As history has progressed, a huge number of secret societies and conspiracy theories about them have appeared. So, we present to your attention a list of the ten most powerful, popular and famous secret societies, as well as alleged secret organizations. Go.

The rating opens with Opus Dei, or the Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Cause of God - the personal prelature of the Catholic Church, whose main conviction is the belief that people can achieve holiness and ordinary life is a direct path leading to piety. The order was founded in 1928 in Spain by Catholic priest Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer, with the blessing of Pope Pius XII.
Surprisingly, in the pages of one of the best-selling and overrated books in the world, The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, it was claimed that Opus Dei is a secret organization whose goal is to destroy the Priory of Sion and everyone who tried to reveal the “truth” about Christianity and the truth about Christ's supposed royal lineage. In addition to the book, there were also a huge number of contradictions associated with the strictness of the religious structure of Opus Dei.
Because the Catholic Church prohibits secret societies and membership in them, Opus Dei whistleblowers often complain that the organization is secret and pursues secret and sinister policies. Although…

After the publication of The Da Vinci Code, public attention turned to the Priory of Sion. In fact, to the disappointment of those who wanted to join this community, it was fictitious. It was a hoax perpetrated in 1956 by the pretender to the French throne, Pierre Plantard. Existing letters written by Plantard, de Chérisey and de Sède to each other in 1960 confirm that the three engaged in outright fraud, describing schemes on how to deal with criticisms and various allegations in order to maintain the existence of their fictitious organization. Despite this, many people still continue to believe that the Priory of Sion exists and functions to this day.
The misled authors of the famous book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” claimed:

  • The Priory of Sion has existed since 1099 and included such great minds as Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci;
  • The Order protects certain royals because they believe they are literal descendants of Jesus and his supposed wife Mary Magdalene, or at least King David;
  • Society strives to create a “Holy European Empire”, which should become the next hyperpower establishing a New World Order leading to peace and prosperity;

This group differs from others in that it has no official membership. This is an annual secret conference of approximately 130 participants, most of whom are influential people in the fields of politics, business and banking, as well as heads of leading Western media. Entry to the conference is by personal invitation only. The meeting is usually held in one of the five-star hotels in the world. Topics discussed at the conference are kept confidential. The first meeting took place in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands.
This meeting was organized by several people. Polish immigrant and political adviser Joseph Rettinger, who was concerned about the rise of anti-American sentiment in Western Europe, proposed holding a conference where European and American leaders could discuss all pressing issues.
Although the agenda and list of participants were publicly available, details of the meeting remained unknown. In addition, the content of the conferences is kept secret, and visitors undertake not to disclose the issues discussed. The justification for the group's secrecy is that at a meeting, participants can speak freely without fear that every word may be misinterpreted by the media.
Needless to say, this group is constantly surrounded by controversy and theories.

The Illuminati (call themselves “enlightened”) is a secret society of occult-philosophical and mystical nature, which was formed on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt, by Adam Weishaupt. It was originally known as the "Bavarian Illuminati". The group was considered outlaw at the time, but many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians joined its ranks. Due to the fact that the Illuminati did not consider faith in the Almighty to be the main thing, the society became especially popular among atheists. In addition, most of the participants are humanists. It is widely believed that the Illuminati seeks to overthrow existing religion.
Internal panic over the change in leadership, and government attempts to outlaw the group, led to its destruction in 1785. Despite this, theorists such as David Icke and Was Penre have argued that the "Bavarian Illuminati" exists to this day. Although there is very little evidence for this theory. It was even believed that the Skull and Bones Society was an American offshoot of the Illuminati.
Many believe that the Illuminati still controls the operations of the world government and that they want to create a One World Government based on humanism and atheistic principles.

Sixth place in the list of the most famous secret societies in the world is occupied by the Templars - an international, philanthropic, knightly order associated with Freemasonry. This is a modern offshoot of Freemasonry, which is not directly related to the spiritual knightly order founded in the Holy Land in 1119 by a small group of knights led by Hugh de Payns, after the First Crusade. Modern Templars deny their connection with the medieval order, but actively use its symbols and ideas.
To become a member of the society you must be a third degree Mason. Despite Freemasonry's claims that no Masonic organization is a direct descendant of the medieval Knights Templar, certain titles and rituals are apparently copied from the medieval order. These are known as "jubilee titles" or degrees. However, despite the official statements of the fraternity, some Masons, "non-Masons", and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites and titles have direct Templar influence.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or, in most cases, simply the Golden Dawn) is a magical order, an occult organization active in Great Britain during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Its members practiced theurgy, magic, alchemy and encouraged the spiritual development of their adherents. Considered the progenitor of most occult groups.
The Golden Dawn's belief system is largely drawn from Christian mysticism, cabalage, alchemy, the religion of ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, Hermeticism, Theosophy, magic, and Renaissance letters. William Westcott and Aleister Crowley are the most famous members of the group.
The fundamental documents of the order, known as the "Cypher Manuscripts", were translated into English using a cipher written by Johannes Trithemius. On 60 sheets of document, magical rituals were described, the basic structure of which comes from the Rosicrucians.

The Order of the Eastern Templars is an international occult-religious organization that has existed since 1902. It was originally conceived by Karl Kellner, Franz Hartmann and Theodor Reuss as a Masonic academy that would reflect the symbolism of several occult and mystical communities. But in 1912, the organization turned into a carrier of the teachings of Thelema under the leadership of the occultist Aleister Crowley.
The Order considers itself associated with Freemasonry, but it has not received recognition from Masonic organizations and is classified by a number of researchers as “pseudo-Masonry.” Currently there are about 3,000 members. They have several levels of initiation, and also perform stylized rituals with the participation of virgin clergy, children and priests. Gods from Egyptian mythology and the devil are mentioned.

Rosicrucianism (Rosicrucian Order, Rosicrucians, "Order of the Rose and Cross") is a theological and secret mystical society believed to have been founded during the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosenkreutz.
It is interesting that between 1607 and 1616 two anonymous manifestos were published, first spreading in Germany and then throughout Europe. They bore the names Fama Fraternitatis RC (Glory of the Fraternity) and Confessio Fraternitatis (Creed of the Fraternity). Under the influence of these documents, representing the "most honorable order" of mystic-philosopher-scientists spreading the "worldwide reformation of mankind", the ground was set for the movement that Frances Yates later called the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment". The third important document in society arose back in 1459. He described how Christian Rosenkreutz, a traveler and alchemist, married the king and queen in the Wonderful Palace.
“Rosicrucianism” was associated with Protestantism and, in part, Lutheranism. According to historian David Stevenson, "Rosicrucianism" also influenced the development of Freemasonry in Scotland. Many secret societies claimed to have received their continuity and sacraments, in whole or in part, from the original "Rosicrucians".
There are now a huge number of Rosicrucian groups, each of which claims to be the closest to the original.

Freemasonry is an international movement aimed at the spiritual improvement of the individual and the brotherhood of people different religions, nationalities and views. Some researchers suggest that Freemasonry originates from associations of builders who built the pyramids in Egypt, others argue that the movement dates back to the end of the 16th century. early XVII century from building associations of masons.
Be that as it may, Freemasonry is now widespread throughout the world and is represented in various organizational forms - lodges, grand lodges, supreme councils, chapters, Areopagus, consistories, federations and confederations. The total number of representatives of this movement in the world is estimated at 4,000,000 people.
Masons conduct their regular meetings in a ritual style. They use special signs and handshakes to reveal themselves to other possible Freemasons. Marks vary by lodge and are changed and updated frequently. This protects the groups from outsiders wanting to enter the lodge. Freemasons wear special stylized clothing that was worn by freemasons in the Middle Ages. The most famous wardrobe item is the apron.
To become a Freemason, you must be recommended (in some cases 3 times) by someone already in the lodge. You must be over 18 years old and sufficiently educated. Many religions prohibit joining this order, for example, the Roman Catholic Church anathematizes such people.

Skull and Bones is a secret society of Yale University students, formerly known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is the oldest university secret society in the United States. It was organized in 1832 and uses rituals similar to Freemasonry to this day. Its members meet every Thursday and Sunday in a building they call "The Tomb."
The names of people included in the society were never kept secret until 1970. It is known that Bush father and son, the Rockefellers, as well as many representatives of the highest US elite were its members.
Interestingly, some have suggested that the CIA is composed entirely of members of the order. However, in 2007, the Central Intelligence Agency issued an official statement that it had no connection with the Skull and Bones Society.

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The world is full of large organizations whose activities, however, are not always visible. However, there are also secret societies whose activities seem fundamentally sinister to most people. Although these organizations are secret, everyone knows about their existence, even the principles and goals they profess are assumed. Most secret societies are formed with real political and religious goals, while their focus on hidden activities has made the existence of organizations part of endless theories conspiracies. As a result, secret organizations have been credited with activities ranging from occult activities to world domination. In reality, such clubs are much more harmless than they are pretended to be, but one cannot discount the fact that they still engage in fascinating but strange practices, and also influence world events. With that in mind, here are ten of the most famous and powerful secret societies in history.

