Target: nurturing a feeling of love for one’s hometown.


- systematize children’s knowledge about the sights, about the streets of their city, about people different nationalities living in their hometown, nature native land;

- evoke positive emotions in the process of familiarization with local history material;

- teach ways practical application knowledge in gaming and speech activities.

Equipment: projector, slides depicting nature and attractions of your hometown, printed board game “Collect a Coat of Arms”, tokens for the game, drawings and diagrams to indicate city attractions, audio recording of the songs “Crane Little” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by I. Shaferan ), “There are central streets” (music by Y. Antonov, lyrics by I. Shaferan), pictures depicting trees and bushes, two baskets, candy, yellow and red carpets, postcards with views of the city.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, today we are visiting teachers from other kindergartens. They came to us to learn more about the history of our hometown. How can you tell them about this?

Children. We can show them our albums, photographs, drawings, tell them about the city, offer them an excursion to the museum.

Educator. Well done, you came up with everything correctly! Today I invite you to play the game “Wheel of History,” during which you can tell guests a lot about our city.

Game "Wheel of History"

Children are divided into two teams: yellow and red sectors. Support group - parents.

Everyone welcomes the participants in the game.

The game consists of three rounds, each with four questions for the teams and two questions for the support group. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. The team that scores wins large quantity tokens.

The gong sounds.

Round I. “How our city came to be”

Educator. We begin the first round of our game. As you know, every country, city, village has its own history. Our city also has it. In the first round you will share your knowledge about its occurrence.

What does the name of our city mean, why was it called that?

What interesting events is our city glorious?

Question for the yellow sector team

Who were the first inhabitants of our city?

Question for the red sector team

What street names in our city do you remember?

The gong sounds.

Round II. “There is such a city in Russia”

Question for the yellow sector team

How old is our city this year?

Question for the red sector team

What beautiful buildings in our city do you know? (Slides showing architectural structures and cultural centers are shown.)

Tasks for the yellow sector team

1. Each state and city has its own coat of arms and flag. You need to find the coat of arms and flag of your hometown among different coats of arms and flags.

2. Printed board game “Collect a coat of arms” (cut-out pictures). You need to assemble a picture of the city’s coat of arms, cut into six parts, according to the sample.

Tasks for the red sector team

1. There are many streets in the city. You need to say what the main street of your hometown is called and why that is.

2. You need to “build” the main street of the city from drawings and diagrams. Children post their drawings depicting the main street of the city in a certain sequence corresponding to the location of the buildings on the street. Buildings and landmarks are marked schematically.

A verse from Yu. Antonov’s song “There are central streets” sounds.

The gong sounds.

Round III. "My native land"

Question for the yellow sector team

What is the name of the country we live in?

Question for the red sector team

Representatives of what nationalities live in our country?

Assignment to the yellow sector team

You need to name famous people from your hometown.

Assignment to the red sector team

You need to look at pictures of trees and shrubs and name those that grow in your native forests.

Educator. Well done, you answered all the questions correctly! Let's move on to the final test! Do you see the yellow and red paths leading to the baskets? Each team must occupy one of the lanes. I'll ask each team one question. If the answer is correct, you take the basket; if not, the basket remains in place.


What are the names of the cinemas in our city?

What churches are there in our city?

Children answer questions.

I really enjoyed listening to your answers and am very glad that all the teams made it to their baskets. Now you can open them.

Children take candy out of baskets and treat everyone present.

Overall result of the game: you know the history of the city. Well done! We would like to thank everyone for participating in our game. It doesn’t matter who won, the important thing is that we are all together - children and parents. And please, do not keep secret the knowledge that you received from your grandparents, fathers and mothers, from teachers at school, the knowledge that you acquired at your life path, give them to children so that they love their Motherland, love and preserve its culture.

Our exciting game is over. I think that our guests learned from your answers a lot of interesting things about our hometown, the most beautiful city for you and me.

The song “Little Crane” plays (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by I. Shaferan).

As a keepsake of our city, we will give our guests postcards with its views and our own drawings.

Program content: Clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about their hometown, its attractions, and the heroes of the city. Consolidate knowledge about solar system, the ability to characterize the planets and name them. Develop the ability to talk coherently about your family, your relatives. Develop creative abilities, grammatical structure speech. Develop pride in the city in which you live.

