
In the south of Moscow, a new rag Cherkizon is being built - a Chinatown, which will accommodate up to 80 thousand guests from the Middle Kingdom. According to unofficial data, up to 1 million 200 thousand Chinese live in Russia. Along with the Chinese, customs, ways of life, and mores with the Made in China label are also moving to us. Including the Chinese mafia “Triad”, which is unlike any other mafia in the world.

Purely Chinese murder

The Triad is considered one of the most ancient and numerous mafias in the world. And the most secret.

- Ours law enforcement There is only a sliver of information about the Triad,” complained a police expert on ethnic criminal groups in Moscow. – This is a very secretive organization, which can only include ethnic Chinese and only on the recommendations of other members of the Triad, so it is not possible to infiltrate there. And information spills out beyond the “Triad” extremely rarely, and even then mostly by accident...

...Zhang Faiking came to the police with signs of a noose on his neck. There was wild fear in his eyes, he babbled: “Triad” and “they will kill.” His uncle refused to share the income with the Triad - the appetites of the eastern racketeers were exorbitant: they demanded to give one of the containers to Cherkizovsky market. This unsightly tin box, where traders both work and live, can, according to some estimates, bring up to $1 million in profit to its owner. An amount for which the bandits are willing to do anything. Mafiosi kidnapped the nephew of an intractable merchant and were going to kill him. Faykin, one might say, was killed - hanged in the forest.

“But the rope, apparently, was Chinese, the quality was not so good, it broke, but Faikin was able to get out,” the operatives tell the tragicomic details of the incident. “He correctly decided that now his path was only to us, all other roads would have led him to the grave - the “Triad” would not have misfired a second time...

Noble robbers

The “Triad” originated in China 2.5 thousand years ago. At first, pirates and slave traders united in their “trade union” “Shadow of the Lotus”. And the name “Triad” arose in the 17th century. According to legend, three monks returned from a trip to their native Shaolin monastery and found it destroyed and burned, and the monks killed. At that moment, they decided to organize the “Union of Earth, Man and Sky in the name of justice,” which later included the “Shadow of the Lotus.” The Triads still honor ancient rituals, for example, during initiation, gang brothers drink a cocktail in which drops of the blood of their comrades are mixed with the blood of a chicken. The classic "Triads" still practice tattoos according to the hierarchy - dragon heads, cigarettes on the forearms. For betrayal and apostasy in the “Triad”, a difficult and slow death awaits, and often along with the family and the destruction of the home.

– In Russia, this conspiracy is further strengthened by the isolation of the Chinese diaspora - they go to “their” canteens, to “their” hairdressers, keep money only in Chinese underground banks, and send all the proceeds to their homeland. The colossal turnover of cross-border trade goes abroad in almost its entirety and feeds the Chinese economy,” the director of the Vladivostok Research Center told Interlocutor. organized crime Vitaly Nomokonov.

“Triads,” like any groupings, can be large or small. It is believed that the main “Triads” are Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. According to operational data, ordinary members of the “Triad” are distinguished by external modesty - to the point of asceticism, strict hierarchy, blind obedience to the “bosses”, ruthlessness, mutual responsibility and a vow of silence. The Triad, with rare exceptions, leaves virtually no material traces.

– Around the world, migration services have an expression: “The Chinese do not die.” Their deaths are not recorded anywhere. A Chinese man just died - according to his documents, someone else lives and works,” the head of the press service of the Federal migration service Konstantin Poltoranin.

The East is a profitable business

If few people within a radius of 1–2 thousand kilometers from Moscow have heard about the “Triads,” then for the Far East this phenomenon is not new. It is even being studied at the Law Institute of the Far Eastern State University, and this year a doctoral dissertation will be defended on the topic of “Triads.” And some residents of Siberia and the Far East became acquainted with this phenomenon not theoretically, but practically.

An entrepreneur from Irkutsk became the main prosecutor in the case of one of the Triads. Natalya Guravleva turned to the police after the Chinese demanded that she pay them part of her monthly income, holding a knife to her throat: “This is our argument.” The businesswoman managed to call the security with a panic button, and with whom she clashed, she only realized at the trial: the unsightly-looking, puny Chinese turned out to be militants of a powerful clan. True, the court did not get to the main “mafiosi” - the small members of the gang did not extradite them. The leaders of the Triad were nevertheless able to be expelled from the country, albeit as relatively decent citizens: for violating the visa regime.

