From January 1, 2016, the rules for accounting for beer products have changed for all entrepreneurs. Now, individual entrepreneurs and organizations that sell beer at retail need to report to the Unified State Automated Information System when purchasing goods, but to do this, you need to know the rules for registration and connection to the system, as well as technical requirements for equipment.


EGAIS stands for “Unified State Automated Information System” and contains a database of enterprises producing alcoholic products, as well as organizations involved in its supply. It takes into account all alcoholic beverages: where they are produced, where they are sold by wholesale suppliers and in what quantities. The program “EGAIS: retail beer for individual entrepreneurs” has both advantages and disadvantages, but in general it allows you to control the entire sales market for alcoholic products and reduce the percentage of sales of uncertified goods.

The system itself began to work a long time ago - since 2005, but until January 1, 2016, only suppliers and manufacturing companies sent data to it. According to the FSRAR Letter dated 21.09. 2015 No. 17788/15-02, from January 1, 2016, all organizations involved in the trade of beer, cider, mead or poire are required to report to the Unified State Automated Information System. Retail beer for individual entrepreneurs needs to be registered only upon receipt from the supplier, and for sale registration is not required.

EGAIS tasks for beer in retail trade

The main task of the system is the following:

  • Full accounting of production and sales by manufacturers of any alcoholic products, up to the indication of the city in which it was placed in the container, as well as volume, strength and name.
  • Accounting for imported alcoholic beverages to control the accrual of excise taxes.
  • Collection of information on excise stamps to control the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • Analysis of the implementation and development of alcohol production within the Russian Federation.
  • Preventing the sale of counterfeit products in the Russian Federation by checking documents sent to each other by the supplier and the buyer.

Who should report through EGAIS:

  • Wholesale companies involved in storage, purchasing and delivery.
  • IP when purchasing.
  • Catering organizations (cafes, restaurants, bars) - upon purchase.
  • Stores selling beer within the city - for retail sale (from July 1, 2016). For those who trade in rural settlements, the obligation to report through the system for sales begins on July 1, 2017, and for purchases the deadlines are the same as for all other market participants - from January 1, 2016.

Thus, EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs selling beer is necessary to provide data, and this must be done by both entrepreneurs selling beer drinks on tap and those who sell them in regular containers. Retail individual entrepreneurs or LLCs located in the Republic of Crimea will have to send data on completed purchases only from July 1, 2017.

How to work in EGAIS: beer accounting

Approximate diagram cooperation with suppliers according to EGAIS for those who trade in retail looks like this:

  • Before delivering the ordered goods to the buyer, the supplier fills out invoices, and also indicates them in the system itself in the balances.
  • The organization that ordered the products receives invoices through a universal transport module - a program created to send all information to the system, which is installed on a PC.
  • Having received and recalculated the quantity of ordered goods, the buyer (store) compares all the data with the documents. If the receipt corresponds to them, he approves this by sending confirmation to EGAIS.
  • After sending the notification, the received volume of alcohol is debited from the remaining quantity of goods of the supplier and credited to the balance of the customer.
  • If the actual goods received do not correspond to the data in the documents (for example, the supplier brought less beer than indicated), the buyer can either refuse the product or accept it, and the shortage will be recorded in the system. The same goes for surpluses.

All these actions are necessary to control the products sold by the supplier: how many goods he sent to the retail outlet and how many ultimately arrived.

What equipment is needed and how to connect to EGAIS for beer?

To start working in the system, you must do the following:

  • Register on the website of the FSRAR of the Russian Federation and create Personal Area.
  • Contact the organization that issues Jacarta crypto keys to purchase it. It is required at all points of sale.
  • After receiving the crypto key, record a Qualified digital signature on it.
  • To issue a digital signature (digital signature), you must contact the organization authorized for this and provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a pension certificate SNILS, INN, OGRN, passport, application and, if necessary, a power of attorney for a person authorized to handle such matters. The CEP certificate is valid for 1 year, after which it must be renewed.

To work in EGAIS, you must also comply with certain equipment requirements from a technical point of view:

  • Processor with a 32-bit capacity and a frequency of 2.0 GHz.
  • Internal memory from 2 GB.
  • Scanner with PDF417 reading function (except for IP without CCT).
  • Network controller 100/1000 Mbps.
  • The volume of network storage is at least 50 GB.
  • Operating system: Windows 7 Starter and higher.
  • Jawa 8 or higher system software.
  • The software for EGAIS issued by Rosalkogolregulirovanie can be obtained completely free of charge.

From the outside, working with the system looks something like this: a customer comes to the store, selects the desired drink and goes to the cash register, where the seller uses a scanner to read what is available on the excise stamp code. After reading, the information enters the cash register software, which subsequently sends it to the system. In this case, there is no need to keep records of retail sales, however, for individual entrepreneurs exempt from the use of cash registers, it is not necessary to purchase a scanner.