Preliminary work: Excursions around the city, classes held at the Museum of Local Lore, a trip to the Planetarium, meetings with interesting people city, with heroes, organizing an exhibition of joint drawings of parents and children on the theme “My City”.



Lesson notes in preparatory group on the topic "My city"

Program content: Clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about their hometown, its attractions, and the heroes of the city. To consolidate knowledge about the solar system, the ability to characterize the planets and name them. Develop the ability to talk coherently about your family, your relatives. Develop creative abilities and grammatical structure of speech. Develop pride in the city in which you live.

Preliminary work: Excursions around the city, classes held at the Museum of Local Lore, a trip to the Planetarium, meetings with interesting people of the city, with heroes, organization of an exhibition of joint drawings of parents and children on the theme “My City”.

Progress of the lesson

From mailbox The teacher takes out a letter from Uncle Styopa. Children read line by line and find out that their uncle Styopa is inviting them on a tour of the city. (There is a map on the board Omsk region and the city of Omsk is marked with an asterisk).

Guys, do you recognize this card? What is the name of the city we live in?

Who lives in Omsk, how to put it in one word? (Omsk).

Ira, who are you...? Nikita, are you...?

What professions did people take part in the construction of our city? (Remember the construction professions, pantomime the actions and explain: I am a mason, I lay bricks; I am a painter, I paint walls; etc.)

What should every building have so that residents and guests of the city do not get lost in it? Do you know your address?

Didactic game “What would happen if...?”

The teacher plays out the situations:

If there were no addresses on the houses?

If the houses had the same addresses?

Who lives in houses, in apartments?

What is family?

How should people live so that their family is friendly and strong?

What do you know about your family? What do you know about your brothers and sisters?

I invite you to play (logical tasks).

The family has two mothers and two daughters. How many women are there in the family?

Two brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family?

Who is the eldest in the family, who is the youngest? (arrange pictures by age).

In addition to houses, there are a lot of interesting places in our city. I suggest you take a tour of the sights of our city. (Photos of city sights are displayed).

Why is the Arena-Omsk Ice Palace needed? What sports do you know?

Game “Who are you?” (children choose a picture and name it)

I am a skier, I am a skier. I am a swimmer, I am a swimmer. I am a tennis player, I am a tennis player. I am a runner, I am a runner, etc.

What is sport for?

What are the most important competitions?

Physical exercise: I suggest you visit the Olympics and imitate sports (imitation of movements - skiing, skating, lifting weights, shot throwing, tennis, shooting, swimming, gymnastics).

The tour continues.

Name the first cosmonaut? What did he do?

Name the first woman astronaut?

Who was the first to go into outer space?

Where do our spaceships launch from?

What can an astronaut not fly into space without? Why?

What is the spacesuit made of?

What is space?

Name the planets that you know?

Would you like to fly into space?

(Children are invited to assemble a rocket from cut-out pictures)

Attention! Prepare to fly! Put on your spacesuits! Start counting down!

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – start! (music turns on).

Close your eyes, we're flying with enormous speed Do you feel your head, arms, legs getting heavier? We have broken away from earth's gravity and are in weightlessness.

How do you understand this word? Pretend weightlessness.

Look out the porthole. What color is our planet? What does the color blue mean? Much water. Green – vegetation, yellow – mountains.

I suggest you play the “star game”. You need to come up with one of two words and put it out of letters.

Moon + move

Star + fly

Airplane + fly

Well done! You have completed this task, it’s time for us to return to earth, to our hometown. We found ourselves on main square city, which is called “Teatralnaya”. What attractions are located in this square? What kind of transport can we get around the city? Children are offered didactic game for the logic “Part the pictures by symbols”

Our journey has now ended. Let's thank Uncle Styopa and look at the pictures that you drew with your parents about our city.

The children's drawings indicate that:

– children love their city,

– know interesting corners of their hometown,

– are proud of the people who live next to them.

Lesson in the preparatory school group “My native city”

Prepared by: I.I. Volkova, teacher of MKDOU No. 10, ASHA city

Program content. Expand and generalize children’s knowledge and ideas about their city, its historical past, memorable and remarkable places; people who glorified him; activate cognitive interest, attention, memory, develop logical thinking, imagination; bring up careful attitude to the history of his native city, a sense of respect for those who glorified it.

Material. Map of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and symbols of the native city and other cities, slides and photographs with city attractions, memorable places, photographs of famous citizens, sheets of paper, brushes, paints, pencils.

