It would seem, what can the shape of the nose tell? However, it can tell a lot about a person’s character and abilities. So says, based on his research, Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir. The results scientific works shares with its readers

What types of noses are there: basic shapes

Straight nose

This nose shape is very common in Asia. It is characterized by almost perfect straightness and is somewhat flat. The tip of such a nose is rounded, and the nostrils are quite wide. Those with a straight nose are endowed with a steely character. At the same time, such people are incredibly temperamental and sensual.

Please note that due to the explosiveness of the character, anger in a person with a straight nose is easy to provoke.

Crooked nose

The definition is certainly not the most flattering. Unlike the character of people whom nature has endowed with a part of the face of a similar shape. They are very loving and compassionate. The back of a crooked nose is curved and the tip is rounded. Also, a feature of the character of the “crooked-nosed” is maximum concentration on what they are doing. Such people also know how to listen, they are wonderful friends and companions.

Crochet nose

It is worth noting that for many, the hooked nose resembles the beak of a bird. However, do not confuse the crochet nose with the previous nose shape. Moreover, the characters of people with crooked and hooked noses differ.

The nature of individuals with a hooked nose is such that they are always ready to improve themselves and everything around them, to create something new and non-standard. These are a kind of ascetics, they zealously defend their own principles, and they cannot be stopped by the risk of losing everything: achieving their goals is much more important for them.

Concave nose

This shape of the nose - with a small tubercle on it - is not so common, and therefore it can be somewhat difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with a similar nose are very generous and are distinguished by their willingness to solve other people's problems. These are very sensitive and therefore easily touchy individuals.

Greek nose

Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of “Greek profile”. And it creates his nose with the same name. The “Greek” nose is narrow, straight and of outstanding length.

This nose shape received its name as a result of observations of sculptures of the ancient world. Those who have a similar nose shape do not really like to be objects of attention; most often they are pragmatic. “Greeks” do not like to talk about their feelings, so they give the impression of uncommunicative people.

At the same time, such individuals are distinguished by their loyalty to loved ones. Three-point non-surgical rhinoplasty: technique and results.

Nose button

This is a small but graceful part of the face. This form is very common.

Those with button noses are impulsive in making decisions, which is often not liked by others.

Such people are strong-willed, and they are used to backing up their words with deeds. They almost always achieve what they set out to achieve.

Nubian nose

A distinctive feature of this nose is its length. Its back is almost straight, and the tip “looks” down. “Nubians” are often great optimists, but you can’t deny them curiosity either.

They are always ready to help those in need and try to create the maximum comfortable conditions for others. Such people almost immediately endear you to you, evoke sympathy, and any problems that arise are “guarded” by their determination and perseverance.

Arched nose

This nose is similar to a hooked one, but the only difference from the second is the more pronounced pointedness of the tip. People with this part of their face are excellent organizers. They are distinguished by responsibility, honesty in the business they serve, and always achieve their goals.

Thanks to our information, now, by looking at a person’s face and assessing what shape of nose is given to him by nature, you can in absentia, without even exchanging a few words, find out the character of this person.

Often such express information comes in very handy.

Footballer Wayne Rooney, according to a survey, turned out to be the owner of the cutest nose. In total, scientists have identified 14 types of human noses. Researchers led by Professor Abraham Tamir took 1,300 photographs in shopping centers Europe and Israel, took old photographs, reproductions of famous portraits, studied and classified the material. The newspaper reports the results of this scientific experiment

So, all the variety of noses fits into 14 groups. Slightly upturned noses, like those of Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney, evoke positive feelings in other individuals. But at the same time, we must remember that their owners often turn out to be spontaneous people who retain a certain “childhood” for many years.

In women, an upturned nose is a sign of sophistication. And he looks very cute (for example, actress Carey Mulligan).

The most common problem in men is the so-called “fleshy” nose (25%). An example is Prince Philip. Owners of such noses are generous, emotional people, ready to help. And Professor Tamir called “hawk” noses the least attractive. They turn people against their owners. Probably for Barbra Streisand her nose is a problem.

The classic straight nose (Kate Middleton) is adored by artists. A similar type is an aquiline nose, like Daniel Radcliffe's.

Another, more pronounced version of the aquiline nose is found in Jean Reno. A man with such a nose is ambitious and calculating. In relationships with women, these people are very temperamental, but cannot boast of consistency in relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, the bulbul beak (Leo McKern) is not very common (one in two hundred cases).

