June 23, 2011, 10:31

The host of the talk show “Let Them Talk” gained the reputation of an avid bachelor. It seemed that Andrei MALAKHOV, who would soon turn 40, would never get married. Suddenly, in September 2009, he appeared at the wedding of Yana RUDKOVSKAYA and Evgeni PLYUSCHENKO hand in hand with 30-year-old Natalya ShKULEVA, the daughter of his boss-publisher. Less than a month later, the couple set a wedding date. True, it took place a year later than planned. In the meantime, Andrei is getting used to the role of a married man, we decided to remind readers about the heroines and heroes of his Don Juan list. In just five years, MALAKHOV turned from a charming simpleton into a brooding macho Tanya Moskalenko Andrei spent his childhood and youth in the northern city of Apatity. At school he fell in love with classmate Tanya Moskalenko. Andryusha long sought the favor of the little beauty, but one day he struck her down on the spot. Instead of writing an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer,” the future TV presenter came to the board and in a tiny voice began to sing Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Summer, ah, summer!” The teacher gave him an A for resourcefulness. Moskalenko studied music, so she also appreciated Malakhov’s feat and began to allow him to carry her briefcase. But in the eighth grade, their paths diverged - Tanya’s parents took her to Murmansk, where she entered a music school, and later married a local singer. Swedish Lisa After school, Malakhov went to conquer Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In his senior year he fell in love with Swedish opera singer Lisa. They say it was she who made Andrei a man. Soon the couple began to live in civil marriage, which lasted almost seven years. The guy was not embarrassed that the foreigner was 13 years older than him. Lisa constantly insisted that they should move to Stockholm.
Lisa dreamed of building a family nest with Andryusha in Stockholm They say that working in dirty and bustling Moscow is unbearable for her. But Malakhov dreamed of making a career in his native country. After receiving his diploma, he got a job on TV. The salary of a young specialist at the “first button” grew by leaps and bounds. But my personal life fell apart. In the end, the Swede broke off relations with Malakhov and left for her homeland. And after a while the news came that she committed suicide by jumping out of the window. Andrei took the loss seriously, threw himself into work and for a long time could not find his soul mate. Marina Kuzmina In the mid-2000s, the popular TV presenter began going out with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina. They met at a sports club party. The chosen one again turned out to be much older. Envious people spread rumors that the owner of the mines in South Africa had eligible groom there was an affair under contract. The TV presenter did crazy somersaults with Marina KUZMINA The conversations intensified when it became known that Kuzmina had added Malakhov the missing amount to buy an apartment. But the showman said that he borrowed money, and having repaid it, he soon broke up with Marina. “She couldn’t buy me,” Malakhov later summed up. In total, their relationship lasted about two years. Elena Korikova When gossip columns began to write about Andrei’s affair with the star “ Poor Nastya“Korikova, not everyone believed in his authenticity - Malakhov courted her in a painfully graphic manner. Elena KORIKOVA - the pearl of the journalist's collection Consider, for example, his ostentatious steps when he presented the actress with a gorgeous ring and began to spread rumors that he would propose to Elena from the stage at the TEFI ceremony. As one would expect, no proposal followed, and the couple announced that they had separated. Margarita Buryak Korikova was replaced by another mature companion - Margarita Buryak. At first, there were rumors around the party that Andrei was taking this lady to nightclubs for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he was allegedly going to marry. But Express Gazeta journalists found out that this is not so.