Preliminary work. Project activities"Native and beloved land." Getting to know the history of your native land. Excursions to memorable places of your native city, to the local history museum. Conversations with children about their hometown and the people who glorified it. Drawing “My Street”, application “My City” (team work). Reading poems about your hometown, works of local poets and writers

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, do you know how old you are? How old are your mothers? Dads? Grandmothers? Do you think cities have an age or are they all the same age? How old is our city? (Children's answers.) Are all cities the same or are they different from each other in some way? How to distinguish one city from another? By what signs would you recognize your hometown? (Children's answers.) Show it on the map. What are the people of our city called? (Children's answers.) Tell us what was remarkable about our city in the past, what did the people who lived in it do?

Children can talk about their hometown if they wish.

Educator. What is our city famous for today? (Children's answers.) You already know that each city has its own coat of arms, its own symbols. Our city has all this.

The game “Find and Name” is played. Assignment: find the coat of arms and symbols of your hometown among others, explain their meaning.

Educator. And now I invite you on a tour of my hometown, we will get acquainted with architectural monuments, and visit cultural recreational places for the townspeople. And you will be the tour guide yourself. But first I want to check if you know your city well enough to be tour guides.

The game “Remember and name” is played. The teacher shows slides with memorable places of the city, children must look and remember what they see, and then name them. The winner is the one who remembers and names the most memorable places. He will be the first tour guide.

Educator. Look at the photographs. Let each of you choose a place in our city that he will tell us about.

Each child chooses a photo and talks about a landmark in their hometown.

Educator. Many famous people lived and still live in our city. famous people. Choose a photo of a person you know and tell us what he became famous for and what he did for our city. (Children's stories.) And now I am announcing a poem competition about our city.

Children read poetry if they wish.

Educator. Do you think our city has any problems? How can they be solved? (Children's answers.) Well, guys, how much, it turns out, you know about your hometown, how much you love it. Let's think and dream about how you will be useful to your city when you grow up? (Children's stories.)

Finally, children create drawings on the theme “My Hometown” using materials of their own choice.



Lesson in the preparatory school group “My native city”

Prepared by: I.I. Volkova, teacher of MKDOU No. 10, ASHA city

Program content. Expand and generalize children’s knowledge and ideas about their city, its historical past, memorable and remarkable places; people who glorified him; activate cognitive interest, attention, memory, develop logical thinking and imagination; to cultivate a caring attitude towards the history of the native city, a sense of respect for those who glorified it.

Material. Map of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and symbols of the native city and other cities, slides and photographs with city attractions, memorable places, photographs of famous citizens, sheets of paper, brushes, paints, pencils.

Preliminary work. Project activity “Native and beloved land.” Getting to know the history of your native land. Excursions to memorable places of your native city, to the local history museum. Conversations with children about their hometown and the people who glorified it. Drawing “My Street”, application “My City” (team work). Reading poems about your hometown, works of local poets and writers

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, do you know how old you are? How old are your mothers? Dads? Grandmothers? Do you think cities have an age or are they all the same age? How old is our city? (Children's answers.) Are all cities the same or are they different from each other in some way? How to distinguish one city from another? By what signs would you recognize your hometown? (Children's answers.) Show it on the map. What are the people of our city called? (Children's answers.) Tell us what was remarkable about our city in the past, what did the people who lived in it do?

Children can talk about their hometown if they wish.

Educator. What is our city famous for today? (Children's answers.) You already know that each city has its own coat of arms, its own symbols. Our city has all this.

The game “Find and Name” is played. Assignment: find the coat of arms and symbols of your hometown among others, explain their meaning.

Educator. And now I invite you on a tour of my hometown, we will get acquainted with architectural monuments, and visit cultural recreational places for the townspeople. And you will be the tour guide yourself. But first I want to check if you know your city well enough to be tour guides.

The game “Remember and name” is played. The teacher shows slides with memorable places of the city, children must look and remember what they see, and then name them. The winner is the one who remembers and names the most memorable places. He will be the first tour guide.

Educator. Look at the photographs. Let each of you choose a place in our city that he will tell us about.

Each child chooses a photo and talks about a landmark in their hometown.

Educator. Many famous, famous people lived and still live in our city. Choose a photo of a person you know and tell us what he became famous for and what he did for our city. (Children's stories.) And now I am announcing a poem competition about our city.

Children read poetry if they wish.

