A typical picture at any airport, train station or bus station is a mass of people with huge suitcases. “They’re going on vacation...” we sigh enviously. However, when it’s time for vacation, you want to pack moderate luggage. What to take with you to the seaside on a week-long trip? We make a list wisely and learn to make do with a moderate list of things.

Money and documents

When packing your luggage, you need to start with the most important things. What is absolutely necessary to take with you to the sea? The answer is simple: money and documents. Accordingly, this is a passport, medical policy, birth certificate - for a minor child. Don’t forget your tickets, too, and if you’re going on vacation abroad, you probably already have your international passport and permission to enter the country in a very visible place. Important papers should not be kept in a large suitcase, but in a small handbag that will always be with you. Be sure to set aside a certain amount separately from your main vacation money. Most likely, you will need them on the road for small expenses. Before going on vacation abroad, it is useful to find out where it is more profitable to exchange money - in Russia or upon arrival in another country.

Let's go to the beach!

Most women immediately after purchasing tickets to warm country rushing to the store for a new swimsuit. If you have the means, you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure. A little secret - there should be two swimsuits, because you will probably want to swim more than once a day. Accordingly, think about necessary accessories. An additional pareo or beach tunic will take up very little space, but will still allow you to remain the most stylish on the beach. Don't forget beach shoes, a hat and sunglasses. When thinking about what to take with you to the sea, consider where you are going and what conditions await you. If you stay in a good hotel during your vacation, you won't have to worry about towels. But for vacationers who choose to rent accommodation without service, it makes sense to take towels and beach mats with them.

Clothes for every day

Besides beach holiday, offers exciting excursions, going to cafes and nightclubs and many other interesting entertainments. What clothes should you take on vacation? You don’t have to buy anything special; you can put together a suitable wardrobe from your existing everyday items. Be sure to take jeans and one warm jacket - who said it can't be cool on the coast? If your goal is to pack as little as possible, choose shorts, skirts, T-shirts, and tops that coordinate as much as possible. Several thin summer sundresses and dresses will also not take up much space. Choose items that do not require ironing, are easy to wash and dry quickly. What to take with you to the sea, in addition to what is listed above? Don't forget underwear - at least 4 sets that match the chosen clothes. When it comes to shoes, it is better to choose more practical models - for example, comfortable sandals or high-top sandals. flat sole. For excursions to natural attractions, light sneakers or any other sports shoes are indispensable. Similarly, you should pack luggage for each family member.

Luggage for little travelers

We have almost figured out what to take to the sea. It is a little more difficult to relax with a child than in the company of adults, so the list of things needs to be adjusted. Collect the necessary clothes, the exact list of which depends on the age of the baby. Important condition- things for a child should be taken twice as much as for an adult. Otherwise you risk most laundry holidays. Purchase personal hygiene products from large quantities doesn't make sense, but take 2-3 days' supply with you. Diapers, wet wipes and other care accessories you can always buy on vacation, and in your suitcase these things will take up a lot of space. For the little ones, it makes sense to take enough food with you - formula milk, dry cereal, ready-made purees in jars. If you are going on vacation for one or two weeks, you don’t need so much baby food. By purchasing them at home, you will be sure that your baby will always be provided with a sufficient amount of usual food on vacation.

What medications should I take at sea? Together with the child we collect a first aid kit

Don't forget to put all the necessary medications in your suitcase. Having such a first aid kit on hand will save you time and nerves during your vacation. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to find the right drug abroad or choose its analogue on your own. However, be careful: if you are vacationing in another country, study the list in advance medicines, the import of which is prohibited. The first aid kit should have:

  • dressings and antiseptics,
  • medications to improve digestion,
  • allergy remedies,
  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To save space, it is convenient to purchase universal medications suitable for both adults and children.