A Roman nose with a cut off tip (Tom Cruise) is a sign of ambition and cold pragmatism.

Lenin type of nose (with wide nostrils) occurs in four percent of people.

There are even fewer owners of proboscis (Richard Nixon) - one in a hundred people has this type of nose.

Talking about how it feels Various types public noses, member of the British Association plastic surgeons Simon Whitey pointed out that people like straight noses. Fleshy noses and noses with a broken silhouette evoke less sympathy.

We bring to your attention 8 types of noses that clearly characterize their owners.

Since ancient times, physiognomy was an unrecognized science that literally at first glance revealed knowledge about a person and his personality, habits, and aspects of character to people knowledgeable in this field. They could tell a lot just by looking at their face. How? Long-term observations of people with a certain set of wrinkles that characterize facial expressions (and therefore habits and disposition) of a person, the shape of the nose as the most prominent part of the face and the color of the eyes, as well as many other nuances invisible to the uninitiated eye, were the exact answer.

Roman nose

An elongated nose with a slightly downward curved tip speaks of the courage, determination, and masculinity of its owner. A person with such a nose is able to accept without hesitation complex solutions, has an analytical mind, easily climbs the career ladder.

Fleshy nose

People with such noses are endowed with creative abilities. They are passionate and charming, generous and smart, always ready to come to the rescue, protect, help... Women with this type of nose are excellent housewives and caring mothers. It is assumed that people with wider noses have pronounced leadership skills. Such a nose indicates a strong personality.

Upturned nose

These are people with a great sense of humor and optimists in life. Sensual natures, they are subject to frequent mood swings, but at the same time they charm almost from the first minutes of meeting them! The owner of such a nose is optimistic and a kind person. These are caring people who love to give and receive love. They love to experiment and do it with great enthusiasm.

Greek nose

Hardworking and serious people. They are always confident that they are right and even tend to show some stubbornness. But behind the apparent inaccessibility lies a very vulnerable nature that needs praise and approval.

Snub nose

A snub nose differs from a snub nose in that its tip is more rounded and fleshy. Such a person is attractive and inspires trust. These people literally radiate reliability and calmness, have the gift of eloquence, are always ready to help, think quickly and make decisions just as quickly. People with snub noses always have a lot of friends!

Roman nose

These are born businessmen! They have a special sense of money and unerringly make profitable deals. They are also excellent teachers who are ready to give their all to their work. Often they create their own lives and do not want to follow recognized leaders. They do not care about your approval and, moreover, are often distinguished by enviable stubbornness.

Small nose

A short nose speaks of the flexibility of its owner’s character and the ability to make compromises. These people are open, optimistic and attractive, but at the same time very vulnerable and need support and approval.

Straight nose

People with strong character and a clear mind, have exceptional aesthetic perception, a deep understanding of art and all that is beautiful. This person has incredible organizational skills. In the professional field, they confidently go towards their goals and achieve success!

One of the oldest sciences in the world is physiognomy. She learns personal qualities By external factors: facial expressions, facial features or individual parts of the body. Today we will tell you how you can recognize a person’s character by the shape of their nose. By studying physiognomy, you will learn to recognize people better even without close contact, but simply by looking at their noses.

What does the length of the nose indicate?

The starting point for determining the main character traits of the nose is its length. At ideal proportions part of the body should correspond to 1/3 of the length of the face. If the nose is larger, it is considered long, and if it is smaller, it is considered short. Based on this it follows:

  • People with long noses are generally balanced. Their main character traits are the desire for power, pride, an excellent sense of humor, sexual activity, responsibility and seriousness.
  • People with short noses are flexible, open-minded and impulsive. The best incentive for such people to work is praise. In general, such people are optimistic and open to others.

How does the shape of the nose affect character?

We figured out the length of the nose, but this is far from the main parameter that allows you to find out your character. This can be done much more accurately by the shape of this pronounced part of the body. Study and remember our explanations with pictures to better understand people.

Roman nose

Bold, purposeful and courageous people have long noses with a curved tip. A person with such a nose confidently and quickly makes even complex decisions, has an analytical mind and advances in his career faster than others.


People with fleshy noses, according to physiognomy, have a passionate character. They have creative skills, are smart and charming. At any moment they come to the aid of loved ones, they are always ready to help and protect.


People with this nose shape are serious and hardworking. They are ready to prove that they are right and are stubborn, but behind their inaccessibility lies a vulnerable nature. They love praise and often look for approval.


