New day and new life start in the morning. It is wiser than the evening and brings new hope. You can start your morning with recognition, forgiveness or a reminder of your love. Morning greeting to a dear person is great way convey a good mood and simply pleasantly surprise.

Here are options for original morning “hellos” to your closest people. Let them be a small hint to those who have exhausted their arsenal of greetings, but want to continue to please their loved ones.

Greetings in the morning to your beloved woman

Every woman dreams of hearing: "With Good morning, darling!" Even if she doesn’t admit it. Women don’t just love with their ears. They love to hear about love for them, they love mystery and awe in relationships. The message should be so alive that the woman wants to keep it as a memory. For For those who want to have greeting options for their chosen one, you can offer the following:

  • “Darling, it’s time to wake up! Today you have an important mission - to illuminate this cloudy day!”
  • “My angel, my faithful ally, waking up in the morning without you is lonely.”
  • “I love you madly, my dear. Like the bright and radiant sun!”
  • “Darling, did you know that in the morning the rays of the sun get tangled in your hair?”
  • “While you were sleeping, I made you coffee. Let it remind you of my warmth and care.”
  • “Darling, let this day blind you with its colors, make you happy kind faces and makes noise with good news."
  • “If you only knew how hard it is to let you go every morning.”
  • “Dear, this world grows dim without your radiant smile. Please save it - wake up!”
  • “This morning is another reason to remind you that I am lucky. I have you.”
  • "They say that mornings are never good. Don't believe it! While we wake up together, everyone new day- happy".
  • Wake up and reward me with your tender kiss."

Morning greetings to your beloved man

It's not just women who love receiving uplifting messages. A morning greeting from his girlfriend will help a man to be in a good mood all day and strengthen the relationship (a little romance on a weekday never hurt anyone).

  • “Darling, the only time you look defenseless is in the morning. The rays of the sun on your face and the tuft on top of your head make you especially cute.”
  • “I love it so much when you open the window in the morning and squint in the sun.”
  • “Darling, let yours from your favorite coffee shop be as hot and sweet as my kisses! I miss you.”
  • “I didn’t sleep well today. It’s unusual not to feel your warmth at night. Come back soon, I’m really looking forward to seeing you!”
  • “I catch myself thinking that I envy your bed! A pillow can share your dreams, and a blanket hugs and warms you. I look forward to when we meet again. In the meantime, good morning, sleepyhead!”
  • “Darling, may the new day be favorable to you, may the people be friendly, and the weather be warm. Take care of yourself!”
  • “Darling, the hot coffee is getting cold. This means it’s time to wake up! I wish you the best morning!”

Morning wishes for friends

Greeting a friend in the morning is a great way to cheer up and support a friend. Let it be optimistic and humorous. The main thing is that it corresponds to the usual manner of communication, is not overheard (no one likes to hear hackneyed phrases addressed to them), and shows how much the person knows the characteristics of his friend.

  • “Good morning, buddy! Get your body out of bed, recharge with caffeine, wash your bright head and go ahead with your song!”
  • “If you wake up on time today, I’ll buy you a hot croissant. And they also say that money can’t buy friends.”
  • "Wake up, couch potato! Great things await us!"
  • "Good morning, darling! Today is going to be a great day! I know because I have some tucked away for you Have a good mood in the form of a chocolate bar!"
  • “Good morning! Let’s wake up! Get dressed in your favorite jeans! Take your phone and look for my number there so that I won’t die here without you!”

Cool morning greeting

  • "Only two words in this world help me wake up - your name and "must".
  • “Good morning! Wake up. After all, if you don’t shine, who will warm this world?”
  • “If you wake up at the wrong time today again, this difficult choice will arise again: what to wear - unwashed or unironed? Good morning and easy decisions for you today!”
  • “British scientists have found that the longer you sleep, the more likely you are to get a reprimand from your boss. Wake up and let everything go smoothly today!”
  • “Today is another morning that you didn’t start with a run.”
  • “It’s good morning, but I’m not. Especially when I’m waiting for you, who’s late. Wake up, you and I have some deeds planned today!”
  • “I know how much you hate alarm clocks, so I decided to wake you up with an SMS. Remember what a caring friend you have. Good morning!”

Morning SMS message

What better way to lift your spirits in the morning than original morning greetings? SMS messages will help you get closer to the right person.

  • "Good morning! Have a wonderful day! Happy smiles! Kisses to you!"
  • “So I’m writing an SMS and thinking: what if she wakes you up, you’ll be angry with me for this, but I just wanted to wish you a good morning! So I decided to play it safe: I’ll write you an SMS and call you back on home phone. And then suddenly you, too, played it safe and turned off your mobile phone.”
  • "Hello. An order has been placed from your number for a morning kiss. Receive it. Best regards, delivery service."
  • “Good morning, my joy! I love you very much. Have a nice day!”
  • “You are now probably sleepily walking around the apartment and looking for your phone with the thoughts: “Who dared to wake me up so early on a day off?” So... Good morning, dear!”
  • "Sweet awakening will begin in... three... two... one!"

Morning notes and letters

A beautiful morning greeting can be left in the form of a note. This will make waking up dear person more enjoyable.

