Meaning and origin of the name: The name Rodion is believed to be a Russian form Greek name Herodion, meaning "Hero", "Heroic". According to another version, the name means "Resident of Rhodes"

Energy of the name and character: In the name Rodion, firmness and balanced calm are clearly felt, which defines a person who is independent and quite self-possessed. It is unlikely that from childhood Rodion will be distinguished by excessive mobility; he is unhurried and quite reasonable, not prone to excessive sociability, although he cannot be called withdrawn. It should also be noted that Rodion has a noticeable pride, which, however, is rarely painful or even overly sensitive; it’s just that Rodion usually knows his own worth and can stand up for himself on occasion. Most often, this quality of his develops over the years into ambition, but in most cases, Rodion’s ambitious dreams coexist perfectly with purely pragmatic concerns of the material plane.

Much in Rodion’s life depends on his upbringing - his balance significantly facilitates the tasks of his parents, and the interests that will be instilled in him in childhood largely determine him future fate. Nevertheless, you can be sure that his qualities such as patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate efforts can bring positive results and have a beneficial effect on his career. Rodion is a man of sober mind, which has little to do with creativity, but will serve excellently in professions related to technology or exact sciences. Perhaps the only thing that can prevent Rodion from achieving truly great heights is the lack of some passion. Sometimes he himself is somewhat embarrassed by his lack of a real all-consuming dream.

Most likely, Rodion will not experience dizzying ups and downs - his life will be quite stable. The same applies to relationships in the family, especially since Rodion’s balance and taciturnity usually accumulates a large supply of spiritual warmth, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by loved ones and can ensure complete family happiness.

Secrets of communication: If you want to unbalance Rodion, then you will have to work hard; Rodion tolerates even attempts to influence his pride relatively calmly. Nevertheless, if a conflict does occur, then it can be resolved simply by having a heart-to-heart talk - rest assured, Rodion is able to come to agreement and compromise.

The name's trace in history:

Rodion Shchedrin

Rodion Shchedrin is an outstanding Russian composer (born 1932), author of two symphonies, piano concertos and many other wonderful works. At the age of twenty-two, while studying in his last year at the Moscow Conservatory, he made a successful debut with the First Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, and subsequently, each new work of the composer invariably caused a sensation: his fresh, bright, emotional music, causing a storm of feelings, is not able to leave even amateur.

More than once in his work Shchedrin turns to folk motives- the simplicity and hypnotizing appeal of Russian folk tunes can be traced in such works as the concert "Naughty Ditties", the operas "Not Only Love", " Dead Souls", and others. Often in his music he achieves extraordinary expressiveness by combining, at first glance, elements of Russian folklore with the most innovative techniques of modern musical language - and these experiments speak of the composer’s extraordinary skill, as well as his penchant for searching for new things in art.

Winner of all conceivable and inconceivable awards, including the Lenin Prize and the State Prize, National artist USSR, for seven years Rodion Shchedrin was the permanent chairman of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. His music is recognized all over the world, and as for the composer’s personal life, as is often the case with creative people, for Shchedrin it is a natural continuation of his work. In any case, the composer did not try to hide the fact that he wrote the main parts of such famous concerts as “Anna Karenina”, “The Seagull” and “Carmen Suite” for his no less famous wife, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

The male name Rodion is a Russian variation of the Greek Herodion and literally translates as “resident of the island of Rhodes”. The popular meaning of the name Rodion is hero, heroic. The man celebrates his name day on November 23, the day of St. Apostle Rodion. Variations of the name: Rodik, Rodka, Rodya, Rodyusha, Radya, Dion, Dinya, Rodionka, Rodioshka. The owner of the name prefers stability and regularity, and most of all values ​​in a partner such qualities as calmness and tenderness.

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    Rodion in childhood

    Little Rodya is a very kind and curious child. He is active and sociable, very attached to his parents and relatives. He lacks envy, anger, and aggression. He has good endurance and patience, which are unusual for children. The development of his personality depends on his upbringing; he absorbs the knowledge that he receives from the outside and listens to his parents’ emotions.

      The parental example is the main thing for Rodion, so it is important to instill spiritual values ​​and interests from childhood.

