The power and strength of the lion are covered in legends. Because he looks truly regal. The imagination first of all pictures a lion in its prime. His incomparable dark gold or black-brown mane gives him the majesty of a monarch. And the lion's voice is no less impressive than his appearance. On a quiet night, a lion's roar causes awe in everyone who hears it - even eight kilometers away. In his behavior, the lion also shows many royal qualities.

The lion is a huge predator, with a strong, flexible, agile and muscular body. He runs well. This one is big predatory cat, which has well-developed muscles of the neck and front legs, with which it captures and holds its prey. The lion's jaws are powerful, with huge fangs. The lion's grip with just its teeth is very strong. It can even hold animals as large as wildebeest. The tongue is rough and covered with tubercles in the form of sharp spines, which help it grab and tear off pieces of meat, literally tearing its prey apart. These same spines help the lion catch fleas and remove ticks when he grooms his skin. Lions hunt large animals: zebras, gazelles, wildebeests, and do not hesitate to steal, taking prey from other predators.
The male lion is much larger than the female and is 50 percent heavier in weight. He is easily recognized by his massive mane.

The huge weight of the lion gives crushing force to its blow. He easily scatters females when he takes prey from them. Many males live by feeding exclusively on food obtained by females, and almost never try to get anything themselves. Typically, the main role of males is to protect the territory from other animals encroaching on it. Females are mainly engaged in hunting. Lions differ from other cats in that they do not hunt alone, but in groups. They first try to isolate the prey from the herd, and then attack and kill it. They usually hunt at night, especially on the plains where the grass is short and it is difficult for a predator to hide in it.

Several lionesses surround the target animal, approaching it to within about 30 meters, and in this way they finally determine their choice. When the lioness comes very close to the victim, she will knock her down with a strong blow from her huge paws and immediately sink her teeth into her throat. Every fourth attack usually ends in complete victory for the predators. When the hunters eagerly pounce on their prey, the male lion appears. It is possible that a pack of hyenas may be nearby. Usually lions, having dealt with a large killed animal, generously allow others to feast on the prey. The habitat is usually defended by male lions. Within one territory, a flock of lions can live, consisting of six male lions, twelve adult lionesses and young lion cubs.

Depending on living conditions in a given territory and the number of other animals, a flock can occupy an area of ​​up to 400 square km.

However, where there is more than enough food, this area may be significantly smaller. Lions breed at any time of the year, however, females of one pack (pride) prefer to have cubs at the same time (to make it easier to protect them from other predators and male lions of another pride). They even feed them, without dividing them into friends and foes. If one female dies, the others take care of the deceased's cubs. On average, a lioness brings up to three cubs in one litter. The cubs stay with their mother for up to six months while they suckle her. From the age of three months they begin to eat meat little by little. Lionesses in a pride are almost always related to each other family relations, newcomers are accepted reluctantly. Male lion cubs are taught to hunt later than lionesses; sometimes young lions begin to learn only in the fifth year of life. Therefore, it is important that males remain in their home pride for as long as possible, but they are usually kicked out when they are still young. These exiled males sometimes form a pack where they have a better chance of survival. A pride of bachelor males is short-lived. Driven by instincts, males go to prides where lionesses live, and there they try to fight for leadership. In the heat of battle, success favors the strongest and most agile, and the once friendly pack of males soon disintegrates. One of the mysteries of lion behavior was that for some reason the males killed their cubs. Now this mystery has been solved. The fact is that the attack of males is caused by their jealousy of young lion cubs. Male lions do not tolerate unnecessary rivals in their pack, so they strive to get rid of them. There is another explanation for such cruel and incomprehensible behavior. The male in this way encourages the female to give birth to new cubs. And they have a better chance of survival than previous cubs. And they will get more food.

During the mating period, the relationship between partners is very tender. The dominant lion mates with a female who is in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours (up to 30-40 times a day in total). During sexual intercourse, the male lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, as is typical for cats. Three and a half months after mating, the pregnant lioness leaves the pride, finds a secluded corner overgrown with grass and gives birth to offspring there. Lion cubs are born blind and helpless. Their skin is covered with spots that gradually disappear as they grow older (although adult lions with preserved “children’s” spots are occasionally found). In most cases, no more than half of all lion cubs survive. Lion cubs suck mother's milk from birth until they are six to seven months old. Then they eat only meat. At about two months of age, lion cubs join the pride. A lion is considered an adult at 5 years old and by this time has reached its optimal “fighting” size.