  • “When the Earth finds itself in the arms of the Sun, I also want to hug you and gently whisper: “Good morning, my joy!”
  • "A ray of sunshine. Curtains. The rustle of the bed. The aroma of coffee. The sweetness of a kiss. You!"
  • “I left for work. And I leave you breakfast on the table, dishes in the sink and boundless love in my heart. Good morning, dear!”
  • “Today you will wake up as a star! You will go out into the street to the applause of the sun, you will sign autographs at work and listen to the request for an encore after our kiss.”
  • “I wish you today at least half a step closer to your dream. Remember, it is already nearby.”
  • “Believe in yourself the same way I believe in you. Look at yourself with the same eyes as I look at you. Value yourself the same way I value you. Good morning and have a good day!”

Greetings to the child

Greeting your baby in the morning can be a great wake-up ritual that will help your baby wake up more easily and maintain a daily routine.

  • “Hello, bunny, wake up! Don’t lie around for a long time in the morning. Wash, get dressed, get ready for kindergarten with mom!”
  • “My sun, wake up! You’ve already been waiting for the sun’s light. Quickly stretch and wash your face, the kitchen smells like an omelette for you!”
  • “Baby, you’ve been sleeping for a long time! I’ll open the window and let the sun’s rays pour in from the rooftops.”
  • “A bird is chirping outside the window, you have pizza for lunch! Quickly open your eyes, a new day is already here - welcome!”

Morning kindergarten greetings

Morning greetings in kindergarten are also a ritual of entry into classes. It is easier for children to get used to such forms of work; they become more enthusiastic. Along with the chant there may be a small morning exercises. It is in the form of a game, so it does not cause protest among children.

You can compose your morning greeting yourself: describe it in a simple poetic form sun, plants, birds, morning rituals (washing, breakfast, etc.). For example:

"Bright sun!

Blue sky!

Hello, dear Earth!

The boys and I got up early

And we welcome you!"

Such greetings can also work to bring kids together:

“We all stood together in a circle.

You are my friend and I am your friend!

We will smile at each other

Let's hold hands tightly."

How to write greetings?

Perhaps the main criterion when composing a morning wish or greeting is an individual approach and attitude towards a person. The message should convey the feelings that are embedded in it, describe common moments in life, habits, the knowledge of which brings people together.

The form in which the message is conveyed is of great importance. Of course, when you are at a distance, it is better to send SMS. This way you can be sure that it will arrive in right time(which cannot be predicted with writing). If it is possible to write by hand, it is better to choose this. A note with familiar, favorite handwriting will bring more pleasure to the person who reads it. And if a cup of coffee is attached to the note, you certainly won’t remain indifferent.

The specificity of the morning message is that it should be positive. Optimism, faith in the best, wishes for good - that's what it should contain. After all, the first thing a person sees on a new day determines how he will spend that day. So let every morning bring only pleasant surprises!

Bedtime story//Knocking... from heaven.

"...I'm here.
The wind lay down at my feet
After the roads.
I couldn't come earlier.
I'm here - bless the sunset...
Quiet as falling leaves...
I know it's my fault..."

“Ding – dong – ding – dong – ding – dong...” The ringing of thousands of tiny silver bells, like a scattering of small needles, digs into the brain, forcing you to return from sleepy oblivion. “Dima, Dimochka...”, a yearning female voice cries and calls from afar, now approaching, now moving away...

Dmitry hardly shook off his numbness and emerged from the heavy whirlpool of sleep. The cell phone rang, straining. “Damn, I forgot to turn it off for the night,” thought Dmitry, burying his head under the pillow. After drinking yesterday, my head ached terribly, and there was such a vile taste of vomit in my mouth that the memory of drinking whiskey caused an attack of nausea.

“Ding – ding – dong,” - the sound of the ringtone seemed to Dima like a ship’s howler. Cursing, he began to fumble for his phone in the pile of scattered clothes. Finally, he succeeded. An unfamiliar number appeared on the display. A chesty female voice asked:
- Dmitry Sosnovsky? I am sister Tomiris. We need to talk.
- We do not have anything to talk about.
Dmitry pressed the end call and was just about to turn off his cell phone when he received an SMS: “Idiot. She died. I'm doing it last request. I’ll be waiting in an hour at the Chaika cafe. Dmitry finally woke up from this simple and terrible “death.” He sat on a huge Empire-style bed in a luxurious bedroom (Tatyana loved everything artsy) and stared blankly in front of him. My head was pounding: “She’s dead, she’s dead.”

An hour later he was at Chaika. He saw Sister Tomiris only once, but recognized him immediately. She sat at a table by the window and looked at front door. Seeing Dmitry, she waved her hand to him. He came up and said hello. She nodded silently and pushed a stack of blue and white envelopes, tied with an elastic band, towards him and said: “This is for you.” And she added contemptuously: “I wish I could tell you, but I don’t want to get on my nerves.” She rose from the table and left, doused with the smell of exquisite French perfume.

