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    Who lives in the forest

    Date of publication: 03/23/16

    MADO "Malvina"

    GCD on ecology

    Who lives in the forest?

    (Middle group)

    Educator: Kostyuk V.T.

    Noyabrsk 2016

    GCD on ecology in middle group

    Topic: Who lives in the forest?

    Type of activity: integrated (cognitive, gaming) Educational areas: « Artistic creativity", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", " Physical Culture", "Safety", "Health", "Labor", "Music"

    Goals and objectives:


    Expand children's ideas about the forest - give initial realistic knowledge that different animals live in the forest (wolf, hare, bear); they can all live in the forest because they find food there; teach to distinguish these animals by their characteristics appearance.

    Activate mental activity through solving riddles and resolving problem situations;


    To develop the ability to comply with individual elements of norms and rules of behavior in the process of direct – educational activities

    Cultivate friendly relationships with peers joint activities;

    Cultivate love for native land, forest animals;


    Enrich and energize lexicon children ( Brown bear, fangs).

    "Physical Culture"

    Enrich children's motor experience

    Develop fine motor skills of hands

    « Safety»

    Develop the ability to transfer rules into the game safe behavior with the participation of an adult

    "Artistic creativity"

    To consolidate knowledge about the beauty of the forest;

    Help you see the beauty of nature;


    Form a habit healthy image life


    Form primary ideas about the work of adults;

    "Reading fiction"

    Introduce educational literature through reading encyclopedias and natural history literature;


    Involve in listening to the sounds of the forest.

    Equipment: video material, computer, basin of water, fat, towels.

    Preliminary work: reading natural history literature, looking at illustrations about animals, conversation.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children today, a wonderful journey into the forest awaits you. But first, I want to ask you. Do you like animals? Children list

    Yes, guys, the forest is our wealth and animal world The forests are very diverse (there is a knock on the door).

    Guys, it seems like guests are coming to us (Little Red Riding Hood comes in with a laptop)

    Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys. I found out. How much do you know about the forest? And I wanted you to share your knowledge with me, because I live in fairy forest, and I don’t know anything about a real forest.

    Do you agree?

    Educator: But to go into the forest, you need to say magic words(close their eyes).

    Spin around the magic circle

    Find yourself in the forest as soon as possible.

    We open our eyes. (Music plays and video starts)

    Educator: Here we are, children, in the forest. How beautiful it is here. There are many in the forest different trees. Which ones?

    Children list

    Educator: And what grows under them? (mushrooms, berries, grass).

    The forest is quiet and dark, because the trees are tall, the sun is not visible, and you can get lost.

    Educator: Every forest contains not only trees and other plants.

    Who else do you think lives in the forest?

    Children: animals, birds, insects. What animals?

    Little Red Riding Hood: And in my fairy-tale forest there lives a wolf. They are large, strong animals have large and sharp teeth(fangs). Wolves live in the wilderness and hunt various animals.

    How many of you know? (hares, ducks)

    Guys, guess the riddle

    “This animal has a white coat in winter and gray in autumn.”

    Who is this? hare (hare video)

    Now I'll tell you guys about the hare. Look what a hare he is. Let's take a look. What color is his fur coat (white). He had already prepared for winter and changed it.

    What kind of ears does a hare have? (long)

    What tail? (short)

    What does a hare eat (grass, bark). Who is the bunny afraid of (the wolf)

    Physical exercise. Let's play the game "Hares and the Wolf."

    Educator: Sit on the chairs. Now, guess the riddle. “Lives in the forest, and sleeps in a den in winter” (bear) video

    Tell me what size is our bear (big)

    What color is his fur coat (brown). Let's look at the screen. A brown bear is a huge strong animal if it climbs hind legs, it will be much taller than a person.

    What does a brown bear eat (fish, grass)

    Guys, why do you think the bear doesn’t freeze? (They have a warm, furry skin and a thick layer of fat under the skin)

    They love to swim in ice water and don't freeze. Let's find out this with the help of experience.

    From the site administrator: if you want to read the full text of the presented publication, you can download it from the site in full.

    Material class hour will be useful for teachers primary school and teachers of the extended day group.

    Event scenario for grades 1-2: Visiting Lesovich. Who lives in the forest?

    Goals: to give an initial idea about the inhabitants of the forest (different animals live in the forest - hares, squirrels, foxes, wolves, bears, the forest gives them food, the forest is their home, there they breed their offspring); teach to distinguish animals by external signs; develop the ability to establish simple connections between forest inhabitants; arouse interest in their lives; develop a sensitive attitude towards them.

