Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka(commonly known as Doctor Lisa; February 20, 1962, Moscow - December 25, 2016, the Black Sea near Sochi, Russia) - Russian public figure and human rights activist. Philanthropist, resuscitator by training, executive director of the International public organization “Fair Aid”. Member of the Russian Presidential Development Council civil society and human rights.


Elizaveta was born in Moscow in the family of a military man and a nutritionist, cook and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva. In addition to Lisa and her brother, there were two people living in their family cousins, left early orphans. There was a version that Elizaveta was a relative of Alexander Poskrebyshev, but Glinka denied it.

In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiology. In 1990, she immigrated to the United States with her husband, American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glebovich Glinka. In 1991 she received her second medical education in Palliative Medicine from Dartmouth Medical School at Dartmouth College[unauthorized source?]. Some sources report Glinka's American citizenship. While living in America, I became acquainted with the work of hospices, spending five years with them.

She participated in the work of the First Moscow Hospice, then together with her husband she moved to Ukraine for two years. In 1999, in Kyiv, she founded a hospice at the Kyiv Cancer Hospital. Member of the board of the Vera Hospice Foundation. Founder and President of the American Foundation VALE Hospice International.


In 2007, she founded the International public organization"Fair Aid", sponsored by the A Just Russia party. The organization provides material support and provides medical assistance dying cancer patients, low-income non-cancer patients, homeless people. Every week volunteers go to Paveletsky railway station, distribute food and medicine to the homeless, and also provide them with free legal and medical care. According to a 2012 report, on average, the organization sent about 200 people a year to hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region. “Fair Aid” also organizes warming centers for the homeless.

In 2010, Elizaveta Glinka collected material assistance on her own behalf for the benefit of victims of forest fires. In 2012, Glinka and her organization organized a collection of things for flood victims in Krymsk. In addition, she participated in raising funds for flood victims; more than 16 million rubles were collected.

In January 2012, together with other public figures, she became the founder of the League of Voters, an organization aimed at monitoring compliance with voting rights citizens. Coming soon to the Fair Aid Foundation tax office conducted an unexpected audit, as a result of which the organization’s accounts were blocked, which, according to Glinka, they were not notified about. On February 1, the accounts were unblocked and the fund continued to operate.

In October 2012, she joined the federal committee Mikhail Prokhorov's Civic Platform party. In November she was included in the Presidential Council Russian Federation on Civil Society Development and Human Rights).

With the beginning armed conflict in eastern Ukraine provided assistance to people living in the territories of the DPR and LPR. In October 2014 she accused International Committee The Red Cross (ICRC) in refusing to provide guarantees for a cargo of medicines under the pretext “we do not like the policies of your president.” The head of the ICRC regional delegation in Russia, Belarus and Moldova, Pascal Cutta, denied these accusations. At the end of October 2014, Elizaveta Glinka gave an interview to the Pravmir portal, where the words were allegedly heard: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I claim that there are no Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not.” For these words she was criticized by a number of people. Glinka herself refuted this version of the text, after which Pravmir admitted its mistake and published a corrected version of the interview: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I did not see Russian troops there.” Later, in an interview with Snob magazine, Glinka clarified that she was only talking about her personal observations.

The husband of Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Lisa, confirmed that she was on board at the time of the Tu-154 plane crash, Snob magazine reports. The Fair Aid Foundation also reported the death of its executive director.


Its website contains confirmation that Elizaveta Glinka flew on a Russian Ministry of Defense flight to Syria. “She accompanied a humanitarian cargo for the Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia,” the organization said.

The Ministry of Health reported that all passengers and crew members on board died in the Tu-154 crash, Life.ru reports. All employees of forensic morgues in Sochi have been returned to work. The bodies of those killed in the plane crash are expected to be delivered for identification by relatives.

Earlier, Elizaveta Glinka's press secretary Natalya Avilova neither confirmed nor denied information about her fate. “We will hope until the last moment that she might not have reached this plane, might have been late... We hope to receive information from the Ministry of Defense, but until that moment we don’t want to cause panic. Perhaps she doesn’t get in touch because she’s flying now to Syria on another flight,” she said.