Margarita BURYAK... ...the showman even took him home to Apatity, where he celebrated the New Year as a family Anna Sedokova In the spring of 2009 the most popular star couple suddenly Malakhov and Anna Sedokova appeared. Together they participated in television projects, hosted programs and even shot a video clip.
What Andrei liked most about Anya SEDOKOVA was curvaceous and lovely curls At the celebration of his birthday, Andryusha publicly promised to walk Anya down the aisle and even set a wedding date - 09.09.09. But instead of a celebration in September 2009, Malakhov presented to the party new girlfriend- Natasha Shkuleva. Natalya Shkuleva The TV star’s love for Natasha did not awaken immediately. Shkuleva and Malakhov looked at each other for a long time, called each other, went to restaurants. Soon friendly relations went to new level. Malakhov’s friends assured: What Andrei likes about Natasha is that she is a non-secular person, does not like parties, is beautiful, modest, from a good family, and although she is not a star, her income is no less than his own. More than once the TV presenter said that what surprises him about his beloved is her insight. The enviable bride Natalya SHKULEVA became the wife of an eligible bachelor For example, when she first saw the duet from Azerbaijan who participated in Eurovision, she immediately said: “They will win!” Such crazy energy and talent! The other day news came from France, where the wedding of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Versailles, which, according to rumors, cost half a million euros. One bride's dress cost 50 thousand. HERO OF THE BLUE SCREEN There have long been rumors that Malakhov is not indifferent to male. For example, according to the website life-star.ru, Andrei was once caught in the gay club “Three Monkeys”, accompanied by a tanned, brutal handsome man, whom the hero of the blue screen held by the hand. Andrei Malakhov And the website “Slukhi.ru” once posted information that supposedly the Odessa singer Maxiwave was a dear friend of the TV presenter. In an interview, the TV star explained how he felt about the hints about his “blueness”: - At first, I was upset out of habit: what if my parents read it. And then he spat: do I have to prove the opposite with terrible force? My older comrades reassured me: “On the contrary, you should be pleased that both women and men like you: this is exactly what it is.” real success! So I try to take this hype calmly.
The star still has something to discuss with fashion designer Elena YARMAK LET THEM TALK Close relationships in different time Malakhova was credited with: * fur queen Elena Yarmak; * sister of oil oligarch Alla Ruga; * TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak; * relative of the owner trademark“Bosco di Cileggi” by Anna Moiseeva; * fashion designer and press secretary of State Duma deputy Emma Salimova; * designer Anna Burmistrova; * the wife of an employee of the British embassy, ​​Svetlana Samoryaninova; * American fashion designer Calvin Klein; * Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave; * general director boutique agency “R.S.V.P” by Bettina von Schlippe. Married businesswoman Bettina von SCHLIPPE admitted that she and MALAKHOV are just friends, but she is pleased when they are considered lovers
Having somehow noticed MALAKHOV in a white 1964 MG with model Nikita ZABRODIN, secular gossips immediately “established”: close friends!
Something like this also happened in the life of a celebrity: under the supervision of journalist Akhmed BAZIEV and artist Andrei DANILKO (on the right), Philip KIRKOROV hugged him tightly.

