Current domestic legislation provides for the mandatory receipt of a license to provide educational services. Particular attention is paid to this type of training as additional education. There are several features that should be taken into account in cases where an organization plans to provide such services. They concern both the list of documents required for a license for educational activities and the requirements for the organization itself.

If you need a turnkey educational license without unnecessary bureaucracy, then order its registration from professionals.

Regulatory acts defining the list of documents for obtaining a license for educational activities

The basic requirements and conditions for obtaining a license for educational activities, including the list of documents required for this, are contained in the following regulations:

  • Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, dated December 29, 2012;
  • Law No. 99-FZ “On Licensing...”, issued on May 4, 2011;
  • Decree of the Government of Russia No. 966, signed on October 28, 2013.

It should be noted that both of these Federal laws were developed and put into effect relatively recently. This indicates that it is in Lately has been significantly changed the legislative framework regulating the activity in question.

In fact, since the beginning of 2013, new rules for the provision of educational services have been in force, which were then adjusted by the Resolution of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers, which was issued somewhat later. It describes in detail the basic requirements for organizations that plan to provide services in the field of additional education, and a list of documents required to obtain a license for educational activities.

Necessary conditions and documents for licensing of additional education

In order to be able to provide additional education services, two basic conditions must be met:

  1. Register as a non-profit organization.
  2. Prepare a list of necessary documents and obtain a license for educational activities.

It is quite logical to consider each of these conditions separately.

Registration of a non-profit organization

Current legislation allows the provision of services in the field of additional education only from outside non-profit organizations(NPO). NPO is entity, created not for the purpose of making a profit (as commercial organization), and having the task of implementing some social function related to education (as in this case), culture, health, law enforcement or other similar purposes. This requirement for an institution planning to provide additional education services is explained by the fact that this particular type educational activities is most focused on satisfying non-material human needs, related mainly to the spiritual sphere.

The most common types of NPOs are:

  • public or religious organization;
  • non-commercial partnership;
  • public fund;
  • government corporation;
  • state-financed organization;
  • autonomous non-profit organization.

It is the last two organizational and legal forms that are most often used in cases where additional education services are provided.

List of documents required for licensing of additional education

One of the main requirements that must be fulfilled when obtaining an educational license is the preparation of documents, the list of which is contained in the above regulations. They are submitted to the appropriate body under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, namely Federal service for supervision (Rosobrnadzor). The list of documents clearly shows what requirements are imposed on the organization to obtain a license for educational activities.

Application for a license. The form of the application form, which is submitted to Rosobrnadzor, is determined by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Education on the basis general rules and the requirements contained in the federal legislative documents specified in the first section of the article. The application form and a sample of how to fill it out are as follows.

Filling out the application is not particularly difficult. Almost all the information required for this is contained in the accompanying educational license documents listed below. Particular attention should be paid to indicating all additional education programs that the organization plans to provide. Only in this case does such activity become legal.

A mandatory condition for the consideration of the application and the documents attached to it is the payment of the state fee. An indication of its implementation must be contained in the application. In addition, it is also necessary to post possible options for contacting the applicant’s supervisor or responsible person. This may be necessary if questions arise or the list of submitted documents needs to be finalized.

Charter documents of the organization and certificates of registration and registration. These documents are included in the standard package, which is drawn up almost always, both when obtaining any licenses or permits, and when registering transactions and other similar operations carried out by a legal entity. It is necessary to take into account that the documents must be in the form of notarized copies.

Certificate of ownership or lease of educational premises.

Curricula and programs. These documents must comply with departmental requirements and be approved by the manager. In addition, their terms, duration and teachers are usually also indicated, for each of which information about qualifications (with copies of diplomas attached) and previous labor activity(data confirmed by copies of work records).

Documentationconfirming compliance with legal requirements for obtaining an educational license:

  • certificate of material and technical equipment;
  • sanitary certificate on the suitability of the premises (issued by Rospotrebnadzor);
  • certificate of availability necessary conditions for organizing meals for students and staff educational institution, as well as protecting their health (if necessary);
  • conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.

Documents confirming payment of the state duty.

A list of all submitted documents.

After receiving the specified list of documents, the territorial body of Rosobrnadzor, within 60 days, is obliged to either issue a license to conduct educational activities or send the applicant a reasoned refusal.

