Tatarone of the Turkic languages; refers to the Kypchak group. Sometimes it is also called Bulgaro-Tatar or Volzhsky Tatar for the differences from the Crimean Tatar language. The Republic of Tatarstan, where, according to the 1992 Constitution, is a state along with Russians, as well as in Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Mari El, Chuvashia, the Republic of Komi, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and many areas of the Russian Federation, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as In Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The total number of speakers, according to the Census of the USSR 1989, exceeds 5.5 million people with a total number of ethnic Tatars at 6.65 million people.

Three dialects are distinguished with numerous dialects inside each of them: medium, Western (Mishar) and East (Siberian Tatars language). The self-confusion of "Tatars" was perceived from the Russians at first Mishars (in the second half of the 19th century), and at the beginning of the 20th century. and other representatives of the people, in particular, the carriers of the average dialect, previously called "Bulgars" ( bolgar) or "Kazan" ( kazan Keshes, kazanla). The immediate neighbors of the Kazan Tatars and today are called them in their own way: Mari syas, Udmurts - biger, Kazakhs and Caracalapaks - nougay.

For phonetics of the Tatar language, vowels are characterized by public incomplete education and special reflections of national labialized, in grammar, there are numerous analytical verb shapes, as well as combinations of the main verb with auxiliary, expressing various, including species values. Compared to other Turkic languages, the affixes of the tajampity are minorly used. In vocabulary there is a significant number of Arab, Persian and Russian borrowing; The impact of these languages \u200b\u200bis also traced in phonetics and grammar (for example, the emergence of unions and allied complex proposals). During the existence of the Volga Bulgaria (9-12 centuries) and the Golden Horde (13-15 centuries), there was an influence of the language of the ancestors of modern Tatars into Russian ( cm. Turkic languages).

Before the formation of an independent Tatar language, Bashkirov and Tatars were part of the Golden Horde and in 13-19 centuries. Used the overall literary language of the Turkic, who had a number of regional features that distinguished him from other faiths of this Turkic book language. Written monuments exist with the 13th century. (poem Kul Gali Kassy and Yusuf.), although writing, first Runic (from 7th century), and then on Arabic (from 10 century), there was before. In 16-19 centuries. The so-called Old Tartar literary language functioned, which continued the tradition of the Turkish; It creates a rich literature of various topics. The modern Tatar literary language was created on the basis of middle and western dialects in the late 19th - early 20th centuries; Its formation is associated with the activities of the Tatar writer, the philologist and the enlightener K.Nasyri and writers of that period (Ya. Eelyanova, Ilyliasi, F. Khalidi), who liberated the Tatar language from the influence of the Turkish. In the 20th century There was a further development of literary norms and expanding functions and areas of use of the Tatar language.

Writing until 1927 existed on Arabic, in 1927-1939 on a Latin basis, from 1939 - based on Russian graphics with several additional letters. In 1992, the law "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan" was adopted, and in 1994 there is a state program to implement it. In Tatar language, teaching is underway as in the middle (since the beginning of the 20th century), so partly and in the highest school; University textbooks are drawn up. Tatar language is taught in a number of institutions and universities. Extensive periodicals is published, and in recent years not only in Tatarstan, but also in a number of other areas of compact residence of Tatars; Radio and television broadcast is underway.

The scientific study of the Tatar language began in the 18th century, when the handwritten Russian-Tatar phrasebook M.Koteelnikova (1740) and the Russian-Tatar dictionary of S. Chaalphine (1785) were compiled. In 1801, in St. Petersburg, the grammar of I.Giganov was published, in 1804 - the dictionary of the same author. At 19 in. The work of the Kazan School of Türcologists, as well as missionaries, was of great importance. Subsequently, a significant contribution to the study of the Tatar language was made by the works of Galparov, V.A. Bogoroditsky, M.Z. Zakiyev and others. Researchers. Tatar language studies are conducted in Kazan and Bashkir Universities, the Institute of Language, Literature and History. Ibrahimova Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in a number of pedagogical universities.

Nowadays, when national problems are particularly relevant, it is necessary to find the right angle of view in the study of the native language, in no case addresses and without bringing his advantages and opportunities. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct targeted work on the instigation of interest in the native language.

History and the current state of the Tatar language and its dialects.

Tatar speech is very harmful, intonationally rich, rhythmic, slightly at an accelerated pace, with an abundance of emotional particles and interjections, with a multitude of speech formulas and clisited expressions.

Any specialist, in whatever field he, is undergoing training in secondary secondary school and continues its specialization in secondary technical or higher educational institutions of the country. This fully applies to the System of Enlightenment and Higher Education Bashkortostan, where there is a wide network of medium, special middle and higher educational institutions with both national and Russian language learning. In the schools of the republic are studied, as a rule, Russian, Tatar, and one of the foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, German, French, etc.).

In the teaching of these languages \u200b\u200band practical mastering, there are many difficulties caused by significant discrepancies of their structures and typology. Interpreters, journalists, editors are faced with similar difficulties - everyone who, by the nature of their profession, is associated with processing information in that and other languages, including verbally - artistic creativity. That is why, along with a relatively historical study of related languages, which has general theoretical and methodological importance, in linguistics not only possible, but also comparable - typological studies of various system languages.

Tatar language (Tat, Tatar, Tatarҫa) - National Tatar language. State language of the republics of Tatarstan and the second most of the prevalence in the number of speakers of the National language in the Russian Federation!
Refers to the Volga - Khpchak subgroup of the Kypchak Group of Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(Altai Language Family).
Of Tatarstan in the center and north-west Bashkortostan and in some areas of Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Astrakhan, Saratovskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Tambov, Kurgan, Tomsk regions, the Perm Region of Russia, as well as in some Areas of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Tatar language is also common among Bashkir, Russians, Chuvash and Mari, as well as some other nations of Russia.

Tatar, according to UNESCO, is in fourth place for its harmony of wording and logic. In this sense, it can be used as a computer language. Knowledge of the Tatar language makes it possible to communicate with all representatives of the Turkic peoples and occupies the fourteenth place in the world.

The founder of the literary Tatar language is Gabdulla Tukai. At the Old Tatar and modern Tatar language, a huge artistic, philosophical, historical, jewelry, educational, episteolar, scientific-ideological heritage, left Kul Gali, Muhamedyar, H. Fezhanovov, S. Mardzhani, Tukay, F. Amirkhan and many Other poets and writers, scientists, enlighteners.

In the 19th century, hundreds of tutorials, phrases, Tatar languages, Crestors, benefits, dictionaries, read books were published, many of which were compiled by missionaries, teachers of spiritual schools, academies. Together with other, compiled by Russian scientists from higher educational institutions, as well as Tatar scientists and educators deserve the most close attention and study.

People's spoken Tatar language is divided into 3 main dialects:

West (Mishar) dialect, having a greater connection with Oguzo - Kypchak language;
- Kazan (medium) dialect (has hypothetical elements of the Bulgarian language);
- East (Siberian-Tatar) dialect, which has been formed as an independent language, but due to political ties and resettlement of the Kazan Tatars in Siberia to a convergence with an average dialect. In the 13th - 19th centuries, the Tatars functioned an old assembly.

Mishar (Western) Dialight of the Tatar language is more uniform, retained more ancient damn, is less suspended by external influences and changes, he has come into contact with a small number of other languages \u200b\u200b(Russian and Mordovsky).
The Mishar dialect, in contrast to Kazan, according to a number of researchers, is part of Kypchak - a Polovtsy group of languages \u200b\u200b(V.V. Radlov, A.N. Smilovich).

The mutual proximity of the Mishar Councils is explained by the relatively late Mishary resettlement (since the late 16th century), which occurred in connection with the creation of the royal government of the so-called (die) lines.

When creating a modern Tatar Cyrillic alphabet, a phonetics of Tatars-Misham, close to the phonetics of an ancient Tatar literary language, was taken as the basis, which the presence of letters in it is due to the average dialect and the indicated sounds of h (PM) w (J), as well as the lack of U (fricatative (slit) equivalent h), y, k and ғ

Mishar dialect of Tatar language L.T. Makhmutov divides into two groups of the Govorov: "Casting" and "Choking". At the same time G.Kh. Akhatov in his classification divides the Mishar dialect into three groups of govorov, adding to the "molding" and "molding" - "mixed" group of govors. Linguistically diallas are close to each other, however, are not identical: each of these groups is inherent in some specific features in the field of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary.

The "Miscellaneous" group of Mishar dialects includes:
Temnikovsky (Western regions of Mordovia, Southeast Part of the Penza region) Lambirian talk (Eastern part of Mordovia),
Priefsky talk (Birsky, Karaidel, Mishkinsky districts of Bashkortostan).
Kuznetsky Speaking (Penza region), the prasshansky speak (south of the Ulyanovsk region) Orenburg speak (Orenburg region) Talks of the Volgograd and Saratov regions.

The "COCING" group of Mishar Govors make up:

Sergarian talk (Nizhny Novgorod region),

Yezhzhanhanovsky (Tatarstan and Chuvashia),

Chistopolsky language (mixed) (regions of the order of Tatarstan and the Samara region),

meleksi language (conditional) (Northern regions of the Ulyanovsk region).

However, according to the opinion of Professor Akhatova, Kuznetssky talk and praise language are not at all to the "melting" group of diamonds, but to "mixed". According to the scientist "Mixed" group of govor, is characterized by almost parallel use of H (PM) with a pronounced explosive element C, for example: "Pytchak, Pyvak (Paplek - knife). Therefore, G.Kh. Akhatov allocated two of these diallas in a separate group of dialects of the Mishar dialect and called "mixed".

Kazan (Middle) The Tatar language dialect differs from other dialects by the presence of a phenomenon of the foal, unsuccessful to and g, fricative h (u), a cubized version a. The formation of the average dialect was influenced by Bulgarian language (12 - 13th century), Kypchak language (9-15th century), as well as Finno-Ugric and Russian languages.

Zakazansky (High-Ukrainian, Mamadyski, Lamyshevsky, Baltasinsky districts of Tatarstan)

Baranginsky (Paragongin district Mari El)

Tarkansky (Buinsky, Tetyusky districts of Tatarstan)

Left Bank - Mountain (Left Bank Volga Tatarstan, Urmar district Chuvashia)

Kryashensky Tits (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan)

Nogaibaksky (Chelyabinsk region)

MENZELINSKY (ARGYZSKY, BUGULLINSKIY, ZAYNA, AZNAKAEVSKIY; Udmurtia; Alyyshevsky, Bizhbulyaksky, Bureauvsky, Buraevsky BELEBEEVSKY, DYRYULINSKY, ILISHEVSKY, KARMASKALINSKIY, KRASNOKAMSKIY, KUSHNENKOVSKIY, MIIAKHNYY, MELUZOVSKIY, SERVERBASHEVSKY, Sterlitamaksky, Tuymazinsky, Fedorovsky, Chekmagushevsky, Chishminsky, Sharansky, Yanaul district Bashkortostan)

Buraevsky (Kaltasinsky, Baltachevsky, Yanaulsky, Tatyshlinsky, Mishkinsky, Karaidel districts of Bashkortostan)

Kasimovsky (Ryazan region)

Nokratsky (Kirov region, Udmurtia)

Perm (Perm region)

Zlatoustovsky (Salavatsky, Kigindvansky, Belokatasky districts of Bashkortostan)

Krasnoufimsky (Sverdlovsk region)

Ichkinsky (Kurgan region)

Buguruslansky (Buguruslan district of the Orenburg region)

Turbaslinsky (Ishieli and Nuriman Areas of Bashkortostan)

TEKKINSKIY (GAFURIAN, Sterlitamak districts of Bashkortostan)

Safakulsky (Kurgan region)

Astrakhansky (Kazan Tatars of the Astrakhan region)

Tatar-Karakalpakov (East of the Saratov region (Alekstadrovo-Gay district), the Ural region of Kazakhstan.

Nowadays, when national problems are particularly relevant, it is necessary to find the right angle of view in the study of the native language, in no case addresses and without bringing his advantages and opportunities. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct a focused work on the instigation of interest in the native language, which should be closely associated with the education of national and international feelings: it is necessary to develop international qualities of students, as a person does not perceive and not loving his native language, its culture, is unlikely to be able to Dignity to evaluate the languages \u200b\u200band culture of another people.

Tatar language belongs to the Turkic Group and is the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan. At the same time, it is worth warning tourists that the Tatar language is not needed on a trip to Kazan, since 99.9 percent of residents of the capital of Tatarstan speak Russian.

Of course, there are grandmothers from the village who know only the Tatar language, but the probability of communicating with such a person in Kazan is extremely small. If you somehow met with such a resident of Kazan, then you just need to simply say "Ming Tatarcha Belmim", which means "I do not speak in Tatar". Therefore, this article is given for general development and so that you are not surprised in inscriptions on shop windows.

It is also worth noting that in Kazan in Russian everyone speaks almost without accent. However, among the Tatars, there is still one peculiarity in the style of speech - the end of the sentence speaks as it were more accelerated, which sounds pretty funny. Another feature is the mixing of the Russian and Tatar language in the proposal - the beginning of the proposal can easily be on Tatar, the end is in Russian. Such a surgery of speech causes fair indignation as Russians: "You are or on your own or on our", as well as the Tatars who are fighting for their national identity.

Also in Tatar language there are no many words due to objective reasons, such as technical terms - a computer or phone, as well as words that have not been used before, for example, the sea. Despite this, there are schools in Kazan, where even physics and chemistry manage to teach in Tatar.

Separately, it is worth saying that many families are fighting for their national identity by various ways - for example, they try to make marriages only with Tatars or speak with children up to 6 years only in Tatar. Their desire, of course, can be understood, but how it will affect the person in the future in our globalized world, it is easy to guess.

Tatar language uses Cyrillic with the addition of six letters әә and өө, үү and җҗ, ңң and һһ.

So, we give a few words on Tatar:

  • isanesez - Hello
  • saubuljyz - Goodbye
  • rahim Thegez - Welcome
  • shee - yes
  • yuk - no
  • baer - one
  • ike - two
  • ash - three
  • dutom - four
  • bish - five
  • alta - Six
  • liquid - seven
  • sIGEZ - eight
  • tuez - nine
  • un - ten
  • uram - Street (used in tables on the street)
  • dangyz - Pig (used as a curse)
  • haser - now (pronounces disseminately and means that something like "yeah, of course, straight and ran to do")
  • iKMEK - Bread
  • sөt (letter about with a dash in the middle) - Milk
  • balyk - Fish
  • iT - meat
  • Idel - Volga
  • dUS - Friend
  • duslar - Friends (LAR prefix is \u200b\u200bused to create a plural)
  • caderel - Dear
  • cadelle Duslar - Dear friends (frequent appeal at holiday events)
  • street - Son (frequent appeal at the bazaar and similar places)
  • kyzim - Daughter (frequent appeal at the bazaar and similar places)
  • zur - big
  • kyzyl - red
  • Zur Kyzyl Uram - Big Red Street
  • batyr - Good Well done
  • shaitan - Chert
  • arba - Wagon
  • shaitan Arba - dismissive name of minibuses
  • killea Manda - Come here

Tatar language is the second most prevalence in the number of speaking language in Russia. In addition to Tatarstan, it is actively used in Bashkortostan and Mordovia, Mari El and Chuvashia, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, in the Republic of Komi and other Russian regions, as well as in Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

one of the Turkic languages; refers to the Kypchak group. Sometimes it is also called Bulgaro-Tatar or Volzhsky Tatar for the differences from the Crimean Tatar language. The Republic of Tatarstan, where, according to the 1992 Constitution, is a state along with Russians, as well as in Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Mari El, Chuvashia, the Republic of Komi, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and many areas of the Russian Federation, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as In Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The total number of speakers, according to the Census of the USSR 1989, exceeds 5.5 million people with a total number of ethnic Tatars at 6.65 million people.

Three dialects are distinguished with numerous dialects inside each of them: medium, Western (Mishar) and East (Siberian Tatars language). The self-confusion of "Tatars" was perceived from the Russians at first Mishars (in the second half of the 19th century), and at the beginning of the 20th century. and other representatives of the people, in particular, the carriers of the average dialect, previously called "Bulgars" ( bolgar) or "Kazan" ( kazan Keshes, kazanla). The immediate neighbors of the Kazan Tatars and today are called them in their own way: Mari syas, Udmurts - biger, Kazakhs and Caracalapaks - nougay.

For phonetics of the Tatar language, vowels are characterized by public incomplete education and special reflections of national labialized, in grammar, there are numerous analytical verb shapes, as well as combinations of the main verb with auxiliary, expressing various, including species values. Compared to other Turkic languages, the affixes of the tajampity are minorly used. In vocabulary there is a significant number of Arab, Persian and Russian borrowing; The impact of these languages \u200b\u200bis also traced in phonetics and grammar (for example, the emergence of unions and allied complex proposals). During the existence of the Volga Bulgaria (9-12 centuries) and the Golden Horde (13-15 centuries), there was an influence of the language of the ancestors of modern Tatars into Russian ( cm. ).

Before the formation of an independent Tatar language, Bashkirov and Tatars were part of the Golden Horde and in 13-19 centuries. Used the overall literary language of the Turkic, who had a number of regional features that distinguished him from other faiths of this Turkic book language. Written monuments exist with the 13th century. (poem Kul Gali Kassy and Yusuf.), although writing, first Runic (from 7th century), and then on Arabic (from 10 century), there was before. In 16-19 centuries. The so-called Old Tartar literary language functioned, which continued the tradition of the Turkish; It creates a rich literature of various topics. The modern Tatar literary language was created on the basis of middle and western dialects in the late 19th - early 20th centuries; Its formation is associated with the activities of the Tatar writer, the philologist and the enlightener K.Nasyri and writers of that period (Ya. Eelyanova, Ilyliasi, F. Khalidi), who liberated the Tatar language from the influence of the Turkish. In the 20th century There was a further development of literary norms and expanding functions and areas of use of the Tatar language.

Writing until 1927 existed on Arabic, in 1927-1939 on a Latin basis, from 1939 - based on Russian graphics with several additional letters. In 1992, the law "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan" was adopted, and in 1994 there is a state program to implement it. In Tatar language, teaching is underway as in the middle (since the beginning of the 20th century), so partly and in the highest school; University textbooks are drawn up. Tatar language is taught in a number of institutions and universities. Extensive periodicals is published, and in recent years not only in Tatarstan, but also in a number of other areas of compact residence of Tatars; Radio and television broadcast is underway.

The scientific study of the Tatar language began in the 18th century, when the handwritten Russian-Tatar phrasebook M.Koteelnikova (1740) and the Russian-Tatar dictionary of S. Chaalphine (1785) were compiled. In 1801, in St. Petersburg, the grammar of I.Giganov was published, in 1804 - the dictionary of the same author. At 19 in. The work of the Kazan School of Türcologists, as well as missionaries, was of great importance. Subsequently, a significant contribution to the study of the Tatar language was made by the works of Galparov, V.A. Bogoroditsky, M.Z. Zakiyev and others. Researchers. Tatar language studies are conducted in Kazan and Bashkir Universities, the Institute of Language, Literature and History. Ibrahimova Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in a number of pedagogical universities.

Bogoroditsky V.A. Introduction to Tatar linguistics in connection with other Turkic languages. Kazan, 1953.
Tatar-Russian Dictionary. M., 1966.
Modern Tatar literary language. Syntax. M., 1971.
Tatar grammar, TT. 1-2. Kazan, 1993.
Safiulina F.S., Zakiev M.Z. Modern Tatar literary language. Lexicology, phraseology, phonetics, graphics and spelling, orphoepium, word formation, morphology and syntax. Kazan, 1994.
Zakiev M.Z. Tatar language. - In the book: state languages \u200b\u200bin the Russian Federation. M., 1995.

Tatar is part of the Turkic group of the Altai language family. It is spoken in Russia (about 5.3 million people), Central Asia, Ukraine, Poland, China, Turkey, Finland and other countries. This is the native language of several thousand Mariers. During the 2002 census, 94% of ethnic Tatars declared that they knew Tatar.

The ancestors of the Tatar language are extinct Bulgarian and Kipchak languages. Crimean-Tatar language is not his close relative, and more resembles a standard Turkish language. In the course of its development, the Tatar language experienced a strong influence of the Urals of the Volga River basin, as well as Arab, Persian and Russian languages.

Tatar is the official language of the Republic of Tatarstan, along with the Russian. In fact, the Tatar language became official in 1917, after the October Revolution. It should be noted that the Communists did not recognize official languages \u200b\u200bas such: there was only a list of languages \u200b\u200bon which legal proceedings could be conducted in various republics. It was this status that was in the Soviet era of the Tatar language in Bashkiria, the Mari ASSR and other regions of the USSR.

In 1930s, Tatar began to decline. In the 1980s, he was not already studied even in the city schools of Tatarstan - after all, the knowledge of the Russian language was much more important, on which teaching in Russian universities is underway. Now in Tatar language, Tatarstan is being taught in the highest educational institutions - the truth is only in humanitarian, - and it is no longer classified as a language under threat of disappearance.

3 main dialect of Tatar language stand out: Western (Mishar), medium (Kazan) and East (Siberian). The differences between them can be traced almost exclusively on the phonetic level.

In Tatar, 10 vowels, which differ in a number (front / rear) and rise (top / lower). Long vowels are used only in borrowed words and are not considered independent phones. The set of consonants - the same as in other Turkic languages. As allophones of intensive consonants before the rear row, unsuccessful consonants are used.

Palamatory is not typical for the Tatar language, so the Tatar does not have any problems with the use of Arab letter, in which palatalization does not indicate. And when using Latin letters, palatalization is sometimes denoted by a diacritical sign under a vowel letter. Some Tatars say without palatalization and in Russian (the so-called "Tatar emphasis").

The consonant clusters consisting of two or more sounds are inserted with epentetic vowel I / E: for example, the word "text" is pronounced / Tekest /, Bank - / Banık / etc. The emphasis in the Tatar language is placed on the last syllable. Unstressed vowels can be syncous or reduced. Another typical feature of Tatar phonetics is the final stunning of the consonants: Tabib ("doctor") -.

Personal parts of speech in Tatar language are changed by cases (nominative, genitive, repetitive, accusative, local, ablatives) and numbers (sole and multiple).

At different times, various alphabets were used in Tatar language. Until the beginning of the 10th century, an Aherkhon letter was used. Then he was replaced by the Arabic alphabet, which was in use until 1928. A few years after that, Latin was used. And in the late 1930s, modern Tatar writing was created on the basis of the Russian alphabet, to which several letters were added. The same letter is also used in the Kazakh language. And the Tatars living in China still write the Arab alphabet. After 2000, attempts to revive the Latin Letter were made several times in Tatarstan, which was largely related to the spread of the Internet. However, these attempts were not crowned with success, especially since the law was adopted, according to which the official letter of all languages \u200b\u200bof Russia is Cyrillic.