
4 Sep 2018

Many say that it is easier for the children of celebrities to get on the big stage, because their parents’ surname works for them. Such a statement has the right to life, but on the other hand, colleagues in the shop are also not blind and can treat undeservedly promoted actors or TV presenters with the utmost severity

Son Dmitry Nagiyev Kirill had no intention of becoming an actor, but, as often happens, chance decided everything. Today we will tell you more about the life and career of this guy.

Kirill was born in Leningrad on the last day of summer 1989 into a family Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher. The parents, who were building their careers at that moment, literally shifted all the worries of raising their son onto the shoulders of his grandparents.

As his father’s popularity grew, Kirill had a hard time. The guy was regularly beaten and bullied. This is all due to the fact that Nagiyev Sr. periodically tried on dresses for women for roles in “Modern”.

On the other hand with early years Kirill saw all the ins and outs of popularity: stalkers, rabid fans, extortionists. In general, he had no desire to follow in his father’s footsteps.

As a child, the guy wanted to play hockey, but his father did not share his intentions. Dmitry gave Kirill to fight. Despite the fact that the boy went to training as if he were going to hard labor, he never managed to convince his father.

In addition, as a schoolboy, Kirill experienced his parents’ divorce (the couple officially separated only in 2010, but had not lived together for 8 years before that). The boy wanted to reconcile his father and mother, but nothing worked out for him. I had to periodically live with one or the other.

Kirill’s debut as an actor took place in his father’s project “Beware, Zadov!” Dmitry had nowhere to leave the boy, so he regularly took him to filming, where he helped as best he could. At the age of 15, Kirill played a cameo role in one of the episodes of the series.

Unexpectedly, Nagiyev Jr. liked acting, so much so that Kirill joined a theater club and began singing in the school choir. When the guy finished school, the previously alien profession became to his liking, and his father’s popularity ceased to irritate him.

Kirill enters the Moscow Art Theater School. But after a while, the guy’s course leader fell ill, and the new teacher began to be very biased towards him. Nagiyev almost gave up everything, but decided to transfer to SPbGATI.

Even then, Kirill starred in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters,” where he was one of the suitors older sister. After this, several more episodic roles followed...

At first, Dmitry Nagiyev helped his son get the role. For example, he got him into the famous play “Kysya”. The guy was very worried, but in the end the audience applauded him along with everyone else. “Now for one money you can see two Nagiyevs”, - the audience joked.

One of the most successful roles in Kirill’s career can be considered participation in the filming of the film "Brigade: Heir", where he played the main character's friend. Among the subsequent appearances of Nagiyev Jr. on the screen, we highlight the series “Prince of Siberia” and the film “Territory of Jah”.

As for his personal life, for several years now Kirill has been living with a girl named Yulia Melnikova. She works graphic designer. The couple is in no hurry to formalize their relationship.

IN Lately Kirill can be seen more and more often on television. He was the host of the “Revizorro Show” program together with Elena Letuchaya. Also, Nagiyev Jr. was going to implement his old idea. He filmed a pilot episode of the travel show “Holiday Every Day.”

Ruslan Golovatyuk

The most attentive and observant editor of the team, an intelligent person. He can effectively carry out several tasks at the same time, remembers everything down to the smallest detail, and not a single detail can escape his keen eye. Everything in his articles is clear, concise and to the point. Ruslan also understands sports no worse than professionals, so articles in the corresponding section are his everything.

Kirill Nagiyev is the son of Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher. This guy was born in 1989 and at the time of writing this article he was 28 years old. He is an actor by profession, but not as crafty as his father. At one time, Dmitry Nagiyev had to go through fire, water and copper pipes in order to become what he became. Long years the future celebrity was making ends meet, he fell asleep and saw himself as a wealthy person: a house, cars, restaurants, luxury vacations, recognition, demand. Dmitry Nagiyev has earned his status and now he is glad that he has the opportunity to help his son, who will not have to, as he once did, take on any project just to provide himself and his family with a piece of bread. It should be noted that judging by the interviews, father and son have completely different temperaments. For example, Kirill dreams of spending time in solitude; his favorite vacation spot is Karelia, where he spends many months in a row, fishing, sleeping in a tent, feeding mosquitoes and admiring the pristine nature of those regions. In addition, Kirill Nagiyev enjoys skateboarding, skiing, surfing, moonlights as a DJ, and has his own business, which brings him, although small, quite stable income, and of course, he acts in films from time to time. That is, he is not eager to become famous like his father, although he would not refuse such an opportunity, but to do everything in his power and beyond his control and pay too much for it high price he clearly doesn't intend to. By the way, Kirill Nagiyev is very interesting person, I judge it all from the interviews he gave. That is, the guy is holistic, sensible, and treats those things with irony. difficult situations that happen in his life. The son of Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher is very worthy, and his parents are rightfully proud of him.

