Alexander, who is called the master of divorces, is dating the writer Zhanna Golubitskaya and is even rumored to be ready to make her happy. But before Dobrovinsky came out quite often with beautiful ladies, among whom are many of his celebrity clients like Yana Poplavskaya, Angelika Agurbash, Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others. But the lawyer was seen most often with the spectacular brunette Zhanna. Since March, Dobrovinsky and Golubitskaya have been inseparable at social events.


According to the publication, lovers are no longer shy about showing their feelings in public. Reporters caught the couple looking at paintings in Dobrovinsky's office. It is reported that Zhanna “just clung to Alexander,” but he did not object and enthusiastically told her about his new grandiose idea - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (the lawyer visited their house as a child and described it in his book " Dobrovinskaya Gallery").

"This is my Zhanna!" – Alexander introduced his friend to the correspondents. They met when Golubitskaya was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men during the division of property. "It was in March. And now I'm really getting a divorce. I fell in love with Alexander!"- said the brunette in the presence of media representatives.

Dobrovinsky is officially married, but this does not bother Zhanna. "So what! You understand, when next to you a real man, everything else becomes unimportant! I call Alexander my Messir. Do you know why? An incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as with formal power - but something downright unearthly! – the writer admires. – I always dreamed of meeting a man who was truly influential, powerful, strong, generous, and that his main erogenous zone there was a brain. And also my Messir kind: in divorces, he always sides with the most unhappy of the spouses. He is very subtle - he immediately senses who is having a harder time breaking up. It’s usually harder for women, so he often protects wives. Well, then, my Messire conducts seminars on love and is an experienced nudist, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all forms - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need to be completely happy?”

Zhanna also boasted that she had already been to the lawyer’s house. His apartment is luxurious. “As a child, I thought that my prince should live on Arbat and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine, it came true! My Messire lives on Arbat and he has a hammam right in his apartment, which I adore. These are such fateful coincidences! – I couldn’t be happier Golubitskaya. – Yes, now I’ll be getting a divorce for the rest of my life, just to be close to Messire."

But Alexander is in no hurry to give emotional interviews. Their he did not comment on his relationship with the dreamy writer, pretending that he did not hear the questions. But joint photographs of the couple, of which there are already many on the Internet, confirm Zhanna’s words - in them Dobrovinsky and Golubitskaya look happy and in love.

Getting to know the parents in the lawyer's family could not be without excesses. After all, on the scale of interference in personal life, a Jewish father is equal to a normal mother.

Traditional acquaintance with parents in the family of a lawyer could not do without excesses. After all, on the scale of interference in personal life, a Jewish father is equal to a normal mother.

Alexander Dobrovinsky. Photo:

“The text STD appeared on the phone screen. Abbreviation for Soviet public organization The “Union of Theater Workers” could not have been more suitable for those sketches, skits and one-act plays that my eldest son acted out for me from time to time. Actually, that’s why when a three-letter word appears on your mobile phone, it can only mean upcoming nervousness from the next vaudeville show that my beloved is ready to arrange Eldest daughter. However, this time everything was much worse.
- Dad! - a familiar voice sounded. The slight emphasis on “I”, giving me some kind of playful chase of “Daddy”, betrayed the last few years spent between the Chanel and Louis Vuitton stores on Avenue Montaigne, where in one of the houses, once persuaded, I rent a one-room apartment for my child . I would never shoot anything there in my life, especially for a child, but She and her practically surrogate mother(this term, or “money pregnancy,” came to my mind during a wholesale purchase of postpartum diamonds), and my wife and mother of almost all my children insisted on it. You see, there are always a lot of decent people there, and therefore a girl will not be afraid to walk down the street alone. Rave. So here it is.
- Dad! — the Parisian echo was heard again. - I want to introduce you to Nicolas.
At that moment, secretary Christina entered the office along with a new legal trainee. Seeing my face, for some reason the intern checked to see if everything was okay with his fly, and Christina, backing away like a fascist in 1944, jumped out of the room.
The fact is that “our” first romance happened at fifteen. When, three weeks after THIS, I was ready to meet the young man, he had already been kicked out in disgrace, and I didn’t even find his photograph. After that, only echoes of existence reached me different types boobies of differentiated citizenship and religion, but nothing more. Four years later, there has been clear progress. Apparently, it was immediately reflected on my face.
- Oh, he’s wonderful, you’ll really like him. Come over. It is very serious. There is no comparison with Anton. Yes, we broke up with him a long time ago and several times, and this cannot be restored. I am waiting. Kisses, daddy, I adore you. Hello mom.
Since the breakup with a certain darn Anton passed me by, I decided to focus on Nicolas. Her mother... In short, her mother knew her approximately as much as I knew. Well, maybe a little more. The boy was seven years older than me, worked part-time as a “trainer” at a sports club and was preparing to study vocals somewhere. My parents ate the last bouillabaisse without salt and lived in some French provincial valley of lost souls, in some city like Urupin-Ville. Nightmare. She needed new silicone breasts for the Milka chocolate model more than my acquaintance with this “Nikolas nor the yard.” I decided to think about this news at my leisure, slowly, so to speak, and took the next flight to Paris.
The child said that THEY love oysters, and the concierge booked me a table for the evening at my favorite “La Coupole”.
A handsome, athletic, tanned man shook my hand for a long time and tried to explain how happy he was. When the waiter took the order, Nicolas continued to try to be helpful, asking me: “What would you like to try here, in this famous restaurant, mon cher papa?” ​​Without thinking twice, I ordered the most expensive wine, the main and all-encompassing trough with sea reptiles and potassium cyanide. Nicolas blew out two full glasses in one gulp and thawed out a little. I could only watch what was happening with interest...
By dessert I learned a lot of “funny” and, I would say, new things. They've been dating for six months now, and it's setting a world record; he stays overnight near Chanel only on Fridays, since he doesn’t need to get up early on Saturday; the Holocaust is a holiday like Hanukkah, but a little closer to the New Year; I met my daughter on a treadmill; in the spring they want to fly to Moscow. I swore in the memory of my mother that normal potsany would be impatiently waiting for him there - I would personally arrange everything. They will like it, he - I don’t know. Then Nicolas muttered something about the wedding. Everyone didn’t bring cyanide to the groom, so for now young man I had to explain a few family traditions. In all normal families, the embryo becomes a child during childbirth; in our family, the embryo turns into a new substance only when we open our own law office. Until this time, his father carries him and is responsible for everything. It should be taken into account that, on the scale of interference in the private life of an embryo, a Jewish father is equal to an ordinary and normal mother.
Nicolas did not eat dessert. He stood in front of him and slowly faded away. The daughter was sitting red, like pioneer tie which she had never seen in her life, but her eyes sparkled with laughter. After coffee, I ordered a bottle of Dom Pérignon to celebrate. Nicolas perked up, not feeling the impending blow to the very heart of the French genitals...
After another twenty minutes I asked for the bill.
When the maitre d'hotel brought the piece of paper on a silver tray, I, putting on the best of my smiles, pushed the bill towards “Nicolas nor the yard” and sweetly said: “You can’t imagine how happy I am that the youth is treating us today!” “
The groom somehow immediately became smaller and seemed to have grown into the chair. He looked at the bill with his French generosity, like a condemned sentence, trying to find flaws there for an appeal. There weren't any. The judge was experienced and experienced...
I got hit in the leg and realized that if I extended the pause a few more moments, dinner might end fatal for the “simulator”.
- I can lend you one, Nicolas, if you want. See you tomorrow,” I said in the tone of Marshal Zhukov when signing the surrender of Berlin.
Nicolas said something like “oh, yeah?” and fell head first into the dessert. “Their dessert is our salad,” I decided and gave the money to the waiter.
The former little one went to accompany me to the hotel. On the way, holding me tightly by the arm and without taking her head off my father’s shoulder, she asked me something about Nicolas.
Great guy, - I said. - I really liked it. Let's be friends.
My daughter laughed and said that she understood everything, and that I was a genius. What she understood remained her little secret. The second postulate was, naturally, indisputable.
All the next morning at breakfast at the George V I struggled with the desire to eat all the croissants in the basket and with increasing signs of sadism. I wanted to call Nicolas and ask him to bring local lavusik to the hotel. He will answer for “dad” later. In the end, having lost the battle with the buns, I grew tired and didn’t call.
I drove to the airport in a great mood.
Five or six months later, closer to the New Year, on Friday afternoon the phone rattled on the table and the familiar letters STD appeared under the photo of my favorite.
- Daddy! - the native voice squealed. - I need you urgently. Jean-Claude - no strength! He’s so good, but I’m so tired of him, I can’t take it anymore! And there’s no reason to drive away! I beg you, come and have dinner together. Everything is fine at the faculty. Or maybe I'm wrong? Kiss. Adore. I am waiting. Bye. Hello mom. Bring some of our delicious food.
Christina ordered tickets to Paris. And I thought that I should buy her mom something for New Year. Still, I did a great job at the Xerox job in my time.”