Andrei got into his first serious relationship at the university. At Moscow State University, he met a girl named Lisa, with whom he later began to live in a civil marriage. He was not embarrassed by either the age difference (the chosen one was 13 years older) or the girl’s origin (she was Swedish). However, last fact still played a decisive role in their romance: Lisa was eager to return to her homeland and called her lover with her, but Malakhov wanted to become a TV star in Russia. The story ended tragically. Lisa eventually returned to Sweden, but a few years later she committed suicide. The presenter took a long time to recover from this loss.

Rich girl

The main characters of gossip columns in the mid-2000s were his new passion- Marina Kuzmina, who was also older than the showman. There were legends about the lady's wealth: as the president of a company engaged in the extraction of metallurgical raw materials on the international market, she loved to relax on a grand scale and be seen at the loudest parties. It was believed that it was she who helped Malakhov save up for an apartment, and in general gave her lover gifts in every possible way. The romance, which lasted about two years, ended suddenly. While on vacation in Turkey, Marina simply stopped answering her boyfriend’s calls, and later found a replacement for him in the person of a young bartender. Kuzmina later admitted that she was tired of the noisy life in front of everyone and turned her attention to raising her growing daughter Arina.

Malakhov was humiliated, but found the strength to move on. His book “My Favorite Blondes” became a kind of revenge, in which he spoke in an allegorical form about these relationships.

“Only now, when time has passed, do I remember Andrei with great warmth and understand that it was important person in my life, very close. And everything could have turned out differently if I had a different character, more tolerant, able to adapt,” Kuzmina said in an interview with Tatler.

Fatal blonde

After breaking up with Marina, Malakhov was suspected of having relationships with designer Elena Yarmak and top stylist Anna Burmistrova, but most of all they discussed his affair with Elena Korikova, the star of the series “Poor Nastya.” True, it was not possible to be in the black here either: Elena is a well-known plunderer of men’s hearts, and, according to rumors, she broke up with Malakhov as soon as she learned that he was ready to propose to her at the TEFI ceremony.

The heroine of the program

Buryak is another wealthy blonde from Malakhov’s list. At the time of the alleged affair with Andrei, she was married to businessman Dmitry Buryak and raised three children. The affair with the TV presenter ended as quickly as it began, but the former lovers managed to maintain friendly relations, and Margarita returned to the family. When a few years later it turned out that Dmitry had another woman and children in Ukraine, a scandal began trial- the husband literally kicked Margarita out the door, refusing alimony. The woman came to the “Let Them Talk” program, which was hosted by Andrei at that time, to fight for money.

The same one from VIA Gra

The hot video “I’m getting used to it” with the participation of Andrei Malakhov in 2008 caused a lot of talk. It seemed that the passion that flared up on the screen was transferred to life. There were rumors in the social circle that former soloist groups " VIA Gra"The TV presenter wanted to connect his life in magic date- 09.09.09. But the ceremony never happened. The stars themselves always assured the public that there was only a strong friendship between them, and nothing more. The birth of a son. His wife’s pregnancy coincided with his dismissal from the show “Let Them Talk,” which Andrei hosted for 16 years. According to rumors, the permanent TV presenter received a refusal from management and eventually submitted his resignation. However, the star will not be left without work in any case. Malakhov is still the favorite TV presenter on the main buttons of the country, and besides, he is still Chief Editor StarHit magazine.

Why did Malakhov need his old mistress?

Marina KUZMINA has been appearing on the covers of newspapers and on the pages of magazines since she appeared in society famous TV presenter Andrey MALAKHOV. Shameless journalists from the capital began to groan loudly, saying: “Why did such a young Andryusha get involved with such an elderly woman!” And they indiscriminately announced that there was almost a 20-year difference between them. Express Newspaper managed to find out: this is a cruel lie. The friend of the wonderful presenter is a young woman. True, several years ago she had to endure terrible stress, which would have caused even a strong man to go grey!

Alexander BELOV

Until now, no matter how hard journalists have tried, they have not been able to find out which company the businesswoman and friend of Malakhov, Marina Kuzmina, works for.

When the sharks pestered Andrei with questions, he said that his mistress owned diamond mines either in the Congo or in South Africa. This is what everyone would do in his place a real man so that they stop bothering his woman with incorrect curiosity.
But if you carefully read the gossip column, you will notice that Kuzmina often visits London. Readers of mass media only hear echoes of high-society parties at which Lady Kuzmina rocks. And she goes to Foggy Albion not only to have fun, but also on business. As Express Newspaper managed to find out, this spectacular blonde is the head of the Russian representative office English company with the romantic name "ASHLEY Limited". I remember that was the name of Scarlett’s lover from Margaret Mitchell’s novel Gone with the Wind.

Gone by default

You won't find a sign for ASHLEY Limited in Moscow. Her office is located on Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya Street in a residential building, surrounded by a fence and with a security guard at the entrance. Marina once lived here with her ex-husband Dmitry. He still lives at this address. But Marina rarely comes here. Several years ago, she moved with her daughter to the elite village of Nikolino near Moscow, and runs the company by telephone. Several employees sit in the office from morning to evening. If you call the Moscow representative office of ASHLEY, a sweet girlish voice will tell you that the company is engaged in trading metallurgical raw materials.

