Tigran Keosayan is one of the brightest and most talented representatives of the Armenian diaspora in Russia. He showed himself in several branches of art at once, becoming a good actor, director and producer, as well as an excellent television presenter. He played his first role in the film "The Crown" Russian Empire"already at 4 years old. Now this gifted man has 10 acting work, creation of 14 films, success in screenwriting and production work. Until recently, Tigran Keosayan’s wife was actress Alena Khmelnitskaya.

Born into a “ballet family,” Alena did not follow in her parents’ footsteps only because in childhood she was a fairly large girl, but she fully inherited her plasticity and musicality, as well as her ability for theatrical acting, from them. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and began to successfully act in films. Khmelnitskaya almost immediately captivated the audience with the role of Leoncia in the mini-series “Hearts of Three” and became famous. She took part in more than 50 film projects, some of which were directed by her husband, Tigran Keosayan.

They got married in 1993, when Alena’s career was not too lively: the country was experiencing an economic crisis, many actors were idle without work. The actress then even tried to go into business, but quickly abandoned this work that was alien to her. In 1994 married couple daughter Alexandra was born. Tigran and Alena were an example of a very friendly and happy married couple, who lived in harmony and in the course of common creative affairs.

After normalization cultural life country, Khmelnitskaya again had interesting roles, and in 2003 she played a star role in the TV series “Ondine,” which again raised her to the heights of fame. After that creative life The actress did not fade away, bringing her new roles. In 2009, Alena participated with her husband in the television project “You and Me” on the Rossiya channel. In 2010, another daughter appeared in their family - Ksenia.

The news is that Tigran Keosayan got himself new girlfriend, was sudden. It is unknown whether Alena knew about this, but the public was shocked by the post of journalist Bozhena Rynskaya, who posted a photograph of Keosayan and journalist Margarita Simonyan online, saying that they had common child. It turns out that while filming a film based on Margarita’s script, a year after Ksenia’s birth, he was already “living for two families,” as they said in the film crew. Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan separated after 21 years of marriage and their daughters remained with their mother.

Margarita Simonyan is 9 years younger than Alena and, if not as beautiful, is even more famous in certain circles and has a lot of awards for his journalistic activity. She is the editor-in-chief of the RT television channel and international news agency"Russia today". In 2010, Simonyan wrote her first book, “To Moscow,” and in 2012 she was on the headquarters of Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. For services to journalism, she was awarded two “Orders of Friendship”, the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, the Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” and other awards.

In her 2012 interview, Simonyan said in an interview that she and her family were building a two-story restaurant in Krasnaya Polyana. There she was often seen together with Keosayan checking the progress of work. Margarita has a daughter, Maryana, born in 2013 and for some reason declared on Wikipedia to be a child from an unregistered marriage with television producer Andrei Blagodyrenko. The second child, Bagrat, was born in marriage with Tigran Keosayan in 2014. His name translated from Armenian means “joy of love.”

Alena Khmelnitskaya refused to comment on her personal life in the press. For Ksenia’s 6th birthday, she invited Tigran along with his new wife. And then, showing feminine wisdom and foresight, she met with Margarita in Nice, in a friendly atmosphere, surprising all Russian vacationers. Tigran Keosayan’s second wife wrote on her blog: “I spent the evening with Alena Khmelnitskaya. That's how it happens. She’s very cool, very!”

Tigran Keosayan is a famous Russian director, screenwriter, producer and actor, who has gained popularity thanks to his brilliant works in film and television.

The main films of director Tigran Keosayan

  • The main films of actor Tigran Keosayan

    • short biography

      For more than forty-four years since the beginning of his career, he has been a director fourteen times and played small roles in ten films. In addition to cinema, he works in the theater, where he also achieved some success. His most famous directorial works are considered to be such films as “Poor Sasha”, “Silver Lily of the Valley” and “Mirage”. Is youngest son the famous Edmond Keosayan, author of the cult trilogy “ Elusive Avengers" Since college, he has been close friends with Fyodor Bondarchuk, whom he directed in his first short film. Actively works on television as a host of popular shows and a jury member of various competitions. He stood at the origins of the rating channel “DTV”, which was later renamed “Peretz”. Mine creative path I started with music videos and television advertising, which at that time were completely undeveloped media industries in our country. Hereditary Armenian and Capricorn by zodiac sign.

