The name of the pop king of the Russian stage, Philip Kirkorov, is always associated with many rumors and scandals. After the birth of his children, rumors grew even more. This is connected with the question of who really is the mother of Kirkorov’s children. In one of the interviews eldest daughter called the stars mom close friend, godmother Natalya Efremova.

Biography and childhood of Natalia

Natalya Efremova was born in 1968 in Lviv in Ukraine. The girl's parents were military men. In adolescence, the whole family moves to Novosibirsk and lives there for a little while. more than a year. Then they moved to the capital and settled there permanently.

Natalia Efremova

Natalya Efremova followed in the footsteps of her parents and after graduating from school she entered the Institute of Military Translators. She served in the army, but retired with the rank of lieutenant.

In the late nineties, she got married and, according to preliminary data, gave birth to a son in 1996. Speaks many foreign languages, more than four in total.

Do you believe that Natalya Efremova is the mother of Philip Kirkorov’s children?

Becoming in business

After the birth of her child two years later, Natalya gets a job in one of the prestigious boutiques of the capital. A year later it becomes general director, after a while she became a co-owner of the business. On this moment Natalya is the general director of two large capital companies. It was while working in the boutique that Natalya met. He was a frequent visitor to their store, Natalya chose exclusive outfits for him, and that’s how their friendship began.

Natalya met Philip when she worked in a clothing store

The truth about motherhood

Communication and friendship between Natalya and Philip last for many years. Over the years they become truly close people. At the presentation of the next well-deserved music award, Kirkorov admitted to everyone that he had become the father of his daughter, Alla-Victoria. Godmother Philip chose Natalia. For the first time she then came under the guns of cameras on joint photo with Philip and his baby.

Seven months later, the singer’s second child, Martin, was born. After the birth, the media actively discussed the question of who actually gave birth to the star’s two wonderful children. Even then, Natalya actively helped him in raising his children.

Philip Kirkorov with children

They even talked about Natalya living in their house. She was often called the wife and mother of Kirkorov’s children, noting the external similarities between them. There has been no confirmation of these conversations, so it is not completely known whether this is actually true.

After birth youngest son Martin's stars suspicions fell on Philip's girlfriend - . The conversations were related to Anastasia’s coincidental pregnancy. She was supposedly about to give birth to twins. Give one child to Kirkorov. Then they talked about the external resemblance of Martin’s son to Anastasia.

Natalya Efremova and Philip Kirkorov with children and Andrei Malakhov

But these rumors were also dispelled. Later it became known that the timing of the birth of Anastasia Stotskaya’s child differs from the birth of Martin. All these facts proved that Anastasia is not the mother of Kirkorov’s children.

Kirkorov did not show his children to the public for a long time. Three years later, he publicly brought his children out into the world, taking part in one of the television shows. It was there that the secret of motherhood was revealed. In an interview, Kirkorov’s daughter called Natalya her mother.

Natalya Efremova and Philip Kirkorov

At the moment, in Natalya’s biography, the Kirkorov family occupies an important place. She still actively helps him in raising and communicating with children. I see them often. The children call her mom. Despite her participation in the life of the Kirkorov family, Natalya manages to run a business. She doesn't celebrate her life in in social networks, but, nevertheless, often appears on Philip Kirkorov’s page.

To this day, it is not clear whether this is actually the biological mother of the children of the King of Pop. After all, he said more than once that he resorted to surrogacy at the birth of children. Interestingly, the difference between the children is no more than seven months. It is not clear how one woman could give birth to them. Probably, after time this mystery will become clearer to us.

17.12.2016 |

Dark curls and currant eyes - these angels are so similar to their own famous dad. Since birth, Kirkorov's children have been under the watchful eye of the paparazzi.

When did Philip Kirkorov become a dad?

The fairy tale began on November 26, 2011. Imagine that the “Let them talk” program is on (and, in live), where Philip Kirkorov confesses to the whole world: his daughter was born in America. According to the official version, not without the help of a surrogate mother.

It was decided to name the girl Alla Victoria (the first name was in honor of the famous muse of the singer Alla Pugacheva, and the second name was in memory of her late mother).

When the baby was three months old, she moved to Russia, to her father’s house near Moscow. By the way, Godfather girls too famous person- became one.