– Most often, the crimes of the Triads occur among their own compatriots. Racketeering, threats, even murders are not included in Russian statistics - there are no complainants. Everything remains within the diaspora,” an operational officer shared with Sobesednik.

Chinese groups on foreign territory often prefer to act by merging with local gangs of “colleagues in the trade” and bribing the authorities. “Triads” operate using this method all over the world, but in Russia, of course, there is the most favorable environment for this.

– The main specialization of Triads in the Far East is timber and smuggling. Some time ago there were still synthetic drugs, but this trend was suppressed in communist China,” Vitaly Nomokonov told Interlocutor.

The words of Professor Nomokonov are confirmed by arbitrage practice. There are two scandalous criminal cases in the Far East, in one of which customs general Ernest Bakhshetsyan was convicted of participation in smuggling; in the other, a former vice-governor and a member of the Federation Council are wanted. At the trial in the Bakhshetsyan case, figures emerged: the profit of only one group of smugglers was $500 thousand per day. And all over Far East losses amounted to $4 million per day.

“No expensive property was found at all from the “smuggler” Bakhshetsyan and his relatives. There were many publications in the press that the general was framed by real smugglers and the security forces protecting them because he tried to ruin this channel. For which he paid,” lawyer Marat Fayzulin expressed his opinion. – Apparently, this channel feeds very high spheres, if all the appeals, right up to Putin, were answered only by silence.

Facts about the Triads

Hollywood “loves” the Chinese mafia very much - several blockbusters have been made about it with Bruce Lee and Van Damme. IN famous film The Kill Bill Triad is led by a woman. This is possible in China.

Mao Zedong is the only ruler who went on the warpath with the Triads, ordering the shooting of all criminal leaders. Their place was immediately taken by the children of the killed - the post of leader in the “Triads” is inherited. Another leader of China, Chiang Kai Shek, did not get involved with the invincible mafia. When his wife was kidnapped, he paid the requested ransom without discussion.

"Triad" is one of the most patriotic mafias. During international events militants guarantee the safety of foreigners, and during the SARS outbreak they even announced a $1 million bonus to a doctor who finds a cure for this disease.

9. Albanian mafia

Albania consists of numerous criminal groups. Their rules have remained unchanged since the 15th century... The Albanian mafia is involved in the trade of white slaves, alcohol and tobacco, controls prostitution, car theft and racketeering. She began her “activities” in the 80s of the last century. Widely represented in the USA and Britain. Distinctive feature is the cruelty used in acts of revenge.
8. Serbian mafia

The Serbian mafia has found its place among the leaders, since it operates in dozens of countries around the world and is associated with drug smuggling, contract killings, racketeering, robberies, control of bets and gambling houses. Interpol lists about 350 Serbian citizens, who are often employees and leaders of the largest drug cartels in the world. Serbian gangsters are also known for intellectual heists, often reenacting Hollywood scenarios, as well as quick and clean executions. Currently there are about 30-40 groups operating in Serbia
7. Israeli mafia

These guys work in the field of banditry in many countries, their main activity is drug trafficking and prostitution. Times have changed, and if previously they were once looked upon with awe because of their ability to protect, today they are ruthless killers who do not think twice before pulling the trigger. The Russian-Israeli mafia has strengthened its political system The United States is so good that even the vaunted American army is beyond the power to knock them out.
6.Mexican Mafia

The Mexican Mafia is a powerful criminal structure in the United States, with roots in the prison world. Originated in the 50s, it was positioned as the protection of Mexicans in US prisons from other criminals and prison guards. The main activities are extortion and drug trafficking. They are prone to quick reprisals against those they dislike and those who do not pay them the tax they set.
5. Japanese Yakuza

