Oksana Bondarchuk

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

Ksenia Sobchak about poor tourists in Monaco and other most arrogant statements of stars

Sometimes celebrities lose their heads from success and forget that they owe their popularity to ordinary people. Read about which stars make stupid and arrogant statements in Tricolor TV Magazine's selection.


TV presenter and fashion magazine editor Ksenia Sobchak said on her Instagram that Monaco is for rich people and this country must be protected from poor tourists. An arrogant thought dawned on Ksenia Sobchak while on vacation in the closed kingdom of Bhutan: according to the laws of this Asian kingdom, a tourist must spend at least 250 dollars per day, and also pay a tax to the state - 70 dollars - for each day of stay). “Which immediately cuts off campsites and heaps of Chinese. In the end, it’s clean and so far very, very beautiful., noted the TV presenter. – We need to suggest such a law to Prince Albert (ruler of Monaco. – Ed.), and then in Monaco in August there were so many people photographing the “furry life” that the “furry life” in Monaco before the end of September is no longer bothered.”


In 2004, Philip Kirkorov allowed himself something unacceptable - he publicly insulted a woman, a journalist, in addition, he insulted her on a national basis and mockingly imitated her Armenian accent. And it looked more than strange, because Philip Kirkorov himself is half Armenian (his father is Armenian). This case went down in the history of domestic show business as “Philip Kirkorov and the pink blouse.” On May 20, at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, journalist Irina Aroyan calmly asked Philip Kirkorov a question about his numerous remakes, to which the singer became hysterical. “...I’m annoyed by your pink blouse, your tits and your microphone... Yes, I... yes, I don’t give a damn what you write, just like you! I don’t like... non-professionals, non-professionals have nothing to do here. Do you want me to leave here now? I will leave... But I will not leave because I respect your other colleagues. And you will leave here!.. That’s it, she took it and left here... They got up and left!.. Remakes for her, you see, a large number of... At a press conference you need to come to the stars prepared, and not like you: yesterday at the gate, and today here, on the second row... Goodbye, and goodbye!! Speak first, yes... Learn to speak Russian first, yes... goodbye, that's all..." The public did not forgive Kirkorov for such impudence. He subsequently cried publicly in rehabilitation center and apologized for being upset.


Philip Kirkorov was forgiven immediately. But in America they take words more seriously and are not ready to quickly forget them. Thus, the arrogant statement of actor and director Mel Gibson cost him 10 years of oblivion - Hollywood boycotted the movie star when, while driving drunk on the streets of Malibu, Mel Gibson allowed himself to make a careless statement about Jews. Then the Oscar winner shouted to the whole street that Jews are the cause of all wars on earth.

Most actors always try to please the public so that people are happy to come to film shows with their participation. However, it also happens that for some reason the audience does not favor some stars, no matter what they do. As a result, this affects not only the artists’ fees, but can also deprive them of work. It doesn’t matter whether the public’s disapproval depends on some events in the personal lives of celebrities, or on simply bad game, hated actors often deserve their reputation for a reason. But who are these red carpet heroes who are attracting so much negative attention? Here is a selection of 25 special Hollywood celebrities for whom the public does not have the warmest feelings.

25. Zac Efron

Zac Efron's career started with his participation in High School Musical, and since then he has become the idol of millions of teenagers. Naturally, with such fame it is very easy to make enemies. Many viewers began to dislike his image of a sugary boy too much. In addition, Canadian actor and screenwriter Seth Rogen admitted in an on-camera interview that he hated Efron even before he had the chance to work with this Hollywood handsome man in the film “Neighbors.” On the warpath" (Neighbors, 2014).

24. Jonah Hill

Photo: Josh Jensen

Jonah Hill became famous for his participation in many comedy films before the actor decided to try himself in a more serious role. But in Hollywood he is still considered a very unpleasant type. If someone sees Jonah Hill on the street and asks him for an autograph, he gives business card instead of a normal signature. Very unpleasant!

23. John Travolta

Photo: Georges Biard

No one really knows how it all started, but the fact remains that for some time now John Travolta has been considered something of an eccentric guy. People stopped loving this one famous actor for a variety of reasons - from mispronouncing a nominee's name during the Oscars to inappropriate touching. As a result, films with Travolta's participation began to attract fewer and fewer viewers, and he was no longer offered major roles in expensive films. In addition, the public is confused that Travolta is an influential member international movement Scientologists, about whom there are controversial rumors.

