Sheikha Moza, the wife of the former emir of Qatar and the mother of the current emir, has long been a trendsetter, all over the world. This elegant lady managed to show the whole world that even in an eastern country you can look elegant and beautiful.

But this post is not dedicated to Moza, but to her children, and she of them: five sons and two daughters.

Of course, Moza is not the only wife of her husband, officially the former emir has three wives, but it was Moza’s son who became the next emir.

What is important, children, for the most part, inherited to one degree or another the beauty and grace of their mother.

Sheikha Al Mayassa

So let's begin....

Eldest son Jasim(born 1978), heir to the throne until 2003

However, later for some reason he refused the title of crown prince, giving younger brother Tamimu.

Jasim was educated at the British Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Jasim was the personal representative of the former emir, his father. Sheikh Jassim has also been the honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) since 1997. In addition, he has been Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Coordination and Consequences since 1999, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Ecology and Natural Resources since 2000. He has also been a patron of the Aspire Sports Excellence Academy since 2003. Sheikh Jassim married Sheikha Buthaina bint Ahmad Al Thani, daughter of Sheikh Hamad bin Ali Al Thani, on March 30, 2006. The ceremony took place at Al Wajbah Palace in Doha. On this moment the couple has three children, one son and two daughters.

According to unofficial information, the prince and his family often spend time in France.

Sheikh Tamim(born 1980) - second son of Moza and the Emir, since 2013 Tamim is the new Emir of Qatar

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani devotes a lot of energy to promoting sports in the country. Qatar is fighting for the right to host not only Olympic Games, but also many world championships different types sports It must be admitted that it was not without success; the capital of the country, Doha, will host the World Boxing Championship, and in 2022 the country will host the next World Football Championship. Earlier in 2010, the World Cup was held in Doha. athletics in room.

Tamim also studied in the UK. He, unlike his brother, has several wives.

Sheikha Al Mayassa, eldest daughter Sheikh Moza (born 1983)

Sheikha Al-Mayassa graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Literature from Duke University (Durham, North Carolina, USA) in 2005. During this training she was vice president International Association, Vice President of Jivara (an organization for the promotion of political dialogue) and was a delegate to Model UN 2001/2002.

Heads various cultural projects in Qatar. Married, three children.

Sheikh Joann(born 1985)

He was educated at the Military Academy in France. Married, four children.

Sheikh Mohammed(born 1988)

Perhaps the most famous of Moza's sons. He was educated in the USA, was the captain of the Qatar polo team, and was fond of football. Young man for a long time blogged on Instagram, but after completing his studies and taking a new position in the Ministry of Qatar, he deleted the blog. Speaks fluent English and French. Not married.

When the decision was made to hold the World Cup in Qatar...

According to Forbes magazine, Sheikha Moza bin Nasser al-Misned is one of the 100 most influential women on the planet. She will outshine any Hollywood movie star with her beauty and subtle sense of style. Sheikha Moza before and after plastic surgery as the second wife of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the third Emir of Qatar.

This oriental beauty in her influence will give odds to many politicians, and gossips and completely assigned her the role of a “gray eminence” not only of their country, but of the entire Persian Gulf region.

Who is Sheikha Mozah today?

Qatar is a country where the fate of almost every woman is to cover her face with a black niqab, which only leaves slits for the eyes, and focus exclusively on her family. Even going outside without permission and accompanied by a man is risky.

However, Sheikha Moza found within herself the remarkable strength to overcome the Eastern traditions that had existed for centuries, revealed her beautiful face to the world and showed extraordinary ability to work and remarkable creative and organizational talents. Today Sheikha Moza is a person of national importance. Here are her achievements:

  • Head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and social development;
  • The president Supreme Council on family issues;
  • Vice-President of the Supreme Council for Education;
  • UNESCO Special Envoy;
  • Honorary Doctor of Virginia, Georgetown, Texas, and Carnegie Mellon universities in the USA;
  • Honorary Doctorate from Imperial College London;
  • Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire;

Royal luck

  1. How did it happen that Sheikha Mozah became a vibrant social and statesman Katara? Everything happened like in a fairy tale. At the age of 18, a beautiful, hopeful girl, the daughter of a famous businessman, met... crown prince of your country. Only, unlike the fairy-tale heroine, she was in no hurry to get married.
  2. First I decided to get a prestigious education. She graduated from the Faculty of Sociology at Qatar University, and then went to the USA for an internship, specializing in different educational institutions of this country. And only after returning with a serious baggage of knowledge did she get married.
  3. This marriage was an act of reconciliation between two most influential families in Qatar, who had been at war with each other for several years. This clan feud could cause damage not only to representatives of these families, but also to the whole of Qatar, primarily because economic interests were pursued.
  4. The young woman spent the first years of her marriage as befits the wife of a future sheikh - she was engaged exclusively in family matters, gave birth to and raised children, she has seven of them.
  5. In addition, we had to fight “for a place in the sun” in our own family, because the sheikh’s first wife, Mariam, was very unhappy with the crown prince’s second marriage.