Order of the Eastern Templars (Orientis Ordo Templi).

The most famous member of this organization is Aleister Crowley. The Order is a mystical organization that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The scheme is similar to a less hidden association, the Freemasons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move community members from one level to another. The overall philosophy of the order is based on a new era of esoteric principles and practices as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the eccentric, renowned occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the Order's influence and popularity waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, these are the USA, Great Britain, and European countries. The growing popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his brainchild, the Order of the Eastern Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. The main one is the association of sexual preferences, especially the teaching of “Phallus Worship” and the magic of masturbation.

Bilderberg Club.

This organization does not have such clearly defined leaders and famous members as the previous one. However, many include Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, representatives of the royal families of the Netherlands and Spain, senior officials of the World Bank, as well as representatives of large corporations. The club is not a secret society as such, but it operates under the veil of secrecy that befits one. Not surprisingly, conspiracy theories and heated discussion immediately arose. The Bilderberg Club was created in 1954, and since then it has convened its members only by exclusive invitation. As a result, a conference of various world leaders, industrial and media magnates gathers. The club's original goal was to combat the dominance of Americanism in Europe after World War II, but over the years a wider discussion has emerged to achieve mutual understanding between the two rich cultures. The controversy surrounding the activities of the Bilderberg Club is ongoing for a very clear reason: the press is not allowed there, what the members say remains unknown. The public is officially told only minor details. This secrecy, along with heightened security at the venue, which includes armed police officers, security guards and even patrolling fighter jets in the skies, has given rise to a number of conspiracy theories about the club. The most popular versions say that the group is trying to control the direction of government policies, financial markets and funds mass media in certain directions prescribed by them. The Bilderberg Club is even called the "One World Government". Versions that the club seeks to achieve universal consent and an end to the proliferation of nuclear weapons as its main goal seem simply unconvincing and naive.

Order of Assassins (Hashshashin).

There were no known members of this organization. The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the main sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since the Order's members were extremely small, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations. The Assassins infiltrated their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Secret assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to history, enemy leaders. Waking up in the morning, we found an assassins’ dagger on the pillow with a note “You are in our power.” Over time, the legend of the secret Order grew. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, the assassins became famous for allegedly carrying out orders for such historical figures as King Richard Lion Heart. Around the same time as the Order disintegrated, the entire library containing records about Nizari was destroyed. So much information was lost that today the Assassins appear to be nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group seems controversial. The word "Hashshashin" itself roughly translates to "Hashish Users", which indicates the possible use of stimulants in combat. The term itself was discredited, but subsequently the Nizari transformed it into modern word"assassin" (killer).

Black hand.

The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society "Black Hand" (another name is "Unity or Death") was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. "Black Hand" was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the People's Defense, a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe. Taking into account its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers for the overthrow in the province state power. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to escape from the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the Black Hand was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization. Today, the activities of this terrorist organization would be forgotten if not for the participation of the Black Hand in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from Mlada Bosna (a branch of the Black Hand) assassinated the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, starting the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides entered into action. From the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently the Cold War. Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

Knights of the Golden Circle.

The most famous members of the organization were rumored to be John Wilkes Booth, Jesse James and Franklin Pierce. This secret society flourished in the United States during the American Civil War. At first, the group sought to support the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights switched their attention from colonialism to warm support new Confederate government. The organization had several thousand followers who even formed their own partisan detachments and began raiding fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had great influence. Many newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who was a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it doesn't only care about rare meetings and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico. During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port of San Francisco. On a short time even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. Happy ending Civil War The organization's activities gradually faded away, although many blame it for organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

Thule Society.

The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg, and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their ulterior motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven. Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas quickly gave way to occult ones, and over time the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This translated into a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society could boast of several thousand of its members, and even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized political organization"German Workers' Party". Later, the young Adolf Hitler became its member, and it itself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism. Members of the Thule Society, long before the advent of Nazism, took part in strange activities. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the region of the North Pole, and Iceland is all that remains of the land that went under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

Sons of Liberty.