      The boy's opinion should be taken into account; he does not accept shouting and assault. IN school years Rodya is always surrounded by friends. He is the soul of any company, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him, he knows how to amuse and tell interesting story. The boy will never let himself be offended; he is proud and fair. Exact sciences are easy for him, he loves to learn new things and absorbs knowledge with pleasure. Rodi has a rich imagination, he loves to dream and craves adventure. Rodion does not like loneliness and cannot stand boredom, so he is always busy with something and is surrounded by close people.

      The main character traits of a child depend on the time of year:

      • Summer - lightness, cheerfulness, wit, high self-esteem.
      • Autumn - impressionability, dreaminess, responsibility.
      • Winter - mistrust, stubbornness, self-will.
      • Spring - balance, kindness, generosity, perseverance.

      How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage

      A man's destiny

      A man with this name prefers stability and regularity, so his fate develops smoothly, without any special ups and downs. He is not goal-oriented enough to achieve significant successes in a career, but can provide decent life for your family and loved ones.

      Rodion is amorous and fickle love relationships. He loves short-term romances and free, non-committal relationships. He needs to change many partners before he finds the one. Scandals and family squabbles are unacceptable to him, so a man will never look in the direction of a grumpy and unbalanced woman. He needs a calm, affectionate and gentle wife. For her he will be loving husband and an exemplary family man.

      The wife will not need attention and gifts, since Rodion is generous and does not skimp on compliments. A man considers himself the head of the family and does not accept infringement of his own dignity. He is very jealous, so the woman will have to limit communication with her friends and acquaintances. Rodion is a caring father who dotes on his children and spends everything free time with your family. He will never raise his voice against his child and allows his kids a lot.

      Rodion loves to travel and prefers family holiday Outdoors. The man is hospitable and cheerful, so there is always a cozy and friendly atmosphere in his house. He does not enter into conflict situations, does not like to argue and is always in a good mood.

      Characteristics of the name

      Characteristics of all life spheres and qualities that are inherent in Rodion:

      • Main qualities: slowness, vanity, restraint, calmness, prudence.
      • Temperament type: phlegmatic.
      • Positive traits: patience, enterprise, responsiveness, balance, wit, optimism, independence.
      • Negative traits: jealousy, selfishness, stubbornness, distrust.
      • Thinking: analytical mind, good logic and ingenuity, excellent memory and high concentration.
      • Morality: alien to Rodion, it contradicts his understanding of freedom, he is used to acting freely, does not accept restrictions.
      • Intuition: insightful, can characterize a person at first glance, rarely makes mistakes in people, because he always listens to his inner voice.
      • Psyche: knows how to keep his emotions under control, does not like to show his true feelings in front of strangers, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention.
      • Friendship: open and friendly with friends, his affection is not easy to win. He will always provide support to true friends and help in difficult situations.
      • Business: knows how to make money, however, does not strive to become a millionaire. He can achieve particular success in creative activities.
      • Sex: an experienced and sensitive lover, knows how to please a woman in bed, is not afraid of experiments. He is relaxed and self-confident, and demands the same from his partner.
      • Health: tendency to allergic reactions, problems with gastrointestinal tract. Rodion is in good athletic shape and eats a healthy diet.
      • Hobbies: sports, cars, cinema, travel, music, literature.
      • Professions: actor, singer, artist, poet, composer, official, teacher, entrepreneur, director, architect.
      • Compatibility with zodiac signs: Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus, Aries, Cancer.
      • Famous personalities with the name Rodion: Gazmanov, Kuzmin, Nakhapetov, Malinovsky, Shchedrin, Oslyabya, Akulshin, Bour, Greenwald, Dyachenko, Alexandrov.


The name Rodion is ancient Greek in origin and came to the territory Ancient Rus' in ancient times through church language. It is considered a derivative form ancient Greek name Herodion, which is interpreted as “hero”. The name Rodion itself is interpreted as “resident of Rhodes,” at least according to the main version...

The male name Rodion is not very popular today, but is still on the list of top-rated names. It has great significance and roots in many cultures. And just as importantly, it has excellent compatibility...