Throne and open face

Qatar was not one of the leading states in the Persian Gulf region until Sheikha Moza's husband, Hamad bin Khalif al-Thani, carried out a peaceful coup in the country in 1995. He removed his father and became head of state himself. Rumor has it that Sheikha Moza herself advised him to take this step and helped him seize power.

England, the USA and Europe as a whole supported young sheikh. It is clear that Natural resources– oil and gas, which Qatar is rich in, have become main reason favor of the Anglo-Saxon world towards this country. Sheikha Moza's open face and commitment to European fashion are, of course, part of the great diplomatic game that Hamad bin Kalif al-Thani started, perhaps at the suggestion of the sheikha herself. It should be noted that this idea was implemented very successfully.

Nevertheless, an educated, sophisticated and very talented woman took advantage of the unique opportunities that opened up to her. Her perseverance and determination allowed her to be not only a “beautiful doll” used in diplomatic games. She became one of the leading politicians and public figures.

Vivid initiatives of Sheikha Moza

Today Sheikha Mozah carries out and leads large projects in the field of education, science, child protection and other charitable and humanitarian programs. It was her idea to create the Arab Democracy Fund that her husband was the first to support and contributed $10 million as the first “cornerstone” for development financing civil society and independent media in the country.

She created "Education City", which is an entire university campus. It teaches students modern sciences professors from the best universities in the USA. Sheikha Mozah initiated the construction of the Qatar Science and Technology Park. Investment in this amazing project are truly impressive: $225 million was invested in the project by the world's leading companies, including General Electric, Shell, and Microsoft.

However, Moza had the biggest surprise in store for the women of Qatar. On her initiative, now all women in the country can drive a car independently and participate in elections.

Beauty and politics

Today Sheikha Moza is already 58 years old, but she still amazes everyone with her beauty and outfits from the best couturiers in the world. The figure is impeccable, however, as some journalists suggest, to maintain a youthful face, she spent $ 2 million to pay 12 plastic surgery.

Nevertheless, accurate information no, everything remains secret. Therefore, finding any official data about exactly what operations were performed, their name and methodology remain secret. One can only assume that, judging by the photographs, Sheikha Moza used Botox.

Photos of young Moza have not been published anywhere, so no specialist can comment on the condition of the sheikh’s face “before” and “after” surgery.

Beautiful young face Sheikh Moza is not a royal whim at all. For Qatar, the Queen's open face has become a symbol of the new century, a guiding star for millions of women in the East. In addition, she needs to maintain her influence not only in politics, but also in her family.

Despite the fact that her husband married for the third time, Moza remains main woman in the life of the sheikh. Indeed, among his 27 children, he chose Moza’s son, Tamim, as his heir, who now became the head of the country.

What do you think about Sheikha Moza bin Nasser al-Misned? We are waiting for your comments.

– one of the oldest world religions. It’s just that, as statistics show, the depth of faith and its severity do not affect modern life at all. Muslim society. Here comes another scandal - Qatari princess had sex with seven men at once!

Orgy with Qatari princess

This is incredible! Shock! On the pages of one of information portals India there was a message that representatives of British services special purpose One of the most horrific and unseemly Muslim scandals of modern times has been exposed. In the newspaper Financial Times wrote that the British intelligence services, pursuing the criminal, went to the hotel to look for him Excelsior London Hotel, there MI6 employees in a room in a world-famous London hotel saw a very strange picture:

There, in the main hall of the room, a completely naked Qatari princess sat on the floor in a very intimate position, with seven excited naked men standing on her, under her, and around her.

This scandal is striking in its intimacy, especially considering that the British special forces (MI6), together with representatives of Scotland Yard, almost without knocking, burst into the hotel room, where the girl was found in a very compromising position, surrounded by those “in full combat readiness" of seven men.

Muslim princess caught red-handed in UK

After the intelligence services carried out an ID check, representatives of the intelligence services came to a terrible conclusion - this Sheikha Salwa(Qatari princess).

Sheikha Salwa is the daughter of Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani.