KUZMINA WITH YUGOSLAV SINISHA, OWNER OF THE "AUTUMN" CLUB: such a lady will not be left without male attention

It happens that even at parties, Marina’s subordinates call her, asking for advice. And those sitting nearby hear: Malakhov’s friend is sorting out problems regarding the receipt and dispatch of goods. Therefore, many believe that Kuzmina is the owner of warehouses or customs terminals. She even told someone that her company was a large transnational company. That's probably true. But I was unable to find references on the Internet to the ASHLEY company in connection with the metallurgical business. On the World Wide Web, "ASHLEY" is a trading house that sells furniture.
Perhaps Kuzmina’s company really trades metallurgical raw materials in different countries. And like many people who were burned in 1998 during the default, she and her partners do not believe in stability Russian economy. Therefore, its capital is concentrated in foreign accounts.

wet business

Real men help the fragile blonde fill up ASHLEY. One of them is her longtime business friend, 41-year-old Andrei.

He is her long-time partner. IN certain circles they know that he was also not the last employee in the company - Jutland.
This is what the largest customs terminal was called about six years ago. In the late 90s they wrote that it was headed by “black customs officer” Victor Kibza. Allegedly, he offered clients preferential terms of service. But then he allegedly handed them over wholeheartedly to the employees of the Department for Combating Customs Violations. In June 2001, a masked man shot him at point-blank range at the entrance to the Central Excise Customs building. The shadow of his dark deeds fell as a burden on everyone who worked in the same harness with him.
Now Kuzmina appears in nightclubs and on business meetings without security. And four years ago, this sweet woman had to walk accompanied by armed assistants and worry about the life of her little daughter, Arinochka, who was then barely a year old. During this same dark time, her marriage also fell apart. But Marina lived with her husband Dmitry for more than 15 years. After all the troubles she suffered, she found the strength to continue her business. And Dmitry works in Russian representative office famous Japanese corporation.

Sweet berry

Andrei Malakhov turned 33 years old in January. And claiming that Marina is 20 years older than him, journalists maliciously hint that Marina is about 50. Yes, you can read from her face that she had to go through a lot. But Marina is an opponent plastic surgery. But if our colleagues were more observant, they would pay attention to the elastic buttocks, slender legs and Kuzmina’s chiseled hips.
Exactly beautiful physical form and allows her to appear in bold outfits. And what a temperament she has! With her cheerfulness and sex appeal, this woman outshines even young beauties. Is it conceivable to rock like that for fifty dollars?
In fact, Marina Kuzmina is only 41 years old! And only on July 14 she will celebrate her 42nd birthday. For interesting woman it's not age. So she boldly declares that she wants to have another child. And what? With her enthusiasm and at her age - easily!

Marina is often pestered with another stupid question. Secular gossips are saying that her friend Andrei Malakhov is seen in relationships with men. In such cases, Marina replies that she absolutely doesn’t care who Andryusha slept with before her: men or women. The main thing is that he does not cheat on her. She believes him. This is love!

* Marina KUZMINA was born into a military family.
* Graduated from Moscow Institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez.
* Started my career as a translator.

Someone posted a message on the website Slukhi.ru that supposedly Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave is the lover of the host of the “Five Evenings” program. There is also a photograph here that seems to testify to their close friendship. Also on the website fandeeff.narod.ru Andrey is credited with having a tender relationship with DJ GROOV, with whom they allegedly communicate from a young age.

Today Malakhov is married and happy

It seemed that Andrei Malakhov, who would soon turn 40, would never get married. Suddenly, in September 2009, he appeared at the wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko hand in hand with 30-year-old Natalya ShKULEVA, the daughter of his boss-publisher. Less than a month later, the couple set a wedding date. True, it took place a year later than planned. In the meantime, Andrei is getting used to the role of a married man, we decided to remind readers about the heroines and heroes of his Don Juan list.

