Ararat Keskian became famous after the role in the series "Univer". But the first success on the big scene came to him still at the time of the game in KVN.

Despite the glory of Lovelas and a real womanist because of the role of Michael's hero, he is a loving father and a good husband. With his wife Catherine Shepet, they raise a little daughter and develop their business.

Who touched Donzhuan?

Ekaterina Shepet - Beauty with spectacular forms, was born in Kazakhstan in 1989. After graduation, I moved to Moscow to enter one of the universities. From the first attempt, she became a MSTU student by choosing the Designer Faculty. But without reading the year, Katya realized that her vocation was completely different. She took the documents and translated into RGTU. He graduated from the institute in 2012, receiving a diploma of a specialist "according to public relations".

Since childhood, Katya took an active part in beauty contests - she really liked to be the center of attention, she was glad to new acquaintances. Her close and fans always admired her luxurious long hair and model forms. The girl became a regular participant in various competitions among the beauties of Kazakhstan. It cannot be said that she constantly occupied prizes, but the attention from judges and the jury was never deprived.

Now, only registered diplomas and a few awards are reministed about past hobbies, because at the moment she is a happy young mother and founder of their own business.

Dream came true

Catherine is married to the idol of millions of girls. Registration of their marriage took place in 2013. Moreover, her young people played as much as three times - first for loved ones and relatives, then for colleagues, and the third time - for their relatives in Kostanay. There were no journalists at the celebration, because young wanted to divide the joy only with the most close people for themselves. As the girl itself remembers, their first acquaintance with Ararat took place with the participation of both in one of the projects of Sarik Andreasyan. Ararat came up with scenarios and took part in them, and Katya worked as a Parachik of these projects.

Ararat admits that at the first meeting, Catherine's beauty was fighting. Well, who would have able to resist the beauty of the blonde with long curls and an elegant figure? Ekaterina Ararat was married to his wife Irina and at the time of their acquaintance had already managed to psychologically adapt after the divorce. After an unsuccessful marriage, he gave himself a promise to never marry, but meeting Katya completely let these thoughts released.

Kinder Surprise

A year after a legitimate marriage, the spouses were born a daughter, which was called Eve. Such an event became an unexpected surprise for newly-made parents, because during pregnancy, doctors assured that a boy would have a boy. Ararat greatly turns out to combine the role of a caring father and a loving husband.

Despite the fact that Catherine's younger spouse for 11 years and they have different religious views, their marriage is considered ideal. A couple is rarely divided by its family pictures on social networks, thereby without attracting unnecessary views and unnecessary gossip to their family. Ekaterina also admitted that the sake of respect for her husband began to study Armenian language and learned how to prepare national dishes of Armenia.

Interesting notes:

Wedding Fairy

At the moment, the girl is not only engaged in raising a little daughter, but also is the director of the Wedding Agency "Utkin House". The idea to create a company that will help the newlyweds make their main day in life just perfect, has appeared for a long time.

Ararat calls his wife "Wedding Fairy" and true businesswomanwhich not only has a favorite hobby and earns money on it. The spouse is actively filming in comedy films, the wife leads its own business - a beautiful family, where everyone is busy with their favorite business. In his free time, Ararat and Katya love to visit various entertainment events and shows.

Catherine, like no other, shows a bright example of how the ordinary girl came to the capital and thanks to his purposefulness not only achieved tremendous success in business, but managed to find his love and build a strong family.

As Ararat himself says, Catherine is more home, rather than a public person. They can safely choose a quiet cozy evening at home, than to go to a noisy party.

Despite the fact that the girl's work takes quite a long time, in the first place for her there is a family and parenting of daughter. This quality in it really appreciates the husband who gained real happiness with the appearance of Catherine in his life.

"The spouse reported that she was pregnant, an unusual way," recalls an actor. - Surprise was presented in a small box with the results of pregnancy tests. From joy I wanted to fly, but, as I called, the legs were sinking. "

On the ultrasound, we are with Catherine (the actor's wife. - approx. Antennas) went together. Initially, doctors said that there would be a boy. I was already morally tuned to the fact that the son will appear, waiting for him. So when it turned out that the girl would be born, the brain took a reboot. Katya decided that I was disappointed about the floor of the future child. With tears asked: "You do not want a daughter?!"

I had to convince a long time that I just need time to realize everything. At the end of pregnancy, I already strengthened my wife: "Let's already, give birth to a daughter. Enough to keep it. " Now it is difficult to imagine himself, I could love the boy so much as I love Eve.

Daughter gives dad to sleep

Always experienced special weakness to children. A child on the street is a smile. When I come to visit my family or friends who have children, the first half an hour we give babies. Brother has two, cousins \u200b\u200bhave big families. I nursed all my nephews. Therefore, experience was already. Special literature for future parents did not read, the courses did not attend. I do not enjoy innovations, books, psychologists. I think, with a rare exception, all this is garbage.