22. Hulk Hogan

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

It would be a stretch to call Hulk Hogan an actor, although once upon a time he did play in several Hollywood films. However, the dislike for this American wrestler is not connected at all with his acting in films or his skills in the ring, but rather with his arrogance, inconstancy and racist remarks.

21. Lindsay Lohan

Photo: Toglenn

Since Lindsay stopped being a little mischief-maker playing in films for the whole family, and became adult woman, she has repeatedly disappointed fans of her childhood characters. Lohan confidently gained a reputation as an irresponsible lady who was always late, let her colleagues down and absolutely failed at her job. Because of constant scandals and the hysterical directors stopped inviting Lohan to film because working with her was too risky. As a result, today Lindsay Lohan has practically no work, and her film career has long since faded away.

20. Tyler Perry

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Tyler Perry loves money very much and is ready to make money on anything. He doesn't care about reputation and art, he just makes films with similar plots and produces unsuccessful sequels. But Perry has his own film studio, and he is not too worried about disapproving public reviews.

19. Miley Cyrus

Photo: İremneval1

Once upon a time, Miley Cyrus was a universally adored girl with huge eyes and a funny character, but the young film actress has matured and changed a lot. Miley tried with all her might to get rid of her former glory as a proper girl, and for this, for several years she behaved as provocatively as possible and constantly found herself in the spotlight due to scandalous performances in a half-naked state. It is not surprising that now few people love this girl.

18. Jaden Smith

Photo: Harrywad derivative work: Atia

Maybe the whole point is that Jaden was born into a wealthy family of a famous film actor, or that he is considered a pompous and pretentious youth. One way or another, Jaden is not very welcome in Hollywood. His actor career began with the fantastic action movie After Earth, but since then it has not been filmed anywhere else. The public's rejection is constantly fueled by the boy's strange costumes and crazy words.

17. Kristen Stewart(Kristen Stewart)

Photo: Georges Biard

When Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson started dating, it became a dream come true for all fans of the famous Twilight saga. However, as soon as enthusiastic fans of this couple and the vampire film learned that Kristen had cheated on Robert with Rupert Sanders, their love turned into real hatred. Stewart's career did not end with this episode, but she stopped appearing in films from famous film studios, and instead starred in independent films with small budgets.

16. Alec Baldwin

Photo: David Shankbone

IN Lately he was rehabilitated in the eyes of the public, but before Alec Baldwin was a very controversial artist with a controversial reputation. The actor is known for his scandalous statements on Twitter, and the public really didn’t like it when the famous American openly called his 11-year-old daughter a rude and headless pig.

15. Hayden Christensen

Photo: MarcoKraus / German language Wikipedia

Of all the possible possible reasons Why people hate Hayden Christensen is his role in the prequel Star Wars. Inept and whiny acting spoiled the image of Anakin Skywalker, adored by fans, and since then, in the eyes of fans of the legendary saga, Christensen has been enemy number 1.

14. Shia LaBeouf

Photo: DoD News Features

Like many other former child stars, Shia LaBeouf grew up and began an independent search for himself, for which he was eventually hated. The guy was disliked for his pretentious antics (for example, for marching with paper bag on the head along the red carpet), musical experiments, reports to the police and much more. The actor is hated so much that there is a known case where a stranger and innocent person was insulted because of his resemblance to LaBeouf.

13. Anne Hathaway

Photo: Mireille Ampilhac

There are no objective reasons for hatred towards Anne Hathaway. However, people still find some fictitious arguments against the actress, including even the expression on her face. Some people think that she has no talent at all, although Hathaway is a nominee for many awards, including an Emmy, a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award and even an Oscar. Maybe it's time to stop criticizing this beautiful lady?

12. Gwyneth Paltrow

Photo: MingleMediaTVNetwork

There was a time when Gwyneth Paltrow was called the most despised actress in Hollywood, and she could not understand the reason for this attitude towards her. Many explain their dislike of this celebrity by her elitist views (the theory of an elite controlling everyone and other “biomass”). In addition, the actress has her own online clothing and accessories store, Goop, and some netizens accuse the owner of making her products inaccessible to the middle class. And after 11 years of marriage, Gwyneth Paltrow divorced the beloved leader of Coldplay, Chris Martin.

11. Pauly Shore

Photo: Nate “Igor” Smith / Brooklyn, NY, USA – Drivenbyboredom.com

Pauly Shore was a famous comedian of the 90s, but somewhere in the middle of his path to Olympus, the American suddenly acquired haters. It’s difficult to say exactly why audiences stopped accepting Pauly Shore. Maybe everyone just realized he was a bad comedian and a terrible actor? It's unlikely that anyone will want to see him on screen again.

