Olga Krutaya is the wife of the famous composer. Her husband, Igor Krutoy, writes modern music, which becomes everyone's favorite hits. Olga prefers not to overshadow his glory, remaining in the shadows. However, this does not mean that it does not lead and develop independently.

Brief biography: exact facts

Olga Krutaya, whose date of birth is November 11, 1963, was born in Russia. In 2015 she will celebrate her 52nd birthday. A native of St. Petersburg, then Leningrad. Olga grew up as an ordinary child. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. All representatives of the water element value stability. Olga is no exception. She is restrained in expressing emotions, smart, sensitive, and has a huge inner world. Very beautiful and stylish, she always takes care of her appearance. At 52 years old, she looks at most 35-40 years old. Olga Krutaya, whose biography is covered in the article, has her own business and proudly bears the title of businesswoman, which allows her to be an example for many women. She excellent psychologist, a high-end designer and stylist, has skills as a makeup artist. All this knowledge allowed her to become an image maker.

Family values

Olga was born into a family strict rules. Her father was an inveterate communist, a very strict person by nature, so in their house they clearly adhered to traditional values. Mom did not work, she devoted herself entirely to her husband, children and home. It was these stereotypes that Olga transferred to her family, clearly learning that the head should be a man.

However, having adopted her father’s character, the girl always strived for freedom. Her inner world rebelled from the framework into which she was driven. Olga often says that at the age of 17 she was allowed to walk only until seven o’clock. Of course, this outraged the teenager, since all her friends could not return until nine. Her father's upbringing was also reflected in the girl's appearance. He was firmly convinced that the most suitable clothing option was a dress, but Olga Krutaya was able to defend the right to wear jeans, which was the case in the 70s.


Get higher education Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya chose her hometown of Leningrad, enrolling in the St. Petersburg State University the University of Economics. Thanks to this education, Olga Krutaya (photo can be seen in the article) has quite successful business Abroad.

Currently, the Krutykh couple lives in several apartments, so as a true financier, Olga took all family budget under your control. And it is worth noting that, unlike her husband, she leads him quite economically.

Student years

After school, Olga deliberately disobeyed her father and chose a direction that was the direct opposite of what her parents had planned. It was during these years that rebellion reached its peak. She gets married at the age of 19 and gives birth to her first daughter, Vika.

After graduation, he goes to visit a friend living in America. Unexpectedly for everyone, in 1991, Olga Krutaya (her age at that time was 28 years old) decided to stay there. The husband agreed with his wife's decision. However, this news shocked the parents, but it was not possible to convince the girl otherwise. Just six months later, Olga took her daughter to America. The family lived like this for 4 years.

Igor Krutoy’s wife Olga: biography of relationships

In 1995, Igor Krutoy came to America with the “Song of the Year” concert program. After the speech, a banquet was organized in Atlantic City. We can say that fate itself brought these two people together; Olga and Igor were sitting at neighboring tables.

The first acquaintance was rather fleeting, since Krutoy was accompanied by his mother and sister. Igor’s mental trauma after his divorce from his first wife was also not conducive to a close acquaintance. And Olga was married at that time and was raising her daughter Vika. However, a month later Igor returns to America. Having found the phone number of his new friend, he called her and offered to meet, to which Olga agreed. From that moment on, a flame flashed in their hearts real love. After a two-year romance, they decide to legitimize their relationship.

The wedding of Igor and Olga was distinguished by chic and luxury; there were so many guests that the rented restaurant could not accommodate everyone, so the next day they organized another banquet to which the stars were invited Russian stage: Laima Vaikule, who worked closely with Igor Krutoy, Lev Allegrova and other performers.

This couple can hardly be called cloudless, but Olga Krutaya does not waste time on reproaches and quarrels. Igor’s schedule is very busy, he devotes little time to his family, but his wife has learned to cope with this. They live in different countries. Olga is in America, Igor is in Moscow. Most often, communication between spouses is limited phone calls. They meet approximately once a month, and Olga can come to visit her husband, and Igor can visit his wife.

Many friends married couple claim that their warm and strong relationships survive thanks to this lifestyle. Due to frequent separations, they simply do not have time to get tired of each other.

Secrets of Igor and Olga’s acquaintance: revelations about the first meeting

Igor Yakovlevich shared his impressions that he experienced at the first meeting. At that moment, there was only one thought in his head: this woman is so beautiful that every man would immediately propose marriage to her. Igor was no exception. He was not even stopped by the fact that he had just gone through a divorce from his first wife, he liked Olga Krutaya so much.

