Igor Sivov himself, holding a high position in Kazan, earned as much per year as his star bride for one concert

It seems that singer Nyusha, who turned 26 last year, has finally met a man with whom she decided to tie the knot. “So you fly on the 13th, on Friday, on a full moon, to Africa... celebrating the old New Year...with absolutely no idea how this trip will change your life,” she recently wrote on her social network page. A few days later she posted a photo of herself with the ring on ring finger and accompanied it with the caption “I am the bride.” The singer did not show any photographs of her groom and did not mention his name. However, omniscient fans in the comments claimed that this is a 36-year-old native of Kazan, Igor SIVOV, who has been working in Lausanne, Switzerland, since last fall. He holds the important position of chief adviser to the president. International Federation student sports.

Judging by the meager information about the groom Nyusha managed to find it on the Internet, Igor Sivov in his youth he was no stranger to creativity and was a member of the KVN team “Four Tatars”. After graduating from the TISBI Academy of Management, he worked in the administration of the student club. Then he headed municipal enterprise"Directorate holiday programs" Was executive director opening and closing ceremonies of the XXVII World Summer Universiade, held in 2013 in Kazan. A last years headed the apparatus of the executive committee of the capital of Tatarstan.

According to the income statements of municipal employees, published on the official website of the Kazan City Hall, in 2014 he earned 1,291,765.65 rubles, and in 2015 - 1,668,249.95 rubles. Compared to Nyusha, who, according to promoters, takes from one and a half million “wooden” for just one concert, his income, of course, looked ridiculous. But this is not the most interesting thing.

From the same declarations it followed that until recently Igor Veniaminovich had legal spouse- dance teacher Alena Vladimirovna with even more ridiculous incomes than his - 14,692.67 rubles in 2014 and 31,119.79 rubles in 2015. Moreover, just a year ago, the list of their family members was supplemented with a second son, who did not appear in previous declarations. And six months ago, according to the Kazan media, Alena Vladimirovna, still in the status of Sivov’s wife, appeared at the birthday celebration of his former colleague on the “Four Tatars” team - the current Minister of Sports of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov.

As far as I remember, Igor Veniaminovich himself was not there,” one of the guests who attended this celebration said in a private conversation. - But he is a very busy man. It happened more than once that Alena attended some events without him. And there was nothing strange in the fact that she came to Leonov alone. Moreover, they were family friends since their participation in KVN. In any case, Igor Veniaminovich did not seem to have any intention of divorcing Alena at that time. After that, I even saw them together at the birthday party of one of their sons. Of course, this still doesn't mean anything. Maybe then Alena was no longer married to Igor Veniaminovich and he, like any normal father, simply came to visit the children. Or maybe she remains his wife even now. You understand, they didn’t inform anyone about this.

Strange position

Do not rush to conclude that Igor Sivov abandoned his former family! - Nyusha’s PR agent unexpectedly said in response to a request for comments Denis Vorobiev. - No, no, I don’t want to say that he is still married. But when people get divorced, for some reason it is always believed that the man leaves the woman. In my opinion, this is some kind of strange position. In fact, breakups happen differently for everyone. Of course, I did not communicate with Igor closely enough to judge the situation in his family. Nyusha’s dad met him quite a long time ago - almost two years ago. Apparently, this was due to Nyusha’s performances at the Universiade or some other mass events in Kazan, which Igor was involved in.

And I personally met him only in September-October last year during preparations for Nyusha’s concert at Crocus City Hall, when he began appearing with her as her young man. Before that, I had no idea that there was anything connecting them. However, as far as I know, during a recent joint vacation in Kenya, Igor proposed marriage to Nyusha. And since he decided to take such a step, I assume that there are no problems with his former family and they separated by mutual consent.

6 June 2018, 17:17

The title turned out a little in the spirit of Brazilian TV series)))

Information about Alena Sivova often appears in posts and comments in the context of the couple Nyusha and Igor Sivov. I think she deserves her own post on Gossip Cop.

Alena Sivova (35 years old)- dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, participant in the 4th season of the show “Dancing”, businesswoman and simply a spectacular woman.

In 2006 she married Igor Sivov (37 years old), at that time just beginning to build a career as an official.

