The American played DJ sets in clubs in Odessa and Kyiv and talked with KP correspondents.

In an Odessa club I kissed a guy

The excitement around the guest did not subside until her departure. A week before Gray’s performance in one of the Odessa clubs, all the tables were reserved. To sit in the hall during Sasha’s performance, guests had to pay 800 hryvnia per person.

The porn legend arrived with his DJing partner, Jessica Maria Gonyea. Sexy girlfriends, accompanied by bodyguards, entered the hall shortly after midnight, although the posters announced their performance from 21.00. After downing a couple of glasses of vodka and drinking cocktails, Sasha Gray kept secrets with two guys. The porn star even kissed one of them. True, as it turned out later, it was her boyfriend.

In a black simple T-shirt with short sleeve, dark pants and the same shoes she arrived in, the porn star was the most modestly dressed at the party.

The newly-minted DJ climbed onto the stage to the screams of fans, who instantly took out their cell phones. The host of the evening commented on all of Sasha’s actions. For example: "This is the first time you'll see Sasha in a bra." He listed all the films in which the American woman shone, and remembered the award - the porn Oscar for certain merits and skills in the industry.

Sasha felt comfortable and confident at the console, did not leave anywhere and conscientiously played for several hours. Her adaptation featured the famous hits of Michael Jackson, The Black Eyed Peas and other world stars.

The next day, the American went to Kyiv and, despite the snow apocalypse, reached the local club on time. At the same time, Gray actively uploaded photos of Ukrainian landscapes on her social network page. “I spent four hours studying the parking lot at the gas station,” wrote Sasha, caught in a traffic jam.

Prefers vintage and loves Pushkin

Darling, sociable girl spoke cordially with journalists. True, the organizers of her Ukrainian tour asked in advance not to ask about her profession.

Sasha, what do you know about Ukraine?

It’s enough for me to know that 80 percent of my fans live here, which I’m incredibly happy about. But I don't know much about the country.

In addition to acting, you previously worked as a model, but do you consider yourself a fashionista?

I'm not obsessed with fashion and don't follow trends too much. I do not have a lot of time. In general, I prefer vintage shopping. When I was younger, like any girl, I was interested in fashion and loved to dress up. But I have favorite designers - Tom Ford and Vivienne Westwood, although I have not been to their shows.

Would you visit Fashion Week in Kyiv?

If Karl Lagerfeld had come and invited me to the Chanel show, I would have gone. But I'm not one of those girls who faints and says, "What should I wear in the morning?" I recently attended a fashion show in Paris. It's really absurd how women and men are desperately trying to break into shows. They don't even look funny, but very tense. Sorry, but they are clearly out of their minds.

Sasha, do you have time to rest?

I was resting. And now I’m working on a book, my second book. But I get so tired that I walk around the apartment like a zombie.

Do you have any favorite writers?

Certainly. I really love Dennis Cooper, he's a wonderful writer. I also love the classics. I also read Russian literature. I really liked Pushkin’s diaries about the relationships between women and men.

What is the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right is Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels, is higher than 181cm by about 2-3cm. Accordingly, from 184cm we subtract 9cm and we get Nina Shatskaya’s approximate height of 175 cm. Externally, Nina Shatskaya’s weight looks 70-75 kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is Irina Nizina's height and weight?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the “Seagull” and “Moscow Debuts” awards. The actress’s greatest fame came from such film works as New life detective Gurov and Lawyer. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows for sure how reliable and accurate the height and weight of Irina Nizina are.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Irina Nizina's weight is 65 kg

What is Nadezhda Obolentseva's height and weight?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and became best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the celebrity’s parameters.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatyana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She gained the greatest fame as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and director of the dance group “JB ballet” in Germany; one of the permanent jury members and choreographer of the Ukrainian television project “Everybody Dance!” , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project “Dancing”.

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatiana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58 kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, and also numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet famous actor a height of 177-178 cm and a weight of 79 kg are attributed. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight is 79 kg

What is the height and weight of Sergei Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sporting successes in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergei Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these stated parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergei Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergei Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

Sasha Gray is a girl who makes the whole world blush at the mere mention of her name. She broke stereotypes, went beyond the usual and presented the world of films for adults much more rosy than it is commonly perceived today. She made a name for herself acting in porn, but after leaving the set, she proved that she could successfully realize herself outside the boundaries of the usual industry. And for this it is difficult not to respect her.