Children of the King - Martin and Alla Victoria

Martin is younger than his sister - he was born at the end of June next year, on the 29th (and again it was announced that from a surrogate mother). On this day, Philip Bedrosovich also did not hold back his emotions and shared this joy from the concert venue in Sofia.

The boy’s name is also not simple: the first part is dedicated to his father’s idol, Ricky Martin, and the second indicates his Bulgarian roots.

How old are Kirkorov’s children now? My daughter recently celebrated her first five-year anniversary, and my son is still 4 years old. The guys are no longer babies, but the father’s euphoria is still the same - he is simply crazy about his heirs. Crossing the threshold of the house, the famous performer turns into loving father and enjoys playing with the kids.

The star dad travels a lot and plays with the kids.

The family travels a lot around the world. Everything would be fine, but one question confuses me: how can this be without a mother? And although this topic is presented as a sealed secret, ubiquitous journalists have already found out: the babies still have a mother, but she is carefully hidden from public attention.

Who is raising Kirkorov’s son and daughter?

Of course, it’s not only Philip himself who takes care of the children (otherwise, when would he go on tour?). There is a whole army of helpers in the house. The singer's aunt Marie took over the baby's patronage, and her nephew completely entrusted his children to her.

“I know that in my absence the children will be fed, well-groomed and engaged in educational games,” our hero says calmly.

In addition, Marie loves to pamper her children with Bulgarian national dishes. The aunt has nannies and a housekeeper, Lucy, at her disposal. The singer’s father also lives here and simply adores his grandchildren. But one puzzle seems to be missing for a complete and harmonious picture, right?

Who is with the children while dad is on tour?

Children do not know how to hide secrets: they told the guest journalists that their mother’s name is Natasha, she lives with them in the same mansion and raises the children. And the singer himself did not deny:

“She’s just a non-public person with us.” So don’t worry, we have an absolutely normal family: there is a mother in it too.

But such information, of course, is not enough for all of us who are curious. According to the latest data, this biological mother The younger Kirkorovs are Natalya Efremova, who lives in their house!

What do we know about the mother of Philip's children?

Back in 2011, the artist admitted that he had met a woman whom he would like to see as the mother of his children. But even then the singer warned that it would remain a secret. And now Philip emphasizes: he is grateful to her not only for the children, but also for the fact that his chosen one saved him from loneliness and gave him the opportunity to finally feel happy.

Close friends of the family confirm that the guesses are correct, and it is Natasha Efremova who is the mother of Kirkorov’s children.

It turns out that the woman herself was born on Ukrainian soil, her parents were military men. She also wore shoulder straps in the past and even has a diploma from the Institute of Military Translators. She met the singer more than ten years ago, when the girl managed the Passage Kuznetsky Most company.

Natalya Efremova is allegedly a surrogate mother of Kirkorov’s children

Yes, yes, now Natalya is a real businesswoman who runs two large companies: one of them is Vzlet LLC, which deals by air transportation; the second is the company Rubeus Milano LLC, which supplies leading clothing brands to Russia (and trades in them).

Alla Victoria and Martin are not Natalia’s only children. Her son Yegor is a little over twenty years old, he lives separately in one of his mother’s Moscow apartments.

Although the information has not been confirmed by the singer himself: he represents the woman as the godmother of the children, journalists have already noted the amazing similarity between eldest daughter singer - the same delicate facial features. Natasha herself is very similar to Philip Kirkorov’s mother, Victoria, whom he dearly loved.

In any case, even if the journalists’ guesses are not confirmed, psychologists support Kirkorov, believing that he acted wisely by creating “ correct model family" for their children.

What is it like, the stellar life of Kirkorov’s daughter and son

The whole family is involved in raising the children. And the house itself in which they grow up looks like a real children's kingdom. Philip Kirkorov's children each have their own bedroom, but the playroom is planned to be shared by two (and occupies almost the entire first floor).

Their day is completely full,” says Philip, “but there is no feeling of being busy, because the children like it and do everything with pleasure.

The kids are growing up precocious and sociable, and the singer emphasizes that they are not much different from the kids next door - they also go for walks, go to kindergarten and catch childhood illnesses there (by the way, the children Harry and Lisa Galkin live next door). Their best friend– Klava Zemtsova, daughter of Claudia Orbakaite.