Your Alexander Dobrovinsky

“Girls, now you too will be stunned by my new hairstyle!” - this is how Alexander Dobrovinsky greets his employees at the reception in the chic office of his law firm. We look at each other with the secretary and freeze in anticipation, but then he takes off his hat, and we smile - no special changes, just a neat haircut. Everyone would like a sense of humor like Dobrovinsky. His office can easily be confused with a museum: at the entrance to the building in the Last Lane, in the center of Moscow, you are greeted by four-meter tall Atlanteans propping up a canopy - by the way, the author is the architect Andrei Nalich, the father of the same singer Pyotr Nalich who blew up the Internet in 2007 song Guitar. The walls of the hall are decorated with art objects, including “Student” by Alexander Deineka, and a portrait of a naked Carla Bruni, and more than two hundred pens donated to the lawyer. Alexander Dobrovinsky invites me into his office, asking the secretary to bring a cup of tea, and takes his workplace at the desk.

“Shocked by the divorce!”

Was the news about Vladimir Putin's divorce expected? Abroad for public people This is a common thing, and this is our first precedent!

I'm completely shocked! This is confirmation that Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin are normal people. And that's great! It’s not great, of course, that they are getting divorced, it’s great that they openly announced it. On our throne, for the most part, there were some kind of mannequins who did not allow themselves to show feelings. Vladimir Vladimirovich and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna are the same people as all of us - neither the end of a relationship nor love is alien to them.

From your professional point of view, if this is a “civilized divorce,” as Lyudmila Putina called it, will the application be followed by a division of property?

I suspect that there is an agreement between them - whether it is expressed in the marriage contract or it is done without papers, but, apparently, everything has already been decided. For example, I leave the Spassky Gate for you, and take the Borovitsky Gate for myself... But there is no divorce stamp in my passport yet! If they have no complaints against each other, and the children are already adults, then they will not go to court, but they will have to visit the registry office.

Do you think it is possible for the president new marriage? Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Vladimirovich has long devoted himself to the country!

We have no reason not to believe Dmitry Sergeevich - he is a serious person, but no one prohibited marriages without registration.

In general, where do you get such awareness? For example, you were the first in Russia to confirm the death of Berezovsky and stated that he committed suicide. Were you friends?

No, he and I were not friends. In general, I thought Boris was a little crazy. Having information is power, so about twenty people in Russia and about the same number in the West work with me on a regular basis - they quickly report news in areas that may interest me. For information such as the death of Berezovsky, you have to pay dearly!

A few years ago, your name was associated with any show business showdown, but now you are less involved in this whirlpool. Have you earned a name and that's enough?

I am not interested in where a person is from, I am only interested in himself! I have the opportunity to work with people from show business. Many business relationship grew into a strong friendship, like with Philip Kirkorov. But ordinary people among my clients there are about fifty percent, like any star lawyer. And the only person I know is the photographer Zhenya Guseva, whom I defended in the case against Valery Meladze. Our conversation is interrupted phone call. Alexander Andreevich puts him on speakerphone: “Darling, hello. For the first time in 35 years, I didn’t congratulate you first due to the fact that I sent a nice bouquet with a note, in it everything I think about you.” A pleasant female voice is heard from the receiver: “At your feet, beautiful Elena, you have to throw chinchillas and diamonds, but I throw pathetic flowers. A cat who loves you forever”... Thank you, dear, what “pathetic flowers” ​​these are, a gorgeous basket! Thank you! Adore". Dobrovinsky laughs: “I have a tattoo with your birthday date on one of my interesting place, well, you know! Kisses!” – This ex-wife, we saved great relationship. My current wife not at all jealous. Marina and I have been together for more than twenty years; our two daughters are growing up. Both are far from us - they study abroad. The youngest at school in Germany wants to become a prosecutor, and the eldest at the Faculty of Law will be a lawyer. I am constantly in touch with them - text messages, calls, they even consult me ​​about clothes and boys. Let's get back to our questions...

Okay... Would you like to protect one of the world celebrities - to share the property of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher or the children of Madonna and Guy Ritchie?

You have hit the mark! This month I’m flying to Monaco to meet a super-duperstar - this woman is number one in France. Her child was taken away from her, we’ll come to an agreement - we’ll return it together. I’m sure this scandal will be in all the world’s media! So we continue to blur the boundaries: the office in London is operating successfully, and we will soon open in St. Petersburg and Monte Carlo.