The Japanese mafia proudly traces its origins to impoverished samurai nobles, or ronin, as they were called in Japan. Heirs of noble fathers with many children, who sometimes had nothing but a sword, they inherited only the right to carry a sword and even comb their hair like a samurai: shave their forehead and crown, long hair from the back of the head, braid it into a tight braid and stick it on the bluish scalp. Although the Japanese mafia is known throughout the world, Everyday life In these cities it is difficult to spot it right away. Meanwhile, the Japanese mafia numbers one hundred and ten thousand people, while the noisy and violent American mafia numbers only twenty thousand. Considering that the population of the United States is approximately twice that of the Japanese, it is not difficult to calculate that for every Japanese there are eleven times as many professional rapists, robbers and murderers as there are Americans. Areas of activity: racketeering, distribution of prohibited pornography from Europe and America, prostitution and illegal emigration.
4. Chinese triads

That rapidly growing China is rapidly becoming a leader global development, they say today all over the world. But there is also negative sides this process. As China strengthens its leading position in global economy Chinese organized crime will rapidly expand its presence in transnational criminal relations. The “Triads” have already started a “third world war” for their competitors! Having “ridden” the migration processes, the mafia structures of China and the Chinese mafia in other countries have seized leading positions in organizing human trafficking and establishing flows of illegal migration. A Europol report (June 2006) noted that Chinese mafia groups were named leaders in human trafficking in countries European Union. Chinese "triads" have supplanted the home-grown mafia in Japan - the yakuza: the Chinese account for about half of all crimes committed by foreigners.
3. Colombian drug cartels

The Colombian mafia is one of the world's largest suppliers of cocaine. All efforts government authorities still remain in vain, since the bandits’ business is more than successful. The Colombian drug mafia has existed since the mid-60s of the last century. The Medellin and Cali cartels quickly became the world's leading cocaine producers.
2. Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra

Members Sicilian mafia(from left to right), Salvatore Lo Bue, Salvatore Lo Cicero, Gaetano Lo Presti, Giuseppe Scaduto, Antonino Spera, Gregorio Agrigento, Luigi Caravello, Mariano Troia, Giovanni Adelfio and Francesco Bonomo In the 13th century. Sicily was constantly plundered not only by Algerian pirates, but also by detachments of French mercenaries who served the Northern Italian dukes and princes. The organized armed struggle of the islanders against the French began in 1282 under the slogan “Morete alla Francia, Italia anela” (“Die, France - sigh, Italy”); From the first letters of the call, the Sicilians composed a battle cry: “Mafia!” Soon, self-defense units turned into units of professional fighters who began to take tribute from peasants for protection from external enemies. In the 19th century mafia that became unified system, even tried to achieve the separation of the island from Italy and proposed an alliance with Giuseppe Garibaldi, but the troops of the Principality of Piedmont defeated her. IN late XIX V. thousands of Sicilians, fleeing poverty and clan wars, moved to America. IN major cities The United States arose Cosa Nostra (“Our Business”) - a network of Sicilian “families” that controlled casinos, smuggling, prostitution, illegal trafficking in alcohol, tobacco and weapons, and also engaged in racketeering. All the "consorteries" of Sicily form a "venerable community", headed by the Capo di tutti Capi, the head of all chapters. Important figures in the mafia structure are also picciotti di ficatu ( hired assassins), stopalieri (bodyguards), gabellotti (judges) and consiglieri (advisers).
1. Russian mafia

The Russian mafia numbers 500,000 people. Her godfathers control 70% Russian economy, as well as prostitution in Macau and China, drug trafficking in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, money laundering in Cyprus, Israel, Belgium and England, car theft, trade in nuclear materials and prostitution in Germany. With the disappearance of the Iron Curtain, the expansion of Russian crime ceased to be controlled and directed, as it was before the collapse of the USSR. The first wave of “export” of crime from the territory of what was then the USSR took place in the early 70s, when Soviet Jews were allowed to leave for Israel. This wave was not comparable to the second - when the USSR collapsed with the collapse " iron curtain" Then the world really appreciated the size of Russian crime, which it called the “Russian mafia.” Russian criminal communities sometimes expressed very specific interests in different countries peace. Thus, in December 1993, the Western press first mentioned that groups were “shaking” Russian hockey players playing in foreign clubs, the so-called “legionnaires”. The mass of materials on this topic in the press in subsequent years indicated that the “sports racket” had truly become industrial scale. According to some reports, now the Russian criminal community operates in 50 countries around the world. According to American professor Louise Shelley, the ROP has taken $150 billion out of the Russian Federation since 1991. According to other sources - 50 billion dollars, but also a lot.