10. Katherine Heigl

Photo: www.lukeford.net

While playing on Grey's Anatomy, Katherine was a rising star, and invitations to participate in many other Hollywood projects turned the girl's head, amusing her enormous ego. The actress allowed herself unflattering statements about the series with which her career began, and this act very quickly spread throughout the glossy media. The consequences for the ungrateful woman were simply disastrous - since then she has hardly appeared on movie screens, and very soon this beauty will be completely forgotten.

9. Stacey Dash

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Peoria, AZ, USA

Stacey Dash became famous primarily for her performance in the American comedy Clueless. However, the future future of the actress was determined by her short work on the Fox News channel, where Stacey shared with viewers her conservative views on political topics. The girl’s position turned out to be so unpopular that she was even fired for her outrageous statements.

8. Charlie Sheen

Photo: Joella Marano

It's amazing how quickly Charlie Sheen went from being the most loved to the most hated actor. Sheen's acting and wit in the popular series Two and a Half Men literally charmed the audience, but it all ended very sadly... The actor made a series of wrong decisions that led to his divorce and dismissal from the series. Shin started drinking, started taking drugs and became infected with HIV. The media is always happy to cover social scandals, occurring around celebrities, and all this played a role in generating notoriety for the Hollywood artist.

7. Casey Affleck

Photo: Bex Walton/London, England

Few were happy when Casey Affleck won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in 2017. Why? Yes, because just recently he was accused of sexual harassment twice. Both times the case never came to trial, and it is rumored that Affleck paid off the plaintiffs with millions of dollars.

6. Stephen Collins

Photo: Mis4930 (derivative) / Greg Hernandez

Stephen Collins is a great example of how not to confuse the character an actor plays with the actor himself. Collins' most famous work was his participation in the television series 7th Heaven, where he played a loving, wise and caring father. However, fans of the star were shocked when it turned out that Collins had been molesting young girls for years. It is clear that the actor was immediately hated by the whole world.

5. Woody Allen

Photo: Adam Bielawski

He's boring and awkward, he thinks he's funny, but he's not. But all this is nonsense compared to the rumors that Woody Allen is a real pervert, known to have relationships with underage girls. In addition, he married his 19-year-old stepdaughter.

4. Sean Penn

Photo: Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation)

Despite charity work and awards for acting Sean Penn managed to gain himself a lot of haters. It’s all because of his communication with drug lords and dictators...

3. Adam Sandler

Photo: Angela George

Finest hour Adam Sandler is long gone. He is best known for his roles in the comedies Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, which were extremely popular films in their time. But since then, the actor has not been able to repeat his achievements. Instead of this

A person quickly gets used to good things: remember, just ten years ago, a holiday in Egypt seemed like the ultimate dream, but today, when most people hear about this place, they wrinkle their noses contemptuously. What can we say about the celebrities at whose service the best specialists and sentences, and the word “impossible” simply does not exist. It’s not surprising that sometimes “show-off” gets the better of common sense and the requests of the stars become more than strange.

By seniority

The honored veteran divas are the most capricious. Yes, y Madonnas there is a specially trained person who constantly holds an umbrella over her: the singer is terrified of direct sun rays. It's funny that the “umbrella man” was with the pop queen and on vacation. Last summer, during Madge's visit to Portofino, she was kept out of the sun, even while swimming in the sea.

The requests are so great that they could also be insured along with the fifth point. The star settles only in those hotel rooms where everything - from furniture to textiles - is snow-white. A prerequisite is bouquets of white lilies, which, according to the singer’s instructions, need to be changed three times a day.

Lopez is also partial to jewelry. For example, in May of this year, during a trip from Cannes to Monte Carlo, in order to drown out the roar of a speedboat, the star demanded headphones encrusted with diamonds. And one day Jen “rented” jewelry worth 50 thousand dollars from jeweler Robert Mowad. When the owner of the jewelry asked why the beauty wasn’t returning it, Lopez’s representative called him and said that she simply “decided to keep it.”

head Mariah Carey The first royalties also stunned me. She is still obsessed with luxury: a personal beauty salon and fitness room, a giant dressing room, a separate room for shoes, magnificent living rooms, marble bathrooms with gold taps and, of course, a huge staff of servants. She even hired a special assistant to whom she gives her chewing gum before going on stage.

And here Iggy Pop went further than anyone else in his whims. The punk rocker's rider has a clause that requires broccoli to be delivered to his room every day. No, Iggy doesn't eat it. He orders cabbage only to angrily throw it in the trash. Pop says it's a great mood lifter.