“If you know how to laugh at yourself, there’s nothing scary”

In addition to writing humorous sketches about trials, family and everything that’s going on, what other hobbies do you have – golf, collecting?

Ha, I still can’t understand: I’m a lawyer whose hobby is collecting, or a collector whose hobby is advocacy. I have about twenty collections - paintings, graphics, a collection of erotica (why not remember at your leisure how I went through the pre-conservative period of the development of our civilization), Soviet jewelry (a cameo with Trotsky or cufflinks with Lenin), posters, furniture, a collection of pens, cigarette cases , books, vintage cars, agitlak (revolutionary icon). Everything dates back to the 20th century. Of particular value to me are memorabilia - things famous people, in my collection there is a pocket watch of King Edward VIII of England, things of Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The greatest pride is the medals of the legendary hockey player Anatoly Tarasov and his badge of an honored coach. The title was taken away from him, but he did not give up the badge. They were given to me by his daughter, the charming figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova. My wife also became infected with my hobby - she retrained from a dentist to become an art historian and has been teaching the most fashionable courses in the capital for five years. She also organizes amazing trips abroad, but not on tourist routes, but finds something exceptional.

Russian lawyer. President of the Moscow Golf Club.
Managing partner of the Moscow Bar Association “Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners”.

Alexander Dobrovinsky was born on September 25, 1954 in Moscow, in the family of Abram Alexandrovich and Lucy Rubenovna Dobrovinsky. The boy lost his father early. Soon my mother remarried, and her second husband Andrei Ayvazyants adopted the boy. When Alexander received his passport, he regained his father’s surname, but at the same time left his patronymic to the stepfather who raised him, becoming Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky. By the way, the lawyer has a famous ancestor - grandfather Ruben Kusikov, who, together with Sergei Yesenin was a member of the poetry group "Order of Imagists".

After school, the young man enters the All-Russian state institute cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimova to the Faculty of Economics, but did not graduate and went to live in Paris, where by that time her mother was already living. In France, Dobrovinsky worked at the Russian restaurant Regal and graduated from the Insead business school, and later moved to the USA, where he received a higher legal education.

Alexander Andreevich spent some time in Switzerland and Luxembourg. Alexander returned to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, confirmed his law degree and opened the first private law office. And fluency in English and French languages always only helped in legal work.

Dobrovinsky is the winner of the open annual All-Russian competition“Leader of the Year” in the nomination “Best Lawyer of Russia 2003.”

In addition to his legal activities, lawyer Alexander was the host of the “Yoga for the Brain” program on the “Silver Rain” radio station, wrote articles for periodicals and wrote a column in the “Tatler” magazine. The lawyer also tried himself as a film actor, starring in the psychological detective film “Weekend” and the family comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams.” In addition, he served as chairman of the board of the Potok company, and since 2013 he was one of the co-owners of Pushkino Bank.

Alexander Andreevich specializes in corporate law, as well as divorce proceedings. Among his clients were such celebrities as Vyacheslav Fetisov, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikas Safronov, Joseph Kobzon, Katya Gordon, Leonid Yakubovich, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum and many other artists, athletes, businessmen, and politicians. It is interesting that Dobrovinsky did not always work on the side of the stars. At least once he had the opportunity to defend the interests of a non-public person against the singer Valery Meladze, whom the lawyer’s client accused of beating.

Among the latest high-profile cases of Alexander Andreevich, the scandal of plagiarism between the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov and the legendary French musician Didier Marouani, founder of the Space group. In this scandalous story, a lawyer represented Kirkorov, and the situation itself, which led to Marouani’s short-term arrest in Moscow, was described by the French as a “stupid criminal act.”

In addition to his advocacy, Dobrovinsky conducts various seminars on family and marriage topics, and together with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya, former common-law wife Andrei Arshavin, is preparing a project according to which it would be possible, in the eyes of the law, to equate an actual marriage with an official one.

Stylish and creative, popular and scandalous, a regular participant in talk shows, organizer of personal trainings, and also famous lawyer- Dobrovinsky. The biography of this man is quite unusual for Russia. He became famous for his collaboration with Russian stars pop singers and businessmen.


Alexander Andreevich (Abramovich) was born into a family of a Jew and a French woman. The father of the future human rights activist died early, his mother remarried, his stepfather adopted the boy and gave him his last name. After coming of age, Dobrovinsky returned his father’s name, but left his patronymic to Andrei Ayvazyants, who raised him.

Biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky, whose parents belonged to two different peoples, was inextricably linked with her mother’s native country - France. From 1972 to 1975 He studied at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK, but, having failed to study, he left for Paris. There, the young man worked in a restaurant for some time and became familiar with the peculiarities of the food business. At the same time, Dobrovinsky graduates from a prestigious business school and becomes a co-owner of a Russian cuisine restaurant in the capital of France.

Beginning of legal practice

Biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky receives new round with his move to the USA. In America, a purposeful young man received a higher legal education and spent some time in one of the law firms. Moreover, to pay for his studies he had to work as a taxi driver. Later, the lawyer noted this fact not without pride in his interviews.

Dobrovinsky began his professional activities in Russia only after the collapse of the USSR. Upon returning home, he confirmed his American diploma and already in 1992 opened his first law office. At that time, such companies were still new to citizens of the new democratic country. Only wealthy people could use the services of private lawyers. Because professional biography Lawyer Dobrovinsky’s practice in Russia began with divorce proceedings, consideration of cases of businessmen and corporate clients.

High-profile cases in Russia

Already in the 90s, a special style of doing business, communicating with partners, clients and judges was being formed. And most importantly, the aspiring lawyer focuses on public hype and fame through high-profile trials. Thus, the professional biography of lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky begins with the scandalous lawsuit of the Swiss company Noga regarding the settlement of debts from Russian Federation. The process was widely covered in the domestic media, aroused many comments from both professionals and ordinary people, and Dobrovinsky became a well-known personality in the country.

For several years, Dobrovinsky represented the interests of opponents of the long-suffering YUKOS. Almost all of his clients are famous personalities. He led the divorce proceedings of L. Cherny, A. Mordashov, the owner of Severstal, acted on the side ex-husband K. Orbakaite R. Baysarova in the matter of determining the place of residence of their common son. He also represented the interests of V. Slutsker regarding the division common property with his ex-wife.


The biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky is updated from time to time scandalous stories. One of the loudest and most memorable was caused by the story of extorting a million dollars from Philip Kirkorv. The pop singer accused the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, of a serious crime. The controversy flared up around one of the songs of the king of pop - “Cruel Love”. The French singer accused Kirkorov of using his music, while Philippe claimed that he had registered all his copyrights much earlier.

Marouani suggested Russian singer agree to a settlement and not file a lawsuit in exchange for $1 million. While trying to transfer money, Didier was detained in one of the Sberbank branches. The media claimed that it was Dobrovinsky who arranged the fake meeting. Moreover, this is not the first time that the lawyer has defended Kirkorov’s interests. Thanks to his efforts, the sensational case of Kirkorov’s beating of an assistant director also ended with a peace agreement.

Famous clients

List Russian stars who turned to Dobrovinsky for support, very impressive. In addition to the individuals already mentioned, among his clients in different time were:

  • Yulia Baranovskaya, who was suing her ex common-law husband Despite the fact that their relationship was not officially registered, Dobrovinsky ensured that the football player gave half of his income to support the children every month.
  • No less scandalous person is Anastasia Volochkova. Thanks to her, she was able to prove her innocence regarding the insults against Joseph Prigozhin and Valeria.

Not all rumors about Dobrovinsky turn out to be true. On principle, he did not interfere in many conflicts and did not always defend the interests of only wealthy clients. According to the lawyer himself, he takes on only those cases where he sees the prospect of a successful outcome. Thus, he refused to represent the wife of football player Kirzhakov, who was accused of drug use, and did not take money from Volochkova, Maya Plisetskaya and other stars whom he wanted to help on his own initiative.

Family. Hobbies

The personal life of lawyer Dobrovinsky, whose biography is closely connected with the problems of family and marriage, has been successfully arranged for many years. He met his wife Marina in the early 90s. In one of the interviews, the lawyer said that their meeting was planned future mother-in-law, with whom Dobrovinsky had many mutual acquaintances. Marina at that time lived in Paris, where she successfully ran a private dental clinic. Her mother asked her daughter to come to Russia, where she met Alexander Andreevich.

Their romance almost immediately ended with a painting in the registry office. Dobrovinsky has mentioned more than once that he and his wife have a very realistic view of things, so a marriage contract was concluded between them long ago, according to which, in the event of a divorce, almost all the property remains with his wife and two daughters. A passion for antiques also brings husband and wife together.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky’s biography, family, successes in work and business - all this proves his non-trivial thinking and ability to bring his undertakings to the end. Today Alexander Andreevich is happy to share the secrets of his success and conduct seminars personal growth, gives interviews and writes articles.