Journalists have long been puzzling over why Milyavskaya keeps her heiress in Kyiv, away from Moscow red carpets and sensation-hungry paparazzi.


Representatives of various publications have repeatedly written that Eva has some. Some feather sharks suspected autism, but Lolita categorically denied this information.

And now the issue of the singer’s daughter’s health has again surfaced in the media. True, the material that angered the star has already disappeared from the Internet. Recently, the Ukrainian authorities banned the artist, where her mother and daughter live. Missing her family, Lolita dedicated a lengthy post on social networks to this situation and Eva’s health condition.

“Thank you again to everyone from the wonderful ancient city of Ivanovo for your comments and support. I won’t be angry)). They forget about boomerangs. My daughter has to live, and she hasn’t started it as an adult yet. I wonder what kind of society will surround her? .. I hope she’s sane and developed. She doesn’t glamorize because she’s not interested,” Lolita explained Eva’s reluctance to go out with her mother.

According to the artist, her daughter has vision problems. “She’s a real bespectacled person, books and a computer, the history of theater and circus. These are the main preferences. She doesn’t need to go out into society through social networks and I don’t really want to,” admitted a loving and caring mother, who was recently prevented from seeing her by Ukrainian border guards child.

Ignoring some problems in the past, Lolita gave Eva to standard educational institution. “I thank all the students, parents, director and head teacher of an ordinary (I emphasize) Kiev school for driving away journalists who blocked the entrance to the school with not the best intentions.. I am calm for my family, because thousands of Kiev residents wrote on social networks that they would be ready come to my family's aid if necessary!!! Thank you!" – Milyavskaya addressed the fans.

The singer hopes for the best. "Once again I am unshakable in the Faith that Normal People more, they understand everything about present life and do not stop sowing Good... therefore there will be Peace! In all senses!! We need to get through the Apocalypse, and we can do it together!” the performer is convinced.

And suddenly Lolita mentioned autism, which she had previously rejected. "There are many brilliant autistic people in the world. And maybe I should regret that my daughter is not a genius? An autistic person does not react to anger in society, he lives in his own wonderful world numbers, additions, subtractions, knowledge... I'm talking about pronounced forms. I have an ordinary child, not Einstein.. She has one problem - she is not drawn to society, she is more mature inside, and forgiveness and empathy are already embedded in her. These are the qualities from Above, which cannot be conveyed through genetics.. It’s a pity, many would wish to change the gene code.. Many journalists removed material about the “diagnosis”. Thank you! And a special thank you to the management of Channel One for talking on the phone and apologizing!! I never doubted that on the main channel of the country Humanity was, is and will be!” the singer concluded her message on a positive note.

Posted by Lolita Milyavskaya (@lolitamilyavskaya) Jul 5, 2016 at 9:17 PDT

A few hours earlier, Milyavskaya let off steam on Instagram. "I thank you for your support mass media and Channel 1 "program" Vremya "including .. But, dear journalists, you should check information regarding family members! In particular, mine! Never - Lolita insists. - Some idiot posted Her name on the children's website with this illness. This probably happened because of the "scribblers", giving interviews to whom, when Evochka was little, I told how some "doctors", wanting to scam us out of money, tried to diagnose us. One of the great Russian scientists, Professor Andrey Petrukhin Sergeevich, an autism specialist, gave his opinion many years ago, and this spring, when he met us on vacation, he once again confirmed that he was surprised to see Eva on these lists! I expect an apology from Channel 1 and everyone else who is on last days reported this dregs in reports and articles."

Let us remind you that Lolita gave birth to a daughter, Eva, in 1999. The baby was born prematurely - the performer (at that time she was 35 years old) was in her fifth month of pregnancy. The newborn weighed only 1200 grams, and doctors had to literally resuscitate the baby.

Fortunately, the girl was able to get out. However, later the press attributed various diagnoses to Eva, implying developmental delays, but Milyavskaya denied this unconfirmed information. “She doesn’t have autism. There are consequences of prematurity,” the artist assured. Now Eva attends a regular Kyiv school, takes additional classes, and the singer boasts of her successes at every opportunity.

Marriages of creative people are rarely long-lasting. This was the case with Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo. Both artists are emotional, talented people, they often clashed and could no longer live or work together. After 12 years of marriage and joint creativity each began to build their lives and careers separately from each other.

The couple decided to legalize their relationship in 1998. As Lolita admits, she did this so that the daughter she was expecting would be born in legally married and bore the middle name Tsekalo.

Although quite recently Lolita opened up in her interview and said that the moment in her life when she became pregnant with her daughter was not entirely ordinary.