In the same 2006, their eldest son Matvey was born:

Igor, his mother and Matvey:

The couple has a second common child, son, who was born in 2016. Also in 2016, the couple filed for divorce. In a short interview on the “Dancing” show, Alena mentioned that her husband left her six months after the birth of their second son. Presumably, such an outcome family life Nyusha influenced, because they met in 2013, when Igor was still married, and in 2017 they already got married.

2016, apparently, was a turning point for Alena. Small child in her arms, her husband leaving the family, a difficult divorce, another sad event was added to everything - the unexpected and tragic loss of her mother.

By the way, it was the last event that prompted Alena to radically change her image - instead of long hair she decided to have a short haircut.

“One day I woke up and realized that I wanted to cut my hair: my mother had a similar haircut at my age. I didn’t do it in memory of her, no, I just felt that I wanted to do it. It’s not for nothing that they say that with hair you let go of something from your life. New haircut filled me with new emotions, new strength".

Alena, starting from early childhood, studied dancing, and at the age of 16 she began giving lessons. After marriage and the birth of my first child, I had to put all creative aspirations on pause, prioritizing my family.

"I was a keeper hearth and home, raised her eldest son first, then the youngest was born. Well, then it so happened that my old world collapsed, what had been built for many years disappeared. I took it hard until I realized that I needed to pull myself together. And dance became my medicine, my rehabilitation... probably the divorce was the main impetus for my creative “comeback”.

In 2017, Alena took part in the “Dancing” show.

The dance number in the “wacking” style was warmly received by the audience and the jury. Alena advanced to the next stage.

For her, performing on the show was a real adventure, which was encouraged by her eldest son, who, according to her, is his mother’s “main fan”:

“Well, I think everyone understands perfectly well that average age participants - 20 - 25 years old. I'm 34. The jury members even joked that I already have retirement age for the dancer. Outwardly, of course, I am no different from them, but my internal state no longer on the same wavelength"

“The sons were with their dad at that moment, and they all watched the episode together. They supported me and cheered for me. My performance ex-husband I liked it, a lot of compliments were said, I hope sincerely.”


In 2017, Alena opened her own dance studio "exclusively for girls, girls and women, whom I can teach what I know, make their lives brighter and richer. I believe that a woman should dance, dance is a powerful way to fill herself with energy..."

“...I really want it (the studio) to become a space that will help make women happier. Probably, everyone who comes to my studio will realize a certain dream.”

This singer easily manages to combine the opposite images of an energetic pop diva and a sweet girl next door. The young but ambitious artist and songwriter Anna Shurochkina, better known to fans under the pseudonym Nyusha, has been confidently leading the domestic charts for more than one year. Despite her intense creative activity, little is known about the singer’s personal life. Like many of her “comrades,” Nyusha prefers not to talk about personal things. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult to do, since Nyusha got married in August and now the press is literally attacking the girl with questions about this event. The news about the artist’s wedding, which took place in the Maldives, was instantly spread by popular glossy publications. And of course, main question, exciting fans: “Who is Nyusha’s husband?” Happy young spouse the singer's name is Igor Sivov and he is pretty public figure with an interesting past. In our article today we will talk about who Igor Sivov is and touch on facts from his biography (how old is he, what is his nationality, what does he do, etc.). We will also share information about children and ex-wife Igor Alena Sivova, who became a participant in the 4th season of the TV show “Dancing”. And we will definitely discuss the topic that worries many, regarding whether Nyusha took her husband away from her first family.

Nyusha’s husband Igor Sivov: a detailed biography of the famous singer’s husband with photos

Let's start with the fact that there were mentions in the press about Igor Sivov before his marriage to the popular singer Nyusha. According to facts from the biography of her husband famous singer, Igor Sivov holds the serious post of chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. By the way, thanks to professional activity Igor and his acquaintance with Nyusha took place. The young official was organizing a holiday dedicated to the Universiade in Kazan, at which Anna Shurochkina (Nyusha) also performed. Mutual sympathy immediately arose between the young people and friendly communication began. And this is understandable, given that in student years Igor was a member of the popular KVN team “Four Tatars”. A good sense of humor, natural charisma and the ability to carry himself on stage with dignity helped Sivov immediately find mutual language with a popular singer. The young people met back in 2013, and Igor and Anna remained friends for a long time. At that time, Sivov was married, and Nyusha tried to build a relationship either with Vlad Sokolovsky or with Yegor Creed. In 2016, Igor divorced his first wife and began an affair with Nyusha, who for a long time young people kept it a secret.