Conversational options: Rodya, Rodiosha

Modern English analogues: Herodion, Radivon

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Rodion promises a newborn child many good and important masculine qualities, including belligerence, contradiction, frenzy, uncontrollability, independence, attractiveness, sociability and mobility, efficiency, activity, mobility, punctuality and responsibility, honesty and justice.

The majority of Rodions seem to be too dry and callous men, but in fact this is just a mask. Under which the bearers of this name hide a sensual and very tender nature, capable of melting from the kiss of a beloved woman.

Advantages and positive features: Rodion will never give up, will always achieve his goal and overcome any obstacle, moreover, he will do it on his own, without the help of relatives or friends, and moreover, he will never ask anyone for help.

Rodion has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, cunning and deceitful individuals. And bearers of this name, as a rule, despise selfish people, moreover, they really despise them, demonstrating real hatred.

The name Rodion was once very popular, but it was at the peak of its popularity during the existence of the Soviet Union.

Character of the name Rodion

The character of the name is one of the most complex and at the same time most interesting factors, it is they who determine the most accurate description of the nature of the bearer of the name form. As for our specific case, everything is very complicated here - the nature of the name Rodion is such that it can have a different effect on all bearers of this name variation. Thus, the character of Rodion alone may suggest the presence huge amount leadership qualities, strong pride and incredible self-confidence, while in another, silence and limited communication will prevail, which will have a correspondingly different effect on his entire life. But one thing is known for sure - the character of this little man presupposes the presence of such qualities as good nature, goodwill, honesty, kindness, justice, willingness to help and support, loyalty and devotion. The character of every Rodion is such that he will not allow him to betray or leave a person in need of help in trouble - Rodion is not one of those people who sit on the sidelines and remain silent, he is always, so to speak, “on the front line” in any conflict and at any controversial situation. In general, character is a very complex and unpredictable factor.

In addition, character can depend on a whole bunch of additional aspects. For example, he may be envy of the zodiac sign, year Chinese calendar, and naturally, from parental upbringing...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy whom his parents decided to choose at birth rare name Rodion, reminiscent of the story of a restless kid, and all only because Rodion himself is too restless, naughty, in other words, restless, noisy, active, unpredictable and spoiled. It will be difficult for even the most patient and calm parents to cope with this. The meaning of this name can endow him with a bunch of qualities that are difficult to get along with. Among their huge number are mobility, activity, energy, disobedience, pampering, talkativeness, restlessness, emotionality, and efficiency.

On the other hand, meaning can bestow big amount important and very required characteristics- this is sociability, and sociability, and eloquence, and sensitivity, and assertiveness, and perseverance, and even determination, which you rarely see in a boy in early age. This boy has every chance of becoming everyone’s favorite, he can make friends with anyone and anywhere, for the sake of communication and partying he will do any tricks - that’s the nature of the boy named Rodion.

He may turn out to be a ringleader, an athlete, or just a good listener - but he is unlikely to become a bully. And the meaning can give this boy excellent imagination and an incredibly vivid imagination, which is rare in our time. He should have a lot of friends, but there may also be a lot of envious people among them...


The meaning of the name form Rodion can reward a teenage boy with even more good qualities. Already during his school years, leadership inclinations will begin to appear in him, which in itself will have a very good effect on everything, including his studies and popularity among his comrades. Sociability, friendliness, integrity and good nature, honesty and justice, selflessness and unprincipledness, lack of conflict and kindness, talkativeness and diplomacy - these are just a small part of what can begin to manifest itself in a boy with the name Rodion already in his childhood. adolescence.

But again, all this should be developed in him by his parents, even leadership inclinations. For example, mother and father should pay especially close attention to instilling self-confidence in him - all Rodions, without exception, are prone to depression and lack of self-confidence, they often begin to develop complexes for no reason, which need to be dealt with in time. But the Rodions usually do well on the educational front - thanks to such a factor as value, there is a clear predisposition to study the exact sciences, and the humanities can be studied perfectly even without any desire as such.

Plus, Rodion must get along well with teachers - his charm, charm, and ability to talk can bear fruit in relationships with both teachers and classmates. But again, popularity in society can also give rise to many envious people and ill-wishers.