Responsibility for failure to provide data to EGAIS

In Russia, the control scheme for the sale and production of alcohol-containing products has been regulated since 1995 by Federal Law No. 171-FZ, to which additions are regularly made. Responsibility for violating the norms of this law, which includes the obligation to work with Unified State Automated Information System, begins only on July 1, 2016 and is punishable by considerable fines under Art. 14.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • For an individual entrepreneur - 10,000-15,000 rubles.
  • For a legal entity - 150,000-200,000 rubles.

Here, those who use cash register systems should take into account one important nuance: if there is no online exchange through the system, then it will not be possible to count the quantity of products and punch receipts when selling - which means it will not be possible to sell it.

Many individual entrepreneurs Since the beginning of this year, we have been thinking about how to independently connect to EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System). The reason for this was, first of all, that from the first day of the coming year, most sellers of beer and low-alcohol drinks will need to connect to EGAIS, regardless of whether they conduct wholesale or retail trade. From the first of January, every individual entrepreneur who owns a retail outlet or place Catering, and purchases beer and other alcoholic beverages for sale, must conduct such purchases through the EGAIS system.

After some time, a law requiring the sale of alcoholic beverages in retail trade through EGAIS will also come into force. Further in the material we will try to answer questions such as the essence and principle of operation of EGAIS, the necessary data that should be entered into the system, as well as the consequences of failure to install and connect EGAIS before the beginning of this year. Such information will be very useful for heads of organizations, accountants, and entrepreneurs.

Basic information about the system.

All activities of sellers of alcoholic beverages on the market of the same name are controlled by the one hundred and seventy-first law of federal legislation and the main legal acts which are indicated therein. This law regulates the production and sale of all alcoholic beverages, drinks that contain alcohol, and also limits the use of these products. It is this law that indicates the need for Rosalkogolregulirovanie to implement the Unified State Automated Information System and maintain appropriate reporting on the quantity of purchased alcoholic products, its turnover and production. Back in 2006, the requirements for the use of this system were approved, and it was also implemented for most alcohol producers and sellers. Now it is necessary to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System for all entrepreneurs who conduct activities related to alcohol, but on the basis of updated rules. In order to familiarize yourself with the new rules and requirements for maintaining the accounting system, you should go to the official EGAIS website, where all acts and updates are discussed in detail.

First of all, all producers of alcoholic beverages, as well as enterprises that import strong alcoholic beverages, had to connect to EGAIS. Each unit of alcoholic beverages must be labeled and also have its own excise taxes, regardless of whether it was produced or imported. All producers of alcoholic products must keep records of how many units were produced using a specialized counter, and send the data to the Rosalkogolregulirovaniye authorities.

As for entrepreneurs who sold drinks containing alcohol wholesale or retail, just recently they did not need to transfer such information. This made it difficult to control the circulation of alcoholic beverages, and also complicated the tracking of the movement of alcoholic products from the manufacturer to the final consumer.

Scheme of working with the EGAIS system:

Who should connect to EGAIS from 2016.

Last year, in June, some amendments to the legislation were adopted, which changed the content of law number one hundred and seventy-one, and also strengthened measures to control the movement of alcoholic beverages within the country. One of the methods for tightening control: the need to connect to the EGAIS system for most enterprises whose activities are related to the production or sale of alcoholic beverages. It's necessary to be completed by the end of 2017, regardless of whether there is retail or wholesale sale of alcohol. From the beginning of October last year, almost all sellers of beer and low-alcohol drinks should be required to connect to the Unified State Register of Automatic Information System (EGIAS) if they produce or sell three hundred thousand or more deciliters of alcoholic products per year. For other entrepreneurs, the terms for the required connection are extended until the first day of the current year. if entrepreneurs sell goods wholesale or retail, they must also connect to the Unified State Register of Automated State Registers from the beginning of this year.

From the beginning of January of the current year, data on what kind of turnover of alcoholic products took place in the Unified State Automated Information System must be indicated by all wholesale enterprises who purchase, supply or store alcoholic beverages, including all products containing alcohol, even beer;
From the first day of the current year, all individual entrepreneurs who purchase beer drinks, cider or mead in order to subsequently sell them at retail must provide purchase data to EGAIS;
From the first day of January of this year, catering establishments that sell retail alcoholic or beer drinks must report on all purchases of alcoholic products. Such enterprises include all cafes, restaurants or bars, and they must provide data on how many products were purchased;
All enterprises that sell beer or other alcoholic beverages in cities and towns must, from the first of January of the current year, provide information on the volume of purchases, and from the first of July - on how much alcohol was sold at retail;
The same reporting will have to be submitted by those companies that sell alcohol in villages and towns.

Exceptions to generally accepted rules.