How was the wedding of the famous singer Nyusha and her husband Igor Sivov, details from the biography and photos

The press started talking about the close relationship between Nyusha and Igor Sivov after their first joint appearance in public at the beginning of 2017. In January, the young people went on a joint vacation to Kenya, where Igor proposed to his beloved. The couple got married in August 2017 on one of the Maldives. Among the guests were many celebrities, including Good friends couples Dmitry Khrustalev and Konstantin Khabensky. In an interview with the famous Russian publishing house the singer spoke in detail about how beautiful and romantic her wedding was. And she even mentioned that during her honeymoon she and her husband managed to chat a little at a local party with a famous Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Who Nyusha stole her husband from: Igor Sivov’s ex-wife and their children together, photo

Since Igor Sivov has an ex-wife and children with her, articles often appear in the press on the topic of the one from whom Nyusha stole her husband. The singer herself ignores such questions addressed to her and does not comment. As for Igor, he prefers not to mention his ex-wife, occasionally sharing stories about his children with journalists. It is known that Nyusha and Sivov met in 2013, when each of them was in a relationship. It is logical to assume that a friendship initially struck up between the young people, which over time grew into something big. And since at the time of the start of the affair with Nyusha, Igor was already officially divorced, it is not worth arguing that the singer destroyed the family of the young official.

The ex-wife of Igor Sivov and their children together - from whom Nyusha stole her husband, photo

But there is also a third side to this story - the ex-wife of Alena Sivova, about whom Lately spoke in the press. The fact is that Igor’s ex-wife is not only a very impressive woman, but also a talented dancer. Alena took part in the 4th season of the show “Dancing”, where from the first performance she captivated the jury and audience with her grace and energy. In a short interview on a TV show, Alena Sivova mentioned that her husband left her six months after the birth of their second son. And although the woman does not mention the presence of another woman ex-spouse, it is logical to assume that Nyusha could be the reason for the couple’s breakup.

What is the nationality of Nyusha’s (Anna Shurochkina) husband Igor Sivov

Another exciting question regarding Nyusha’s (Anna Shurochkina) husband Igor Sivov, it concerns his nationality. It is difficult to find an official answer to this question on the Internet. It is known that Igor was born and raised in Kazan, where he worked for a long time in a number of serious organizations. His participation in the KVnov team “Four Tatars” leads many to believe that Sivov has Tatar roots. Some facial features, such as the narrow shape of the eyes, also support this theory.

Answer to the question, what is the nationality of Igor Sivov, the husband of Anna Shurochkina (Nyusha)

In the same time full name Nyusha's wife sounds like this - Igor Veniaminovich Sivov. Both the surname, first name, and patronymic of Nyusha’s husband have Russian origin. It is quite possible that Igor Sivov has several bloods mixed together - Russian and Tatar, at a minimum.

Nyusha’s husband’s Instagram: where the newlyweds live and what they do in their free time, photo

ABOUT latest events You can learn about the life of the newlyweds not only from Nyusha’s page on the popular social network Instagram, where the singer has more than 4 million subscribers. Enough active user Instagram is also Igor Sivov. Most often, fans of the singer Nyusha on her husband’s Instagram are interested in where the newlyweds live and what they do in free time.

Photo from Nyusha’s husband’s Instagram: where they live, what the newlyweds do in their free time

Alas, Nyusha’s husband Igor Sivov very rarely posts photos about where the newlyweds live and what they do on his Instagram. Most its pages are occupied by publications related to work activities. There are also publications requesting support for the creative endeavors of his wife Anna Shurochkina. But here is information about the wedding, how old is her husband, his nationality, as well as facts from the biography ex-wife It’s better to look for Alena Sivova, who became the star of the “Dancing” show, in other sources. We hope that you received answers to your questions regarding the wedding of the popular singer and whether she took her husband away from the family from our article.


08/15/2017 Show business

It became known where it went gorgeous wedding Nyusha and Igor Sivov (VIDEO)

As many fans managed to guess, the wedding of singer Nyusha and her lover Igor Sivov took place in the most romantic archipelago in the world - the Maldives. The official marriage took place in Kazan in mid-July, and the couple decided to celebrate on the islands.

The Super public had at its disposal exclusive video, sent to the editorial office by a citizen journalist. The groom, surrounded by friends, came to the bride’s hut with a ransom and sang Timur Temirov’s song “Sky Above the Earth,” writes Life.

