Of course you believe in horoscopes! And, it’s worth noting, you’re doing the right thing. Location heavenly bodies during a person’s birth directly affects his character, habits, and life principles. Unfortunately, not all people are suitable for each other. The traits of some Zodiac representatives can be downright annoying to others. So why then go through painful breakups if you can find out about everything “on the shore”!

GEMINI - 11th place

Most Gemini men need a caring "mommy". Most often, this is laid down from deep childhood. Such a man is accustomed to the fact that he needs to be taken care of, fed, stroked, washed, bathed, touched and not touched. Are you really ready to take on such a role? If yes, you will need endless patience, a lot mental strength And constant readiness support and encourage your partner to boost their self-confidence. In terms of relationships, he often behaves like. Gemini man loves warmth hearth and home, appreciates this, but will not give up personal freedom and prefers to “walk on his own.” And you, as a good “mom,” must understand and forgive.

AQUARIUS - 10th place

Aquarius is an air sign, so in relationships he prefers lightness and ease. What you definitely shouldn’t count on in a relationship with such a prince is loyalty and constancy. He easily seduces representatives of the opposite sex with his charisma and natural charm. His charm is very difficult to resist. People like him can be seen from afar: an ironed shirt, polished shoes, a stylish belt, impeccable hairstyle and a trail of perfume that will turn the heads of even the most persistent queens. It is interesting to spend time with an Aquarius man; he is erudite and non-greedy. However, you will be deeply saddened to learn that he is calmly cooking borscht for him at home and planning a joint vacation in Turkey. Such a man needs an eye and an eye. Do you need it?

TAURUS - 9th place

The Taurus man is also a storyteller! He will charm and bewitch you, because such charm is difficult to resist. Even if he is not attractive in appearance, his ability to shower him with casual compliments will do the trick. Such a man is in no hurry to give his all in a relationship. Him, because first he needs to make sure that the lady of his heart is worthy of his hard-earned armor. If you manage to pass the professional test, then you will be faced with his lack of self-confidence. Taurus is always sure that his partner wants to leave him. You will get tired of convincing him that everything is fine in your relationship.

VIRGO - 8th place

Gentle and sensitive Virgo men are characterized by becoming softer and more family-oriented over the years. He is always a romantic who knows how to court according to the rules, thoroughly and beautifully. No one will suit such a man; give him the most beautiful, intelligent, talented and pleasant woman with a pragmatic character - something like his own. Most often this man turns on big family and motivates himself to achieve new goals and material goods. If you are just starting a relationship with such a man, the main thing is to clearly understand what exactly you want from him. If you are looking for stability, are not afraid of getting bored and are ready to endure some of your partner’s tediousness, then don’t hesitate - go ahead! If a Virgo man marries, then, most likely, once and for all. However, if there are problems in the relationship, .

X A good lover is the one who can make every love date special and memorable for a lifetime. This is a man who makes a woman feel that he cares about her even if sexually he is not always at his best. The best lover is the one who never leaves a woman unsatisfied and disappointed.

To become the best in a woman’s life, you must always adhere to a certain set of rules accepted in love relationships. But this alone is not enough. Every man must develop his own own style love game and direct all your talents to not be like anyone else. Then the woman will remember you. Then you can surpass everyone.

One of the basic rules that a good lover must adhere to is common sense. What is common sense in love? This is primarily your appearance. Make sure that your clothes are always in order, that your body is clean and well-groomed, that your nails are neatly trimmed, that you are always clean-shaven. Appearance is the mirror of a man. If he treats himself poorly, it means he will treat others even worse. You need to think about this first.

You should never force a woman into those types of love games that she does not like.
Never turn your back to a woman immediately after intercourse. Let your eyes droop and your hands barely move, hug the woman, caress her, say something nice goodnight. After all, a woman flares up slower and cools down slower. We must not forget about this.

Other rules of male behavior are more complex, and they are usually tied to a specific situation and specific actions. But don't forget about your individuality. Let the woman remember how YOU caress and kiss her breasts, let YOUR manner of pressing the testicles to the labia during the act of love excite her. Let her remember YOUR gentle biting her lower lip and kisses unique to YOU. It is necessary that all these little things are associated in the woman’s mind only with YOUR image.