Some organizations have a number of exceptions that must be taken into account in order to connect to EGAIS. These are certain enterprises and companies that are also representatives of the alcohol market, but correspond to certain nuances. According to some new laws, as well as amendments to existing legislation, exceptions apply to residents of Crimea, as well as the city of Sevastopol. According to the established framework, the following rules apply to them:

From the first day of July of a given year, all enterprises will be required to provide EGAIS with information on purchasing operations, storage of alcoholic products, as well as regarding their supply;
From the beginning of next year, those enterprises located in urban agglomerations will have to send all information on retail sales of alcohol-containing goods using the EGAIS system. Individual entrepreneurs must also inform purchase transactions regarding beer drinks;
But with first day of 2018, those enterprises located in villages and villages will also need to connect to the Unified State Register of Automated State Registers. They will also need to send all information regarding retail sales of alcohol, and for individual entrepreneurs, also the fact of sale of beer drinks.

A number of new rules and restrictions have also been developed for enterprises engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in small villages. They will be able to avoid the need to send information about how many units of goods were sold, according to the amendments made to the one hundred and seventy-first law, but only if its activities comply with a number of restrictions:

The number of residents of the village where the entrepreneur works does not exceed three thousand residents;
There is no Internet connection at the outlet;
The village is indicated in a specially developed list, which was developed and approved by law.

But still, in the text of the law itself there is no clear indication that sellers of alcoholic beverages in villages that meet the above conditions may not send information about the volume of purchased alcohol to EGAIS. It is likely that this article of the law will still undergo a number of changes, since the draft itself is still being considered by the authorities and has not been finally approved. Before you think about how to connect to EGAIS, it should be noted that there is a list of organizations selling alcoholic beverages that, in principle, may not use the system. Let's say these include enterprises that produce wine and champagne, using their own vineyards. Or companies that need to purchase alcoholic products, since they are used as a component for the production of other goods. As an example, we can take companies that produce confectionery or medicines.

Connect to EGAIS alcohol: recording turnover and purchases.

As stated earlier in the material, from the first day of this year, all entrepreneurs who sell alcohol at retail will certainly have to send information to the Unified State Automated Information System about each purchase of goods. So, what an entrepreneur must do when purchasing an alcoholic product group, as well as what the mandatory actions of its seller are, we will consider further. We will also study information about what data should be sent to EGAIS. Each supplier, regardless of whether he is a direct manufacturer or a reseller, after receiving orders for alcohol, must generate a delivery note. The electronic format of this document must be sent to the Unified State Automated Information System, while the paper counterpart is sent to the supplier of the ordered products.

After that. The batch of ordered goods arrives at the specified retail outlet. There, the employee who supervises the receipt of goods deliveries must check how many units of alcoholic products were actually delivered, how many are indicated in the invoice held by the delivery person, as well as with the number that appears in the data sent to the Unified State Automated Information System. The data in the information system came directly from the manufacturer or supplier and is called the electronic format of invoice documentation. After this, the employee must check whether excise tax and federal stamps are present on all units of production.

Upon completion of these actions, the goods receiver sends information to EGAIS about whether he accepts the goods, refuses them, or has discovered inconsistencies. If the receiver accepts the goods delivery, then the system also counts the purchase in a certain quantity indicated on the delivery note. Thus, EGAIS confirms the data that a clearly indicated number of units of alcoholic beverages was received at a certain retail outlet. If the receiver discovers a discrepancy between the data on the delivery note and the actual quantity of goods delivered, it is necessary to draw up a discrepancy sheet and indicate all the discrepancies on it. It should also be sent to EGAIS. After receiving confirmation from the seller of the goods that there is indeed a discrepancy, the data in the system is also changed. That is, information is saved only about the quantity of products that was actually sent to the entrepreneur, taking into account confirmation of the shortage by the seller. If more product units have arrived than specified in the invoice, and the store is ready to accept excess products, then these changes are also sent to EGAIS. The seller, in this case, must fill out another invoice, where he should indicate the amount of alcohol that exceeded the ordered volume, and it should also be sent to EGAIS. So, as we see, every paper that is filled out during the purchase of alcoholic beverages must be sent to the authorities Rosalkogolregulirovaniya and EGAIS. To confirm that the process took place and the data was transferred, entrepreneurs are issued special receipts through an established system.

Naturally, until the first day of January of the current year, stores will not be able to sell their entire range of alcoholic beverages at zero. Of course, there will be certain units that will not have time to sell, and after that the question will arise: is it worth the EGIAS to have them and, if so, how to do this. In order to answer this, you should visit the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie, which clearly states what to do in this case. The need to register product balances will only affect those entrepreneurs whose activities are focused on wholesale sales. For those who work in retail, this registration is not necessary. On the same site you can also find recommendations on how to correctly put residual goods on the balance sheet for entrepreneurs who work in wholesale.

How to connect to EGAIS: step-by-step instructions.