      Tigran Edmondovich Keosayan was born on January 4, 1966 into a family of Moscow Armenians and creative people who devoted their entire lives to the art of cinema. In the year of the birth of the future director, the first film from the Elusive Avengers series was released on the country's screens, which glorified the name of Edmond Keosayan, Tigran's father. The boy’s mother, Laura Gevorkyan, was quite happy at that time. famous actress in Armenia. The newborn was literally destined by fate to continue the work of his parents. Tigran loved it very much when his father took him with him on film set. WITH early years he already knew a lot about the film production process, and as a four-year-old kid he first tried on a cameo role in the film “The Crown of the Russian Empire, or The Elusive Again.” At the age of seventeen, he was already officially working at Mosfilm, which greatly helped him when entering VGIK. During his studies, Keosayan starred in Yuri Ozerov’s epic “Stalingrad”, and then in the short film of his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk “A Midsummer Morning’s Dream”. This was a kind of return favor, since a little earlier Bondarchuk starred in the debut work of Tigran himself, the short film “ sunny Beach" In his final years, the aspiring director already tried his hand at a new field not only for him, but for the entire country - advertising. In parallel with commercials Keosayan began filming videos for famous pop performers such as Natalya Vetlitskaya and Igor Sarukhanov. Having starred in the film “Joker” in 1991, the following year he made his debut as a feature film director with the crime melodrama “Katka and Shiz”, in which Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Denis Karasev took part.

      His next job appeared only four years later, when he was invited to film the television series “Funny Things, Family Matters.” And a year later, the long-awaited fame came to the director, which fell upon him after the family comedy “Poor Sasha.” After a couple more projects, the critically acclaimed “Silver Lily of the Valley” was released in 2000, strengthening Tigran Keosayan’s image as a brave and independent artist from cinema. Then the director headed the series of the same name, the pilot of which was released in 2004 and directed two seasons of the action-packed show “ Men's work" After the adventure film “Mirage”, filmed in 2008, Tigran Keosayan devoted himself entirely to TV series, with which he is currently working. He has another full-length project planned for the future, but exact date release has not yet been determined.

One day Tigran Keosayan wrote to Margarita Simonyan on Facebook: “Hello, Margarita! This is Tigran Keosayan. I have long liked you as a journalist and fellow tribesman. Now I was driving in the car and listening to how you were being bullied on the radio, I couldn’t stand it, I decided to support and write.”

Margarita Simonyan at first did not believe that it was really Keosayan. She saw him on TV in a cooking show where he was cooking scrambled eggs and tomatoes. Margarita answered him, exchanged phone numbers, met, had lunch. Apparently, we had lunch so deliciously that we wanted to have more lunch. Yes, and have dinner. Gradually overgrown general topics, interests, friends, some projects.

« And suddenly it turned out that it’s impossible to live without each other - that you need to see each other every day, correspond every minute, hold hands even when you’re not around"recalls Simonyan.

« In general, all the most beautiful things in my life literally fall from the sky. But what I work on long and hard either doesn’t happen at all, or happens when it’s no longer necessary.", the journalist adds. Her career - the position of editor-in-chief of an international television channel and the country's main news agency - also developed unexpectedly. She never aspired to become a big boss, quite the contrary. I have always wanted to write books, from childhood, as long as I can remember.

Tigran Keosayan taught Margarita to write scripts. Now, in traffic jams and at night, she writes scripts for films and TV series - sometimes under her own name, sometimes under a pseudonym. This is how Simonyan relaxes. " Not to mention the fact that it pays very well - definitely more than my salary at Russia Today", clarifies Keosayan's chosen one.

She writes not only for Tigran. Together they made three TV series and just made a movie. Their comedy “The Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay" was successfully broadcast on Channel One. This December on NTV there will be a premiere of the psychological thriller “Actress”, another work that they created together with Tigran and Alena Khmelnitskaya.

Margarita wrote the script, Tigran directed, and Alena played one of the main female roles. The whole group watched their trio with caution and admiration - how people manage to maintain good relationships.

Margarita was born in Krasnodar, which in the eighties was an abandoned province. The family lived between the station and the market; they had a shack without any amenities. " My parents are purebred Armenians, while we have absolutely Russian family. Father was born and raised in Sverdlovsk, and mother in Sochi"says Simonyan. Most of Her relatives still live in Adler.