Chinese mafia considered one of the oldest in the world. Traditionally it is called the “Triad” and the number of its headquarters is impossible to count. The history of creation begins more than 2500 years ago and continues to this day. There is a legend that its creators were monks who, returning from their travels, found ashes on the site of their temple. To take revenge on their offenders and restore justice, the association of “Earth, Man and Heaven” was created. After which, the organization “Shadow of the Lotus” also joined them. All these events date back to the seventeenth century. Since then, which aspects of the Triad’s structure have remained unchanged. The Triad has strict discipline and attitude towards those who have stumbled.

The history of the name is connected with the magic of numbers - in China they take stories about numbers very seriously. Thus, the number “3” meant success and happiness. Individual members of the group also have their own designations, which they show using body language and facial expressions.

Modern activities of the Chinese mafia

The triads of modernity still revere their traditions. Tattoos and punishment of the offender remain unchanged. Their activities extend to criminal activities and business connections. Triads are involved in drug trafficking and human trafficking. The criminal list of gang possibilities is not limited to one dozen.

Each group has its own “boss” who gives orders to his “foremen”. Those, in turn, are engaged in “fighters” - people who unconditionally fulfill all requirements. Most often, young people join the ranks who do not see a future for themselves and are at social day. Also, there may be girls who are subsequently forced into prostitution.

Those who do not carry out tasks from the “boss” or were unable to pay a share of their business on time are subject to torture or are simply killed. Triads have very strict discipline, which requires absolute obedience from all participants.

Tattoos and their variations in the triad

The triad has its own distinctive signs, such as tattoos. The “new recruit” is given a drawing with a certain meaning. Only members of the organization know what exactly is depicted. Most often, the dragon sign is used. In Chinese mythology, the dragon signifies strength and power, and also has some other interpretations. Triads use this sign as a distinction between factions.

Modern participants try to get tattoos as small as possible. This is required for secrecy. Despite the popularity and fame of the Triad, its members never leave traces of a crime and cannot be distinguished from ordinary person. It is very rare to see in the news that a triad member has been detained somewhere. Distinguish by appearance they are not allowed. Members of the organization use special slang and sign language that only they understand. The triad takes absolutely every precaution to avoid revealing itself. Only a select few are included in the ranks of participants who were able to pass a serious selection and will continue to act within the framework of the rules of the Triad.

Features and handwriting of the Chinese mafia

The members of the triad perform all their work in such a way that there is no evidence left. If this is murder, almost everything that was connected with the person is destroyed. To the point of setting the house on fire. But despite its harsh punitive measures, the organization makes a great contribution to the country's economy. Absolutely all money received is sent to the bank in your home country. The triad collects taxes from each entrepreneur, but also maintains the business. That is, if a businessman has problems that he cannot deal with on his own, he can report to the main “boss”, who will solve the problem.

On the streets of China you can meet young people with an athletic build - they monitor order in the city. It is believed that some members of the mafia work in concert with the government and law enforcement agencies. That is why, active search No one cares about the members of the organization.

It is very difficult to get into the ranks of the “fighters” of the Triad. This requires recommendations from other members and learning all the community rules. Also, to prove adherence to the Triad, you need to commit a crime - most often murder. Thus, the new participant proves that he is capable of absolutely anything. Additional tests may be carried out to show the readiness of the “recruit” to join the Triad.

Triad weapons

Like any other group, the triad has its favorite weapons - traditional Chinese flexible weapons and a variety of swords. With the help of such weapons, you can quickly and silently carry out attacks and murders. For larger crimes, it is used firearms. But most often bladed weapons are used.

The mafia makes large collections from businessmen to purchase provisions and weapons. So, their main sponsors are ordinary people, who must give away a certain percentage of their sales. With the help of acquired weapons, the Triad carries out even the most complex crimes, and also protects locals from attacks.

The organization always acts secretly. This can be seen from the fact that they almost always do their “work” without problems or additional damage.

Various factions of the Chinese mafia

The triad has organizations in various countries peace. Even in Russia there is a triad group that operates secretly and cannot be punished. Current legislation does not apply to members of the group. There is a division not only in Asia, but in the USA, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. The speed with which new members of the organization appear makes it impossible to track down the main managers.