Next, we will consider step-by-step instructions for installing and mastering the EGAIS system, which will be useful to everyone who wants to use it.

1. You should purchase a specialized cryptographic key called JaCarta, and also has a unique electronic signature. This key is also called Jakarta, and has the form of a USB token. It is used to protect the data that will be transmitted to EGAIS, as well as the connection to the system itself. All information is stored on the cryptographic key. As well as certified data regarding the electronic signature itself. Its main function is to assign an electronic signature to documentation that is sent to the system so that it has legal force. The documentation includes various acts, delivery notes and other important information. If we're talking about O large organization, then one cryptographic key will not be enough. You will need to acquire such a tool for each unit that has a separate checkpoint. If we talk about individual entrepreneurs, then one key is quite enough, and this is not affected by the number of points in trading network IP. Starting from this year, EGAIS will accept all certified CEPs that were issued by an accredited confirmation center. Let’s say you can apply for certification to the SKB center Kontur. For that. In order to submit reports to the Unified State Institute of Automation, you need a separate CEP certification than to submit information to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. The fact that you need to have different keys is influenced by a number of technical features.

2. To use the system, you need to install a specialized module on your personal computer, having previously downloaded it. Such a module is called transport, abbreviated as UTM. Its main function is to establish communication between regulatory authorities and the company that submits the credentials. This module can be downloaded from the official EGIAS website, and it is absolutely free. All you need to do for this is register, thereby creating your account. After this, you will be presented with sequential instructions for downloading and installing.

3. Next, you should either adjust the operation of the application yourself, or contact specialists and buy specialized software equipment. Remember that UTM is not equipped with an interface for ordinary users. That is why. You have two options: you can purchase special software that can adapt the operation of the system and their interaction with each other, or, using your own knowledge, customize the work. In case of purchasing software equipment in order to configure the interaction of the module and Rosalkogolregulirovaniye systems, it is best use the Contour service, since it has a very accessible interface. In this case, in order to send data on the acceptance of a product order from the seller to EGAIS, you will need to complete the following steps. In the program, we select the seller’s invoice sheet and carry out comparative operations between the quantity of goods that was received upon the fact, that indicated in paper invoices, as well as in electronic form. After the data comparison is completed, you must either accept the product or reject it. Or indicate any discrepancies between the documents, if any. Using Contour, you can work with several modules at once, which greatly facilitates your work. Moreover, it does not even matter that the modules are installed in different stores or trade pavilions. All other program settings will be performed automatically, which will allow you to free yourself from unnecessary work on installing and debugging systems.

4. After the completed manipulations, you should pay attention to the workplace, because all connections to the Unified State Automated Information System are made through it. The computer must have a minimum operating system of Windows 7 or newer, and also be able to access the Internet. The official website of EGAIS also indicates all the requirements and specifications, which the equipment must meet to install the program. After this, the cryptographic card must be connected to the machine, having the CEP certificate already recorded on it. Place the machine on which this will be installed software, it is best in each separate department of the enterprise in which it is possible to receive alcohol-containing products. For an individual entrepreneur, no matter how many stores he has, one transport module is enough. This is exactly the information presented on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. After correctly and consistently performing all the steps given here, the distributor of alcoholic beverages will be able to enter all information about purchases and sales. From January 1 of this year, this is a mandatory condition for all retailers and wholesalers regarding purchases. But starting from July of this year, it will become necessary to indicate sales data, which will require additional equipment.

Rules for recording sales of alcoholic beverages in EGAIS.

As we have already mentioned more than once in the material, from the first day of July of the current year, all enterprises that trade in alcoholic beverages at retail or wholesale will have to indicate in the Unified State Automated Information System not only information about the purchase, but also all data regarding each sale. Exactly in a year, the same need will appear for enterprises that trade in villages and villages. According to the eighth article of the one hundred and seventy-first law, entrepreneurs whose activities are focused on the sale of beer drinks, mead, as well as those working in the catering industry, have the right not to submit sales reports to the Unified State Automated Information System.

One computer with a program installed on it will not be enough to transfer necessary information about sales in EGAIS. You will also need cash register equipment, including its software and terminal. After all, this is where information about all the company’s accounting of goods will be stored. The transport module is responsible only for the process of transferring information to EGAIS. In addition, you will need to buy a cryptographic code with a Jakarta card and a CEP certificate. In addition to all of the above, you will need a scanner, which is used to print checks indicating them, as well as fiscal recorders.

Let's consider the procedure for submitting reports to EGAIS. An employee who is at the checkout, using a 2D scanner, writes down information from the unit of alcoholic beverages that he sells using a linear barcode. If a beer drink is sold, then only the linear code is read, but if other alcohol is sold, then in addition to it, the program will require a code scanner - PDF-417. EGAIS, in turn, checks whether the retail outlet sells a legal alcoholic drink, and if the legality of its production is confirmed, the product item is added to cash receipt. In addition to the standard receipt familiar to all citizens, when purchasing alcoholic beverages, a receipt containing a QR code will also be issued. This is necessary so that the buyer can always view information about the manufacturer of the purchased alcohol. Once such information reaches cash machine, then it is sent to EGAIS.