Grown man

At proper education boy, in an adult man named Rodion, leadership traits can manifest themselves even more strongly, and this will certainly have a positive impact on his professional activity. Rodion is always one of those men who know how to correctly put into practice their advantages, skills, and advantages over others. At the same time, the meaning will not allow him to become a selfish or cunning person; on the contrary, the meaning of this name encourages him to become honest, decent and correct. A careerist, a workaholic, emotional and principled, honest and persistent, assertive and stubborn, cocky, but in moderation - this is how Rodion can grow up. Moreover, the meaning of this name also suggests excellent intuition for the man named in this way.

Rodion knows how to understand people, distinguishes between good and evil well. And he will never leave a loved one or even a stranger in trouble - he is always ready to listen, help with deeds or advice, but he will demand that the person be ready to do the same. As for friendship and camaraderie, everything is quite simple - Rodion is one of those people who is always ready to make contact, he is eloquent and charming, and will never refuse a new acquaintance, especially if it is useful. Plus, the meaning of this name form can make Rodion a truly elegant gentleman, which is rare...

Interaction of Rodion's character with the seasons

Spring - usually spring boys named Rodion become indecisive, although kind and sincere. Only after marriage will he become open and friendly, talkative and sociable, but if his wife touches his dignity, he will leave her without a twinge of conscience or betray her. In conditions of trust and understanding, he will become an excellent husband, faithful and devoted, and a good father.

Winter - a winter boy always has pronounced leadership qualities. He is stubborn and persistent, always achieves his goals, and takes any obstacles on the path to happiness for granted. It is important for him to be valued and respected, honored and extolled. In the family circle he is calm. But overly jealous. Jealousy can cause aggression and resentment.

Autumn - the capricious autumn months will give rise to a complex, contradictory nature, adoring loneliness and attention at the same time. This is a prudent and prudent person, guided common sense and logic. Intuition is not for him. Hates unpredictability - follows a clearly drawn up plan. He is serious and honest, loyal and devoted, but too boring.

It’s summer – and on hot days a baby is born, demonstrating high moral qualities from childhood. He is loyal, honest, receptive, sincere and unprincipled, trying to avoid conflict situations. Family is not “everything” for him, but he will never tolerate insincerity on the part of his beloved. Jealousy can turn him into intolerant and unpleasant person. Having proven fidelity, his wife will become the “apple of his eye.”

The fate of the name Rodion

The fate of the name Rodion in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in marriage and in love as such, is a completely separate topic. And with intensive study of it, researchers still cannot, even today, accurately predict how Rodion’s fate in love will turn out. Although several interesting moments they still managed to find out...

For example, one of these points concerns the assertion that fate may suggest that Rodion will wander for a long time in the “web of love” due to his inconstancy in relationships. Rodion is unpredictable, freedom-loving, and will enjoy freedom and independence to the last, taking advantage of fleeting but passionate relationships, fragile ties and pseudo-love. He is flighty, optional, fickle, his fate is short but bright novels, and fate will not turn in the other direction until he achieves everything he wants, and this is, first of all, material well-being.

In general, fate in your personal life is very unpredictable, and not only in this particular case. Fate depends on many various factors, including what the name of Rodion’s chosen one will be, and whether her name is compatible with him.

Love and marriage

Rodion is a very emotional and energetic man, he is not devoid of romance, loves traveling and having pets. He is quite an amorous person and takes very gallant care. However, his sincere feelings are most often based on passion, and it passes quickly enough. Because of this, Rodi’s early marriage is unlikely to be successful; he may simply become carried away by the new lady of his heart.

Such frivolity of feelings in him disappears closer to the age of thirty. He realizes the importance of creating a family and tries to find his one and only. For her, he is ready to become a devoted and gentle husband.

He needs a balanced Strong woman that will be able to cope with his unpredictable character. For his beloved wife, Rodion will be ready to do beautiful things, almost pull stars from the sky, but he will also expect maximum attention, care, warmth, and tenderness from her. It is very important for him to feel and know that his wife simply adores him. The slightest doubt about this can destroy all the charm of their relationship.