In just five years, MALAKHOV turned from a charming simpleton into a brooding macho

Tanya Moskalenko

Andrei spent his childhood and youth in the northern city of Apatity. At school he fell in love with classmate Tanya Moskalenko. Andryusha long sought the favor of the little beauty, but one day he struck her down on the spot. Instead of writing an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer,” the future TV presenter came to the board and in a tiny voice began to sing Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Summer, ah, summer!” The teacher gave him an A for resourcefulness. Moskalenko studied music, so she also appreciated Malakhov’s feat and began to allow him to carry her briefcase. But in the eighth grade, their paths diverged - Tanya’s parents took her to Murmansk, where she entered a music school, and later married a local singer.

Swedish Lisa

After school, Malakhov went to conquer Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In his senior year, he fell in love with the Swedish opera singer Lisa. They say it was she who made Andrei a man. Soon the couple began to live in a civil marriage, which lasted almost seven years. The guy was not embarrassed that the foreigner was 13 years older than him. Lisa constantly insisted that they should move to Stockholm.

Lisa dreamed of building a family nest with Andryusha in Stockholm

They say that working in dirty and bustling Moscow is unbearable for her. But Malakhov dreamed of making a career in his native country. After receiving his diploma, he got a job on TV. The salary of a young specialist at the “first button” grew by leaps and bounds. But my personal life fell apart. In the end, the Swede broke off relations with Malakhov and left for her homeland. And after a while the news came that she committed suicide by jumping out of the window. Andrei took the loss seriously, threw himself into work and for a long time could not find his soul mate.

Marina Kuzmina

In the mid-2000s, the popular TV presenter began going out with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina. They met at a sports club party. The chosen one again turned out to be much older. Envious people spread rumors that an eligible groom was having a contractual affair with the owner of a mine in South Africa.

The TV presenter did crazy somersaults with Marina KUZMINA

The conversations intensified when it became known that Kuzmina had added Malakhov the missing amount to buy an apartment. But the showman said that he borrowed money, and having repaid it, he soon broke up with Marina.

“She couldn’t buy me,” Malakhov later summarized.

In total, their relationship lasted about two years.

Elena Korikova

When gossip columns began to write about Andrei’s affair with the star of “Poor Nastya” Korikova, not everyone believed in its authenticity - Malakhov courted her in a painfully graphic manner.

Elena KORIKOVA - the pearl of the journalist's collection

Consider, for example, his ostentatious steps when he presented the actress with a gorgeous ring and began to spread rumors that he would propose to Elena from the stage at the TEFI ceremony. As one would expect, no proposal followed, and the couple announced that they had separated.

Margarita Buryak

Korikova was replaced by another mature companion - Margarita Buryak. At first, there were rumors around the party that Andrei was taking this lady to nightclubs for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he was allegedly going to marry. But Express Gazeta journalists found out that this is not so.

Margarita BURYAK...

Our correspondent even met Malakhov and Buryak in the presenter’s homeland in Apatity, where they spent time together New Year holidays. But, alas, this relationship was short-lived. Soon Buryak returned to her millionaire husband Dmitry, who made his fortune in the trade of nutritional supplements.

...the showman even took him home to Apatity, where he celebrated the New Year as a family

Anna Sedokova

In the spring of 2009, Malakhov and Anna Sedokova suddenly became the most popular celebrity couple. Together they participated in television projects, hosted programs and even shot a video clip.

What Andrei liked most about Anya SEDOKOVA was her curvaceous figure and lovely curls

At the celebration of his birthday, Andryusha publicly promised to walk Anya down the aisle and even set a wedding date - 09.09.09. But instead of a celebration in September 2009, Malakhov introduced a new friend to the party - Natasha Shkuleva.

