New interest in the personal life of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya aroused last news about the actress's trip with her lover to warmer climes. Reason for divorce star couple in 2014, the director became fascinated with a new passion - writer and journalist Margarita Simonyan. After the publication of a photo taken at her former mother-in-law’s birthday on January 28, 2018, the Internet was filled with admiring comments from fans of the actress about her friendship with her ex-husband’s new passion.

The dignified behavior of a woman who lived with a man for more than twenty years and managed to maintain honor and dignity after he left for his rival, increased the army of supporters of Khmelnitskaya’s talent several times.

About children, ex-wife and loneliness

As she said in an interview with glossy publications, their separation from Tigran Keosayan had been brewing for a long time and she considers the reason for the divorce to be the mutual distance that arose in the couple.

According to the actress, she is also indirectly to blame for the cooling of her husband’s feelings - after the birth of her second daughter, Khmelnitskaya plunged into caring for the baby with such enthusiasm that she forgot about everything in the world.

Khmelnitskaya’s parents have lived in Berlin for a long time; they are still in demand in their profession and spend a lot of time working with ballet dancers, new productions, and developing projects.

Therefore, Alena’s mother could not warn the woman against being completely infatuated with her second child. By the time Ksyusha was born, the eldest daughter Alexandra was already building own relationships with this world - she studied in the USA.

As the actress says, the departure of her eldest child was a great stress for her, and the news of pregnancy became a true salvation from loneliness in an empty house.

By the way, Sasha and mom were with Alena at recent months pregnancy of the actress - a 38-year-old woman gave birth under close attention French doctor in Nice on Cote d'Azur, for which Khmelnitskaya is incredibly grateful to her husband.

Keosayan was always an excellent owner, he knew how not only to love his “girls,” but also to provide them with a more than comfortable existence.

Tigran’s departure for another woman, according to Khmelnitskaya, did not pull the rug out from under her feet. The woman is grateful to him for 21 happy years family life and for the many roles played in his films. In addition, the actress is in demand in the professional sphere and tries to devote a lot of time to her youngest daughter.

According to Alena, Ksyusha is a very inquisitive child, with her own difficult character and an endless flow of energy.

Her mother has to guide her - other people find it difficult to cope with a child who is too independent and restless.

Even the father does not have unquestionable authority over the youngest daughter; the girl does not want to obey him.

Only Alena manages to cope with Ksyusha - Khmelnitskaya, with her inherent wisdom and patience, skillfully manages the aspirations of the little dictator, independently selects developmental classes for her daughter and supervises their attendance.

Although there is no need to force Ksyusha to do anything - her parents listen sensitively to her tastes and preferences, trying not to miss the spark of talent.

Who is Margarita Simonyan

As the mother of two children says, the initiator of the relationship was Tigran Keosayan, who wrote her a message on Facebook.

Margarita herself did not believe in such luck - numerous stories about fake heroes and Internet scammers made her wary of the manifestation of stellar attention through the World Wide Web.

According to Simonyan, the director accidentally heard a program about a young writer and wanted to support her. And so it turned out that after lunch at the restaurant, the couple had a lot in common in their views on creativity, family and their own future.

As the journalist said in an interview with a glossy magazine, she never wanted to get married. In her understanding and in her childhood memories, marriage remained a terrible ordeal for a woman who exchanged for Wedding Dress all life.

There were fleeting romances with a common life and indoor flowers, but she did not want to turn into a downtrodden creature serving a man.

She had huge ambitions and a desire to do what she loved in her beloved homeland - Margarita is an absolute patriot of Russia.

Even as a child, she could have become an American citizen, but she refused, deciding for herself absolutely that she would only be comfortable here.

This was the case before the appearance of the young writer Tigran Keosayan in her life. Margarita did not want to become the reason for the director’s divorce from Alena Khmelnitskaya.

If her desire for independence had frightened the man, she would not have insisted on continuing the relationship - the woman had been the head of one of the branches of the central media holding in Russia for many years and was accustomed to difficulties.