This nose shape can indicate a sense of humor and optimism in life. People are generally sensual and highly susceptible to mood swings. They often charm those around them from the first moments of meeting them.

Snub form

If you see a person with this nose shape in a photo or in life, you will inevitably begin to trust him. Such people radiate calm and seem reliable, and have a talent for eloquence and are ready to help others. Character traits help these people make many new friends.

Roman nose

People with this shape of this part of the body are considered natural businessmen. They have a unique sense of money and are successful in making profitable deals. They are also good teachers who devote themselves entirely to their work.


Determining the character of a person with a straight nose - simplest task. Such people are usually firm and purposeful, so they quickly achieve success in any endeavor. They have a clear mind and special aesthetic perception, and they also understand art.

Character of a person based on the shape of his nostrils

Some character traits of a person can be determined not only by the nose, but also by the shape of the nostrils. They are different for everyone, but they are conventionally divided into large and small:

  • Those with small nostrils have a soft character, compliant and pliable. They are also very welcoming and quite squeamish.
  • If the nostrils are wide, main feature The character of a person is power and arrogance. They conflict with colleagues and even loved ones, and they are also cruel and vindictive.

Of course, all these instructions for establishing character based on the shape of the nose are relative. You should not establish a direct connection between the shape of the nose and a person’s personal qualities, but this information is used when meeting new people.

The architectural center of the face is the nose, consisting of a bone base and cartilaginous tissues that form nasal cavity. All newborns, regardless of hereditary characteristics, have small and snub noses, but subsequently acquire dominant characteristics: hump, flatness, shape, length and others. It is difficult to imagine Cyrano de Bergerac as an infant with an atypical, absurdly long nose.

Noses are characterized by shape, width, length, tip, bridge, wings of the nose, base and back. The variety of all possible combinations of these signs is easily traced in everyday life and has ethnic and geographical features structures and configurations.

Rice. 18 Base of the nose

The bridge of the nose starts from the deepest point of the nose, that is, the root of the nose. The width of the back of the nose in the upper third corresponds in shape to the sutures of the nasal bones, and the width of the nose in the upper and middle thirds depends on the width of the pyriform opening (Fig. 18). The width of the wings of the nose touch with their most protruding edges the conventional lines, which are a continuation of the fangs of the upper jaw; in shape they repeat the lateral sections of the pyriform opening in its lower third.

Rice. 19 Options for the base of the nose

The base of the nose corresponds to the direction of the subnasal spine. In this regard, there are three options for the base of the nose: horizontal (a), raised (b) and lowered (c) (Fig. 19).
Anthropologists and criminologists distinguish three main shapes of the tip of the nose: wide (rounded - a), thin (pointed - c) and in between (b). In this case, a short subnasal spine and a wide pear-shaped opening correspond to a wide, “fleshy” tip of the nose, and a pointed one is observed with an elongated, narrow and pointed subnasal spine (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20 Nose shapes and angles:
a- horizontal, b- raised, c- lowered

Physiognomists important indicator The level of intelligence is calculated by the angle formed by the nose and upper lip. A right angle, with a horizontal line of the nostrils, gives the profile an expression of determination and indicates an energetic mind. Nose under obtuse angle in relation to the upper lip, raised slightly upward, is not uncommon, and may belong to a subject with an extraordinary mind.

The search for a description of the “ideal” nose in the literature led to the following characteristic. A beautiful nose with finely defined nostrils, the tip of which is not too sharp, not too rounded and forms a right angle with the upper lip. Such a nose is a sign of not only physical, but also spiritual beauty. Without relying on tastes and individual perceptions, a beautiful nose must meet the following characteristics:
- equal in length to the forehead;
- the tip of the nose is not “fleshy”, but not hard either;
- the wings of the nose are clearly defined;
- the nostrils are rounded at the base of the wings, and become thinner towards the tip of the nose;
- the lower third of the nose in profile does not exceed a third of its length;
- at the base, an “ideal” nose should have a small hollow - a depression.

People with such a nose are usually distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness and excellent character.
In view of the special significance of the nose for characterizing the face and essence of its owner, I consider it necessary to dwell on the description of some of its “instances”.