Known members of this company are Paul Revere, John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock. The Sons of Liberty were a loosely organized group of dissidents who had been active in America since before the Revolutionary War. Their goal was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies. The Sons of Liberty did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense of the word, but rather as a grouping of patriotic factions in support of a common goal. They usually met in Boston, near the elm tree, which has since received the name of the Liberty tree. It was here that the group developed its resistance policy, which included the distribution of brochures and even some acts of sabotage and terrorism. Such actions led to the fact that the British began to persecute the Sons of Liberty, considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called “Sons of Violence.” The group eventually became the most prominent among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and to create famous phrase"No to taxation without representation!" Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the most prominent faction, factions were spread throughout the 13 colonies. One group in Rhode Island looted and burned the British merchant ship Gaspee to protest unjust laws, while others simply denigrated British supporters. But most famous case involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community dressed as Indians had tea thrown into the sea from British ships. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones Secret Society was founded by Yale University senior William Russell in 1832.
The purpose of this newly created Order was the fundamental preparation of University students to fulfill management functions in all areas of American society. The story goes that Russell met a similar group in Germany and founded a branch of the German organization “Eurology Club” (named after the goddess of eloquence) in America.
Later, the symbol of death was chosen as the symbol of the organization and its name changed. The numbers 322 on the coat of arms can carry a number of meanings: either the date of foundation of the Society is encrypted, or it indicates that this is the second such club in the world.

Every year, only 15 people can become new members of the club - almost all of them later become either famous athletes, or leaders of public organizations, etc.
It is believed that it was the members of this Order who brought Hitler to power, since the financier of the future Fuhrer kept money in the USA, in a bank owned by his grandfather current president country - Bush Jr. But this is only a version, and so far unproven. Today the number of members of the Society is about 800 people.

The ceremony of blessing the newcomers looked strange: they were stripped naked, beaten, put in a coffin and forced to tell everything about their sex life - future comrades listened, and then kept the secret of the new member of the Society. According to rumors (there can be no other sources of information about secret societies), now everything has turned into a costume ball. “The Grave” is a room littered with all sorts of junk, instead of beatings there are playful kicks, instead of blood there is soda, which is poured into a plastic skull. But the number of new members admitted to the organization is still only 15 people.
The ideology of moral superiority is emphasized by a gift for the day of graduation of the University - $15,000, and an antique grandfather clock is supposed to be given for the wedding. It is difficult to find a special ideology, other than the positions of elitism, in the Society. Perhaps this is why today it is a subject of ridicule at the University, despite the fact that there are five members of George Bush’s staff, the sixth being himself. Despite the ridicule, Skull and Bones rules America today.

The most famous representatives of this secret society are George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale's Skull and Bones is the most famous of these. The organization arose in 1833, its members must come from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real requirement being that the applicant must be a leader on his or her campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, student council members and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, and Supreme Court judges emerged from Skull and Bones. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting the country's political elite. No one denies that this club is well funded - alumni created the Russel Trust Association, which keeps cash society. According to rumors, the group even owns its own island in upstate New York.

Although the secret practices of Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors about the obligatory rituals still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is not known what they are talking about. To the disappointment of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are fairly harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks. The fame of “Skull and Bones” was given by legends about how new members are required to talk about their sexual fantasies, and analysis of sexual stories of childhood and youth is also carried out. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the “Long Devil”, the one with the greatest sexual experience is called “Magog” (this was the name of William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, was unable to conquer the group with his talents, receiving the nickname “Temporary.”


The Society of Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of jurisprudence at the University of Ingoldstadt in Bavaria. This happened on May 1, 1776. The professor was a follower of deism - a doctrine according to which God, having created the world, no longer interferes with the further course of events, and there is only one way to know God - reason. Enlightened mind. Weishaupt said that a person is not bad by nature, religion, the state, and external influence make him that way. A person must become enlightened in any way - free himself from the pressure of all social institutions, to be guided in this life by knowledge and reason - this clearly contradicted the teachings of the church, and this was precisely the reason for the fierce struggle of the Order against him.

At first the society was closed; all university professors, except two, joined it. At the same time, Weishaupt was a Freemason. Having spoken at the congress of Masonic lodges, he fired up many with the ideas of his teachings - and received new Illuminati. It was more difficult to get into this secret society than into the Freemasons - it was impossible to join there of your own free will, having received recommendations from members of the lodge - new Illuminati were recruited. Anyone who did not become an Illuminati could never know that he did not pass the selection. It was allowed to simultaneously belong to a Masonic lodge and be an Illuminati.

In 1784, the Order was banned in Bavaria, and from 1787, recruitment into the Order was declared a crime for which the head was cut off. No one can say that at that time the Order disintegrated and did not go underground.
On the reverse side of the US state seal there is an image of an unfinished pyramid with the Illuminati symbol - the All-Seeing Eye - above it. The pyramid is surrounded by inscriptions in Latin: “May God bless our endeavors” and “New order forever.” The same image appears on the one dollar bill. And all these are symbols of the Illuminati, which, naturally, gives rise to many assumptions and guesses, but how true they are is one can only guess.