Rodion sincerely and devotedly cares for his family; it is his home and his loved ones that are the source of his peace. Coming home, he wants to feel like in a corner of paradise, hidden from shocks, problems and adversities. It is not important for Rode to be a leader in family relationships. Because of his soft and compliant nature, he will easily give this role to his wife.

Rodion as Father

Rodion becomes a father at a fairly advanced age, when he is over 30. He approaches fatherhood responsibly and becomes strongly attached to his children. He behaves quite gently towards them. He considers severity and punishment to be an extreme measure in the educational process. True, this attitude does not always work to his advantage; children can begin to take advantage of his kindness and compliance.

Rodion may be more attached to his daughter than to his son, but he will not deprive his son of his father’s love. Children are another source of his inspiration and vital energy. For their sake, he is ready to work as much as necessary and even more.

He is interested in children’s studies, relationships with peers, and their sporting achievements. He takes an active part in their upbringing, growth and training from the cradle until the wedding. Rodion is a fairly responsible and devoted father, capable of anything for the happiness and well-being of his children.

Compatible with female names

The name Rodion has the best compatibility with such female names as Anastasia, Bronislava, Valentina, Zinaida and Tatyana. In the case of creating a pair of Rodi with a woman named one of these variations, there is a chance of a truly strong and long-lasting marriage.

In a marriage with women like Valeria, Vladislava, Evdokia, Serafima and Stanislava, there are fewer chances for happiness, mutual understanding and love, but they still exist. In many ways, the state of the relationship and the marriage itself will depend on astrological symbolism and its impact.

Well, it’s better not to create a couple with people like Augusta, Angela, Veronica, and Roda at all, because nothing good will come of it anyway.

Rodion is a man with a calm character, not prone to aggression. Very delicate, does not want to spoil relations with surrounding disputes and scandals, but many take this trait for indifference. This is a superficial opinion; he will always help without demanding anything in return, and often to the detriment of his own interests. A description of the name Rodion, its meaning and the character it imparts to the owner is given below.

The origin of the name Rodion causes a lot of controversy. However, one fact is known for sure: the name Rodion Greek origin and comes from the word "Rhodeus".

Meaning of the name

There are three versions of the meaning of the name Rodion translated from Greek:

  • "Pink flower".
  • "Resident of Rhodes"
  • "Hero".


The meaning of the name Rodion, the character and fate of its owner depend on age. Let's consider what the name Rodion means for a boy. As a child, Rodya grows up to be a restless, unpredictable, noisy naughty boy. Can be too talkative, restless, spoiled and emotional. Parents should consider having little Rodion attend sport sections, this will help direct energy into a creative direction, teach calmness and discipline.

Rodya is very sociable, and any adult can envy his determination. A vivid imagination makes him an interesting conversationalist; he likes to be the center of attention, although the boy will not attract attention through quarrels and fights. He can easily make friends with anyone he wants, for this he can resort to small tricks.

The meaning of the name Rodion in adolescence manifests it leadership skills. This has a good effect on performance at school and in relationships with peers and adults. Rodion is sociable, good-natured, honest and fair. In his desire to help, the guy is selfless, does not get involved in showdowns and conflicts, is tactful in his communication and careful in his statements.

But close people should take care of the boy’s development of self-confidence, because he often falls into a state of depression, this leads to the emergence of complexes. But in studies everything could not be better. Rodion really likes the exact sciences, and he doesn’t have any problems with the humanities.

An adult Rodion has every chance of growing into a strong leader if, as a teenager, he managed to overcome internal insecurities and complexes. This decent man, correct and incapable of deception and betrayal. His intuition and experience allow him to sense people and distinguish white from black. He is ready to help and support, but will count on good attitude to yourself in response.

In his professional activities, Rodion is a workaholic and careerist, honest and principled.

The meaning of the name does not give Rodion the most positive characterization in a love relationship. Growing up, he prefers to have short novels or easy, non-binding relationships. For him, career, personal freedom and independence come first.

Inconsistency and a superficial attitude towards feelings lead to late marriage. Rodion will marry only when he completes all his goals and reaches the desired level material well-being. If the wife earns trust, Rodion will love her and protect her from all the storms of life.