Let us note that earlier information appeared that, despite being on the passenger lists, Dr. Lisa might not have been on board the crashed airliner. “It didn’t pass control and was removed from the lists,” said a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Later, however, the department confirmed that Elizaveta Glinka did take off on that fateful flight.

“The mind refuses to understand that she is no longer with us. The heart refuses to believe in it,” admitted the head of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia, Mikhail Fedotov. “Doctor Lisa was everyone’s favorite. And there was a reason for it: for many years, she provided palliative medical care almost every day, fed the homeless, clothed them, and gave them shelter,” he said.

“It was she who took sick and wounded children from Donbass under bullets so that they could get help in the best hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It was she who organized a shelter for children with amputated limbs, where they undergo rehabilitation after the hospital,” recalled Mikhail Fedotov.

“Saving the lives of others was her mission everywhere: in Russia, in Donbass, in Syria... We hoped until the last for a miracle. And she herself was a miracle, a heavenly message of virtue,” he concluded.

Elizaveta Glinka: biography, family, daily feat and labor. On December 25, 2016, the lives of 92 people were cut short in Sochi. Among those flying on the Tu-154 military plane to Syria was the famous pediatric resuscitator Elizaveta Glinka. Until recently, Russians did not believe that the favorite of many, Doctor Lisa, had died. They said that she simply could not fly on that plane. And this is partly true. Literally in last days Before departure, she begged the military to take her to Syria. Elizabeth flew there to bring medicine for children with cancer.

After visiting a hospital in Syria, Dr. Lisa for a long time raised funds for sick children there, as well as for numerous sick people in Syrian cities. They were waiting for her as the only hope for life. But they didn’t wait. The plane crashed 2 minutes after takeoff.

Elizaveta Glinka: biography, family, daily feat and work. Elizaveta Glinka was born on February 20, 1962 in the family of a military man and a vitaminologist. Lisa dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood. In 1986, the girl graduated from the 2nd Pirogov Medical Institute and received the specialty “pediatric anesthesiologist.” When Lisa was studying, she worked part-time at intensive care unit in a Moscow clinic.

However, after graduation, Lisa met her future husband, a successful American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka, and emigrated to the United States. In America, Elizabeth began working in a hospice and was amazed at how they treated dying and hopelessly ill people. Having received her second medical education in the USA, Elizaveta Glinka began to dream of opening hospices in her homeland.

And this opportunity soon appeared to her. Her husband was sent on a contract to Kyiv, and Elizabeth followed him. She opened her first hospice in Kyiv. When the husband's contract expired, the family returned to the United States. However, Glinka regularly visited the hospice in Ukraine and participated in its work.

In 2007, Elizabeth’s mother fell ill, and she moved to Moscow with her. There she founded the Fair Aid charity foundation and became its director. Elizabeth herself, in addition to managing the foundation, was involved in helping low-income patients. Doctor Lisa was recognized in 2010, when her foundation organized a fundraiser to help those affected by forest fires. In 2014, Doctor Lisa carried sick and wounded children from bullets in the Donbass.

Elizaveta Glinka: biography, family, daily feat and work. Elizaveta Glinka and her husband have three children, one of whom is adopted. The couple's eldest son is an artist.

Doctor Lisa always knew what dangerous work is engaged, but she did it to save the lives of others, those who needed help. She was not afraid of pain and was never indifferent. The death of this woman causes special pain, which is almost impossible to cope with.

Elizaveta Glinka adopted Ilya Shvets after his mother died of cancer in 2008. A resident of Saratov suffered from cancer and was a patient of the Doctor Lisa Foundation.


Ilya's relatives did not even want to pay for his mother's funeral. Then everything fell on Glinka’s fragile shoulders. When the boy flatly refused to go to the shelter, she decided to take him into her family. “So, we went to the guardianship, wrote a statement, and that’s how I got him. The irony of fate: Ilyusha is a mixed race, his father was dark-skinned. I was thinking about what to tell the children: I went to Russia, and also brought a child. I said. The eldest said: “It’s normal, but what?” And the younger one is more emotional: “What are you talking about! Do I really have a black brother now? What's it like in Harlem? How cool, great!” Doctor Lisa said in an interview.