Philip's children are no different from their peers - communication, activities, entertainment

Alla-Victoria and Martin additionally attend a variety of clubs - from dance to sports. It is possible that the star father will send them to the vocal school of his muse Alla Pugacheva.

Children of Kirkorov: latest news and photos

Updated 09/18/2017 19:30

In 2016, the children of Philip Kirkorov are already following in the footsteps of their star dad: for example, Martin tried to record a song with him. This happened at the opening of the music restaurant “At Uncle Max’s”, where young guests can try themselves as singers (the recording studio was located right there, in the restaurant itself). Of course, both the happy father and one of the owners of the establishment, Maxim Fadeev, immediately shared this event on social networks (they did this almost simultaneously).

Kirkorov's children: Martin's first sound recording, first steps on the red carpet

But this is not all the projects in which Kirkorov’s children participate. Son Martin, it turns out, not without his father’s help, is already trying himself as a model. It's about about Yana Rudkovskaya’s new project Top Mini Star Models, in which the singer decided to keep the child busy. Of course, Philip posted a photo of the little handsome man on Instagram, and immediately received admiring comments from fans. However, Philip Bedrosovich himself understands how popular Kirkorov’s children can be: he signed the photo of his son: “It has begun...”

Very small, but already real models (photo 2016)

Alla Victoria does not lag behind her brother: recently, together with her brother and Sasha Plushenko (son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko), she starred for the cover of L’Officiel Children magazine. Fans immediately reacted, praising the incredible photogenicity and charm of the little one. Dad himself wants to send her to Irina Winner to do gymnastics.

The artist decided to no longer hide his children from the attention of the press: Kirkorov’s children, a son and daughter in 2016, are more open to the world than ever.

Kirkorov's daughter will turn 6 years old in November 2017, and his son Martin will be 5 years old. Philip delights his fans with new photos of his children on Instagram.

My dad, grandpa and grandma are flying to Bulgaria

We are on the jury at the New Wave festival

It's great to relax with dad in the summer

“How fast our children are growing.....))),” Kirkorov captions the photo.

This is correct: it’s not that you can’t hide a sewing in a bag, but when a couple of charming little fidgets grow up in a star’s family, it is important to direct their energy in time the right direction. And Philip does it wonderfully.

After a television program dedicated to the singer’s children was shown Philip Kirkorov, debates and discussions do not subside on the Internet. Having shown the faces of the grown-up heirs to the whole country - a three-year-old Alla-Victoria and two year old Martina, Kirkorov doomed them to their own fate - to always be under the gun of television cameras. Of particular interest to viewers of the program, which took first place in the TV viewing ratings during the May holidays, was a curious detail - the name of the “mother”, which was accidentally named by the star’s daughter. As it turned out, Kirkorov’s children have a normal family, with “father Philip” and “mother Natasha.” The singer’s children do not suffer from inferior upbringing by a “single father”, because, as Kirkorov explained, their mother is simply not a public person. However, many have asked the question: how can one woman be the mother of two babies born just seven months apart? SUPER shed light on an intriguing story by establishing the identity of that very “Natasha’s mother.”

As it turned out, Kirkorov’s children call their godmother, a close friend of the singer, a 48-year-old businesswoman, mom. Natalia Efremova. The woman has been keeping a low profile for three years now, while playing an important role in the story of the birth of Alla-Victoria and Martin. Kirkorov and Efremova have known each other for more than ten years - Natalya once owned a huge store fashion brands in the center of Moscow, where the king of pop often visited. Soon the acquaintance grew into a strong friendship. IN Lately Efremova retired from business and devoted herself entirely to the role of “hearth keeper” in the house of a close friend. As the singer’s children themselves openly said on the air of the program, “Mama Natasha” is always with them and lives at their home - in country house Kirkorov on Nikolina Gora near Moscow.

Three years ago, Efremova first appeared in public and was captured by cameras during the christening of Kirkorov’s daughter Alla-Victoria. Natalya came out again at the end of 2012, coming to the “Christmas Meetings” show, where Kirkorov performed and instantly found herself in the spotlight of the press. Since then, Efremov has been strenuously avoiding publicity. In circles close to Kirkorov, many are surprised at the step taken by a woman who actually dedicated her life to raising the children of a close friend. Many people notice another striking detail - a clear similarity between the woman’s facial features and Kirkorov’s daughter, Alla Victoria, admitting that Natalya may be her “genetic mother.”