“God gave her, she was born under such mysterious circumstances. This child was given from above. The birth of this child is a mystery. She was born on the 40th day after the death of the man I loved."
- said Lolita.
“So this is his child?”
— the host of the “Wife” program asked her. Love Story" Kira Proshutinskaya,
“And I won’t talk. I'm happy that I have a child"
- Lolita answered with tears in her eyes.

Lolita makes no secret of the fact that she was unfaithful in all her marriages.

So in her marriage to Alexander Tsekalo, she was suspected of having a relationship with a TV mogul who had a criminal past. His life ended tragically, he was killed.

Therefore, it remains a mystery who really is Eva’s father and whether Alexander Tsekalo should be blamed for not paying attention to his daughter at all.

By the way, Milyavskaya’s fifth husband, Dmitry Ivanov, replaced the girl’s father and loves her very much.

Lolita doesn’t talk about her daughter very often; she shows her photographs even less often. The singer always protected the child from prying eyes and press attention.

Perhaps it was because of this that a wave of rumors once spread that Eva Tsekalo suffered from autism. Lolita herself never commented on gossip about her daughter’s illness and did not try to change public opinion. Therefore, the media continued to refer to Eva as a “special” child.

And only a little over a year ago, Lolita said that her daughter did not have a diagnosis of autism, but was a consequence of prematurity. 20 years ago she was born in the fifth month of pregnancy and weighed only 1,200 grams.

For some time, the girl was really behind in development, but her mother hired competent specialists for her who helped her.

— Eva was born a little over a kilogram - she was premature. It's okay, it happens. Everyone on the Internet writes that my daughter has autism. Yes, we had developmental delays, my eyesight is worse, and I am hyper-shy. She could have been offended at school - finally now she began to snap back. She can stand up for herself and is starting to get used to it. “She doesn’t have any disabilities, she doesn’t have autism,” Lolita said.

And recently, fans of the star were able to see with their own eyes that the girl has no developmental problems. Lolita posted a video of Eva performing a song on French, which, by the way, she teaches on her own.

Their names are known to everyone, their faces never leave TV screens and the pages of glossy magazines. But the main battle in their lives is the fight for the health, happiness and well-being of their children. Lolita, Danko, Evelina Bledans, Anna Netrebko and other stars are raising special children, by example instilling confidence and giving hope to hundreds of parents.

Semyon Bledans

His parents knew what they would have special child even during pregnancy. However, together they decided that the baby would be born and would bring happiness to their family.

Shoyo can safely be called the most famous “sunny” boy. He and his mother appear at social events, appear in talk shows and television programs. His parents work with him a lot, and this brings success. At the age of 5, he knows letters, numbers, distinguishes colors, copes well with tasks on logical thinking.

Evelina and her husband Alexander are confident that their son has a successful future. By their example, they provide support to all families in which “sunny” children are growing up. Evelina is an ambassador of the Downside Up Foundation, runs pages in in social networks, participates in events. He and Semyon showed that families with special children are able to successfully adapt to society.

Varya Bondarchuk

The “special” Varya appeared in the family of Fyodor Bondarchuk in 2001. A girl was born ahead of schedule, the doctors did everything possible to make sure she survived. And then the baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Despite the serious diagnosis, with the appearance of Varya, happiness settled in the house. Fedor and Svetlana created everything for their daughter the necessary conditions- she lives abroad, receives specialized treatment and quality education.

Everyone who knows Varya characterizes her as a smiling and cheerful girl who instantly puts you at ease with her sincerity. She is kind, open to communication and strives to learn new knowledge and skills.

Eva Tsekalo

The daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo suffers from autism. The star mother says that immediately after birth, doctors diagnosed Down syndrome, and then diagnosed autism. The baby was born premature, she weighed less than 1.5 kg. Lolita surrounded her daughter with love and care; at every opportunity she admires and sincerely praises her daughter for any achievement.

Eva started speaking late and has vision problems. But, thanks to her mother’s love, at 17 years old, Eva is almost not behind her peers in development. Her life also includes school, friends, and activities. Lolita supports all her daughter's hobbies - Eva loves swimming and communicates well in English. The singer does everything so that her daughter can lead the same life as hundreds of ordinary teenagers.

Thiago Arua Netrebko

Son opera diva Anna Netrebko also lives with autism. The singer began to notice strange behavior in the boy at the age of 3. Thiago did not speak, showed no interest in toys, and was noticeably nervous in crowded places. After examinations, specialists diagnosed autism.

With the aim of creating best conditions For the development and rehabilitation of the boy, Anna moved to the USA. There, rehabilitation specialists and correctional teachers work with Thiago.