Simonyan never dreamed of television. She was going to write beautiful articles for various magazines. In 1998, Margarita graduated from her first year, and she published a collection of poems; the Krasnodar television company also took her on as an internship. Leaving for Chechnya to the front line in the bloody and crazy December 1999, when Grozny was just being surrounded, for the first time in her life Simonyan deceived her parents.

After Chechnya, Margarita was noticed in Moscow. She became a freelance correspondent for several federal TV channels. Her father bought her a shabby Oka, which was already ten years old, and he and the operator drove around in this car all over the south of Russia, Crimea, Abkhazia, Kalmykia and Ossetia, getting their reports.

In her third year, when Simonyan was not yet twenty-one years old, the RTR channel - now called “Russia” - entrusted her with heading its news desk. " I was twenty-two when Dobrodeev, the general director of the Rossiya TV channel, called and asked: “Choose, will you go to New York or Moscow?” Of course, I chose Moscow. I immediately got into the presidential pool - it was a real “dream come true”"recalls Simonyan.

At twenty-five, Margarita was appointed editor-in-chief of Russia Today, which did not exist then: she had to launch from scratch the first Russian international 24-hour news channel on English language. Your first New Year in this capacity she celebrated at work.

Simonyan, in general, from her early youth actually lived only by work. She never wanted to get married; she put off thoughts about children until after she was thirty. " When romances happened, I immediately honestly told my boyfriend that it wasn’t serious and most likely not for long - I just didn’t have time", the journalist recalls.

« It seemed to me that married woman- an unhappy and downtrodden creature: she was “blessed” with a white veil so that she would clean, wash, cook and endure her husband’s infidelities. However, by the time I was thirty I had already had long and quite family relationships- with a common life, ficus and plans for the future, but I didn’t plan to get married even then", adds Margarita.

Then a tsunami named Keosayan burst into her “understandable life.” " Tigran and I tried many times to stop everything - no one wanted to hurt loved ones. But it didn't work out. The first time we separated “forever” was for a whole day, the last time was for twenty minutes." says Margarita.

Simonyan lived in a small cozy house, bought with a mortgage, in a wonderful village that had only one drawback - it was located sixty-three kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. " When Tigran arrived for the first time, he asked why I didn’t have curtains. Margarita remembers. - She answered: “Because I haven’t saved up for the ones I want yet.”" Keosayan was shocked. In his mind, the head of a major international media outlet could not have such problems. He moved to live with her in this house without curtains.

« Why do you say that you live near Moscow? You live near Volokolamsk!” - Tigran joked, making his way to Margarita’s house in his luxurious Maserati. He, of course, left the mansion in Barvikha to Alena and their common children. Having already moved to Simonyan, he stopped there every morning before work to have breakfast with his youngest daughter Ksyusha, and only then went to Mosfilm. Margarita categorically supported this. She even insisted if he was tired and wanted to sleep longer.

Tigran stopped going to Barvikha every morning only when Alena got a new common law husband, Sasha. So as not to create awkwardness. Ksyusha spends weekends with them; she is friends with Margarita’s children. Tigran took only his father's portraits and books from his house. And after the divorce Alena remains true friend and a loved one, and to his daughters - a loving father.

« When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in shock and cried for three months. Motherhood happened despite precautions, but there was an almost one hundred percent threat of miscarriage. The doctors said: “If you want to carry it out, go to bed for conservation, we will inject hormones.”"says Simonyan.

Margarita decided that she would not fight either for or against her pregnancy: as God willed, so it would happen. As a result, Maryasha settled down. Five months after her first birth, Simonyan became pregnant with Bagrat. This time I wasn’t worried, I was happy. " Pregnancy was very easy for me, both times I felt better than when I was not pregnant: I slept little, worked hard and vigorously, not a day of toxicosis, gave birth the first time in two and a half hours, the second in one and a half hours. However, motherhood is still the hardest thing I've ever done.", admitted Margarita.

I spent a month on maternity leave with Maryasha Simonyan, but still sorted everything out by phone and mail. I didn’t sit with Bagrat at all. After leaving the maternity hospital, the journalist took her son home and went to work - she was just undergoing an audit by the Accounts Chamber.