Educator. Do you think our city has any problems? How can they be solved? (Children's answers.) Well, guys, how much, it turns out, you know about your hometown, how much you love it. Let's think and dream about how you will be useful to your city when you grow up? (Children's stories.)

Finally, children create drawings on the theme “My Hometown” using materials of their own choice.

Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)

View project: cognitive-research, creative.

Participants project: Teachers, children preparatory group, music director, physical education instructor, parents.

Age of participants project: children 6-7 years old.

Type project: short-term, group, practice-oriented.

Form of organization: educational situations and classes, excursions, holidays, entertainment, conversations.

Hypothesis project:

As a result of targeted and systematic work to expand children’s knowledge about their native city, preschoolers are introduced to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, love and respect are brought up, as well as affection for their small homeland. Thanks to this, an integrated approach to raising children in the spirit of patriotism is implemented.

Target project:

Expanding children's knowledge about their native city;

Introduction to the history and culture of one’s native cities, local attractions;

Fostering love, respect and affection for your small homeland.


1. Form children’s ideas about their native city.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets, where the house and kindergarten are located.

3. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities, enjoy it and take care of it.

4. Expand children’s knowledge about our flora and fauna cities.

5. Develop coherent speech in children, enrich and activate their vocabulary.

Relevance project:

Each person has his own small homeland. Most often, where a person was born and raised. To form in children the foundations of civil culture, social and moral development of the individual, it is necessary for children to obtain knowledge about their native city.

Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form in a child a respectful attitude towards his small Motherland. Childhood memories are the most vivid and exciting. How bigger baby from childhood he will know about his native places, native city, the closer and dearer his homeland, Russia, will become to him.

Expected result:

To foster patriotic feelings in children.

Update knowledge about your native language city.

To interest children and adults in the history of their native land, to unite parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

Use a developmental, differentiated approach to each child. Find interesting information on this topic "The streets of our cities» , pick up photos of your loved one cities to accompany the story.

Stages of work:

Collecting information about city.

Selection of illustrative material.

Selection fiction, artistic material.

Stage 2 - Planning prospects.

1. The teacher’s story about the history of development cities.

2. Looking at photographs and talking about the topic « favorite city Zavolzhsk» .

3. View slides and videos.

4. Conversation on the topic "We are proud of you, our hometown» .

5. Compilation creative stories “How I love to relax”, "My street", , « City where I live".

Lesson cycle

History of the origin of the native cities.

Target: Arouse interest and desire to learn about the history of your cities. Form cognitive interests, curiosity, activity. Cultivate love for family city.

Our favorite city.

Target: Reinforce the concept - small Motherland. Develop the ability to notice beauty city ​​streets, expand children’s ideas about their native city ​​in poetry, music, works visual arts. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and love for one’s native land.

Joint and independent activities

Drawing "The street where I live", "My favorite kindergarten» . Cognitive activities "My Parents' Profession", “How do I relax?”.

Play activity


Let's build a street cities

Construction of a new house

Supermarket "Magnet"

Didactic games:

Lotto "Our city»

“Put out a coat of arms from fragments”

“Where is the monument?”

"Journey through city» .

Creating a corner "My hometown» .

Album "Our favorite kindergarten» .

Map - diagram "The Road to Kindergarten".

The first half of the day

1) (communicative) "Do you know your city(using illustrations "Kinds cities» ).

Target: identify the level of children’s knowledge on the topic. Approximate questions:

What is the name of city where do you live?

Why is it called that?

What is the center of our cities?

What is the name of this square?

What is the difference city ​​from village?

Where in people are being treated in the city?

Where do they buy food and medicine?

Where are parcels sent and received?

Give your address.

2) GCD Speech development. Teaching storytelling « The city where I live» . Goals: activate speech material on the topic « City»

Teach children to select antonyms, use suffixes in speech - ik, - isch;

Learn to form nouns plural in nominative and genitive cases

Teach children to write a story about their city, develop attention and memory.

3) Educational activities in critical moments. Tradition "Morning of joyful meetings". The children are greeted by a toy - Leopold the Cat. Asks children what country and city ​​they live, what is their address, what interesting things do they have city.

Target: identifying children’s knowledge about their place of residence, forming primary value ideas about themselves and the social world around them.

4) Independent cognitive – research activities children.

Board games

Looking at photographs of your loved one city, its attractions.


1). Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. D/i “Tell me about your native city: what is he like? Zavolzhsk city

Target: - learn to select definitions and form adjectives according to the model

2) Educational activities in restricted areas moments:

DI "We are builders cities» (working with a contour map). Target: - familiarization with the contour map cities;

Development of creative potential.

Progress of the game: - offer children on the map "build" city ​​and stadium, locate the beach, wastewater treatment plants, - learn to place everything on the map using certain icons.

3) Working with parents: Consultation "Streets of my native cities» .

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. A story-conversation about the history of the origin of the native cities.

Target: - consolidate children’s knowledge about Zavolzhsk, - introduce them to the history of the origin of their native city ​​and its founder.

2. Cognitive - research. Educational game "Journey".

Target: - using pictures to fix the names of the main attractions of our cities.

2) Educational activities in special moments

1. D/I “Fold the picture and name it”.

2. Cognitive and research (working with a contour map).

Target: - introduce children to the color scheme of the contour map, tell them that the colors on the map are plains (green, mountains (brown), rivers and reservoirs (blue).

3) GCD. Drawing « City, in which I live. My house".

Target: - evoke in children’s memory pictures of their yard, home, immediate environment;

Encourage them to be conveyed using accessible means of expression (color - shape).


1). Educational activities in special moments. Conversation "Interesting corners of Rodny Cities» . Target:

Remember familiar places in your home cities why they are created;

Tell about those people who made the greatest contribution to the development of the native cities;

Talk about the parks that are located near the kindergarten, after whom they are named.

2) Working with parents: Invite parents to visit the museum with their children.

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities.

1. Problem situation "If you're lost in city, what to do?"

Target: - encourage children to speak out; - test children's knowledge of districts cities, your home address.

2. Cognitive - research. Drawing up a map of the street where our kindergarten is located.

2) Independent activity of children. Examination of the map - diagram cities(check the boxes for the most interesting places cities, places where children have already been).

3) GCD. Construction .

Goals: - expand and clarify children’s ideas about the area in which their kindergarten is located; – learn to work collectively, discuss details of work; - develop imagination.


1) Role-playing game "Streets of my native cities» . Target: - help children share group to the proposed streets with various gaming centers organized on them ;

Develop free communication with adults and children during the game

2) D/i "Lay down the monument".

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Children's story about interesting places cities, where they have already visited.

2. CHHL. Reading poems about native city.

2) Independent activity of children. Looking at books and photographs.

3) GCD. Cognition: "The history of the origin of the native cities» .

Goals: - consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city; - introduce the history of origin city ​​and its founder; - cultivate interest in the history of their native land.


1) Cognitive - research .

Target: - storytelling, showing illustrations of animals living in our area.

2) Conversation: “What interesting things did you see and remember when visiting the museum?

3) Drawing on a theme "Animals of the Native Land".

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about the number of streets cities and whose names the streets are named after.

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

Compiling and guessing riddles on the topic "My favorite places in my city» .

2) Independent activity of children.

Cognitive - research. Looking at illustrations industrial facilities our cities.


1) Educational fairy tale. Target: - listening to fairy tales and memorizing small oral genres – folk art from the collection "In some kingdom".

2) Productive. Album making "My city» .

3) D/i "Guess where I am".

Result project:

Knowledge gained during project, helped to increase the importance of patriotic education of children and the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers. Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities. Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

All stages project went through different types activities, a developmental, differentiated approach to each child was used. Parents and children presented very interesting information on the topic "The streets of our cities» , accompanied their stories by showing photographs about their native city.



Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)

Project type : cognitive-research, creative.

Project participants : Teachers, childrenpreparatory group, music director, physical education instructor, parents.

Age of participants project: children 6-7 years old.

Project type: short-term, group , practice-oriented.

Form of organization: educational situations and activities, excursions, holidays, entertainment, conversations.

Project hypothesis:

As a result of targeted and systematic work to expand children’s knowledge about their native city , preschoolers are introduced to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, love and respect are brought up, as well as affection for their small homeland. Thanks to this, an integrated approach to raising children in the spirit of patriotism is implemented.

Objective of the project :

Expanding children's knowledge about their native city ​​;

Introduction to the history and culture of one’s native cities , local attractions;

Fostering love, respect and affection for your small homeland.

Tasks :

1. Form children’s ideas about their native city.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets, where the house and kindergarten are located.

3. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities , enjoy it and take care of it.