Leo is one of the most large predators on the ground. The average African male weighs about 350 pounds (160 kilograms), and reaches a length of about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters). However, in South Africa in 1936, a 690-pound (313 kilogram) male was shot. The animal was exceptionally massive; probably, individuals of this weight no longer exist in nature. Life expectancy: up to 17-20 years in nature and up to 30 years in captivity.

White lions are lions with reduced production of the pigment melanin. The reason for this phenomenon is a recessive gene that rarely manifests itself. The result of its action is a light color ranging from creamy beige to snow-white. Some white lions are white in some parts of the body and cream in others; some are painted a smooth white-cream color. White lions often have Blue eyes(which is also related to low level melanin). There are currently about 300 white lions living on earth. Exist special programs to preserve this type of color. But such a color only harms the lions themselves, living in the wild, as it unmasks them, preventing them from hunting. There is an assumption that the gene that gives white coloring in lions remained from distant ancestors who lived in glacial period, When White color wool was needed for camouflage

A little history of lions:
Lions reached their maximum distribution at the end of the Pleistocene: approximately 100,000–10,000 years ago they had the most extensive land range among mammals. Various geographic races or subspecies of lions were found from Alaska and the Yukon to North America to Peru in Southern, throughout Europe, in Asia to Siberia and most of Africa. They became extinct in North America approximately 10,000 years ago. In historical times, lions lived in the extreme south of Africa and throughout the north of this continent, as well as throughout Western Asia, reaching India, where they occupied semi-desert plains in the northern half of the country, and the Balkan Peninsula in Europe. On the European continent, lions were exterminated by 100 AD, and in other parts of their former range - by the end of the last century. In Iran, a few lions remained until 1942; in India their number was reduced to about 25, and they remained there only in the Gir Forest, but they were taken under protection and their population has increased significantly since the 1940s. Now there are approximately 225 Asiatic lions. Studies have shown that these animals are morphologically and genetically different from African ones. Unfortunately, apparently as a result of prolonged inbreeding, Asiatic lions have almost completely lost their genetic diversity, which reduces their adaptive flexibility when changing environment. In addition, they have symptoms of reproductive dysfunction (low sperm quality with numerous abnormalities). Lions breed easily in captivity. As part of a worldwide program covering dozens of zoos, over the years they have already received several hundred Asiatic lions, constituting their “reserve” population, which can be used to strengthen the wild one. However, it was recently discovered that the founders of this population in captivity were not only purebred Asians, but also african lions, therefore, work is now underway to create a new, “pure” population, as well as to establish separate pedigree books for African lions bred in zoos.

Leo is called the "King of Beasts". In the European tradition, it is a symbol of power, embodying the power of the sun and fire. In heraldry, the lion symbolizes royalty and nobility. In the countries of South- East Asia(China, Japan, Korea) since ancient times there has been a special, highly mythologized and stylized image of a lion - the so-called Chinese lion. It bears little resemblance to a real lion, and rather resembles mythical creature. According to beliefs Ancient China, lion is the mythical protector of the Law, guardian of sacred buildings. He is a symbol of power and success, royal power and strength. Such lions were installed as “guardians” in front of the gates of imperial tombs, government residences, administrative buildings and religious buildings of Imperial China (approximately since the Han Dynasty) and Japan. Currently - attribute Buddhist temples in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) and Central Asia(Mongolia and Russia) and Shinto shrines.

Of all the diversity of representatives of the animal world, for some reason it is lions that are called the “kings” of animals. Although these big cats They are not at all the fastest and most agile, nor even the most intelligent representatives of predators. True, they are the only ones who can make the famous victory roar after have a good hunting, but this is not a reason to assign such a high title to an animal.

In fact, many factors testify to the fact that the lion is the king of beasts. Firstly, his appearance and manners. A luxurious mane that looks like a crown, a regal posture and a proud look. Leo with his entire appearance demonstrates self-confidence, greatness and calmness.

Secondly, family life. Nowhere else among predators can one find such an organization of coexistence as is observed among lions. The male is the real head of the family. He takes care of food for the entire pride, protects cubs and females, and defends the borders of his territory.