It is interesting that Dmitry Nagiyev at one time was not ready to become a father, and when Alisa Sher became pregnant, he dissuaded her from giving birth, saying it was not the time, we were young, we could barely make ends meet, but his wife decided to give birth to a child at all costs . Dmitry Nagiyev wandered around for a while, even disappeared from her life for several months, but then he returned to the family and eventually became an exemplary father.

An interesting fact is that Kirill Nagiyev calls his dad nothing more than Dima. The fact is that when Kirill was born, his parents were still very young, they lived together with the large family of Alisa Sher, many seniors in rank called Dmitry Nagiyev Dima, which is how Kirill got used to calling his dad by name.

Kirill Nagiyev has a girlfriend, her name is Yulia Melnikova. She works as a graphic designer. Kirill has been dating Yulia for a long time, although in an interview he stated that he does not want to start a family, but it is possible that these are just words and this handsome guy nevertheless, sooner or later he will take on obligations and marry his chosen one.

Yulia Melnikova is the girlfriend of Kirill Nagiyev.

Alisa Sher (real name Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva) is the first and so far the only famous wife Dmitry Nagiyev, it is possible that the showman got married again, but decided not to tell anyone about it, thereby keeping his personal life under seven seals. And rightly so, why put it on display. Dmitry Nagiyev is not one of those people who advertises his novels.

In this photo, Alisa Sher is the mother of Kirill Nagiyev, ex-wife Dmitry Nagiyev.

In this photo, Kirill Nagiyev with his mother Alisa Sher.

Childhood photo of Kirill Nagiyev.

Dmitry Nagiyev is an interesting, multifaceted and mysterious personality, but few people know about the personal life of a sex symbol. The actor himself is in no hurry to talk about this. One thing is known - Dmitry was always surrounded by fans, literally drowned in female attention, was considered eligible bachelor. The news that Nagiyev is married became a real bomb.

Wife of Dmitry Nagiyev

Dmitry's wife turned out to be Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva, who is known to the public as Alisa Sher. Nagiyev’s first wife is famous for her assertiveness and determination. Beginning creative path in Lenconcert, she got a place as a presenter on the Modern radio, and subsequently took the position of director at the Peter FM radio station, and received an award in the category “Best Voice of Russia”. In addition, Alice tried herself as a writer, TV presenter, and actress. Who would have thought that a woman was obediently waiting for her husband at home, without giving away her existence?

Alisa Sher and Dmitry Nagiyev – photo

Married Nagiyev walked and told everyone that he was looking for his soul mate, his photos with beauties appeared with enviable regularity. On the other hand, Dmitry Nagiyev and his wife did not appear anywhere, as they carefully hid their family to create the image of a polished, handsome bachelor. In his youth, Dmitry was not a brutal macho and an irresistible handsome man; it was Alla Anatolyevna Nagiyeva who told her husband how to look like a sexy man who would drive all the women in the country crazy. By doing this, the actress harmed herself.

Alisa Sher - I was Nagiyev's wife

While married to Dmitry, Alla wrote the book “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife.” It revealed everything family secrets. The time spent with the idol of millions was remembered by Cher for her side affairs and her husband’s love affairs, disguised as friendship. Despite everything, the famous radio presenter loved her husband, waited for the call and forgave everything, but Alisa Sher herself left Dmitry Nagiyev, tired of such a life. The couple's divorce took place immediately after the book was published. Thus ended a star-studded marriage of 18 years. Alla does not hide her feelings years later. She published another book, How to Never Get Married.

Nagiyev Dmitry, his wife and son

Alice Sher's book showed many details of their life, everyone found out who Nagiyev was married to. When Dmitry was 21 years old, a son, Kirill, appeared in the family: Alla insisted on the birth of a child. A difficult period began in the actor’s life. Nagiyev Dmitry, his wife and son lived in the apartment of Alisa’s parents. There was no money, I had to take evening jobs. Dmitry did not forget the child, spent time with him and even washed his diapers. Today, father and son are very close, the younger Nagiyev tries to imitate the elder in everything, adopting his father’s wit, cynicism, audacity and charisma. This is confirmed by joint photos.

Family of Dmitry Nagiyev - wife and children: photo

The answer to the question whether Nagiyev has a wife and children has always worried the fairer sex. The sexy TV presenter is constantly credited with new novels, as well as children. Dmitry himself is in no hurry to let others in on his personal life, thereby giving rise to rumors. According to Nagiyev, cinema and theater are in second place, women in first. At the same time, the actor believes that “personal life is an intimate territory.”