It will also forever remain in the chronicle of star whims Brigitte Bardot, who announced a minute before going on the red carpet that she would not appear in public until she took a champagne bath. A members of Van Halen asked to install a huge vase with M&M’s candies in the room, but with brown jelly beans selected from it. You see, they don't like brown musicians.

Stepping on your heels

But in terms of the whims of the “old men,” young and daring starlets are stepping on the heels. And look, they will surpass him!

She became famous thanks to the series “Gossip Girl”, according to rumors, fired two assistants because they... woke her up for the filming of the next episode! Blake also likes to shout at the director: her character in the series lacks either airtime or Birkin handbags.

She became famous after the first part of the cult film “Transformers”. When filming of the second part began, the actress, having felt the taste of fame, began to drive the film crew to white heat. To begin with, the actress forbade the casting team from inviting other brunettes to auditions: she had to be “the only one.” Then she showed the height of arrogance by ceasing to greet anyone except the director. But he, too, did not remain among the favorites for long and soon ran into a wild scandal. And all because he asked Fox to “get a tan and gain a little weight.”

It costs nothing for a wealthy heiress to bring a brand new Bentley to the service center and ask to repaint it pig pink, close the spa for a day and throw a party there, or build a designer house for the dogs in the image and likeness of her own. And the blonde has hundreds of such whims a day.

In this starry company the pop princess Britney Spears According to one’s status, one is simply supposed to be capricious. Even in her youth, while touring America, she surprised her team by sending a plane to California... for a glass of cappuccino from Starbucks!

So if anyone has any requests or comments for J.Lo...

In public, celebrities tend to try to adhere to positive image and create the impression of open and positive characters. In fact, sometimes this impeccable picture is radically different from the one that the stars’ colleagues have to observe. We remembered several names that regularly find themselves on the “black list” of the most capricious and demanding representatives of show business.


SuperCuber American Football organizers have publicly dubbed Beyoncé the most difficult celebrity they have ever had to work with. The diva performed at halftime of the final match in 2013 and her demands were more than strange. She wanted a $22,000 cedar crib in her dressing room for her then-one-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy. For her husband Jay-Z, she ordered another $6,000 worth of cigars and alcohol. In addition, the temperature in the room had to be maintained strictly at 26 degrees, and mineral water- at 21 degrees - it should be served with titanium alloy straws for $900. All organizers who in one way or another encountered Queen Bey were required to wear 100% cotton clothing, a new toilet had to be installed in the toilet, and toilet paper must be red.

Jennifer Lopez

Another star who does not want to compromise and makes strange demands in her work is Jennifer Lopez. When the diva acts in films, she prefers not to interact with anyone from the crew between takes, otherwise she loses the mood and goes out of character. So if anyone has any requests or comments for J. Lo, they should contact her personal assistant, who will try to convey them to her at a convenient time for the star. By the way, about assistants - few people stay in this position with Lopez, despite the salary of 65 thousand dollars a year. The fact is that the assistant must be with Jennifer six days a week for 12 hours, and must be in touch the rest of the time. At the same time, the star is not distinguished by her angelic character, so resistance to stress and prompt response to the most unexpected requests are the main requirements for candidates.

Christian Bale

Charming and noble on the screen, after the command “Stop!” Cut!” Christian Bale turns into a hot-tempered tyrant. There are few people in Hollywood who want to be on the same set with him - this applies to both actors and other participants in the process. Bale doesn’t want to know anything about his colleagues - and openly states this in an interview: “I don’t want to know anything about the lives of other actors and I don’t want them to know anything about me.” In addition, Bale allows himself to argue with directors if something does not suit him, and once he began to insult and even threaten the cameraman during the filming of Terminator 4. A few days later, a recording of the scandal ended up on the Internet - Christian, for 4 minutes, without mincing words, in a raised voice, explains to the operator that he dared to distract him with his presence from performing a difficult scene, which, according to Bale, highest degree unprofessional. True, the actor used slightly harsher language in this case.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is famous among her colleagues not only for being extremely serious attitude to oneself, but also strange behavior on film sets. For example, while working on " Iron Man“The actress demanded that her schedule be arranged so that she does not intersect with Scarlett Johansson. As a result, the colleagues never saw each other. Another strange requirement of Gwyneth is that before she goes into the shower, the assistant must thoroughly wash and dry it so that, God forbid, the diva’s foot does not step on the water that someone else has washed with. In addition, in her interviews, Paltrow often speaks disparagingly about her colleagues: “When you see actresses like Reese Witherspoon in films like Walk the Line, you think: “Why is she playing in all these stupid romantic comedies?” But of course she does it for the money." After this, Gwyneth's statement about that. what's important life lesson she believes that the ability to not care about the opinions of others no longer seems surprising.