Like a king, the lion rules a little. Most often, the term of his “reign” does not exceed 2-3 years, and then he is “overthrown” by a younger and stronger contender for the “throne”. The fact is that the head of the pride is usually a male who is not a blood relative of the females. They are driven mainly by the reproductive instinct. But after some time he loses strength and grows old. And then the time comes for the young and brave.

The way of life in the pride is very organized in an original way. It is based on female hunters. Their number usually does not exceed 20 individuals. Moreover, all females are full sisters. Males are strangers. They come from other prides. Thus, nature took care of preventing incest and degradation of predators.

Strict hierarchy and coordination of actions are the basis of the Leo family structure. And this is also embedded in the consciousness of animals on an instinctive level - a well-fed leader is a good leader and a reliable protector. That is why the head of the family, an adult lion, always starts the meal first. Until he is satisfied, none of the members of the pride can even touch the prey. Disobedience may result cruel punishment, up to and including expulsion from the family.

Once full, adult lions play with pleasure with the babies. They are very patient with their children, sometimes even gentle. But the main process of education lies on the shoulders of females. They are the ones who feed the young together. Moreover, the female never refuses milk to a baby whose mother has gone hunting. All the kids will also be fed with freshly caught game meat.

Females also teach young lions to hunt. Starting from the age of three months, lion cubs go hunting with their mothers. At first, they only imitate experienced hunters - they learn to hide and sneak up, repeating the movements that lionesses make when attacking prey. And already at six months, young lions hunt on their own, obtaining food for the entire pride.

It would seem that, family idyll. But in fact, babies are at great risk from strangers. So, if the former leader is defeated, the new “king” can kill the lion cubs, seizing the moment when their mothers are hunting. This is how they gain the favor of females, who are ready for copulation the very next day, completely forgetting about their maternal instinct.

It happens that the lions that protect the pride leave in search of new territory for the family. During this period, lionesses and their cubs have to survive on their own, obtaining their own food. In especially difficult periods, when it is not possible for a long time to get food, exhausted females begin to howl pitifully throughout the savannah, calling males for help. Then the incredible happens - the males return and help the family in the hunt. Together they attack a prey, such as a zebra, and the family is finally able to eat.

Perhaps it is precisely such complex relationships between members of the lion family, the unconditional recognition of the primacy of the male, that are the main reasons why he bears the title of king of beasts.

Among big cats Only the tiger rivals the lion in size. Typically, a lion is slightly less than three meters long and weighs between 180 and 230 kilograms. Lionesses are smaller: their average length is two and a half meters and their weight is 140 kilograms. Among cats, only lions are easy to distinguish males from females. Lioness do not have a mane. Leo has enormous physical power. With one blow of his paw he knocks down a three-hundred-kilogram zebra. Despite its considerable weight, this predator is an excellent jumper. One eyewitness claimed that the lion jumped over an 11-meter wide gorge before his eyes. A three-meter high jump is generally common for a lion.

In addition to Africa, lions were once found in Europe, the Near and Middle East, and also in India. But gradually, due to the development of livestock farming and then industry, lions were pushed aside by humans. They now live in sub-Saharan Africa and India. True, in India they remained only in the Garsky Forest reserve. Leo in relationships with humans has always been inclined to peaceful coexistence. True, there were cases when predators became cannibals. So, at the beginning of the century, two lions dragged away and ate 28 construction workers railway Mombasa-Nairobi. After this, they were ambushed and shot by the engineer in charge of the construction.

Some zoologists doubt the vaunted nobility of the lion. After all, lions often send females to hunt, and then gorge themselves on the food they get. This, however, can be explained by the fact that the lion, because of its mane, is very noticeable and can easily scare away its prey. Therefore, lions send less noticeable females for prey.

The pride does not protect mate and sick lions, but, on the contrary, expels them. A decrepit lion, skinny and weak, often becomes the prey of hyenas.

The power and strength of the lion are covered in legends. Because he looks truly regal. The imagination first of all pictures a lion in its prime. His incomparable dark gold or black-brown mane gives him the majesty of a monarch. And the lion's voice is no less impressive than his appearance. On a quiet night, a lion's roar causes awe in everyone who hears it - even eight kilometers away. In his behavior, the lion also shows many royal qualities.

The huge weight of the lion gives crushing force to its blow. He easily scatters females when he takes prey from them. Many males live by feeding exclusively on food obtained by females, and almost never try to get anything themselves. Typically, the main role of males is to protect the territory from other animals encroaching on it. Females are mainly engaged in hunting. Lions differ from other cats in that they do not hunt alone, but in groups. They first try to isolate the prey from the herd, and then attack and kill it. They usually hunt at night, especially on the plains where the grass is short and it is difficult for a predator to hide in it.

