On Monday, September 4, lawyer Katya Gordon announced that actress Stella Baranovskaya had died. The young woman struggled for a long time with a serious cancer - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Zara, Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva tried to help their friend, but their efforts were in vain. In an attempt to alleviate her condition, Stella abandoned traditional treatment. Baranovskaya thought that he was not good for her.

Users of social networks express their condolences to Stella’s family and friends. Many of them can't believe it sudden death actress, whom spiteful critics suspected of wanting to profit from compassionate people. Baranovskaya's friends tried to support her in Hard time and defended against cruel accusations.

“My little beautiful girl! Who so wanted love and to be understood... She wanted to follow her own path and meet support along it! Who struggled so much and desperately believed in a miracle. And also in people... Who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me! Thank you for the love you gave. When there is a lot in the heart, the words get stuck in the throat... I scold myself for not having time last time tell you that I love you. But you know, little one, we will definitely meet again! Until the next life, my sweet girl! I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything I could have. Have a nice flight, my angel,” Anfisa Chekhova shared on Instagram.

Anfisa Chekhova's husband Guram Bablishvili wrote that he was grieving over the death of Stella Baranovskaya. The man made public one of the actress’s last appeals when she could no longer walk. In it, Stella thanked her loved ones and said goodbye to them.

“My family... There are only three of us, but you are so strong... Thanks to my friends who are still there. Anfisa, Katya, Anyuta, where would I be without you... Father and mother, I forgive you for everything and you will forgive me. God is your judge, I thank you for giving me this priceless life. I'm letting you go completely. I have no more grudges. I just accepted that everyone has their own path and not everyone knows how to love. May God grant you health and happiness. It’s incredibly hard, painful and difficult for me right now. My legs no longer walk, but my heart still beats...” the presenter’s husband quotes one of Stella’s last posts on Instagram.

The man also turned to Stella Baranovskaya and wished her to rest in peace.

“You loved life so much, you wanted to live so much... Now in another world, now on other planets. Fly in peace, little girl Stella. My condolences to your loved ones. First of all, to my son and grandmother,” the presenter’s husband shared.

Lera Kudryavtseva also said goodbye to Stella Baranovskaya in in social networks. “The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has passed away. I can't believe it and find it the right words. How you suffered and tormented, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul,” the TV presenter wrote on the microblog.

Simona Yunusova, mother of rapper Timati, knew the actress personally. “Only 30, but what a bright and love-filled life! I learned from you, girl, wisdom, patience and devotion. You knew how to see beauty and rejoice simple things... Rest in peace, stalwart soldier... There will forever be a place in my soul for your purple heart. You know what I mean,” the woman noted.

// Photo: frame from the “Live Broadcast” program

Singer Zara joined numerous condolences to the family and friends of Stella Baranovskaya. According to the performer, she was one of the first to learn about the death of a friend, but could not gather her thoughts and write about what happened.

“In recent days I have been next to her and tried to do everything to ease her suffering. Stella’s son, Danechka, lived with my family all this time. Wonderful, kind, a little hooligan, very loving mother. We went to children's stores, where he chose toys and stickers with images of butterflies, saying that his mother would certainly like them. We're not telling him anything yet. He's so small. Today Dani's great-grandmother picked him up. My heart breaks from the injustice of life. Stella really was like a butterfly - beautiful, fragile, kind, vulnerable... I really hope that her suffering is finally over. And we will take care of Danechka. Fly, dear,” the star shared.

Singer Maria Mia said that Stella Baranovskaya was an example for her. The young woman, who herself faced a serious illness, understood the actress like no one else. Despite the fact that at some point Stella’s illness subsided, then she felt unwell again. In recent days, Baranovskaya did not get out of bed.

“A year ago, not knowing about my diagnosis, I saw a post by this sweet and strong girl. She suffered from cancer... I admired and still admire. It was scary to find out that I myself had cancer. And today I found out that she was gone... She was in complete remission, but the cancer came back and took her. I’m in so much pain,” Maria said.