Evening was approaching when he arrived at a Muslim cemetery. I wandered among the mazars for a long time until I found her grave, fenced with a simple metal fence. A small monument from white marble, color photography... He squatted down, reached out his hand and touched her smiling face, ran it through her hair and whispered: “Hello, my love...” A huge lump of unbearable melancholy grew in his chest so that it seemed that something would burst inside, that his heart would not will withstand this pain that comes from all sides. He realized that for a long time lied to himself, driving away the love that was knocking on his heart. And what seemed to him yesterday as a victory over his weaknesses, now clearly seemed to be a betrayal of his feelings. And he called this feeling he did not understand by its real name “LOVE” and was horrified by his own hypocrisy. And the tears that had long been ripening in his petrified soul suddenly poured out in a cleansing stream along with the words: “Forgive me, dear, beloved, only... I love you...”

“Ding - dong - ding - dong - ding - dong,” - hundreds of thousands of silver bells rang for failed love, and weaving into this invisible choir, a yearning voice loving woman called him from heaven: “Dima, Dimochka...”

"...I'm here.
The soul asks for warmth.
Autumn has lit the fires.
I know how you waited.
I'm here - bless the sunset...
Quiet as falling leaves...
I know I'm to blame.
I'm here.
The wind lay at my feet.
After the roads...
I couldn't come earlier..
Are you here.
The stars have fallen from heaven..
The river and the forest can hear...
This good news.
Fate tempts... tempts...
Everyone commits sins at some point
And in ignorance with an involuntary step -
We hurt those closest to us.
Fate tempts, tempts...
But she doesn't solve anything.
Only our love..
Raises me again from the ashes..."

Morning greeting

1. Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello, free breeze!
Hello, little oak tree!
We live in the same region -
I greet you all!

2. In the morning we get up with the children in a circle and say:

Hello right hand- stretch forward

Hello left hand- stretch forward

Hello Friend-

we join hands with our neighbor,

Hello Friend-

take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle -

shake hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small squat,

Can we be big? let's get up

But no one will be alone

3. Hello sun!

Hello sky!

Hello, my whole Earth!

We woke up very early

And we welcome you!

4. All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

We'll join hands

Let's smile at each other.

We'll go in circles.

Let's start a round dance (walking in a circle)

Good morning, little eyes!

You woke up?

Good morning, ears!

You woke up?

Good morning, hands!

You woke up?

Good morning, feet!

You woke up?

The eyes are watching.

Ears are listening

Hands clap

Feet stomp.

Hurray, we're awake!

5. The greeting is accompanied by movements, the children sit on the carpet in a circle:

Hello, Heaven!

Raise your hands up

Hello, Sun!

Make a large circle with your hands above your head

Hello Earth!

Gently lower your hands onto the carpet

Hello, planet Earth!

Draw a large circle above your head

Hello our big family!

All the guys join hands and raise them up

6. Children stand in a circle with their hands down: (teacher sings)

Hello Hello,

Hello Hello,

So our circle has gathered.

Hello Hello,

Hello Hello,

A friend gave his hand to a friend.

Luda gave her hand to Lesha,

And Lesha gave his hand to Vanya.....(about each child in a circle)

So our circle has gathered.

(shake hands together)

7. Dili-dili-dili-dili!-
The bells were ringing.
The bells woke me up
All the bugs and spiders
And funny moths.
Ding, day! Ding, day!
Let's start a new day!
The bells woke me up
They will eat and eat everyone,
All lazy bear cubs.
And the sparrow woke up
And the little jackdaw perked up...
Ding, day! Ding, day!
Don't sleep through the new day!

8. In our group every day

Let's do exercises

Doing the exercises

Strictly in order:

Everyone sat down

We stood up together

Turned their heads

Stretch, turn around

And they smiled at each other!

9. We will say to the sun: “Hello!”

We will say to the sky: “Hello!”

“May the morning be clear!”

We will tell nature.

Let the world be beautiful!

And even on a rainy day

We wish him happiness, love and beauty!

Only we will open our eyes,

Let's just wash our face

Mom's dear face

“Good morning,” he will tell us.

Good morning, mom, dad!

Hello, guys in the garden,

Sun, sky and animals

Good morning to all of you!

For the morning, sun, blue sky,

For the happiness of all of us living as one family,

For Mother Earth, who warmed us with affection.

She fed us, dressed us in her cover,

For being patient with us, like children,

Thank you to her that we live in the world!

Hello, dear sunshine,

Hello, blue sky!

We will open for you

And palms and hearts.

Let everyone in the world be warm,

Let people smile

And they will forget about the wars,

Let the world be without end!


Hello, our good “Know-ka”!

Meet us for a visit in the morning.

The kindergarten is our second home.

It's good that we live in it.

On a walk


Together with the sun we rise,

We send a smile to the sky,

Greetings to the entire Earth!

After all, she is no more beautiful!


Hello, mischievous wind,

Summer, autumn, spring

You give us coolness

And trees and flowers.


You love everyone, you warm everyone,

You caress and pity everyone,

Our Sun, our light,

We all send our greetings to you!

4. Flowers

We won’t pick flowers

Let them grow to the joy of people!

Red and blue, all so beautiful!


To all the animals, birds, fish

And we send smiles to the bugs.

We love you all very much, friends.

We will not offend you!


We give place to the elders

We are on a bus or tram.

And we help them in everything.

It’s difficult for older people, we know!

The kindest, the sweetest,

Where do you get your strength for everything?

There is no better mother in the world,

Both fathers and children know about this!


Good morning, forests and fields,

Good morning planet Earth,

We wish you happiness and health, people,

In the morning at kindergarten let's run in!

7. Hello, my dear freedom:

Sun and sky

Sea and river

Rocks and mountains

Forests and fields,

Field and arable land,

Meadow and valley!

Good morning, my Ukraine,

I'm smiling to you!

8. Hello, wonderful forest

And wide fields!

Hello, miracle ocean

And a beautiful land!

Hello, mischievous wind,

Play with me, my friend,

Spread my words

In all villages, cities,

So that they can be heard

People all over big land

And they sent me back

All smiles and hello!

9. I greet you,

Sky blue azure,

I greet you,

The sea is blue,

I greet you,

The morning dawn is purple,

Look at me,

Miracle - clouds.

Are you looking at me

Each hour,

After all, you are a part of me,

I can't live without you.

10. (evening walk)
Good evening, garden-garden!
All the birches are sleeping and sleeping,
And we'll soon go to bed,
Let's just sing a song.
Fat gray elephant
I saw a terrible dream,
Like a mouse by the river
Tore him to shreds...
And for the girls, ding-dong,
Let me have a dream, a dream,
Full of tiny flowers
And little green bugs!
Goodbye, garden-garden!
All the birches are sleeping and sleeping...
It's time for the children to sleep too - until the morning!

11. Dressing for a walk

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied it up

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and gallop.

Rituals throughout the day

1. "Smile"

Children close the circle, touching each other with their hands, shoulders, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling, and say the words:

Smile at me quickly

I'll smile at you.

Hello, bright sunshine,

Hello, beautiful sky!

We are grateful for everything,

Nature, for you!

2. “Create the sun within yourself”

There is sun in nature. It shines for everyone, and loves everyone, and warms everyone. Let's create the sun within ourselves. Close your eyes and imagine a small star in your heart. We mentally direct a ray of love towards her. The asterisk has grown. We direct the ray that brings peace. The asterisk increased again. I send a ray of goodness, the star has become even bigger. I send rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star becomes as big as the sun. It carries warmth in a breeze, (arms to the sides in front of you).

3. "Sun"

Close your eyes, stretch out your arms. Imagine that you have little suns on your palms. Through your fingers, like rays of the sun, warmth spreads throughout your entire hand. The hands have calmed down and are resting. Let's turn our attention to the legs. The sun's rays warm your feet and toes. Fatigue goes away, muscles relax. (We draw the children’s attention to breathing). Imagine your stomach like a ball or ball. As you inhale, the ball rises slightly, and as you exhale, it lowers. Breathing calms down, becomes smooth and even. Smile at each other, say kind words.

4. “Kind words”

Try to devote 1-3 minutes every day to kind words. Every kind word brings strength and energy, first of all, to the person who said it, and then to the person to whom these words were spoken. It is important not only to say a kind word, but also to put your soul into it. Without warmth, without sincerity, a spoken word is inanimate.

Don't say rude words

Only give good ones.

5. "Kindness"

Place your hands in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, mentally direct Love, Goodness, Peace in all directions from yourself, imbued with this state. This is how a child creates a field of love, peace, and goodness around him. These minutes will come back a hundredfold.

What's your mood now? What does it look like: the sun or a dark cloud?

6. “I am a doctor”

This game helps to increase the child’s overall psychophysiological tone, the emergence of a positive emotional mood, the formation of basic self-correction skills, and the functioning of the body’s functional systems. It can be carried out in a preparatory group for school in any classes and outside of them.

Each child enters into the image of a doctor - a healer of the future, to whom everything is subject.

The doctor “heals”: ​​with passes over the head, stroking, sympathy. He orders the authorities:

Dear heart, work well, rhythmically, be kind!

Blood, be clean, healthy, wash all the vessels of the body!

Tummy, be soft, my intestines, work accurately and at the right time!

Next, the children sit in the “fakir” pose and relax; in front of them are cups of warm water, boiled water. They make passes over the cups - inhale freely, and as they exhale they say slowly and drawn out: “A-u-m.” Continuing to make passes, the children say:

Water, clean, healthy, I will never get sick, I will always be cheerful, sweet, beautiful. Children then gargle with this “charged” water. Gradually, the water temperature can be lowered, which promotes effective hardening.

Group motto

1. Let's join hands and remember our motto:

How joyfully we live.

We sing songs together.

We can laugh merrily.

Make a joke, have some fun,

And argue sometimes.

Well. but never fight!

2. Senior group - what does this mean?
So no one cries in the morning anymore,
No one will spill soup on your shirt,
Everyone has learned to put on a coat,
Even shoes with tight laces
We don't trust either mom or dad.

3 ."Mirilka" ritual

So that the sun smiles
Tried to warm you and me,
You just need to become kinder
And let us make peace soon!
We've had enough of being angry already.
Everyone around is having fun!
Let's make peace quickly:
- You are my friend!
- And you are my friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before!
(children sit on the “carpet of friendship” and say in chorus)


1. Washing

Tanya, Mashenka and Zhenya,

Wash your hands thoroughly.

Don't skimp on soap.

I've already set the table.

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon,

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed.

Wash your hands before eating

Dirty hands threaten disaster.

Warm water

I wash my hands clean.

I'll take a bar of soap

And I rub my palms with them.

Warm water

Wash Tanya's face,

Fingers - Antoshka,

Sasha - palms.