A license is a permit to carry out a specific type of activity, which is issued by a special licensing authority. To obtain a license, the applicant must meet certain requirements and pay a state fee.

Who needs to get a license?

In Article 12 of the Law "On Licensing individual species activities" dated 05/04/2011 No. 99-FZ provides a list of types of activities for which licenses are required. There are 51 in total, among them:

  • activities related to encryption and information security;
  • activities related to weapons and military equipment;
  • production of medicines and medical equipment;
  • security and detective activities;
  • provision of communication services, television and radio broadcasting;
  • activities for the production of copies of audiovisual works, computer programs, databases and phonograms on any media;
  • educational activities;
  • pharmaceutical and medical activities;
  • transportation by water and air transport;
  • transportation by rail passengers and dangerous goods;
  • transportation of passengers by vehicles equipped to transport more than eight people.

License requirements

A license can be obtained only if certain requirements are met: the availability of a technical base (premises, equipment, special documentation); workers with the necessary qualifications and specialties; production control systems; size of the authorized capital, etc. These requirements are given for each type of licensed activity in separate Regulations approved by Government resolutions.

For example, licensing requirements for transporting passengers by road are specified in Government Decree No. 280 dated April 2, 2012. An applicant for such a license must have:

  • vehicles corresponding technical requirements for the carriage of passengers and equipped with equipment satellite navigation GLONASS;
  • premises and equipment for maintenance and repair Vehicle;
  • drivers of vehicles who have entered into a contract with him employment contract or an agreement for the provision of services that have the necessary qualifications and work experience, as well as those that have passed a medical examination;
  • specialist performing pre-trip medical checkup drivers of vehicles or the existence of an agreement with medical organization or individual entrepreneurs with the appropriate license.

You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for issuing licenses for your type of activity by contacting the appropriate licensing authority. We will consider the requirements for obtaining a license to sell alcohol below in a separate section.

Documents for obtaining a license

An application for a license and a package of supporting documents specified in Art. 13 of the law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ. Considering that types of activities controlled by different services are subject to licensing, the forms of such applications will differ. As an example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the application for a license for passenger road transport.

The application must indicate the name, legal form, and location of the applicant; licensed type of activity; TIN; extract data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; information about payment of state duty.

In addition to the application, copies of documents are submitted, the list of which is determined by the regulations on licensing a specific type of activity and which indicate the applicant’s compliance with licensing requirements, as well as a list of all documents. You need to find out exactly what documents are needed from the licensing authority or find the relevant legal act yourself.

The need to submit notarized documents constituent documents repealed by the law of October 14, 2014 No. 307-FZ, so if such copies are required from you (and they are still specified in some Administrative Regulations for obtaining licenses), you can refuse to fulfill such a requirement, referring to this law.

The list of information indicated in the application and the list of documents attached to it is exhaustive (Article 13 (4) of Law No. 99-FZ dated May 4, 2011), that is, you should not be required to provide other documents.

How much does a license cost?

The amount of the state fee for a license is established by Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The article is very long, so we’ll tell you where to look. We find paragraph 1, subparagraph 92. Amount of state duty is 7,500 rubles for all types of licensed activities, with the exception of:

  • banking operations (0.1% of the authorized capital, but not more than 500 thousand rubles);
  • production, storage, purchase, supply of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products (from 800 thousand to 9.5 million rubles);
  • retail sale of alcoholic beverages - 65 thousand rubles for each year of license validity;
  • entrepreneurial activity on management apartment buildings- 30 thousand rubles.

Draw your attention to - The state duty is paid once for the entire validity period of the license. IN general case The license term is not limited, but for some types of activities it is established (with the possibility of extension), for example, the term of an alcohol license should not exceed five years.

If a license is refused state duty is not refundable. In 2013, the Constitutional Court considered a case regarding the return of 40 thousand rubles to the applicant in connection with the refusal to issue a license for the retail sale of alcohol (Resolution of the Constitutional Court of May 23, 2013 No. 11-P). Even the judges themselves did not agree on this issue; one of them expressed a dissenting opinion, the essence of which was “Formally correct, but in essence it is a mockery.” Based on this, before paying for a license, we recommend that you first contact the relevant licensing authority to ensure that you can comply necessary requirements to receive it.

How to get a license?