Margarita was very worried that the press called her a homewrecker - the beautiful television couple Khmelnitskaya-Keosyan was considered one of the most stable in the world of the film industry.

Simonyan says that Tigran left them for Alena common Home and every day he came to Barvikha so that his daughter Ksyusha would not feel deprived of her father’s attention.

If a man did not want to go to these morning meetings because of fatigue, the journalist woke him up and insisted on continuing the daily ritual until her new man appeared at Khmelnitskaya’s.

First wife, second wife...

Khmelnitskaya was the first to put an end to the gossip. She invited her ex-husband to her youngest daughter's birthday party along with his new family– Margarita, Bagran and Maryana.

Simonyan did not believe her husband; in a telephone message she asked the actress if it was true.

Alena, in her usual manner, replied that they had nothing to share and should all come to the holiday together.

The result of the joint meeting was an intimate conversation until the morning. Both women are delighted with each other; no one knows how sincere these feelings are. However, there was no stormy showdown.

As Margarita said, she was delighted with Alena and was very glad that there was no need to share anything - Khmelnitskaya was happy, Keosayan was happy and Simonyan was incredibly happy.

When journalists ask Alena Khmelnitskaya why she so openly expresses sympathy for her ex-husband’s new wife, the actress replies that she and Tigran will still remain family – for so many years joint relations impossible to cross out.

And now they the main objective- to make friends with children, because they are all brothers and sisters; the ambitions of adults against this background should fade into the shadows.

The task of adults is to create an atmosphere of love and joy for children; quarrels and showdowns should be put aside so that in the future children can find their happiness in life.

No matter how painful the reason for the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was, it should not affect the younger generation.

On New Year's Eve 2018, the series “Actress” was aired, filmed based on Simonyan’s script by her beloved man and the father of her illegitimate children.

It turns out that Margarita is one of the most influential women world according to Forbes in 2017.

TASS/Samolygo Yuri

She was born in the capital, in a family of soloists of the Bolshoi Theater. Childhood behind the scenes provided special treatment to ballet: the magic that happens on stage has become ordinary for her. Looking at her parents, the girl understood that ballet was a lot of work and endless exhausting tours, and not magic. As a child, they did not understand that their parents were creating the history of Russian culture, and Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya, who dropped in for dinner, was a living legend. However, Alena also had thoughts of continuing the dynasty - the family discussed the issue of entering a choreographic school. But fate itself decreed otherwise.

Khmelnitskaya’s mother, growing up, decided to continue her career on stage, but in a new role. She tried herself as a director while studying to become a choreographer. One of the performances where Valentina Savina was the assistant director for choreography was the musical “Juno and Avos”. My mother took her 10-year-old daughter with her to the rehearsal.

The backstage of the drama theater became a real discovery for Alena. Immersed in this atmosphere, she could no longer imagine life without the theatrical stage. Her parents assessed her chances of entering the theater school as high, but did not draw hasty conclusions. First we had to finish school - Alena studied at a school with a French bias.

At 12, the young girl was cast in Alexander Belinsky’s film “Carambolina-Caramboletta” and was also able to feel the atmosphere film set. But even then final decision she didn't accept. Along with her passion for theater and cinema, she continued to practice rhythmic gymnastics and even attended courses at Surikovka.

When Alena turned 15, her parents, who by that time had become respected teachers and choreographers, made an offer to work in London. Reasonably reasoning that their daughter was already quite an adult, they agreed. Therefore, Khmelnitskaya finished school without strict supervision.


Carambolina-caramboletta (1983)

During the same period, real novels appeared in the life of the grown-up bohemian representative of the capital's golden youth. The first love of the young beauty is called Andrei Dellos, an artist and Moscow restaurateur. According to rumors, after their parents left, they even moved in with Alena and lived in the same apartment. She sincerely fell in love with an impressive man, but he understood perfectly well that Khmalnitskaya was too young and she still had everything ahead of her.

Having met a charming French woman, the young man fell madly in love. Soon he broke up with Alena, and new passion proposed and, having signed, the newlyweds left for the bride’s home country.