The most popular group today is “14K”. It is unknown what is hidden behind this laconic name, except for the name of the founder and gold. We can say only one thing - the group gained its popularity in the nineties and still accepts new members into its ranks. The activities of other groups are not so well known and practically nothing is known about their activities. It is not surprising, because the Triad takes absolutely all security measures so as not to reveal itself.

A special feature that is inherent in all leaders of the Triad is the competent management of affairs and the quick weeding out of those who are unworthy to be a member of the organization. Management quickly takes action if one of the participants was seen doing something inappropriate or went against the rules. The bosses have their own connections in various authorities and can quickly resolve any issue, even if it involves murder common man or a member of an organization.

Places of activity

The Triad, like any other organization, has its own headquarters and meeting places. Mafia members are even credited with participating in rituals and other occult things. Meetings help determine further actions and make a plan for the future. The main rule is to think and then act. That is why, with the Triad, everything is calculated in advance and they seem simply elusive.

They run their establishments in various cities and countries, but all the money is necessarily transferred to their homeland. The Triad has its own gathering places, which are hidden from the eyes of others. If a member of the organization accidentally reveals any secret information, immediate death follows both the person who said it and those who heard it. Community secrets are kept under big secret for several centuries now.

The inaction of the authorities is explained by the fact that even in the government the Triad has its own agents. There was no confirmation of this data either from government officials or from the group itself.

Mafia relations with residents

Paying attention to all the cruelty and tax collection, members of the organization are very attentive to all residents of the country. At a time when diseases were raging in the country, the bosses of the Triad offered their help. It consisted of paying for antiviruses for residents, as well as the development of new drugs.

The “fighters” treat tourists and visitors calmly. They are prohibited from demanding anything from tourists or exerting any pressure. The activities of the “patrolling” members of the group are monitoring order on the streets, as well as ensuring comfortable conditions labor for businessmen with whom they cooperate

In the south of Moscow, a new rag Cherkizon is being built - a Chinatown, which will accommodate up to 80 thousand guests from the Middle Kingdom. According to unofficial data, up to 1 million 200 thousand Chinese live in Russia. Along with the Chinese, customs, ways of life, and mores with the Made in China label are also moving to us. Including the Chinese mafia “Triad”, which is unlike any other mafia in the world.

Purely Chinese murder

The Triad is considered one of the most ancient and numerous mafias in the world. And the most secret.

Our law enforcement agencies have little information about the Triad,” complained a police expert on ethnic criminal groups in Moscow. - This is a very secretive organization, which can only include ethnic Chinese and only on the recommendations of other members of the Triad, so it is not possible to infiltrate there. And information spills out beyond the “Triad” extremely rarely, and even then mostly by accident...

...Zhang Faiking came to the police with signs of a noose on his neck. There was wild fear in his eyes, he babbled: “Triad” and “they will kill.” His uncle refused to share his income with the Triad - the appetites of the eastern racketeers were exorbitant: they demanded to give up one of the containers at the Cherkizovsky market. This unsightly looking tin box, where traders both work and live, can, by some estimates, bring in up to $1 million in profit for its owner. An amount for which the bandits are willing to do anything. Mafiosi kidnapped the nephew of an intractable merchant and were going to kill him. Faykin, one might say, was killed - hanged in the forest.

But the rope, apparently, was Chinese, the quality was not so good, it broke, but Faikin was able to get out, the operatives tell the tragicomic details of the incident. - He correctly decided that now his path was only to us, all other roads would have led him to the grave - the “Triad” would not have misfired a second time...

Noble robbers

The “Triad” originated in China 2.5 thousand years ago. At first, pirates and slave traders united in their “trade union” “Shadow of the Lotus”. And the name “Triad” arose in the 17th century. According to legend, three monks returned from a trip to their native Shaolin monastery and found it destroyed and burned, and the monks killed. At this moment, they decided to organize the “Union of Earth, Man and Sky in the name of justice,” which later included the “Shadow of the Lotus.” The Triads still honor ancient rituals, for example, during initiation, gang brothers drink a cocktail in which drops of the blood of their comrades are mixed with the blood of a chicken. The classic "Triads" still practice tattoos according to the hierarchy - dragon heads, cigarettes on the forearms. For betrayal and apostasy in the “Triad”, a difficult and slow death awaits, and often along with the family and the destruction of the home.