After you have found the contacts of the licensing authority, prepared Required documents and have paid the state fee, you must apply for a license. Documents can be submitted:

Upon receipt of documents, the license applicant is given a copy of the inventory with a mark on the date of receipt (in person or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt). If an incomplete set of documents or a violation of the requirements is discovered in the submitted package of documents, then within three working days from the date of receipt of the application the applicant is given (sent) a notice of the need to eliminate the violations within thirty days. After the violations are eliminated, a reasoned decision to consider the application for a license or to return the application is made within three working days.

If there were no complaints about the documents, then the decision to issue a license is made within five working days, and the license itself is handed over to the licensee or sent to him by registered mail with notification within three working days after this decision. It is possible to obtain a license in the form of an electronic document, if indicated in the application.

The issuance of a license may be refused, then the decision on this must indicate the reasons for the refusal with references to regulations or details of the license applicant’s inspection report, if the refusal was based on non-compliance with licensing requirements.

A license is issued according to standard form, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2011 No. 826. If the license has been damaged or lost, you can obtain a duplicate in the manner prescribed by Article 17 of Law No. 99-FZ.

The license is valid throughout the entire territory Russian Federation, but if the licensee changes the region of activity, he must inform the licensing authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (territory, region, republic) where he plans to work.

How to get a liquor license?

Retail alcoholic drinks, including beer - this is a fairly popular activity of our users, so we will tell you in more detail how to obtain a license for alcohol. The licensing of this type of activity is regulated by special law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995. First, let's clarify the issue of selling beer (as well as beer drinks, cider, poire, mead).

Beer is an alcoholic product, but its sale is regulated by certain provisions of the law. Beer sales are not covered. special requirements to the retail sale and consumption of alcoholic products specified in Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, and You don't need a license to sell beer.

Since 2013, beer can only be sold in stationary facilities (shops), but there are no specific requirements for their area, as for the sale of other alcoholic products. In urban areas, to sell beer it is necessary to use cash machine even in UTII and PSN modes. And one more difference between beer and other alcohol - it can be implemented not only by organizations, but also by individual entrepreneurs.

As for alcohol in general, obtaining a license for its production and circulation, in addition to Law No. 171-FZ, is also regulated by special Administrative Regulations. The documents for obtaining a license for the production of alcohol differ from those submitted for obtaining licenses for other types of activities. In our article we will look at licensing requirements only for retail sale of alcohol, because It makes sense to consider the requirements for its production, storage and wholesale circulation separately.

To obtain a license, the applicant must:

  • be a legal entity (individual entrepreneurs cannot sell alcohol other than beer);
  • own or long-term (from one year) lease stationary retail facilities and warehouses;
  • the total area of ​​such premises for retail sales alcohol must be at least 50 m2. m in urban areas and at least 25 sq. m in rural areas;
  • when selling alcohol in urban settlements, the licensee must use a cash register, even if he is a UTII payer;
  • have authorized capital certain size(the requirement is set by regional licensing authorities), but not more than 1 million rubles.

Regional licensing authorities may establish other additional requirements, so before collecting the necessary documents and paying the state fee, contact detailed information to the relevant district department of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Their contacts, as well as the license application form, can be found in the Administrative Regulations.

Re-registration, suspension and renewal of a license

If the licensee’s data specified in Article 18 of Law No. 99-FZ changes, You must contact the licensing authority to reissue your license. Re-registration is required in the following cases:

  • reorganization of a legal entity;
  • changes in personal data and place of residence of the individual entrepreneur;
  • change of legal address and name of the organization;
  • changing the address at which the licensed type of activity is carried out.

The procedure for re-issuing a license is given in the article in Article 18 of Law No. 99-FZ, the amount of the state duty ranges from 600 to 2600 rubles.

The licensing authority not only issues licenses, but also monitors the activities of the licensee. If during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection violations of licensing requirements are discovered, an order will be issued to eliminate them, and if this does not happen, specified period, That the license may be suspended(Article 20 of Law No. 99-FZ), During the period of suspension, it is prohibited to conduct licensed activities.

Once the requirements of the licensing authority are met, the license is renewed. Information on suspension and renewal of licenses is entered into a special register.

Cancellation and termination of license

In case of failure to comply with the requirements due to which an order was issued or the license was suspended, it must be canceled at the request of the licensing authority. The license is terminated within 10 working days after such a court decision.