Recreation and entertainment

What should you take with you to the sea, besides clothes and medicine? Rubber inflatable products for recreation on the water can always be bought in coastal cities, but their prices are often inflated. Therefore, if you already have a mattress, a children's circle or arm guards and some toys for use on the water, do not hesitate to deflate them and take them with you on your trip. Every child has a lot of different toys. Which of them are the most necessary on vacation, what to take to the sea? You can have a fun and interesting time with your child, playing with a minimum of special accessories. Bring bath and sand toys, a few books, your favorite soft toy. Great on vacation, help out Board games, educational cards.

Should I take equipment on vacation?

Today each of us uses a large number of various electronics. Is it worth taking all your usual gadgets on a trip? Usually, while you are thinking about what to take to the sea, the “list” of what you need compiles itself. Phone, tablet, laptop, camera - do you really need all this? Of course, you shouldn’t be left without communication and colorful pictures. But, as practice shows, a modern smartphone and camera are quite enough on vacation. And you will always have time to sit at a full-fledged computer at home.

What to take to the sea: a list of things you need every day

On vacation, you should take with you all the products necessary for personal hygiene. These are cosmetics that you are used to using, combs, manicure set. Don’t forget specific products for relaxation - sunscreen creams and sprays that protect against insects. Some mothers vacationing with their children prefer to reduce the size of their luggage by using children's care cosmetics on vacation. Now you know what to take to the sea. The list may vary slightly depending on your personal needs. For example, if you have long hair- It will be useful to put a compact travel hairdryer in your suitcase. But don’t try to take too many things, try to sensibly evaluate what exactly you use every day and what you can’t do without on your trip. However, don’t worry if you forgot something important from the list entitled “What to take on a seaside holiday.” In tourist cities you can usually easily purchase everything you need for a vacation and any manufactured goods.

Vacation at sea. How long have we been waiting for this moment! Choose perfect place, coordinate the departure time, order tickets in advance. And now, when all these issues have been resolved, and the cherished date is getting closer, it’s time to think about what you need to take with you on your trip.

To prevent packing for your vacation from turning into real chaos, we offer you some useful tips.

Important! The most important thing is not to forget documents and money. Even if this is all you take with you, you will buy the rest on the spot. If documents or money are lost or missing, there is a risk of not leaving home at all.

List of required documents:

  • Passports. When traveling within your homeland, it is enough to take only an internal passport. When you are traveling abroad, do not forget your passport. You may need a visa to enter this country - double check that it is available.
  • Tickets. Be sure to take round-trip tickets. Hide your ticket home so that you don’t accidentally throw it away after arriving on vacation.
  • Vouchers. If you are going to a hotel where you have already booked a room, tour. the company is obliged to issue you an agreement on the basis of which you will be accommodated. Don't lose it.
  • Medical insurance. Don't forget to take your compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy. When traveling to another country, be sure to take out insurance when purchasing a tour.
  • Money and yours bank cards . Do not keep the entire amount prepared for your vacation in cash or only on cards. It is better if you can use both types of calculation.
  • Driver's license. Even if you don't bring your own car, you may want to rent a car for a self-guided tour or shopping trip. In this case, you will need your rights.

Without what? modern girl can't do without a vacation on the seashore?

On vacation, I really want to take a break from the office style of clothing, high heels and formal suits. But it is always important for a girl to feel charming and beautiful. Therefore, the clothing list is the first thing we will start with.

  • Swimsuit- 2 pieces.
  • Rubber beach slippers. Necessary to avoid the risk of injuring your foot on the rocky bottom.
  • Pareo, Panama, sunglasses. These accessories will not only make you irresistible on the shore, but will also protect you from strong sun exposure.
  • Lingerie and light pajamas. Calculate the amount of linen approximately according to the number of days of vacation - one shift per day.
  • Sundress, shorts, T-shirts, light shirt with long sleeve, linen trousers . In such clothes you will be comfortable going on an excursion or walking along the embankment.
  • Cocktail dress or set. Perhaps you are planning to visit a theater, restaurant or night club. Then such clothes will not be superfluous in your suitcase.
  • Long sleeve cardigan or jersey, thrown over a sundress - and you are not afraid of either the sea breeze or the evening cool.
  • Sandals or moccasins. They will be convenient for walking around the city.