You must constantly think that your pleasure is also her pleasure, but only if you act through persuasion and not violence. By the way, most of This is exactly what men do, although almost no one admits to it out of a sense of false modesty.

List of Ten the most important qualities, which, according to the lady, a good lover should have. Here they are:

1. Expressive eyes, interested look
2. Neat appearance (unwashed hair and unclean shoes are especially unforgivable for a man and bring him down in the eyes of the ladies).
3. Tenderness and warmth towards a woman.
4. Courtesy and courtesy. (Note that we're halfway through the list - and still haven't gotten to male anatomy!)
5. The ability to kiss skillfully.
6. Skill in exciting games.
7. Pleasant-looking and rounded butt(!).
8. Sexual power.
9. Good technique caresses after the act of love.
10. Muscles.

The survey was conducted among women aged eighteen to thirty-eight, and for purely practical reasons, the choice fell primarily on college students and office workers. But nevertheless, all this is very interesting. Women are much more interested in your eyes than a muscular torso, and tenderness is valued much higher than a beautiful ass.

And the results of all such plebiscites irrefutably indicate that for women the emotional side of sex and a sense of security are much more important than for men.

Choose the best for sex! © Shutterstock

To the phrase that a good lover and a man with big penis- this is one and the same thing, only a completely inexperienced girl can do it.

All other women who are at least a little experienced in sex know that a good lover is a very multifaceted concept. Here you have ingenuity, tenderness, tact, and good developed intuition, and something almost elusive, but infinitely important...

And, probably, all women have a desire to understand how good a guy is in bed before the bedroom doors open in front of them. So by what signs can you recognize a good lover?

German psychologists suggest treating men with candy

But not out of the box, but in a wrapper. And when giving a treat, you need to carefully monitor how the man handles the candy paper.

© Shutterstock Fans of quick sex rip the wrapper off the candy and quickly throw it away. One can hardly expect long and tender foreplay from such a subject. “I came, I saw, I conquered” - this is just about such men.

Miracles of sexual ingenuity A guy who will start folding various figures out of paper will show himself in sex. And the more intricate the guy’s design is, the more chances you have of getting into pose No. 48 from the Kama Sutra.

Uncertainty in sexual matters- not the best best feature for a guy, right? Watch out for the candy wrapper! If a guy stretches a piece of paper in different directions, as if testing its strength, the sex will be just as stretched and boring, without the taste of real passion.

© Shutterstock Sophistication in sex, phenomenal attention to detail, smells, sounds, voice intonations, etc. - characteristic sexual features of a man who carefully smooths out a candy wrapper without a single wrinkle.

Sex in the missionary position awaits you and no more if your chosen one carefully folded the candy paper and put it in his pocket. Well, maybe not in the missionary, but still, it’s unlikely that something more interesting awaits you.

A professor of sexology at the University of Hamburg offers his signs of a good lover

Markus Kurzweiler, professor of sexology at the University of Hamburg, also did not remain aloof from women’s problems with choosing a good lover. In his opinion, you need to choose a good lover according to the following signs:

A good lover is bald on top and very hairy everywhere else.

Good lovers, alas, are small in stature.

© Shutterstock Good lovers smell good. But we're talking about not about expensive cologne, but about the natural smell of a person. Important nuance: There are no universally ideal scents!

If you want to find a good lover, look for him by the smell that you and only you like. Even if it's the smell of garlic...

“Sweetly sings” is about a good lover. That is, the more pleasant the voice, the longer the night of love will last.

American scientists say that the more a man resembles a monkey, the taller he is. sexual activity. Having studied the relationship between hair structure and sexual behavior, Canadian scientists also concluded: men with thick hair are more active in bed than those with soft and thin hair.

Russian scientists did not conduct special studies, but noted that our women so observant that they themselves can determine a good lover without other people's tips. For example, some of them are sure that the longer and meatier nose men, the larger the size of his penis, while others argue that if a man’s fingers are long, then the size of his manhood more than average.

Some ladies suggest define by the amount of hair on the body, but not on the head. A hairy chest, arms and legs characterize a sexually active man, while the appearance of early baldness is considered a consequence of high temperament and passion.

German sexologists also did not stand aside. To determine whether a man will be a good lover, they offer to treat him with candy. If a man begins to stretch her wrapper in different directions or quickly tears it off, then you can’t count on quality sex with him. Anyone who puts candy in his pocket and then offers to eat it together will be interesting and inventive in bed.

In fact to a good lover It is not at all necessary to have pumped up muscles and a large penis. Big sizes male organ and a “jock” who constantly disappears in the gym is most often no longer a gift for a woman. An ideal lover is one who can make a woman's life look like a fairy tale. And then, even if he is not at his best sexually, the woman will love her and enjoy the fact that she is desired.

None woman with common sense cannot consider a man an ideal lover, no matter how “sexual giant” he is in bed, if he “looks like a monkey” in the literal sense: sloppy-haired, with dirty hair and nails, the smell of sweat from his armpits and feet, rotten teeth, unkemptly dressed. Women are much more interested in men with pleasant appearance, with a gentle and self-confident look, rather than “males” with a muscular torso and a perfectly functioning genital organ.

If man does not know how to take care of himself, which means he is lazy and will also treat a woman with disrespect. For example, force her to engage in those types of love games that he likes, although they cause pain to the woman, and after the end of sexual intercourse he will immediately turn his back to her and start snoring. He is not interested in how his partner feels.

Of course, call ideal lover No one is going to get a man who treats a woman with respect, but who needs sex once every six months. An ideal lover is able to satisfy a woman, both morally and sexually. He is not selfish, knows how to listen, joke and knows a lot about affection. With such a lover, a woman feels good both in communication and in bed.

Professor of sexology at the University of Hamburg Markus Kurzweiler advises recognizing a good lover based on the following characteristics:

1. Compliments. If a man does not give compliments, then he will be insecure in bed. A confident man is not afraid to find himself in a funny position; during a conversation he often jokes and gives compliments. He knows for sure that he can correct any awkward situation. In bed, he will also behave actively, without being ashamed of his imaginary or real shortcomings.

2. Courtship. A man never listens to your opinion, he chooses where it is best for you to meet and how to spend your time, which means that you are facing a limited male who is only interested in sex, and not your interests and tastes. In bed, he will also strive to impose his will on you, and having received pleasure, he will immediately fall asleep, turning his back to you.

3. Table manners. If a man eats quickly and a lot at the table, then he will not be a gourmet in the intimate sphere. Conversely, the one who eats slowly and tastefully will be inventive and skillful in showing affection in love games.

4. Gait. A man’s imposing or dancing gait gives away his lover, knowledgeable in pleasures. If a man walks as if he is in a hurry to get somewhere, then in bed he will behave accordingly.

5. Sight. If a man looks as if he is mentally undressing you, then most likely he is not interested in you as a woman. He wants to get you into bed and have sex to satisfy his needs. He will treat foreplay as a burdensome duty, and not as an important ritual for a woman before sexual intercourse. A good lover looks into your eyes during communication to find out your opinion. In bed, he also tries to take into account the desires and needs of his partner.

6. Stories about yourself. A temperamental man will not talk about his “love victories” and abilities in bed in order to present himself to a woman as a successful “macho” who has found his place in the sun. He will not hint to his mistress that he is constantly in the circle of pretty ladies and has a lot of sexual experience.

Most often they brag with his victories on the love front impotent and weak men who were unable to satisfy women in bed. The ideal lover is a model of mystery, accuracy and politeness. He will never allow himself to pretend and deceive when communicating, especially to compare his partner with other women he has had before.

Well, we want to add on our own behalf to understand whether there will be man a good lover, decide for yourself: do you love him or not? After all, sex is just a way to express your feelings, and if there are no feelings, then you shouldn’t expect that you will be satisfied with sexual intercourse with an unloved man.

A person’s sexual behavior, his preferences and needs is an area that is difficult to view through one narrow prism. The fact is that the intimate sphere is built on many factors: psychological, hereditary, social, cultural, karmic. You cannot discard part of the whole and get an objective picture. Nevertheless, it is possible to outline the general vector given to a person at birth. We all deviate from it to one degree or another, but inevitably retain a significant astrological imprint within ourselves.

