Svetlana Malueva
Lesson on speech development « Sound culture speech: acquaintance with the sounds [zh] and [sh]"

Lesson on speech development “Sound culture of speech: familiarization with the sounds [zh] and [w].”

Goal: To train children to clearly pronounce words with the sounds w and w, to develop phonemic awareness, practice distinguishing sounds by ear.

Material: pictures whose names contain the sounds Zh and Sh; blue and green circles; two houses on a board; gates.

Progress of the lesson:

Turn left, right and smile at each other!

Let's remember our rules of conduct in class:

"Every day always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We’re not in a hurry!”

What is this poem about?

About the fact that you need to try to speak beautifully and clearly.

This is what we learn in our speech development classes. Today we will learn to distinguish sounds. To find out what sounds we're talking about, guess the riddles:

“Who is longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

... (a snake) is crawling along the ground” (takes out a snake from a box)

What's the snake's song?

That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... This song sounds dull- Yes?

Let's label it with this movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (a snake crawls).

Now guess another riddle:

"Someone is flying in the dark,

Making a loud sound.

Who's arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May... (beetle)" (takes out a beetle from a box)

What does a beetle's song sound like? Firmly? And loud!

Our movements will be as follows: put our hands in front of our chests, cross our hands and move them up and down (a beetle flies).

How are these sounds different? If we put our hand to the neck, we can feel how our vocal cords. Let's try - When we pronounce the sound [w] - the neck is silent, and when the sound [zh] - it trembles.

Now let's try not to get confused... (The teacher helps the children master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to discern what movement needs to be made. (The sounds are pronounced sh, sh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh)

Today for class I picked up some funny sayings for these sounds. Now we will all pronounce them together.

Let us remember that pure words are folklore jokes that are needed for correct pronunciation.

1. Ash-ash-ash Masha has a pencil. - slowly

2. Shu-shu-shu, quiet in the forest in autumn. - faster

3. Sha-sha-sha, our Dasha is good. - fast

4. Zha-zha-zha, I caught a snake. - quiet

5. Ju-ju-ju, I caught a bee yesterday. - slowly

6. Zhi-zhi-zhi, books and fairy tales are good. - quiet

Physical education minute

Well done! Let's warm up a little!

I am a cheerful cockchafer, (Point to yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag your finger)

I’m circling and circling above the ground, (Spread your arms, imitation of flight)

And I buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes, (make movements according to the text)

I squat and straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs at random!

My song is a buzzer (spread your arms, raise your shoulders)

Everyone is tired of it. What a pity!

Well done. Let's sit down at the tables and continue playing

Now we will play the game “Be Attentive”.

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Zh, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound Sh. in the word, raise the green circle. So:

Giraffe, ball, crane, cat, beetle, cone, frog, daisy, mouse, foal, car, hat, garage, snowflake, hedgehogs, bucket, Cinderella.

And now a new game. It's called "Settled in the House." We have two houses on the board and a gate with a lock that needs to be opened and our sounds freed.

Here are pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound Ш or Ж. The sound Ш lives in the left house, and the sound Zh lives in the right house. The one I call will come up to the board, show the picture to everyone and name it loudly. If the word contains the sound Ш, then it must be placed in the house, which is located on the left side. And if the word contains the sound Zh, then the picture must be placed in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).


Guys, let's remember:

What sounds did we learn to distinguish in today's lesson?

Did you like the lesson? (what was interesting and what you found difficult).

Well done! Now you won't confuse the sounds sh-zh.

Everyone tried to be attentive, raised their circles correctly, and tried to remember the poems.

I am very glad that you completed almost all the tasks.

Topic: “Sound culture of speech. Sound "Ts"

Exercise children in pronouncing the sound “ts” (isolated, in syllables, in words)

Improve intonation expressiveness of speech

Learn to distinguish words with the sound “ts”.

Development of phonemic hearing, creative imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers

Progress of the lesson.

Our friend Gnome came to visit us and asks him to teach him how to pronounce the sound “ts” correctly. Shall we help?

The teacher suggests turning to magic mirrors and doing articulation gymnastics.

Complex articulatory gymnastics


Keep your lips stretched out in a smile. The teeth are closed and not visible.



Open your mouth. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on lower lip. Place the “spatula” in your mouth, trying not to strain your tongue.