Afterwards it turned out that Ilya was adopted twice. In 1994, he was found right on the street, in a box, not far from a hostel in Ulyanovsk. In the baby’s home, 35-year-old Galina, who herself once grew up in an orphanage, noticed him and decided to adopt him. Nevertheless, the happiness did not last long: soon the family was forced to move to Saratov and was left without a roof over their head.

After long wanderings in shelters and knocking on the thresholds of local officials, Galina and her adopted son received an apartment, reports Komsomolskaya Pravda in Saratov. However, it turned out that the one-room housing was in terrible condition, so local residents started collecting money for renovations for the family.

But then a new misfortune awaited Ilya - his adoptive mother was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. As a result, the woman died within two years: neither surgery nor chemotherapy courses helped.

At first, Ilya lived with his adoptive family in Moscow, but then moved back to Saratov and went to college to become a cook. At first, the young man wanted to quit his studies and return to the capital, but Doctor Lisa dissuaded him. “And then he settled down. Like, his “aunt” in the capital told him: “Don’t even think about it: you’ll move as soon as you get your diploma.” We couldn’t even imagine that this aunt was Elizaveta Glinka...” - they said at the college where he studies young man.

    Elizaveta Glinka, also known as Doctor Lisa, a famous public figure, was actively involved in charity work, in particular helping the children of Donbass. She is called the Russian Mother Teresa because she really helped so many people. She opened the first free hospice in Ukraine.

    Elizaveta Glinka has a medical education; to be more precise, she is a resuscitator.

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in 1962 in Moscow and died in a plane crash in December 2016. It turns out that at the time of her death she was 54 years old.

    She had a family: a husband and three children, one of whom was adopted.

    Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, known around the world as Doctor Lisa- head charitable foundation Fair Aid always came to the aid of people in need - it was she and her foundation who helped people affected by the military conflict in Donbass, and took children to Moscow for treatment.

    Born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. She graduated from medical school with a degree in resuscitation and anesthesiology, after graduation she got married and went to live in the USA. Husband - Gleb Glinka, lawyer. In 2007, she returned with her family to Russia, where Elizaveta Petrovna founded her charitable foundation.

    Doctor Lisa has two natural sons and one adopted son.

    Yesterday, December 25, 2016, it became known about the crash of the Tu-154 plane near Sochi - Doctor Lisa died in this plane crash. She was 54 years old.

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in 1962 on February 20, in 2017 she would have turned 55 years old, but she unfortunately died in a plane crash on December 25, 2016. Elizaveta Glinka was born in Moscow.

    Elizaveta Glinka is known as Doctor Lisa, she was involved in charity work and helped people in difficult life situations.

    Elizaveta Glinka was executive director

    She is a resuscitator by training. She was also

    Elizaveta Glinka was married to American lawyer Gleb Glinka. They have two natural sons and one adopted son. They all live in America.

    Doctor Lisa or in full - Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born in 1962. Tragically died on December 25, 2016 at the age of 54. Doctor by profession. My husband's last name, he is a lawyer. They lived in the USA, but returned to Russia in 2007. And since then E.P. Glinka is a permanent philanthropist and director of the Fair Aid Foundation. She gave birth to two sons and raised one adopted son. How much good and fair she has done, how much more she could have done! But, alas...

    A woman whose name is Elizaveta Glinka or who is also simply called Dr. Lisa dedicated her life to helping people, especially children. She was in Donbass and Syria - that is, where there was a war and took people and children from there to Moscow for treatment.

    By profession, she is a rheumatologist-anesthesiologist.

    On February 20, 2017, she would have turned only fifty-five years old, that is, she has been since 1962.

    Her husband's name is Gleb Glinka and he is a lawyer by profession.

    The couple has three boys - the oldest Konstantin is 28 years old, then Alexey - he is 22 years old and the third, adopted son Ilya is 21 years old.

    Elizaveta Glinka- Muscovite, born into a military family on February 20, 1962 ( 54 years old).

    In 1986, Lisa graduated from medical school with a degree in pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiology.

    Then Lisa married an American lawyer with Russian roots, a descendant of the famous composer - Gleba Glinka..

    Lisa and her husband emigrated to America and there she received her second education. I started working in a hospice.

    In the late 90s, Elizaveta and her family moved to Kyiv, and in 2007 to Moscow.

    Dr. Lisa, as she was popularly called, has been the executive director of the Fair Aid Foundation since July 1, 2007.

    Gleb and Elizabeth have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

    Elizaveta Glinka with her sons Ilya and Konstantin(last photo)

    With my husband and adopted son

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962. Her mother, Galina Poskrebysheva, is a fairly famous vitamin doctor and author of books on cooking.

    Elizaveta graduated from medical school with a degree in pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiology. She did not work in her specialty, because in the same year, in 1986, she went to live in the USA. Her husband is an American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka.

    In America, Elizaveta worked in hospices, then moved with her husband to Ukraine for two years and opened a hospice there.

    Elizabeth has three sons, one of them adopted. They live in the USA.

    In 2007, Glinka returned to Russia; her mother became seriously ill.

    In the same year, she created the Fair Aid charity foundation. The fund is sponsored by the A Just Russia party.

    Glinka organized collections of aid on her behalf for people affected by forest fires; she traveled to Donbass many times and took children to Russia during hostilities. Now she was flying to Syria to donate medicine.

    This little woman did a lot of good.

    In 2012, she was awarded the Order of Friendship, in 2014 - the Hurry to Do Good medal, in 2015 - the insignia for good deeds, and in 2016 - the state prize of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of human rights activities.

    Elizaveta Petrovna turned 54 years old on February 20. And today many were shocked to learn that she was still on board the Tu 154, the wreckage of which is now being recovered from the Black Sea. Her husband's name is Gleb Glebovich, and they have three children. One boy is nice. They are already adults. Elizaveta Petrovna's life was filled good deeds. There was no Fair Aid fund. She took children out of Donbass exactly when they needed urgent help doctors. During the flood in Krymsk she organized a charity auction. During the military events in Donbass, Syria, I visited these places many times to help people.

    An anesthesiologist-resuscitator by her first education and a palliative oncologist by her second, received in the USA, Elizaveta Glinka helped seriously ill people. But she, as a successful doctor and a well-off wife, could go to social events, spending her time among the cream of society, but Doctor Lisa chose instead to help sick people doomed to death. It was she who helped open the first hospices in Moscow and Kyiv.

    There are many such doctors in our country, dedicated to their work. But those who give all of themselves without reserve, who know how to forget about themselves and think only about these doomed ones, are still looking for.

    Elizaveta Glinka (Sidorova) was born in Moscow. In February 1962. After graduating from Pirogovka, she received the profession of pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist. After getting married, she moved to the USA.

    And then she returned to Russia. She lived in Moscow, lived in Kyiv for two years, where she founded the first hospice. Then she organized the same hospice in Moscow.

    Founder of the Fair Aid charity foundation. She was always the first to help, carrying out financial assistance victims of fires or floods.

    From the first days of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Dr. Lisa provided not only financial assistance, collecting and helping with the delivery of medicines. It was she who, despite the whistle of bullets overhead, risking her own life, flew to Donetsk and Lugansk to pick up wounded and sick children and take them to Russia for treatment.

    It is known that her husband, Gleb Glinka, works as a lawyer in America. His parents immigrated to the United States many years ago. Gleb and Elizabeth have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

    The death of people always brings pain and cuts to the heart. Especially when such people die, giving all of themselves to serve others.

    On December twenty-fifth, Elizaveta Glinka passed away. She was on board a Tu-154 aircraft, which, after refueling in Sochi, was flying to Syria. The doctor was bringing gifts to the children for New Year. And also, together with the ensemble, Alexandrova wanted to congratulate our military on the upcoming holiday.

    The plane crashed during takeoff.

    Eternal memory to Doctor Lisa and everyone who was on board the plane.

    It is a pity that such people die who bring goodness and positivity to our world.

    Dr. Lisa was just such a person; she died in a plane crash at the age of 54.

    Elizaveta Glinka was a doctor not only by profession, she was one by vocation; a woman could not ignore someone else's misfortune.

    Elizaveta was married to Gleb Glinka, together they raised three sons, the sons are already adults.

    Dr. Lisa devoted her entire life to helping sick people; for this purpose she organized a foundation called Fair Aid.

    Recently she lived in Moscow, although her children live in the USA, but Lisa believed that her place was here.