During a holiday at sea, you cannot do without cosmetics. However, these should not be decorative means, but means of protection against sun rays– sprays, foams and lotions.

It’s good if the SPF value indicated on the label is at least 30. Take a moisturizing night cream and hygienic lipstick with you.

Make a list of personal hygiene products. Regardless of the day of your cycle, bring a set of sanitary pads with you. The body may malfunction due to climate change, you must be prepared for this.

Toothpaste, soap and shampoo are usually provided by the hotel. But, if you have your favorite brands, you can take them. Don't forget a toothbrush, comb and deodorant.

Note! This list is advisory in nature. You can add to it as you wish or remove excess.

What to take on a trip to the sea with a child?

Traveling with a child is a great opportunity to be together, learn something new and make the trip unforgettable.

You need to approach the list of things to do at sea with a child more responsibly. Especially if your baby is of tender preschool age.

Clothes and shoes:

  1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks for the beach - two pairs.
  2. Beach sneakers. It’s good if they are fixed on the leg. The baby will not stumble or lose them.
  3. Several headdresses. Necessarily!
  4. Shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, sundresses - the quantity is at your discretion.
  5. Knitted jacket, windbreaker, trousers - for cool evenings.

Often Small child reacts poorly to changes in environment. For children, it is especially important to observe their usual rituals. So bring your favorite toy, several children's books and board games.

With them, the baby will feel more confident and fall asleep peacefully. It will be convenient to take his chamber pot or toilet cover on a trip.

Although many hotels provide these items for temporary use, this is not entirely hygienic and, if possible, it is better to bring your own.

Immunity small child very different from an adult, so you can’t do without a home first aid kit.

List of necessary medications for holidays with a child:

  • Thermometer. Only electronic! Do not take mercury on a trip - do not expose yourself and others to danger.
  • Antipyretic– what you usually take.
  • Antihistamine– prescribed by a doctor specifically for your baby.
  • Spray for sore throat and vasoconstrictor nasal drops.
  • Activated carbon or smecta for mild stomach upset.
  • Antiseptics– hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.
  • Patch.

Important! This is a list of the simplest medicines for mild illness. With more serious symptoms Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor!

Necessary things for a man

What clothes to take on a trip can be decided by the stronger half of humanity according to their preferences.

But in order to look neat and feel comfortable on vacation, his list should include the following things:

  • Swimming trunks – 2 pieces.
  • T-shirts - 3-4 pieces.
  • Shorts and trousers made of light, lightweight fabric for walking around the resort.
  • Long sleeve shirt and classic pants for going to events or going to a restaurant.
  • A hat that protects from the sun's rays. Sunglasses.
  • One windbreaker.
  • Linen subject to daily change. 2-3 pairs of socks.
  • Flip-flops, sandals, summer shoes.

Also, a man must collect a set of his hygiene products - a razor, shaving products, deodorant, comb and others necessary items for daily use.

At the end, we’ll make a small table with a list of things to do on a seaside vacation for the whole family.

Documentation Clothes and shoes Hygiene products Medications
Passports Beachwear Toothbrush Antipyretics
Tickets Beach shoes Towels (if not provided by the hotel) Antispasmodics
Cash and bank cards Hats Deodorant For indigestion
Insurance policy Clothes for walking around the resort Comb For allergies
Vouchers (hotel reservations) Walking shoes Sunscreens For sore throat
Driver's license Clothes for cool weather Gaskets Antiseptics
Lingerie Razors Sunburn Remedies

Hurray, this long-awaited day has finally arrived - the first day of vacation, and you can rightfully start getting ready for your trip! However, this is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance.

In one novel, I remember, it was described how one millionaire traveled around the world - he did not have huge luggage, he carried with him a small case containing a million dollars, and in each city the first thing he did was go to the store and buy himself everything he needed - from a toothbrush to cognac.