    Equipment: paintings from the “Wild Animals” series, images of the forest and its inhabitants.

    Vocabulary work: animals, beasts, inhabitants, predators, herbivores, coloring, seasonal changes.

    Progress of the event

    Last time we went to visit the gnome, and today we will go to the old man Lesovich to learn about the inhabitants of the forest.

    Hello forest!

    Green Forest,

    Full of fairy tales and miracles.

    What are you making noise about?

    On a dark, stormy night?

    What are you whispering at dawn?

    All in dew, like in silver?

    Who is hiding in your wilderness?

    What kind of animal? What bird?

    Open everything, don’t hide:

    You see, we are our own.

    (Reading E. Charushin’s stories “Hare”, “Wolf”, “Fox”. After reading each passage, children are asked to tell what new and interesting things they learned from the story about the life of the forest inhabitant described by the author.)

    The forest is big house, where a wide variety of plants and animals live in the neighborhood. They not only live together, but also need each other. There are several floors of plants in the forest: tall trees, lower trees, shrubs and grasses. Animals live on all floors of the forest and in the soil. Birds, squirrels, martens live on the top floor of the forest house. Animals such as fox, hedgehog, and bear live below.

    — What insects living in the forest do you know? (Children's answers.)

    There are many animals in the forest that eat various parts plants: leaves, fruits, bark, buds. Such animals are called herbivores. It is interesting that such a large animal as a bear prefers to eat raspberries and other forest berries, and loves the sweet roots of some herbs. We also call the bunny a herbivore.

    -What does he eat in the forest? (Children's answers.)

    But there are many small and large predators that feed on other animals (fox, wolf, hedgehog, marten).

    - What would the fox godmother prefer for lunch? (Children's answers.)

    - Why is a hedgehog a predator? (Children's answers.)

    All the inhabitants of the forest cannot exist without each other. Let's play the game "What would happen if..." disappeared from the forest.

    (The teacher suggests removing insects from the forest.)

    — What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? (Children's answers.)

    1. What if the birds disappeared?

    2. What if the berries disappeared?

    3. What if there were no mushrooms?

    4. What if the hares left the forest?

    It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All plants and animals of the forest are connected to each other. They are adapted to life in the forest: they find a variety of food, shelter, and arrange a place for breeding offspring (burrows, nests, dens). Herbivores are adapted to defend themselves from enemies, while predators are adapted to pursue prey. How? Many animals have camouflage colors, fast legs, and a sensitive sense of smell. All animals are adapted to seasonal changes weather (they store food before winter, go into hibernation, change their fur coat to a warmer one, etc.).

    We have learned so many new and interesting things, and now let’s solve Lesovichok’s riddles about the forest inhabitants.

    The tail is fluffy and the eyes are sharp.

    Jumping on the branches of a Christmas tree.

    A fungus will grow on the ground

    And into the hollow with the mushroom - hop! (Squirrel.)

    Little house - a hut on the river,

    And the dam in the distance.

    Who is this, tell me?

    Architect and builder? (Beaver.)

    The airplane is not made of steel,

    With a thin nose - like a needle.

    He flies and squeaks,

    It tries to bite us. (Mosquito.)

    I found her on a stump

    I thought she was tired.

    I wanted to catch her

    But I looked into your palm -

    Miracles! Wow!

    Slipped away without a tail! (Lizard.)

    He's rich in needles

    But a little stingy:

    Although I am not a tailor myself.

    He won't give one. (Hedgehog.)

    Bobtail, long-eared.

    On the stump it's like a toy.

    You tucked your paws...

    Did you run away from the fox? (Hare.)

    Riddles of A. Kochergina

    The hare had an amazing dream,

    It was as if he had turned into a bear.

    Wanders through the forest, breaking trees,

    Scaring the animals with a mighty roar.

    The bunny woke up - his tail was shaking.

    He looks: he is lying alone under a bush.

    Hey bunny! Hey bunny!

    He scared himself, you little coward!

    Now let's play.

    (Using the method of contradictions: the wolf is evil - the fox is cunning, the wolf is gray, and the fox is red, etc., play the game “Opposite” and finger gymnastics"Bunny", "Wolf".)

    Municipal preschool educational

    institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Topolek"


    Republic of Crimea

    Ecology lesson

    "Who lives in the forest?"

    (Middle group)


    Gavryl Elena Alekseevna

    Dzhankoy 2017

    Type of activity: integrated (cognitive, gaming) Educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical education”, “Safety”, “Health”, “Labor”, “Music”

    Goals and objectives:


    Expand children's ideas about the forest - give initial realistic knowledge that different animals live in the forest (wolf, hare, bear); they can all live in the forest because they find food there; teach to distinguish these animals by their appearance.

