There are many different images of the Virgin Mary in the world that appeared in the most different time. All of them are revered by Christians and considered miraculous. But the most revered is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which has quite interesting story origin, numerous miraculous deeds are attributed to her. It differs from all the others not only in the manner of writing, but also in its meaning for Christians.

If you believe history, then the first image of the Mother of God was a portrait painted by Saint Luke on a board from the table at which little Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph were eating. When the Mother of God saw this work, she blessed it and promised that from now on all her images would bring only heavenly grace into the world.

Vladimir icon for a long time was in Jerusalem. But during the reign of Theodosius the Younger it was moved to the capital of the Byzantine state - Constantinople. A century later, the icon was donated to Yuri Dolgoruky. On the territory of Rus', it was stored for a long time in Vyshgorsky convent. It was from there that rumors of her miraculous power spread throughout the world.

The icon remained in the monastery until 1155, when Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered its transfer to the city of Vladimir. The world famous Assumption Cathedral was erected here for the image. And the icon itself has since received the name Vladimir Mother of God. It was at this time that a precious frame of gold and silver was made for the image, decorated big amount precious stones and pearls.

Since ancient times, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God guarded the troops of Rus' during the raids of invaders. The main examples of her miraculous intercession include the victory of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Bulgars and the defeat of Tamerlane’s army. During the latter's invasion, the image was brought to one of the churches in Moscow and an akathist was read before it by all the monks and ministers. Khan Tamerlane was afraid of the power of the Vladimir Mother of God and retreated before her power. Historians say that in a dream, the khan dreamed of a detachment in shining armor descending from a mountain, over which the Mother of God of Vladimir hovered and blessed the troops.

The day when the icon was brought to the Moscow temple has since been celebrated as the Feast of the Presentation. This day usually falls on September 8 or August 26 according to the old style. And in memory of the miracle performed by the Mother of God, the Sretensky Cathedral and monastery were erected.

The most possible things can happen in the life of every person. different situations that require an immediate solution. If ordinary and familiar methods do not give the desired results, then people turn to the Mother of God, who hears, sees, and always comes to the aid of those praying.

The Vladimir Mother of God performed many miracles. But the most famous and difficult to interpret are the following:

Miracles were performed not only by the icon itself, but also by numerous copies of it, which are distributed throughout the world. There are legends about these miracles that confirm the power of the Vladimir Mother of God.

This shrine has witnessed many events in Russia. She was able to go through all the military campaigns with the troops, and was at the coronation of the emperors. The naming of many patriarchs took place before her. Prayers are read to her at the moment when it is necessary to calm the anger of enemies, remove their anger and eliminate the fear of those who go on a military campaign.

Many parishioners turned to the Mother of God with prayers for making a fateful decision or for her to grant strength in getting what they wanted. It is she who helps to get rid of many diseases and heal even the most seriously ill people. The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps:

  • strengthen faith and gain strength to cope with any adversity;
  • to be healed of blindness and heart disease;
  • get rid of sinful thoughts and bad intentions;
  • make an important and fateful decision when a person cannot understand what to do in a given situation.

The significance of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has always been great for all Russian people. It helps in the most difficult times, when there is nowhere else to wait for protection and help. But we can say that such an icon is not the only one. And here will be the mistake - this image is very different from others with a similar context.

Based on the type of writing, it belongs to the “Caressing” variety. This image is one of the most lyrical of all possible depictions of the face of the Virgin Mary. With one hand, the Mother of God holds the baby, hugging him to herself and protecting him from the whole world. Their faces are pressed against each other, which reveals a completely different side of the communication between mother and son. In this icon they appear not as the Mother of God and the Child of God, but as simple mother and son who endlessly love each other.

Only the mother and baby are depicted on the canvas. There are no angels, no archangels, no one else on the canvas. The head of the Mother of God is tilted towards the baby, and he hugs her neck with his hand. Distinctive feature The icon is that the baby's leg is curved and his foot is visible.

The main prayer to the face of the Vladimir Mother of God is the following:

Today, the original image is located in Tolmachi in the museum at the Church of St. Nicholas. But even knowing where the original icon is located, you should not rush to go to pay homage to it. You can pray to any of the lists that are located in many churches in Russia.

For every Russian person has great value Vladimir icon. She helps in the most unexpected and difficult situations. Therefore, in many homes there is an image of the Mother of God, in front of which candles are placed and prayers are offered for the bestowing of health to loved ones.

The holy image more than once helped the Russian army to win decisive battles - this is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church, which established a threefold celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

How the Holy Image ended up in Rus'

According to legend, the Vladimir Icon Mother of God written by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Mother of God on the board of the table at which the Savior had a meal with the Most Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph.

The Virgin Mary, seeing Her image, said: “From now on, all generations will bless Me. May the grace of the One born of Me and Mine be with this image.”

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaplun

The icon of the Mother of God remained in Jerusalem until 450, then it was transferred to Constantinople. At the beginning of the 12th century, Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverg sent special list(a copy) from it to Kyiv as a gift to the Holy Prince Mstislav.

After arriving in Rus', from 1131 the icon was in the Mother of God Monastery, which was located in one of the northern suburbs of Kyiv - Vyshgorod. Rumors about her wonderful creations circulated throughout Rus'.

How the icon got its name

Vyshgorod became the inheritance of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, son of Yuri Dolgoruky, in 1155. Having decided to move to his native land of Suzdal, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon with him and prayed earnestly in front of it on the way.

After resting in Vladimir, the prince was about to continue moving, but having driven quite a bit from the city, his horses stopped. All attempts to force them to move on were unsuccessful. Even after changing horses, nothing changed.

The surprised prince began to fervently pray to the Mother of God, and during prayer the Mother of God appeared to him, who commanded him to leave the miraculous icon in Vladimir and build a cathedral that would become its home. The prince placed the icon in Vladimir and since then the image has received the name - the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

Patroness of the Russian people

The icon was first brought to Moscow in 1395, when the conqueror Khan Tamerlane (Temir-Aksak) and his hordes invaded Russian lands, took the city of Yelets and headed towards Moscow.

Moscow Prince Vasily Dmitrievich, who ruled from 1389 to 1425, went with an army to Kolomna and stopped on the banks of the Oka.

The Grand Duke prayed to the saints of Moscow and St. Sergius about the deliverance of the Fatherland and wrote to the Metropolitan of Moscow, Saint Cyprian, so that the upcoming Dormition Fast would be devoted to fervent prayers for pardon and repentance.

© photo: Sputnik / Ivan Shagin

The clergy were sent to Vladimir, where the famous miraculous icon was located. After the liturgy and prayer service on the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God the clergy accepted the icon and procession carried her towards Moscow. Countless people on both sides of the road, on their knees, prayed: “Mother of God, save the Russian land!”

According to legend, at the very hour when the residents of Moscow met the icon on Kuchkovo Field, Tamerlane was dozing in his tent - in a dream he saw great mountain, from the top of which saints with golden rods walked towards him, and above them in a radiant radiance the Majestic Woman appeared, who commanded him to leave the borders of Russia.

Waking up in awe, Tamerlane asked about the meaning of the vision, to which those who knew answered that the radiant Woman is the Mother of God, great Protectress Christian. Then Tamerlane gave the order to the regiments to turn back.

In memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Tamerlane, the Sretensky Monastery was built on Kuchkovo Field, where the icon was met, and on September 8 a celebration was established in honor of the meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

One of the greatest shrines in Russia

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God has always taken part in important events Russian state and is considered one of greatest shrines Russia.

Thus, during the Tatar attack on Moscow in 1451, Metropolitan Jonah carried the icon in a procession along the city walls. At night, the attackers heard a loud noise and decided that Prince Vasily Dmitrievich was coming with his army to help the besieged; in the morning they lifted the siege and retreated from the city walls.

And in 1480, a battle between Russian troops and the Tatar-Mongols was supposed to take place - the opponents stood on different banks of the river and prepared for battle, but it never took place.

This “great stand on the Ugra River” ended with the flight of the Tatar-Mongols, to which the Mother of God turned them through her Vladimir Icon, which was in front of the Russian army.

IN Once again Enemy hordes approached Moscow in 1521, began to burn the towns, but unexpectedly withdrew from the city without causing significant harm to the capital. This event is also associated with protection miraculous icon, in honor of which her third holiday was established, which is celebrated on June 3.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

With the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, the people went to the Novodevichy Convent to Boris Godunov to install him as king. This icon was met by the troops of Minin and Pozharsky, who in 1613 expelled the Polish invaders and so on.

The most important events of Russian church history also took place before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Including the election and installation of St. Jonah - Primate of the Autocephalous Russian Church (1448), St. Job - the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1589), His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon (1917).

On the day of celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, His Holiness Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Rus' was enthroned - June 3, 1971.

Moving to a new home

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was transferred for permanent storage to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral in 1480. In Vladimir there remains an exact copy of the icon, written Rev. Andrew Rublev.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Bushkin

artist Andrei Rublev's horse "Our Lady of Vladimir" (1408)

In 1918, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was closed, and the miraculous image was moved to the State Tretyakov Gallery. On September 8, 1999, the miraculous icon was transferred from Tretyakov Gallery to the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, connected to the museum by a small corridor.

Description of the Holy Image

According to art historians, the icon was painted in the 12th century, presumably in Constantinople. The icon belongs to the ancient type of images of the Mother of God, which is called “Eleusa”, that is, “Merciful, Tender.”

These are the most tender icons of the Mother of God, on them the Most Holy One clung to her Son, and He to Her. They seem to be conducting some kind of internal dialogue among themselves, and the one praying becomes, as it were, a participant in this conversation between the Mother and the Infant God.

The icon is double-sided: on the front side is the image of the Mother of God with the Child, on the back is the throne and instruments of the Passion of Christ. The background is light ocher, the soil is lilac, with brown marbled stains, the fields are dark ocher, the inscriptions (IC XC. NI KA) are red.

Lists were often written from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, some of which were received special names and are miraculous.

An exact copy of the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also located in Cathedral"Sameba" ( Holy Trinity). The gift of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' was delivered to Georgia in September 2009.

What does it help with?

The Mother of God of Vladimir helps every believer who turns to Her with sincere prayer - She is an intercessor and protector, protects the home and helps in many everyday needs.

The Most Holy Theotokos helps to find the true path, to accept the right decision, gives strength to overcome a difficult period of life, strengthens faith, protects against hostility, and delivers from sinful thoughts and turmoil.

The Mother of God also heals from physical ailments; people especially often pray to Her for the healing of diseases of the heart and eyes, which symbolizes insight not only physical, but also spiritual.

Our Lady also contributes happy marriage, because strong family ties, without quarrels and discord, are the key to a strong country.


First prayer

Oh, All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope!

We thank You for all the good deeds that the Russian people have received from You, from ancient times to this day from Your miraculous icon that perishes. And now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that we may be delivered from all evil and that every city and village, and our entire country, will be saved from famine and destruction. , coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Ask Orthodox Christian prosperity and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything. Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone who is in power; come down Thy holy blessing to all Orthodox Christians who worship You and pray before Your celibate icon. Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the Throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady? To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Holy Theotokos? There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, through Your prayers send us peace, health, fruitful lands, good dissolution of the air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden deaths and from all the bitterness of enemies, visible and invisible.

Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, how to sinlessly pass the path of this earthly life; You weigh all our weaknesses and our sins, but you also weigh our faith and see our hope; grant us correction of sinful lives and soften evil heart our.

Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, in good deeds prosperity; Deliver us from temptations, from destructive, soul-harming teachings, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction. We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon, we pray, have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the terrible day of judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory and honor. and worship, with His Originless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

To whom shall we cry, Lady? To whom shall we resort in our sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept our crying and sighing, if not You, most immaculate, the hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who is more in Your favor? Incline Your ear to us, Lady, Mother of our God, and do not despise those who require Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, enlighten and teach us, Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us, Thy servant, Lady, for our grumbling, but be our Mother and Intercessor, and entrust us to the merciful protection of Thy Son: arrange for us whatever Thy holy will pleases, and lead us, sinners, to quiet and more serene life Let us cry over our sins, and let us rejoice with You always, now and ever and forever. Amen.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is considered the main protector of Russia, as evidenced by numerous historical information. This image is related in its type to the icons of Eleus, that is, “Tenderness” - the Infant of God touchingly touches the cheek of the Mother of God, and she, in turn, bows her head to her Son. All possible maternal pain in the world is concentrated in the face. Another significant detail of this particular icon, which is not present in images of this type, is the manifestation of the Baby’s heel. In addition, it is worth noting that the icon is double-sided and on the other side the throne and the Symbols of the Passion are depicted. It is believed that the icon contains a deep idea - the suffering of the Mother of God because of the sacrifice of Jesus. A huge number of listings have been made from the original image.

It is worth understanding what the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God means. This is the most important celebration of this image, since it was on this day that the Moscow people were able to defend themselves from the troops of Tamerlane. It is believed that this happened only thanks to prayers near the miraculous image. This celebration is celebrated on August 26th. Another holiday of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, associated with the deliverance of Rus' from the Golden Horde of Akhmat, is usually celebrated on July 6. The icon is also venerated on May 21 in honor of the salvation of the Russian people from Khan Makhmet-Girey.

The history of the appearance of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

According to existing tradition, the image was painted by the Apostle Luke back in the days when the Mother of God was alive. The basis was taken from the board from the table where exactly the Holy Family had their meal. Initially, the image was in Jerusalem and in 450 it was redirected to Constantinople, where it stood for about 650 years. One day the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was presented Kievan Rus and she was sent to Vyshgorod. After some time, Andrei Bogolyubsky took it from there, who carried the image during his travels. While staying in Vladimir, he saw the sign of the Mother of God, and then it was decided to build a temple in this place, where the image remained. It was from then on that the icon began to be called Vladimir. Today in this temple there is a list made by Rublev, and the original is placed in the Church of St. Nicholas.

How does the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help?

For several centuries this image has been revered as miraculous. A huge number of people turn to the icon in their prayers and ask for deliverance from various diseases. The Vladimir Mother of God shows her greatest power in the treatment of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. They offer petitions before the icon to protect themselves from various tragedies, problems and enemies.

Prayer before the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps you understand your emotional experiences and see the same “ light beam in the dark kingdom." If you place this image at home, you can try to emulate those at war, soften human anger and strengthen faith.

The Legend contains miracles related to with the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir:

  1. The guide of Prince Andrei, while traveling from Vyshgorod to Pereslavl, while crossing the river, stumbled and began to drown in the river. To save his escort, the prince started in front of the icon, which allowed him to survive.
  2. Prince Andrei's wife had a difficult birth, and this happened on the day of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The miraculous icon was washed with water, and then given to the princess to drink. As a result, she gave birth to a healthy baby.

This is only a small list of miracles that are associated with the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. She helped a huge number people to get rid of serious illnesses and avoid death.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps

What does the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help with: how to pray to the Vladimir Icon correctly, The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and how it helps

What does the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help with: how to pray to the Vladimir Icon correctly

The Lord’s favor and disposition towards our sinful, suffering world is great, and it is hard not to notice this. You need to take a closer look, and you can see it in the ordinary confession of every Christian, in the humble shine of immaculate faces, in the course of our history and the fate of leaders. And also the goodwill and favor of God are presented to us in the form of sacred icons, of which ours is so rich Orthodox church. As before, so today it has a special significance and respect among people who believe in God has a face.

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is the patroness Russian people and herself Russian Federation. According to legend, this appearance was described by the Evangelist Luke during the period of Her earthly existence. And seeing her own image, the Virgin Mary said:

From now on, everyone will please me. The grace of the one born from me, and mine will arrive with this face.

Throughout the entire history of the appearance of the Most Holy One, a lot of amazing deeds and amazing incidents have been recorded that affected not only the Russian Federation, but also thousands of people who believe in the Lord the Creator. The significance, how the Vladimir image of the Immaculate can help, how to offer prayer and beg for her support - our publication will tell you about absolutely everything.

The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and how it helps

Prayer before any of the revered images of the Most Holy Guardian and Patroness of the human race before our Creator is of great importance. After all, it can protect each of us and our souls from misfortune. The population of the earth saw a lot of it miraculous icons, and the stories of their acquisition indicate that in various everyday moments we can rush to its diverse forms.

The Most Pure Mother of God of Vladimir can help any person who believes in God and turns to her with a sincere prayer. She is a patron and protector, protects the home and can help in resolving a large number of everyday matters. Any pious Christian is simply obliged to have own home this miraculous face.

And about the history and significance of the icon for the Russian people, many cases have been recorded that happened in ancient times and are happening right up to the present day.

In addition to the fact that the icon saved the Russian lands from enemy invasions three times, the Most Pure Virgin expressed her will through her own appearance. So, for example, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, at the moment of prayer, received information about where the image was supposed to be located on the territory of Vladimir.

Also on the territory of Vyshgorod, in the cathedral, the icon independently moved from one place to another. As a result, Prince Andrei, at the end of the prayer, took the icon with him to the Rostov lands.

Subsequently, a fairly large number of miraculous cures of Christians were witnessed. Eye and heart ailments were especially susceptible to frequent healing.

A clergyman named Mikula had a pregnant wife. To her amazingly managed to escape from a horse that went berserk after offering prayers.

Parishioner Mary was able to be healed from an eye ailment after she prayerfully drank water from her immaculate appearance.

Once upon a time, in a city called Vladimir, a misfortune happened. The golden gate of the passage tower fell and killed twelve people. The ruler of the city continuously offered prayers before the face of the Mother of God, and all the people not only remained alive, but also got out without a single scratch.

The newborn was saved from the evil eye after he was washed with holy water.

Christian Efimiya was diagnosed with a heart disease. As soon as she was told about the miraculous cures from the face of the Most Pure One, she, together with the clergyman Lazarus, sent a large number of gold items to the cathedral to the image. And later he brought her holy water. She offered a prayer, drank it and recovered.

There are many similar stories. They relate both to the original appearance of the Most Holy Patroness, and to a large number her lists and prayers directed towards her.

How does the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help?

The icon bears witness to the most important incidents in the history of the Russian Federation. Namely: military campaigns, appointments of patriarchs, before the face Holy Mother of God the coronation of the monarch and the oath of allegiance to the fatherland were carried out. Prayer directed towards the shrine is salvation in troubled times and a split in the state. It helps eliminate hostility, anger, and calm passions.

Numerous people who believe in God flock to the Immaculate One for support in accepting important decisions, in the presence of ailments, in order to strengthen the spirit. If you are wondering what help can be provided Orthodox Christian icon the answer will be as follows:

Helps in finding the true path and making the right decision.

Gives strength in the most difficult moments of existence, helps strengthen faith.

Heals from physical illness. In particular, prayers are often offered to her to cure heart and eye ailments.

Protects against attacks from enemies, sinful thoughts and despondency.

The patroness helps the marriage remain happy, as well as maintain the strength of family ties, eliminating quarrels and discord. After all, this is precisely the key to a strong state.

Prayer before the Vladimir icon

**"O Mother of God, Heavenly Queen, All-powerful Patroness, our shameless Hope! Thanking you for all your great blessings, throughout the generations of generations the Russian people who were from you, before your immaculate appearance, we send up a prayer: protect this city and your servants and all the Russian lands from floods, fires, destruction, earthquakes, internecine wars, alien invasions. Protect and help, Most Holy One, our Most High (name of rivers), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and the entire Russian land, and our Lord (name of rivers), Presence His Holiness Bishop(title), and all His Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. Give them the Russian Church as a good steward, the faithful sheep of Christ bend down to keep. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order and preserve them, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen everyone to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all your servants and grant us the path of the earthly field to pass without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, endow us with patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, understanding towards our neighbors, forgiveness towards the enemy, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every sinful act and from petrified insensibility, on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, respect and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. forever and ever. Let it be so".**

The original of the Most Pure Image is located on the territory of the city of Tolmach in the Tretyakov Gallery of the Cathedral - Museum of St. Nicholas. You are allowed to travel to the miraculous list that is located in the cathedrals, named in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God:

In the village of Novovasilyevka, Berdyansk district,

The village of Bykovo, which is located in the Ramensky district,

You can also see lists in the village of Vilna in the Moscow region,

South Butovo has lists of icons,

City of Vinogradovo,
and of course in the capital.

On the territory of Ukraine, you can pray in the temple named in honor of Our Lady of Vladimir in the capital.

May our almighty creator and patron be with you!

Days for celebrating the icon:
June 3 – in honor of the rescue of Moscow from Khan Makhmet-Girey in 1521.
July 6 - in memory of the liberation of Rus' from the Khan of the Golden Horde Akhmat in 1480.
September 8 - Presentation of the Vladimir Icon, in memory of the liberation of Moscow from the troops of Tamerlane in 1395.


Vladimirskaya Icon of the Mother of God always prayed for the preservation of the country, for help in protecting it from enemies. People turn to this icon during various disasters and ask for help in healing from illnesses.
Through this image, the Mother of God helps to reconcile warring people, softens human hearts, helps to make the right decision, and strengthens faith.
There were cases when prayers to the Vladimir Icon relieved infertility or diseases of the reproductive organs. The icon especially protects mothers and their children, promotes easy childbirth, gives health to babies, and helps with diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


According to legend, the holy image of the Mother of God of this icon was created by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke directly on the surface of the table at which the Savior and the Most Pure Virgin had meals:

“Having written Your all-honorable image, divine Luke, divinely inspired writer Christ's Gospel, depicted the Creator of all in Your hands.”

Seeing the created image, the Mother of God said:

“From now on, everyone will please Me. May the grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with this image.”

At the beginning of the 12th century, a special list was made of this icon; the Vladimir Icon itself was in Constantinople at that time. The list was given as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky, Grand Duke of Kyiv. The holy icon was brought to Kyiv and placed in the Mother of God Monastery.
Yuri Dolgoruky had several sons, they constantly quarreled with each other over their father's inheritance. One of the sons, Prince Andrei, was tired of the brothers' quarrels and in 1155, secretly from his father, taking an icon from the Mother of God Monastery, he headed to the north of the state to create his own principality there, which would be independent of Kyiv.

They made a platform for the icon and transported it on a special sled. Throughout the entire journey, Prince Andrei fervently prayed to the Mother of God.
After resting in Vladimir, the prince was about to continue moving, but having driven quite a bit from the city, his horses stopped. They tried to force them to move on, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Even after changing horses, nothing changed - the caravan did not move. Prince Andrei began to fervently pray to the Mother of God, and during prayer the Queen herself appeared to him, commanding that the miraculous icon be left in Vladimir, and that the cathedral that the prince would have to build would become its home. So this image received the name - the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
To Moscow Vladimir icon was transported in 1480. It was placed in the Assumption Cathedral, and a copy of the icon, written by the Monk Andrei Rublev, remained in Vladimir.

The meeting place (or “candlemas”) of the icon in Moscow is immortalized Sretensky Monastery, which was erected in honor of this event, and the street was named Sretenka.

Immediately after the revolution, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was closed. In 1918, the miraculous image of the Mother of God was transferred to the State Tretyakov Gallery, where the icon remained until September 8, 1999. Then it was moved from the Tretyakov Gallery to the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi.


In history there is a lot of evidence of unusual miracles that occurred with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
In 1395, Khan Tamerlane and his troops attacked Rus'. At this time, in a procession of the cross, for more than ten days, they carried the icon in their hands from Vladimir to Moscow. People stood on both sides of the path and prayed to the Holy image on the icon: “Mother of God, save the Russian land!” Based on these prayers, Tamerlane had a dream that from the top high mountain Christian saints descended, holding rods of gold in their hands, and a Majestic Woman appeared above them and ordered him to leave Rus' alone. Tamerlane woke up in alarm and sent for dream interpreters, who explained to the khan that the radiant Woman was the image of the Mother of God, the protector of all Christians. Having stopped his campaign, Tamerlane left Rus'.

In 1451, during the Tatar attack on Moscow, Metropolitan Jonah carried the icon in a procession along the city walls. At night, the attackers heard a loud noise and decided that Prince Vasily Dmitrievich was coming with his army to help the besieged; in the morning they lifted the siege and retreated from the city walls.

In 1480, a battle between Russian troops and the Tatar-Mongols was supposed to take place. The opponents stood on different banks of the river and prepared for battle, but it never took place. This “great stand on the Ugra River” ended with the flight of the Tatar-Mongols, to which the Mother of God turned them through her Vladimir Icon, which was in front of the Russian army.

In 1521, the Khan’s troops once again approached Moscow, began to burn the settlements, but unexpectedly withdrew from the city without causing significant harm to the capital. This event is also associated with the protection of the miraculous icon, in whose honor its third holiday was established.

The Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God has always taken part in important events in our state. With it, the people went to the Novodevichy Convent to Boris Godunov to install him as king; this icon met the troops of Minin and Pozharsky, who in 1613 expelled the Polish invaders.

For our country, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is of great importance. During times severe tests prayers to her more than once saved Rus' from destructive enemy attacks, which were repelled thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God through Her holy icon.

Interesting fact

Part of the image of the Vladimirskaya icon (eye and nose) was taken for the logo of the film company Icon Productions, created in 1989 by Mel Gibson. This studio has produced films such as The Passion of the Christ and Anna Karenina.


We magnify, we magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor Your image
Holy One, grant healing to all who come with faith.