In Russia, this conspiracy is further strengthened by the isolation of the Chinese diaspora - they go to “their” canteens, to “their” hairdressers, keep money only in Chinese underground banks, and send all the proceeds to their homeland. The colossal turnover of cross-border trade goes abroad almost in full and feeds the Chinese economy,” Vitaly Nomokonov, director of the Vladivostok Center for the Study of Organized Crime, told Interlocutor.

“Triads,” like any groupings, can be large or small. It is believed that the main “Triads” are Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. According to operational data, ordinary members of the “Triad” are distinguished by external modesty - to the point of asceticism, strict hierarchy, blind obedience to the “bosses”, ruthlessness, mutual responsibility and a vow of silence. The Triad, with rare exceptions, leaves virtually no material traces.

Around the world, migration services have a saying: “The Chinese don’t die.” Their deaths are not recorded anywhere. A Chinese man just died - according to his documents, someone else lives and works,” Konstantin Poltoranin, head of the press service of the Federal Migration Service, told Interlocutor.

The East is a profitable business

If few people within a radius of 1-2 thousand kilometers from Moscow have heard of the “Triads,” then for the Far East this phenomenon is not new. It is even being studied at the Law Institute of the Far Eastern State University, and this year a doctoral dissertation will be defended on the topic of “Triads.” And some residents of Siberia and the Far East became acquainted with this phenomenon not theoretically, but practically.

An entrepreneur from Irkutsk became the main prosecutor in the case of one of the Triads. Natalya Guravleva turned to the police after the Chinese demanded that she pay them part of her monthly income, holding a knife to her throat: “This is our argument.” The businesswoman managed to call the security with a panic button, and with whom she clashed, she only realized at the trial: the unsightly-looking, puny Chinese turned out to be militants of a powerful clan. True, the court did not get to the main “mafiosi” - the small gang members did not extradite them. The leaders of the Triad were nevertheless able to be expelled from the country, albeit as relatively decent citizens: for violating the visa regime.

Most often, the crimes of the Triads occur among their own compatriots. Racketeering, threats, even murders are not included in Russian statistics - there are no complainants. “Everything remains within the diaspora,” an operational officer shared with Sobesednik.
Chinese groups on foreign territory often prefer to act by merging with local gangs of “colleagues in the trade” and bribing the authorities. “Triads” operate using this method all over the world, but in Russia, of course, there is the most favorable environment for this.

The main specialization of the Triads in the Far East is timber and smuggling. Some time ago there were still synthetic drugs, but this trend was suppressed in communist China,” Vitaly Nomokonov told Interlocutor.
The words of Professor Nomokonov are confirmed by judicial practice. There are two scandalous criminal cases in the Far East, in one of which customs general Ernest Bakhshetsyan was convicted of participation in smuggling; in the other, a former vice-governor and a member of the Federation Council are wanted. At the trial in the Bakhshetsyan case, figures emerged: the profit of only one group of smugglers was $500 thousand per day. And throughout the Far East, losses amounted to $4 million per day.

The “smuggler” Bakhshetsyan and his relatives were not found to have any expensive property at all. There were many publications in the press that the general was framed by real smugglers and the security forces protecting them because he tried to ruin this channel. For which he paid,” lawyer Marat Fayzulin expressed his opinion. - Apparently, this channel feeds very high spheres, if all the appeals, right up to Putin, were answered only by silence.

facts about the Triads

Hollywood “loves” the Chinese mafia very much - several blockbusters have been made about it with Bruce Lee and Van Damme. In the famous film Kill Bill, the Triad is led by a woman. This is possible in China.

Mao Zedong is the only ruler who went on the warpath with the Triads, ordering the shooting of all criminal leaders. Their place was immediately taken by the children of the killed - the post of leader in the “Triads” is inherited. Another leader of China, Chiang Kai Shek, did not get involved with the invincible mafia. When his wife was kidnapped, he paid the requested ransom without discussion.

"Triad" is one of the most patriotic mafias. During international events, militants guarantee the safety of foreigners, and during the SARS outbreak they even announced a $1 million bonus to a doctor who finds a cure for this disease.