If you do not belong to the glorious cohort of millionaires and are forced to carry everything you need with you, let’s try to pack this most “necessary” so that you don’t forget anything, don’t lose anything, and at the same time don’t collect a whole suitcase of unnecessary things.

Choosing and buying a suitcase

First of all, you need to decide where you will pack your things. Do you have a wonderful, comfortable bag? Forget! It will come in handy when you go to visit your grandmother in the village.

If you are going to a resort where you are going to impress everyone around you with your stunning look, you will need at least a couple of glamorous outfits. And they are unlikely to withstand a long flight in a soft bag without loss of quality.

Conclusion - we buy a suitcase . How choose a suitcase? The “correct” suitcase is light enough, but at the same time dense, so that the things in it will not get wrinkled. The metal (preferably steel) handle should be disassembled and removed when you need to roll the suitcase on wheels - instead of a handle, a strong loop is provided for such a case. At the same time, the wheels should not be too small, otherwise they will fly off on the first bump.

First– fabric: this suitcase is lightweight, it is best to take it with you if you are going to travel by train.

Second– plastic: also lightweight, but at the same time keeps its shape, and if it is added to plastic metal shavings- better.

This suitcase will handle air transport perfectly. There are also leather suitcases, but they are very expensive and also heavy. This option is suitable if you don’t drag it yourself.

What to take with you on vacation?

Let's say your trip lasts two weeks. What to take with you to look decent in any situation? We offer an approximate list of things that will make you feel comfortable:

Two swimsuits – separate and one-piece;
- a pair of sundresses made from wrinkle-resistant fabric;
- shorts or breeches made of light fabric;
- jeans;
- several T-shirts and T-shirts;
- Evening Dress;
- a smart blouse with a smart skirt;
- sweater or jacket (in case of cold weather);
- a long-sleeved shirt made of light translucent fabric (this will come in handy while walking around the city or sightseeing);
- elegant shoes;
- sneakers;
- two pairs of comfortable summer shoes (for example, ballet flats and low-heeled sandals);
- plastic or rubber slippers;
- underwear;
- medications you may need;
- pareo or just a large thin scarf;
- sunglasses;
- sunscreen cosmetics;
- ordinary cosmetics;
- hat or baseball cap.

This is, so to speak, " minimum program" In addition to the things listed, take, for example, sports suit, if you plan to use the hotel fitness center, or equipment for scuba diving, if you like this type of holiday.

But we would not recommend taking a beach bag, beach towel, mat and similar things with you. They are cheap, so you can easily buy these accessories on the spot, thereby saving space in your suitcase and getting a nice souvenir to remember your vacation. By the way, in reputable hotels a beach towel is provided in the room.

Of course, you need to add personal hygiene items to the list.

Follow the list!

The easiest way not to forget anything is to make a list of necessary things in advance, including every last detail - a pen with a notepad, a toothbrush with toothpaste, handkerchiefs, etc.

Try to save this list until the end of the trip - it will help you pack your things before the return trip and nothing Don't forget at the hotel.

Let's pack

Start packing with the most large of things. That's right, these are shoes. Each pair should be placed in a bag and all this wealth should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase.

It is customary to pack clothes like this: Turn inside out, fold the sleeves towards the middle, then fold the item in half and place it in the suitcase. Skirts, shorts, and T-shirts can simply be folded neatly in half.

Anything that does not wrinkle can generally be rolled up with a tight roller and shoved into free places. You can fill the remaining gaps with all sorts of little things: socks and underwear, jewelry and hygiene items, napkins and combs will go here...

Of course, an evening dress requires more careful attitude, so it needs to be carefully folded and placed on top of everything else.

If the hotel does not have the opportunity to use an iron, don’t worry, just hang your clothes on hangers over the bathtub filled with hot water. In half an hour or an hour they will be as if ironed.