Bruce Willis

The list of actors who regularly ruin the lives and mood of all participants in the filming process includes the name of Bruce Willis. “Die Hard” not only emphasizes its star status in every possible way, but also refuses to fulfill the terms of the contract, for example, to take part in promotional filming, photo shoots and interviews. The scale of the problem is evidenced by the fact that at the wrap party for the not-so-successful comedy Double Kick, director Kevin Smith gave a speech, which he concluded with the words: “I want to thank everyone who worked on this film... except Bruce Willis, who turned out to be a complete asshole."

Lindsey Lohan

Turning the lives of colleagues into hell is one of Lindsay Lohan's favorite pastimes. The girl, better known for her scandalous antics than for her film work, behaves on the set as if the entire success of the project rests on her. According to one of the assistants who worked with her during the filming of Anger Management, from the very first day of her stay on set, Lohan did nothing but disrupt and delay work: “She would refuse to leave her trailer all day long.” , could have left filming early to catch her boyfriend’s concert. She literally terrorized each and every one of us."

Sharon Stone

One of Hollywood's top divas, Sharon Stone has worked hard to become who she is today. The actress is demanding of herself, but no less demanding of those around her. “Some people have been in our business for a long time and have even achieved success, but they do not receive recognition from their peers, and this is very important!” Sharon certainly deserves the recognition of her colleagues, but good attitude former subordinates - hardly! The actress's ex-assistant spoke candidly about her experience working with the star: “I lasted as her personal assistant for a couple of months, and I am sure that she is my most hated person on the entire planet! She was simply unbearable and constantly yelled at me. And in the moments when she wasn’t screaming, she humiliated me.”

Katherine Heigl

The easiest way to ruin your career in Hollywood is to ruin your reputation. Katherine Heigl is increasingly left without roles and drops out of projects due to her bad character. The actress did not give positive feedback to any of the films she starred in - either she was not satisfied with her partners, or the script, in her opinion, was written incompetently. In addition, Heigl criticizes the work of stylists on the set with enviable regularity, demands special conditions for himself and refuses to leave the trailer if they are not met. However, some directors risk inviting her to their films, which they often regret later.

Parts. In the first part, the stars indicate technical conditions: microphones, instruments, lighting, remote controls. As a rule, the requirements here are similar, famous people equipment needed highest quality. However, in the area technical equipment there are whims. So, Jennifer Lopez demanded headphones with diamonds during a tour in Monaco. Patricia Kaas always insists on lighting the dressing room with very bright, but not neon, lamps. But Mariah Carey surpassed everyone. She demands that there be a person behind the scenes to whom she would give the chewing gum before going on stage. She considers it beneath her dignity to simply throw chewing gum in the trash.

In terms of the number of whims, our Russians do not lag behind foreign ones. Philip Kirkorov wants a starry sky in the background. The Reflex group needs two turbo fans on stage to make their hair flutter as if in the wind. Valery Leontiev carries this with him great amount props that he needs a whole team of loaders.

The second part of the rider concerns everyday issues: cars, hotels, food, security. It is this part that causes so much trouble for tour organizers, because showmen’s imagination is inexhaustible! Celebrities have all sorts of whims!

Regarding cars, every show business star has his own preferences and wishes. Of course, everyone demands luxury cars with air conditioning, tinted windows and maximum comfort. But there are also requirements. So, Beyonce wants to be greeted by ten identical Mercedes with tinted windows. This is how she hopes to get rid of annoying journalists: the nosy people simply won’t know which of the ten cars the pop diva is driving in.

Celebrities also need special living conditions. Robbie Williams needs TVs in every room of his room, even in the bathroom and toilet, so he can watch the sports channel. Marilyn Manson demanded an unusually low standard in the room and all the rooms in which it would be located. And Mariah Carey won't come on tour if her room doesn't have plumbing with gold taps and handles. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva demands a huge bouquet of yellow roses in her hotel room. And singer Nikita declares that his beloved dog should have a separate room! The singer loves his pet so much.

The singers' food must also be special, and it must be served in special conditions. Jay Z, for example, eats only with silver cutlery, and his friend Beyonce cannot do without dishes in oriental style. But Marilyn Manson is unpretentious in food, the main thing is that all food is chilled.

Imagine how hard it is for concert organizers! It's not easy to indulge the whims of show business, but the results are worth it!