This story is about the fate and creativity of Sasha Gray - a girl who can be loved and hated, idolized and despised. It is what it is – and let everyone decide for themselves how to relate to this. Today we will refrain from making any judgments and will simply try to imagine her life without much embellishment. After all, the personality of each person can be infinitely multifaceted.

Sasha Gray's childhood and youth, family life

The future icon of the porn industry, born Marina Ann Khentsis, was born in the spring of 1988. Her father was a mechanic, and her mother was a housewife. IN family tree The girls are intertwined with several different cultures: Greek, English, Irish and Polish blood flows in the veins of the actress.

One of major events in the biography of Sasha Gray was the divorce of her parents. When the girl was only five years old, her parents separated, and she and her father began to live separately. Seven years later, in 2000, her mother remarried, and at the insistence of her stepfather, the whole family moved to the southern United States.

Relationship with adoptive father Things didn’t work out for Marina from the very beginning. She constantly caught sidelong glances at herself, however true story relationships within the new family will forever remain a secret, carefully hidden behind many closed doors. Discarding speculation and empty assumptions, we note only what is known for certain. At the age of sixteen, Marina told her mother that she no longer wanted to live in this family and was going to leave home. However, instead of one girl escaping, the whole family escaped. After hearing her daughter's story, her mother took her and the other children and moved back to Sacramento.

Because of difficult relationships Within the family, Marina changed four schools in her life. However, her adolescence can hardly be called a lost time. Changing teachers, the girl studied in several sections at once, attending a theater group, dance lessons and some other extracurricular activities.

True story of Sasha Gray 18+

Having received a high school diploma, Marina entered college in 2005, where she continued to attend acting classes. Combining work with study, she worked as a waitress in one of the local bars, collecting money to move to Los Angeles.

Sasha Gray's career in the porn industry

It is not known exactly when student Marina Ann Khentsis decided to become porn actress Sasha Gray. To some extent, the origins of such a decision will forever remain a mystery to the general public, and maybe even to itself. In some of her interviews, the girl noted that she began to be interested in issues of sexuality from the age of eleven, and always dreamed of being the actress who could satisfy the needs of everyone on the screen. Whether such an explanation is considered sufficient - let everyone decide for themselves. We will note what is absolutely known: Marina came to Los Angeles with a clear decision to become a porn star.

At first, the girl’s interests were represented by producer Mark Spiegler, but soon she no longer needed the impresario’s services. In just a few months, Sasha Gray became famous and popular in the adult industry. By 2010, the actress had starred in almost three hundred adult films. Her name became famous and recognizable, and she herself became the winner of numerous film awards awarded to actresses of her genre.

Video clip about the biography of Sasha Gray

Pushing aside the usual stereotypes representing female porn actresses as victims and antisocial individuals, Sasha Gray has repeatedly admitted that she loves her profession, adding to everything else that she does not smoke, does not take drugs and rarely drinks alcohol. Such statements very soon made her recognizable far beyond the world of “adult” cinema, and therefore the creation of LA Factory Girls - an agency that provides aspiring actresses with the opportunity to realize themselves in the porn industry - seems to have surprised no one.

Sasha Gray's career in the world of serious cinema

Sasha Gray's debut on television took place in 2009. However, a cameo role in the comic series “Porn for the Whole Family” could hardly be truly remembered by anyone. The first try was unsuccessful, but the girl was not going to deviate from the intended path. In the same year, the actress played the role of a journalist in the low-budget film “Deep Cut.” This film was followed by many others acting work. The most famous and popular films were “What Would You Do...”, “I’m Tired of You” and “Call Girl”. The last film, directed by the famous director Steven Soderbergh, was enthusiastically received by the public and brought Sasha Gray real success outside the porn industry.

Sasha Gray in “Evening Urgant”

In 2010, the girl left the world of “adult” cinema and set off to conquer Hollywood. Released in 2011 New film with Sasha Gray in leading role- “Graceful Revenge”, the plot is reminiscent of the film “I Spit on Your Graves.”

Personal life of Sasha Gray

Almost nothing is known about Sasha Gray's personal life. In one of her interviews, the girl announced that she has a boyfriend, but she is not yet ready to become a mother: “ Family values are very important to me, and in the future I will become an exemplary mother.”