More news for alcohol retailers.

Another innovation was the need to keep a journal in a new format to record all products that contain alcohol. This rule came into force on January 1 of this year. Now, if you wish to issue this document in electronic format, you should use only the tools that are offered by EGAIS. It is likely that there will be a certain percentage of sellers who are engaged in the sale of alcohol, but do not have to report to the state through Unified State Automated Information System, will voluntarily perform these actions. For example, those entrepreneurs who sell beer drinks may want to connect to EGAIS on their own. After all, only in this way will they be able to maintain reports in electronic format.

Despite the fact that a number of new requirements and rules for keeping records of alcoholic products have appeared, the previous reporting of alcohol-containing products has not been canceled and still remains in force. For example, it remains mandatory to fill out the eleventh and twelfth declarations, which can be sent in finished form via the Internet to the relevant authorities. They will be perceived as electronic documents, but with a stronger electronic signature. The Kontur system is also very suitable for sending reporting documents to various authorities. If you use Kontur - Alcodeclaration and Kontur - EGAIS together, then all entered data will be immediately taken into account when filling out a declaration for alcoholic products.

Do I need to connect to EGAIS?

If an entrepreneur does not connect the system in a timely manner, he faces administrative liability in the form of penalties. If this is an organization or legal entity, then the amount of the fine will be from one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand rubles. If this is an individual entrepreneur or executive company, the fine will be no less than ten and no more than fifteen thousand rubles.

Penalties– are far from the worst consequences of refusing to keep proper records of alcoholic beverages. From the first day of this year, the seller is only able to send a delivery to the customer if he has his own identification number. If the EGAIS system is not connected, then, accordingly, the buyer cannot have such a number. In addition, without an accounting system it is impossible to confirm the fact that the purchase was carried out. This will lead to the fact that products that were supposed to be delivered to the customer may simply linger in warehouses, and their write-off will not be approved without the Unified State Automated Information System. Such a buyer is not a profitable partner for suppliers, which will entail refusal collaboration.

In addition, it is likely that the license for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages will be canceled through the courts. Such consequences may result from the production and turnover of alcohol-containing drinks, information about which is not recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) system, in accordance with the twentieth article of the one hundred and seventy-first law.

If a manufacturer or seller of alcoholic beverages does not record information about what activities it is conducting, then it will be perceived by the authorities as illegal. If illegal activities are carried out, goods may be confiscated, which will result in additional costs. Such strict measures will come into force in July of this year and will apply to all sellers and producers of alcoholic beverages, including beer and low-alcohol drinks.

To connect to EGAIS Retail (in terms of confirming the fact of purchase), you must:
2. Install the Unified JaCarta client in accordance with the bitness of your operating system(32 or 64 bit).
3. Install the latest version of JAVA.
4. Install the component “Fsrar-Crypto 2”
5. Availability of INTERNET EXPLORER browser version 9 and higher.

Installation procedure:

1. Go to the website via INTERNET EXPLORER and click “Login to your personal account”, then you need to click “Read the conditions and check their compliance.”
2. Click "Start Scan".

3. If a window pops up (see figure below), check the box and click “RUN”.

4. If you did not complete all stages during the check, download and install the suggested software components.
5. After a successful system check, the “Go to your personal account” button will appear, click it.
6. Enter the PIN code of the container where you have recorded the CEP for EGAIS (default PIN code is 0987654321).

7. Click “show certificates”, then select “certificate of your organization” and you will be taken to your EGAIS personal account.
8. In your personal account, you need to obtain an additional RSA certificate for identification in EGAIS and a secure connection to the server.
9. Go to the “Get key" section.

9. Select the department for which you want to generate a certificate and click “Generate key”.
Please note that the TIN-KPP combination for each department must be unique.
If you have several departments, then you need to generate an RSA key for each department on a separate JaCarta media with EPC.
If your unit is not displayed or is displayed with incorrect details, you need to contact the licensing authority of your region with a request to add the unit (at the place of business) to the FSRAR license register.
If your organization is not on the list, it means your organization does not have a license to sell alcohol or you are an individual entrepreneur.
To add an organization or individual entrepreneur and receive an RSA key for it, you need to add it in the “Counterparties” section.

10. On the next window, also click “Generate key”

11. Enter the PKI PIN code (default PIN code is 11111111).

12. As a result, an RSA key will be written to JaCarta.
Provide the RSA key number to your suppliers.
To view the RSA number:
— open the “Unified JaCarta Client” utility.
- Click go to “administration mode” in the lower left corner.
- Go to the PKI tab.