In general, the famous journalist is also an anxious mother, but she tries not to show this to her children. Several times a day he always calls his grandmothers at home. Although he knows his children’s schedule every minute, and theirs is spartan: swimming, languages, yoga, drawing by the hour, Maryasha has dancing, Bagrat has Thai boxing. And their diet is spartan, they still haven’t tried sweets and cakes, so they are absolutely indifferent to sweets and happily nibble on celery. Any cakes can be on the table - children are not drawn to them because they do not perceive them as food, rather as decoration. They eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, and seafood.

Tigran is a much stricter parent than Margarita. Raises children immediately as adults, especially only son. And he is three years old, he still doesn’t understand when dad says that “I need to apologize for throwing an apple on the floor,” he looks at dad with surprised eyes and smiles. However, Tigran, in Margarita’s opinion, is also strict with his daughters. But he also fools around with them, sings funny songs that he makes up himself, and tells tall tales.

Simonyan says she is a fan preschool education and got infected with it from Tatyana Yumasheva, Yeltsin’s daughter. Maryasha and Bagrat speak five languages: Russian, Armenian, English, French and Chinese. Teachers who are native speakers come to them every day. For children it's just a game, they don't even know that they are learning. They sculpt, draw, walk, sing, watch cartoons - it’s just that all this happens in different languages.

« I wouldn't want my children to study abroad. For selfish reasons. They will already master languages ​​by the first grade, and living with them in different countries I’m not ready for them to grow up as carriers of a culture that is foreign to me. I am not a person of the world, I am very attached to my native places and I want my children to be nearby too. We have seen many families where parents are perplexed as to why their child grew up strange, incomprehensible, some kind of arrogant English aristocrat or an equally arrogant Swiss socialist. And the heir was sent to London to college at the age of twelve - how should he grow up?", says Margarita.

Tigran did not object to his eldest daughter when she wanted to study at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, but he was terribly worried all these years. By the end, he and Alena were already very angry with themselves for having sent their daughter to the other side of the world with their own hands. Luckily for them, she didn’t stay there. I received my diploma and returned. Now the smart and beautiful Sasha works with her father, she was the second director on his new film, the plot of which unfolds against the backdrop of the construction of the Crimean Bridge.

The summer before last, at Ksyusha’s birthday—she was turning six—Margarita met Alena. A few days before the holiday, Tigran said: “ Alena invites us to come all together. -Of course, take the children and go with them. - You did not understand. She wants to see you too».
Margarita thought that Tigran, in his directorial absent-mindedness, had misunderstood something. I asked him for Alenin’s number and wrote to her: “ Alena, hello! Tigran said that you are waiting for us all together. This is true? I don’t want to put anyone in an awkward position, especially on children's party " Alena replied: “ C'mon! Come! There won't be any problems. Let's have great fun».

About forty guests gathered. It was just wonderful. Margarita and Alena both took a glass when the children had already been taken away and sat together until the morning. Tigran could not stand it, fell asleep on the lawn, periodically woke up and whined: “ Girls, maybe that's enough? Oh please! I want to go home

At the holiday Margarita and Alena made joint photo and posted it on the Internet with the caption “High Relationships.” " She is charming, very kind, smart, open - not to mention a phenomenal beauty. We have nothing to share: Alena is happy, I am happy, Tigran is happy. And thank God", Margarita admits.

Margarita and Tigran do not hang out and rarely go to premieres or events. And they hardly go to visit - they receive friends at home. On Sundays they often serve tables of fifteen courses, Margarita loves it very much. Of course, both mothers and their au pair help her. Maryasha is already helping to cook too. I learned how to cut cucumbers with a small child’s knife, and I’m terribly proud of it.

« Looking at my children, I am convinced that people are born with a certain set of traits. Maryana is as ambitious as I was. At four years old, she cries for half a day if she fails to read a word or recite a poem by heart. A three year old son It doesn't bother me at all. They sit down at the table, Maryasha shouts: “I am the first, because I was born first!” - Okay, I'm second.", Bagrat smiles.

On the first of January, Keosayan and Simonyan always have “khash” open doors" All night long, Margarita and her mother and mother-in-law cook this famous Armenian anti-hangover dish from boiled beef hooves. To be honest, the khash mostly cooks itself, but they keep an eye on it. All friends know that they can come to them without special invitation, starting at one o'clock in the afternoon. This is how it was in the house of Margarita’s parents, this is how it was in the house of Tigran’s parents, and now this is how it is with them.

