. Voiced cartoons computer games, hosted television programs. And in the evening I ran to the performances: I trusted the Army Theater endlessly, and in return I received only extras.”

Therefore, since 2003 Denis Matrosov in the theater he plays exclusively in enterprise performances, believing that the time of academic theaters has passed. From 2003 to 2005, the actor participated in the project of the German conductor Gerda Albrecht– a concert version of “Eugene Onegin” performed by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and readers to the music of Sergei Prokofiev.

Sailors: “I’m lucky because I get to share the stage with wonderful artists. I take part in performances a lot high level. We are playing "Khanuma". I really love the play “A Streetcar Named Desire,” which we are currently performing in memory of Alena Bondarchuk.”

On television Denis Matrosov came back in 1989 as a presenter in the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale”. Then there was the TV show " 6 acres", worked as a press observer on the TV Center channel in the program " Mood". He appeared in films for the first time in 1990 in the film “ Made in USSR" The TV series " Two destinies" and "Carmelita".

Then the actor’s filmography included roles in the TV series “ Sunday in the women's bath"(2005) with Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Andrei Ilyin, "Hold me tight" (2007) with Dmitry Frid and Anna Trishkina, "Carmelita. Gypsy Passion" (2009 - 2010) with Yulia Zimina and Maria Kozakova, " Blizzard"(2010) with Oksana Akinshina and Ilya Obolonkov, "Lucky Ticket" (2012) with Anna Miklos and Alexey Fateev, television films " Obsession"(2008) with Anna Geller and Mikhail Trukhin, " From prison and from scrip"(2008) with Ekaterina Vulichenko and Anastasia Tsvetaeva, " Cuckoo"with Olga Pavlovets and Alexey Zubkov, "Dreaming is not harmful" (2012) with Maria Anikanova and Maria Kulikova, other projects.

Denis: “It’s nice to hear when they say: “Matrosov, complete harmony reigns in your couple.” With none of her partners did Lobacheva smile as much as with you.” Somehow I cheered her up. Yes, I really like everything there myself. Where else would I communicate with such cool professionals!”

In 2012, Matrosov appeared in the main cast of the detective series “Profile of a Killer”, and in the fall of 2016 in the continuation of this project - “Profile of a Killer 2”, where he, along with Maxim Shchegolev, Vadim Andreev, Sergei Pioro and Olga Kulikova played profilers again.

The actor also played leading roles in such projects as “House with Lilies” (2014), “Fatal Inheritance” (2014), “I’m Not Afraid Anymore” (2014) and many others.

Since 2016, Denis Vladimirovich has been a producer at the Matrosov Theater, whose first project was the play “Two in the Elevator, Not Counting Tequila.”

In 2016, a two-part melodrama “Woman with Lilies” from the director was released with Matrosov’s participation. Valeria Rozhnova(“Daddy for rent”, “Back to the USSR”). Main role Ekaterina Vulichenko played in the film. And in the four-part lyrical comedy “Householder” (2017), Denis got the role of a journalist who has to combine his creative activity with household responsibilities and raising sons. Matrosov's partners in the television film were Anna Miklosh, Elena Zakharova, Vladimir Kolganov, Oleg Zagorodniy, Lyudmila Nilskaya, Yuri Smirnov and others.

Denis Matrosov: “Is it bad if a man is involved in raising his children and devotes more time to them than to work. My hero William is somewhat similar to me. I also cook and do laundry for my eldest son Vanya. Of course, the hero is clearly exaggerated... But he is ready to do anything for the sake of his children and family. This is the meaning of his existence...”

Denis Matrosov. Personal life

Early 2012 Denis Matrosov found himself at the center of a scandal. While working at the Russian Army Theater, he dated an actress Lyudmila Tatarova, who served there. The woman gave birth to the artist two twin boys, and Denis did not recognize paternity. 13 years later, Tatarova brought this topic to the “Let Them Talk” program, provoking a wide response.

Denis Matrosov: “This is a sore subject for me. I don't consider these children my sons. He offered to do a DNA test, but their mother did not want to. I haven’t seen the boys for a long time, they have a dad - the man with whom my ex-wife lives. And I don't want to harm any of them at all. She registered her children as a single mother - and this even became a plus, since they were given an apartment by the theater. My mother was very worried: it seemed like her grandchildren were born, and then they were immediately taken away from her. But I'm with ex-wife I don’t communicate because we parted as enemies, and I couldn’t forgive. Out of sight, out of mind" .

With his second wife Maria Kulikova (“Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation”, “From the first to the last word”, “Theory of improbability”, “”, “Hornet’s Nest”) Denis Matrosov met on the set of the series " Two destinies».

Denis Matrosov: “One day after work I dropped her off at home, and... she started spinning. We chatted so much that evening that everything became clear. At that moment I was free and sad."

In 2011, the couple had a son, Ivan. And at the end of 2014, news appeared on the Internet about discord in the actors’ family. So, it was said that Denis had already celebrated his birthday, December 10, as a bachelor. The actor later admitted in an interview that the reason for the disagreement was the construction of a house that he started.

Denis: “Mashka was against this huge process, she wanted to quickly erect a panel house 100 meters away and live in it. And, probably, she was right. But then no one could convince me...”

The birth of a son, as the actor said afterwards, contributed to the unity of the couple, but only for a while. On January 26, 2015, Maria and Denis officially divorced, and Kulikova and her son moved to another house located not far from where she lived with Matrosov. After the separation, the ex-spouses kept warm relations. ABOUT ex-husband Maria always speaks highly of him, considering him an excellent father and a decent person.

Denis: “A low bow to Masha. We equally participate in Ivan’s upbringing. My son has two houses: a big one and a small one, as he says. Depending on our schedules, Vanya lives either with his mother or with his father. Of course, it is of great importance that our homes are nearby, 600 meters away. Thank God that everything turned out well."

Some time after his divorce from Kulikova, the actor met a lawyer Olga Golovina, who was among the fans waiting for him after the next performance.

Matrosov: “Olya is a person from a completely different sphere, unrelated to cinema and theater... In order to spend more time together, I decided that Olya and I needed to organize a joint theater project, where she would take care of the administrative part. Suddenly, fate gave it to us: a wonderful play “Two in an Elevator, Not Counting Tequila,” where I, Pyotr Krasilov and Dmitry Orlov play. We opened our own company - Matrosov Theatre. I am the producer in it, and Olga is the general director.”

On May 1, 2016, Golovina gave birth to Matrosov’s son, Fyodor. The actor has said more than once in interviews that with the birth of the child, the couple will marry.

Denis Matrosov. Theatre works

A Streetcar Named Desire - Mitch
Be healthy, Monsieur! - minister funeral home Atropos
Two in an elevator, not counting tequila, or Wife for two - Lover Max
It's in the bag - Marcello
Baby for Rent - William Harrison
Fatal Passion - Captain of the flagship Victory English fleet, Lord Hardy
Hello, I am your mother-in-law - Zhenya
An adventurous family - Estonian police captain Velt
Khanuma - Prince Kote Pantiashvili
Follies of Love - Publisher Henri Botin
Piparkukas - Anton
Crazy Weekend - Frederick Walter
Trap - Daniel Corban
Filmmakers - screenwriter Ben Hecht
It's time for the master to get married! - Basil
Your sister and captive - Earl of Leicester
Britannic - Nero
Pavel the first - Stepan
Lady with Camellias - Gustave
In a busy place - Senya
Cippolino - Cippolino
Saturday, Sunday, Monday - Attilio (thesis)
Don Gil green pants - Don Pedro (thesis)
Fear and Poverty of the Third Empire - Traitor (Diploma)