    Activate mental activity through solving riddles and resolving problem situations;


    To develop the ability to comply with individual elements of norms and rules of behavior in the process of direct educational activities

    Cultivate friendly relationships with peers in joint activities;

    To cultivate love for the native land and the animals of the forest;


    Enrich and activate children's vocabulary (brown bear, fangs).

    "Physical Culture"

    Enrich children's motor experience

    Develop fine motor skills of hands

    « Safety »

    To develop the ability to transfer the rules of safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult

    "Artistic creativity"

    To consolidate knowledge about the beauty of the forest;

    Help you see the beauty of nature;


    Form healthy lifestyle habits


    Form primary ideas about the work of adults;

    "Reading fiction"

    Introduce educational literature through reading encyclopedias and natural history literature;


    Involve in listening to the sounds of the forest.

    Equipment: video material, computer, basin of water, fat, towels.

    Preliminary work: reading natural history literature, looking at illustrations about animals, conversation.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children today, a wonderful journey into the forest awaits you. But first, I want to ask you. Do you like animals? Children list

    Yes, guys, the forest is our wealth and the animal world of the forest is very diverse (there is a knock on the door).

    Guys, it seems like guests are coming to us (Little Red Riding Hood comes in with a laptop)

    Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys. I found out. How much do you know about the forest? And I wanted you to share your knowledge with me, because I live in a fairy forest, and I don’t know anything about a real forest.

    Do you agree?

    Children: Yes

    Educator: But to go into the forest, you need to say magic words (close your eyes).

    Spin around the magic circle

    Find yourself in the forest as soon as possible.

    We open our eyes. (Music plays and video starts)

    Educator: Here we are, children, in the forest. How beautiful it is here. There are many different trees in the forest. Which ones?

    Children list

    Educator: And what grows under them? (mushrooms, berries, grass).

    The forest is quiet and dark, because the trees are tall, the sun is not visible, and you can get lost.

    Educator: Every forest contains not only trees and other plants.

    Who else do you think lives in the forest?

    Children: animals, birds, insects. What animals?

    Little Red Riding Hood: And in my fairy-tale forest there lives a wolf. They are large, strong animals with large and sharp teeth (fangs). Wolves live in the wilderness and hunt various animals.

    How many of you know? (hares, ducks)

    Guys, guess the riddle

    “This animal has a white coat in winter and gray in autumn.”

    Who is this? hare (hare video)

    Now I'll tell you guys about the hare. Look what a hare he is. Let's take a look. What color is his fur coat (white). He had already prepared for winter and changed it.

    What kind of ears does a hare have? (long)

    What tail? (short)

    What does a hare eat (grass, bark). Who is the bunny afraid of (the wolf)

    Physical exercise. Let's play the game "Hares and the Wolf."

    Educator: Sit on the chairs. Now, guess the riddle. “Lives in the forest, and sleeps in a den in winter” (bear) video

    Tell me what size is our bear (big)

    What color is his fur coat (brown). Let's look at the screen. A brown bear is a huge, strong animal; if it rises on its hind legs, it will be much taller than a person.

    What does a brown bear eat (fish, grass)

    Guys, why do you think the bear doesn’t freeze? (They have a warm, furry skin and a thick layer of fat under the skin)

    They love to swim in ice water and do not freeze. Let's find out this with the help of experience.

    Release your hands into the water. How cold the water is. Take it out immediately and shake it. What a hand (wet). Wipe your hands dry and grease them. Release your hands into the water. Take them out and shake them. How dry are your hands? That is why the bear does not freeze, because it is protected by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

    Educator: Little Red Riding Hood and the guys, you are convinced that the real forest is full of different animals. They know how to get their own food. And small children should not go into the forest alone - it is dangerous. Well, guys, our journey through the forest is over. Spin the magic ring and say the magic words

    Magic circle spin around

    Kindergarten show yourself.

    Did you like it in the forest?? What forest animals did we meet?

    Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you guys, it’s time to go to my fairy tale. I want to give you gifts as a souvenir ( Balloons). Goodbye.

    Project “Who lives in our forest?”

    Project type : Long term. Pedagogical. With the involvement of parents. Practice-oriented.

    Project duration : 3 months.

    Project participants : children of the middle group, parents of pupils, teachers.

    Relevance of the problem : During conversations with children, it turned out that children have insufficient understanding of the life of wild animals: habitat, habits, nutrition, lifestyle. During the conversation, it became clear that the students’ knowledge was very poor. Thus, the problem arose: “To learn about the diversity of wild animals in the forests of Karelia, about their way of life.”