In this regard, it will be much more useful to take cues from the stars than to blindly walk along the fragile edge of human relationships, right?

Over time, after getting used to your partner, you will be better than any astrological reference book or insightful psychologist in being able to tell the most intimate information about your lover, but at first it’s still worth being fully armed and understanding what characteristics men of different zodiac signs have.



Aries men are unpredictable, and if you have ever encountered lovers who present surprises, check their date of birth, it probably falls in March or April. You can expect a lot from him. Of course, representatives of this sign are also braggarts, but their self-esteem is not based on nothing. When dating an Aries, be prepared for pressure and impulsiveness in bed, but don’t expect the same in everyday life. Each representative of this sign is quite diplomatic and tactful with women. He is unlikely to demand more from you than he was allowed to expect, but he will definitely get his way. Be careful when flirting and don’t make frivolous promises - they will be taken seriously, and after that Aries will stop at nothing. Most women submit to the charm of representatives of this zodiac sign, which they willingly take advantage of. Aries' tongue and ability to persuade have an almost magical effect, so be careful. Well, one cannot help but note a pleasant feature of these men, which almost all of their mistresses agree with: Aries continue to seek your affection even after the first night together, they do not grow cold and do not lose interest in the woman. All you will need from you is submission and emancipation in his rich sexual fantasies.


Taurus are one of the most straightforward signs of the zodiac. Surely, all your attempts to somehow beat and diversify your date with Taurus did not bring the expected results. When he is interested in you, it is visible to the naked eye: typical courtship for a given situation, compliments, which, if desired, can be predicted. Seduction for Taurus is a progressive process, where step by step he moves towards the goal, with one big “BUT”: these steps are actually a gallop. Taurus wants to get you quickly, and his persistence can be overwhelming. Don’t try to change the representatives of this zodiac sign, and especially don’t be offended: they are who they are, nothing can be fixed. Sex for Taurus is a natural need, the satisfaction of which he will persistently seek from you until he gets what he wants. His stubbornness will not please everyone, and many women will resent being treated as a means of satisfying sexual hunger. Don't be fooled, Taurus is not as cold as they may seem. Behind the external simplicity there is also hidden the inner world, and feelings, and a reverent attitude towards love and opposite sex. It’s just that Taurus’ means of expression are too direct. These men are also straightforward in sex: they are undemanding, their preferences boil down to simple intimate pleasures, familiar to everyone.


Gemini men appeal to your imagination. They are excellent conversationalists. Sometimes it is difficult to determine exactly whether a representative of this sign is trying to be friends with you or has begun to court you. The most curious thing is that Gemini themselves often cannot answer this, as you may have been able to verify when you tried to ask directly. One of the important features of representatives of this sign is inconstancy, and therefore they often cannot explain the motives of their own actions even to themselves. Subordinate to Mercury, Geminis are well-versed in the field of information, are keen on communication and follow the same strategy in relation to friends and potential sexual partners - they talk enthusiastically. Only experience with specific person will give you an accurate idea of ​​the prospects for the development of future relationships. And, most likely, the Gemini man himself is in exactly the same ignorance at the initial stages. In the sexual sphere, representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to act as an observer. They love to look at themselves and at you from the outside, willingly agree to experiments with the participation of a third partner, make love in front of the mirror, and film the process on video. If you are ready for such experiments and are not afraid of the changeable temperament of such men, you can safely respond to their advances.


Cancers are the most sensual of men. Not a single woman who has met a Cancer can blame him for inattention or coldness. He is immersed in his inner world, but from it he carefully observes yours. If he is in love with you, it is visible to the naked eye. Men of this zodiac sign shower a woman with compliments and court her in every possible way, but most importantly, they sincerely and completely let her into their soul. If you happen to neglect this gesture, then there is no need to explain that this act is fraught with a lifelong break with such a man. The most paradoxical thing is that Cancer not only looks after you, but allows you to look after him, which, from the point of view of a representative of this zodiac sign, is highest form trust. In the sexual sphere, you can expect the realization of any of your fantasies. Cancer focuses on the preferences of his partner, remembering her erogenous zones. This is not the person who will force you to experiment, will suppress you and demand unquestioning obedience. Rather, he himself is a submissive performer. Not all women like this approach, and they often complain about the lack of a strong-willed core in Cancers, which, of course, is a misconception: men of this sign have their own fantasies, but in order to open them, you will need to reach a special level of trust.


Leo men are extremely narcissistic, they are fascinated by themselves and never hide it. However, it is unlikely that any of the representatives of this zodiac sign have ever irritated you. They are too convincing in their narcissism. When communicating with Leo, you readily believe that he has every reason to be incredibly high self-esteem. He can sleep with the cheapest minx, but he is looking for a queen for himself, and if he is interested in you, he will make it clear with exquisite compliments and generous gifts. Leo's attention is always pleasant. He knows how to approach women, and his gestures are always distinctly aristocratic. Nevertheless, all communication will probably take place in the context of the well-known joke: “Why are we all about me and about me, let’s talk about you. How do you like me?". Trying to please you, Leo will never forget that he is attracted not just by you, but by you next to him - that is, a woman is attractive to Leo precisely as a companion who will emphasize his status. In sex, you will have to forget the words “no” and “I don’t want” - there are only the desires of your man, his desire to possess. Be prepared for bondage, oral and anal sex with complete indifference to your needs. Leo can only dominate, and if it doesn’t happen as he wants, then it won’t happen at all.


Virgo men are demanding of themselves, and therefore, trying to please their partner, they take care of their appearance, show attentiveness and courtesy, and behave tenderly and courteously. All this would be wonderful if not for one drawback: the very first date with a Virgo is unlikely to happen unless you invite him yourself. Stories of relationships with men of this zodiac sign are always interesting for their non-standard nature, since it is women who take the first steps, and with these steps they often have to cover very long distances. If you had a plan in your life, but never had an affair with a Virgo, ask yourself how persistent you were then? It is quite possible that it was not possible to put the squeeze on, and the man never took the initiative into his own hands. The picture is similar in bed. The Virgo man is unpretentious in matters of sex, and it may seem that he is not at all interested in the intimate sphere of your relationship... This is a wrong impression, but it will take a lot of time and effort on your part to dispel it. Be patient. It’s difficult to talk about any Virgo preferences in sex. According to the astrological body chart, this zodiac sign corresponds to the stomach - and this really works for Virgo women, while men remain reserved. A much greater effect will come not from physical actions, but from creating an atmosphere comfortable for Virgos: cleanliness, regularity, peace.


The courtship of Libra men sometimes confuses women. If you have ever had a long-term romance with representatives of this zodiac sign, then you, of course, know that they need encouragement and encouragement to make sure that everything is happening in the right direction. Ruled by Saturn, Libra takes relationships with the seriousness inherent in this planet, reasoning that to maintain balance it is necessary to place a coin in each bowl in turn. In this regard, an affair with Libra is not the story of one woman being seduced by a man, but their joint movement towards a single goal. If you stop, he will freeze too. A similar mechanism operates in the intimate sphere. Libras do not play with one goal and make sure that their partner experiences the same pleasure as them. Like other air signs, Libra is prone to voyeurism and exhibitionism, so keep in mind that he will be interested in sneaking a peek at you in the shower or offering to make love in a place where you might be noticed. Relationships with Libra men are a mutual process, in which there is always the opportunity to make certain adjustments. Nevertheless, you should not idealize Libra, since this sign is windy, unfaithful and unpredictable, requiring a lot of endurance and strong will from you.


Scorpios are one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac. Sexual desire- almost the feeling that controls him. Many women who have had relationships with Scorpios characterize them as preoccupied, lustful and insatiable. This opinion is partly true, but we should not forget that pressure alone is not a sufficient basis for success with the opposite sex. Scorpio is not only obsessed with sex, but also knows how to get it. He is a talented seducer, capable of approaching most women almost instinctively. His charm is a powerful weapon, but don’t be afraid: this is not a soulless sex machine, but a living person with his own complex sensual world. If Scorpio shows interest in you, it is noticeable. Whether or not to respond to his advances is a question for everyone individual case. It is much more important to be sure that you have something to give such a man, so that you are not only a means of satisfying his needs, but also interest him as a potential companion. The intimate sphere of relations with Scorpio is the most intense. Be prepared for the most extravagant sexual experiments, including sadistic and masochistic ones.


Sagittarius men are experienced seducers who can find an approach to even the most unapproachable woman. They are sociable, erudite, resourceful, thanks to which they easily feel for that narrow edge along which they can quickly, like scouts, move from the status of a stranger to the status of your beloved. Try to delay this moment as far as possible, otherwise for Sagittarius you will become one of the many women on the list of women he has seduced. Infidelity is in the nature of this zodiac sign, and he is simply unable to accept that there are thousands of seductive women walking around in the world who, for some reason, have not yet become his mistresses. He wants to enjoy everyone, and relationships for him are a form of limitation that he will decide on only with that woman in whom he can find enough facets to compensate the whole world with her. It is not surprising that among Sagittarius greatest number men who insist on free-form relationships. In sex, they also strive for variety and explore its many manifestations. One of the leading sexual motives of Sagittarius is fetishism, attracted to body parts, clothing, and inspiring images.


The Capricorn man never tries to hide his interest in you. He avoids being in the center of the company and can often stay away altogether, but if he chooses you from among others, he will make this clear in the most direct way. It is quite natural if once on a date Capricorn stroked your knee under the table. Women who know Capricorns closely are aware that this act is a moderate way for a Capricorn man to demonstrate his interest. In fact, his sexual demands are very great, since the representatives of the Capricorn sign themselves are too demanding. Such men are characterized by various sexual experiments, including cruel ones that can cause real physical suffering. However, one should not see this as real threat. Capricorns are distinguished by their tendency to plan everything in advance, including scheduling a sexual program, so that nothing unexpected is expected in it, something that could get out of your man’s control. First of all, Capricorns appreciate your efforts to satisfy all his needs, but this process should be kept within strict limits, since Capricorns often do not know the limits in their intimate desires and can go too far.


Aquarius men more often dream about the women they are attracted to than try to actually get to know them. Having decided to ask your familiar couples, in which the representative of the stronger sex is Aquarius, about how their relationship began, you will see that the statistics here are monotonous and men born under this zodiac sign are quite indecisive. Of all the men belonging to the element of air, Aquarians are the only ones who are not prone to betrayal. Uranus, which rules their motives, always promotes a fresh look at their partner. Aquarians are able to spend hours trying on the woman they love different kinds caress, always finding new sensations in it. However, most women do not like such actions - they are too monotonous. If you are tired of hours of massage or prolonged oral stimulation, do not hesitate to tell Aquarius about it. Representatives of this sign will definitely take into account your comments and take into account your wishes. They easily agree to suggestions to use this or that position, an intimate toy, or change the environment.


Pisces men are willing to make contact, and if you interest them, they will definitely tell you about themselves and their hobbies. It is unlikely that the conversation will be about something secret, but keep in mind: if Pisces speak with enthusiasm, they clearly want to impress you. Know that for men born under the twelfth zodiac sign, this is already a significant step. The Pisces symbol itself contains a contradiction, and the nature of these men is also contradictory. Their motives and aspirations are in constant internal conflicts, so you should not expect any targeted courtship or signs of attention. In the sexual sphere, Pisces are demanding and unpredictable. They do not have specific preferences, but nevertheless, we should expect that the preferences of each individual representative of the Pisces sign will turn out to be some kind of extravagant fantasy, which not every woman will come to terms with. It is impossible to predict what it will be - changing clothes, worshiping ankles or having sex in public places, but if a representative of this zodiac sign has won your heart, then these desires are unlikely to become a serious obstacle to your love.

We are all individuals, and every relationship is fraught with difficulties in getting used to each other. It is impossible to write a comprehensive guide about intimate life a person that can protect against mistakes and provide for any situations. Be sincere, more attentive, more tolerant of each other and take care of your intimacy, because it is a fragile bridge for the physical merging of your souls. Don’t be afraid to open up to your lover with the most secret side of you, accept him with all his features, and you will find harmony.