For a long time known fact that the shape of a person's nose can tell some of a person's traits.

There are a great variety of nose shapes, but there are eight main types:


The Nubian nose is distinguished by its length. The back of such a nose is almost straight, and the tip is directed downward. People with this form are often curious and very optimistic. "Nubians" try very hard to help others, to create for those around them ideal conditions. Many people like people with Nubian noses; they will always find a solution to any problem.


This name came about as a result of observing Greek ancient sculptures. Greek nose very narrow, long and straight. "Greeks" do not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and loyal to their loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.


Many people compare this nose shape to a bird's beak. Its back is curved and its tip is directed downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They are passionate about defending their principles, risking everything to achieve their own goals.


This type of nose is very similar to a hook nose, but its tip is even more pointed. People with such noses are brilliant organizers. They are always honest and responsible in their work, and always systematically achieve the necessary goals.


This nose is quite small and graceful, slightly snub-nosed. Its form is quite common. Owners of such a nose are very spontaneous in their decisions, which sometimes displeases others. These people have a very strong and cocky character, they immediately move from talk to action. They almost always try to get what they want.


This nose is very common in Asia. Its shape is almost perfectly straight, slightly flat. The tip is rounded and the nostrils are quite wide. Such people have a very strong character. They are very cunning, secretive, passionate and temperamental, usually hiding their thoughts and grievances within themselves and under external goodwill. It is very easy to provoke the anger of people with straight noses. It is very dangerous to have such people as your enemies.


This type of nose has a small bump on the back. This form is not very common; it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with such a nose are distinguished by their friendliness, isolation, generosity, and desire to solve the problems of others. Owners of this form are very sensitive, they are easily offended or offended, but usually few people know about it.


The name is not the most pleasant. However, the character of such people very often turns out to be soft and loving. The back of such a nose is curved and the tip is rounded. "Bow-nosed" are very concentrated on what they are doing in the moment. They are excellent listeners, protectors, best friends and partners.

A little physiognomy

Pay attention to the lower part of the face. Ancient Chinese physiognomists believed that the lower part of the face is associated with health, and also talks about a person’s practicality and his ability to achieve material wealth.


If lips fleshy, full, with softly rounded upper corners, before you is ambitious, serious and clever man. People with such lips usually live to a ripe old age in perfect health, have developed intelligence, a soft and delicate character, but not without a certain firmness, and are capable of achieving considerable success in life.

Lips medium full, elongated, with raised corners testify to the intelligence of their owner. Such people perfectly assimilate everything new and are able to cope perfectly with the most complex work, which helps them reach career heights.

Holders thin lips with stretched corners They love to gossip and slander.

Soft, relaxed lips indicate that their owners are modest people, reliable and able to keep secrets. They are loyal and firm in their beliefs.

Enough full lips, elastic, but with transverse wrinkles- a sign of calm, pragmatic people. However, they are prone to pessimism and disappointment.


The nose allows you to learn about a person’s mental abilities and his emotional characteristics.

The straight nose is quite large compared to the rest of the facial features- a sign of an honest and fair person. The owners of such a nose are noble and generous, capable of achieving great success in a career.

Those who have a nose fleshy rounded tip, have an extraordinary mind and are able to make mature, informed decisions in critical situations.

Potato nose- a sign of a generally harmonious person, but prone to making rash decisions.

Sharp spout have those whose character contains such qualities as prudence and tolerance, extraordinary efficiency and hard work. These people are pragmatists.

Greek nose (straight with a hump) indicates loyalty and moderate views. People with such a nose quickly find mutual language with almost everyone and are good listeners. They are self-sufficient, but this quality is based on pure selfishness. They are never bored when alone with themselves.

Roman nose resembling an eagle's beak, is a sign of an aggressive and risky character. Often the owners of such noses are adventurers and adventurers.

A nose that forms one straight line with the forehead, indicates a weak, indecisive character, a tendency to make irreparable mistakes and strong suggestibility. Persuading such a person to do anything is a piece of cake.

Eye shape

It can also tell you a lot of interesting things about the character of your interlocutor. Pay attention to the position of the iris relative to the eyelids, as well as its color.

When the iris is surrounded on three sides by a white field and only on one side is pressed against the lower eyelid, this indicates that a person with such eyes is devoid of sentimentality, loves to slander and loves to spread gossip. In addition, he always has a personal opinion on any matter and his conceit is higher than his real merits.

Those who have the iris is pressed to upper eyelid , and is surrounded on the other sides by a white field, they do not have the habit of showing kind feelings towards others. Women with such eyes, due to their bitchy nature, are rarely happy in their personal lives.