13. Next, in your personal account, go to the “Transport module” or “Test transport module” section. Depending on which version of EGAIS UTM you want to install, for testing or combat.

14. Run the downloaded installation file for the EGAIS transport module (UTM) and click next.
By default, UTM is installed on the “C” drive; it is better not to change the installation path.

15. After installing UTM, the following window will open:

16. Enter the RSA key PIN code (default PIN code is 11111111) and click next.
17. At the next stage, UTM checks the connection to the server.

If the test fails, try again until it succeeds.
If the test still fails, it means that work is being done on the EGAIS server, and the UTM installation will need to be repeated after some time.
If the verification is successful, you will be taken to the next window.
18. On the next window, UTM will request a PIN code from the CEP key (default PIN code is 0987654321).
Select your organization's certificate and click next.

19. At the last stage, UTM will finish installing the necessary components.

20. As a result, six shortcuts to launch UTM should appear on the desktop.

When you turn on the PC or reboot, you need to launch three shortcuts with the word “Run”
UTM EGAIS is installed.
21. Next, you need to configure your commodity accounting system, which is capable of working with UTM EGAIS.
About how to set up your accounting systems, check with the supplier of this system.

EGAIS is a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. The system was created by the state to regulate the circulation of alcohol-containing products. This work is carried out federal Service for the regulation of the alcohol market (FSRAR), which controls an extensive database of products produced and sold alcoholic drinks throughout the Russian Federation.

Who is required to connect to EGAIS?

Individual entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages are required to connect to the system to record the following data:

  • individual entrepreneurs and organizations purchasing only beer and beer drinks for retail sale - record confirmation of the purchase in the system;
  • public catering organizations selling retail alcohol and beer (restaurants, bars, cafes) - record in the system confirmation of the fact of purchase;
  • organizations that retail alcohol in urban and rural settlements record in the system confirmation of the purchase and retail sale.

Organizations purchasing, storing and supplying alcoholic beverages in bulk record their turnover in the system.

Who is exempt from connection?

Sellers of beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead and organizations selling alcohol in rural settlements with a population of less than 3,000, where there is no possibility of connecting to the Internet, are exempt from the obligation to record information in the system. Lists of such settlements should be determined local authorities.

Also exempt from connecting to EGAIS are producers of wine and sparkling wine (champagne) made from their own grapes, customs temporary storage warehouses (TSWs), and shops. duty free(Dutyfree) and organizations that purchase alcoholic products for use as raw materials, for example, pharmaceutical companies or confectionery shops.

Equipment and software for working with the system.

In order for a retail store to sell alcoholic products in accordance with current legislation, it is necessary:

  • computer with Internet access;
  • UTM (Universal Transport Module) is an application for transferring data on purchases and sales to the Rosalkogolregulirovaniye server. You can download it yourself to your computer when registering your personal account on the website;
  • secure media JaCarta PKI\GOST\SE and an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES), which will be used to enter your personal account on the EGAIS portal, as well as to sign electronic documents before recording them in the system. Secure media and an electronic signature certificate can be purchased on the website;
  • a cash register compatible with EGAIS and a two-dimensional bar code scanner (PDF417 2D scanner);
  • commodity accounting program for data exchange with UTM - such a program is “1C: UNF”, which supports full integration with EGAIS.

Step-by-step instructions to get started.

To connect EGAIS, an organization needs to complete five steps:

  1. Receive a secure media JaCarta PKI\GOST\SE and an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES). Each retail outlet with a unique checkpoint requires its own separate media, even if all outlets belong to the same legal entity. If the organization operates as an individual entrepreneur, one signature is enough for all outlets.
  2. Download the universal transport module from the website and install it on your work computer. Technical requirements to the computer are indicated in the instructions for UTM.
  3. Connect the user’s personal account and receive a certificate to establish a secure connection with the system.
  4. Purchase, install and connect equipment to transfer all necessary data to the system online.
  5. Purchase and install “1C:UNF” - a program that is compatible with EGAIS.

Interaction between suppliers and recipients, sellers and buyers of alcohol.

Supplier → recipient

The alcohol supplier (manufacturer, importer or wholesaler) sends the product to the recipient (retail store, restaurant, cafe, intermediary company). In this case, the supplier records the invoices in EGAIS, and the recipient downloads them through the Universal Transport Module.

Upon receipt of the product, the recipient can:

  • accept the invoice if the fact fully corresponds to it. In this case, he creates and sends a TTN confirmation act to the system;
  • reject the invoice if the fact does not correspond to it, the goods have not arrived, or there are other reasons for rejection. In this case, it sends a TTN failure to the system;
  • generate a discrepancy report if a shortage or excess is detected compared to the invoice, but the goods are accepted.