Let us recall that bloggers have already listed singer Anastasia Stotskaya as the “genetic mother” of Kirkorov’s other child, Martin, revealing a striking portrait resemblance between the son of the king of pop and her own child, her four-year-old son Alexander.

By the way, from a medical point of view, the mothers of the artist’s children could well have been different women, and one. After all, in order to have children, a man only needs to take “biological material” from any woman - eggs, which can subsequently be fertilized with sperm and “planted” also with several different “ to surrogate mothers" In this situation, children from the same father can be born almost at the same time - as in the case of Kirkorov.

A professional child psychologist shared his opinion about why Philip Kirkorov “appointed” one woman as the mother of two children and what role she could play in his family. Sabina Pshenichnaya.

— Kirkorov did absolutely the right thing by not depriving his children normal childhood and creating a “correct family model” for them. — Pshenichnaya explained the artist’s actions. “And here it doesn’t matter who the woman the children call mom really is.” Growing up in a family where there is only a “single father” leads to certain developmental disabilities and severe psychological trauma children.It is very important for a child that the mother’s object is the main, reliable one. Without a mother, children are doomed to feel aboutloneliness and uselessness. There will be no main thing nearby - a loving maternal object who would admire and enjoy the child. The father cannot fully perform the maternal function.

But how will a child feel if in the future, for example, he realizes that such a “mother” is not his own?

Of course, trauma and stress. There may be very strong mental disorders. The child will always subconsciously feel that he was born in some wrong way. But eIf the father - in this case Kirkorov - can give the child a permanent and reliable maternal object, a mother who could be a “holding” for him, then this is good. The main thing is that this “mother” does not change - all “transient and passing” options the child will be terribly traumatized. This is especially important for girls.Single-parent families always affect the feelings and development of the child. If this was also hidden from him for a long time, then all this can lead to severe depression. If you have children, then you definitely don’t have to hide from them later how they were conceived. And under no circumstances should you hide from a child of a conscious age who the woman next to him is.

U Russian king pop music, winner of many awards and honorary prizes, Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov, a daughter was born in 2011. The happy father called the girl beautiful double name Alla Victoria. And seven months later, son Martin was born.

The talented singer's children were born to a surrogate mother, whose name is today was shrouded in mystery. Kirkorov’s children have already grown up and in the photo of his son and daughter now (taken in 2018) you can only see their father with them. Let's find out who is the mother of Philip Kirkorov's two lovely children.

Philip Kirkorov was with adolescence in love with Alla Pugacheva. When he grew up and began performing solo, everyone immediately noticed his youthful love for Alla Pugacheva.

The Bulgarian young man always dreamed of being next to the Diva. Fate turned to young talent and brought these two people into a single union.

After the breakup, Philip remained Alla's most devoted fan. He named his daughter in honor of his beloved, to whom he was and will be devoted all his life. The girl got the second part of the double name from the singer’s mother, Victoria.

Who is the mother of Kirkorov's children?

The whole truth was revealed when journalists from the famous TV program “We Talk and Show” visited most luxurious house celebrities. The singer carefully hid his personal life from prying eyes. When Kirkorov showed his luxurious mansion and introduced journalists to his children, an unexpected event happened.

The celebrity's children showed the guests their drawings, where Philip's family and another woman were drawn everywhere.

Photo by Natalia Efremova, mother of Kirkorov’s children

As it turned out, this woman is the biological mother of the children. Her name is Natalya. She, as it turned out, had been directly involved in raising her children all this time.

Kirkorov and the mother of his children - Natalya Efremova

Natalya Efremova is 48 years old. She was born in Lvov, Ukraine, into a military family. Businesswoman higher education. She graduated from Higher educational institution, where military translators are trained. In 1982, Natasha’s family moved to Novosibirsk, and then to the capital of Russia.

Natalya has a son, Yegor. He is currently 20 years old and lives in Moscow. Natalya met Philip Kirkorov more than 10 years ago, when she was the general director of his company store. Currently, Efremova, despite the fact that she has three children, has not given up doing business and heads two large companies.