Holders "bulging" eyes(the iris is located exactly in the middle of the eye and is surrounded on all sides by a white field) often suffer from their irritable nature, do not know how to show sympathy and respect even for loved ones, and often have a hypersexual temperament.

"Cat's eyes- large, wide-open, shiny and bright - indicate willpower and decisive character, courageous and honest. People with such eyes are usually distinguished by their honesty and perseverance in achieving their goals.

"Eyes of an Eagle"- dark, with a golden tint; the iris touches both the upper and lower eyelids; brilliant and glowing with the mind - speak of poise and calm. The harmonious nature of people with such eyes allows them to avoid conflicts out of nowhere and implement grandiose plans.

Eyes whose irises are a mixture of colors and shades, most often belong to people who are not particularly cordial, but, nevertheless, friendly and faithful. They do not wish harm to anyone, but they can harm someone unknowingly.

Happy owners large and round eyes, with corners raised to the temples, and with wrinkles at the corners, with iris bright color and slightly bluish sclera, they are distinguished by a joyful and light character, loved by everyone and pleasant to everyone. They are cordial and unobtrusive, always ready to help and selflessly arrange the fate of others.

AIF. RU thanks for the provided excerpt.

There is such a science - physiognomy, which determines the character of a person by his appearance. Some people believe in it unconditionally, others are prejudiced. But do not forget that it arose back in ancient times and absorbed practical experience not one thousand years. But it is somehow undignified to ignore information based on experience. There is definitely some truth in them. And how big it is is up to you to judge.

Let's talk today about one of the outstanding (literally and figuratively) human organs - the nose.

Let's start with the fair half!

So, straight and classic The organ of smell in women indicates not only that its owner is a beauty (as well as everyone else - I think so!). Such a nose betrays a lady who is quite reserved in her feelings (but this is already a rarity), often even cold. But she is hardworking, persistent and persistent, it is difficult to confuse her, and the noodles simply do not stay on her ears - breathe evenly, dear men!

They also love to take care of themselves, sparing no expense, which is why they are highly respected by professionals from beauty salons.

Snub-nosed girls are just charming! Optimistic, good-natured, sympathetic, feeling the pain of others - this is a real type of woman. They are quite energetic, with a developed imagination, which is why they can get involved in dubious adventures - both in everyday life and in love.

Snub-nosed beauties attract the opposite sex with their fun, sometimes overflowing, carefree disposition. They can hardly be called very responsible, and, unfortunately, permanent in relationships. However, natural femininity magnetically attracts men to them, and I must admit, for good reason!

or a lady’s nose that is somewhat large, straight and with a hump in the middle indicates a strong character and beautiful analytic skills. This is the type of businesswoman - aristocratic, sophisticated, self-confident.

In addition to business, such women choose politics, exact sciences, and they make excellent chess players. It is difficult to anger them, and their natural ambition does not allow them to bow even under the strongest blows of fate. Who will be the leader in her family is a virtually non-discussable question.

If we briefly characterize women with rare for this sex eagle nose - more than anything in the world they love the person who looks at them from the mirror. These are memorable, self-sufficient ladies who have adopted the motto “Life is given only once”!

They care little about the opinions of others, whom they look down on a little. They differ in temperament - in in the best sense this word. Having met such a woman, a man rarely breaks up with her.

Nose potatoes, so often found especially in the Russian outback, belongs to ladies who stand firmly on their feet, are prudent, quick-witted, and endowed with a remarkable mind. If they have already taken on something, they will go to the end, walk through the walls, and enter a burning hut without hesitation. And at a gallop they will stop not only a horse - a whole herd!

Great mothers and wives, good friends, but sometimes they are too harsh - they can cut the truth!

Ladies with wide, with a slightly flattened nose, the African type looks somewhat exotic in our country. These are exceptionally passionate, addicted natures - men go crazy about them! With just their disarming smile, they bring confusion into fragile men’s hearts... and how convincingly they can express their thoughts! True, very often - in the form of fairy tales.

Persistent, persistently pursuing a career and not overly burdening themselves with household chores. But in their tender fists there is always a piece of a feather - from the Firebird, of course.

Let's move on now to the stronger sex

Owners of a nose with hump– are arrogant and do not like to take into account other people’s opinions. At the same time, they do not have a large arsenal of means to achieve their goals: their element is a dashing artillery attack.

Constancy and commitment are not the most strengths character of such a man, but with one caveat: until he meets the one for whom he is ready to sacrifice his freedom!