What should you take besides a suitcase?

Every woman knows: to feel comfortable on the road, you need to have a small bag on hand with things that you may need at any time. Therefore, what will go into the suitcase is what can be safely checked in as luggage, and in this handbag you will put the following:

- comb;
- cosmetics and mirror;
- wet and dry wipes;
- deodorant;
- medicines;
- book or magazine;
- camera;
- products;
- drinking water.

Of course, all our advice is approximate and conditional; you yourself must choose from them what suits you and make your own list.

To prevent your vacation from being ruined because you forgot something, you need to pack your things in advance. If you pack just before your flight abroad, this is exactly what will happen.

Before you go shopping to buy something new, you should clearly define what exactly you need.

To do this, you need to sit down and, slowly, thoughtfully make a correct list of everything you might need.

You should not include in this list your entire summer wardrobe that you wear in the city; you are unlikely to need it at sea.

Take a minimum of things with you and you won't have to wear yourself out with a heavy suitcase. Don’t take things “just in case,” but still, make sure you don’t lose sight of everything you need.

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Things to take on a trip

  1. First aid kit;
  2. Documentation;
  3. Personal hygiene products;
  4. Technique;
  5. Leisure items;
  6. Other supplies you may need.

What will be useful on the road?

First aid kit

At sea you may need medication.

It’s good if you manage to relax without them, but it’s still worth being on the safe side, especially if you’re flying with children. A change in climate, water, or just an occasional cold should not ruin your vacation.

You may need:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Febrifuge;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Band-Aid;
  • Ointments or creams against mosquitoes and other insects.


In addition to the documents that you will take directly on the plane (passport, insurance), you must not forget:

  • Return flight tickets;
  • Documents from the travel agency confirming the booking of accommodation;
  • Driver's license (just in case);
  • Parental permission to take the child out;
  • Cash and bank cards;
  • Photocopies of the most important documents;
  • Travel insurance.

Personal care products

You can buy hygiene products on the spot, but in order to immediately get yourself in order after the flight on the day of arrival, and not run headlong in search of soap or anything else in the shops, It’s better to take everything you need with you:

  • Fragrant soap;
  • Favorite shampoo;
  • Shower gel;
  • A washcloth or sponge;
  • Comb;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Toothbrushes;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Shaving accessories.

You should not take a lot of decorative cosmetics with you to the sea.

It is better to use decorative cosmetics as little as possible on vacation.

But if you can’t live without cosmetics, then take:

  • Powder;
  • Waterproof mascara;
  • Shadows;
  • Faint lipstick.

On the beach, a woman with bright makeup will look at least strange. Although, if you go to a night bar or restaurant, you can still spruce up your appearance a little.


You also don’t need to take a lot of equipment to sea. Give your electronic devices a break.

If having a laptop while on vacation is not a necessity for you, it is better to leave it at home.

  • Camera, video camera, of course, are necessary when traveling at sea. How else to capture Beautiful places, sights, yourself and your loved ones against the backdrop of this beauty?
  • Mobile phone– is also a necessary thing, you can’t do without it.
  • Phone charger and cameras


The amount of clothing will depend on several factors: where exactly you are going, what kind of clothes you will have The cultural program how long you will be at sea. But in any case there shouldn’t be a lot of it. Moreover, you will probably want to buy yourself some new product on the spot.

Clothes for men

Men are more practical in this regard; they take a minimum of things with them.

  • Clothes for the beach

The most important thing at sea is clothing for swimming. Take two swimming trunks, that will be enough.

  • Everyday things. Two shorts, a couple of T-shirts, a bright shirt, a light windbreaker and cotton jeans (in case it suddenly gets cold) - perhaps this set will be enough for your vacation, including evening walks. Underwear - two panties or swimming trunks.
  • Shoes. Take a pair of flip-flops, they are suitable for both the beach and walking. Just in case, you can also take light moccasins.
  • Other.