The license may be terminated and on a voluntary basis, If:

  • an application has been submitted to terminate the licensed type of activity;
  • activity ceased individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • The activities of a legal entity have been terminated (except for reorganization).

When terminating the activities of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, there is no need to report this to the licensing authority; this will be done by the tax inspectorate.

Responsibility for working without a license

Administrative liability is provided for violation of licensing laws:

  • for operating without a license under Article 14.1(2) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: a fine for organizations from 40 to 50 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles, while confiscation of products, production tools and raw materials is allowed;
  • for activities in violation of the terms of the issued license under Article 14.1(3) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: a fine for organizations from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 3 to 4 thousand rubles;
  • for activities in gross violation of the terms of the issued license under Article 14.1(4) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: a fine for organizations from 40 to 50 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for operating without a license in the production and sale of alcohol under Article 14.1(17) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: from 200 to 300 thousand rubles with the possibility of confiscation of products, equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, vehicles or other items used for production and turnover.

If, at the same time, activities without a license caused major damage to citizens, organizations, the state, or generated income on a large scale (more than 1.5 million rubles), then it is possible to attract to criminal liability under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or arrest for up to six months.

The essence of licensing is that it is subject to the most “dangerous” types of activities that may entail damage to objects under special state protection: the life and health of citizens, the country’s defense capability, etc. Licensing serves as a kind of filter that limits the access of “unreliable” entities to carry out special types of activities. Violation of licensing rights, in turn, may entail both administrative and criminal liability. Based on the above, it follows that licensing is a process of official recognition by the state of the right of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to carry out a certain type of activity with mandatory compliance with established regulatory requirements and standards. A license is a document certifying the right to carry out the activities specified in it for a certain period. The list of licensed activities has been determined federal law“On licensing of certain types of activities.” In order to obtain a license, prepare a certain package of documents. There are ways to do this: the first is to collect them yourself, the second is to provide this process to an organization that provides such services. For receiving licenses The following documents are required: - a written statement stating the applicant’s request for licenses;- notarized copies of constituent documents (for legal entities); - receipt for payment of state duty; - copies of documents that are determined by the licensing regulations (for each specific type of activity separately), indicating that the applicant has licenses possibility of fulfilling licensing requirements. Next, provide the documents you have collected to the licensing authority. After verification of the provided documents by the licensing authority, within 45 days a decision will be made to provide licenses, or it will be denied.

A license implies a specific document that gives its owner the right to carry out certain activities. This document is issued by the state licensing inspection.

According to the Civil Code, special permission granted by the state is required to carry out specific groups of activities. A license serves as such permission. In accordance with the law, about a hundred various types activities.

In addition, the law defines 19 more types of activities that are not covered by it. Licensing for such companies is carried out in a special manner. Similar areas of activity include: banking, notary, foreign economic and other types of activities.

It is the license that serves as a special permit to carry out a specific type of activity, with mandatory compliance with all licensing conditions and requirements.

At the same time, licensed types of business activities include those groups of activities that require prior approval by the licensing authority. After all, its implementation may cause damage to: legitimate interests, rights, defense or security of the state, the health of citizens, cultural heritage people Russian Federation.

In turn, if a type of activity is included in the list of licensed ones, it will mean that its implementation is possible only after obtaining permission from government agency. Otherwise, an entrepreneur or legal entity may be brought to administrative or even criminal liability.

At the same time, prohibitions have been established on engaging in certain types of activities for individual entrepreneurs. Typically, these activities include: development, sales and

An alcohol sales license gives the right to restaurants and bars, cafes and shops to sell alcoholic beverages. If you are starting a business that involves selling alcoholic beverages, we advise you to arrange for a permit in advance. The process of obtaining a license is not quick, so if you do not have time to collect all the papers before the opening of your store or catering establishment, sell alcohol on legally You can not. Let's figure out what documents you need to prepare to obtain a liquor license and how the registration procedure takes place.

General licensing provisions

When planning to obtain a liquor license, familiarize yourself with the regulations governing this process. regulatory documents. This is Federal Law No. 171 “On government regulation production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products» dated November 22, 1995 and relevant local legislation. Licensing retail alcohol is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the federation, which have their own licensing authorities and independently determine the requirements for applicants and the list of required documents.