Also in early childhood Thiago became interested in computers, easily mastered counting, and studied with curiosity everything related to animal life. The boy studies at an integrated school in New York and easily communicates with his peers. Doctors say he has mild autism. With proper corrective training, the disease can be completely defeated.

Masha Sirotinskaya

The daughter of the talented and successful Irina Khakamada, Maria, was born with Down syndrome. But this is not all the trials that befell the family. In 2004, the girl was diagnosed with leukemia. Her own willpower, the boundless love of her parents and the efforts of doctors helped the girl overcome this disease.

Masha is a sociable and inquisitive girl, she draws well and is interested in music. She loves to dance and is passionate about creativity and art.

Evgeniy Belogolovtsev

The son of comedian Sergei Belogolovtsev, Evgeniy, has a congenital diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Until the age of 6, the boy could not walk. Loving parents worked with him every day, mastered recovery techniques, turned to the best specialists. They were able to put their son back on his feet, constantly fighting back the disease.

Evgeniy is a graduate of a school for gifted children, graduated from the Institute theatrical arts. Today he leads ordinary life, works as a presenter on radio and television, loves leisure and skiing. And his parents are confident that children with special needs are endowed with boundless kindness by nature, are able to see inner beauty and graciously perceive the world.

Valera Meladze

Son's famous producer Konstantin Meladze autism. The severe form of this disease cannot be treated, but with the help of special correctional classes children can be taught and developed.

Outwardly, Valera is a completely ordinary child. He just doesn't show interest in environment, does not seek to communicate with people, he lives in his own world, understandable only to him.

Parents noticed developmental deviations only at the age of 3. Valera’s mother, Yana, says that it is necessary to diagnose autism as early as possible; if it is detected in the first year of a child’s life, then the chances of a full recovery are high.

Agata Fadeeva

The singer's daughter Danko was born with cerebral palsy. The parents were offered to leave their daughter in the maternity hospital, since the doctors did not give any chance for her condition to improve. But the singer and his wife are doing their best, the first positive results they noticed when the baby was 1 year old. Agatha fixed her gaze on moving toys, recognized her relatives, and held her head - with cerebral palsy this is a big victory.

And now they are undergoing rehabilitation and massage courses, surrounding the baby immeasurable love and care. In order to support families raising special children, Danko created special center help.

Special children grow up in families foreign celebrities. John C. McGinley, Sylvester Stallone, Toni Braxton, John Travolta, Collin Farrell, Dan Marino are raising children with health problems. Star parents, just like ordinary people, every day they invest love and strength in their special children. They surround them with care, appreciate every minute of communication and are immensely proud of every new achievement of their beloved sons and daughters.

Continuing the theme, a story about how a girl with Down syndrome lives and makes her dreams come true.

This year, Eva, the daughter of the famous Russian performer Lolita Milyavskaya, graduated from school. And although due to Lolita’s visit to the occupied Crimea, she shared a photo from the celebration.


The singer announced the good news on her page on Instagram, publishing a photo of Eva. In the photo, a young girl is posing in her graduation suit with a diploma and medal in her hands.

"Hooray! Today we definitely finished school! In the person of my beloved daughter, I congratulate all children, parents and teachers on their graduations! Let everyone succeed in life!” — signed the publication star mom.

Most subscribers began to praise Eva. But there were also those who attacked the girl with criticism. This is where the star mother could not stand it and began to answer the haters.

One of the subscribers wrote: “What is the girl’s illness? Who knows?". In response, Lolita did not remain silent and revealed the truth: “The girl is 100% healthy. These are some assholes spreading rumors.”

Another follower commented: “Does the girl have some kind of illness?” “Laziness, like many children,” the singer answered.

Another fan wrote: “Lolita, having learned that your daughter is disabled and your ex stopped communicating with your family (that was a long time ago) and now seeing this person, but at the same time a very pretty girl, you understand how much a mother does for her beloved child . Lola, I admire you! All the best to Eva." “Who told you that? Eva, thank God, was not disabled. Don’t read nonsense on the Internet!” — the performer answered.

Thus, Lolita denied rumors about her daughter’s illness.

Lolita's daughter at graduation

Let us recall that in April last year, the famous artist Lolita Milyavskaya was banned from entering Ukraine for a period of three years. Because of this, the singer was unable to attend her daughter’s graduation.

Earlier, Lolita stated that she intended to take her daughter from Ukraine to Russia. The reason for this was the fact that the pop singer was unable to attend the graduation of her daughter Eva, who lives in Kyiv, due to a ban on entry into Ukraine.


Lolita has already expressed her indignation at this decision of the Ukrainian authorities and stated that... The artist also told where Eva will go to school.

Watch the video in which Lolita's daughter sings in French: