There are many eccentric characters in the fashion world varying degrees shockingness. And if you don’t look to the West, then, perhaps, the top model from Russia Danila Polyakov is the brightest of them.

A few years ago, Danila, who was nicknamed the “red-haired beast,” forced the world to take a fresh look at the role of a male model in the fashion industry. It was he who largely contributed to the emergence of fashion for androgynous models, which over time acquired the character of a real boom, the consequences of which we are still seeing.

Question: Danila, why do you think you became the most popular model among Russian men in the West?
Danila Polyakov: Well, a tall red-haired guy, sometimes with a beard, sometimes without it, sometimes he looks like a girl, sometimes like a guy - intriguing! I had an agent Pavel Zotov from IQ models. He had never dealt with guys before, but he realized that I would definitely attract attention. Of course, there were red-haired male models with long hair before me, but there was no such exaggerated image. Plus, I didn’t just come there, I had fantasies about what I could do in this business, I studied it. And I understood that it would be cool to do something different, as opposed to what is already on the world market. I got into this industry because I knew I could change the way men are perceived in fashion.

Question: How do you evaluate the results? Did it work?
D.P.: I think so.

Question: Models usually have a pretty good time with food. difficult relationships. How do you eat: what do you like, what is forbidden?
D.P.: I don’t have any special nutrition system. But there is such a good model rule, I don’t know who said it, maybe even I came up with it myself: “Eating food is good, no food is also good!”

Question: Where do you think the stereotype about stupid models comes from?
D.P.: Many models play up this image. But most likely, everyone is used to thinking this way because they come to this business with early age. Young boys and girls are hooked on all this fashion, they have been taught to behave correctly, to present themselves beautifully, but their brains have not yet developed...

Question: This is probably why there is also a stereotype that in the modeling business everything is done through bed. Have designers ever offered you sex?
D.P.: I haven’t slept with any designer. There was one option, the person very strongly hinted at it. He simply understood that there would be no other chance. But I made it clear to him that I am not interested in ego. I didn’t go into this industry to look for a partner or life partner or similar relationships. After that, I worked for this brand again, but I never saw it again. It was not direct harassment, no dirt. He just really admired me, and didn’t make rude advances, but tried to show that he really liked me. Well, for example, he says: “I miss you,” and I say, “I miss my clothes.” You can always laugh it off and make it clear that nothing like that is going to happen.

Question: When you cut your gorgeous hair three years ago, many of your fans were disappointed. This must have dealt a serious blow to your career?
D.P.: Well, yes. But then I simply plunged into a different state. You no longer remember what you are like without hair, because you have been walking around with it all your life. And everyone around admires: “ah-ah, long hair", "oh, what hair", and all that. It is clear that after this I looked at myself completely differently. I have changed, and not only externally. Although it was more stressful for me, I don’t regret anything.

Russian androgynous model who has become very popular outside of her country.

It can be called one of the few Russian models, in demand in many Western fashion agencies. The image of Polyakov is genderless, shocking, sometimes helpless, and sometimes assertive and even impudent. He is renowned for his ability to showcase both men's and women's clothing, and his unusual appearance with bright red hair is remembered once and for all.

Danila Polyakov was born in 1983 in Moscow. His family had five children, his father was an artist, his mother was a teacher. Since childhood, Danila loved to stand out from the crowd - even at school he surprised his classmates with his unusual outfits, and at the age of 15 he already began working as a dancer in clubs. He was noticed quite quickly, and soon Polyakov was already working as a dancer in the group "Demo", and later he could be seen as a backup dancer for the singer Valeria.

Representatives of the fashion industry noticed Polyakov, and soon his photographs appeared in OM magazine. It is known that from his youth Danila was very friendly with Masha Zheleznyakova, who later worked for Russian designer Denisa Simacheva, then became a TV presenter in the program “Take it off immediately”, and even later became a manager in the company “ARSENICUM”. Danila signed his first contract as a model with the Storm agency.

Danila's appearance is very colorful - bright fiery long hair, height 195 cm, and at the same time it turned out that he can appear equally well in both male and female images. A major career start for Polyakov can be called a photo shoot for Prada, and later there was work for the Italian Vogue.

The versatility and non-standard appearance of Danila Polyakov almost immediately attracted the attention of the world. fashion designers, and at the same time Polyakov was working on Russian projects. He could be seen in collaboration with the well-known Masha Tsigal in 2010, and a year later Polyakov was already working for “Pure Joy Fashion”.

He is also known as a judge of the TV competition “Top Model in Russian”.

Danila Polyakov often speaks out a lot in all kinds of interviews, demonstrating his unique and deeply formed opinion about both fashion and style and many other things. So, he is sure that everyone has a certain level of freedom, but modern society for some reason he voluntarily gives up this very freedom.

He said the following about the fashion industry: " Model business- it's a way of life, it's Super game, which you think you are playing yourself, but in reality everyone is playing you!