Several lionesses surround the target animal, approaching it to within about 30 meters, and in this way they finally determine their choice. When the lioness comes very close to the victim, she will knock her down with a strong blow from her huge paws and immediately sink her teeth into her throat. Every fourth attack usually ends in complete victory for the predators. When the hunters eagerly pounce on their prey, the male lion appears. It is possible that a pack of hyenas may be nearby. Usually lions, having dealt with a large killed animal, generously allow others to feast on the prey. The habitat is usually defended by male lions. Within one territory, a flock of lions can live, consisting of six male lions, twelve adult lionesses and young lion cubs.

However, where there is more than enough food, this area may be significantly smaller. Lions breed at any time of the year, however, females of one pack (pride) prefer to have cubs at the same time (to make it easier to protect them from other predators and male lions of another pride). They even feed them, without dividing them into friends and foes. If one female dies, the others take care of the deceased's cubs. On average, a lioness brings up to three cubs in one litter. The cubs stay with their mother for up to six months while they suckle her. From the age of three months they begin to eat meat little by little. Lionesses in a pride are almost always related to each other and are reluctant to accept strangers. Male lion cubs are taught to hunt later than lionesses; sometimes young lions begin to learn only in the fifth year of life.

Therefore, it is important that males remain in their home pride for as long as possible, but they are usually kicked out when they are still young. These exiled males sometimes form a pack where they have a better chance of survival. A pride of bachelor males is short-lived. Driven by instincts, males go to prides where lionesses live, and there they try to fight for leadership. In the heat of battle, success favors the strongest and most agile, and the once friendly pack of males soon disintegrates. One of the mysteries of lion behavior was that for some reason the males killed their cubs. Now this mystery has been solved. The fact is that the attack of males is caused by their jealousy of young lion cubs. Male lions do not tolerate unnecessary rivals in their pack, so they strive to get rid of them. There is another explanation for such cruel and incomprehensible behavior. The male in this way encourages the female to give birth to new cubs. And they have a better chance of survival than previous cubs. And they will get more food.

During the mating period, the relationship between partners is very tender. The dominant lion mates with a female who is in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours (up to 30-40 times a day in total). During sexual intercourse, the male lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, as is typical for cats. Three and a half months after mating, the pregnant lioness leaves the pride, finds a secluded corner overgrown with grass and gives birth to offspring there. Lion cubs are born blind and helpless. Their skin is covered with spots that gradually disappear as they grow older (although adult lions with preserved “children’s” spots are occasionally found). In most cases, no more than half of all lion cubs survive. Lion cubs suck mother's milk from birth until they are six to seven months old. Then they eat only meat. At about two months of age, lion cubs join the pride. A lion is considered an adult at 5 years old and by this time has reached its optimal “fighting” size.

The lion is one of the largest predators on earth. The average African male weighs about 350 pounds (160 kilograms), and reaches a length of about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters). However, a male weighing 690 pounds (313 kilograms) was shot in South Africa in 1936. The animal was exceptionally massive; probably, individuals of this weight no longer exist in nature. Life expectancy: up to 17-20 years in nature and up to 30 years in captivity.

White lions are lions with reduced production of the pigment melanin. The reason for this phenomenon is a recessive gene that rarely manifests itself. The result of its action is a light color ranging from creamy beige to snow-white. Some white lions are white in some parts of the body and cream in others; some are painted a smooth white-cream color. White lions often have blue eyes (which is also associated with low melanin levels). There are currently about 300 white lions living on earth. There are special programs to preserve this type of color. But such a color only harms the lions themselves, living in the wild, as it unmasks them, preventing them from hunting. There is an assumption that the gene that gives white coloring in lions was left over from distant ancestors who lived during the Ice Age, when white coat color was necessary for camouflage

Lions reached their maximum distribution at the end of the Pleistocene: approximately 100,000-10,000 years ago they had the most extensive land range among mammals. Different geographic races or subspecies of lions were found from Alaska and Yukon in North America to Peru in South America, throughout Europe, Asia to Siberia and much of Africa. They became extinct in North America approximately 10,000 years ago. In historical times, lions lived in the extreme south of Africa and throughout the north of this continent, as well as throughout Western Asia, reaching India, where they occupied semi-desert plains in the northern half of the country, and the Balkan Peninsula in Europe. On the European continent, lions were exterminated by 100 AD, and in other parts of their former range - by the end of the last century. In Iran, a few lions remained until 1942; in India their number was reduced to about 25, and they remained there only in the Gir Forest, but they were taken under protection and their population has increased significantly since the 1940s.