Smile (teeth closed and not visible). Keep your lips in this position.

"Punish the naughty tongue"

Open your mouth slightly, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five-five-five...”.


Open your mouth, stick out your wide tongue and bend its side edges up. Blow into the “tube”. You can hold the “tube” from the tongue with your lips.


Stretch your lips into a smile. Open your mouth slightly. Using the tip of your narrow tongue, alternately touch the corners of your mouth.

Now listen to the riddle:

Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle there are carnations.

The teacher praises the children and, slightly intoning the words, says: sun, scissors, heron, rings.

What sound did I highlight? The sound "ts" is correct. You also need to learn how to pronounce it correctly and clearly. Our Dwarf is already asking to play with him. Join us.

The teacher asks you to briefly and loudly pronounce the sound “ts” (ts-ts-ts-ts) several times - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Remember which bird sings this song. Of course, titmouse. Make beaks out of your fingers and let your tits talk to each other. (Children do the exercise).

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Our magic titmouse “flies”, and we follow it with our eyes. Show the Gnome how we train our eyes

The titmouse flew up, circled, circled, and sank to the ground.

She walked right, left, and flew into the window.

She flew far away (they peer into the distance) and sat down on the window again.

Waving your eyelashes and seeing her off on her way.

The teacher suggests looking at pictures of animals and learning onomatopoeia.

Squirrel - tsik-tsik

Horse - tsk-tsk

Grandmother calls the chickens - chick-chick

The cat catches the mouse - tsap-tsap.

The teacher invites the children to unite in a circle. Finger game"Fingers say hello"

With the simultaneous pronunciation of the syllables tsa, tso, tsu, tsy. At first right hand, then with the left, then with both hands at the same time.

Game "Talkative Men"

Standing in a circle in pairs (turning to each other), speak after the teacher combinations of syllables in different intonations, accompanying with voluntary movements:

Sa-tsa; sy-tsi; so - tso; se – tse; su-tsu

The teacher also offers to speak a pure saying, accompanied by dance movements:

TsA-TsA-TsA - here comes the sheep.

TSU – TSU – TSU – I’ll feed the sheep.

Tsy -Tsy -Tsy - carrying hay for the sheep.

TSE -TSE -TSE -I'll give hay to the sheep.

The children sit at the tables. The game "Labyrinth" is offered

(in the pictures, children see images of objects with the sound “ts”, they are asked to choose as many words as possible for the first picture, for example: “What a bird - a beautiful bird, a small bird ...

Move to the next picture in the direction of the arrow.

Table (bird - sun - egg - chicken, etc.)

Now look at the pictures on your tables and listen to the task:

“Name the objects drawn in the picture and circle those in which the sound “ts” is heard.

One child reads out the progress at the board; the rest of the children complete the task in their places.

Everyone did a great job and deserves a fun holiday.

Children sing and dance with the Dwarf “Dance of the Worms” (disc - E. Zheleznova)

In the evening, children are offered coloring pages depicting a hare and a heron.

Parents receive homework: learn the riddle with the children:

“On the pole there is a palace, in the courtyard there is a singer. Who is this? - Starling

Literature used to compile the summary:

O. Novikovskaya - “100 exercises for speech development

V. Gerbova – “Classes on speech development in middle group kindergarten"

Workbook“Literacy lessons for kids” (School of the Seven Dwarfs)

L. Komarova “Automation of the sound “C” in game exercises.

E. Zheleznova - “Logoritmics”

Department of secondary vocational and initial vocational training

education of the Tomsk region

OGBOU "Tomsk State Pedagogical College"


Formation of sound culture of speech in children of the middle group

Sharik Shurik

Completed by: student of group 543

3rd year correspondence department

Solonitsina Ksenia Leonidovna

Checked by: teacher

middle group

Emelyanova Svetlana Anatolyevna

MAOU "Pyantezhskaya secondary school"

structural subdivision"Pyantezhsky kindergarten".

Lesson summary on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Practicing the pronunciation of the sound “R”

Preschool teacher

Cherepanova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

2014-2015 academic year.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in a mixed-age group (4-7 years). "Greetings from Prostokvashino"

Topic: Sound culture of speech. Practicing the pronunciation of the sound “R”

Target: Train children 6-7 years old to clearly pronounce the sound “r”; isolated and in words; to train children 4-5 years old in distinguishing the sound “r” in individual words and phrasal speech. To consolidate the understanding of the general concepts of “dishes”; the ability to form verbs from onomatopoeic words “quack-quack - quacks”, etc. Activate children's speech.

Develop friendly relationships, the ability to listen to a peer’s answers.

Demo material: package, pictures of dishes, animals, pyramid toy, books by E.N. Uspensky “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Uncle Fyodor goes to school”. Presentation "Greetings from Prostokvashino."

Techniques: verbal, visual.

Progress of the lesson:

There's a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters.

Hello guys! Is this Pyantezhsky kindergarten? So I'm not late. It’s me, the postman Pechkin brought you a parcel and a telegram from the village of Prostokvashino. From whom do you think? (children's answers).

Educator: Thank you, Pechkin, I wonder what they sent us.

Postman Pechkin: Sign here and the parcel is yours, but it’s time for me to go.

Teacher and children: Thank you, Pechkin, come visit, we’ll treat you to tea.

The teacher reads the telegram. “You can open the parcel only when you guess the riddle about the time of year. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does this happen?"(Children answer spring). We open the parcel and read the letter.

    Hello guys!

Uncle Fyodor, the dog Sharik, the cat Matroskin and the little jackdaw are writing to you.

Slides No. 2 - No. 9.

1. Uncle Fyodor's task for the little ones. “Who sings like that?”

How does a dog growl? Rrrr.

Can a crow roar? How does a crow scream? Kar-kar. What is she doing? (Caws)

The crow croaks, and the sparrow? (chirps). How does a sparrow tweet? (chick-chirp) Shows the picture.

Individual work. Tell me who this is? How does he scream? (pig, cockerel, duck, dog, hedgehog, horse, tiger).

Slides No. 10- 12

2.3Galchonka’s task “Say a word”

There's a big fight in the river

Two people quarreled... (cancer)

Where the sparrow dined

At the zoo... (animals).

Ra-ra-ra - it begins a game

ry-ry-ry - for boys balls

Ro-ro-ro - we have something new bucket

Ru-ru-ru - we continue game

Re-re-re- there is a house on grief

Ri-ri-ri - on the branches bullfinches

Or-or-or-ripe red tomato

We played with the little jackdaw, now let's rest.


Here under the green Christmas tree

The crows are jumping merrily, kar-kar-kar

They rode all day long

The boys were not allowed to sleep kar-kar-kar.

It was only towards nightfall that they fell silent

And they quietly fell asleep.

Educator: The crows of the middle group quietly fly away to play.

Slides No. 13-14

3 Sharik's task.

Let's look at the pictures. Name it in one word. What is this? (dishes)

Choose a dish that has the sound “R” in its name. (frying pan, saucepan, mug, ladle, sugar bowl, rusk bowl).

Slides No. 15-18

4.3 Matroskin’s assignment.

    Name the words with the sound “r” in my poem, and for the correct answer you will get a chip.

Yegor has a vegetable garden,

There are radishes and peas,

Nearby is Fedora's garden -

There are tomatoes in the garden.

Well, now let's check how you learned to pronounce the sound "r"

    Who can quickly repeat the tongue twister without mistakes?

“The old mole is digging the ground, ruins the garden».

    If you have completed all the tasks, then congratulations, well done.

    The teacher opens the package with the children and reads the note.

    Slide number 19

“Well done, you completed all the tasks, we hope that now you will quickly learn how to correctly pronounce the sound “r.” We send books by E.N. as a gift. Uspensky, so that you don’t forget us, but for the little ones there are toys (pyramid, rocket, construction set). See you soon on the pages of books and cartoons.”

Educator: Well, guys, what an interesting package came to us from Prostokvashino. Were the tasks difficult? What tasks did you like? Caused trouble?

Let's look at books about our heroes from Prostokvashino.


1.V.V.Volina Entertaining ABC studies.

2. V.V.Gerbova Classes on speech development with children 4-6 years old

3. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. "Learn by playing."

4 Magazine Preschool education, 1990, №1.

5. ://900 igr . net / pictures / geometrija / Nagljadnaja - geometrija / Nagljadnaja - geometrija . html - 19 slide.

6. :// m . babyblog . ru / user / lenta / ellada 16/28 - little jackdaw.

7. :// ememdem . net / tag /% D 0% B.F. % D 1%80% D 0% BE % D 1%81% D 1%82% D 0% BE % D 0% B.A. % D 0% B 2% D 0% B 0% D 1%88% D 0% B 8% D 0% BD % D 0% BE / - 3 slide

8. http :// sportsklad . ru . com / prostokvashino . html- 2nd slide.

Speech is the most important achievement of a person. Using sounds, words, expressions, additional gestures and intonation, you can communicate with other people. Correct communication called This is the ability to express oneself correctly, taking into account certain conditions, the purpose of the conversation, as well as the use of all linguistic means(intonation, vocabulary, grammar). The sound culture of speech has something in common with each other.

What is sound culture of speech?

It is part of human speech communication. The sound culture of speech combines the oral formulation of words. This layer is responsible for correct pronunciation sounds, expressions, speed and volume of speech utterances, voice timbre, rhythm, pauses, logical stresses, correct functioning of the speech motor and hearing aids, as well as the presence of a suitable speech environment.

Nurturing the sound culture of speech contributes to timely and rapid development speech skills in children preschool age. During speech development, speech therapists simultaneously develop vocabulary and grammatically coherent speech. Classes help children monitor their breathing during pronunciation, correct its clarity, and develop voice control skills in a leisurely and correct intonation manner.

How to develop a sound culture of speech?

Formation correct speech For a child, it comes down not only to developing the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds, which are dealt with by speech therapists, but also to solving many important problems. IN kindergarten Experienced teachers work with children. As a rule, they develop the sound culture of the child’s speech in the following areas:

  • Develop correct sound pronunciation.
  • They form clarity and precision in the pronunciation of words that correspond to the linguistic norms of the Russian language.
  • In the process of studying, they develop a moderate speech tempo and correct breathing during pronunciation.
  • Develop intonationally correct pronunciation of sounds and words.
  • Develop auditory attention in children.

The sound culture of speech and its implementation is carried out in two directions: with the development of various perceptions (rhythm, tempo, intonation, strength, speed) and the speech motor apparatus. In order to cultivate a child’s speech culture, teachers choose following forms works:

  • Independent activities where children communicate with each other.
  • Classes with specialists from preschool institutions.
  • Work in the form of games and exercises.
  • Musical lessons.

The development of sound culture of speech in preschool institutions continues not only in special classes, but also during walks and morning speech gymnastics. Teachers use onomatopoeic words, poems, tongue twisters, visual material, cartoons, presentations and much more.

Age of formation of sound speech in a child

It is best to start working with your child at the age when he begins to actively talk and repeat words. Formation of sound culture of speech is important stage It is important not to miss this moment and help the child, together with the kindergarten teachers, comprehend the science of correct sound pronunciation.

Biological hearing

From birth, a person has the ability to distinguish sound vibrations - this is called biological hearing or perception. In humans, sounds are detected using the outer ear, eardrum, auditory ossicles and inner ear. Sound vibrations excite nerve endings and transmit information to the brain. Auditory attention is a special characteristic of a person's perceptual capabilities that helps focus on sounds, activities, or objects. For example, when a child focuses his attention on a stimulus, he receives clarity of sound sensations. If auditory perception is impaired in children, this leads to a decrease in attention and curiosity. The child often cries, flinches from sounds and extraneous stimuli.

How to choose the right speech therapist?

Find good specialist- not an easy task. Especially if the child has serious problems with a speech. When choosing a speech therapist, consider the following points:

  • Ask a speech therapist about qualifications and experience. Explore the portfolio.
  • Ask your speech therapist if he has solved a specific problem.
  • Find out the number and cost of classes.
  • Try to understand whether the person is at ease and whether the child is comfortable being around the speech therapist.
  • How high are the guarantees of a positive result?

Remember that high price Classes with a speech therapist do not guarantee quality work done.


The lesson on the sound culture of speech is aimed at teaching preschool children to articulate clearly and correctly. The sound “u” is taught to be pronounced smoothly and for a long time while exhaling. Teachers make sure that children pronounce it with different volumes and intonations. Sound training classes take the form of games and special exercises that help you learn how to correctly pronounce the sound “u”. Exercise - folding your lips like a pipe and pulling them forward prepares articulation for pronunciation. In addition, teachers sing songs with the children, perform choral repetitions of sounds and much more.

Sound "z". Its development also occurs in the form of games and songs. It is studied after preschoolers learn to cope with the sound “s”. The peculiarity of its study is that, in addition to articulation, the vocal cords are included in the work. Usually, the sound “z” requires training in front of a mirror. While working, the teacher pronounces tongue twisters with the children and makes up sentences. The development of sound culture is closely related to phonemic hearing.

Education of sound speech in preschoolers

The sound culture of speech includes correct diction, sound pronunciation, intonation, tempo, gestures, facial expressions, tone of speech, posture, and motor skills during a child’s conversation. If you systematically educate the pronunciation of sounds, it will be easier for a preschooler to learn in the future. That is why the method of education consists in the teacher solving the following tasks:

  • Development of mobility of the tongue and lips during sound pronunciation.
  • Formation of the ability to maintain the lower jaw in the desired position.
  • Paying attention to breathing while speaking.

As a rule, preschoolers master sound speech effortlessly if you educate her in time. During this period, children borrow words and sounds using an imitative method. After all, phonetic hearing is laid in early age. It is important not to miss the moment and direct the child’s development in the right direction.

Secondary group training

The sound culture of speech in the middle group of preschoolers (age 4 to 5 years) consists of speech hearing and breathing, which are the beginning of the emergence of speech. Education in this group begins taking into account the knowledge that was acquired earlier. The primary task of the teacher is to teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of the Russian language. The specialist pays special attention to hissing and whistling sounds, teaches how to pronounce phrases correctly and Difficult words, forms the skill of intonation expressiveness. In addition, the speech therapist educates children high level development of speech hearing, which will help them independently change the tone of their voice, highlight words in sentences with intonation. The sound culture of speech in the middle group is also aimed at developing speech breathing, phonemic awareness, vocal and articulatory apparatus.

Training in the senior group

Sound culture of speech in senior group(age 6-7 years) continues to develop previously acquired skills. Teachers strive to improve the development of the child’s articulatory apparatus, monitor the pronunciation of sounds with the help of various exercises, develop phonemic awareness, teach how to identify sound places in a word, and correctly use intonation and tempo of speech. Speech therapists also eliminate deficiencies in sound pronunciation, improve acquired skills, and study examples of correct literary pronunciation of words. native language. The sound culture of speech in the senior group should develop in children a good phonemic awareness, teach them to read words, sentences and small texts, understand the differences between terms, independently compose sentences and carry out Completing training in the senior group, children are able to distinguish between vowels and consonants, sounds, their designations. As a rule, teachers prepare preschoolers for preparatory stage, which begins before entering school.

What is a didactic game?

Didactic games in kindergarten are training sessions, which help preschoolers gain new knowledge through exciting games. They are distinguished by the presence of rules, a clear structure and an evaluation system. solve a number of problems set by the teacher. There is a whole technique that allows you to develop a child’s phonetic hearing in this form. The didactic method gradually develops the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the Russian language and the ability to listen. All games have certain tasks, which boil down to highlighting sounds at the beginning, middle and end of the required word. For example, the game "Sound Hide and Seek" is intended for children under the age of six. This independent game for a group controlled by a teacher. The goal of the game is to develop attention and phonetic hearing. A ball is used as an auxiliary object. The presenter needs to think of a word that has a certain sound, for example “z”. Then he throws the ball to the guys in turn, saying different words, in which this sound is present. The task of children is to catch a ball with words the desired sound, and beat off the remaining “words”.

What problems exist in the development of sound speech?

Modern children much more often suffer from problems with the formation of sound pronunciation and speech. The reason for this is computerization and lack of communication with peers and parents. Often parents leave the child to his own devices, as well as toys, TV, and gadgets. Experts advise reading books with children, learning poems, counting rhymes, and tongue twisters. The formation of sound culture of speech is associated with the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. In order to captivate and involve the child in learning, it is necessary to give the child as often as possible tasks to build a house from cubes, assemble a mosaic and a colored pyramid. It is necessary to constantly develop sound speech in a child. In kindergarten, during games, walks in the park. Talk to your baby, pay attention to interesting details, for example, the color of leaves and plants, count birds, look at flowers. Without an integrated approach, the formation of correctly delivered speech is impossible. Both parents and preschool teachers should be involved in this.