As a preliminary investigation conducted by an intelligence officer shows, the Qatari princess some time ago asked the “persecuted” (her intermediary from Saudi Arabia) about him bringing six men to her room. Moreover, as the man notes, the princess Sheikha Salwa described in detail the physical attributes that her “chosen ones” must possess. The girl also mentioned the reason why she needed so many handsome and athletic men: she wanted to have group sex, for which the princess was ready to pay a very significant amount of money.

Also Sheikha Salwa asked her Saudi intermediary to stay in the room during a sexual orgy. According to her, this was the key to her safety, so none of the men would use force against a weak and pious girl.

After a scandalous clash in a London hotel room, the Qatari princess Sheikha Salwa made an official statement and stated the following:

“I didn’t want to harm my country at all. Also, I had no intention of spoiling the reputation of my native state. In addition, I dare to point out that my relationships with the opposite sex in no way violate the laws of Great Britain.”

But the representatives of MI6 found something to object to the Qatari princess. As it turned out, her middleman from Saudi Arabia was very inattentive when choosing men for Sheikha Salwa. Among those who came to the room was a man with an outstanding criminal record. In fact, the Qatari princess forced men to have sex for money, and this is nothing more than prostitution. Which is prohibited throughout the UK.

Naturally, a child of royal blood has diplomatic immunity and it is impossible to convict her in accordance with British laws. But employees of Scotland Yard and MI6 notified the embassy of the State of Qatar about the current situation.

Surprisingly, the representatives of the state of Qatar do not shine with special nobility - THEY TRIED TO BRIBE the journalists of the printed publication Financial Times in order to hide the growing scandal. But the newspaper staff rejected the generous offer and nevertheless published information about what happened in the new issue.

As the time that happened to the Muslim princess shows Sheikha Salwa - is not an isolated case. Similar actions are carried out by many other representatives of the Muslim community, from the very top. This is what happened to the prince of Saudi Arabia Majid Abdul Aziz Al Saud.

Sex crime of a Saudi prince

Not so long ago, just last week, police officers detained Arabian Prince Majid Abdulaziz Al Saud. Everything happened in the city of Los Angeles. But only after a “thorough” and “impartial” investigation law enforcement agencies decided to release him on bail of three hundred thousand US dollars.

Why was the person detained? blue bloods? Turns out Majid Abdulaziz Al Saud accused of inducing girls to have sexual relations.

Then a completely reasonable question arises: for what reason was the Qatari princess released without punishment, even of an administrative nature? It turns out that everything is quite simple, unlike the insatiable Sheikha Salwa the Arabian prince does not have diplomatic immunity. For this very reason one of richest people world, for “harmless intimate pranks” three hundred thousand dollars had to be transferred to the treasury of the city of Los Angeles

However, one of the city’s printed publications hastened to announce that the case of the Arabian prince had been sent for review.

What Islam says about debauchery and sex

Both heroes of the article are representatives of the Muslim community, which is famous for its strictness in the field of sex education. And the Qatari princess herself even went through circumcision, which is a very unpleasant procedure. But this fact could not reduce the level of hormones in her body. Circumcision did not protect either the Arabian prince or the pious woman from the depraved actions Sheikha Salwu.

As for the attitude of religion to sex, here is what is written in Islam:

If a man has more than one wife, then he is obliged to copulate with each of them at least once every four months. Also, he should not show one of his wives more attention than the other.

  • Fifth, nothing bad about oral sex Islam does not say.
  • Sixthly, there is a clause regarding illicit acts of an intimate nature: bestiality, masturbation, anal sex, lesbianism and group sex (which is what the Qatari princess did in a London hotel room).
  • Seventh, death awaits those who engage in or take aggressive actions of a sexual nature against the opposite sex (rape, etc.).

Islam also does not allow Muslims to have abortions, but it believes that using condoms and interrupting sexual intercourse is permissible.

So it turns out that both children of royal blood acted completely contrary to their faith. One acted with aggression, the other was engaged in almost everything except bestiality. What will their parents do? Will the golden children get away with everything? Just as it happens on the territory of the Russian Federation

In general, no matter what Muslims repeat about their devotion to faith and unity, neither circumcision nor fasting saves from debauchery.

What do you personally think about the actions of high-ranking blue-blooded officials? After all, if the law is not written to them, then what can we expect from those who live an ordinary everyday life and are hidden from television cameras? Is Islam really just a “religious shield” behind which numerous sexual crimes and, frankly speaking, depraved acts are hidden?

Well, if so, then why talk to the whole world about the purity of flesh and soul to people who are literally drowning in the swamp of depravity. They are not afraid of anything sex with Russian girls, nor religious provisions that regulate the rules of when possible and when not to do this. The Christian community did not expect such hypocrisy...

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the most fashionable and influential woman Arab world. No hijab or burqa. For the Arab world, her style is boldness. The former emir of Qatar allowed his second wife not only to remove her burqa, but also to interfere in state affairs.

(Total 20 photos)

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the second of the three wives of the third emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, a mother of seven children, one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet and, as surprising as it may sound, a political and public figure.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikha Moza.

Her life story is quite in keeping with oriental tales, and if someone decided to make a series based on Moza’s biography, it would turn out something in the spirit of “The Magnificent Century”. Only instead of Sultan Suleiman - the Crown Prince of Qatar, and instead of Hurrem - Moza, the daughter of a prominent Qatari businessman.

Sheikh and sheikha at official events.

At the age of 18, Mose fell " happy ticket“- she met the future crown prince, but was in no hurry to marry him. First, she entered the University of Qatar to study psychology, then interned at prestigious American universities. And only then she got married.

Early years family life a woman who is now called neither more nor less eminence grise Persian Gulf, gave it to the children. And Qatar at that time was not as influential a state in the Arab world as it is today.

The situation changed in 1995. Then Moza’s husband carried out a bloodless coup and seized power in the country, overthrowing own father. The coup was supported by the Anglo-Saxon world, Qatar was talked about in connection with its oil and gas complex, new emir introduced the world to his second wife - the beautiful and educated Moza.

Sheikha Moza began to oversee humanitarian and charitable programs and increasingly appear in public in stunning outfits from the world's leading fashion houses.

The sheikha wears both trousers and dresses that suit her figure.

In Moza’s progressive images, as experts note, there is no hint of the true “fashion situation” in Qatar, where women wear abayas (floor-length black dresses), headscarves or niqabs (black headdresses that cover the entire face, with a narrow slit for the eyes ) - in general, like everywhere else in Arab countries. Moza wears only a turban, but free time Maybe he can take a walk in his pants.

Moza is also criticized due to her aggressive economic policy Qatar, a small country in the Persian Gulf, is accused of dumping gas prices and trying to capture the maximum segment of the gas market around the world. In addition, Qatar sponsors radical groups around the world, which, of course, does not really fit with the sophisticated image of the sheikh.

Sheikha Moza and Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Sheikha Mozah visiting George HW Bush and his wife Barbara.

Mosa with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Prince Philip.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Sheikha Moz.

Sheikha Moza, which is rare for the wives of rulers of other Gulf countries, has a number of government and international positions, including honorary ones: she is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Social Development, President of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, Vice-President of the Supreme Council for Education , UNESCO Special Envoy. Moza created the Arab Democracy Fund, to which her husband made a first contribution of $10 million. The main goal of the foundation is to promote the development of free media and civil society.

Sheikha Moza is also the initiator of the creation of the Qatar Science and Technology Park, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted 225 million investments, including from leading global companies such as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric.

Moza built an “Education City” in the suburbs of Doha, the capital of Qatar, a university campus where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students.

Sheikha Moza herself holds honorary doctorates from Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University. Since 2010 she has been a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Lady Commander with the Queen of Great Britain.

Moza is 54 years old. Looks amazing. Someone estimated that she spent about $2 million on 12 plastic surgeries. Those who have had the opportunity to deal with the Sheikh's foundation admire her ability to work and determination, noting her perseverance, authority and - imagine! - feminism.

Moza accompanied her Sheikh on all official trips requiring the presence of the First Lady.

It was one of Moza's five sons, Tamim, who became the heir of Sheikh Hamad, Moza's husband. And this is a very important touch to her portrait, because in addition to Moza, Hamad has two more wives, and total his heirs are 27 people. But it was Tamim who became Qatar's fourth ruler last June, displacing his father. More precisely, the father himself, without revolutions or unrest, transferred the reins of government of the country into the hands of his son Moza.

After this, the influence that Moza has on her husband and, accordingly, on state affairs is legendary in Qatar.

And not only in Qatar. Moza was included in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world according to Forbes magazine. They even say that Sheikh Hamad married for the third time not out of passion, love or profit, but to spite Moza, to show that her power is not unlimited. But still, no other woman could take the place of Moza, who became an expert in diplomatic protocol and international etiquette and, apparently, found the key to the heart and mind of the sheikh, during whose reign little Qatar began to prosper.

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the second of the three wives of the third emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the mother of seven (!) children, one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet and, no matter how surprising it may sound, political and social activist

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikha Mozah

The story of her life is quite in the spirit of oriental fairy tales, and if someone decided to make a series based on Moza’s biography, I think it would turn out something in the spirit of “The Magnificent Century”. Only instead of Sultan Suleiman it is the Crown Prince of Qatar, and instead of Hurrem it is Moza, the daughter of a prominent Qatari businessman.