I can not say that the pregnancy has greatly affected the character of Kati. Everything went under the rules. Periodically there were mood swings. For example, due to weather changes. Globally, the same emotional background did not suffer. In the health plan, everything went, pah-pah-pah, smoothly.

We went to the hospital together, but I was waiting for a generic door. Watch the process, breathe together, it is not for me. At first he heard only the cry of his wife, then the voice of another woman added to him, my daughter. After some time they allowed to enter, look at Eve. It was, of course, happy, but calm.

To the first bathing, I was allowed only as an observer. The bathroom was playing the mother-in-law and wife. And now the spouse in most cases is coping independently. Although I can do any responsibilities if Katya does not have time. No need to force, do it with pleasure and without problems. My daughter is calm. Without hysterical. I cried when the teeth were cut (now we have 10), but my mother quickly managed to calm down. Evochka Well done, gives dad to sleep.

The choice of name for the child was given to his wife. First, Katya suggested calling her daughter Victoria, like her close girlfriend. But I, honestly, did not really like the idea. I asked to think more. When Eva sounded, he immediately agreed. And me, and my wife has a name. Now I call the daughter of Eva, and Katya gentle: "Bead". The chosen name daughter in the shower. Already at all is trying to say: "Ava-Ava".

The first word is more expensive than the second

During the pregnancy of his wife, we lived far from our apartment, closer to the set. And when they moved to his own apartment, Eva had a legal lair. Everything is interesting to her, and she is interested in everything, the daughter drags to himself and hides on the slits. The hose from the rusticity and went at all in the fly. Half the room occupies a huge teddy bear. And under his paws and booties, you can find missing objects in the house. What is just not detected! The daughter went to the grandfather, strong, so it easily moves even heavy things. While Eva's room was not secured, except for the corners of the glass trumpem under the TV with silicone linings closed. Otherwise, everything, as in other rooms. I think the child must be a sample and mistakes to understand what to wear around the house and climb where it should not be painful and dangerous.

At 9 months, Eva went, at 10 - confidently ran. Doctors said, it is too early, can harm the spine. And what should I do if a person himself decided to get up and go at this age? It means that its body is ready. It is active. But countless. "Dad" was her first word. And for a long time she uttered only him. Having barely kneading me on the TV, poked his finger into the screen and said "Pa Para". Mom was very worried. But recently also honored his mention from the mouth of her daughter. While Eva vocabulary is limited to its name, "Pope" and "Mom". Does not want to descend to our level and spend the forces on words. She is enough index finger and several sounds to show what you need. We are not a hurry. When the queen collapses, then speak.

I do not allow your daughter to capricious

Katya quickly left the decree and now actively works. I do not mind, let him do what you like. Itself is only easier. After all, from around the clock seating in four walls, you can go away. And with the upbringing of Eve, nanny is strongly helped us. She is from Ukraine. Quickly found a common language with my daughter. In addition to what looks after Eva, it plays with her, nanny is tightly engaged in the development of the child. Maybe therefore we have an intelligible daughter.

With her parents, no disputes have emerged about the education of the daughter. Despite all their love for his granddaughter, at the desire to see it as often as possible, moms understand that the last word will remain for us in any case. They can only sometimes direct their advice and recommendations. And we all decide ourselves.

When it was time to cut Eve, a friend said that it was necessary to take a daughter to the salon, where they would distract her to the game. Allegedly so the child will not stress. What stress? This is the usual procedure! Our parents somehow raised us, brought up without all these salons. And they turned out much better than the next generations. The same story with gadgets. I am categorically opposed to engage in the child with smartphones. You can play, but dosed. And for the most part it is necessary to entertain yourself, even the desire to dig in the phone did not arise. The child must run in the park, ride a bike, and not spend all the time in front of the monitor.

Eva Favorite toys - Papina Soccer Balls "Manchester United". I am pleased to kick them all over the apartment. Likes to climb on a plastic pipe, I make it makes it and surprised when dad with its dimensions in this pipe stuck. She also likes colorful books. Maybe for a long time to sit with them, studying pictures. Get well with babies, contact girl. True, constantly trying to pick up toys from other children. But then returns .- Eva believes that Katya does not know how to get out at home. And with pleasure it corrects. Things are incorrectly folded, they must be scattered by the floor. Mamin and father's shoes must be lying in ahead, not separately. It is desirable that the left pope shoe stood next to the right boot of Mom. And we agree with such a procedure, it means that it should be.

Daughter almost all causes positive emotions. She adores dancing. Only hesitate to music, begins to jog-handles. Saws to mom when she sings her lullaby. But it categorically does not like to be photographed. As soon as you guide the camera, stops smile, play.

With the advent of his daughter changed completely. I feel an insurmountable desire after work Rather go home, see Evochka to sleep. Most of the free time gives the child. Constantly Sysyukayu, until it starts to heal. True, only married friends with children understand me. Recently, I have developed superpossesses. It became more attentive, concentration, speed and coordination rose at times. I can teleport per second, if a person hangs out from the sofa. On the other hand, I can get lost per second. If she hugs me, all, let the whole world wait!

New wife Ararat Ksekyana. Model from Costa (Kazakhstan), which is studied in Moscow. In 2007, after graduating from the gymnasium. M. Gorky girl went to Moscow to receive higher education. Initially, she tried herself as a student of the Faculty of Design in MGTU. Kosygin. But after a month I realized that it was not her, and entered the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) by choosing a specialty "public relations". Now she ends the university, excellent, goes to a red diploma. I must say, Ekaterina Shepet in Moscow is quite in demand. For example, when preparing this material, we found her photos with the famous Russian actor Dmitry Dyughz. It was done at the time when Katya worked in one metropolitan film company and participated in the PR campaigns of the film "Pregnant" with Dyughz, Mikhail Galustin and Anna Sedokova in high roles. Now the girl works in one of the Moscow PR agencies. "I was lucky with the choice of specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge gained at the university for five years," says Catherine. - I note that I went to Moscow not to conquer her, but to receive education and live here. I always liked this city, here I feel comfortable. I come home every six months, I really miss my family! - Career model went to the past or do you continue to do it? "I never sought to build a career in the model business," Catherine clarifies. - I just just participated in contests than I worked as a model. It all started since childhood. When I was five years old, to the question: "Who do you want to become?" I answered, turning around the mirror: "Fashion model." When she grabbed, I had very long hair, and everyone was told that I need to go to school models. Went. Then I was invited to the beauty contest "Miss Kostanay", there I won the nomination. Further - "Miss Tourism Kostanay-2005", the nomination "Miss Star Smile" and "Miss Prophoto Agency" at the Kazakhstan competition "Miss Tourism Kazakhstan-2005", entered the top ten at the All-Russian Beauty Competition "Miss Volga". For me, it was fascinating to visit different cities, communicate with girls, learn something new. I think it was a hobby. It's time when it was outlived herself, I entered the university, and the crown remained from the competitive years, ribbons with nominations and memories. The fact that now, in connection with marriage, the media represent me as a Kostanay / Kazakhstan model, I do not really like it. By the way, his wedding with Ararata, and his journalists are always attacking questions about personal life, we have not advertised anywhere and do not want to do this. Our joint photograph located on the site of one Kostanay newspaper was made at my iPhone - it is not clear how he got into the media ... based on the local newspaper

Model Date of birth September 4th (Virgo) 1989 (29) Place of birth Kostanay Instagram @katyakeshchyan

Catherine Shepet is a spectacular blue-eyed blonde with an ideal figure, the wife of the popular actor Ararat Kesana. The girl was born on September 4, 1989 in Kazakhstan, Kostanay. While very young, Catherine participated in various beauty contests. This passion brought in her life bright impressions, new acquaintances and the opportunity to travel. Now only numerous awards and letters resemble this period of life.

Biography of Catherine Shepet

The girl's dream was a fashion model. Little Katya loved to spin at the mirror for a long time, and after a while she went to school models. From this time, the biography of Catherine began a period of participation in contests and competitions.

First, the girl was invited to participate in Miss Kostanay, where she won the main title, the contests "Miss Tourism Kostanay-2005", "Miss Tourism Kazakhstan-2005" took place. The audience admired the spectacular appearance of the girl, but she liked to be the center of attention. Then followed participation in the All-Russian Competition "Miss Volga". The jury unanimously included her in the top ten most charming contestants.

Having finished in 2007 in his native Kostanay school named after Gorky, young beauty goes to the capital of Russia. According to her the very girl, she had no goal to conquer Moscow, she wanted only to live in this city and get a good education.

From the first attempt, it enters MSTU. Catherine was supposed to become a designer, but he studied quite a bit, realized that he was mistaken with the choice of a future profession. Shelpets changes the university, comes in the RGGU, deciding to become a public relations specialist. In 2012, she finishes training and receive a diploma.

After graduating from the university, the girl is arranged to work in the Moscow PR - agency. Being promoting different projects, Catherine enters the company directed by Sarik Andreasyan. At the same time, Ararat Keskan is working on Andreasyan films scenarios. The love of Ekaterina Shepet and the stars of the series "Univer" broke out at a glance.

Personal life Ekaterina Shepyti

In 2013, Catherine and Ararat got married. Their wedding was celebrated three times: first colleagues were invited, then close friends, and a separate celebration took place at the bride's homeland for her parents.

Couple rarely posts family photos into free access and refrain from comment on personal life. The family for them is a sacred concept and they prefer not to advertise the details of family life.