Dmitry Nagiyev and his wife Natalya Kovalenko

Soon after the divorce, fans learned about the TV presenter’s second chosen one: it was Natalya Kovalenko, who for a long time worked as an administrator for Nagiyev. According to rumors, their romance began even before Dmitry and Alice’s divorce. The showman introduced his girlfriend to his close friends as future wife, although this wedding was not destined to happen. Dmitry Nagiyev and his wife Natalya Kovalenko lived in an unofficial marriage for almost 7 years and separated. Today they have a purely working relationship.

Nagiyev's new wife

After the divorce, following Nagiyev’s biography became more difficult than ever. Particularly persistent journalists had difficulty finding out that the actor was not free now. He decided to get married again. New wife Nagiyeva allegedly has nothing to do with show business - she is not an actress, not a singer, her name is Kristina. They even say that the couple has joint child. Dmitry, meanwhile, is immersed in work - he is currently filming the TV series Kitchen, while Nagiyev remains silent, smiles mysteriously, without commenting on rumors about himself. So maybe Russian show business will soon lose another eligible groom.

It turns out that the only one, at least ex-wife actor, showman, presenter Dmitry Nagiyev is Alisa Sher. We can safely say that this main woman in the life of a spectacular macho. She is a mother only son actor, in addition, Nagiyev and Alisa Sher lived together for many years, maintaining a good relationship and after a divorce, and this is rare in today's show business.

Video Alice Sher

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Today you can often see a remarkable and memorable face on the screen, which takes on different guises. This is both the hero and the terrible villain of many films and TV series, and the host of a wide variety of programs. About whom we're talking about? This is Dmitry Nagiyev.

Was born: April 4, 1967 (age 51)
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 173 cm
Wife: ex-wife Alice Sher
Children: Kirill Nagiyev (29 years old, born August 31, 1989)

Indeed, he is a popular film actor and TV presenter who is able to take on different roles and capture the viewer’s gaze. How was Nagiyev able to achieve such outstanding results? It probably all started in childhood.

Photo: Dmitry Nagiyev in the new show “Big Kitchen”


Dmitry was born back in 1967 on April 4 in Leningrad. The family of the future actor was not particularly wealthy, huddling in a small room. They lived poorly, their father worked at an optical-mechanical plant, and their mother was a teacher of foreign languages.

In the third grade, Dmitry was sent to the sports section, where he studied sambo and judo. At first there was no success; on the contrary, he was kicked out of the section. However, after a while, Nagiyev returned to the sport and proved his perseverance. He managed to take second place in sports competitions at the city championship.

After school, he entered the Electrical Engineering Institute at the faculty computer technology and automation. After graduating from university, the future actor had to join the army. Initially, given his sports experience, he was sent to a sports company. But it turned out that there is no sambo wrestling there. As a result, Dmitry was transferred to Vologda - to the air defense forces. Despite his athletic form, his nose and ribs were broken a couple of times. Nevertheless, his service did not go badly.


After the army, Dmitry went straight to the acting department, because he decided that the acting field was what he wanted. The competition for admission turned out to be colossal. He had to beat 155 competitors - this was the number for a single place. His refuge was the Leningrad Theater Institute named after. Cherkasova. It cannot be said that he studied without problems. At first, there were even threats from the foreman that he would be kicked out. But gradually everything improved, and he completed his studies until the graduation performance. Nagiyev was even given the title of best graduate of the year.

During his studies, he had a job in his specialty. Nagiyev got the opportunity to work part-time at the St. Petersburg Vremya Theater. He met German directors at the theater, after which he was invited to work in Frankfurt am Main.

At the institute he met Sergei Rost.


Returning from Germany, Nagiyev tries himself on Radio Modern. It also launched the “Full Modern” program on regional television. Subsequently, it served as the basis for the creation of the popular program “Beware, Modern!” Nagiyev was an actor, and also came up with comic jokes for the script.

Photo: young Dmitry Nagiyev still with hair

The cinema opened for Nagiyev in 1998. Starting this year, he started getting roles in films. At first he played Chechen commander in the film "Purgatory". Then he was given a role in the film “Bobak of the Saskervilles.”

In 1999, Nagiyev received a role in the TV series “Kamenskaya”, having gone through a rather serious casting. The directors saw talent in him and offers began to come from many quarters. He was invited to star in the works “Mole” and “ destructive force" He also took part in the film adaptation of The Master and Margarita. Then he starred in the film "New Year's Killer", "The Most best movie", "Russian special forces".