Natalya Shkuleva

The TV star’s love for Natasha did not awaken immediately. Shkuleva and Malakhov looked at each other for a long time, called each other, went to restaurants. Soon, friendly relations reached a new level. Malakhov’s friends assured: What Andrei likes about Natasha is that she is a non-secular person, does not like parties, is beautiful, modest, from a good family, and although she is not a star, her income is no less than his own. More than once the TV presenter said that what surprises him about his beloved is her insight.

The enviable bride Natalya SHKULEVA became the wife of an eligible bachelor

For example, when she first saw the duet from Azerbaijan who participated in Eurovision, she immediately said:
- They will win! Such crazy energy and talent!
The other day news came from France, where the wedding of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Versailles, which, according to rumors, cost half a million euros. One bride's dress cost 50 thousand.


There have long been rumors that Malakhov is also partial to the male sex. For example, according to the website life-star.ru, Andrei was once caught in the gay club “Three Monkeys”, accompanied by a tanned, brutal handsome man, whom the hero of the blue screen held by the hand.

Andrei Malakhov

And the website “Slukhi.ru” once posted information that supposedly the Odessa singer Maxiwave was a dear friend of the TV presenter. In an interview with Express Gazeta, the TV star explained how he felt about hints about his “blueness”:
- At first I was upset out of habit: what if my parents read it. And then he spat: do I have to prove the opposite with terrible force? My older comrades reassured me: “On the contrary, you should be pleased that both women and men like you: this is precisely real success!” So I try to take this hype calmly.

The star still has something to discuss with fashion designer Elena YARMAK


Close relationships at different times were attributed to Malakhov with:
  • fur queen Elena Yarmak;
  • sister of oil oligarch Alla Ruga;
  • TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak;
  • a relative of the owner of the Bosco di Cileggi trademark, Anna Moiseeva;
  • fashion designer and press secretary of State Duma deputy Emma Salimova;
  • designer Anna Burmistrova;
  • wife of a British embassy employee Svetlana Samoryaninova;
  • American fashion designer Calvin Klein;
  • Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave;
  • General Director of the boutique agency "R.S.V.P" Bettina von Schlippe.

Marina Kuzmina is a successful businesswoman, socialite, a bright representative of the glamorous beau monde of Moscow. There are legends about this woman, and none of them has exact confirmation. This shining example full-fledged women's emancipation. Fabulously rich, beautiful and powerful Kuzmina proved that women can lead big business not at all worse than men. However, she is not without feminine weaknesses. Marina is partial to clothes and considers every outing to be an excellent opportunity to “show out a new outfit.”

Biography of Marina Kuzmina

Marina Kuzmina was born on July 14, 1973 in the family of a military man. After school I entered the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Teresa. After graduating from the institute, she worked for some time as a translator.

In the early 90s she began her career in a Japanese metallurgical company. From a simple secretary rose to a position right hand head of the department. In Japan, the future businesswoman attended a practical business school. As Kuzmina herself later admitted, climbing career ladder was not easy. She had to work hard, often travel on business trips and sometimes risk her own life.

Having learned all the subtleties technological processes, she decided to open her transport company. Her partners were former teachers and employers. It began supplying raw materials to Russia and Ukraine and quickly found its niche in the metallurgical business. Now she owns the company Ashley Limited, which has a representative office in the UK.

People started talking about Marina Viktorovna at the beginning of the 2000s, when she became a frequent heroine of gossip columns. A few years later, she again disappeared from the sight of journalists.

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Arina Kuzmina: “I don’t pay attention to comments on social networks, I don’t consider myself a beauty, but I like myself”

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Andrei Malakhov and Marina Kuzmina did not pay attention to the gossip that always arose around the couple - even if, according to rumors, they were separated for almost 20 years

After Malakhov, Kuzmina switched to the young Vogue Cafe bartender Kirill. In 2005, she came with him to the GQ Awards, which was terribly disliked ex-lover Andrey. Kirill soon also found himself among those abandoned.

Kuzmina is not married. She speaks of men as objects that she acquires when she considers it necessary.