Now there are approximately 225 Asiatic lions. Studies have shown that these animals are morphologically and genetically different from African ones. Unfortunately, apparently as a result of prolonged inbreeding, Asiatic lions have lost almost all of their genetic diversity, reducing their adaptive flexibility to environmental changes. In addition, they have symptoms of reproductive dysfunction (low sperm quality with numerous abnormalities). Lions breed easily in captivity. As part of a worldwide program covering dozens of zoos, over the years they have already received several hundred Asiatic lions, constituting their “reserve” population, which can be used to strengthen the wild one. However, it was recently discovered that the founders of this population in captivity were not only purebred Asiatic, but also African lions, so work is now underway to create a new, “pure” population, as well as to establish separate pedigree books for African lions bred in zoos.

In heraldry, the lion symbolizes royalty and nobility. In countries South-East Asia(China, Japan, Korea) since ancient times there has been a special, highly mythologized and stylized image of a lion - the so-called Chinese lion. It bears little resemblance to a real lion, and rather resembles a mythical creature. According to the beliefs of Ancient China, the lion is the mythical protector of the Law, the guardian of sacred buildings. It is a symbol of power and success, royal power and strength. Such lions were installed as “guardians” in front of the gates of imperial tombs, government residences, administrative buildings and religious buildings of Imperial China (approximately since the Han Dynasty) and Japan. Currently, it is an attribute of Buddhist temples in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) and Central Asia (Mongolia and Russia) and Shinto shrines.

Why is the lion called the king of beasts?

For a long time, one huge cat has inspired respect for humanity and captivated its imagination. We are, of course, talking about a lion. Man has always revered the lion and endowed him with the best human qualities - nobility, courage, loyalty and the power of an invincible fighter. The ancient Egyptians made the lion an emblem (sign) of divine power and royal dignity. The Assyrians and Greeks saw lions as companions of goddesses. In early Christian art, the lion even symbolized Christ himself. Later, lions adorned the coats of arms of many monarchs and nobles.

So why is the lion the lord of beasts? No doubt because he looks truly regal. The imagination first of all pictures a lion in its prime. His incomparable dark gold or black-brown mane gives him the majesty of a monarch. And the lion's voice is no less impressive than his appearance. On a quiet night, a lion's roar awes everyone who hears it - even eight kilometers away. In his behavior, the lion also shows many royal qualities. He is majestically good-natured and sociable - except when protecting his prey or girlfriend.

Lions differ from other cats in that they live in groups - so-called prides. A typical pride includes two to three males, several lionesses with cubs and a leader. The lion leader is not always the largest or strongest member of the pride, but the other males recognize him, and he, in turn, tolerates their presence. The size of a pride ranges from four to five members to thirty to forty.

Among large cats, only the tiger rivals the lion in size. Typically, a lion is slightly less than three meters long and weighs between 180 and 230 kilograms. Lionesses are smaller: their average length is two and a half meters, and their weight is 140 kilograms. Among cats, only lions are easy to distinguish males from females. Lioness do not have a mane. Leo has enormous physical power. With one blow of his paw he knocks down a three-hundred-kilogram zebra. Despite its considerable weight, this predator is an excellent jumper. One eyewitness claimed that the lion jumped over an 11-meter wide gorge before his eyes. A three-meter high jump is generally common for a lion.

In addition to Africa, lions were once found in Europe, the Near and Middle East, and also in India. But gradually, due to the development of livestock farming and then industry, lions were pushed aside by humans. They now live in sub-Saharan Africa and India. True, in India they remained only in the Garsky Forest reserve. Leo in relationships with humans has always been inclined to peaceful coexistence. True, there were cases when predators became cannibals. So, at the beginning of the century, two lions dragged away and ate 28 workers from the construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi railway. Afterwards, they were waylaid and shot by the engineer in charge of the construction.