Sheikh and sheikha at official events

At the age of 18, Moza received a “lucky ticket” - she met the future crown prince, but was in no hurry to marry him. First, she entered the University of Qatar to study psychology, then interned at prestigious American universities. And only then she got married. The woman, who is now called nothing less than the “gray eminence” of the Persian Gulf, devoted the first years of her family life to her children. And Qatar at that time was not as influential a state in the Arab world as it is today. The situation changed in 1995. Then Moza’s husband carried out a bloodless coup and seized power in the country, overthrowing his own father. The coup was supported by the Anglo-Saxon world, people started talking about Qatar in connection with its oil and gas complex, and the new emir introduced the world to his second wife, the beautiful and educated Moza.

Sheikha Moza began to oversee humanitarian and charitable programs and increasingly appear in public in stunning outfits from the world's leading fashion houses.

The sheikha wears both trousers and dresses that suit her figure. By the way, she is a fan of clothes from.

In Moza’s progressive images, as experts note, there is no hint of the true “fashion situation” in Qatar, where women wear abayas (floor-length black dresses), headscarves or niqabs (black headdresses that cover the entire face with a narrow slit for the eyes) - in general, like everywhere else in . Moza wears only a turban, and in her free time she can walk around in pants.

Moza is also criticized in connection with Qatar's aggressive economic policies - the small country in the Persian Gulf is accused of dumping gas prices and trying to capture the maximum segment of the gas market around the world. In addition, Qatar sponsors radical groups around the world, which, of course, does not really fit with the sophisticated image of the sheikh.

Sheikha Moza and Prince Albert II of Monaco

Sheikha Mozah visiting George HW Bush and his wife Barbara

Mosa with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Sheikha Mozah

Sheikha Moza, which is rare for the wives of rulers of other Gulf countries, has a number of government and international positions, including honorary ones: she is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Social Development, president of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs; Vice President of the Supreme Council of Education; UNESCO Special Envoy. Moza created the Arab Democracy Fund, to which her husband made a first contribution of $10 million. The main goal of the foundation is to promote the development of free media and civil society.

Sheikha Moza is also the initiator of the creation of the Qatar Science and Technology Park, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted 225 million investments, including from leading global companies such as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric. Moza built an “Education City” in the suburbs of Doha, the capital of Qatar, a university campus where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students.

Sheikha Mozah herself holds honorary doctorates from Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Melon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University. Since 2010 she has been a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Dame Commander with the Queen of Great Britain

Moza is 54 years old. Looks amazing. Someone estimated that she spent about $2 million on 12 plastic surgeries. Those who have had the opportunity to deal with the sheikh's foundation admire her ability to work and determination, noting her perseverance, authority and - imagine! - feminism.

Moza accompanied her Sheikh on all official trips requiring the presence of the First Lady

It was one of Moza's five sons, Tamim, who became the heir of Sheikh Hamad, Moza's husband. And this is a very important touch to her portrait, because in addition to Moza, Hamad has two more wives, and the total number of his heirs is twenty-seven people. But it was Tamim who became the fourth ruler of Qatar last June, displacing his father. More precisely, the father himself, without revolutions or unrest, transferred the reins of government of the country into the hands of his son Moza.

After this, the influence that Moza has on her husband and, accordingly, on state affairs is legendary in Qatar.

And not only in Qatar. Moza was included in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world according to Forbes magazine. They even say that Sheikh Hamad married for the third time not out of passion, love or profit, but to spite Moza, to show that her power is not unlimited. But still, no other woman could take the place of Moza, who became an expert in diplomatic protocol and international etiquette and, apparently, found the “key” to the heart and mind of the sheikh, during whose reign little Qatar began to prosper.

And finally, a few words about Sheikha Moza’s project called Educate A Child (“Give an education to a child”). The foundation was created under the patronage of Moza for the purpose of financing and organizing primary education for children living in poor countries, as well as in zones of military conflicts (a total of 34 countries, including Chad, Bangladesh, Kenya).

Sheikha says: “Seeing with your own eyes how these children live is not at all the same as hearing or reading about them. (...) These children are forced to fight for the simplest human rights, for example, to study and live in normal conditions. I assumed that schools might lack teachers or equipment. But these classrooms, you can’t even call them that! (...) Whatever we say and do, it will not be enough, but I want to create at least one school that will become a model, a standard. Children deserve it!”

Sheikha Moza is unique. But she .