Lama Safonova, who, like Stella, told her story in the “Live Broadcast” program with Boris Korchevnikov, learned the sad news from the editor of Channel One. The singer recalled that she herself became a victim of severe bullying. At one time, Baranovskaya, who was accused of self-interest and the desire to “promote herself” on serious illness, stood up for Safonova. Then Lama was threatened by the oligarch who had rejected her.

“Today this girl who came on air to stand up for me is gone... She died in the process of rehabilitation. I can’t find words, tears are rolling from my eyes... Stella, brave, open little man, may it be light and easy for you in heaven... May the kingdom of heaven be with you... Thank you... You were so bright, beautiful... She didn’t want post documents about your illness. Cancer is the hardest grief. And not everyone is ready for people to read these terrible letters... She always wanted to look healthy and happy in the photo. Everyone has his own path. And that was her right. Sleep well,” said the Lama.

After long struggle Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer.

It is a complete shock to me! That there is still an opinion that Stella is a fraudster, and allegedly speculated on her illness in order to gain additional popularity and raise money for her alleged treatment. Here is one of the VKontakte groups where spiteful critics gathered. I’m simply amazed, and I wasn’t born yesterday, how stupid and worthless a “person” can be and at the same time the same “pravda-rubs” have families and children!! It’s hard to even call such creatures people. Rest in peace Stella.

Stella's friends expressed their condolences on social networks.

Katya Gordon was the first to announce the death of Stella Baranovskaya on her microblog on Instagram. The singer published a video in which she addressed the ill-wishers of the deceased. In the footage, Gordon, with tears in her eyes, stated that the people who accused Stella Baranovskaya of lying, “Stella died some kind of martyr’s death... in wild pain and worried that you are Max Kotin, even in this situation, you turned away from your little son. And she also cried because of your post Madina Tatraeva that she was a charlatan... her friends helped her... and she lived in poverty... Artem gave money to rent an apartment, Anfisa, Zara helped as best they could... but there is no person... there is a child Danya with a dash in the paternity column... and grandparents, rich socialites don’t even want to know about him...” Gordon signed the video (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note ed.).

Anfisa Chekhova also mourns Stella Baranovskaya. In her microblog on Instagram, the TV presenter published a touching post: “My little beautiful girl! Who so wanted Love, and to be understood... She wanted to follow her own path and meet support along it! Who struggled so much and desperately believed in a miracle. And also in the people... who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me!!! Thank you for the Love you gave. When there is a lot in the heart, words get stuck in the throat. I scold myself for not having time to tell you one last time that I love you. But you know, Tiny. We will definitely meet again! Until the next life, my sweet girl! I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything I could have. Have a nice flight, my angel."

Let us remind you that Stella Baranovskaya took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. The actress told how she managed to overcome a serious cancer disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Stella Baranovskaya told viewers about all the procedures she had to go through. However, few believed that the actress managed to defeat the disease in such a short time. On New Year's Eve, Stella felt unwell. The actress turned to doctors only a month later. Specialists diagnosed her with “leukemia” and prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

Young woman for a long time coped with the disease practically alone - the girl was literally hounded on social networks, accused of charlatanism. Judging by latest news, Stella Baranovskaya in last hours I have experienced extreme pain throughout my life. The young mother left behind a son, Daniil, six years old.

Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer - at the end of 2015 she was diagnosed terrible diagnosis: lymphoblastic leukemia, T-CEL lymphoma. On this occasion, a program was organized with her participation, in which the model and actress spoke about her misfortune.

Within a few recent years the actress talked about her successes in treatment on Instagram - there are pictures from various hospitals where the girl underwent chemotherapy. Thanks to the latest news and TV program, in 2016 Stella Baranovskaya managed to collect enough money for treatment abroad with the help of subscribers and simply caring people.

After going into remission, the actress decided to abandon the methods of officially fighting lymphoma and decided to undergo treatment with detoxification and infrared radiation in Florida. This method, according to its developers, consists of a certain diet, thanks to which the body is cleansed of harmful accumulations and becomes stronger. Needless to say, a woman exhausted by chemotherapy and disappointing forecasts, grabbed the promises of pseudo-healers as if it were the last straw.