Tigran, of course, pampers his wife, accustoming her to expensive things and five-star hotels. When they met, Margarita was already over thirty, she had long been a big boss with a good salary, but everything was scattered into mortgages, loans, and numerous relatives.

« I will never forget his first gift. I liked the bag famous brand, not prohibitively expensive, but still wastefully expensive for me. Passing by the boutique, I admired her in the window. One day Tigran caught my eye: “Do you like this bag?”", says the journalist.

Tigran bought it on the sly and gave it to his wife. " So, like a child, I slept with her for several days - I laid her on the pillow, I could not take my eyes off her. I still wear it", recalls Margarita.

Keosayan and Simonyan have not yet registered their relationship; they simply don’t get around to it. " We were recently joking about this topic at home Margarita tells the “Caravan of Stories” - decided that we would probably get married when the children grew up, so that we could sit down at a common table with our parents and have a drink homemade wine from the grapes planted by my grandfather, eat dolma according to Tigran’s mother’s recipe and say: “What great fellows you are, ancestors, for once deciding on all this!»

“This is cool: the more relatives, the better,” decided Alena Khmelnitskaya and warmly welcomed her into the family new darling ex-husband. Now an actress and journalist almost friends. Recently, the star of the film “Hearts of Three” celebrated the sixth birthday of her youngest daughter Ksenia with Tigran and invited Margarita to the celebration. In the photo from the holiday, the women smile radiantly and hug.Those who were amazed by such high relations journalists asked Khmelnitskaya how she managed to maintain friendship with her ex.


“We made the decision to invite Tigran and his whole family for Ksyusha’s birthday together with eldest daughter Sasha. This was our first such meeting. At first I thought that Tigran would come with the children, but then I realized that better reason so that everyone can finally see each other and get to know each other, it’s hard to find. A year ago, this very idea would have seemed funny and crazy to me,” admitted Alena. “But apparently the time has come...”

At the celebration, the actress realized that she was not mistaken in calling Margarita. The women quickly found a common language. "And with the photographs it turned out like this: we sat, talked, drank, there were about 40 people - it’s not like the four of us got together. One of us suggested: “Maybe we can take a photo?” Why not? The next day we phoned Margot: “Well, shall we blow up the public?” Posted photos on social networks. It turned out cool. It was especially funny to read the comments,” Khmelnitskaya recalled with a smile.

After some time, Keosayan and his ladies had an equally funny date.“When we were on vacation in Nice, we met on the embankment and the three of us sat down in a cafe,” she told the publication"7 days" Alyona. “You should have seen the faces of passers-by who recognized us and looked from me to Margot and back, trying to understand what was happening here.”

Tigran Keosayan

Born on January 4, 1966 in Moscow.
Since 1984 he studied at the directing department of VGIK (workshop of Yu. Ozerov). Since 1983 he has been working at the Mosfilm film studio. Starred in the film "Joker" (1991). Author of clips of domestic show business stars, such as: “Look into my eyes” (1991) N. Vetlitskaya (received the Grand Prix at the first international festival of music videos “Generation-92”); "The Night Guest" (1993) and "Knives" by M. Shifutinsky; "Mona Lisa" (1993) V. Chaika; “Come into me” (1995) I. Allegrova; "Ole-ole" L. Agutin; "Someone cunning" gr. Chaif; "You're in too much of a hurry" Jasmine, etc. In 1993, Tigran Keosayan became one of the founders and artistic director of the GOLD VISION studio. In 1992 he directed his first feature film Feature Film"Katka and Shiz." In 1997, the second film was released - “Poor Sasha”. The film received the Kinotavr-98 prize in the category "Best Actor" and TEFI for " Best movie 1998." In 1999, Tigran Keosayan made his third film "The President and His Granddaughter" - a special jury prize at the Kinotavr-2001 festival. In March 2000, he made his debut as a theater director with the production of Ganna Slutsky's play "New" on stage " Taganka Theater." At the end of 2000, Tigran Keosayan's new lyrical comedy "Silver Lily of the Valley" was released - a prize at the "Window to Europe 2001" festival. Since 2003, he has been the director and co-producer of the musical "12 Chairs".