The biography of the couple’s relationship developed rapidly; already at the third meeting, Igor proposed. The main reason for this was living in different countries.

Olga often recalls the first meeting, but she did not experience any feelings then. Cautious by nature, she looked closely at her new acquaintance for a long time. However, his drive and determination did their job. Over time, Olga realized how dear Igor had become to her.

Olga's business

Businesswoman Olga Krutaya found herself in the perfume industry. In 2011, she presented her new creation. This idea was suggested to her by Nezhla Barbir, who was a famous French perfumer.

The Opus pour Homme fragrance laid the foundation for the successful development of the business. The first line was developed only for men. Unexpectedly for a very short term she gained popularity. Olga was not going to stop there; a little later, a presentation of women’s perfume Opus pour Femme took place in Riga. This collection also made a splash in the perfume industry.

After such a dizzying success, it was decided to combine the two brands under one name - OKKI. This abbreviation is made up of the initials of the spouses.

Eldest daughter Victoria

Olga Krutaya gave birth to Vika in 1985 at the age of 22. At first, the daughter behaved cautiously towards her mother’s new husband. However, over time, Igor was able to win her favor. He adopted Vika and gave her his last name. In the Kruty family there is no division of children into relatives and strangers. The new dad helped his daughter develop in every possible way, and later, with his help, she began to build a career as a singer. Olga is very grateful to her husband for such a relationship with her eldest daughter.

In 2014, in the summer, the couple celebrated Victoria's wedding. The role of the father during the procession to the altar was played by Igor Krutoy. The celebration was large-scale, it was attended by many stars Russian show business.

Alexandra's youngest daughter

The fruit of the love of Olga and Igor was the beautiful girl Sasha, who was born in 2003. She was able to try herself as a singer at the age of 6 (in 2009) at the “New Wave” competition for young performers in Jurmala. Currently, Alexandra is studying vocals. However, a qualified teacher was hired to teach, since dad does not have enough time for classes.

Secrets of youth

Olga Krutaya, whose photographs often adorn the pages of fashion magazines, is a standard female beauty. Already in her fifties, she still remains young both in body and soul. Olga thanks nature for this. She never thought about plastic surgery, believing that beauty should be, first of all, natural. Her goal is to preserve what nature has given her. In the morning and evening, Olga performs cosmetic rituals that help maintain the skin in proper condition. Compulsory sports activities give her vigor and allow her to monitor her health. By nature, Olga Krutaya is a conservative; in her entire life she has never experimented with hair color or hairstyle.

Of course, her daily routine necessarily includes rest and long walks in the fresh air.

Igor's wife Krutogo Olga is independent and self-sufficient woman. She achieved everything herself, went her own way, without overshadowing the glory of her beloved husband. This attractive woman at 53 years old looks simply amazing; she managed to maintain not only youthful skin, but also a girlish figure. About all her personal secrets and family life Today we will talk with the great composer of our time.

Olga's early years

Olga Krutaya was born and raised in Russia. Her hometown is St. Petersburg, where she was born on November 11, 1963. The head of the girl’s family was her father, an ideological communist. At his insistence, his mother did not work, raised her daughter and son, and spoiled the family with delicious home-cooked dinners.

dad with early years He brought up an easy-going character and a strict disposition in his daughter. In his opinion, the head of the family is always a man. Only during his upbringing he did not take into account important factor: Olga was real daughter her father, and adopted his character!

As a child, Olya was a good and calm child, she did not show too strong emotions. She grew up meek and obeyed her parents in everything until she began to grow up.

IN adolescence The girl and her father had many disagreements; Olga simply could not live according to the rules, within the framework. She tried to convince the head of the family that at the age of 17 she was an adult, had the right to walk late, and not until seven in the evening, and to wear jeans. Olga did not defend the time restrictions, but was able to gain the right to wear not only dresses below the knee, but also trendy jeans.

Subsequently, strict upbringing and restless character did their job: Olga Krutaya, whose biography is discussed in this article, became a successful businesswoman.

Education of Krutaya Olga

Olga admits that, to spite her father, she deliberately chose the wrong direction to which she was striving. After graduating from school, the girl entered the economic university of her hometown, and did not regret the choice in the future.