On her social network page, Stella even boasted to her followers about her bright prospects for the future and her prettier appearance. appearance. This news was instantly grabbed by bloggers, who initially considered the actress’s performance simply a desire to promote herself and pull out as much as possible more money from the compassionate fans of the little-known Baranovskaya - in the woman’s archive there is only 1 role, a girl with a foreign car in the film “The Cosmonaut’s Grandson”.

Several groups were organized whose administrators openly gossiped about the woman’s illness and accused her of self-interest. They ridiculed the actress’s stories that fresh vegetables and an infrared sauna gave her more health than all the procedures she underwent in official clinics.

Stella really felt better during that period, as Katya Gordon, a close friend of the actress, says, and there was hope for a complete healing. Suddenly the disease began to develop in at an accelerated pace and on the night of September 4, Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer, worried about accusations of misuse of collected funds. According to relatives, and many celebrities were friends with the woman (Zara, Anfisa Chekhova, Lera Kudryavtseva), Baranovskaya’s last hours were accompanied by terrible pain.

Her son Daniil had the “father” column left blank on his birth certificate. Shortly before her death, Baranovskaya asked her friend Katya Gordon - she is a part-time lawyer - to help collect documents to confirm paternity. Apparently, she felt that the end was near and was worried about the fate of her baby, like any mother.

While the woman was healthy, Daniil had no need for his father’s care - Baranovskaya provided everything necessary for her son herself. However, death made its own adjustments, and the six-year-old was left an orphan. He lives with Stella's grandmother. Whether the friend will be able to bring the lawsuit to a victorious end is still unknown. Perhaps the careless father himself will respond to such a misfortune and take Danya to him - I would like to believe in this. According to the woman’s friends, Maxim Kotin, whom the baby resembles like 2 drops of water, does not want to hear anything about the child.

As for the actress’s parents, they absolutely do not need a grandson, according to Baranovskaya’s friends - the girl’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, did not comment on questions about the fate of her grandson. Katya Gordon said that relatives dead woman quite rich people. Nevertheless, Baranovskaya died in a rented apartment and alone, except for the constant presence of her grandmother and son next to the sick woman.

Whether this is true or just a desperate statement from a close friend is unclear. Indeed, in her stories about the treatment process on the social network, Baranovskaya constantly said that she was in the clinics with her mother.

Nothing is known about Stella’s dad, who will his son stay with and whether he will live in orphanage with so many relatives and relative popularity deceased mother. The woman’s funeral was handled exclusively by her friends, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Katya Gordon turned to the child's father with open letter on social networks, reproaching him for cowardice and callousness. There was no answer; apparently the man decided not to show that he had anything to do with this situation.

On the morning of September 4, actress Stella Baranovskaya, who, unfortunately, gained fame not thanks to her talent, died of cancer. No one believed that the girl would die, and many even accused her of an imaginary illness, so her death came as a complete surprise to Internet users.

Stella Baranovskaya was almost unknown to the general Russian film public - the actress played mostly episodic roles in low-budget films and TV series. The girl gained fame in 2015 after she began collecting funds for cancer treatment on social networks. The actress was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia, but there was no money for treatment: work was not going well, and she also had a child in her arms, whose father did not pay child support. By the way, Maxim Kotin, from whom Stella gave birth to a son in 2011, never recognized paternity. Recently it became known that Maxim married the daughter of an alcohol magnate, Polina.

Having saved a sufficient amount from donations, Stella underwent a course of chemotherapy, after which she felt a little better.

To prevent metastasis, Stella relied on unconventional methods treatment and went to one of the US clinics, where cancer patients were promised to be cured through detoxification.

Baranovskaya published photographs from the beach belonging to the clinic where she was treated, but Internet users suspected that she was collecting money not for recovery, but for vacations at fashionable resorts.

The actress did not pay attention to the attacks, and at the beginning of last year she wrote: “Today, March 22, 2016, my main victory happened - I won Life!” Haters continued to attack the girl, so Stella took part in the talk show “Live”, in which she said that she was indeed in remission.