2. Washing

What does it mean to be clean?

Wash your hands often with soap,

Remove dirt from under nails

Yes, cut them quickly.

Wash your face in the morning

And also in the evenings.

I'll wash my ears clean -

Ears will listen better.

Why do your eyes sparkle?

I washed my face with soap.

I still need skill

To brush your teeth deftly.

Hair and comb are friends,

My hair is good.

Ay, ok, ah, ok,

We are not afraid of water,

We wash ourselves clean,

We smile at everyone.

3. washing

Wash yourself cleanly, don’t waste water.

Your palms will be whiter than snow.

I'm early this morning

I washed my face from the tap.

I can do it myself now

Wash your face and neck.

4. Combing

Grow your braid to your waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused,

Mom, daughter, listen.

I scratch, I scratch my hair,

I'm combing my braids!

What do we do with a comb?

We're doing Tanya's hair.

Even though I quarrel with you often,

Toothed comb


My sister can't live without you

Braid your hair.

Without you I would have to make a mess

Walk around all day shaggy

I'll braid my hair,

I'll braid Russian hair,

I weave, I weave, I weave,

I sentence:

“You grow, grow, braid -

The whole city is beautiful."

At the table

1. Afternoon snack

So the afternoon tea has arrived,

The children all sat down at the table.

So that there is no trouble,

Let's remember the rules of food:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent.

Don't litter at lunch

If you make a mess, clean it up.

2. And we have spoons

A little bit magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food.

There was no trace left.

3. On my plate

Red squirrel,

So that she can be seen

I eat everything to the bottom.

Drink, my friend, tomato juice,

You will be slim and tall.

4. Deep and shallow

Ships in a plate

Here the boat is sailing,

Swims right into your mouth.

5. "I don't want to eat semolina porridge

The girl Masha screamed.

“That’s right,” thought the porridge,

good girl Masha."

6. Lunch

Take a spoon, take bread,

And soon for lunch.

Let's put it on a spoon

Cabbage, potatoes - and hide them!

Try to find it!

Not visible on the spoon

Cabbages, potatoes.

And it’s not on the plate - look!

7. Lunch hour has come

The kids sat down at the table.

8. First he is in a big field


Then in the peasant barn


Then it bakes in the bakery

And soft, fragrant on the table


Daytime nap

1. In the bedroom

We slept and rested,

Did you have fun?

2. Silence by the pond

The water is not pumping.

The reeds don't make noise,

The kids fall asleep.

3. Stretchers, stretchers

Across the fat girl,

And in the hands there are grippers,

And in the legs there are walkers,

And in the mouth there is a talk,

And in the head there is reason.

Bears and elephants sleep

The hare and the hedgehog are sleeping.

Everyone should be asleep long ago,

Our children too.

The night has passed

Took away the darkness

The cricket fell silent

The cockerel crowed.

Mommy got up

She opened the shutter.


bell sun!”

4. A dream walks on the bench

In a red shirt,

And Soniaha - on the other hand -

Blue sarafan.

They walk together

They are carrying the dream to Katenka.

5 .Tales, tales,

The bunnies galloped

They began to rock the cradle,

Induce a sweet slumber.

They began to play the pipes,

Misha started to fall asleep

6. The Dream Walks

Near the Windows.

Sandman wanders

Near the house.

And they look:

Is everyone asleep?

7. Just like our grandmother has seven grandchildren.

Seven or seven have not slept since the evening.

To everyone's grandmother

Come in the evening.

To everyone's grandmother

Start a song:

About a duckling, about a kitten,

About the little fox, about the gosling,

Baku about the swan,

Baku is about the rabbits.

A grandmother cradles her seven grandchildren.

8. Bye, bye, boy,

There's a plowman in the clearing,

There's a dancer at the party,

There is a nozzle in conversation.

9. Sleep, Masha - the sun,

Sleep, little grain of life,

Sleep, my dear,


10. Bye, bye, it's time to sleep.

Guests are coming from the yard,

They are going home from the yard

On a black horse.

11. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

Go to sleep quickly.

Bye-bye, go to sleep, go to sleep,

Take you away.

12. Bye-bye, bye-bye,

Go under the barn, beech tree,

Go under the barn, beech tree,

There are bricks under the barn,

Buka couldn't be any easier.

13. Lyu-li, liu-li, lyulenki,

The little ones have arrived.

They sat down to coo,

Where should I take the baby?

14 .Bay-bai-bainki,

Let's buy the child some felt boots.

Let's put it on your feet,

Let's go along the path.

The baby will walk

He will wear felt boots.

15. Oh, you little gray cat,

Your tail is white

Scram, cat, don't go!

Don't wake up my baby.

16. A dream walks on the mountain.

Wears a nap on his sleeve,

He sells it to all the kids,

gives our Tanya that.

17. Lyuli, lyuli, baenki,

There are bunnies in the garden.

Bunnies eat grass

They tell Nastya to sleep.

18. Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, bai

Go to sleep quickly.

I'll walk on water

I'll give the bunny some tea.

19. Sleep walks by the windows,

He goes to Drema to pay his respects.

Come in, Drema, into the house,

Let us calm down.

20. Tales, tales,

The bunnies galloped

They began to rock the cradle,

Induce a sweet slumber,

They began to play the pipe,

Misha began to fall asleep.