Danila Polyakov is an ambiguous personality in all respects, starting with his androgynous appearance and ending with his judgments about himself and the world around him. He sincerely tries to look for and offer something new, is not afraid to be shocking, does not hide his desires and does not hide his goal. “I want to live in such a way that I don’t regret that I was once afraid to do something and didn’t do it...”

Danila Polyakov gained popularity in the fashion world many years ago. Mannequin Russian origin conquered the best podiums in Europe and the USA. His unusual appearance and charisma attracted famous designers. The image of Danila is well known in Russia and abroad. The top model's long red hair is still his trademark.

However, in Lately Polyakov’s bright hairstyle attracts not so much fashion agents as ordinary passers-by who meet him on the streets of Moscow. The mannequin has no permanent place residence, he can spend 24 hours a day on the street. Sometimes Danila doesn’t even have enough money to travel on the subway and then he begs for alms.

“I just don’t know how to spend money correctly. I don't think this is necessary. I can drink everything away in one night, and the next morning I can ask passers-by for money for travel. Now, of course, there is not nearly as much wealth as before. People often come up to me on the streets and offer help, I don’t refuse, I take money from them. Even strangers sometimes buy me groceries at the store. They will probably find out and then regret it,” Polyakov admits.

Meanwhile, creativity in the top model does not fade away. Polyakov continues to create and, perhaps, unnoticed by himself, reveals himself as a designer. The once rich and famous fashion model does not buy his own clothes, but wears what his friends give him. At the same time, it always looks stylish and original.

“I don’t have a stable income. And it never happened. I don't worry about money, but it's hard without it. Although I can say that my requests are very mundane: I need money for food, travel and housing. Do not need anything else. I don't even buy clothes. My friends give me old things, from which I make images for myself - I tear, cut, sew the fabric again, and it turns out quite stylish. That's how I go. For example, I recently made myself new shoes from two old, torn pairs,” says Danila.

According to the podium star, his concept of “home” is blurred. Once Danila had the means, and he bought a dacha in the Moscow region. And now, after the death of his mother, Polyakov does not go there, and the house on the site recently burned down. The fashion model grew up in large family, and sometimes he is helped out by relatives who are ready to shelter his brother with them.

“I wake up in the morning and don’t know where I’ll sleep the next night. I move from my sister to friends, acquaintances and vice versa. Sometimes you even have to spend the night on a bench in the park. This is not a problem for me,” the model shares in an interview with Life.

Model with non-standard appearance and shocking behavior. Dancer and stylist.

Danila Polyakov- Russian top model. He has achieved unconditional success in the global fashion business. At one time he was even compared to Natalia Vodianova, but the eccentric model has his own unique role.

Danila Polyakov. Biography

Danila Polyakov born on January 31, 1983 in Moscow. He was an unconventional child and a completely atypical representative of his post-Soviet generation. Non-standard, creative thinking Danila Polyakov passed down from his parents. Mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten, father was an artist. Danila was the youngest of the big friendly family, consisting of five children.

WITH early childhood Danila loved to attract attention. He put on a skirt over his trousers - in such an unusual outfit he went to school. Already from a young age adolescence, Danila Polyakov began to earn his own living by dancing in Go-Go nightclubs. And in April 1999 he became a member of the group "Demo" on the backup dancers. Danila Polyakov’s parents were against his work and did not let him go on tour with the group. Having weighed everything, the young man set out to conquer first the metropolitan and then the world catwalks of the fashion industry.

Working for Denis Simachev, Danila Polyakov demonstrated only best outfits designer. The famous Simachev entrusted the rising model with a specific mission - to show the world what Russia is proud of in terms of contemporary art

Danila Polyakov signed his first major contract with the agency Storm. In the process of working on numerous images, the charismatic young man conquered the fashion business and managed to set new standard male beauty model. According to Storm, the model’s height is 183 cm, waist size is 74 cm, chest size is 83 cm, her hair is fiery red, her eyes are green.

Danila began to conquer the fashion world consistently. They began to not only look up to him, they completely copied him. As a result, Danila Polyakov gave rise to a whole wave of imitation - on fashion shows You can often see young men with luxurious red hair, who specially grew their hair and dyed it in fiery shades. Famous fashion shows and world fashion shows could not do without Danila Polyakov. He was invited John Galliano, Gaultier Homme,Ann Demeulemeester, Junya Watanabe Man,Gilles Rosier, YSL, Denis Simachev and others. On Milan Fashion Week 2007\2008 he opened the women's show Gianranco Ferre.

Danila Polyakov, without a doubt, was one of the most controversial characters in the modeling business. After his appearance in the fashion industry, the public was divided into three camps. Some sigh blissfully, admiring Danila’s creativity; others don’t know and have never heard who it is; still others declared war on the eccentric young man, although they know no more about Danil Polyakov than the previous ones.

The main thing that Danila accomplished in his career and in the modeling business was a revolution in the fashion industry. The model captured almost all the places on the catwalks during women's shows. Perfect androgynous body luxurious hair, impeccable ability to walk in huge heels, in no way inferior to other models, and fine features faces have bewitched all the world's leading designers. Danila Polyakov loves to experiment with her role, without at all forcing herself into the framework of one image. He enjoys trying on exquisite women's dresses and incredible platform shoes from Alexander McQueen , easily changing them to strict elegant ones men's suits, trousers and ties. Danila Polyakov does not limit himself only to masculine nature; he likes to try life from different sides.

I want to reduce my life to being exactly in the middle, to observe the good and the bad. For me this is the goal. If you're on the good side, you don't see the bad, and vice versa. It is clear that this is difficult, because initially I am male. If a third gender were possible without surgery and without resurfacing, I would want to be it.

Personal life of Danila Polyakov

Danila does not consider himself a homosexual, firstly, he has a beloved Marina, with whom he lives together in Moscow, and secondly, he is simply interested in his profession, excluding the fear of new images.

How do I feel about gays? Quite calmly, it’s their own business what orientation people should be. In the modeling business there is no division into homosexuals or bis - this is the fashion industry. Without playing with images, it is impossible to achieve status and recognition at world fashion shows. Of course, I have that same androgynous theme; I’m not quite a typical man. I have a mix of everything, and this makes me who I am and have become.

Diversity in the images of Danila Polyakov

Advertising images with Danila Polyakov stuns the imagination. In many, it’s even difficult to distinguish who is in front of you - either a sophisticated, pretty girl, or a purposeful young man, or a bright, unusual, extravagant freak with an extraordinary worldview. Before Danila Polyakov none of the Russian fashion models could boast of their participation in fashion shows of the world's leading brands. Only after its launch did editors of leading glossy magazines become interested in male models from Russia. From then on, Russian fashion models began to successfully compete with their foreign colleagues.

The work of a top model brought Danila Polyakov excellent income. But the catwalk star did not stop there - he tried himself as a fashion designer and as a stylist. His projects became more and more successful every time.

TV channel MUZ TV announced the jury members of the new reality show " Top model in Russian". Together with French model Inna Zobova, popular stylist Vlad Lisovets and Ksenia Sobchak Danila Polyakov hosted the second season of the program.

The main achievement of Danila Polyakov is that he is not afraid of experimenting with himself, his appearance, and is not afraid of criticism. The model fell in love with everyone creative agencies the ability to surprise and shock the public, to amaze with its openness and lack of complexes.

Danila Polyakov: “They offered me a lot for money. Including having an intimate relationship. Then they offered twenty thousand dollars. Now I regret that I refused and set the bar at a million dollars; for a million I could have arranged a broadcast on the Internet. I’m not afraid of criticism, it just flatters me and gives me excitement.”

Mom is a kindergarten teacher, father is an artist. Traditional upbringing did not influence his ambitious disposition. He's still in school years he craved attention and created outrageousness around himself. For example, he wore a skirt over trousers. Danila Polyakov's parents had modest incomes, so the boy began earning money early. As a teenager he danced in nightclubs. His interests and hobbies cannot be called modest. Antique diamonds, penthouses, are what interests. He is known for his extraordinary point of view and bright ideas. For example, he believes that children are often disappointed in their parents and achieve more than them. Danil considers the modeling business to be a game, and he wants to live his life in such a way as not to regret the things he hasn’t done.


Danil Polyakov is a model with fiery red hair and green hair. He has an androgynous body and can walk in heels. Creative career Polyakova started at the age of 15 dancing in nightclubs. The producers of the Demo group noticed him at one of their performances and invited him to be a backup dancer in their project.

Later Polyakov worked with Valeria. He was noticed by modeling agents and offered to take part in a photo shoot for OM magazine.

Polyakov works under contract with Denis Simachev, Jean Paul Gaultier, Richmond, John Galliano, Gianfranco Ferre, Ann Demeulemeester, Gilles Rosier, Andrew Mackenzie, Junya Watanabe and Italian Vogue.
He began to experiment with his appearance and soon began to demonstrate masculine and women's clothing. His first modeling contract was signed with the Storm agency. However, the real career takeoff began with Prada stylist David Bradshaw. In this project Polyakov demonstrated exclusively female images. In this role, he strives to convey a free position and his level of freedom, which does not depend on public opinion.

Danila Polyakov is the only Russian model who participated in fashion shows for John Galiano, Fendi, Vivienne Westwood, and Moschino.

Together with photographer Alexei Kiselev, he published a book-photo album “The Misfits of the Noughties.” It came out in limited edition. Only 1000 copies. These were exclusive sales in the conceptual boutique of Paris Colette.

In 2007, he starred in a photo project for Vogue magazine. It was photographed by famous photographer Steven Meisel. In addition to working on the podium, Danila Polyakov is creative director Pure Joy Fashion. In 2011, he was a judge on the TV show “Top Model in Russia.”