4. Expand children’s knowledge about our flora and fauna cities .

5. Develop coherent speech in children, enrich and activate their vocabulary.

Relevance of the project:

Each person has his own small homeland. More oftenfavorite city is that placewhere a person was born and raised. To form in children the foundations of civil culture, social and moral development of the individual, it is necessary for children to obtain knowledge about their native city.

Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form in a child a respectful attitude towards his small Motherland. Childhood memories are the most vivid and exciting. The more a child knows from childhood about his native places, native city , the closer and dearer his homeland, Russia, will become to him.

Expected result:

To foster patriotic feelings in children.

Update knowledge about your native language city.

To interest children and adults in the history of their native land, to unite parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

Use a developmental, differentiated approach to each child. Find interesting information on a topic"Streets of our city" , pick up photos of your loved one cities to accompany the story.

Stages of work:

Stage 1

Collecting information about city.

Selection of illustrative material.

Selection of fiction, artistic material.

Stage 2 - Planning prospects.

1. The teacher’s story about the history of development cities .

2. Looking at photographs and talking about the topic« favorite city Zavolzhsk» .

3. View slides and videos.

4. Conversation on the topic "We are proud of you, our native city."

5. Writing creative stories“How I love to relax”, "My street" , "Animals and plants of my region", " City where I live".

Lesson cycle

History of the origin of the native cities .

Target : Arouse interest and desire to learn about the history of your cities . Form cognitive interests, curiosity, activity. Cultivate love for family city.

Our favorite city.

Target : To consolidate the concept - small Motherland. Develop the ability to notice beauty city ​​streets , expand children’s ideas about their native city ​​in poetry , music, works of fine art. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and love for one’s native land.

Joint and independent activities

Drawing "The street where I live", "My favorite kindergarten» . Cognitive activities"My Parents' Profession", “How do I relax?” .

Play activity


Let's build a city street

Construction of a new house

Supermarket "Magnit"

Didactic games:

Lotto “Our City”

“Put out a coat of arms from fragments”

“Where is the monument?”

"Trip around the city".

Creation of a corner “My hometown”.

Album "Our favorite kindergarten» .

Map - diagram "The Road to Kindergarten".

1 day

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities(communicative)"Do you know your city ​​?" (using illustrations"Views of the city").

Target : identify the level of children’s knowledge on the topic. Approximate questions :

What is the name of the city where do you live?

Why is it called that?

What is the center of our cities ?

What is the name of this square?

What is the difference city ​​from village?

Where in people are being treated in the city?

Where do they buy food and medicine?

Where are parcels sent and received?

Give your address.

2) GCD Speech development. Teaching storytelling« The city where I live". Goals : activate speech material on the topic" City "

Teach children to select antonyms, use suffixes in speech - ik, - isch;

Learn to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

Teach children to write a story about their city , develop attention and memory.

3) Educational activities in special moments. Tradition"Morning of joyful meetings". The children are greeted by a toy - Leopold the Cat. Asks children what country andcity ​​they live, what is their address, what interesting things do they have city.

Target : identifying children’s knowledge about their place of residence, forming primary value ideas about themselves and the social world around them.

4) Independent cognitive and research activities of children.

Board games

Looking at photographs of your loved one city , its attractions.


1). Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. D/i “Tell me about your native city: what is it like, the city of Zavolzhsk?”

Target : - learn to select definitions and form adjectives according to the model

2) Educational activities in restricted areas moments:

D/I “We are the builders of the city” (working with a contour map). Target : - familiarization with the contour map cities ;

Development of creative potential.

Progress of the game : - offer children on the map“build” a city and a stadium , locate the beach, wastewater treatment plants, - learn to place everything on the map using certain icons.

3) Working with parents: Consultation “Streets of the native city”.

Day 2

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. A story-conversation about the history of the origin of the native cities .

Target : - consolidate children’s knowledge about Zavolzhsk, - introduce them to the history of the origin of their nativecity ​​and its founder.

2. Cognitive - research. Educational game"Journey" .

Target : - using pictures to fix the names of the main attractions of our cities .

2) Educational activities in special moments

1. D/I “Fold the picture and name it”.

2. Cognitive and research(working with a contour map).

Target : - introduce children to the color scheme of the contour map, tell them that the colors on the map are plains (green, mountains (brown), rivers and reservoirs(blue).

3) GCD. Drawing "City" , in which I live. My house".