The similarity between Natalia and Philip’s mother is obvious. They are very similar in appearance and, probably, this circumstance became decisive for the singer when he thought about choosing a surrogate mother for his future children. Victoria, the singer’s mother died twenty years ago due to a serious illness.

Natasha could often be seen next to the singer at all events related to the showman’s children. Many considered her the godmother of Alla Victoria and Martin. The press has long noticed the incredible similarity between this woman and the singer’s children. But the king of pop simply did not answer all the questions asked on this topic.

Let us remember that back in 2011, the singer told the public that he had found a woman who, in all respects, was suitable for the role of the mother of his children. Then this situation caused a resonance in society. Only recently it became clear that Natalya is really their mother (Alla-Victoria and Martin).

Full family

The children's confession came as a shock to journalists and the owner himself. Kirkorov had to tell that mother Natasha does not like to communicate with the press, she is far from show business. Philip said that their family is no different from others Russian families. It is full-fledged, where children are raised by both parents.

In addition to Natalya, Kirkorov’s children and himself, the singer’s father and aunt also live in the house now. In 2018, the entire star family flew to Bulgaria for the weekend, which the press immediately told the public about.

Kirkorov explained that due to his profession, he is away a lot of time and therefore Natalya has to run the household and raise the kids on her own. The children, the singer said, besides Natasha and me, also have grandparents who stay in the house during my tours. They also participate in family affairs. The journalist noted that there are many rumors floating around Natalya, according to which she lives far from her children, somewhere in America. As it turned out, all these years the woman lived in Russia, quietly doing business and raising Alla-Victoria and Martin.

Alla Victoria and Martin

After the exposure, Kirkorov decided to end the conversation about the family and led the journalists further to show their apartments. It turned out that the children have spacious rooms, furnished with completely cozy furniture.

The singer tries to develop children comprehensively, instilling in them a love of music from an early age, foreign languages, singing and reading. Children also have their own large play area, where Alla Victoria and Martin feel like kings.

In fact, Kirkorov's children are ordinary children who go to school with everyone else. kindergarten, communicate with peers, go for walks and get sick. Martin is very similar to his dad, and the singer’s daughter has a lighter type of appearance than the entire star family. Their father specifically sent them to kindergarten so that the children would have the opportunity to communicate with other children. All free time Kirkorov's children are scheduled minute by minute.

Extra questions

Meticulous journalists, when they got into the star’s bedroom, decided to find out from the children who was sleeping in their parents’ bed. Kirkorov harshly stopped all attempts to get so deeply into someone else's life, but the ingenuous children again revealed the truth. It turned out that on the large bed in the bedroom with right side their dad is sleeping.

As the TV presenters themselves admitted, they did not dare to ask the star a question about how Natasha’s mother gets along with the portrait of Alla Pugacheva, which hangs above their bed. Kirkorov hung in his bedroom not one portrait of the Prima Donna, but two. The latter hangs on the side of the wall. Alla Pugacheva was and will remain a muse for Kirkorov, who inspires him throughout his life, even from afar.

Vocals for little stars

Recently, the singer began to actively involve children in vocal singing. Little Martin even recorded a song with his dad at the opening of a popular restaurant. The boy has already successfully tried himself as a model.

Alla Victoria also decided to keep up with her brother and starred on the cover of a popular children's magazine. But dad thinks that beautiful appearance and incredible charm is not enough, and it’s time to send your daughter to gymnastics.

We wish health and success to the small but already popular stars. They will turn out to be real big stars of our show business, who will outshine the audience with their talent and beauty.

In 2011, Philip Kirkorov became happy father. First, the singer’s daughter Alla Victoria was born, and 7 months later another family member, son Martin, was born. Photos of the singer with children were instantly filled with popular publications and social children. But it is still unknown who Kirkorov’s mother is; many sources claim that the mother is businesswoman Natalya Efremova, her photo can often be seen on the Internet next to Kirkorov. will talk about the biography of Natalya Efremova further.


Kirkorov gave his children unusual sonorous names. He named his daughter after the two most important and significant people in his life. female singers, ex-wife Alla Pugacheva and her mother, who died 20 years ago after long illness. Kirkorov's son was named after a foreign famous singer— Ricky Martina. Kirkorov’s close friend Ani Lorak admitted this in one of her interviews.