21. Oh lyulenki, lyulenki,

Gulenki flew towards us.

They flew towards us

We looked at them.

We flew, we flew,

They sat on a birch tree.

And the birch tree creaks, creaks,

And my Vasya is sleeping, sleeping.

22. Bye-bye, bye-bye,

Don't bark, little dog,

Cockerel, don't scream

And don’t wake up Vanyusha.

My Vanyusha will sleep,

Yes, grow big.

23. "Magic Dream"

Eyelashes droop

The eyes close.

We rest peacefully

We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply...

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest...

They rest, fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And she is relaxed.

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The tension has flown away


24. (daytime sleep)
The distant forest stands like a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a branch and grass grows there.
Knows sleepy words.
As soon as he whispers his words, his head immediately drops.
Today I will ask the owl for the following grass:
Let the grass tell you sleepy words.


1. After sleep

We rested peacefully

fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tightly,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up!

2.Joyful Awakening

(five minutes of wellness after nap for children senior group)

The rise is announced!

The dream is over - we get up.

But not at once.

Hands first

We woke up and stretched.

(children lie in bed on their backs, moving straight arms forward and upward, arms bent to the sides.)

The legs straighten, they danced a little.

(foot movements left and right, forward and backward, stepping legs bent on the bed.)

Let's roll over onto our stomachs.

Let's bend over.

(exercise "Ring")

Let's ride a bike for a while

(imitation of the movements of a cyclist)

We raise our heads, we no longer want to lie down.

one, two, three and exactly one time

We need to get on the mat.

(children stand on the mat and move around it).

This rug is not ordinary, button-shaped, cute.

This mat is very important.

It is therapeutic, it is massage.

Stomp around, walk around, and jog a little.

Now let's walk along the floor, on our toes, on our heels, on the outside of our feet, and then in a squat.

We'll jog

We want to dance a little.

After some light twirling we will create a surprising figure.

We raise and lower the chest,

We inhale and exhale.

We finally wake up and get down to business.

3. Get up, kids!

(five minutes of wellness after a nap for older children).

Get up, kids!

Quiet hour is over

Daylight greets us.

We woke up and stretched.

Turned right, left

(pull-ups, turns).

We raised our heads (lifting)

We clench our fists deftly .(squeezing and unclenching the hands).

The legs began to dance

We don't want to sleep anymore.

(foot movements in different directions)

Let's lean on our feet,

Let's stand up a little.

(performing the “Bridge” exercise: raising the pelvis from a supine position, legs apart)

Everyone bent, rounded, and created bridges.

Well, now it's time to get up, get up kids!

Everyone walks on the floor barefoot, and then runs lightly.

Inhale, rise up on your toes, and exhale, lower down onto your heels.

Come down, exhale

And repeat again.

Stretch your foot and walk.

(walking on toes, heels, outside of the foot).

Now we have completely woken up and returned to our business.

4.Wake up, kids!

(five minutes of healing after a nap for children of the younger group.)

Guys, wake up!

Open your eyes!

Stretch your legs, lift your arms.

We will first take very small steps.

And then take a wider step, like this, like this.

Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up.

Raise your legs higher and walk like a heron.

The "airplanes" sat at the airfield, and then they grew fat.

They flew through the sky for a long, long time, then landed and were tired.

The ball was jumping high and high...

Rolled far, far away.

He began to spin around and then stopped.

Finally we woke up and returned to our business.

5. Wake up, stretch.

(five minutes of wellness after a nap for children of the younger group).

Wake up, stretch, turn over on your side.

Rise up slightly and then sit down.

Now get up and start moving one after another.

We walk in a circle and raise our hands...

6. After sleep

Stretch - stretchers

(Reach your fingers up as high as possible)

Stretch - stretch,

From the toes to the top of the head,

We'll stretch, stretch,

We won't stay small.

My beloved, good morning,
And accept my wishes with him!
Listen to the birds sing songs,
Warmth, creating comfort in the soul!

Look how the sun shines through the window,
How it shares happiness with you!
You are the morning air and breathe fresh,
And open the doors of your soul to love!

I wish you good morning,
Congratulations on good morning!
I send an SMS with greetings, love!
I hug and kiss you!

Good morning! May the day be clear
And the mood is just wonderful.
May awakening bring joy,
Without fuss, without worries and worries.
Let the dawn carry away the dull shadow,
Greet the new day with a happy smile.

Open your sleepy eyes -
SMS woke me up!
Wake up, my fairy tale,
The dream has surely disappeared!

Good morning, dear,
You are my beloved!
The sun rose, sparkling -
Waiting for a smile from you!

Sun Ray
Slides across the cheek.
Morning coffee -
Mug in hand.

Splashes of water,
The glass fogged up...
Good morning,
My happiness!

Good morning my dear.
Good morning, Have a good day!
Let a cup of coffee warm you up
And the sun will give its ray of warmth.
Good, positive and good luck
For the whole new day -
The one that lies ahead!

Hi my Sweetheart!
How are you this morning?
Are you still dozing?
It's time to wake up!

Get up quickly
It's light outside,
A sunny bunny
frolicking in the window!

The world is becoming beautiful
With the first rays of the sun.
Enjoy the clear radiance
Standing quietly at the window!

Smile, my dear!
Forget about the sad, vague things.
Know that someone adores
You this bright morning!

Good morning wishes in original form

The sun plays in your hair,
Darling, how beautiful you are in the morning!
And the birds sing their tune to you,
May you open your eyes quickly!

After all, good morning is knocking on your window,
I hope you smile now!
Today happiness must visit,
And you will touch him with your heart!

Good morning! Sun is up!
Everyone was tickled by the light.
Wake up, get up quickly!
And don't be discouraged.
"Sun" dear, dear,
I'm always with you everywhere.

Wake up, admire the dawn,
Today he is beautiful and clean.
He caresses with his warm light,
A new leaf opens today.

Good morning, my happiness!
It's a pity that I don't see your face!
A day without you will be boring, believe me,
Check your inbox list often!

Good morning, wake up,
Let warmth reign in your soul!
Smile radiantly
May you be lucky today!

May your day be wonderful
Life will be filled with goodness
So that a cheerful, ringing song
Everything is filled up!

Wake up, happiness! Remember me!
I want to wish you a joyful morning!
Admit it, did you see it in a dream?
How much I love you and want to be near you?

My kiss flies lovingly
To wake you up in the morning.
Let his touch
Gives you a moment of joy.

Let it be good morning
With a smile on your lips.
Let the night's sleep melt away,
And I am with you in my dreams.

Wake up, smile
And be filled with love.

I'll sneak up to you invisibly, secretly...
Did you feel the breeze? It's me!
I will kiss you with a light breeze,
Wake up, my dear!

Good morning original wish in prose

Good morning, my beloved! Beloved - because I can’t get enough of you, and I’m sure that it’s because of your beauty that sleep won’t let you go: he also can’t stop looking at you! But I hope that my good morning wish will be stronger than the wicked dream and will raise you to meet me!

Good morning and pleasant awakening. I wish you a wonderful and sunny mood for the whole day, strength, a feeling of vigor and optimism. May everything work out for you today, may luck be with you from morning to evening.

Do you want me to paint the sun’s rays in your window with different colors now? I wish you to experience magical joys throughout the day. Good morning!

Good morning today, because when I woke up, I remembered you. So I’m ready to wake up every day with ease! Good morning, honey!

Good morning my love! You will read this message at work - if, of course, you get there safely. Darling, I beg you - don’t paint your lips while driving! Don't make eyes at the traffic police officers! And if you suddenly forget where the brake is, don’t look for it in the mirror, it’s not there! I'm waiting for a call from you, my joy!

I wish you the kindest, most cheerful, happy, beautiful, gentle, sweet and wonderful morning. I wish you to be inspired to set out on your journey today, confidently achieve your goal and enjoy life to the fullest.

Every new day is a real adventure, and every new morning is its beginning. May this day be unusually colorful for you. Good morning!

Good morning, darling! I miss you very much, I want my greeting to make you smile sweetly and lift your spirits for the whole difficult day!

One day, your charming smile pierced my heart and awakened love in it. And until now, every minute without you is a minute without a heart. And now my morning message is piercing your phone to wake you up and bring my love along with wishes for a good day!

Good morning! Have a wonderful day and feel great! Smile, a wonderful day awaits you, filled with wonderful events, smiles and pleasant things! Let the morning freshness give you a lot of impressions and new ideas! Happy awakening to you!

Every new day is another bright page of our happiness. Let's read it avidly, without interruptions and to the last letter! Good morning my love.l

My joy, wake up soon. The night without you was so long and sad. I already want to pounce and kiss you! Good morning, honey!

Many of us ask the question: “How to start the day so that it is successful and positive?” A cup of aromatic coffee will, of course, invigorate you, but will not motivate you to good luck and success. But a morning SMS wishing you a good, successful day can play a decisive role. After all short SMS good morning are not only an ordinary message, they carry positive charge energy and a lot of emotions. Receiving such a “surprise” in the morning makes you want to move mountains and share great mood with others.

Send beautiful SMS you can say good morning to your loved one, undoubtedly, it will make the world more beautiful, even if outside the window overcast. So familiar to everyone in modern world It’s difficult to surprise with a message. But if the wish is written from the heart, contains poetry, beautiful romantic wishes or erotic phrases, it will touch the soul and make you think about deep things. strong feeling, which is experienced by the person who sent it.

Good morning! Happy new day!
With the sun in the blue sky!
With the singing of birds! With a babbling stream!
And rustling grass!
I love you earth!
Hello morning - it's me!!!

Good and cheerful morning! Have a nice and fruitful working day!
Don't forget in the morning
Wish each other well.
Good morning hello
It will help you avoid all troubles.

My dear friend, good morning! Today the sun shines brightly for me because I dreamed about you! I am sending you my positivity!
The sun rises in the morning,
Sends greetings to you from me!

For lovers, as they say, the soul sings, so there will be no need to come up with words, they will be typed on the keyboard themselves. Wishes for a good day in your own words, containing exciting phrases, can ignite passion between lovers. After all, the message will indicate affection and sympathy. Both a guy and a girl can write SMS in verse to their significant other. Let the sunshine in your window,
Will remind you of me.
And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping.
It’s morning outside, we need to get up!”
You know, without your smile
A new day will not come...
So open your eyes
And smile quickly.
Hello! Good morning!
Have a nice day!
Thank you, my joy,
Because I have you.
Good morning, my happiness!
It's a pity that I don't see your face!
A day without you will be boring, believe me,
Check your inbox list often!

Show your own emotions, it’s so natural. A few lines that fit on the screen will not be able to fully reveal your feelings and emotions, but erotic phrases will intrigue, make the recipient think about what was written, and, of course, will motivate to send a reply SMS. The morning is good only after those nights that I spend in your arms. I hope that every morning will be good and I wish the same for you, dear! I would like to wake up with you in the morning, but, alas, I can’t. That's why I became a ray of sunshine that caresses your lips. Wake up, my love, good morning.
The sun is shining in the blue sky,
Well, my friend, are you sleeping in a sweet dream?
Look out the window - that's where the beauty is!
Have a good, good day!

If you sleep for a long time
Then the bed will be offended,
Because the bed is
Loves to relax in the morning!

Wake up, get up, get ready!
Don't be angry, wash your face quickly
The new day will bring success -
The working pipe is calling.

I wish you a sunny morning!
I wish you vigor and strength!
So that every day of ordinary life,
Only brought joy.

Don't forget that simple wishes for a good mood in the morning can invigorate you just as much as coffee. After all best start the day will be a portion of positive emotions. In order to give a good mood, you don’t need to make any serious efforts, but simply send an email message in verse or with an attached picture to a friend.

Undoubtedly, this SMS will be regarded as a manifestation of care, respect, and perhaps love from a still close friend. Perhaps with a simple email With wishes for a good day, you can start a romantic relationship. Don't look for reasons to send SMS, just do it without doubting the recipient's reaction.

Good morning if you are sad
Or your stomach is empty,
Hurry up my friend today
I'm preparing a delicious breakfast.

What a wonderful morning!
So your day is off to a great start!
Wake up, my friend, quickly,
And pour some aromatic coffee.
May this day be bright and cool,
And the mood will be wonderful,
Let everything work out for you.
Good morning! Have a good day!

I don't have a hard time waking up,
If you wake up with a call,
Good morning, friend,
Let's start a happy day!

Stop cuddling with the blanket
And stop kissing the pillow.
The morning has long come in the yard,
Girlfriend, it's time for you to get up.

So the morning has come,
The rays woke us up.
And I wish you
Have a wonderful day.

Of course, you can wish a good day not only to your loved one, but also to a close friend. Your friend will be pleased to receive a bright, positive SMS. There will be appropriate jokes, as well as funny pictures. It's so easy and very pleasant to cheer up a like-minded person. After all, by choosing cool images for a friend, we, against our will, raise our endorphin levels, charging ourselves with positivity at the beginning of the day. The sun is creeping from the east.
Get up quickly, couch potato!

Receive SMS -
It's from me:
Hello, good morning!
Have a good day!

Look quickly, the sun
Sneaks through the window
It pours warmth and light all around
And he’s in a hurry to come to your house.

I wish everyone a good morning,
I'm not saying simple words,
I say because I know:
Good morning - head to the day!

A ray of sun came in from the window,
And whispered - good morning to you!

Remember, the phrase “good morning” not only greets a friend or girlfriend, but also says that the beginning of the day is joyful and cheerful. Brief, funny wishes in prose addressed to a friend will serve as a so-called happiness pill.

Know that you can make a good morning, you just have to tell others about it in prose or poetry. Whether this is done verbally or in the form of an SMS message to a friend, it is not so important. By sharing a piece of your good mood, you make the world around you brighter, more fun, more interesting.

Good morning! To be happy today: start the day with a smile and a delicious breakfast.
A new day is coming
Wake up quickly
Open your eyes
And hurry towards the fairy tale.

The sun rose from behind a cloud,
Stretched out its arms to you,
Hugged, kissed
And good luck!
Good morning!

Receive SMS early
Where is the wish for a day of miracles,
Where there is only joy and success,
And good morning to everyone.

Good morning! Welcome a new day!
I wish you success and fresh ideas!
May you succeed in everything today,
Great luck will smile on you!

Funny and funny wishes for a good day in prose or poetry will be appropriate not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. You can send SMS until noon. To make the message memorable to your friend, combine SMS and MMS.

For example, an image of a cup filled with hot coffee, as well as a small wish in prose, will help you look at the world with different eyes. And even a gloomy, stormy day will be filled with warmth, illuminated by positive emotions. Don't forget to add funny emoticons at the end, such simple funny icons will help express your emotional state.

Get off the pillow
Throw away the blanket
Let's do stretches
And get up quickly.

Good morning, beloved people.
Good morning, dear hearts!
And all day, and morning, and evening
Let the smile never leave your face!

Open your eyes quickly
The morning is preparing a fairy tale for us,
Smells like coffee and cookies
Smells like a new adventure.

Good morning, let it be filled
A day of sunshine and joy.
Let there be something to remember this evening
At the hour when the sun goes into shadow.

So the sun has risen,
My soul felt warm.
I wish you good morning
And I hug you lightly.

Let the beginning of a new day begin with a huge portion of positivity, we wish you to receive more cheerful, funny, as well as romantic wishes in prose or poetry. Look at the world with a smile, because life is more interesting and easier this way!