Target : - evoke in children’s memory pictures of their yard, home, immediate environment;

Encourage them to be conveyed using accessible means of expression(color - shape).


1). Educational activities in special moments. Conversation"Interesting corners of Rodny Cities " . Target :

Remember familiar places in your home cities why they are created;

Tell about those people who made the greatest contribution to the development of the native cities ;

Talk about the parks that are located near the kindergarten, after whom they are named.

2) Working with parents: Invite parents to visit the museum with their children.

Day 3

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities.

1. Problem situation"If you're lost in city, what should I do?

Target : - encourage children to speak out; - test children's knowledge of districts cities , your home address.

2. Cognitive - research. Drawing up a map of the street where our kindergarten is located.

2) Independent activity of children. Examination of the map - diagram cities (check the boxes for the most interesting places cities , places where children have already been).

3) GCD. Construction“The area where our kindergarten is located”.

Goals : - expand and clarify children’s ideas about the area in which their kindergarten is located; – learn to work collectively, discuss details of work; - develop imagination.


1) Role-playing game"Streets of my hometown". Target : - help children share group to the proposed streets with various gaming centers organized on them(hospital, store, pharmacy, police, post office, kindergarten);

Develop free communication with adults and children during the game

2) D/i "Lay down the monument".

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Children’s stories about interesting places cities , where they have already visited.

2. CHHL. Reading poems about native city.

2) Independent activity of children. Looking at books and photographs.

3) GCD. Cognition: "The history of the origin of the native cities " .

Goals : - consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city ; - introduce the history of origincity ​​and its founder; - cultivate interest in the history of their native land.


1) Cognitive - research“Compiling the Red Book of the Native Land”.

Target : - storytelling, showing illustrations of animals living in our area.

2) Conversation : “What interesting things did you see and remember when visiting the museum?

3) Drawing on a theme"Animals of the Native Land".

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about the number of streets cities and whose names the streets are named after.

Day 5

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities:

Compiling and guessing riddles on the topic"My favorite places in my city» .

2) Independent activity of children.

Cognitive - research. Looking at illustrations of our industrial facilities cities .


1) Educational fairy tale. Target : - listening to fairy tales and memorizing small genres of oral - folk art from the collection"In some kingdom".

2) Productive. Album making"My city " .

3) D/i "Guess where I am".

Project result:

Knowledge gained during project , helped to increase the importance of patriotic education of children and the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers. Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities . Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

All stages of the project went through different types of activities, a developmental, differentiated approach was used to each child. Parents and children presented very interesting information on the topic"Streets of our city" , accompanied their stories by showing photographs about their native city.

Prepared by: Belousova T.Yu.

Subject:"My city Kalininsk."

Program content: To form children's knowledge about their hometown. Foster a sense of pride, respect and love for the place where they live. Show children the location of the city of Kalininsk on the map Saratov region. Expand children's knowledge about the coat of arms, the symbol of our city. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the sights of our city.

Preliminary work: Excursions around your hometown, visits to the cinema, library, local history museum. Memorizing poems on this topic with children.

Material:Map of the Saratov region, photographs of the sights of the city of Kalininsk.

Progress of the lesson:Children enter, greet the guests, walk through and sit on chairs.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is “My hometown”. And today we will talk to you about our city and its attractions.

A child reads a poem :

Father's land! Native land

Expensive and lovely

Smells like fresh pine

Solar log houses.

Kvass fermented in a barrel,

The currants have bloomed

Each of us has

Little homeland.

What is the poem talking about? (about the Motherland).

Every person on earth has a homeland.

Guys, what do you think the Motherland is? Children's answers.

(where a person was born, lives, goes to kindergarten, to work; where his family and friends live; where is his home, street).

That’s right, our native land is near and dear to each of us. Knowing the history of your native land means loving the present, every day making your contribution to building a new life.

What is the name of our native land? (Saratov region).

What is the name of our city? (Kalininsk).

Guys, Kalininsk is a part of the Saratov region and our great Motherland– Russia.

Guys, look at the map of the Saratov region (show map):

Please note that our city of Kalininsk is indicated by just a small dot on the map.

Tell me guys, has our city always been called Kalininsky? (children's answers)

What was it called before? (Balanda)

Cities, like people, have their own history and biography. Every city has its own past. The village of Balanda was formed by settlers from the Kharkov and Chernigov provinces. In 1962 it received city status and the name Kalininsk.