Since 2005, he has been filming a lot. Several films with his participation are released every year. The main ones are Fight without rules, Sonya Golden Pen, Return of the Musketeers, Happy Together, Savva Morozov, Gladiators of Rome, A Man with a Guarantee, Polar Voyage and so on.

In 2014, Nagiyev continues to star in the TV series Kitchen in Paris, Fizruk and some other films. He is also a presenter on several TV projects, including “The Great Race”.


In addition to cinema, Nagiyev also manages to act in the theater. The performances “Decameron”, “Cutie”, “Kysya”, “Territory” and so on are invariably successful with the public.

Personal life

Nagiyev does not like to talk about his personal life. It is known that he lived for eighteen years with Alice Sher(Alla Shchelishcheva). They were born son Kirill. In 2010 they separated.

Photo: Dmitry Nagiyev’s wife - Alisa Sher

Photo: son of Dmitry Nagiyev - Kirill Nagiyev

Photo: Kirill Nagiev and Yulia Melnikova

There were rumors that he was dating Natalia Kovalenko, who works for him as an administrator. Also, the actor met with Irina Temicheva, but subsequently broke up with her.

Photo: Dmitry Nagiyev and Irina Temicheva

  1. Nagiyev is a master of sports in sambo.
  2. There is Azerbaijani blood in his veins.
  3. According to the results of a survey of viewers, he more than once became the “Sex Symbol of Russia.”
  4. In his youth, he was overweight and was often teased. Today he regularly visits Gym. His physical fitness one can envy.
  5. He likes to repeat that his success is based only on his own hard work.
  6. According to him, the name Nagiyev is translated from Azerbaijani as “Savior of the World.”

Discussion of the article:

    Nina Yurievna K

    Dima! Today is your birthday, God bless you good health, Let peace live in the family, Warmed with happiness, joy, love! Good luck and all the best!




    Great actor, presenter, simply first-class. Professional! And what a sense of humor! It's been a long time since such a person appeared on TV and in movies.

Favorite of many women talented actor and TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev is now at the peak of fame, however, in order to become one, he had to go through a long thorny path, as evidenced by the biography of Dmitry Nagiyev.

Genealogical roots of an eligible groom

After the end of the First World War, Nagiyev’s ancestors, who originally lived in Iran, tried to flee the country to escape starvation.

On the way to Turkmenistan, due to the current shortage of food, not many managed to survive. One of those who arrived was Nagiyev’s grandfather. At the age of nine, little Gulam, that was his name, had to find himself in orphanage, where the child was given a new first and last name. During his life, grandfather Gulam (Nikolai Nagiyev) mastered several languages ​​and could speak fluent Arabic, Azerbaijani, Russian and Turkmen. He chose Gertrude Sopke as his wife. A mixture of German and Latvian blood was present in her genes. Nagiyev’s second grandfather, already on his mother’s side, was quite a significant figure at that time. Not everyone can boast of a grandfather with the position of first secretary of the Petrograd district committee of the CPSU.

basic information

In the spring of 1967, on April 4th former city Leningrad, and now cultural capital Russia - St. Petersburg, Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiev was born. The boy and his brother grew up in a full-fledged family with average income.

Mom is an assistant professor philological sciences, taught foreign languages at the military academy. Dima's father in his youth wanted to become an actor and participated in the People's Theater of the Red Army. After which I decided to go from Ashgabat straight to Moscow. But dad never managed to enroll in theater university, so I had to submit my documents to the Institute of Film Engineers and get a job at an optical-mechanical plant. When Dima was 12 years old, his parents divorced.

Showing courage and first achievements in sports

On the initiative of his mother, the future showman begins to attend judo sports classes. But over time, the section coach kicked the boy out, explaining that “his snot flows all the time.” The future master of sports was not at a loss and began to practice sambo. The guy quickly got involved in the sport. Dima was not stopped by the fact that the school was far from home. He attended training regularly and gave his best. Over time, he received second prize at city competitions. Later, in the 80s, Dmitry already received the title of USSR champion among juniors.

Studying at a university and military service

After receiving higher education the future famous TV presenter joined the ranks of the valiant army of the USSR. Then the athlete was sent to a special sports company, but it turned out that there was no sambo section there. Given the current circumstances, Dmitry was transferred to serve in the air defense forces. Far from home, in the forests somewhere near Vologda, the guy had a hard time. During his service, his nose and ribs were broken more than once. And Nagiyev still remembers pearl barley porridge and boiled herring from the army ration.