Important! All invoices and acts, confirmations and refusals are strictly recorded in the EGAIS repository. FSRAR processes all incoming documents and, through UTM, returns receipts to the sender regarding the recording of data in the system. This allows you to maintain order in the supply of alcoholic beverages and avoid controversial situations between suppliers and recipients.

Seller → buyer

Each bottle of alcohol contains a two-dimensional barcode with information about the name, manufacturer, license, date of bottling of the drink and others unique characteristics. When selling alcoholic beverages in retail store:

  1. The cashier reads the linear bar code EAN-13 and the two-dimensional bar code PDF-417 with FSM/AM on the bottle, after which the product is added to the receipt.
  2. The cash register software generates an xml file with information about the alcoholic products sold and sends it to UTM. The module generates a receipt and returns it to the cashier.
  3. The receipt is closed with a QR code for alcoholic beverages printed on it. The buyer can easily check the legality of the purchased alcohol by reading the QR code from the receipt.

Use a simple and effective program from 1C when selling alcohol.

To record alcoholic beverages for retail sale, in addition to the listed equipment, you will need special program to transfer data to the system. Such a program is “1C: Management of a small company”, with the help of which retail outlets, catering establishments and companies selling alcoholic and alcohol-containing products retail, will be able to quickly transfer all the necessary data to the system. Please note: “1C:UNF” can only be used for the sale of alcoholic beverages and is not suitable for its manufacturers.

"1C:UNF" allows you to:

  • connect the Universal Transport Module (UTM);
  • compare information in the 1C:UNF and EGAIS databases;
  • receive waybills (BW) from the system;
  • confirm purchases and send sales data;
  • automatically fill out a logbook for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products.

Attention! On the page of the most frequently asked questions about EGAIS you can find additional important information on working with the system: connection times, fines, necessary equipment, document verification and other aspects that you need to know when selling alcoholic products.

All manufacturers and suppliers of alcoholic beverages greeted 2016 with anxiety and doubts. The innovation called EGAIS frightened many businessmen and raised a lot of questions. What investments will be required, will the profit be maintained?

EGAIS or Unified State Automated Information System Information system began its work in 2005, but until 2016 only large alcohol producers and importers interacted with it. She represents a kind of database, allowing you to control the production and movement of alcoholic beverages.

Since the beginning of 2016, the accounting rules for beer products have changed in our country. Now all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that sell even weak alcohol work with the system: beer and beer drinks, cider, mead, alcohol-containing cocktails, etc.

A prerequisite is also availability of permanent premises(trade is prohibited in kiosks, stalls and mobile pavilions unless they are registered as catering outlets).

There is also several legal prohibitions:

  1. Sale of alcoholic beverages before 8:00 am and after 11:00 pm (unless more stringent restrictions are imposed by local authorities).
  2. Sales to minors.
  3. The location of the point in the vicinity of medical, educational and other cultural institutions, as well as trade in public places: at train stations, in transport, gas stations, etc.
  4. Sale of similar drinks that do not have accompanying documentation (bill of lading, certificate, etc.). Alcohol-containing drinks that do not have labels or excise stamps on their containers are not subject to sale.

In addition, all individual entrepreneurs selling beer must keep a sales ledger in a unified form. The use of cash register is not mandatory for all individual entrepreneurs, but it is necessary to provide customers with BSO (strict reporting forms or sales receipts) upon request.

Among other things, points selling beer must be equipped with the necessary equipment for reporting in the Unified State Automated Information System. This nuance deserves special attention.

At the moment, a point selling beer and similar drinks simply cannot operate without interaction with EGAIS. No supplier will release products to an entrepreneur who is unable to electronically confirm its receipt. So, where to start opening such a retail outlet?

  1. Register on the FS Rosalkoregulirovanie website and create a personal account.
  2. Purchase a crypto key (JaCarta or GOST Jakarta). Specialized organizations are engaged in the production and sale of keys.
  3. Obtain a CEDS (qualified electronic digital signature) and apply it to the key. To do this, you should contact the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of your region with your passport, OGRN, SNILS and TIN certificates, you will also need the crypto key itself, and for each outlet. This service is paid and the signature on the key is valid for a year, after which the procedure must be repeated.
  4. Download UTM (universal transport module) to your computer. This can be done for free on the website of the Federal Federal Service for Regulation of Alcohol Regulation, but only after receiving the key and applying an electronic signature to it.

Only after all these manipulations will it be possible to begin receiving goods from suppliers and selling them. In general, working with EGAIS is not too complicated and is in many ways similar to the usual acceptance of paper invoices. If the equipment is installed and configured correctly, the algorithm of the actions performed is correct, then understanding the system will not be difficult.

The main issue with any innovations in the trade of alcoholic beverages has been and remains licensing. According to clause 1 of Article 18 No. 171-FZ, a license is not required for retail trade in beer (mead, cider and beer drinks), i.e. for organizations and individual entrepreneurs there is no need to purchase it.