Guys, why was the city called Kalininsky? (children's answers). Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin visited the village on July 20, 1919, spoke here at rallies in the railway depot and on the square.

Each city has its own symbol, coat of arms.

What is the coat of arms of the city of Kalininsk? What does it depict? (children's answers).

Three centuries ago, the area surrounding Balanda was completely different. The forest and lakes have still retained the names of the animals and birds that once lived: “Beaver Lake”, “Dudnikov Ravine”, “Lebedka”, the village “Lebyazhye”. The river was deeper and richer in water.

Guys, what is the name of the river on which our city stands? (children's answers).

The Balanda River provided good nesting conditions for birds such as swans and cranes. It is no coincidence that the city's coat of arms depicts swans. Throughout Russia and beyond its borders, the Kalinin coat of arms will now carry the message that this is a land of pure nature, where wild swans cannot be found.

Children read a poem.

Somehow in previous years

An old song sounded:

Oh, Balanda, you are Balanda,

What does fish river mean?

Residents, like everywhere else in Rus',

They glorified their river,

Bream, carp, crucian carp

They walked in the river in flocks.

In all houses in the evenings

They ate bread with an ear.

And they poured it to all the guests

Wonderful tea with oregano,

And after tea, as always

An old song sounded:

Oh, Balanda, you are Balanda,

What does fish river mean?

You and I went on a tour of our city Kalininsk. And now I invite you to go on an unusual journey through photographs and remember all the sights of our city.

But before you go, I suggest you relax a little and remember the rules of the road. Game: “Traffic light” Green - children walk, red - children stand, yellow - children clap their hands.

Where will we start our journey? (Children's answers: -Kindergarten Bell).

What street is it located on? (Children's answers).

Did you cross the bridge over the river? (Balanda). Show photo

Guys, look at the photo and tell me who the monument was erected to? (Children's answers) M.I. Kalinin.

Tell the guys where in our city children and adults can watch movies, cartoons (children’s answers), show photos.

Our city also has a central square (show photo). What building is located on the square? (children's answers). Administration.

There is also a monument to V.I. Lenin and a regional stand of honor.

Guys, think and tell me, where do the children study? (children's answers) show photo.

Well done!

Guys, I want to draw your attention to this photo (show photo). What is shown here? (children's answers). At the entrance to the park we walk along the Alley of Heroes. Here you can read the names of the heroes-compatriots who accomplished feats during the Great Patriotic War.

Guys, do you know where in our city you can meet rare books or take books home to read? (children's answers) show photo.

Well done, you know - this is the central children's library named after. M.N. Alekseeva.

There is also a school in our city where children learn to draw. What is it called? (children's answers). But this building contains not only art school. What else? (children's answers). What do children learn here? (children's answers).

Pay your attention to the following photo. What is this? (children's answers). What new and interesting things did you learn by visiting the museum? (children's answers).

Guys, tell me where amateur art shows and other performances by children's groups take place? (children's answers) show photo. What else often happens there? (children's answers). Circus performers come to perform.

We have a monument in our city (show photo). What is it called? (children's answers). Oath. In whose honor was this monument erected? (children's answers).

An eternal flame burns at the monument in memory of the soldiers killed in the war. Every year on May 9, “Victory Day,” people bring flowers to the monument and thank the heroes for the liberation of our Motherland.

Now let's go to our places.

Tell me guys, what is the name of the central street of our city? (children's answers).

Well you know that. Let's check how you know your home address (I throw a ball to the child, and in response he gives his home address). Children sit on chairs to remind about posture.

Guys, today we talked about the past of our city and the present, and now I invite you to dream and imagine the future of our city of Kalininsk. How would you like to see it (children's answers).

Children read poems:

May my Fatherland be great

And there are many paths in it - roads,

But I love my native Kalininsk,

Russia is a quiet corner.

Kalininsk, our Kalininsk

Blooming grain land,

Kalininsk, our Kalininsk,

Live and prosper.

Dear Guys! Let's try to make our hometown clean and beautiful and wish it prosperity and prosperity. Together with him we will meet sunrises and sunsets, be sad and rejoice. He is our small but beloved Motherland.

Guys, tell me, what did we talk about in class today? (children's answers).

What sights do you remember?

Well done, you worked well today, answered questions, I really enjoyed it.

Did you like our lesson? (children's answers).