A flattened, wide and rounded nose of the correct shape most often belongs to smart, kind, noble and reliable people.
A nose with graceful nostrils and wings that move when breathing may be evidence of unhealthy lungs.
A sign of pronounced individuality is a long nose with beautifully outlined wings. A long, straight nose with implicit nostrils belongs to a patient, resigned, calm person. A long, crooked nose speaks of nobility, hard work, perseverance, patience and seriousness of its owner. A long nose, thinning in the middle, indicates a person’s vivid imagination and his penchant for fantasy. A long nose, with a thickening in the middle, on the contrary, indicates the owner’s idle talk and his tendency to chatter.

A large, strongly protruding nose indicates that a person has some strangeness and eccentricity in his thoughts and actions.

A long, bony nose is a sign of pride, arrogance and quarrelsomeness, and one with a hump is an attribute of a person of a difficult character and gloomy disposition.

A nose with a hump at the very base, with a hard tip, widened nostrils is a sign of energy, courage and courage.
A large, hooked, “fleshy” nose most often belongs to a person who is slow-witted, rude, persistent, tough, and prone to using threats and force.

A thin, graceful, long nose expresses a person’s high sensitivity and talent.
A small, plump nose speaks of the good nature, peacefulness and gentle nature of a person with whom you always feel comfortable and cozy. upturned small nose indicates the stubbornness and independent character of its owner, but such a nose under a high forehead is evidence of a tendency towards anger, rudeness and adventure.

Rice. 21 Nose shapes

Neat, proportional and small noses, as a rule, belong to people who are intelligent, sensual and artistic. A very small nose, with a sharp back and angular tip, indicates that its owner is an ambitious, daring and perky person.

An elegantly contoured nose with a rounded tip and round nostrils is an indicator of sociability, affability and gentleness of character.

A short, concave nose in the middle, with a rounded and slightly upturned tip, reveals an impressionable, active, but timid person.

A small, “fleshy” and straight nose with small nostrils most often belongs to calm and dignified individuals.
The tip of the nose bears special information and expressiveness of certain character traits.

An ominous expression is given to the profile of the face by the hooked tip of the nose, almost touching upper lip. Such faces, completely inexpressive, belong to people who are reserved, angry and lustful.

The pointed tip of the nose and narrow nostrils are characteristic of a hot-tempered, mocking person with an iron character, strong-willed and purposeful.

An upturned nose with protruding nostrils speaks of the incontinence, impulsiveness and self-will of its owner, who is often dissolute and undisciplined.

The forked tip of the nose is a sign of timidity, vulnerability, shyness and suspiciousness of a person, but often not without charm, sound mind and originality.

A large, full tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth, and a wide quadrangular tip is a sign of harsh manners, rudeness and a tendency to bad mood. However, the character of such people is characterized by: patience and perseverance in achieving goals.

Among other signs, the nostrils are significant. Thus, small nostrils are usually found in people who are weak, timid, compliant and weak-willed; long nostrils - for caring and easily irritated people, and large and expressive ones - for extraordinary personalities.
Wide and especially wide-open nostrils are a sign of high self-esteem, difficult character and disposition. It has been noted that if a person’s nostrils tremble and flare when talking, then he is very stubborn and aggressive.

The proportionality, shape and color of the nose are signs that all physiognomists pay attention to. The soft pink color of the skin of the nose is considered the most favorable, as an indicator of a person’s well-being, and a dark shade speaks of numerous troubles that accompany a person. A red, porous nose is a sign of promiscuity, eating disorders and alcohol abuse; a constantly red nose is a sign of treachery in combination with other unfavorable signs.

Analyzing the nose like important detail face, one should compare its size, shape and other features with the entire face, and only in comparison can one speak of harmony, proportionality and proportionality. Thus, a straight bridge of the nose, directly ending with an ideally shaped tip, adorns the face, depriving it of individuality. For women, a slightly upturned tip of the nose is more suitable, that is, slightly rising above the back. Such a nose rejuvenates the face. Of course, a narrow and thin tip harmonizes with a long and narrow nose; with wide and short - thick and wide tip. The wide wings of the nose give the face an expression of energy, inspiration, and impulse; thin nose with narrow nostrils expresses concentration; swollen wings of the nose - sensuality, love of life and voluptuousness, and the pointed, angular outlines of the nostrils emphasize nervousness.
The nose is characterized by pronounced age-related changes, which manifest themselves in an increase in the severity of the dorsum, drooping of its base and tip of the nose, and a decrease in the nasolabial angle against the background of deepening of the nasolabial folds.

In conclusion, the generally accepted, favorable criteria for assessing the nose should be emphasized: these are inconspicuous nostrils, full wings of the nose, a large, rounded tip of the nose and a high straight bridge of the nose.