Retail sale of weak alcohol or drinks with an alcohol content above 15%, for takeaway or for consumption on site - that’s all different types activities, each of which requires a separate license. For example, a store selling both strong and weak alcoholic products, you must obtain a license to sell alcohol for off-premises consumption.

Only a legal entity (not an individual entrepreneur) can obtain a retail license; you must keep this in mind when registering your enterprise. The license is issued for a period of up to 5 years with the possibility of extension and payment of a state fee for each year of validity of the document in the amount of 40 thousand rubles.

Conditions for obtaining a liquor license

To obtain a license, an organization must meet the following requirements:

  • authorized capital of the store from 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital of catering enterprises from 10 thousand rubles;
  • stationary premises acquired as property or long-term rental, registered by the Ministry of Justice;
  • room area from 50 sq.m., ensuring sanitary and fire safety;
  • organization technical means security in the sales area and warehouses, installation of safes;
  • presence of a cash register registered by tax authorities;
  • location of the store outside educational, medical, cultural and sports institutions and adjacent areas;
  • finding outlets for the sale of strong alcoholic drinks for takeaway outside the premises public transport, military purposes, places of large crowds of people;
  • for catering establishments selling alcohol for on-site consumption, the distance to the above facilities is at least 25 meters.

Maximum distances from alcohol stores or cafes to various institutions social purposes and places of population in each municipal formation or district are determined independently at the discretion local authorities, therefore, these requirements must be clarified at the location of your enterprise.

Procedure for obtaining an alcohol license

Applicants for a license must collect a set of documents approved local authorities authorities.

An approximate list of documents is as follows:

Documents such as a certificate of absence of tax debt and permits from sanitary authorities and State Fire Supervision, confirmation of the safety of the premises, which were previously mandatory for obtaining a retail license for alcohol, in this moment no need to provide. Licensing authority employees can independently request the necessary information. Compliance with all requirements is carried out during an on-site inspection of the premises. However, if possible, it is advisable to have such papers when submitting an application. For example, if the request reveals a debt to the budget, the license is refused, and the paid fee is not returned.

By the time of the inspection, it is necessary to prepare copies of certificates for alcoholic products, draw up a consumer corner (a book of complaints, a law on the protection of consumer rights, excerpts from acts regulating the circulation of alcoholic beverages).

Examination of the provided documents and on-site inspection of the organization is carried out within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. If violations are detected, the review of documents is extended to eliminate shortcomings for a period of no more than 1 month. If deficiencies are not corrected in a timely manner, the enterprise may be denied a license. The licensing authority notifies the organization three days in advance of the refusal or issue of a license.

You can apply for renewal 90 days before your current license expires.

Timely receipt of a license to sell alcohol allows the enterprise to operate legally, but operating without a license or in violation of its terms entails liability under administrative, criminal and civil law.

The profession of a security guard is one of the most in demand in the world today. They are needed in almost any organization, be it a public or private institution. In this article we will look at the list of documents, as well as step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license that allows you to engage in security activities.

Today there are private security organizations that provide their services to any institution. But in order to engage in security activities, you must obtain the appropriate license. This condition is specified in the current legislation.

Many people mistakenly believe that anyone can work as a security guard, but this is a generally accepted misconception. Obtaining a license requires a citizen to go through an established procedure. It is quite complex, since security activity itself is associated with situations involving risk to life. Therefore, qualified specialists with a security guard certificate must meet certain requirements.

The following requirements are imposed on future security guards:

  • reaching adulthood. Only people over 18 years of age can become a security guard;
  • having absolute health. People with chronic diseases, as well as those with developmental disabilities (both physical and mental) are not allowed;
  • no prohibition on carrying out security activities, i.e. no criminal record;
  • mandatory passing of a qualifying exam.

Internal affairs bodies constantly carry out procedures to improve the conditions for obtaining a license in order to improve the quality of services provided by security structures. These innovations affected not only the physical training of people, but also the issuance of certificates.

As a result, some amendments were developed, according to which the following categories of citizens do not have the right to work as a security guard:

  1. persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation;
  2. minors;
  3. people who were recognized by the court as having limited legal capacity or completely incompetent;
  4. persons with certain types of diseases that make it impossible to conduct security activities;
  5. citizens who have a criminal record for an intentional crime;
  6. people who have been charged with committing a crime;
  7. lack of a certificate confirming completion of specialized training to work as a private security guard;
  8. persons who have been fired from any type of employment civil service, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutor's office and courts. In this case, the reason for dismissal must be the commission of an offense of any kind. In this situation, less than three years must have passed from the date of dismissal;
  9. citizens who refused to undergo fingerprint state registration;
  10. persons who have not been verified by specialized and authorized bodies.