    Target : formation of children’s ideas about the diversity of wild animals of Karelia in the process of searching research activities.


    • To form in children an idea of ​​the diversity of wild animals;
    • Bring up careful attitude to animals;
    • Develop emotional responsiveness;
    • Develop communication skills;
    • Develop research skills;
    • Continue to develop the ability to compare wild and domestic animals;

    Project methods : observation, joint creative games, diagnostic procedures, educational games, cognitive activities (classes), dramatization, presentation, exhibition activities.

    Project implementation stages .

    Preparatory stage

    Main stage

    The final stage

    Setting goals

    Introducing children to fiction

    Album “Who lives in our forest”

    Determining the relevance and significance of the project

    Conducting conversations.

    Introduction to wild animals of Karelia.

    Creating a map “Inhabitants of our forest”

    Carrying out diagnostics to identify knowledge on this topic

    Theatrical games.

    Selection of methodological literature

    Artistic creativity.

    Presentation “Wild Animals of Karelia”

    Selection of visual and didactic material, fiction.

    Working with parents

    Organization of a developmental environment in a group

    Conducting classes.

    A selection of reproductions of art paintings on the theme “Forest Animals”

    Creating a presentation.

    Work plan.


    Preparatory stage

    Setting goals. Determining the relevance and significance of the project.


    Selection of methodological literature for project implementation.


    Selection of visual and didactic material, fiction.


    Selection of reproductions of art paintings on the theme: “Forest animals”


    Conducting diagnostics to identify knowledge on a topic.


    October December

    Organization of a developmental environment in a group.


    Main stage

    Conversations: “Who lives in the forest”, “How do people help wild animals survive the winter?”


    October December

    Reading stories and tales about wild animals.


    October December

    Familiarization with proverbs and sayings about wild animals.


    Memorizing poems about wild animals.


    Children. Parents.

    Riddles about wild animals.


    Theatrical games “Kolobok”, “Teremok”.


    Educational game “Whose house?”


    Modeling "Hare".


    Lesson on speech development. Telling the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals.”


    Class. The world of nature “How wild animals winter.”


    Artistic activity. Modeling. “Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs.”


    Artistic activity. Applique: “Squirrel”.


    October November

    The final stage

    Working with parents. Creation of the book “Who Lives in the Forest?”


    Children. Parents.

    October November

    Working with parents. Writing tales about wild animals.


    Children. Parents.

    October November

    Creation of the map “Wild Animals of Karelia”.


    Children. Parents.

    Creation of the presentation “Wild Animals of Karelia”


    Presentation of the project “Wild Animals of Karelia”


    Our little brothers live almost everywhere. And in the desert, and in the tundra, and in reservoirs. I will tell you who lives in the forest, what they eat and what kind of life the forest animals lead.

    What animals live in the forest

    These animals are well known to us. Remember, we read fairy tales and poems about them. This:

    • wolf;
    • fox;
    • bear;
    • hare;
    • squirrel;
    • badger.

    All these animals are adapted to forest life. For example, a wolf. This is a strong beast and is a predator. He is considered a forest orderly because he hunts sick animals. This animal is very smart and skillfully evades hunters.

    The fur on his back is gray, but his belly is white. Outwardly it looks like a dog, but differs in high legs and large paws. Can run quickly and silently.

    Interestingly, wolves can express different emotions, such as joy, fear, calm, anger and wariness.

    What do forest animals eat?

    Many forest inhabitants eat food of plant origin and not only this:

    • seeds;
    • nuts;
    • mushrooms;
    • berries;
    • insects;
    • worms

    Such as the wolf and fox eat the meat of other animals. Bears and badgers are omnivores and will not refuse either nuts or fresh meat. But, for example, the beaver feeds on bark and young branches.

    Not all forest dwellers eat throughout the year. Some hibernate for the winter, having previously eaten off a thick layer of fat. Others make preparations: dry mushrooms, nuts, dig holes and warehouses.

    Oddly enough, I want to tell you about the mole. Remember the cartoon "The Mole and His Friends"? That's right, about not himself.

    The animal is small in size and has powerful front paws, with which it digs the ground. The nose is elongated, and the eyes are almost invisible, so the animal is blind. But he has an excellent sense of smell and hearing. The wool is mostly black.

    Lives in the ground, in burrows, which often have several holes. It feeds on worms. If he finds too much food, he hides it in special pantries until better times, so to speak. And to prevent the worms from crawling away, he bites off their heads.

    The life of forest animals is interesting and unique, full of surprises and dangers.