Don't forget to take everything you need for shaving if you don't want to turn into Robinson Crusoe during your vacation at sea.

Clothes for women

As a rule, when it comes to clothing, women are more whimsical and less practical than men. Sometimes it seems to them that literally everything will be useful.

You shouldn’t judge them too harshly, because they dress up solely to please men. And just a little bit to show off our new clothes in front of each other.

And yet you need to limit yourself to a minimum of outfits:

  • Swimming and beach wear. The main part of a woman's wardrobe at sea is swimsuits. Take two - open and closed, they don’t take up much space, but they will allow you to be different. A bright, stylish pareo will perfectly complement a beach outfit and serve as a “cover” from the sun’s rays. In addition, a pareo can also replace a sundress.
  • Casual wear. A pair of sundresses, a top, shorts or breeches is a sufficient set for walks, visiting cafes and excursions. Jeans and a light windbreaker are useful in cool weather.
  • Evening wear. You don't need an evening dress as such. After all, the same vacationers go to cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. Moreover, in evening dress you will look out of place there. A bright sundress, shorts or a skirt with a fashionable light top are quite suitable for this purpose.

  • Underwear. A couple of sets of underwear will be enough for you. You can also grab a nightgown.
  • Shoes. You can also wear comfortable flip-flops for the beach while walking. For excursions, prepare shoes without heels. If you decide to show off in an evening dress, you will need sandals, preferably stiletto heels.
  • Hats. It all depends on your imagination and style.

As a headdress, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat, a bandana, a baseball cap, or you can use a beautiful silk scarf.

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Children's clothing

Every mother is absolutely sure that she knows exactly what clothes her child needs. This is true, but it is important not to overdo it.

Children don't need as many things as their mother might think.

Some tips for traveling couples with children:

  1. If you have infant , take him a casual set of clothes. There must be several panama hats, a sufficient number of swimming trunks, T-shirts, T-shirts, a tracksuit, and light shoes.
  2. You will also need diapers, a potty and a small stroller (it’s better to take a folding stroller).

It is worth recalling that all clothing for children should be made from natural materials, preferably cotton. And no synthetics!

Children under 7 years old

Small children are big fidgets, they often get dirty, therefore, they will need a little more clothing.

  • 4-5 panties, the same number of T-shirts, shorts and T-shirts, a pair of panama hats, comfortable light pants and a windbreaker, slippers and sandals for shoes.

Children over 7 years old

If your child is over 7 years old, then you can use advice for adults to equip him for vacation.

Things for relaxation

If you have previously bought things necessary for the beach, such as an inflatable mattress, a children's circle, an umbrella, a pump, then it is better to take them with you so as not to buy them again.

Other accessories

  • A must-have accessory for a seaside holiday is sunglasses;
  • Earplugs;
  • Mask for sleep;
  • Writing pen;
  • Personal business cards;
  • Food for a snack;
  • Towels: for shower and beach;
  • A blanket, mat or mat to use while sunbathing on the beach.

Things you can do without

  • There is no need to take dishes with you. Utensils are available in most private apartments or hotel family rooms. Most likely, you will eat either at a hotel or in a cafe.
  • Decorations and jewelry.
  • You may not take some personal hygiene items.(soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo), because it's not worth it big money and you can buy much of this in the country where you plan to travel.
  • Slippers can also be found in many hotel rooms or purchased for pennies in local stores.

The preparations are over, finally the long-awaited flight... Sea, sun, beach... If you haven't forgotten anything, your trip to the sea will be pleasant and unforgettable!

Article contributed by Christina Endless.

Print out your completed packing list

You can receive and print it already ready list things for the trip from me, leaving your e-mail on the link page.

It’s convenient that by printing out this list of things, you can tick off what you’ve already packed in your suitcase

Well, spring has come, I don’t really want to sit at home in a chair with a book, and it seems that everyone is already planning a vacation. I increasingly began to come across photographs of suitcases and vacation sets and decided to make here a selection of vacation capsules that fit into one suitcase (sometimes even hand luggage).