In the Maldives, Nyusha and her husband truly created a paradise for newlyweds. The lovers stayed in a five-star hotel Hotel Finolhu, where a night costs almost 100 thousand rubles. Nyusha and Igor divided the holiday into three days, and each event took place in different restaurants. At the pre-wedding dinner, all the guests and the spouses themselves appeared in white outfits; the company enjoyed rolls and fresh fish in a Japanese restaurant. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds and their friends and family threw a beach party at the Fish, Crab & Shark restaurant.

Among those invited to the fairy-tale wedding was actor Konstantin Khabensky, and Nyusha and Igor Sivov entrusted Dmitry Khrustalev to lead the celebration. However, celebrities keep their presence at the celebration secret at the request of the newlyweds. Nyusha's RP director Denis Vorobyov and the newlyweds declined to comment.

Let us remind you that Nyusha and the General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov, met during the Universiade in Kazan, but passionate feelings flared up between them only at the beginning of autumn last year. Now the lovers live in three cities: in Swiss Lausanne, where the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation is located, Moscow and Kazan.

Nyusha Vladimirovna ShurochkinaRussian singer, one of the most popular, talented and promising stars of our stage. Although spiteful critics say that this starlet sings to plywood, nevertheless, young people very energetically light up the clubs to her songs. At birth this beauty was named Anna, but when Anyuta grew up and wanted to become a singer, the name seemed very banal and boring to her, she wanted something brighter, sonorous, memorable. Nyusha, Nyushenka– that’s what my dad affectionately called the future singer in childhood. Many have a name Nyusha associated with the pink pig from "Smesharikov", but nevertheless, this pseudonym stuck, and the songs Nyusha loved by so many, especially since she writes them herself, imagine, herself - both the words and the music! On our stage now there are really few young talented artists who would perform such incendiary, but at the same time deep songs on topics close to most people: love, separation, freedom of choice life path, following ahead towards your goal. For example, I really like at least five songs Nyusha, it is possible that all these are not super masterpieces, but her work definitely, if it does not touch my soul, then makes me happy, and I understand that it is truly sensual, deep and strong man can create such wonderful songs.

In this article you will see a lot of photographs of the singer Nyusha and her loved ones and relatives.

Small in this photo Nyusha in the arms of your dad

When our heroine was two years old, her father left the family and fell in love with another woman.

In the photo: stepmother Larisa, mother Irina, herself Nyusha, dad Vladimir Shurochkin

Parents Nyusha Initially, they had a hard time experiencing their breakup, special mom Nyusha, as you may have guessed. But over time, stepmother and mother Nyusha became friends, no one else sorts things out in this big and friendly family, and Nyushinogo father had two children from his new wife: a daughter Maria and son Ivan.

On this photo Maria Shurochkina, half-sister (paternal) Nyusha.

Maria Shurochkina by the way, synchronized swimmer, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports Russia, Olympic champion 2016 year, six-time world champion.

The sisters have been very friendly since childhood, Maria under Nyusha for 5 years.

In this photo you see Nyusha and her stepmother Oksana Shurochkina

And here is the stepmother Oksana Shurochkina Nyushina her best friend, she is both a manager and a choreographer, in general a second mother. By the way, in order to Nyusha was able to start a solo career, her father at one time had to sell his apartment, her stepmother Oksana she didn’t mind, she always believed in her stepdaughter’s talent.

And here Vladimir Shurochkin I didn’t immediately understand how promising his first daughter was, and he was, to put it mildly, skeptical about her music lessons and writing songs, until he noticed how good these compositions were. Now the father is the producer of his daughter, sometimes he writes songs for her, and helps with arrangement. But still talent Nyusha I inherited it from my father; he, too, has been writing and singing songs all his life.

In this photo you see a beautiful stepmother Nyusha, she is only 6 years younger than her husband, but how young she looks at 45 years old!

Nyusha not immediately lucky in love, only to 26 years old she realized that she was ready to become a wife, because she had finally met the person with whom she wanted to connect her life for a long time. Chosen One Nyusha became Igor Sivov.

Igor Sivov at the time of writing this article, he was working as the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Divorced, has two children.

In these two photos Nyusha with her father, who is her producer.

And so Vladimir Shurochkin was at its dawn creative activity, if you haven't guessed - Nyushin Dad is the guy in the middle.

And in this photo Nyushins paternal grandparents, these two lived together for over fifty years!