After the difficult months in the family of the Argentine singer and the actress of Louucan Lopilato and her spouse, the Canadian singer Michael Buble, finally, had a happiness - their three-year-old son Noah cured the liver cancer.

Joyful news reported to journalists aunt three-year-old boy, a nutritionist Daniela Lopilato. Letter Cousin Louisany on the air of the Argentine TV show Nosotros a la manana read out the lead Thomas Dente: "I will read the word for the word that Daniel wrote me because I don't want to miss even comma. She writes me: "Yes, noa goes on the amendment and we are very happy that it is. His parents will officially tell about it when they consider it necessary. "TELESHOW. The TELESHOW portal also said referring to sources close to Michael and Luisan that their son Noi" was freed from cancer. "Bible and Lopilato reported a terrible diagnosis of the Son in November 2016 After the doctors analyzed the liver biopsy in the Buenos Aires clinic. "We are devastated because of this news - our eldest son NAA was diagnosed with cancer. Now he is undergoing treatment. We have always discovered about the importance of the family and the love that we receive from our children. Lusiana and I suspend your careers to be able to direct all the attention and love for noa and help him cope with this disease. At this difficult time we ask only your prayers and respect for our privacy. We have a long way, but we hope to win this battle with God's help and with the support of our family, friends and fans, "the Buble told his account on Facebook.

About the terrible diagnosis of the kid became known in November last year

Photo: Dr.

In November last year, the Canadian singer Michael Buble informed the fans a terrible news: his cancer. Due to the child's illness, the musician was even forced to make a small career break to ensure proper care.

Noah passed a course of treatment in one of the best American clinics. And how to find out to journalists, the disease retreated. Argentine journalist Thomas Dentu on the ether of Nosotros a la Mañana read a letter received from the relatives of the boy. In it, the family rejoices to successes in the fight against terrible ailment.

"I want to read every word that Daniela wrote to not miss a single comma. She wrote to me: "Yes, Noah is restored, we are all very happy. His parents will announce everything when they want it." It seems to me that it is fine, but I insist that this is not an official statement, because Na's parents have not yet spoke. However, it is fundamentally important that everything is in order with the boy. She said: "Cancer retreated", "the journalist said.

Recall that in the family of Michael Buble and his wife Louisana Lopilato two children. The younger son of the couple appeared on the light a year ago.

A few hours ago, the famous Canadian singer, the Grammy Prize winner, Michael Buble, shared on his page in Facebook with the sad news - his 3-year-old son NAA was recently diagnosed with cancer. Now the boy is undergoing treatment in one of the clinics of America, and Michael and his wife, the star of the series "rebellious spirit" Luisan Lopilato asking for prayers and support fans.

We are emptied because of this news - our elder son has been diagnosed with cancer. Now he is undergoing treatment. We have always discovered about the importance of the family and the love that we receive from our children. Lusiana and I suspend your careers to be able to direct all the attention and love for noa and help him cope with this disease. At this difficult time we ask only your prayers and respect for our privacy. We have a long way, but we hope to win this battle with God's help and with the support of our family, friends and fans.

Michael Buble and Louisana Lopilato with children

Noah was born in 2013, and for the second time the Father Michael became in January 2016. Michael and Luisan began to meet in 2008, but for a long time she was postponed the birth of children, and now the singer regrets it.

The only thing I regret in life is that we have been pulled so long with the birth of children. I didn't even have the idea how it's great and how much joy will bring it to me. I could not even imagine how my children would love me. Perhaps I love my sons too much, but I can't do anything with it. All my problems have become so insignificant. For me, it is just what is happening with the children, "said Michael Loose Wome.

The sad news, which was shared by the Canadian singer Michael Buble in his Instagram, revealed many in shock. Blond 3-year-old son NAA diagnosed oncology, liver cancer is now at an early stage, so parents apply maximum effort to treat the baby. In November, Michael asked for social networks not to disturb his family and spouse Louisan Lopilato, a well-known singer and actress of the TV series "rebellious spirit", tedious and morally hard question about the state of the child:

Before us is now there is a heavy task - to cure, and one of the serious battles in our life for the health of Noah. Next to us are close and friends who support and help us, we are grateful to all fans for the words of sympathy, but we ask you to take into account the circumstances and not ask comment on what is happening. We will definitely win this battle, while I and Louisan decided to interrupt my career to spend a lot of time with the baby and help him quickly recover.

Cancer retreated!

The other day it became known that the baby passed the difficult stage of treatment and rehabilitation. Now close, according to the press, can not hide joy and share with journalists positive results of chemotherapy. On the air of the Argentine TV show, leading Thomas Dente, referring to the sister of Louis, made the following statement:

I will read the letter received from Daniel, the sisters of the Louisan, I do not want to miss a single word and not a single comma. She wrote: "Yes, our baby know is restored and there is a positive dynamics. Cancer retreated! We are all very happy! His parents will definitely share this news when they want and consider that the time of official announcements came. " Of course, we are worried about Noah and waiting for news personally from his parents, but as long as we can sincerely glad that with a courageous boy everything is in order.

As it turned out later, the sister of Lusana did not give any comments and did not write letters in the TV show Nosotros a la Mañana. In his Twitter, Daniel voiced the refutation of his words, but confirmed the news about the good health of the 3-year-old child:

I urge not to use my name in the press and TV show, especially ascribe the words that I did not say! With noa, everything is fine, this is the only thing that I will write about the rest will be affected personally and officially parents, if you find it necessary.