Sasha Gray now

Surprising everyone with the versatility of her personality, Sasha Gray released the book “Sex in a New Way” in 2011, which is an extensive photo album revealing the various stages of her work in porn and the behind-the-scenes world of “adult” cinema. The book depicts the years when the girl was 18-22 years old, and she was just learning about herself and the characteristics of her profession. In May 2013, Sasha’s second book was published - the erotic novel “The Juliet Society”.

In addition to filming films and working on a book album, Sasha Gray also made her mark as a musical performer. In 2008, together with Pablo Francis, the girl founded the group “aTelecine”, playing in the industrial style. The group's first performance took place in Krakow. In 2011, the group’s first full-length album, called “The Falcon and the Pod,” appeared on store shelves. The group's immediate plans include releasing two more records.

At the end of June 2011, Sasha Gray starred in a video by American rapper Eminem. The song is called "Space Bound".

Sasha Gray and Eminem in the “Space Bound” video

In addition, in recent years, Sasha Gray has increasingly appeared on stage as a DJ. The girl’s performances took place in Odessa, Kyiv, Moscow and some other CIS cities. She constantly packs halls in the USA and Canada.

In May 2013, Sasha Gray staged a huge PR campaign in Russia, trying to repeat Vladimir Putin's Khabarovsk-Chita motor rally in a Lada Kalina. However, already at the beginning of the journey, the car broke down, so the actress had to change to another vehicle. The purpose of this motor rally across Russia is to test budget cars made in Russia. It is organized by the drom portal annually. And the actress was specially invited so that the event would cause a great stir.

As part of her visit to Russia, Sasha Gray also played in clubs in Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, admired the sights of Yekaterinburg, Sochi and Krasnodar, and at the end visited Moscow.

Sasha Gray is a girl who evokes an ambiguous attitude towards herself: someone blushes at the mere mention of her name, someone is indignant at her “creativity”, and there are many people who adore her. In any case, Sasha Gray has now proven that she is a bright and creative, versatile personality who can not only act superbly in porn, but also realize herself in other areas of art. And it’s hard not to respect her for this!

That's why today we present to you the biography of Sasha Grey, a girl you can idolize or despise, love or hate. In this article we will not condemn her or overly praise her. We will simply tell you about her fate and creativity, and how you then treat her is your own business.

So, we have Sasha Gray, who chose this pseudonym, while, in fact, her name is Marina Ann Khentsis. She was born in Sacramento, California, USA on March 14, 1988, which means she is now 25 years old. The girl's height is 168 centimeters and her weight is 50 kilograms.

Personal and family life Sashi Gray

The future star of the porn industry Marina Ann Khentsis was born into the family of a mechanic father and a housewife mother. Many cultures are intertwined in Sasha’s family tree. So, English, Greek, Polish and Irish blood flows in her veins.

The global porn icon had Hard childhood. It is known that one of the most important negative events in her life was the divorce of her parents. Then she was only five years old, but at that time her usual world of family warmth and harmony broke down for the girl. Seven years later, in 2000, her mother had new husband, who insisted that the entire family move to the southern United States.

Marina's relationship with her adoptive father was difficult. Of course, psychologists, examining the case of a young girl initially preparing herself to work in the porn industry, would immediately make assumptions about the complex childhood and adolescence, which was invariably associated with rude and humiliating sexual harassment that could break the child’s psyche.

However, despite the fact that the means mass media and there were reports of sexual relations Marina with her stepfather, but in general this topic remained kept in the family “archives” under seven seals. Therefore, we will also focus only on the facts and discard empty assumptions and speculation.

What is known for certain is that sixteen-year-old Marina told her mother that she was leaving home and no longer wanted to live in this family. However, the girl did not escape, and after hearing her daughter’s story, the woman took Marina and all the children and returned back to Sacramento without her husband.

Due to difficulties in her family, Marina had to change four schools. However, this time cannot be called lost for the future Sasha Gray. During her adolescence, the girl studied in several groups at once, attending dance classes, a theater studio and other similar extracurricular activities.

In 2005, Marina graduated high school, and entered college while continuing to take classes acting. In addition, while studying in two directions, she began working as a waitress in a bar, collecting money for the desired move to Los Angeles.

