French politician Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Thornier have gained a lot of fame outside of France due to their unusual love story and huge age difference. The wife of French President Bridget Macron increased his popularity, perhaps this is one of the secrets of successful presidential elections for a politician.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Thornier are a very unusual couple, even if he had not become a very famous politician in France now, the wife older than husband for 25 years without a few months.

I, like many women, have little interest in politics, but I will not miss an unusual love story, and this is really a very unusual story, I will tell you everything that I managed to find out about Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Tornier.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, born on December 21, 1977, is a French politician, he has been closely watched by newspapermen for a long time, because. Emmanuel promptly did political career and at the age of 37 he became the Minister of Economy of France, was an investment banker in the Rothschild bank. Emmanuel Macron is called the sex symbol of France - he is young, tall, stately, charming. Created his own party "Forward!" and runs for the presidency of France in the 2017 elections. If Emmanuel Macron wins the French presidential election in 2017, and the chances of this are very high, he will become the country's youngest president of all time. Emmanuel Macron has been married to Bridget Tornier since 2007.

Brigitte Macron (Tornier) biography

Bridget Thornier was born on April 13, 1953 and was the smallest, sixth child. For five generations, her family has been involved in the chocolate business, in the north of France their family is famous. Bridget grew up and married banker André Louis Ozier, whom she divorced in early 2006. In marriage, Bridget had three children, a son Sebastian and two daughters Lawrence and Tiffany. Bridget Thornier worked at a religious school in Amiens as a teacher French and Latin.

And now the most interesting:

Emmanuel and Bridget Macron love story

Emmanuel Macron and Bridget first met and met at the school where she was a teacher and he was a student in her class. Together with Emmanuel, the daughter of Bridget-Lawrence also studied in the class. Bridget Tornier also led a theater group and Emmanuel took part in it, wrote poetry and Bridget often set him as an example to follow. When Bridget put on a school play, relations with Emmanuel became emotionally closer, he always accompanied her home after class, they talked a lot and even then it was clear that the teenager was in love with his teacher. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, he confessed to Bridget that no matter how she avoided him, no matter how she dodged, he would still marry her. What then could a teacher, a mother of three children and a wife answer to a teenager? Even adult woman then the soul was drawn to a kindred soul, it seems impossible for a young romantic to overcome this abyss.

Young Emmanuel Macron was unable to hide his feelings and confessed to his parents that he was in love, at first his parents did not understand him and decided that he was in love with the teacher's daughter, and not with her. When everything turned out, the reaction of the parents can be understood, and they sent Emmanuel to finish his studies Last year schools in Paris. But Emmanuel and Bridget continued to talk on the phone.

In 2006, Bridget divorced her husband and after almost 1.5 years, in 2007 she married 29-year-old Emmanuel Macron, the couple has been married for 10 years. Interestingly, Bridget's son Sebastian was born in 1975 and is 2 years older than her second husband, now an engineer, daughter Lawrence, the same age as Emmanuel, studied with him in the same class, now a cardiologist, and the youngest daughter Tiffany, for two years younger than husband mother and works for Muskron as a lawyer. Emanuel Macron managed to find mutual language with all the children of Bridget, the paparazzi report frequent joint picnic trips for the whole family, and French presidential contender Emmanuel Macron bottle-feeds the youngest of Bridget's seven grandchildren and considers them his own.

Emmanuel Macron does not plan to have biological children.

Now Brigitte Macron is 64 years old, she has already left her teaching job and is helping her husband in his election race. Bridget is among those people whom Emmanuel trusts, she helped write Emmanuel's election speech and, according to her husband, if he becomes President of France, Bridget will listen to her opinion.


Fate was favorable to Emmanuel Macron, he became the President of France, his wife is now the first lady of the country. Now the parents of Emmanuel Macron have become friends with their daughter-in-law and consider her the inspirer of their son to such success. The wife of French President Bridget Macron came to the inauguration in a suit heavenly blue color and she was immediately accused of imitating Melania Trump, but despite this, the French liked the choice of clothes for the inauguration of Emmanuel Macron and his wife.

French men are famous for their love of love, and this is confirmed by the turbulent personal life of Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy, the country's two last presidents. However, they threaten to be eclipsed by the candidate for the post of head of state, a diligent family man and a monogamist, 39-year-old former Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron. For many months now, the Western press has been enthusiastically discussing the beautiful and unusual love story of a young politician and his wife Bridget Tronier, who is literally fit for an active chosen one as a mother, being 24 years older than him ..

Last November, one of the youngest, most attractive and ambitious French politicians Emmanul Macron announced his intention to take part in the presidential race. No wonder that, having barely listened to the promises of the presidential candidate, the public became interested in his biography, in particular his personal life ... For many, it was a real revelation that a youthful and charismatic man, endowed with a Hollywood smile, has been happily married to his school teacher for 10 years Bridget Tronier. Here they are only nursing together not children, but Tronier's seven grandchildren, because the chosen one of the politician is 24 years older than him. In spite of great amount young admirers, with loving eyes The 39-year-old ex-minister of finance is still looking at his long-legged blonde Bridget. How did such an atypical love story begin?

First meeting

Stories about how young men fall in love with their pretty teachers do not surprise anyone - feelings, as a rule, are purely platonic in nature and quickly fade away. However, Emmnauel Macron was from the very beginning serious about his teacher Bridget Ozier (the surname that she acquired when she was in her first marriage - approx. site). When an attractive person began to teach French literature at a Christian religious school in Amiens, she was 40 years old, moreover, she was married and raised three children - the same age as Macron. In all respects, Bridget was no match for Emmanuel: not only did she have an arranged personal life, she also came from one of the most wealthy and influential families a city that, now in its fifth generation, owns a chocolate factory with an annual income of more than 4 million euros. Emmanuel, who grew up in a family of intellectual professors, was only 15 years old, and at the time of their acquaintance he was in the 10th grade. At first, the young man hid his sympathies, but at every lesson he amazed the teacher with his abilities and talents.

Later, Bridget also took on a theater class. Emmanuel, of course, expressed a desire to participate. In collaboration with the teacher, he wrote the script for the production and played one of the main roles in it.

“We met every Friday to work on a play. It was at that moment that we realized that a lot connects us and generally draws to each other, ”Bridget Tronier admitted years later in an interview with Paris Match.

Macron's classmates noticed that he was not indifferent to the teacher. And she herself always found a reason to publicly praise his literary talents. “He wrote poems, and she read them aloud to the whole class,” a school friend of the future politician shared with Le Parisien.

However, there was no question of a happy ending then: after learning that the young man was passionate about the teacher, his parents insisted that he finish school in Paris.

According to insiders, Emmanuel did not want to leave Amiens at all and promised Bridget that someday she would definitely become his wife. And although the woman told the guy that he would soon forget her, Macron did not plan to give up and continued to seek the favor of his beloved with the same zeal, albeit at a distance.

Even after his departure, they continued to keep in touch. “We could talk on the phone for hours. And I patiently explained to him why we would never be together, ”Bridget recalled in documentary about the French presidential candidate. As we can see, Emmanuel nevertheless turned out to be quite convincing: when the children of his beloved grew up, she left her husband and moved to Paris. “Then I thought that if I didn’t do this, my life would be wasted,” Tronier said in a video interview.

Family life

Before officially legalizing their relationship, Macron and Tronier simply lived together for several years. Bridget's children initially disapproved of her union with a much younger man. However, the politician still managed to win them over and establish warm friendly relations with them.

Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Tronier got married in 2007. On the day of the celebration, the young politician said: “Yes, we are not the most ordinary couple, but we are still together.”

Their relationship they for a long time not advertised: only in 2014, when Macron was appointed French finance minister, did he present general public your beloved wife. Unlike most statesmen, Emmanuel is not shy about showing tender feelings for his wife in public. By the way, the paparazzi often “catch” the Macrons for kisses during romantic walks or at events, and their pictures now and then adorn French glossy publications.

The couple does not have common children, but this, apparently, does not upset Macron at all - he is happy to nurse his wife's seven grandchildren.

Emmanuel is now completely passionate about his political career, but his wife still teaches, but now in Paris. However, during presidential campaign Bridget's husband plays not last role: she supports Emmanuel in every possible way - she reads articles about him and, on their basis, helps to correct the public image, gives him a variety of advice. And he, in turn, listens to his wife-mentor and promises that if he wins, the world will still hear about the French first lady. “She will not be on the sidelines because her views are important to me. Bridget has always been there and it is only thanks to her presence that I manage to keep my balance, ”the politician recently told the RTL television channel.

We can only wish him victory!

The President of France from May 14 is Emmanuel Macron and the first lady is Brigitte Macron. Photo: L "

Bridget Macron. She is a teacher of philology, she is 64 years old, she has three children and her husband is the youngest president of France in history since the time of Napoleon. After his election, he promised her a special role in politics, and fifteen years ago he said: "Whatever happens, I will marry you!"

They met in the late 1990s while attending theater courses at the Lycée in Amiens, northern France. Bridget taught French and was married to a banker. And Emmanuel Macron was in the senior class of the Lyceum, he is 15 years old. At first, Emmanuel's parents thought that the guy fell in love with a classmate. But no, he fell in love with her mother.

“Bridget has always been there, and without her I would not have become who I am,” Emmanuel Macron says in an interview on April 23, 2017, a week before the first round of the French presidential election.

The international media lashed out at Madame Macron with the fact that she is "an adept of perehydrol and solarium, looking like an aged model." And they also said that, thanks to her naturally long legs and thin silhouette, she certainly would not envy Melania Trump, the wife of the new American president.

Bridget and Emmanuel Macron, April 23, 2017. Photo:

Her career

Bridget Macron looks good not only externally. Her professional activity for the environment of teachers is also worthy of attention. At first she was a teacher of philology in educational institutions in Paris, then in Strasbourg, then returned to teach French and latin languages at the Jesuit Lyceum Providence. Her former students she is said to be "enthusiastic and energizes with passion". She continued to work until 2015 in Paris, until the moment she needed to be with her husband, Emmanuel Macron, on the steps of the Elysee Palace during the visit of the Spanish king to Paris.

Emmanuel Macron, aged 39, has seven grandchildren ranging from 18 months to 11 years old.

What does this mean officially?

“For decades in France, the status of the first lady or the first husband (if there was such a case) of the person who was elected to the post of President of France has been considered very important,” said Emmanuel Macron.

During his presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron announced that the status of the first lady of France should be formalized. He is going to appoint Madame Macron to the role of presidential adviser on some issues, but, however, without state status and salary.

“When you are elected president, you already add up your life with someone, spend days and nights, spend your personal and public life. It is necessary that this person has a role and the opportunity to be recognized in this role,” says Emmanuel Macron.

Thus, the new resident of the Elysee as First Lady can count on her voice to be heard and to carry weight, at least in discussions regarding women's rights and gender equality. By the way, Macron said that half of the candidates in the parliamentary elections from his movement “En Marche!” will be women.

Their romance haunts millions of people around the world: in search of clues, journalists and detectives collect the memories of their acquaintances, invent gossip and write their biographies. All in order to find the answer to just one question: how the teenage passion of the President of France could pass the test of time and grew into true love.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on a walk in Le Touque, the place where their love blossomed, April 22, 2017

On a warm May evening in 1993 assembly hall The private Jesuit school La Providence was crowded: high school students who attended the theater circle of Madame Ozier played Jean Tardieu's Comedy of the Language. As always, the success was resounding: at the end of the performance, the satisfied actors with their favorite teacher rose to the final bow. As soon as the intensity of applause reached its limit, one of the leading actors, the hope of the school and an excellent student Emmanuel Macron could not stand it and clung to Madame Ozier's cheek. She did not push him away: the fun of a 15-year-old student who kissed his 40-year-old teacher in gratitude, then could not cause anything but tenderness.

And yet Amiens is a small town, and rumors spread quickly here. And here is the naive prank of an exemplary student from intelligent family is already becoming a local scandal, because more and more more people begin to notice that Madame Brigitte and her student spend too much time together. Too many unnatural.

24 years after the first meeting, Emmanuel and Brigitte "together" (quote Macron) win the presidential election

Madame Bovary

However, at first too high employment Brigitte Ozier with her students did not arouse any suspicion. A teacher of Latin and French, Madame Ozieres, wife of the respected but not very talkative banker André Louis Ozieres and mother of three children, never sat idle, although, as they say, her husband always wanted to have a housewife by his side. But the freedom-loving and cheerful Brigitte, who tied the knot at just 21 years old, was quite enough for three decrees to understand: a senseless stay within four walls was not for her. It never happened.

Throughout her life, Brigitte grew up in Amiens, a city where several generations of her family owned pastry shops. The girl was the youngest of the six offspring of the Tronier couple, and the only one who was born after the war. Probably, there really was something karmic in her date of birth: unlike her brothers and sisters, Brigitte was the most cheerful and mischievous child. She grew up in the 60s beautiful time when the hardships of the war gradually receded, and the incomes of bourgeois families began to work again for the benefit of French capitalism. The love of life helped her naturally and logically experience the death of her closest relatives (her sister died in a car accident, and her niece died of acute appendicitis) and in general infect everyone around with a hedonistic thirst to wish, create, fall in love, laugh. "Being youngest daughter in big family, she had an unlimited amount of freedom,” recalls one of her childhood friends. Brigitte dressed up best stores city, and for good grades at school, her parents could well give her an expensive jewelry set.

The first generation of the Tronier family, who owned a patisserie in the center of Amiens. Brigitte's nephew, Jean-Alexandre, currently owns the establishment.

By the age of 20, she was already one of the most fashionable and famous citizens of Amiens (as they would say today, it-girl) - which, however, was very soon engaged by the local bourgeois prince Andre Louis Ozier. True, he, having arranged for her a magnificent wedding in the city hall, eight years later, almost with an ultimatum, took her with two children and a pregnant third to a suburb of Strasbourg, forcing her to leave her beloved city and her equally beloved job as a press officer. Barely recovered from two decrees, Brigitte in the future had a third child and the status of the wife of the director of the Bank foreign trade. The situation may be enviable - but not at all in the spirit of the future first lady.

Having moved east, the young Madame Ozieres would have completely gone crazy with boredom if one day she had not put aside her beloved and well-read novel Madame Bovary, had not remembered her talent for making friends and had not gone into politics - of course, on local level. In 1989, she would even run for local legislature, promising to open skate parks throughout the city and make it easier for young families to rent. But, despite her assertiveness, she would lose the election - and, as her neighbors recall, only because she was a new person in the ossified town of Tryschtersheim.

At the same time, Brigitte plunges headlong into her other passion - teaching, which, due to early marriage she was never able to devote a single minute of her time, although she studied literature at the university. But fortunately, she still had a diploma and the necessary certificate, and with them the right to teach languages ​​and literature (though only to schoolchildren). Since then, she has given lessons everywhere: in Truschtersheim, in the center of Strasbourg and even in Paris. But in 1991, her family was irresistibly drawn back home - to her native Amiens, where Andre Louis continued to deal with finances, and Brigitte got a job as a teacher and teacher of the drama circle at the Jesuit College La Providence. Here, for two years now, the local child prodigy, Emmanuel Macron, has been studying, in the same class with whom she entered eldest daughter Brigitte Laurence.

Literature lessons

Emmanuel quickly became friends with Laurence - but without romance. Moderately sociable and friendly, the boy, however, was not at all interested in girls of his age, devoting himself to school, lessons at the local conservatory and his main passion - literature. Brigitte's colleagues recall that she never taught him literature, and yet, once enrolling in her theater class, Emmanuel preferred to hone his literary skills only with her. The teacher herself was thrilled by the talent of the student (however, like the entire teaching staff): sometimes it seemed to her that she was dealing with a modern Mozart.

“Without a doubt, he was not like everyone else. He has always been drawn to adults. He just wasn’t a teenager – that’s all,” Brigitte said many years later.

Brigitte Ozier, 1990s/Emmanuel Macron, school photo

Brigitte was the favorite of the schoolchildren. “She once explained to us the concept of passion in literature,” recalls one of her students, “and insisted that sometimes we all need to just live for our own pleasure. She had a wonderful gift for relaxing us." As for Emmanuel, before kissing her in front of everyone, the young man diligently studied literature with her every Friday: Madame Ozier helped him adapt the Art of Comedy by Eduardo de Filippo to the stage. From time to time he read his poems to her, occasionally raising his embarrassed eyes from under the leaflet. Probably, it was then that something was born between them that he secretly dreamed of, and she was even afraid to imagine.

The bliss of an unfulfilled feeling made the student, who was barely fifteen, look for meetings with Brigitte more and more often. They often remained alone - and although no one will ever know if there was something more between them than a rehearsal of plays, one thing is certain: the relationship with Brigitte inspired the enchanted Emmanuel to the most daring literary exercises. One of them was an erotic novel in which a young man in love prudently changed the names and gave it to his neighbor for printing. She - also quite prudently - did not save the manuscript, but nevertheless was not afraid to admit many years later that the essay was "impudent and rather frank."

Meanwhile, Brigitte, increasingly remembering her former beloved heroine Madame Bovary and her disastrous passion for the student Leon, tried to understand her role in this novel. It is quite obvious that in her wife there was not even a hundredth of the romantic potential that this enthusiastic and talented young man concealed in himself, who seemed more serious than all the bankers in the world. “Writing was only a pretext,” Brigitte’s friends recall her words, “in fact, I felt that we always knew each other.” Formally, Brigitte did not even break the law - the age of consent in France is already at 15. And yet her reputation would have come to an end.

Brigitte Ozier during a play, 1990s

And he came. A year later, from a family friend, Emmanuel's parents found out about the scandalous affair, who all this time were completely sure that their son was dating Brigitte Laurence's daughter. The young man's father, Jean-Michel, nearly fell off his chair when he heard the news. Mother was much more restrained - and yet also adamant. “Don't you see? You already had your own life, did he? You won't even be able to bear him children."

Burning with shame, discouraged parents demanded that the lovers at least wait until Emmanuel's 18th birthday. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte honestly admitted. It's funny that his beloved grandmother Manette, who also once taught at high school. But her condescension was not enough. Emmanuel's parents firmly decided to send their son in love away from Amiens and the unlucky teacher. Where? Yes, even to the same Paris - to the prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV: anyway, Emmanuel will go to university next year. Jean-Michel and Françoise themselves never admitted that they sent Emmanuel to Paris because of his love, claiming that they thought only about his education. And yet the young man and his beloved could no longer get rid of this thought.

Before leaving, he told her: “You can’t get rid of me. Whatever you do, I will marry you."

Love in exchange for reputation

They did not see each other for the entire 94th: Emmanuel studied in the center of Paris, while Brigitte continued to teach at La Providence. At first, it seemed to her that the shameful passion of both would pass quickly, but it turned out that the young man did not throw his words into the wind. He called her every day, and Brigitte, as if forgetting that there was a sixteen-year-old teenager on the other side of the wire, talked to him for hours. “Gradually, he achieved what I could no longer resist. It was incredible - he was really ready to wait, ”the woman recalled.

A year later, she began to regularly visit him in Paris - under a variety of pretexts. Emmanuel graduated from high school with honors and enrolled in a one-year university preparation course. Then he turned 18: an affair with Brigitte ceased to be a ban for him. In the capital, no one was a decree to them - study gradually gave way to love (probably that is why Emmanuel constantly failed the entrance to the institute for the next two years), but the young man was truly happy.

Brigitte also swallowed a new feeling: in her native Amiens, every second already knew about her novel, and, as the locals said, during this period, many old friends turned their backs on Madame Ozier, considering her a molester of an innocent boy. It was not easier for Emmanuel's parents: respected doctors, at one point they became a laughingstock, who from now on were treated as if they were infected with the plague. In Amiens, the beloved of the future president will constantly feel like an outcast. This time was given to her very hard - but there was nowhere to retreat.

Finally, the last person to know about Brigitte's infidelities will be her husband Andre Louis, for whom this news will be a real blow. “Having learned the truth, her husband will fall into a rage. writes Mael Brun, author latest biography Brigitte Macron - Being pushed out by your daughter's classmate, an ordinary teenager whom he personally hosted in his home? It's a wound that's not easy to heal." Andre Louis will not forgive betrayal: he will immediately leave home, leaving Brigitte alone to explain everything to her children. She will receive a divorce only in 2006.

Brigitte Macron with daughters Laurence and Tiffany during Emmanuel Macron's election rally, April 2017

after the storm

“In the life of every person, there come such moments when you have to make a vital choice,” explained Brigitte Macron, already the first lady of the country, in an interview with the French Elle, “In one second, everything that has happened to you for the past 20 years loses some or value."

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on the day of the announcement of the presidential election results, May 7, 2017

For ten years, Brigitte and Emmanuel loved each other in spite of the whole world. The young man was able to enter the prestigious Sciences Po in 1998, then continued his education at the University of Paris X - Nanterre, and in the 2000s he moved to Strasbourg to get a degree in business administration. From now on, Brigitte was always with him: unlike Andre Louis, she was only a joy to indulge Emmanuel's ambitions, because he was in love with her like a boy, and a year later, and after five years. And ten years later, when 29-year-old Emmanuel finally decided to propose to his former teacher. Brigitte at that time was 54 years old. Her children also grew up and set off on an independent voyage, eventually forgiving their mother for her happiness.

They got married in the city hall - in the same place where, back in 1974, Brigitte got married for the first time. Emmanuel then publicly thanked everyone for being able to accept "not quite a normal couple." The newly-minted Macron couple settled in Brigitte's family villa in Le Touque, which today periodically opens to tourists.

Brigitte Macron on the porch of her family villa in Le Touque, summer 2017

And in 2014, already an experienced analyst, Emmanuel rose to the post of Minister of Finance, and together with Brigitte they moved to Paris, where the woman continued to teach for her own pleasure. At that moment, their couple again became the subject of public assessment and criticism, and when the charming Ministry of Finance decided to run for president, the level of public misogyny towards Brigitte completely exceeded all permissible values. But, like 30 years ago, the most non-standard couple in France was able to withstand a flurry of hatred and, in the end, irrevocably fell in love with the majority of the country's population. Now Emmanuel and Brigitte solemnly occupy the Elysee Palace - however, this story is already unfolding before our eyes.

The material was written using the data described in the biographies Brigitte Macron: L "Affranchie" (author - Mael Brun), "Les Macrons" (authors - Caroline Derrier and Candice Nedelek), as well as on the basis of statements by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in the press.

France, with its very free views on relations, has not yet known this. Yes and in modern history other states cannot recall such a case. The first lady, wife of President Macron, is 25 years older than her husband.

Until Emmanuel Macron got into big politics, his personal life was of little interest to the general public. Now, after the election of Macron as President of France, in the media there is only talk about his unequal marriage.

Emmanuel Macron responds to criticism of his 64-year-old wife

The 39-year-old politician is no stranger to responding to attacks on his wife. So after his victory in the elections in France, Emmanuel Macron decided to respond to a new wave of discussions of his union with a woman who is 25 years older than him.

What rumors just did not appear around this marriage. So, Macron's "double life" is being discussed on the Internet. The politician is credited with homosexual relationships, which he allegedly covers up with a long-term marriage to a woman who is suitable for him as a mother.

Such conversations are very annoying to Macron, who is tired of the increased interest in his family relations. The other day, the Frenchman gave an interview to Le Parisien, where he noted that no one would care about their marriage if Brigitte Tronier was 25 years younger than her husband. The way society evaluates a woman is a huge problem today, Macron said.

The politician believes that any theories built around his marriage are the problem of their authors:

These people have lost their sense of reality, since they do not believe in my marriage and attribute some kind of parallel life to me, plus they clearly have problems with tolerance.

Brigitte Tronier - Emmanuel Macron's first love

The scandalous romance of the future president of France was his first youthful love. The acquaintance of 15-year-old Emmanuel and 40-year-old Brigitte took place at a provincial Catholic school, where the woman taught classes in a theater group.

After graduating from school, Macron promised that he would definitely marry his teacher when he made a career.

Roman teacher and teenager caused a huge scandal. Brigitte left her husband, with whom she lived for 20 years, and the Macron family hastened to send the guy to Paris, where he completed his studies. However, the distance did not affect the novel - the teacher regularly visited Paris to her lover.

In 2006, her husband divorced Brigitte, and a year later she officially became Macron's wife. By that time, he had already managed to make a good career - he worked as an inspector of finance.

Macron, having successfully started his political career, has repeatedly emphasized that he values ​​​​the opinion of his wife. According to the Frenchman, he would never have achieved that success if Brigitte had not been around.