The meaning of the name Rodion and the fate of the name according to the zodiac sign:

Aries . Purposeful, hardworking strong character. Pressure and determination help him strive for his goal.
Calf. He has a decisive character, does not listen at all to other people's advice and tips, preferring to do everything on his own. It will not be possible to manipulate him, because he himself easily controls other people.

Twins . Active, loves to be the center of attention, very sociable. He has a vivid imagination and a wonderful sense of humor. Constant responsibility weighs heavily on him; he likes to lead an easy lifestyle.

Cancer . The meaning of the name Rodion for Cancer gives him a calm character and diligence. His hard work and responsibility make him a bit boring to others. The man himself loves it when there are people around him who can be controlled.
A lion. Rodion, born under the sign of Leo, is self-sufficient and self-confident. He loves compliments and attention, noisy companies and fun. And also, he will readily criticize and teach his surroundings. He needs a flexible and kind companion.

Virgo . Self-confident, enthusiastic, interesting Rodion-Virgo loves to receive new information, study and work, constantly improving. Thanks to his passion for diverse interests, he easily tolerates loneliness and does not need anyone.

Scales . A man can find mutual language with any woman, but he is fickle, flighty, so it’s useless to count on serious relationship. He hates routine and monotony and constantly meets new people.

Scorpion . The name Rodion for Scorpio gives the owner a reserved character and a tendency towards loneliness. He is distrustful, although he tries his best to trust those around him. Not burdened by loneliness, it becomes faithful husband and a good father.

Sagittarius . Rodion-Sagittarius is cheerful, sociable, active. He always wants entertainment and celebration. He loves freedom and independence, so he is in no hurry to start a family.

Capricorn. This man does not compromise and can be unrestrained, but on the whole he is reasonable. He is principled and ready to defend his point of view to the last. Knows how to admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness and takes criticism with dignity.

Aquarius . Rodion-Aquarius is distinguished by tact and delicacy; he is a very interesting interlocutor with the gift of eloquence. Loves to be the center of attention.

Fish . This is a dreamer, endowed with good intuition and the ability to manipulate people. Like most representatives of his sign, he builds his own imaginary world, in which he happily resides. He will become a loving husband and father in the family, but will not take leadership in the relationship.

Name day

Rodion's name day:

  • January 17;
  • April 21;
  • July 16;
  • October 11;
  • November 23.

Name color

The colors that bring good luck to Rodion are red, crimson, black.

  • "Red" the name gives the owner a decisive character, a desire to act, impetuosity, impulsiveness, jealousy, passion.
  • Crimson – desire for creativity, unstable character, duality. On the one hand, owners of a “raspberry” name love communication, on the other hand, they seek loneliness, find it difficult to get along with people and often experience a period of depression.
  • Black – expresses stubbornness, short temper and anger. “Blacks” are sympathetic people with a kind heart, but they prove justice through force. Often they have a difficult fate, it is useless to remake them, the best thing is to simply love and care, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Name flower

Rodion's mascot plants are chrysanthemum and jasmine.

Jasmine symbolizes love. It makes the relationship between spouses harmonious, filling them with warmth. In Christianity it expresses grace and elegance and is considered the flower of Jesus' mother Mary. The popular name of the flower is “symbol of night secrets.” At night, the flowers emit a particularly strong aroma. In Eastern culture, jasmine is considered a symbol of passion.

Chrysanthemum – expresses wisdom, tranquility, abundance, longevity, joy and happiness. In Japan it symbolizes the sun. In addition, in Japan, the chrysanthemum is the November flower and there is a special holiday in which the main attribute is flower dolls.

Church name

Rodion has several church names. One of them is similar to the worldly one, and the other is Herodion.

Translation of name in different languages

The name Rodion in English is written using the transcription: Rodion. The name is also written on Serbian language. Other spellings:

  • Belarusian – Radzivon
  • Hungarian – Rogyion
  • Ukrainian – Rodion

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Diminutives and short forms named after Rodion:

  • Rodya;
  • Rodyusha;
  • Rodenka;
  • Rodionchik;
  • Rodechka;
  • Rodka.


The middle name for a boy is Rodionovich. Names for son:

  • Andrey;