If you do not fall into the above categories of citizens, and also meet all the requirements for security guards, you can begin the procedure for obtaining the appropriate license. Next will be given step-by-step instruction obtaining the necessary certificate.

To become a certified security guard, you must first pass a medical examination. To do this you need:

After this, you must complete special educational courses. It should be noted here that only those institutions can conduct these courses educational sphere who have a special license to train security guards.

Taking courses is paid service. Its cost depends on the region of the country, as well as on the prestige of the educational institution.

This stage involves the following procedures:

  1. registration for courses;
  2. submission of the necessary documentation - medical certificate, passport, etc.;
  3. undergoing training;
  4. passing final exams. The exam takes place under the supervision of internal affairs bodies that regulate the activities of security organizations;
  5. obtaining a certificate confirming completion of security courses.

Training is carried out over 3 months. Although in certain situations it can be extended to six months. Training is necessary to obtain the documents necessary for legal security activities. This list includes the following documentation:

The certificate issued during the course is valid for five years. But it can be extended. To do this, you need to undergo training compiled according to the advanced training program.

Upon completion of advanced training courses, you must also pass final exams. By agreement with a special commission, it is possible to combine internal and qualifying exams.

To be admitted to the exam, the person being examined must bring the following documents:

  • internal passport;
  • an application written to take the qualifying exam;
  • certificate issued upon completion preparatory courses for the position of security guard. You must present the original document and its copy;
  • medical certificate issued according to form No. 046.

Only after provision this list documentation, you will be allowed to take the exam. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the exam includes knowledge regarding the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the basics of providing first aid medical care and other skills that are needed for high-quality and professional activity security guard.

In the practical part, they test physical fitness, the ability to shoot a weapon, the correct use of a rubber baton, the use of body armor and a stun gun, etc. Next, you must pass a test, the result of which will determine the professional suitability of the person being examined. The difficulty of the questions included in the exam is determined by the rank for which the person is applying. Successful passing Both parts allow you to receive a certificate confirming the fact that you have been awarded the qualification of a security guard.

If at least one part of the exam was failed, the person will be sent to retake. Here you should know that the number of retakes has no restrictions and is not regulated by law.

After you have gained qualifications, you need to contact the Department of Internal Affairs, or rather its licensing and permitting department. The package of documents that should be brought may vary depending on the region of the country. Therefore, it must first be clarified at the local police department.

Typically this list includes:

A license may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. detection of inaccuracies or indication of deliberately false data in documents;
  2. presence of mechanical damage on certificates;
  3. unreadability of documentation;
  4. presence of corrections, crossing outs, etc.;
  5. lack of at least one document required by law.

If you submit the documentation correctly and completely, you should be issued a license authorizing security activities within a month from the date of your application to the Department of Internal Affairs. According to it, you can engage in security for five years. Then you need to go through the qualification enhancement/confirmation procedure.

Having in hand this document, you can get a security guard position in any private or state character: commercial warehouses, office buildings, outlets etc. In addition, a security guard can monitor order in public places.

A license may be prematurely revoked in the following situations:

  • repeated prosecution of a security guard for administrative violations within one year;
  • when certain circumstances arise in connection with which a person cannot apply for the status of a private security guard;
  • voluntary refusal;
  • death of a citizen;
  • decision of the internal affairs bodies.

You should know that the issued license has a category according to which a person can only carry out certain types of security activities.

Guard ranks

Today, according to adopted laws, you can receive the following categories for security activities:

Depending on the rank, the training period for a security guard will have different time frames. The longest training, accordingly, will be to obtain the 6th category. Therefore, before starting training, the future security guard should decide what rank he wants to receive. After all, the range of powers of a security guard directly depends on the rank.

The work of a security guard is a rather risky activity. Therefore, in order to be able to react correctly to various situations and to preserve the life and health of people around, the security guard must be a qualified specialist. It is the license issued to him that confirms that he has the proper qualifications.

Video “How to get a security guard’s certificate”

The video shows what documents are needed in order to obtain a private security guard certificate.