In December 2016, Baranovskaya suddenly became ill. After several courses of chemotherapy, she did not feel better, so, after consulting with her mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, she again decided to resort to unconventional treatment methods. Desperate Stella went to Mexico to see a certain healer who promised to give one single injection that could kill everything. cancer cells. The injection did not help: the girl was getting worse.

According to Katya Gordon, her close friend, last days Throughout her life, Stella suffered from pain and could no longer walk.

Next to her were close friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. All this time, Stella’s son Danya was with Gordon.

Before her death, Baranovskaya was going to file a paternity claim, and Katya helped her with this. “I wrote requests for help to Stella so that she would know that her child, who is exactly like Maxim, would not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered,” Gordon said. - Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases.” Due to the actress’s grave condition, they did not have time to file a claim: she died in terrible pain.

According to Katya, the rich paternal grandparents do not even want to hear about the existence of a grandson. Dani has only her maternal grandmother left.

The site expresses its condolences to the family and friends of Stella Baranovskaya.

People like Stella Baranovskaya are usually envied. She was beautiful girl, happily shared photos on Instagram, from which many concluded that “life was good.” Cars, flowers, lips, legs, restaurants, more bouquets. And you wouldn’t wish the misfortunes that befell the 31-year-old actress on your enemy. She had to face complete hatred strangers, a serious illness. And even the fact that before her death she did not have the opportunity to take care of the future of her little child.

I wish I could live and not bother. But at the beginning of last year she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She underwent treatment in the USA and Russia. Initially, she underwent several courses of chemotherapy, which made her feel much worse. At some point, she really began to be treated with everything she could. Weiland Rodd, ex-husband Irina Ponarovskaya, tried to treat her with a strict diet - juices, vegetables and fruits. And she tried to heal herself with chlorophyll... The essence of this method is to saturate cancer cells with a natural preparation from spirulina in order to activate the release of oxygen under the influence of laser irradiation.

Alternative medicine did its job, but not at all what the patient expected. In the final stages, she was no longer taken for chemotherapy, since both her kidneys and liver were already failing. Yes, she wouldn’t have helped at this stage. Even those doctors who offered her chemotherapy did not give guarantees and honestly warned that her body might not be able to withstand it. But Stella convinced herself that she was feeling better, thereby wasting precious time.

At the beginning of last year she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Photo:

All this time, the girl was supported by Lera Kudryavtseva and Anfisa Chekhova, who helped spread information about Stella’s illness. There wasn’t a lot of money for treatment from the very beginning, so a fundraiser was announced. And then they came, the “haters.” Who began to flood the Internet with streams of hatred, trying to convince the public that Stella was lying. Entire groups were created where everyone could kick a sick woman. There were also witnesses who saw in different places of the capital a happy, contented woman who did not look dying at all.

At the end of 2016, the girl went on “Live” then to Boris Korchevnikov, where she honestly spoke about her illness, that the treatment helped her and she had a lot of chances for life, and also answered the haters. But the disease did not subside.

After treatment in America (where, by the way, as family friends say, her mother flew to see her), Stella swam, sunbathed, and tried to enjoy life. Then it got worse.

Stella, meanwhile, realizing that the end was just around the corner, tried to decide the fate of her son. Katya Gordon, who is now trying to help the child, says:

“Anfisa Chekhova contacted me to help her friend Stella with Lera Kudryavtseva. They asked her to make a will, and told her about difficult situation with baby. It was urgent to establish paternity, since Stella practically did not walk. And after her death, 6-year-old Dani had only his rather elderly great-grandmother. According to Stella, her mother (Dani’s grandmother) never really helped her with treatment. And, therefore, she really did not want the child to go to her mother. She once called me and told me that she needed a child solely for the sake of money. Well, in front of me, her mother really didn’t help much. And I witnessed how once relatives transferred money for Stella’s treatment, and my mother did not deliver it. That’s why Baranovskaya asked to somehow get through to the child’s father.”