Here are examples of capsules for different types vacations - both at sea and in the city, for different weather conditions.

And, by the way, there are many good formulas when capsule compilers offer a certain number of “tops”, “bottoms”, accessories and so on, I think it will be easier for many with such mathematics.

All pictures are clickable and lead to the original sources.

Monochrome capsule. Pay attention to a smart top, pumps and a clutch - things that can turn the entire set from casual into smart casual.

Autumn wardrobe for two weeks. The neutral base and several accents of dull colors, ideal for the summer color type, combine quite well with each other, and the capsule does not turn out boring.

And here is the formula for how to assemble a wardrobe capsule for a vacation in a southern resort.

Mini-cheat sheet on how to pack things in a suitcase.

A 3-week wardrobe capsule that fits in your carry-on luggage. In fact, there is a rather controversial combination of colors here (black and white contrasts with bright blue for the “winter” color type, and here pearl-gray scarf with dusty shades for “summer”). But the set of things itself can be taken as a basis by adjusting the color scheme.

Another attempt to develop a capsule wardrobe formula. A good approach is to first assemble a basic capsule and then add color accents to it.

How to pack a wardrobe for two weeks in your hand luggage (plus in this list you can immediately estimate how much space will be taken up by other necessary things that are usually not included in wardrobe sets - underwear, pajamas, cosmetic bag, shower slippers, etc.):

What to take with you to Europe in spring - a very minimalist capsule:

And again - 16 things, 40 outfits in one suitcase. Not a bad mini-wardrobe for autumn-spring, however, for traveling I personally am embarrassed by shoes here, especially rubber boots - there are not many places where they will really be needed, and putting heavy hunters, as in the photo, in a suitcase is immediately +2 .5 kg, which, given the limit of many airlines for hand luggage of 10 kg, is already critical.

Vacation capsule for the “summer” color type (16 things that will fit in a suitcase. Pay attention to the list - based on it, you can assemble a capsule from what you have in your wardrobe):

And again, a capsule for a vacation in Paris, this time in the summer - but in fact, just a good summer capsule, with which you can go to Samara and Sochi. But personally, here I would replace two pairs of shorts with two skirts - long and semi-long, this will give more room for creativity.

Another fall capsule for the week that should fit in your carry-on luggage. Pay attention to the colors: the capsule is small, but due to the multi-colored tops it gives a feeling of variety.

Here is a small but very bright capsule. Be careful with prints and textures; everything here should be in perfect harmony in color.

Wardrobe for a trip to Europe. A good neutral base, but here it would be better to replace some of the things with brighter ones - otherwise this capsule will get boring very quickly.

Summer capsule in pastel colors - a story more likely for a work trip:

A very simple mini-capsule in a casual style - you can take it with you on a trip for a week. And again, an excellent formula: 4 basic looks + an additional layer (sweatshirt and bright cardigan) to diversify the capsule.

The capsule is called "7 winter days“, but the number of tops here seems excessive - but for two weeks this is a good option.

Again questions about color, but here good set things to look quite varied in style - from completely casual looks with a plaid shirt and sneakers, to formal ones with a little black dress and a complex cardigan (by the way, it can also be worn with boots and sneakers),

And again the formula: accessories - 5 items, 4 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 pairs of shoes, a bag. Great option for cool summer or warm spring in the city.

A capsule in a casual style for a vacation by the lake or cool sea (for example, for spring Crete on a last-minute package or something similar).

And again whole list for a suitcase where everything has already been calculated. A completely viable capsule for a vacation in the city, but I would take the second trousers here simply in white, beige or pink - otherwise it’s easy to miss the mix of prints, and the dress can be lengthened).

Here's another tiny two-week capsule with explanations (and it'll actually fit in your carry-on).

This capsule is offered for three weeks and can also be included in hand luggage (this is already doubtful - there are 5 pairs of shoes), but it is also an option for those who like variety: