On August 16, People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva died. For a long time, the actress and director struggled with cancer. The movie star tried not to advertise her diagnosis, so information about it came as a shock to numerous fans women. After Glagoleva passed away, her friends found the strength to talk about serious illness celebrities.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, who worked with Vera Vitalievna on a number of films, told reporters that the condition of her colleague and friend worsened after the loss loved one. Until the very end, Glagoleva’s circle believed that she would be able to overcome a serious illness. The woman never complained and was full of strength.

“Vera became worse in February, after the funeral of her brother Boris, who also died of cancer. Over the past six months, her health condition was unstable, but still no one thought about the terrible outcome, we hoped that it would work out. She has up to last day there was a huge thirst for life, a desire to work and create. I know for sure that this was not part of her plans,” Ivanova shared.

A friend of Vera Glagoleva noted that sometimes loved ones forgot about the actress’s illness. “Agile, light, she worked for two,” recalls the producer. The woman always suppressed any conversations on this topic, which was taboo in her circle.

“I, too, was content with what she would say herself. Since we worked closely, made films, and this is a complex process in which finances and dozens of people are involved, I knew a little more than others, especially when it came to her departures for treatment,” says a friend of the star.

Glagoleva’s latest work was the socio-psychological drama “Clay Pit” based on the play by Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina. Colleagues of the actress and director intend to complete her work and finish filming some scenes. It is planned that this will happen in the fall in Kazakhstan, and viewers will be able to see the film next year.

According to the memoirs of Natalya Ivanova, Vera Glagoleva was never separated from her phone and was always in touch with her family. It was important for the actress to know all the details from her daughters’ lives. “It’s very difficult for her girls right now. Faith was the axis, the center of gravity of their great and friendly family", noted the producer. She also added that the star found the strength to make peace with her ex-husband Rodion Nakhapetov, who lives in the USA. The director often came to Moscow and invited children to visit him. “He flew to the funeral and said goodbye to Vera, it was very important to him,” Trud quoted Ivanova as saying.

Not all fans of the wonderful actress, screenwriter and director Vera Glagoleva know that she had an older brother, Boris. Vera Glagoleva, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, passed away on August 16, 2017, she passed away due to a terrible cancer disease. It was the untimely death of the actress (in Lately and director) became the reason that fans became interested in her person sibling. Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris (biography and photos will be presented in the article) is a non-public person, fans had to literally collect information about him bit by bit. All that we managed to find out is in the following content.

Boris Glagolev - brother of Vera Glagoleva: date of birth, early years

As mentioned earlier - Boris Glagolev was not public person, and only a single source lists his date of birth. If you believe this information, then Vera Glagoleva’s brother was born on November 14, 1953.

Boris, like all Soviet boys, spent a lot of time on the football fields in the yard, and he was accompanied by younger sister. Vera Glagoleva was pleased harmful child, it was her fault that Boris was often punished. The actress owes her character to her brother. As Vera Vitalievna said in one of her interviews, she was a tomboy in a skirt and could give any boy a head start.

As children, the brother and sister often fought, Boris was found guilty, because Vera is a little girl, and he is her older brother. Despite the fact that his sister herself brought him down, the guy always admitted his guilt.

The path to the cinema

None of the children dreamed of a career in cinema. Vera is small and thin, but very strong and athletic. As a child, she was an accurate archer and participated in shooting competitions for the Moscow youth team. When she received an offer to play in a movie, the girl agreed only out of curiosity.

Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris, whose biography is little known, at one time received a technical education, with which he was able to edit films, to which he devoted his life.

Interesting, but Vera Glagoleva never learned acting. But even without special education she was able to become a famous actress of the USSR and Russia, starring in many films and playing many roles on the stage of theaters. In addition, Vera Vitalievna was a producer, talented director and screenwriter.

Glagolev family

The family of Boris Glagolev (brother of Vera Glagoleva) lived in Moscow, in a beautiful old house on A. Tolstoy Street. In this house, which had a sign with the number 22/2, apartments were issued only to employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways. Neither the mother nor the father of Vera and Boris had anything to do with them.

The mother of the future actress and future film editor taught at school, she was a primary school teacher. Galina Glagoleva was more involved in raising her son, this was the way it was in the family, and the father (Vitaly Glagolev) took care of his daughter.

Vitaly Glagolev (like his wife) was a teacher, he taught children the basics of physics and biology.

The apartment in which the couple lived with two children belonged to the grandfather of Boris and Vera - the father of Galina Glagoleva. Living space in an elite building was given to Naum Glagolev for special success in his work. Grandfather famous actress worked as a designer. Thanks to specialists like him, high-speed trains appeared. At that time, trains were slow and with the help of this transport, citizens took quite a long time to get to their destination. Naum Glagolev became one of the creators of faster and more comfortable trains.

In 1962, the Glagolevs received their own housing in the east of Moscow, in Izmailovo. But soon the parents of Vera and Boris received a job offer in Germany. From 1962 to 1966 Vera and Boris lived with their parents in Karl-Marx-Stadt; their father and mother taught at Russian school number 103.

Are children to blame for their parents' divorce?

Boris Glagolev - brother of Vera Glagoleva, Interesting Facts from whose life every fan is looking, did not tell anything about himself. All that is known about this man is from the words of his sister. It was the actress who spoke about the reason for her parents’ divorce.

The Glagolev parents lived in marriage for about 10 years, and would still be living (most likely) if not for chance. Vitaly Glagolev decided to take his children on a kayaking trip. Besides them, other people were present, among them was my father’s colleague. Despite the fact that she was with a child, and despite the fact that his own children were present on the trip, Vitaly Glagolev began to look after his colleague, paying her maximum attention. This was not hidden from the children’s eyes; later they told everything they saw to their mother.

Perhaps the children might have thought that the father was paying too much attention to his colleague, but the mother and father had a big fight, after which Vitaly Glagolev packed his suitcase and went to the North. The parents did not see each other again; Vera and Boris’s father soon had a new family.

Brother and sister relationship

As children, children constantly fought for the right to be in charge. They could sort things out even with their fists; the initiator of the fight was always the younger sister. She often annoyed her brother, but Vera got away with everything. The father defended his little daughter (he loved her more than his son), and the mother stood up for her son. But Boris Glagolev himself (Vera Glagoleva’s brother, whose photo is in this article) doted on his little sister. All her antics were temporary, and when the minx calmed down, her brother could easily play with her, cut her and her dolls’ hair, and sew a beautiful outfit! Despite disagreements in childhood, at an older age the brother and sister became the closest people.

Boris Glagolev, Vera Glagoleva's brother (photo provided in the article), remained to live in Germany, and his sister moved to her homeland - Moscow. The distance affected their communication. Boris was editing films, and Vera could not come to Germany due to frequent filming. But technology does not stand still; soon the brother and sister were able to communicate in person - via Skype.

Vera Glagoleva said that she constantly calls her brother, talks for a long time, sharing events in her life, remembering old times.

Later (due to an illness that no one knew about) Vera began to often come to the clinic in Germany, so she and her brother began to see each other much more often in person.

Boris Glagolev (brother of Vera Glagoleva): personal life

Journalists had to search for information about this man for quite a long time. Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris Glagolev was a man who did not love public life. Fans of the actress can only be content with rather meager information about her brother, who edited documentaries.

Absolutely nothing is known about the personal life of Boris Glagolev: was he married, if so, how many times, did he have children? All this will remain a mystery. All that remains known is that he last years lived his life in Germany and never came to Russia.

Death of Vera Glagoleva

In August of this year, it became known that the actress, director, producer and screenwriter Vera Glagoleva passed away in the Baden-Baden clinic in Germany due to a serious illness. This beloved actress until the very end struggled with a disease that no one knew about.

Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris, whose biography is still not fully known, most likely knew about his sister’s illness, because she came several times to hospitals in Germany for examination and treatment. Whether this is actually true, we will never know.

Shocking news

Nobody knew that Vera Glagoleva was struggling with a terrible disease, perhaps only her closest people - her daughters. The media learned that the actress was ill only at the beginning of 2017, but Vera Glagoleva herself did not comment on this news.

Friends and colleagues of the talented director claim that it was not noticeable from Vera that she was suffering greatly. She remained cheerful, active and cheerful, not a single muscle betrayed the terrible pain that tormented her from the inside. Before last Vera Glagoleva worked, worked for the benefit of cinema, did not give herself any concessions, which is why the news of her death came as a real shock not only to general public, but also for her friends.

Acquaintances of the actress are sure that her illness began to develop due to a not very happy personal life: an early divorce of her parents, two unsuccessful marriage. Heavy workload could also contribute to sudden death.

Failed personal life

Glagoleva Vera was married twice. Her first husband was Rodion Nakhapetov, a director. He was one of the first to discern in a non-professional actress her beauty, talent, and special openness. Initially, Rodion and Vera were just colleagues, but later the working relationship did not develop into love.

When the wedding took place, Vera Glagoleva received more and more roles in Nakhapetov’s films. But she explained this not by marriage. Rodion himself said that he would never have given the role if the actress was not suitable for it.

In the marriage of Vera and Rodion, two daughters were born - Anna and Maria.

In 1989, Rodion Nakhapetov went to make films in the USA. It was there that he met producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff, and soon began to live with her. From my wife this fact the director decided not to hide it, and the marriage was dissolved.

Vera Glagoleva met Kirill Shubsky, her second husband, at one of the film festivals in 1990. At that time, she was already a director and asked the businessman to take part in financing her project. Kirill refused help, but offered friendship. Soon the couple got married. Another daughter was born in the marriage - Anastasia.

Fake article

When it became known about the death of Vera Glagoleva, the media published many articles on this topic. One of the news said that Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris (biography described above) was greatly grieving over the death of his younger sister.

This news appeared after an interview with Marina Yakovleva. The woman claimed that Boris, Vera’s brother, was mourning the death of his sister and was very saddened by her death. Instagram denied the news eldest daughter Glagoleva Girl wrote that this was a fake, since Boris could not find out about Vera’s death - he died shortly before her.

In her refutation, Anna reproached Marina Yakovleva for spreading implausible information.

Death of Boris Glagolev

The last years of his life, Boris Glagolev lived in Germany, editing films in the documentary genre. The fact that he was no longer in the world became known only after the death of his younger sister.

According to the Glagolev relatives, Boris passed away seven months before his sister. The cause of his death has not been disclosed, but, according to some, the man also died from cancer.

There are no interesting facts about Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris Glagolev, since he was not public figure. His whole life remains a mystery. About his childhood and work, his place of residence is known only from the stories of his younger sister and some third-party sources.


Boris Glagolev was buried in Germany. Actress Vera Glagoleva rests on Troekurovskoye Cemetery Moscow.

At the end of the article, I would like to express my condolences to the family and friends of the Glagolevs Vera and Boris, talented brother and sister, and also wish them good health and long life.

On Wednesday, August 16, Vera Glagoleva died. Famous Russian actress theater and cinema artist died at the age of 61. According to preliminary data, the cause of death was cancer.

“Yes, this, unfortunately, is true,” said a source in film circles, answering a corresponding question.

At first there was information that Vera Glagoleva had died in the USA. This information was later denied by the actress’s husband, Kirill Shubsky. The artist died in Germany, in Baden-Baden. The star's relatives contacted the Russian consulate and asked for help in delivering the body to their homeland. Glagoleva will be buried in Russia.

Kirill Shubsky also confirmed that Vera Glagoleva died after a long illness.

Let us remember that at the end of May the media reported that Glagoleva was undergoing treatment abroad. However, then the actress herself denied rumors about her serious illness. The daughter of Vera Glagoleva also stated that the news about oncology has nothing to do with reality, and her mother feels well. According to her, at that time the actress and director led an active lifestyle and was completely immersed in a new project.

At the same time, in July, a joyful event occurred in the family of Vera Glagoleva - her youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya got married to hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The magnificent celebrations were called “the wedding of the year,” and he congratulated the newlyweds himself Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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Vera Glagoleva: best roles. Vera Glagoleva passed away at the age of 61. During her long, successful film career, the actress starred in more than 50 films. Let's remember her most striking roles


Vera Glagoleva- actress, director, screenwriter, film producer, people's artist of Russia (2011).

Glagoleva was born in 1956 in Moscow. Her first film work was a role in director Rodion Nakhapetov’s film “To the End of the World,” which she performed immediately after graduating from school. Subsequently, she played roles in almost 50 film and television films, including the films “Sincerely Yours...” (1985), “Those Who Descended from Heaven” (1986), “Poor Sasha” (1997), and the television series “Maroseyka” , 12" (2000) and others. Glagoleva's directorial debut was the psychological melodrama "Broken Light" (1990) about unemployed actors.

Vera Glagoleva was married twice. The artist's first husband is Rodion Nakhapetov. The actress starred in several of his films, including the films “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “About You”. The marriage broke up in 1989.

Glagoleva's eldest daughter, Anna Nakhapetova, became a ballerina and actress, dances at the Bolshoi Theater and acts in films. In 2006, she married Bolshoi Theater artist Yegor Simachev. Raises daughter Polina.

Glagoleva looked younger than her age. “A woman without age,” fans said about her. “Vera was a little girl, she could say how much she loved pancakes, eat half a pancake in the evening and say, oh, how I ate! I envied her figure,” recalled her friend Larisa Guzeeva. According to her stories, Glagoleva was always very energetic: she had two phones in her hands at once, and at the same time she managed to give out instructions and could do several things at the same time. Was beautiful actress and at the same time mastered directing. She also became a master of archery.

Glagoleva grew up with three beautiful daughters, the youngest of whom, Anastasia Shubskaya, married hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The actress admitted that she doted on her sports son-in-law, did not miss his matches and kept track of how many goals he scored. Already knowing about her fatal illness, she arranged a luxurious wedding for her daughter and, with a calm heart, entrusted Nastya to Ovechkin.

Vera Vitalievna hid her illness - cancer; only those closest to her knew about it. Therefore, it came as a surprise to everyone else.

I met Vera Glagoleva at the end of July at one of the parties at the Moscow Film Festival,” actress Vera Sotnikova told KP. - Vera smiled, she was in good mood. She said she felt great. When a person is very sick, when he feels bad, he doesn’t go to parties, doesn’t wear White dress. And she was all so bright and looked absolutely healthy. What could have happened in this Baden-Baden clinic? Doctors' mistake or medicine didn't work?

"They'll eat you up in the theater"

The only thing that Glagoleva regretted all her life was that she refused the offer of director Anatoly Efros (she starred in the film “On Thursday and Never Again”) to play in his theatrical performances, says writer Fyodor Razzakov. - Years later, she said: “I acted like a complete idiot: the best theater director in Moscow still asks me to think about his proposal, and I mumble that nothing will work out for me.”

In the film “On Thursday and Never Again” her partners were Smoktunovsky and Dahl. Immediately after filming the film, Efros invited Vera to main role in the play “A Month in the Country,” which was staged at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva was ready to accept this proposal, but her husband Rodion Nahapetov intervened. He forbade his wife to even think about a theatrical career, citing the fact that the theater group is full of terrible morals, intrigue, and envy. "They'll just eat you up there!" - he said to his wife.

It is likely that the reason for the ban was Nakhapetov’s jealousy - he was simply afraid that Efros could become his rival in a relationship with the woman he loved, Razzakov is sure.

In life, Glagoleva was lucky with men. The first husband and first love is the famous director Rodion Nakhapetov, who made young Vera an actress and was the first to cast her, an 18-year-old inexperienced girl, in his film “To the End of the World.” Glagoleva admitted that she loved her “Pygmalion” to the point of unconsciousness. However, he also inflicted a mental wound on the actress by falling in love with another woman in America, his film business partner Natalya Shlyapnikova.

Her daughters Anna and Maria and her work helped the actress survive a difficult divorce. And in the early 90s, at a film festival in Odessa, she met her second husband, millionaire businessman Kirill Shubsky. Moreover, when we met, she asked him to help finance her film ex-husband Nakhapetov, with whom she maintained friendly relations. The film never took place, but Glagoleva and Shubsky got married a year later and had a daughter, Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth in Switzerland, in Geneva, where they lived as a family for a year.

"I don't want to be an artist"

The story of how Vera Glagoleva first came to the set is similar to hundreds of similar stories from the lives of many Russian film actors, continues Fedor Razzakov.

Glagoleva recalled:

“Nakhapetov liked me purely in appearance. I had fashionable trousers, flared from the hip, and an unusual haircut for those times. Bangs, like Mireille Mathieu. My brother Boris cut my hair. I just went to Poland with school, came back and said : “Everyone there wears platforms and bell-bottoms!” My brother made me trousers and overalls - not super extravagant, but few people had such things.”

And here’s how Nakhapetov recalls this:

"I just couldn't find main character for the film "To the End of the World". The assistants told me:

You tell me what kind of girl you need: tall or short, plump or thin, blonde or brunette - and we will find one for you.

It's hard to explain... - I shrugged.

But one day he said:

Well, for example, this girl in a green jumpsuit. There was something French about her hairstyle.

The assistants rushed after the girl.

Do you want to act? - they stopped her.

“No,” the girl answered indifferently.

What are you doing at Mosfilm then?

A friend invited me. For viewing. And what?

Have you fallen from the moon? Do you want to be an actress?

No,” the girl repeated confidently. - I don't want to be an actress. I am a master of sports in archery.

Mosfilm's assistants are persistent people: they managed to persuade the young athlete to come for photo tests. However, in the photographs the girl looked different than in life.

No, that’s not it,” I said and threw the unsuccessful photographs into the far drawer of the table.

Meanwhile, screen tests were going on. And suddenly, on the eve of the screen test, the main character’s partner fell ill. This is how Vera Glagoleva first appeared in front of the camera. Without thinking, I put her back to the lens, handed her a piece of paper with text and said:

Just read it out loud. You're not in the frame.

While I was working on the main character, Vera learned her text and began to “throw” it out with such naturalness and ease, as if it was being born in her head that very minute. Vera's relaxedness was explained by the fact that she dreamed of sports career, and not about cinematography. She didn't care.

Not bad. What if I give you the most difficult scene now?


I laughed. I liked her confidence, but confidence is not talent. The scene was indeed very difficult. But as soon as the clapper was taken away from the actress’s face, I realized that the scene would work. Vera had tears in her eyes. What was surprising was that, while crying, Vera tried to smile. A strange and touching effect.

It happens to me too,” she said. - It's getting sad and sad. And it seems you don't need anyone...

When she said this “sad, sad,” I suddenly felt that my heart sank and fluttered.”

By the time work on this film was completed, Nakhapetov and Glagoleva began to live together. The 12 year difference did not scare them. On October 14, 1978, she and Nakhapetov had a daughter, Anna. And on June 28, 1980 - another daughter, Masha.


  • "To the ends of the world..." (1975) - Sima
  • “On Thursday and Never Again” (1977) - Varya, the protagonist’s girlfriend, expecting a child from him
  • “Don’t shoot white swans” (1980) - teacher Nonna Yuryevna
  • "Sunday Dad" (1985) - Lena
  • “Marry the Captain” (1985) - photojournalist Elena Pavlovna Zhuravleva
  • "Waiting Room" (1998) - film director Maria Sergeevna Semenova
  • “It is not recommended to offend women” (1999) - Vera Ivanovna Kirillova

"Those Who Descended from Heaven", 1986. Photo: globallookpress.com


Glagoleva bought a coffin for 300 thousand rubles

August 19 in Moscow at the Central House of Cinema. And then she was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Natalya Gundareva, Lyubov Polishchuk, Valentina Tolkunova and her husband, Anna Politkovskaya, Vlad Galkin, Andrey Panin, Vitaly Vulf are also buried there.

// Photo: Interpress / PhotoXPress.ru

Today, fans of Russian cinema were shocked by the news of the death of Vera Glagoleva. The 61-year-old artist courageously fought against cancer, trying to hide her illness from the general public. For those, who long years followed the life and work of the actress and director, the news of her departure came as a real blow. Words of grief and condolences to loved ones have spread online. People from all over the country sincerely empathize with her relatives and cannot believe her death.

Eternally shining, blooming, sensual and deep, Vera Glagoleva was for millions of viewers in our country an example of femininity and at the same time strength. The unique type of actress - a combination of external fragility and at the same time amazing integrity and energy - made her a cinema star. Until the very last day, Vera Vitalievna preferred not to advertise information about her illness.

“You gave us only joy from your films and simply from communication and never burdened us with your problems and illnesses, and your departure was even more unexpected. But solar heat emanating from you will warm us for a very long time. Deep condolences from our family to all Vera’s relatives,” noted.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, who worked with Vera Glagoleva, said that the star’s death came as a complete surprise to her colleagues.

Friends of Vera Glagoleva about recent meetings and unspoken words

“This afternoon, Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: “Vera passed away an hour ago.” The feeling of loss and shock cannot be expressed in words. (...) In June there was a very difficult shooting in the city of Aleksin near Tula. Vera felt fine. She worked 12 hours a day, everything went according to schedule, minute by minute. Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with a strong character, especially in matters related to work,” the woman said.

The first talk about the illness of the People's Artist of Russia arose at the end of May. Then it was alleged that Vera Glagoleva was undergoing treatment for cancer in one of the clinics. Later, the actress herself denied these rumors, saying that they were untrue. The star noted that she leads a normal lifestyle and is working on a new project. In addition, Glagoleva called on the public to pay attention to her work, and not to her state of health.


About a month and a half after data about her deteriorating health appeared in the media, Vera Glagoleva attended her daughter’s wedding. Many found that the woman looked amazing. The actress had a wonderful time having fun in the company of family and friends. Footage of Glagoleva singing in the company of the soloists of the group " Ivanushki International", spread all over the Internet. From the outside it seemed that everything was fine with the artist, and there was no talk of any illness.

Vera Glagoleva generally always took care of her health and tried to stick to a diet. Even during pregnancy, the actress usually gained only the weight of the child. The woman believed that she was lucky with her genetics. In addition, Glagoleva led an active lifestyle since childhood. She preferred active games in the fresh air to sitting passively within four walls.

“I was a tomboy, I was friends with my brother Boris’s classmates. We spent hours playing all sorts of outdoor games like Cossack robbers, I was even the goalkeeper of the courtyard football team. So the calories were burned,” said the actress.

// Photo: Galina Kmit / RIA Novosti

The grandmother tried to feed her granddaughter and even prepared special cocktails “to increase her appetite” with cocoa and aloe juice, but it was all to no avail. The family's neighbors saw Vera and her brother Boris off with puzzled looks. They sincerely could not understand what the secret of their thinness was. Over the years, the situation has not changed - in her youth, the actress’s weight was 45 kilograms with a height of 164 centimeters. Only once did Glagoleva give in and suddenly begin to gain weight. As a result, Vera Vitalievna reduced the portions of food consumed and returned to her previous shape.

Glagoleva said that she likes thin people. Therefore, she controlled her loved ones and forbade them to overeat. Vera Glagoleva believed that a person’s health depends on his weight.

“I always watched my daughters, then my grandchildren, so that they did not gain weight. I adhere to the position of pediatrician Benjamin Spock, who believed: healthy child intuitively knows how much to eat. I’m sure that when a child who has not been overfed grows up, he will thank his parents,” the star explained.

Sometimes the actress could even raise her voice and sternly reprimand her relatives. “Stop eating!” – Vera Glagoleva could easily tell her daughters. Moreover, the eldest heiress of the celebrity, Anna Nakhapetova, became a ballerina. The young woman, who stood at the machine for hours, had to constantly keep herself in shape. Therefore, she could not afford to relax and taste pancakes with sour cream, as her mother and her younger sister Maria did.

At the same time, Vera Glagoleva did not visit the fitness club or swimming pool. It was difficult to catch the actress on a cardio machine; she preferred to ride a bike, play football with her grandchildren, or do yoga. Over the years, the artist believed, it was necessary to limit calorie intake. Therefore, she did not eat flour and sweets, and also gave up meat.


Of course, such strict discipline is impossible without strong character. Since childhood, Vera Glagoleva has been fond of sports, which has developed in her inner rod. In addition, the actress had a “boyish” childhood.

“The roots of this strength are probably in the fact that I have an older brother, who is almost three years older, and this hardening through fights and all sorts of struggles... I think I went through this school. Of course, we were friends, that’s understandable. But they really beat each other up. Of course, this moment and communication with his friends. I was not my mother's daughter with toys and dolls. I was surrounded by boys. This is football, Cossack robbers, all that,” said the star.

Thanks to her upbringing, Glagoleva learned to set high goals and achieve them. The star wanted to demonstrate to the public that she is not only good actress. In the 90s, the celebrity directed the film “Broken Light.” Then Glagoleva was going through an extremely difficult period in her life - she was divorcing her first husband, who had once opened her to cinema. But Vera Vitalievna did not complain to journalists about problems in the family, but only complained that it was difficult to negotiate with the actors.

However, circumstances were such that the film was not released. Therefore, Glagoleva again found herself on the other side of the camera only 15 years later - on the set of the film “Order”. After this, Vera Vitalievna became more actively involved in directing and was able to achieve certain heights in it. In 2014, the film “Two Women” was released with the participation of famous actor Ralph Fiennes. Glagoleva admitted that the artist had a difficult schedule, but he really liked the idea of ​​the project, which was based on Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country.”

The magnificent youth of Vera Glagoleva: how she burst into the hearts of viewers

The actress’s usual working day followed a strict schedule. The star spent a lot of time in the office and noted that the main thing for her was the support of her relatives.

“No matter how trite it may sound, I want good to win. This is why we make art. To nourish the audience. To come out emotionally nourished. This is very important for me – positive energy. “Everything I do, the appreciation of my loved ones is very important to me,” said the celebrity.

// Photo: Still from the Channel One film “Vera Glagoleva. I don’t advise you to offend me.”

While working on the film, Glagoleva could be very demanding of her colleagues. “Actually, all artists are afraid of their mother. film set“, said the actress’s daughter Anna in an interview. The star herself believed that it was necessary to give one hundred percent at work. “I don’t know why they are afraid. It seems to me that they understand that if I don’t achieve what I need... But they see the result on the screen. This, it seems to me, is the most important thing,” the artist shared.

“She radiated exceptional light”: relatives and colleagues remember Vera Glagoleva


Last June, Vera Glagoleva, as well as her daughters and grandchildren, took part in the “Guests on Sundays” program with. A warm, homely atmosphere reigned during the filming of the program. The star spoke about her plans and upcoming projects. Then the eldest son of the celebrity heiress Maria Nakhapetova, Kirill, said that he did not want to act in films with his grandmother, and his brother Miron, on the contrary, expressed a desire to work with a close relative.

“Grandma is very kind. We really love drinking tea with her and playing “Mafia,” said the actress’s grandchildren.

// Photo: Shot from the program “Guests on Sundays”

At the same time, Vera Glagoleva could be a demanding and even strict mother and grandmother. The woman rarely complimented her daughters so that they would not become arrogant. The actress tried to monitor the upbringing of the heiresses, believing that they should grow up with the right life guidelines.

“I don’t like spoiling children, I don’t like it. We were just raised differently. Mom was picky about me. My father was delighted in every way. Mom never said what I did Good work. Never. It’s not that she scolded me, she just didn’t want to. So as not to become arrogant. I didn’t suffer from this,” said the star.

Vera Vitalievna believed that everyone should have been busy with their own business. Therefore, the actress did not always allow herself any kind of tenderness towards the kids.

"I don't good grandma who babysits her grandchildren and reads books to them at night... They have parents for this,” the star believed.


Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she did not have ideal character. But over the years, the star learned from her mistakes and changed her attitude towards life. The actress believed that she had become wiser. At the same time, the artist almost always considered herself to be right, so it was painful for her to publicly admit the opposite.

“I realized that what you are left with, what you have in your luggage, is still more important. It is important not to avoid mistakes, but to try to do so. (...) I am monstrous in general, terrible. When, for example, the actors with whom I work do not understand me, then I behave terribly. But this happened twice in total, I’m still ashamed. Remembering these episodes, I always say and ask for forgiveness. In life, asking for forgiveness is very difficult for me,” said the celebrity.

Even such a strict woman as Vera Glagoleva sometimes felt weak and unprotected. Moreover, most often this did not happen because life circumstances. “I'm sentimental. Oddly enough, in life I cry less because of something than because some story has captivated me,” the star commented.

During a conversation with Yulia Menshova, Vera Glagoleva admitted that sometimes men made her suffer. The actress went through a divorce from her first husband Rodion Nakhapetov. The director said that his feelings for the artist suddenly faded away. The artist called the events that took place in their family a drama.

“There are some things in life that hurt you later. You experience this pain... Then it’s harder to bear this pain. Then it’s very hard when certain moments come. If a little with a cool head... Women, do not dissolve in men, do not dissolve. Because then it all hurts very painfully,” Vera Vitalievna shared.

Glagoleva believed that in modern world there are a lot of such stories when representatives of the stronger sex abandon their other halves. “She is left alone with the children, and they don’t care at all,” noted the star. The actress admitted that her favorite job helped her get out of depression caused by a breakup.

“I still did something else. In addition to this, I had a profession. I started cinema, I went into it. The hopelessness of being alone with your children and not knowing how to live on,” said the star.

Few people know, but Vera Vitalievna had another “painful” place. The actress did not have time to talk to her parents, who passed away. Remembering her loved ones, Glagoleva burst into tears. Before this, the woman thought and took a long pause. It was not easy for the star to answer questions.

“No... No... I didn’t say enough. With parents. I just didn’t talk to my parents. I didn’t ask my father or mother enough... I thought that you would always have time. About everything, about life, about grandfather, about grandmother. I didn't say enough. I thought I’d make it in time,” said the artist.

// Photo: Frame from the program “Alone with Everyone”

Prepared based on materials from the publication 7days.ru, « Komsomolskaya Pravda» , as well as the Channel One programs “Alone with Everyone” and “Guests on Sundays.”