Chinese organized crime groups have become one of the integral elements of the mysterious and mysterious East. "Triads" have long been confidently occupying the world rankings criminal communities second place, second only to the “Italian octopus” in the number of crimes committed. Triad headquarters are scattered throughout the world. From Hong Kong to New York. Their areas of interest cover not only southeast Asia, but also Russia, Europe, the United States.

The Triad organization appeared in China 2,500 years ago. The first attempts to create an organized criminal group in the country led to the bandits uniting into a kind of trade union, which was dubbed the “Shadow of the Lotus.”

The “triad” appeared later, when in the 17th century three Shaolin monks, returning from their wanderings, discovered ashes on the site of their monastery. Then, in the name of justice, they decided to create the "Union of Earth, Man and Sky", which was later joined by the "Shadow of the Lotus".

Centuries have passed, but some things in the way of life of the Triads remain unshakable. A person joining a gang must drink from a cup containing the blood of all his comrades and the blood of a chicken. Members of the Triads cover their bodies with tattoos, according to the hierarchy. Betrayal is punishable by death.

Today, in Hong Kong alone there are more than 150 thousand “triad” militants based, representing more than 50 clans. In China, their number is close to one and a half million. The entire black market of the country is under their vigilant control. Strict discipline reigns within the clans themselves. The hierarchical ladder is steep, and the path along it is not at all strewn with roses. Total control is established over each militant, and any violation established rules is most often punishable by death.

However, experts have not been able to figure out what scheme governs this or that cell. The modern Triad combines network and corporate management models. As a result, members in the field can act autonomously depending on the complexity of the operation they are asked to perform. The flexibility of the system allows, if necessary, to connect and disconnect the necessary links from the process of performing the operation.

The "Triad" covered all areas of domestic and international crime. Extortion, trade in all types of legal and illegal goods, illegal migration, prostitution, gambling, protection racket. Being pragmatic people, Chinese mafiosi are meticulous in their approach to accounting documentation. Every month, a “tax inspector” from the “Triad” comes to the businessmen, who checks all the documents and calculates the due 15% tax, which goes to the mafia coffers. Deceiving the Triad is harmful to health. Tested by hundreds of generations of entrepreneurs.

Today, the Chinese have taken a leading position in the supply of heroin to the United States and Europe. According to drug police, they have taken over a quarter of all Asian Traffic.

All the rulers of China tried to fight the Triads. Since power in the clan passes from father to son, problems with inheritance never arose. In modern China, at the top of the criminal pyramid there are two ancient dynasties - “14K” and “Green Dragon”, which appeared in the middle of the last millennium.

Sometimes a woman can take the helm of a clan. The most a shining example became Lily Wong, who terrorized the entire Malayan coast for a decade. But the communists, led by Mao Zedong, were never able to solve the mafia problem, although they shot criminals without trial. Sons took the place of fallen fathers. But you can’t shoot all the criminals. Moreover, when the homeland was in danger, the Triads turned out to be surprisingly patriotic organizations. They, for example, carried out active subversive activities against the Japanese invaders.

It is impossible to get into the Triad from the street, although there are more than enough people willing (the country has a critical level of unemployment). Therefore, first you need to get recommendations from two current members of the Triad, after which the candidate undergoes an interview with a recruiter, following which he is assigned the task. Most often this is the murder of a cop who refuses to take a bribe. Psychologists also identify such cops. After such an action, the newcomer is bound to the clan by blood.

As already mentioned, the Chinese mafia is the most patriotic criminal group in the world. They send their people to the streets of cities to keep order along with the police. The interest of the "triads" in public order is quite understandable - the mafia supports the political course of the Chinese ruling elite. When Beijing was proclaimed the capital of world tourism, the criminals pledged to protect tourists, betting on increasing the profits of souvenir shops, taxes from which would replenish the clan's treasury.

The Chinese are not looking to make quick, risky money. They prefer to plan profits years in advance. And, unlike Russian bandits who launder their income in offshore areas, the Chinese send money by couriers to their homeland. Hiding income in accounts in Switzerland is considered bad manners. The bosses of the Triad understand that the richer their country, the wealthier they will be.

Having made its way into the country's government apparatus, the mafia still did not reach high-ranking officials. And, although small armchair rats periodically fly out of their warm places, convicted of bribery, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China still remains inaccessible to criminals.