The “Romans” are not much different from such men. Holders Roman noses are also somewhat arrogant, even arrogant and very conservative. They prefer to dominate in any relationship, sometimes they can show aggression. Paradoxical as it may seem, for a smart woman to wrap such a type around her finger is not particularly difficult.

If you prefer soft, kind, easy-going comrades, look for them among those with noses potatoes. Absolutely non-conflict, sometimes shy, often religious people.

A woman's favorite item of clothing for them is a certain part of her shoes. You understood me correctly. A real find for ladies who are not inclined to compromise. Yes, I almost forgot: in bed they prefer to work as “number two” and unquestioningly obey their other half.

men are generally energetic and love to live life to the fullest. They are great lovers of life, and their temperament sometimes goes over the edge. Despite their temper and sometimes excessive harshness, their natural intelligence almost always restrains them from rash actions. And the snub-nosed organ of smell can smell profit a mile away!

Owners are even more hot-tempered eagle profile. In addition, they are quite vindictive towards their offenders. And these comrades, rare in our country, are distinguished by their prudence and stinginess, they love money, and this love is almost always mutual. They have a stormy temperament that does not respect boundaries.

Men with thin and with a nose pointed towards the bottom, they have a delicate, vulnerable, even capricious nature. It’s easy to offend them, it’s not even difficult to squeeze out a tear from them. IN family life They are distinguished by reliability and constancy, they love children very much.

Men with short nose belong to the category of “eternal students”. They have inexhaustible optimism, are sociable, cheerful, and are the soul of any company. Even at 50-60 years old, they look almost the same as at 30. It’s difficult to call them careerists, but they are very attached to their family.

Owners direct noses are honest, obliging, have an even character, and are quite energetic. They have a penchant for financial transactions.

And finally fleshy the nose is a sign of a person who is successful in all respects: love, career, business - they easily achieve their goals in everything. They are thorough and economical, have a good sense of humor. In a word, the ladies are delighted with these!

With this, let me bow out. Don’t blame me if someone didn’t see themselves here from the most attractive side. Look at life with humor!

A person's appearance can tell a lot about him. For example, it is well known that eyes reflect the state of mind, mood, inner world personality. What can a person’s nose tell about a person’s character? It turns out a lot.

Four typical nose sizes

There are many types of noses. One of the criteria for their characteristics is size. Noses range in size from large to small and long to short.

  • So, a person with a big big nose usually self-confident, selfish and passionate. He prefers to lead and command, and act independently.
  • At the owner's small nose has little patience and gets frustrated easily, but loves to play in a team, help out, and solve problems creatively.
  • A long nose indicates that its owner is ambitious and businesslike, capable of raising and resolving the most complex tasks and problems.
  • People with short noses they do not like to lead, they are more driven than proactive, but they are loved for their emotionality, kindness and sensitivity.

Nose shape: there are eight main shapes of the nose structure

Maybe you should approach the mirror and, by examining your nose, learn something new about yourself?

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our inner world.

Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir from David Ben-Gurion University of the Negev conducted an interesting study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

It turns out that you can identify eight main shapes of noses, and depending on this, you can learn the main character traits of a person.

Nubian nose

A long nose with a downward pointing tip is called Nubian. People with this nose shape are usually friendly and sociable. They are inquisitive and always strive to learn something new.

Greek nose

The Greek name for a straight narrow nose, which can be seen on antique statues. People with such noses are mostly practical people. The main feature Their character is loyalty. True, winning the favor of such a person is not so easy - they are very critical in choosing friends. But for the sake of their loved ones, they are ready to do anything.

Hooked nose

A curved nose, reminiscent of a bird's beak in shape, indicates a person's great creative potential. People with this nose shape are inventive and talented, and also fanatically devoted to their favorite work.

Arched nose

If the nose is not only curved, but also has a pointed tip, this indicates the person’s extraordinary organizational abilities. Such people are very honest and responsible; you can always rely on them in difficult times.

Button nose

Those with a small upturned nose are famous for their eccentricity. They like to act spontaneously, and in life they often rely on chance. In addition, owners of button noses do not like unnecessary conversations and immediately move from words to action.

Straight nose

A straight nose with a rounded tip indicates strong character its owner. Such people are very bright personalities. They are passionate and temperamental. They are easily pissed off, but just as quickly they forget about all troubles and forgive offenders.

Aquiline nose

A slightly concave nose with a pronounced hump on the bridge of the nose indicates a person’s generosity. Such people are very sensual. You should be careful when talking to them, as they are easy to offend.

Crooked nose

Although a crooked nose is considered unattractive, its owners are... nice people. They are kind and sympathetic. They are also excellent listeners, always ready to delve into a problem and help with practical advice.