She was a beautiful girl, happy to share photos on Instagram Photo: Personal page hero of a social network post

According to Stella, several years ago she had difficult relationships with Maxim Kotin. His mother, Irina Winter, regularly appears in gossip columns and tells glossy publications about her garden. The interior designer and art director of the “Galleries on Mosfilm” no, no, yes, he will post on Instagram photos from luxurious vacations on yachts, trips in expensive cars and other attributes of an expensive life. My friends on Facebook are all decent people: gallery owners (Aidan Salakhova), lawyers (Alexander Dobrovinsky), magazine publishers. There is even Maria Maksakova. Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, previously headed the copper department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. Now he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC. And, apparently, he is not in poverty at all.

It is unknown who will raise the little son of a deceased woman Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

When little Daniel was born, Stella brought the baby to meet relatives and ask for some alimony out of naivety. But, as the poor mother told her friends in horror, the grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in again.” Then the disease was not close and on the horizon, so she coped with the first five years of her son’s life without outside help and the need to recognize the child. But when she was already in a completely sad state, realizing that the child was already left with her great-grandmother, who was not able to take care of him, she decided to start establishing paternity - maybe dad would take care of the boy after her death.

According to Stella, several years ago she had an affair with major Maxim Kotin Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

“I wrote to Maxim Kotin, who, according to Stella, is biological father Dani (they are really very similar). And she wrote it to her mother, Irina Wintour, Gordon continues. - She told me that this was the situation and I needed help. She might not know that this is the situation with Stella, and that she considers Maxim the father of her child. After which I was immediately blocked, depriving me of the opportunity to write. Although, I could have written “you’re wrong, Katya,” or “I don’t know anything about this,” but I simply decided to ignore it. Anfisa Chekhova and I sincerely believed that the boy’s father would respond. And they even sent photos of Stella in a deplorable state. And we had all the medical documents on hand. We periodically took care of the child, who observed this most cruel picture of his mother dying. The boy was periodically with me, then with Anfisa. Now he is with the singer Zara, where he spent the last three days. We were all puzzled by his fate. I kept wanting a notary to come to her as soon as possible, which was not so easy, since Stella was in a clinic 80 kilometers from Moscow. But at some point it seemed to her that she was recovering. And so she postponed the notary until later. Although we had already approved a claim with her to establish paternity and were ready to file it. At the same time, a year ago, the real persecution of Stella began. Since she was accused of not being sick and deceiving people for money. A certain Madina and her mother went on TV and said that Baranovskaya was a charlatan. And even last Friday she was ready to go on TV with a story about her theft. This hurt Stella to the core, and she was even ready to take a lie detector test if they brought it to her. For she no longer walked and screamed from any touch to her. When we put in an IV, the blood was very thick, and it was clear that she was living her last days.”

Irina Winter regularly appears in gossip columns and tells glossy publications about her garden Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

Stella is gone, but 6-year-old Danya remains with a dash in the “father” column. And also grandparents, the cream of our society, pretend that the child does not exist. Beautiful people In general, it’s hard to be unhappy - who will feel sorry for them? It's her own fault, obviously. They will also spit in your back. This story is more about that, and not about the fact that a girl who became ill from chemotherapy decided to try everything to be treated in an attempt to save herself, and eventually died. What will happen to the child? Unclear. Who will be in charge of establishing paternity - Dani's old great-grandmother? Or will “secular people” take pity on the boy and take him under their wing? Or will he still go to an orphanage?


“Danya will stay with me”

Of course, Danya will stay with me, I already have him! - Stella’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The boy is going to kindergarten, he will start school in a year. And in general, he grew up with me, you know?

- Will you somehow contact Maxim Kotin?

Not yet. Today this is not the main thing. Everything that happened to my daughter was out of despair. Danya is really Maxim's child. And someday they may communicate. I worry about something else: why didn’t those people who surrounded my daughter understand that she had to be saved? Make her fight for her life. She has a little son!

- So she didn’t listen to your advice?

She is very tired. What to do when everyone around you says that you are a liar, deceiving, and making money. Let these people now live happily ever after with what they did...