Now the Krutykh couple has their own real estate, and Olga professionally manages the family budget, unlike her husband, from whom she took over this responsibility. The same education helped Krutaya build and develop a fairly successful business outside of Russia.

Moving to America

Before her student days, Olga Krutaya was willful, but she was still afraid to contradict her father. When the girl crossed the threshold of a higher educational institution, everything changed. At the age of nineteen, she decides to get married, and this, of course, does not please her strict parent. But Olga simply doesn’t care about his opinion anymore, she decided so, that’s all. Soon the young couple had a daughter, Victoria.

After graduating from college, Olga decides to live a little with her foreign friend in America. Initially, there were no plans to stay for a long time, but Olga simply fell in love with this free country, and she really wanted to stay there. Fortunately, it was already 1991, and she did not become an enemy of the USSR!

The husband did not object, but the parents were against it. Olya was 28 years old at that time, and she understood that she no longer needed their permission for a long time. Having taken her daughter to America six months later, the woman begins her new life. She doesn’t even imagine that it is in this country far from her homeland that she will soon have a fateful meeting with the man of her life - Igor Krutoy, who lived in Russia.

First meeting and memories of it

In 1995, four years after Olga moved from Russia, the composer arrived in America with the “Song of the Year” program. Olya and her friend decided to go to a concert, listen to their native music, and communicate with their fellow countrymen. By chance, Igor and Olga’s tables turned out to be nearby, and there they were supposed to meet each other.

Igor Krutoy was accompanied by his sister and mother, but Olga thought that he was with his wife, so she did not pay much attention to the man. Igor, on the contrary, became interested in his new acquaintance and asked her for her phone number so that he could communicate the next time he came to America. Only the composer’s thoughts were far from so harmless, he simply fell in love with beautiful woman, although just a moment before the meeting he was worried about divorcing his first wife.

A month later, Igor Krutoy decided to dial the coveted number, because he understood that such gorgeous woman they can simply take him away from under his nose, and he will remain a “casual acquaintance”.

Igor's return to America

Igor Krutoy’s wife Olga, whose biography is interesting and rich, did not at all expect a call from the composer, much less a date with him. The woman was still married, and she was not at all interested in fleeting romances. Perhaps that is why she so easily agreed to meet when she heard the unfamiliar voice of Igor Krutoy on the phone. As Olga later said, she didn’t even think that everything would end this way; it seemed completely harmless to her to simply meet a fellow countryman who had arrived in America.

The second meeting brought the new acquaintances closer together, and their romance began to develop rapidly. Already on the third date, Olga Krutaya accepted the marriage proposal, but they decided to legalize the relationship only two years later.

Future life

The lovers decided to celebrate the wedding on a grand scale, and there were so many invited guests that the celebration had to be extended over two days. On the first day, the newlyweds celebrated the event with their closest relatives and friends, and on the second day they feasted with the stars of Russian show business. Lev Leshchenko, Laima Vaikule, Irina Allegrova, and many other famous personalities were there.

Subsequently, the couple failed to find a compromise, and they continued to live according to different ends Sveta. Igor cannot leave Russia, since this is his home, work, life, and Olga does not want to return to her native land, she likes it in America, she has a successful business there.

The couple communicates by phone and go on dates about twice a month. In such a life they were able to find a certain plus: rare but very passionate meetings, they do not quarrel, since they do not have time to get tired of each other. Who knows, maybe their marriage would have broken up just like hundreds of others, unable to withstand family life?

In 2003, the family welcomed a daughter, Alexandra, but the composer also considers Victoria his own. He raised her like his own, included her in his documents, and Victoria is also Cool. They quickly found mutual language and were able to become friends. Vika was 10 years old when she met Igor.

What kind of business does Olga have?

Few people know, but the OKKIi perfume brand belongs to Olga. Krutoy's wife Olga began producing her own line of fragrances in 2011, when the famous French perfumer and good friend Krutykh family Nezhla Barbir, inspired by Igor’s music, proposed creating a joint composition, but not a musical one, but a perfume one.

Initially, the men's perfume Opus pour Homme was born and created a real sensation in the perfume world. Neither Olga nor Nezhla could even imagine how quickly the perfume would become popular. After stunning success They set about developing a women's line of fragrances, Opus pour Femme, with double passion. The new fragrance was presented in Riga, and it became no less popular than previous men's fragrances. After the success of the second fragrance, an abbreviation was created consisting of the initials of Igor and Olga, which is the fragrance brand - OKKIi.