Correct solution

Having received demobilization, considering that it would be difficult for an intelligence officer to find a job, the guy submits documents for admission to a theater university in Leningrad. 155 people took part in the competition for one place, and Dmitry managed to pass this competition. After studying for the first year at the faculty acting, the student almost flew out of the institute. Master Petrov V.V. almost kicked him out. This would be the end of the student biography of Dmitry Nagiyev. The personal life of the actor is just in student years was gaining momentum. The young man wanted to do everything and everywhere. Cheerful companies, unbridled energy, new acquaintances, including with the opposite sex - all this swirled the future star in a whirlpool of youthful impulses of passions and desires.

Dmitry Nagiev. Biography: family and birth of a son

At that time, the student began a relationship with his future wife, Alisa Sher. While in his first year at the institute, at the age of twenty-one, Dima became a father. In the summer of 1989, Kirill, the son of Dmitry Nagiyev, was born. The biography of the star dad will become an example for him to follow in the future. The young family tried their best. On the scholarship of 35 rubles that Nagiyev received, living with a small child seemed completely unrealistic. At that time, my wife worked at Lenconcert, where she also received a small salary. Therefore, the young father grabbed any part-time job that came his way. The family had a hard time, despite all possible help from the parents. But life went on. Nagiyev had to combine his studies with work at the Leningrad Vremya Theater.

Best graduate of the year

Despite all the difficulties, Dmitry graduated from the institute with honors in 1991. At the graduation performance of “The Seagull” he masterfully performed the role of Doctor Dorn. After which, German employers who entered into a contract with the Vremya Theater chose a talented student to work in Frankfurt, as evidenced by the biography of Dmitry Nagiyev.

After two years of work on the Main in Germany, he returned. Dima began working at Radio Modern, where he was repeatedly recognized as the best radio presenter in the country. And subsequently, with an acquaintance from the institute, Sergei Rost, they created a comic program for two actors, “Caution, Modern!”

Television projects

The biography of Dmitry Nagiyev on television was just beginning. As a TV presenter, Nagiyev became recognizable from such television programs as: “Continent”, “Burden of Money”, “One Evening” and “Windows”. In the future, he will be invited to host various television projects. Programs with his participation:

  • 1997 - “Caution Modern!”.
  • 1998 - “One Evening.”
  • 2001 - “Beware, Modern! 2".
  • 2002 - “Windows”.
  • 2003 - Final concert of the reality show “Dom-1”.
  • 2004 - “Careful, Zadov!”
  • 2005 - “Big Race”.
  • 2011 - “Mother in law.”
  • 2012 - Humorous magazine "Kitchen".
  • 2012 - “Voice” and “Voice. Children".
  • 2013-2014 - MTS advertising.

Musical and theatrical creativity

In addition to theater and cinema, the biography of Dmitry Nagiyev includes the release of two music albums. “Flight to Nowhere” was the name of the album released in 1998 together with the group “Trumpet Call” and Anna Samokhina. In 2006, another album “Silver” was released, created with the group “Russian Size”.

Participation in theatrical productions

For many years, the actor has not stopped doing what he loves, as evidenced by the biography of Dmitry Nagiyev. Dmitry’s photo still appears on theater posters. Performances with his participation are extremely popular and are distinguished big amount fans. The following productions are especially popular: “Cutie”, “Decameron”, “Erotikon”, “Territory”, “Kysya” and many others.

Biography of Dmitry Nagiyev. Personal life

The current marital status of the famous TV presenter remains the main issue of interest to all journalists and fans who are ready to do anything to find out with whom Dmitry Nagiyev spends his leisure time. Biography, wife, son, new roles - all this is a subject of keen interest and thorough study by fans. For fans in love, the single showman is a target. Let us remember that the actor was previously married to Alice Cher for a long time. After 18 years of living together, the marriage broke up. After scandalous divorce parents, the child remained to live with his mother.

A book about marriage with Nagiyev

Nagiyev’s ex-wife, radio host Alisa Sher, after the divorce, wrote a book about how she was married to Nagiyev. Despite the divorce, Dmitry tried not to deprive his son of attention and showed concern for him in every possible way. Even after many years, the star dad continues to help the now adult Kirill.

Often famous TV presenter and the showman is credited with various novels and wedding stories. But the actor does not react to the provocations of curious journalists. When asked about his personal life, he offers to show his passport. On this moment Nagiyev is in a relationship with Natalya Kovalenko.

The most striking roles of Dmitry Nagiyev

Dmitry Nagiyev - actor. Biography of this famous person impressive a huge amount roles played. Your first main role Nagiyev performed in the cinema in 1998. It was the film "Purgatory". In addition there were:

The son of Dmitry Nagiyev decided to follow in the footsteps of his talented father. Biography young man already has several roles played. Kirill also received acting training.