Kirkorov and Efremova during baptism

Mother's secret

After the birth of Kirkorov’s children, there was only one question on everyone’s lips: who is the mother of Kirkorov’s children? According to official information, the singer’s children were born to a surrogate mother. Philip Bedrosovich himself refused to make any comments on this matter, only confirming official statements.

Even before the birth of his heirs, he admitted that he had found a woman who was ideal for the role of the mother of his children. According to the singer, he did not want to expand on this topic, since he is very superstitious and does not want to harm his children in any way. This is where the information about the mother of Kirkorov’s children from the mouth of the primary source ended.

Happy father

After the birth of his son Martin, Kirkorov answered all questions from journalists about his personal life that he was no longer going to share information on this matter.

According to him, after Alla Victoria was born, he told the press too much, which later had a negative impact, turning against him. Kirkorov said that he would be careful in future.

But society was eager to know the truth, and journalists closely followed the singer’s life and his photos on Instagram. Gradually, a certain Natalya Efremova began to be noticed in the singer’s society: it was she who was assigned the role of the mother of the singer Kirkorov’s children, they were increasingly interested in the woman’s biography and looked for her photos on the Internet.

Natalia Efremova

First, information appeared in the press that Natalya was the godmother of the singer’s children. Philip himself did not comment on this. Over time, Efremova began to be noticed more and more often at children's parties of the Kirkorov family.

Efremova came under the radar of cameras when she appeared at the “Christmas Meetings.” Moreover, the fact of the woman’s similarity with the singer’s children was constantly discussed.


The truth was revealed during the filming of one of the television programs, where journalists visited Kirkorov’s luxurious mansion. Children's spontaneity and openness put everything in perspective. They said that “mother Natasha” lives with them. The children showed their drawings of the family, in which you can see another woman. Kirkorov himself said that his normal family is no different from other Russian families. And in this family there is both a mother and a father.

The singer said that their mother is not a public person and does not like everything connected with it. And it’s true that the woman is not registered on social networks, but her rare photos can only be seen on Phillip Bedrosovich’s Instagram.

What is known about Natalya Efremova

It is worth noting that little is known about the woman’s life, but some points from her biography are still known:

  1. Natalya Efremova is a native of the city of Lvov. The girl was born into a military family.
  2. It is known that when Natalya was 14 years old, her family moved to Novosibirsk. The girl lived there for about a year. After this, Efremova’s family moves to Moscow, where they subsequently settle permanently.
  3. Natalya Efremova followed in her parents' footsteps and graduated from the Institute of Military Translators. But fate prepared a different path for the woman, and she left military profession, retiring with the rank of lieutenant.

Natalia Efremova

Business lady

It was in this field that Natalya Efremov was destined to make a career. At the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey, the woman worked in the elite clothing boutique “Prestige”. After a very short amount of time (1.5 years), Efremova takes the position of deputy head, then becomes general director. It was then that Kirkorov and Efremova met. This happened 10 years ago. Since then, Philip and Natalya have had a strong friendship and trusting relationship.

Similarities between children and Natalya Efremova

Currently, Natalya Efremova heads two companies and is raising children. The singer himself says that the children’s mother is constantly present with them. She has to take most to take care of their upbringing due to the singer’s frequent departures on tour. In addition to her, Kirkorov’s father and aunt live in the singer’s house. Recently, the entire star family spent a weekend in Bulgaria. The public learned about this from the press, where photos of a happy family always appear.

Efremova’s personal life is shrouded in secrecy. The woman herself is not public person and does not give any comments on this matter. It is only known that Efremova has an adult son. He is 20 years old and lives in one of the apartments in Moscow, owned by Natalya Efremova.

Why she?

Many are concerned about the question: what guided the singer when choosing a woman to play the role of the mother of his children. According to one of the guesses, it was the similarity between Natalya and the singer’s mother that became the final reason for making the decision.

Kirkorov and Efremova

As you know, the singer idolized his mother Victoria. So, according to assumptions, the choice fell on Natalya Efremova, who became the mother of Kirkorov’s children, adding one more to her biography important event in my life, some photos from which can be seen on the Internet. All that remains is to be happy for Philip Bedrosovich. After all, he is after for long years uncertainty in my personal life, I still found and created my own ideal model families.