And yet, some tightening for individual entrepreneurs selling beer will be introduced this year:

  1. From January 1, 2017, production and wholesale are prohibited, and from August 1, retail beer poured into containers whose volume exceeds 1.5 liters. For such a violation of IP, a fine of 100-200 thousand will be imposed, for legal entities- from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Transition to a new CCP ( cash register equipment). From March 31, all organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be required to use cash register systems when making payments to the buyer (No. 261-FZ dated July 3, 2016), including catering outlets.

The last point causes a lot of controversy among entrepreneurs, because... contradicts No. 54-FZ (ed. 07/03/2017), which obliges individual entrepreneurs working under OSNO and Unified Agricultural Tax to apply the new CCP only from July 2017, and for UTII and PSN - from the same month of 2018.

The conflict of these laws is resolved by Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 47, establishing the principle of priority of special rules over the basic ones. Thus, priority belongs to No. 261-FZ, and it is its requirements that entrepreneurs will be required to obey.

Therefore, businessmen selling retail beer and similar drinks will have to spend the money saved on a license on new online cash registers and connecting to the OFD (fiscal data operator).

Features of work

So, the organs state power took control of the movement of all alcoholic products, from the manufacturer to the end consumer. What is required from individual entrepreneurs selling beer in this case? How to interact with EGAIS and perform all operations correctly?

An approximate scheme of work looks like in the following way:

  1. Before sending the ordered goods to the retail outlet, the supplier fills out paper and electronic invoices, indicating them in the system itself.
  2. The electronic document is sent to the store's UTM. From it you can find out detailed information about each unit of goods.
  3. The responsible person accepts the goods in terms of quantity and quality, checking the information on the bottle and in the accompanying documents (manufacturer, volume, place and date of bottling). If there is a discrepancy, the product will not be accepted.
  4. When receiving the goods, the store compares all data with electronic document at UTM. If there are no discrepancies, the individual entrepreneur confirms this in the Unified State Automated Information System.
  5. After sending the notification, the quantity of goods is debited from the balance in the supplier’s database and placed on the balance of the retail outlet.
  6. If the goods actually received do not correspond to the documentary data (mis-grading, shortage, surplus), the individual entrepreneur has the right to refuse the product or still accept it. However, the discrepancy is necessarily recorded in the system. In this case, it is better to contact the supplier and discuss the situation. All discrepancies must be resolved within three days.
  7. Until the fact of receipt is confirmed in EGAIS, the products are not released for sale.

If the system works properly, then keeping records using EGAIS is quite simple.

Necessary equipment

The most “sore topic” for businessmen is the upcoming expenses for optional equipment. The point of sale must be provided with:

  • computer with RAM from 2 GB and above;
  • connection to the Internet;
  • Windows OS 7 or higher;
  • crypto key with ;
  • established UTM and software for EGAIS;
  • online cash register and barcode scanner (from April 1, 2017).

If you have a new cash register, there is no need to keep a daily sales journal; in this case, it is possible to generate it electronically.


Currently, there are many organizations that will help you connect to EGAIS for a fee. Some individual entrepreneurs enter into a long-term cooperation agreement with them and pay for services monthly, inviting specialists in case of various failures and breakdowns. But you can make the connection yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Purchase a crypto key and a PC for a retail outlet with Internet access.
  2. Register on the official website of the FS RAR and create a personal account.
  3. Download and install UTM on your PC.
  4. Install a new CCP (here you will definitely need the help of specialists).

After correctly performing all the above steps, the seller retail beer and similar drinks will be able to enter all the information about its own purchases and sales.

One of the most frequently asked questions entrepreneurs is return of alcoholic beverages to the supplier. Previously, this manipulation was everyday and familiar, but with the advent of EGAIS, the procedure has become noticeably more complicated.

In principle, the return invoice is created in the same way, only in UTM. The difficulty is caused by products received before 2016, which are not on the balance sheet of the retail outlet.

A return invoice is created in the EGAIS system, printed and transferred to the supplier along with the batch of returned goods. When he confirms receipt, the commodity units are written off from the point’s balances and added to the supplier’s balance sheet.

Responsibility for lack of connection

In Russia, control over the production and sale of alcoholic beverages is regulated by Federal legislation. Failure to comply with these requirements and violation of the law threatens businessmen with considerable fines:

  1. For the head of the individual entrepreneur - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  2. For companies and legal entities the numbers are: 150-200 thousand rubles.

According to experts, the implementation of EGAIS and the necessary equipment will cost retail beer sellers at least 30,000 rubles. However, numerous fines will cost those who violate the law much more. Considering that without necessary equipment and connecting to the system, not a single supplier will be able to send the goods to the retail outlet, then the choice is obvious: you will still have to obey government requirements and laws.

Read more about legislative framework in the beer trade can be learned from this video.