Khmelnitskaya did not grieve for long. The future actress, who often visited her parents in England, began a long-distance relationship with Yegor Konchalovsky, who was studying in the UK. But they too soon ended. Calm and reasonable Alena wanted bright impressions, so her next chosen one was the young and unknown actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

In the meantime, the time has come to act. Khmelnitskaya passed all the auditions at three universities - the Shchukin School, GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. All that remains is to choose which acting school will become her alma mater. I consulted with my parents and friends from the same environment and chose the Moscow Art Theater.


Date House (1991)

Despite the difficult 90s for cinema, the experienced student - at the time of admission she had already starred in three films - was invited to small roles. But the real success was the role of Leoncia Solano in the film “Hearts of Three,” which became truly cult in our country. Of course, Alena instantly became famous.

At that time, she already had the recognition of theatergoers - back in 1990, Khmelnitskaya was invited to play Conchita in the same “Juno and Avos”, which once charmed a very young, dreamy girl, in Lenkom. She remained in the theater until Alena’s daughter was born.

The actress says that she always wanted to become a mother. When she finished school, she probably knew two things: that she would definitely go to theater school and that she would give birth to a child. When, while still at the university, her friend Katya Semenova was the first to get married and have offspring, Alena loved to tinker with the born Nikita and even became his godmother. But for a long time she herself had no idea from whom she would give birth to her baby.


The actress says that her now ex-husband, director Tigran Keosayan, is still affectionately written “Tigrash” in her phone. They remained friends after the divorce, and now they are friends with his second wife. Their marriage, according to the actress, simply outlived its usefulness, and at the time of the official dissolution of the relationship, they had not lived together for a year and a half. But remembering all the years spent together, Khmelnitskaya assures that she would not throw away a single minute from them.

Their romance began calmly. At first they talked and were friends, then suddenly they moved in together. A few months later we went to Alena’s parents in Europe, where they were working at the time. Keosayan beautifully asked for her hand in marriage, they agreed and upon arrival in Moscow, the couple was legally married.

A year later, their first daughter Sasha appeared, and a year later both young parents felt the burden of their chosen profession. The 90s went by, very few films were made, and the theater paid pennies. Khmelnitskaya was even forced to leave Lenkom and try her luck in entrepreneurship - she became the director of a boutique. But it didn’t take long to “spin.”

In 1997, Keosayan filmed “Poor Sasha”, two years later another hit was released - “The President and His Granddaughter”, and later - again an accurate shot - the audience received "Silver Lily of the Valley" with a bang. Money appeared in the family, and Alena returned to the set.

It should be noted that her husband did not star in all films. But the incomparable dramatic Irma performed by Khmelnitskaya in “Silver Lily of the Valley” became one of the favorite almost negative heroines of the early two thousandths. Her next success was Tatyana Panchenko in “Ondine,” and Alice from the lyrical melodrama “Three Half-Graces” consolidated her success.

She did not act only in 2009, when she and her husband began hosting the program “You and Me,” and for part of that year she was pregnant with her second daughter, Ksyusha. She returned to work immediately after giving birth, already in 2010, and a year and a half later secular news exploded with the news of the divorce of Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan.


Joys and sorrows little lord (2003)

She admits that at the time of the official separation they no longer lived together. We parted ways without regrets and mutual grievances. Their children receive no less love and care than before, and their daughters have a new brother and sister from Tigran’s second marriage.

Another project in which Khmelnitskaya blossomed again - the musical “Cinderella”, was released in 2016. In it, the actress played the role of a stepmother. Sharing her impressions of this work, the enthusiastic actress whispered to reporters that she wouldn’t trade her stepmother even for Cinderella herself!

At the premiere she was caught for the first time with a new gentleman - businessman Alexander Sinyushin. Alena just smiled in response to tricky questions, however, clarifying that there really is some kind of relationship between her and Alexander. In the spring of 2017, the lovers moved in together, and in the winter of 2018, Khmelnitskaya’s chosen one said that he was able to establish excellent relations with youngest daughter actress Ksenia.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

Alena Khmelnitskaya And Tigran Keosayan for 21 years were considered one of the happiest and harmonious couples Russian show business. But three years ago the couple divorced, and the director very quickly married Margarita Simonyan, with whom he began a relationship much earlier.