Some zoologists doubt the vaunted nobility of the lion. After all, lions often send females to hunt, and then gorge themselves on the food they get. This, however, can be explained by the fact that the lion, due to its mane, is very noticeable and can easily scare off its prey. Therefore, lions send less noticeable females for prey.

The pride does not protect old and sick lions, but, on the contrary, expels them. A decrepit lion, skinny and weak, often becomes the prey of hyenas. An inglorious end for the lord of beasts.

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Since childhood, we have become accustomed to believing that the king of the animal world is the lion. In fact, these predators are not distinguished by outstanding mental abilities, strength, or endurance. So why was the lion given such a high rank? You will find the answer to the question in the presented article.

The lion became the king of the animal world thanks to its majestic appearance, elastic royal posture and truly regal look. The mane of this predator is associated with the crown of the monarch, and the voice, or rather the roar of the lion, makes all living creatures tremble for many kilometers around. Also, these animals exhibit a truly royal character, they are distinguished by their sociability and good nature (not counting cases of attack on a pride or an attempt on the prey of a predator). The family structure of these animals also speaks in favor of the high title of the king of beasts. There can be one leader in a pride - head lion, in addition to him, there may be several more young lions and several lionesses in the family. The head of the family protects the females and cubs, takes care of food for the entire family, and, if necessary, defends the boundaries of his pride. Another reason for giving the lion the royal title lies in the color of its skin. The golden hue of the mane and coat is often associated with a precious metal, which is an integral attribute many kings.

The head of the lion family also has his own privileges: only he has the right to accept or expel lionesses and lions from the pride. It is he who is the first to start the meal, and having eaten, he allows tidbits other family members.

The reign of one lion does not exceed 2-3 years. When the head of a pride grows old, he ceases to cope with his responsibilities, and his place is taken by a younger and more strong lion from a family or someone else's pride.

On a note: If a new leader has appeared in the pride, then the newly born cubs are at great risk. The head of the family is capable of killing lion cubs when their mothers are hunting. In this manner new king The pride seeks the favor of females.

Since ancient times, the lion has been considered a powerful, domineering and proud animal, which is reflected in the art of various peoples of the world. The Egyptians considered formidable lions as sacred animals; ancient Greek and Assyrian goddesses were often accompanied by these wild cats. In Europe, images of a lion could be seen on the heraldic signs of royal and aristocratic dynasties. Also, the outlines of wild animals were used on shields, seals, banners and other attributes.

On a note: Many peoples considered the lion a symbol of strength. This animal was often compared to strong man. For example, the king of the Plantagen dynasty, Richard I, received the nickname Lion Heart for courage and bravery, as well as bestial cruelty. He acquired a new name after crusade executed 2 thousand hostages in Acre for whom he did not receive ransom.

People have always feared and revered the lion; the Egyptians made it a symbol of power and royal dignity for its appearance and manners. The thick mane resembles a crown, the regal posture and proud look demonstrate to everyone around the lion's self-confidence, calmness and steadfastness. That's why the lion is the king of beasts.

In the old days, the lion was distributed throughout Africa, except rain forests and deserts, also found in the Middle East, Iran and even in several places in Europe. However, hunting lions and destroying them natural environment habitats led to a sharp decline in the number of lions. Now they are quite common only in African continent.

a lion bright representative cat family. Among cats it is the tallest animal (at the shoulders the height can reach 123 centimeters). But in mass it is inferior to the tiger. The weight of males varies from 200 to 270 kilograms, and the length reaches 3 meters. The weight of the female is no more than 180 kilograms and the length is 2.5 meters.

Lions live in savannas, where they hunt large ungulates weighing from 100 kg to half a ton. For example, zebras, antelopes or buffalos. But a lion will never risk attacking a rhinoceros or an elephant. If a lion has recently successfully hunted and is well-fed, then he behaves quite peacefully with other animals. An adult male requires 5 to 8 kilograms of meat per day. He also needs water at least once a day, which is why lions live near water bodies.

Lions live either in pairs or in small groups. Unlike tigers and other cats, they do not live on their own, but gather in small groups, similar to a family. Such groups are called prides. The typical composition of a pride is a group of related lionesses and their cubs, as well as one or more adult males.

Interesting fact that lionesses hunt much more often than lions. Lions are too noticeable because of their luxurious mane and large sizes. Lions only sometimes help their lionesses, frightening the prey with their roar and thereby driving it into ambush, where the lioness waits. Most of the time, males are engaged in protecting their territory from the encroachments of other lions.