How does Olga manage to look so good?

Many, having found out how old Olga Krutoy is, are ready to bet that this woman did a lot plastic surgery. But Olga denies this, saying that she has excellent genetics, and her appearance she owes only to nature and her ancestors. She says she never resorted to help plastic surgery, uses only age-appropriate creams.

Olga Krutaya, whose photos adorn many magazines, has become a real standard of beauty and style. She never allows herself to gain weight, and at the first signals that her curves are becoming fuller, she tries to quickly get rid of the excess.

Olga Krutaya walks every day, plays sports, and carries out entire beauty rituals in the evening in front of the mirror. But all her efforts are not in vain - the woman looks at most 45 years old, and not 54, which Krutaya will celebrate in November of this year.

Cool daughters

Victoria Krutaya was raised by Igor, and throughout her life he helps the girl organize her life. Victoria is building a career on the stage and got married. Of course, Igor Krutoy walked her down the aisle; the celebration was simply grandiose.

Sasha Krutaya is still just a child, but has already appeared on stage as a singer. Parents do everything possible to ensure that the girl follows her personally chosen path, and not in their footsteps. But she insists that she dreams of being on stage, and she had to send the child to professional education to teachers.

Olga Krutaya is a truly happy woman. She admits that she never even dreamed of the family she has. Olga says that she is grateful to fate for bringing her together with Igor.

The wife of the famous Russian composer, producer and businessman does not like to leave the shadow of her husband’s popularity, remaining almost always in the background. That's probably why Instagram of Olga Krutoy updated with new photos quite rarely.

In the photographs you can see Igor himself and his daughters star couple, and going out to various musical events, and meeting with friends and work colleagues. On this moment at the blog olgakroutoi There are only 173 publications, but the number of subscribers is quite impressive - more than 60 thousand people.

Latest photos and profile of Olga Krutoi on Instagram (olgakroutoi)

For fans of Igor and Olga Krutykh, Instagram is the best platform to find out what events are happening in the family of the legendary composer, because the man does not have a personal profile, and fans have to learn all the news about him from the yellow press.

Olga was born in Leningrad, graduated educational institution, having received a diploma in economics, got married for the first time and left for permanent residence in the USA. It was there that the girl met Igor after another concert. Marriage with him is the girl’s second, and it should be noted that eldest daughter, although she is not Igor’s own daughter, she bears his last name. Common child Alexandra was born to the couple in 2003.

Now Olga Krutaya and Igor live in two countries (the wife is in the USA and the husband is in Russia), but they always try to spend every free minute together. Recently, their eldest daughter Vika got married, and the youngest began to try herself in music. Surely, with her dad’s excellent composing talent, her songs will be beautiful and popular.

Composer and producer Igor Krutoy has gained fame in Russian show business circles as a stubborn, tough and stern man. They say that only in front of one person does Igor lose all his hardness and become white and fluffy. This is his wife, Olga Krutaya. She, in turn, is surprised: “Yes, but it seems to me that he listens to anyone, just not me.”

A wayward girl from a good family

Olga Krutaya was born on November 11, 1963 in Leningrad, in the family of a party functionary and a housewife. She received a very strict upbringing, she was home at seven o'clock, while others her age stayed out until nine. She won the right to wear jeans only at the age of seventeen. After school, Olga entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, graduating with success.

At the age of 19, completely unexpectedly for her parents, she got married and gave birth to a daughter, Victoria.. The marriage, for reasons that Olga refuses to divulge, was unsuccessful, and Olga was left alone with a little girl in her arms.

Meanwhile, great changes were taking place in the country, iron curtain, the borders have opened. The girl, who had lived in a privileged position since childhood, expressed a desire to go abroad to visit a friend. It was 1991.

She did not return from the trip. She simply called her parents and said that she was staying in the USA. Six months later, she took her daughter with her. In America, Olga worked a little as a model, without much enthusiasm.

By her own admission, the decision to stay in the United States was dictated by the desire to create Better conditions for his child, because in his homeland at that time it was turbulent.

She married a wealthy American of Russian origin, but does not like to remember this marriage. This can be unpleasant for the husband, she explains. In general, Olga categorically does not advertise her entire personal life. It was as if she had no personal life. As if Igor was her first man.