Keosayan has two children with his second wife, and the eldest daughter was born before his divorce from the actress.

46-year-old Khmelnitskaya does not like to discuss her personal life with journalists, but recently lifted the veil of secrecy in the “Once Upon a Time” program with Sergei Mayorov. Alena said that she maintains an even relationship with Tigran. They parted without scandals, but did not remain friends - communication consists of rare calls and meetings.

A post shared by Sarah Pacini Moscow(@sarahpacini_moscow) on Nov 28, 2017 at 3:24am PST

Eldest daughter Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan, 23-year-old Alexandra, lives in the USA. She became a director and makes short films. Now Alexandra has come to visit her mother and younger sister in Russia. Seven-year-old Ksenia lives with Alena, who devotes all her free time to her daughter.

Alexandra was the first to learn about her parents’ planned divorce.

Alena recalls: “Tigran then wanted to go to America and tell her eye to eye. But I rejected such an idea, after all, she is a dear person to me, the closest. I couldn’t hide such news from Sasha for long. So we called and said everything over the phone... Sasha still saw what she was getting into, the divorce had been brewing for a long time. However, she was hopeful and so the news came as a shock.”

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Alena Alexandrovna Khmelnitskaya. Born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema

The parents of the future actress were ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theater and toured extensively throughout Europe.

She was only child in the family, and late at that. “My parents decided on me at the age of 30. But most importantly, they raised me with their by example. You can tell anything you want, but live it completely differently. I saw their attitude towards each other, life, work. They are workaholics and still work, which makes me incredibly happy. I watched, I studied, I was educated,” said the actress.

Already at the age of 10, Alena decided that she would become an actress - when her mother, a ballet dancer, was invited to work on the production of “Juno and Avos” as a choreographer. The girl did not miss a single rehearsal of the now iconic performance, as well as a single premiere of the Lenkom Theater.

In 1990-1994 - actress of the Moscow Lenkom Theater.

Having entered the Moscow Art Theater School (workshop of I.M. Tarkhanov), Alena Khmelnitskaya returned to Lenkom in her second year.

Staged "Juno and Avos" the young actress was entrusted with the role of Conchita.

Alena played another role in the equally famous “Funeral Prayer.”

In 1992, Alena Khmelnitskaya completed her studies and continued working at Lenkom. She performed on his stage until 1994.

Alena Khmelnitskaya first appeared in films at the age of 12. She played the granddaughter in the concert film directed by Alexander Belinsky “Carambolina-karamboletta”.

The actress became widely famous after the release of adventure films in 1992-93. "Hearts of Three" And "Hearts of Three-2".

Many films with her participation were released, shot by her film director husband Tigran Keosayan: “Silver Lily of the Valley”, “The President and His Granddaughter”, “ Men's work", "Poor Sasha." I am also remembered for the films “A Christmas Tale”, television series: “Empire Under Attack”, “Turkish March”, “Stop on Demand - 2”, “Indian Summer” and many others.

Since 1994, she has hosted the TV show “Morning Mail”.

In 2009, she hosted the talk show “You and Me” together with Tigran Keosayan on the Rossiya TV channel.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya:

She had her first serious romance at the age of fifteen. She fell in love with Andrei Dellos, best friend Valeria Zolotukhin. He was sixteen years older than Khmelnitskaya, but this did not stop her, and Alena almost immediately began living with him in her apartment as a de facto marriage.

However, the wedding did not come to fruition - Dellos emigrated to France, where he married a rich French woman.

Andrey Dellos - former common law husband Alena Khmelnitskaya

Then she had a relationship with Andron Konchalovsky’s son Yegor (future husband of Lyubov Tolkalina). This romance was complicated by the fact that he lived in England, and Alena in Moscow.

The marriage produced two daughters: Alexandra (born in 1994) and Ksenia (born in 2010).

In 2013, Tigran left his family for the sake of journalist Margarita Simonyan. In August 2014, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan officially divorced.

Subsequently, the actress appeared more than once at social events with the PR director of Megafon, Pyotr Lidov, but things never came to marriage.

In October 2016, it became known that the artist new chosen one- businessman Alexander Sinyushin. He owns a company that rents sound and lighting equipment.

It is known that Khmelnitskaya introduced Alexander to her parents. At the premiere of the musical “Cinderella,” where Khmelnitskaya plays the role of the Stepmother, Sinyushin sat in the auditorium next to Alena’s parents, who flew from Europe especially for this performance.

“Yes, Sasha and I are dating. However, for now that’s all I’m ready to talk about out loud. We don’t need any kind of publicity,” the artist told reporters.

"To a strong woman it’s hard to find a partner,” says Alena Khmelnitskaya.

Filmography of Alena Khmelnitskaya:

1983 - Carambolina-caramboletta - granddaughter
1986 - Courier - girl at a party
1987 - Corral
1991 - Date House - Natalia Sokolova
1991 - The Tale of a Merchant's Daughter and a Mysterious Flower - The Prophet
1992 - Arbiter - Anna
1992 - Hearts of Three - Leoncia Solano
1992 - Hearts of Three 2 - Leoncia Solano
1992 - Murder at Sunshine Manor - Miss Marlborough
1993 - Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant - Marina
1996 - Funny things - family matters
1999 - Directory of Death - Milinda Zaslavskaya
1999 - The President and his granddaughter - Alice
2000 - Game of Love - Larisa
2000 - Silver lily of the valley - Irma
2000 - Turkish March - Elena
2000 - Christmas mystery - Anna
2001 - Men's work - Natalya Smirnova
2001 - Stop on demand 2 - Vera
2002 - Men's work 2 - Natalya Smirnova
2002 - Russian Amazons - Galina
2003 - The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord - Minna
2003 - Russian Amazons 2 - Galina
2003 - Ondine - Tatyana Panchenko
2004 - Silver Lily of the Valley 2 - Irma
2004 - Ondine 2. On the crest of a wave - Tatyana Panchenko
2005 - The most beautiful - Nonna
2006 - Hare over the abyss - Rada
2006 - Who's the boss? - Lisa
2006 - Petya the Magnificent - Veronica Streletskaya
2006 - Three Half-Graces - Alice
2007 - Love on a knife's edge - Tamara Khlebnikova
2007 - Paid by death - Anne Camus / Agnez / Emma Kamm
2007 - Detective Putilin - Polonsky’s wife
2008 - Mirage - Valeria Mikhailovna Chernysheva
2008 - Do not renounce loving... - Natasha
2008 - The most beautiful 2 - Nonna
2010 - Man in the Frame
2010 - Lawyers - Polina Morozova
2011 - Chiropractor - Lina Madueva
2011 - Black Wolves - Larisa Markovna Klimenko
2011 - Yalta-45 - Nina
2012 - Sergey Zhigunov. Now I know what love is
2012 - Who, if not me? - Ella Florenskaya
2012 - Oasis of Love - Svetlana
2012 - God has his own plans - Alice Fox
2013 - Fatal inheritance - Larisa Mikhailovna Tursunova
2014 - Fashion model - Violetta Arkadyevna
2015 - Three happy women - Milena
2015 - The Mystery of the Idol - Mura Alycheva
2016 - The key to his heart - Natalya, Dasha’s mother
2017 - Crime - Natalya Sonina, Tanya’s aunt

The actress spoke about the new chosen one, about friendly relations with ex-husband and his wife, about what her children are doing.

Several years ago, a seemingly ideal couple in every sense - Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya - broke up, although they had been together for about twenty years.

And the beginning of everything for Alena was “Juno” and “Avos” in “Lenkom”. She, in fact, grew up watching this performance, since her mother worked on it as a second choreographer at the invitation of Vladimir Vasiliev. Alena was at all rehearsals and then sat in the orchestra pit at every performance. And in fact, it was because of “Juno” that I decided to enroll in the acting department.
So Khmelnitskaya was happy when she got into Juno and Lenkom, although she was torn between rehearsals and sessions. She had two lives: one as a student, and the second as an adult, as an actor. In her fourth year, she didn’t even audition for other theaters, because she was already in Lenkom.

In addition, then Alena began to actively act in film. She met Tigran immediately after college, and at twenty-two she was already married. Soon she became pregnant. Sasha left the theater.

From the very beginning, everything with Tigran was serious, but at the same time fun and frivolous, without any global problems about this. They immediately began to discuss the wedding, how it would happen.
Tigran worked a lot and was full of all sorts of plans. And most importantly, I am absolutely sure that everything will be fine - both in the profession and in everything else. Alena understood that he was certainly responsible, reliable, and knew what family meant to him.

Alena really wanted a child. Sasha’s birth was absolutely organic; Alena doesn’t know how she even lived without her. A year after the birth of her daughter, Khmelnitskaya became the manager of the boutique. The actress viewed the boutique solely from the point of view of her fantasies, a cinematic idea of ​​what a pleasant thing it is to make fashionable clothes. She thought that she could make a cool businesswoman, and when Tigran starts making films, she will play for him.

The boutique existed for three years, but Alena only received pleasure when they brought new collection, hung it out - and people started buying. She earned something, but call it successful activities it was impossible. Then Tigran began making films. And for Alena, it all really started with “Silver Lily of the Valley,” which she loves very much.

But Sasha did not choose the acting profession, she preferred film directing, because she does not have an acting essence and absolutely not an acting brain, her mother believes. In May she finishes her studies at the directing and producing department in the USA. When Sasha turned sixteen, she went to get a diploma from an American school in England. Just then Ksyusha was born. By that time, Sasha had already decided that she wanted to become a film director, and everyone was ready for her to go abroad. Sasha taught English language, which she did very successfully, in addition to this, she graduated from a German school, where French was the second language.

When Sasha left, Alena felt incredibly lonely, because they were really in last years were very close to her, especially that year when Alena was pregnant. They lived together in Nice before and after Ksyusha’s birth. Sasha took care of her mother there and went with her to the hospital when the time came.

After Ksyusha’s birth, Alena says, she did not feel any return to youth. Alena began acting when Ksyusha was six months old, although she did not have a strong desire to work.

Both are always to blame for a breakup, says Alena. And their separation did not come as a surprise to any of them. They had crises and difficult stages in their work and personal relationships.

Ksyusha is a complete joy, says Alena, and she gives her a lot of strength. Every weekend she goes to her dad and has great communication with her sister and brother there. Therefore, they are in complete harmony. Alena talks with Tigran Keosayan’s new wife Margarita Simonyan. They go to each other's children's birthday parties.

Alena considers herself a self-sufficient person and does not think that if she is alone, she is not successful. The actress was not looking for any feelings or relationships, but she was never deprived of them.

Now Khmelnitskaya has a person nearby. This is businessman Alexander Sinyushin. She values ​​intelligence very much, especially in a man. Alena has become more selfish and now believes that people should be better off together than alone. Alena says that she cannot fall in love with a fool, with an ungenerous man. Alena is very strong maternal instinct, and the man must have contact with her child. Ksyusha liked Sasha immediately. And it was because of her attitude towards him that Alena had the idea that this could be a serious, full-fledged relationship.

Alexander younger than Alena, but not catastrophically, she says. They talked with Sasha for quite a long time. Now they have been living together for almost a year, and before that they met and had a great time. Khmelnitskaya liked this lightness - she was on her own, she had her own life. Everything suited them until a certain moment, and then they realized that they were already worse off separately. We decided to carefully try to live together.

According to Alena, everything matches up with Sasha exactly as we would like. There is nothing she loves and he doesn't. Including leisure preferences and taste preferences are similar.
Sinyushin is engaged in business in the field of music, but from the technical side. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from the acting world with whom he communicates, so all this is not new to him.