Sasha Gray's porn career

At such a moment, student Marina Ann Khentsis decided to become famous as porn actress Sasha Gray unknown. However, in an interview, the girl admitted more than once that issues of a sexual nature began to interest her from the age of eleven. It was from this age that she began to dream of becoming an actress who, through the screen, could satisfy the sexual needs of people of all preferences and orientations. As a result, Marina came to Los Angeles with a clear decision to conquer the porn industry and become a star here.

At the beginning of her career, producer Mark Spiegler worked with her, but very soon she no longer needed the person representing her interests. In just a few months, Marina became popular in the adult industry and received tempting offers. By 2010, her “track record” already included more than three hundred porn films. Her name became recognizable, and Sasha Gray herself became the owner of numerous film awards awarded in her genre.

At the same time, the girl destroyed the usual stereotypes, according to which porn actresses are presented as victims of difficult circumstances. Sasha often told reporters that she loves and appreciates her profession. In addition, she said that everything was fine in her life. She does not take drugs, does not smoke and very rarely drinks alcohol.

At the peak of her porn career, she created the LA Factory Girls agency, which provides the opportunity for aspiring actresses to realize their potential in the porn industry. At the same time, Sasha Gray positions her agency as a great chance for many talented girls to become popular actresses, although, naturally, in a certain field.

Sasha Gray in the “big” cinema

In 2009, Sasha Gray made her debut in the world of big cinema. However, this was only a cameo role in the humorous series “Porn for the Whole Family,” and no one really remembered it. But the first test did not lead Sasha to despair. She was determined to conquer Hollywood. Also in 2009, the porn star starred in the low-budget film “Deep Cut” and played the role of a journalist.

This film is followed by numerous other acting works. But her greatest success in big cinema came from the films “I’m Tired of You,” “What Would You Do...” and “Call Girl.” Last film, directed by famous Stephen Soderbergh was enthusiastically received by the audience, which brought Sasha real popularity outside the porn industry.

In 2010, Sasha Gray went to conquer Hollywood. Thanks to her past and present successes, she was well received there. So, in 2013, three films with her participation should be released on world screens at once.

Sasha Gray's career today

However, Sasha Gray did not stop at her career as an actress in the porn industry and big cinema. In 2011, she released the book “Sex in a New Way,” which made many fans of her work look at their idol with even greater adoration. Sasha presented her book as an interesting and diverse photo album, which reveals the stages of her work in films for adults and demonstrates in an interesting way the behind-the-scenes world of porn films.

Sasha Gray is also a successful musical performer today. Back in 2008, the girl created the group aTelecine, performing in the industrial style. The group's debut concert took place in Krakow, and in 2011 their first full-length album, entitled “The Falcon and the Pod,” appeared in stores. All this also turned out to be successful project Sasha Gray, and her group is also going to release two more records in the near future.

In addition, two last year revealed another creative component of Sasha. Thus, she increasingly presents herself as a creative DJ. Her successful performances in this “role” have already taken place in Moscow, Kyiv, Odessa and other CIS cities.

Sasha Grey(eng. Sasha Grey). Real name is Marina Ann Hantzis. Born March 14, 1988 in Sacramento, California, USA. American porn actress, also known for her work in the fields of cinema, fashion and music. Participant music group aTelecine, playing electro-industrial.

Sasha Grey Not first pseudonym actresses. She originally chose pseudonym Anna Karina is the name of the famous French actress, but her agent advised her to change it. As a new stage pseudonym the actress took the name Sasha in honor of Sasha Konetsko, vocalist of the group KMFDM, and the surname Gray in honor of the scale sexual orientation, created by the American biologist Alfred Kinsey, which is expressed in shades of gray. According to another version, pseudonym Gray was taken in honor of the character in Oscar Wilde’s novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”: “... she chose it because of Dorian’s insatiable desire for pleasure, and gray is the color of the clouds - a word reminiscent of a curtain, mystery, distance.”

At the age of 18, Sasha moved from Sacramento to Los Angeles and soon began acting in pornographic films. She won multiple AVN Awards nominations in 2007, 2008 and 2010, and was also named "Best Starlet" in 2007 by XRCO. In parallel with work in the porn industry Sasha Grey acts as a model. In 2009, the film “Call Girl” was released, directed by Steven Soderbergh, in which Gray played the main role.

In 2009, Sasha announced in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine that she was engaged to photographer Ian Cinnamon.

April 8, 2011 on his Facebook page Sasha Grey announced that she is quitting pornography.