Fateful meeting

Igor himself is cool and considers his wife the same way main woman in life. In his first marriage, in which the master had a son, the producer was not happy. The wife could not endure the financial difficulties that inevitably await most people creative profession at the beginning of the journey. As a result, she found someone else and the family broke up.

After that, Igor was single for 15 years. He saw Olga by chance in 1994 in Atlantic City where he came from big company Russian artists: Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Laima Vaikule, Irina Allegrova, Lev Leshchenko... Igor Krutoy recalls: “My head turned 180 degrees, and stayed that way.”

He was amazed by the beauty of Olga, who was married at that time. The acquaintance did not continue, as it was fleeting, and Olga did not know at all what kind of person he was. By the way, recognition and real glory came to Krutoy just in the first years of his marriage to Olga.

On his next visit to America, Krutoy found a beauty who captured his imagination. And on the third date he proposed. When you live on different continents, there is no time for long romantic games. Olga immediately agreed, as her feelings were very strong.

Interesting notes:

They spent their unofficial honeymoon (at that time Olga was still officially married) in Miami.

The song “I love you to tears” was written by Krutoy during a period of intense love, and was originally called “Olenka”. First general public Olga appeared in the “Palma de Mallorca” video, and many viewers remembered the exquisite beauty, not yet knowing that she was the wife of the author of the song.

Love across the ocean

After the wedding, little changed - Olga remained to live in the USA, and Krutoy worked in Moscow, where his work suddenly became incredibly in demand. Krutoy provided for his beloved wife and stepdaughter, and a little later, my own daughter Alexandra has a very comfortable life.

His beloved girls live either in Miami, or in Spain, or in Monaco, and do not need anything. In Miami, for example, in the Fisher Island area, the Cool have a magnificent apartment. The island itself is famous for its unique security: “Try to lose your wallet - they will bring it to you in half an hour,” says Olga.

There are dozens of tennis courts, golf courses, pink flamingos and other attributes luxurious life. In this area you can meet stars of the first magnitude without any security; Olga even once ran into Bill Clinton on the street.

Olga’s eldest daughter, Vika, has been involved in music since childhood and tried herself as a singer. Now she is married and has already given birth to a daughter, a granddaughter for her beloved mother.

Alexandra also shows interest in music. Olga herself has been involved in the perfume business since 2011. Her goal is to create the first Russian perfume brand, but entirely produced in France. Everything – the bottle, technology, raw materials, production – must be “Made in Franse”.

Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya prefers to be in the shadow of her husband, while not forgetting about herself.

About Olga Krutoy's family

Olga says that her father was a very strict man, a communist, so they raised the girl, instilling in her traditional family values. Olga’s mother was always with her father, taking care of her daughter and son. Therefore, Olga learned from childhood that the husband should be the head of the family, and the wife should be the modest keeper of the hearth. That is why she prefers to remain in the shadow of her husband and not declare herself loudly.

However, Olga adds, she was always a rebel at heart, a free man which requires flight. But she was forced into a framework. The family even declared a curfew. When all the friends were out until nine, Olga was home at seven like a bayonet. The girl barely won the right to wear jeans in the 70s. Her dad thought it was vulgar; in his opinion, girls should wear dresses.

The girl went against her dad after college. She chose the path that was aimed at the opposite side than her father had planned.

In 1991, Olga, after college and a little practice, went to visit a friend in America. And then I decided to stay there. After this decision, the parents were shocked. The girl simply called home and said that she would not return. By this time, Olga already had a daughter, Vika (also against the wishes of her parents, the girl got married at 19). After six months of living in America, she took her daughter to live with her.

Igor Krutoy and Olga

Igor and Olga met in 1995 in America. The girl came to one of the concerts of the Russian performer “Song of the Year” with friends. At a banquet after a concert in Atlantic City, she was introduced to the composer: they sat at adjacent tables. But Igor was with his mother and sister, so the acquaintance was fleeting. True, at that time Olga had already lived in the USA for several years, was married and was raising her daughter Victoria.

And Igor Yakovlevich was just going through a divorce from his first wife. The soil for the development of a novel is not the most suitable. But a month after they met, he returned to America, found Olga’s phone number, called and offered to meet.

A romance broke out between Olga and Igor, which ended in a wedding two years later. The celebration was celebrated on a grand scale: they rented a restaurant for 160 people, which could not accommodate all the guests. Therefore, a day later another banquet was held. All the celebrities from the memorable “Song of the Year” walked at the wedding: Laima Vaikule, Vladimir Vinokur, Valery Leontyev, Lev Leshchenko, Irina Allegrova and others.

“Olga and Igor are those people who found each other,” says Igor Nikolaev about the Krutykhs. – They have a wonderful daughter, whom they gave to each other. What could be better?

Igor Krutoy and his wife Olga: a large family

“It so happened that a kind of viewing of the future wife took place in Miami with Alla and I’s direct participation,” said Philip Kirkorov. “Everything was romantic: everyone was young, Alla and I celebrated the anniversary of our relationship, wrote beautiful songs, and the waves roared outside the windows... Igor and Olga simply had no chance not to fall in love. And the fact that they are still together is their great joint achievement.”

“We have been together for many years. Time passed so quickly that we didn’t even notice. This is probably a good indicator,” says Olga.

Igor Krutoy has a very busy work schedule. But, despite this, Olga does not complain to her husband that he devotes little time to his family.

Meanwhile, the couple lives on different continents. Olga is in Monaco or the United States almost all the time, and Igor is constantly in Moscow. Perhaps this is the secret successful relationship. Spouses simply do not have time to get tired of each other. However, the Cool ones don’t break up for long. Either Igor comes to Olga, or vice versa. The longest period of separation is three weeks. At the same time, the spouses constantly call back.

The story of how Igor Krutoy and Olga met

“There are such beautiful women!”, thought Igor Yakovlevich when he first saw his future wife and added that when they saw Olga, all the men wanted to propose to her, and he was no exception.

Olga doesn’t remember her thoughts, because at the time of the first meeting Igor was not alone. Besides, she didn't even know who he was. Olga left to live in the United States before the composer became recognizable.

“We met in the same company, there wasn’t even a spark between us. Then we started talking, I began to like Igor more and more. In the end, I realized that he is a very charming and warm person,” says Olga.

Since the couple lived in different countries, there could not be a long-term romance. Already at the third meeting, Igor proposed to Olga. The cool one who makes decisions very quickly. Olga, on the contrary, is cautious and indecisive. But the feelings were already strong even then and the woman could not refuse.

By the way, after meeting Olga, Igor Krutoy wrote and dedicated the song “I love you to tears” to her, performed by Alexander Serov.

Olga Krutaya remembers very well the day when Igor called her from Moscow to New York and played music without words. The composition was very strong, she admits, touching and beautiful. And it was at that moment that the woman realized that her husband was a composer with capital letters. Igor Nikolaev wrote the lyrics for the song, and they perfectly complemented the music. Olga was simply delighted with such a unique gift; she was overwhelmed with feelings even at the moment when the composition became popular.

Perfume business of Olga Krutoy

In 2011, Olga Krutaya presented her perfume. Her acquaintance, the French perfumer Nezhla Barbir, prompted her to come up with this idea. The woman was so impressed by Igor Krutoy’s music that she suggested creating a perfume rather than a musical composition.

First, the Opus pour Homme fragrance for men was born, and then the women's version of Opus pour Femme. We presented the scents in Riga. They were united under a single brand OKKIi, whose name is the initials of the star spouses.

Education of Olga Krutoy

Olga Krutoy has a financial education (St. Petersburg State University economics and finance - FINEK). Now she is doing business abroad. By the way, her profession was useful in everyday life. The family lives in several apartments, and Olga tries to keep everything in her hands. As a thrifty person, unlike her husband, she manages the family budget.

Children of Olga Krutoy

Olga's daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, was born in 1985. Igor Krutoy managed to make friends with her and win her trust; according to the documents, the child is already “his own” and bears his last name. And the composer is raising Vika like his own, even helping her a little in her profession. The girl is building a career as a singer.

Common daughter Sasha was born to Olga and Igor in 2003. And she has already been on stage. In 2009, at the New Wave, the girl first appeared in public as a singer. The parents did this in order to understand whether Sasha needed the life of an artist. By the way, now Krutaya Jr. is already mastering the basics of music. She learns, however, not from her father, but from a teacher.

In the summer of 2014, Olga's eldest daughter Cool Vika got married. Igor Krutoy led the bride to the altar as biological father. Many stars of domestic show business were invited to the ceremony. It turned out to be a big and luxurious holiday.