In 1896, the Order of the Illuminati was officially revived in Dresden, and there are other organizations that claim to be the spiritual heirs of the Bavarian Illuminati. But whether this is true or not, we don’t know.

The most famous members of the order are Goethe and Ferdinand of Brunswick. In popular culture and the realm of weird and mysterious theories The existence of this secret society is no secret to anyone. The Illuminati eventually appears in books, movies and television. As usual, most people perceive the Illuminati as just a myth, but facts indicate that such a real organization actually existed in Germany in the late 1700s. At the time, the group's members were enlightened freethinkers who became a radical offshoot of the Enlightenment. But society soon turned away from this group, whose views on morality, education and methods used were too radical. Rumors soon spread that dissidents intended to overthrow the government or even deliberately sparked the French Revolution. Although the secret society soon disintegrated, its influence remained strong. According to rumors, they simply continued their activities, completely going into the shadows.

The Illuminati is credited with the creation of the United States and the October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to its constant presence in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society has managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, guiding the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction. The Illuminati in modern times are believed to be the Bush families, Winston Churchill and Barack Obama, but no evidence of the existence of such a group has ever been discovered. Nevertheless, the secret society of the Illuminati is one of the most famous and popular today.


Masons divide all people into two categories: initiates and profane. The initiates are those accepted into the order, who know its secrets, and the profane are all other “uncouth” persons. There is very little reliable information about the origins of Freemasonry, but today, perhaps, the most popular versions believe that the origins of the order can be: the temple of King Solomon, the crusaders, patriarchal religion and, naturally, Roman corporations of artisans.
In their teaching, Masons use ancient greek myths, names of both mythical and real characters - usually these are individuals who managed to develop their abilities to the supernatural.
Biblical characters, the teachings of ancient sects and the wisdom of ancient teachers such as Buddha, Krishna, Rama, Plato and Pythagoras, Confucius, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed found their place in the teaching.

The “chosen ones” must master ideas about the world, the universe, their structure and hierarchy through initiation, mysteries and rituals. At the same time, Masonic teaching is hidden from outside world. What is this connected with? With the fact that it always seemed to people, and still seems, that only those who own the secret - including the secret of knowledge - can directly communicate with Heaven, with God, because they are the chosen ones.
By joining the Masonic lodge, someone tried to satisfy their thirst for knowledge, to serve the benefit of a common noble cause, someone wanted to feel exceptional or occupy a special position in society - of course, everyone has their own reasons for joining secret societies. Someone else's soul is darkness, as we know, at least for other people. Regardless of the reasons that forced a person to become a Mason, every Mason is obliged, without hesitation or hesitation, unquestioningly, and only for the purposes of the Order, to make any sacrifices, even death, for Masonic ideals and at the same time maintain secrecy and loyalty to the Order.
“Be prepared” is the motto of every Freemason (from the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France). Having entered the Order, a Freemason belongs to it undividedly. First of all, he is a Mason, and only then a citizen, a family member, a person.

The props of Freemasonry seem naive, they are designed for ambiguous interpretation. Here next to the Jewish seven-branched candlestick, the Bible, a sword, a dagger, Greek columns - as if they were theatrical props. For centuries, Masons have not parted with their bones, coffin, triangle, spatula, compass and candle. Masons of different beliefs and nationalities can always find something close and important to them in this dump. And each Mason sets different goals for himself, hoping to achieve them, hoping to take his seven steps along the “ladder of perfection,” “the seven-step ladder leading to Solomon’s temple.”

The very idea of ​​Freemasonry is beautiful in its own way, because what could be wrong with myths and revelations of sages, what could be wrong with uniting people without differences in nationality, religion or culture? Why is the goal - the kingdom of love and truth - bad?
But everyone, joining the Order of Freemasons, hopes to see something of their own, having taken seven steps along the “ladder of perfection”. What? That's what it is main secret Freemasonry

The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive; one can only recall Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today they are less powerful and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous fraternities in the world. There are about 5 million officially members of Freemasonry alone. Officially, the Freemasons were born in 1717, although there are some documents indicating the activities of the group back in the 14th century. The fraternity was originally created for people who shared key philosophical ideas, including belief in a supreme being. Freemasons paid much attention to morality, and as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable activities and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and the existence of even political groups. Traditionally, churches of all denominations have criticized Masons because their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days, Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice remained unchanged, called the method of induction. The initiate must be recommended to the group by someone who is already a Freemason, and to reach the level of "Master" a person must complete three different degrees. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

Some symbols of Freemasonry

The ruler and plumb line symbolize the equality of classes.
The goniometer is a symbol of justice.
Compasses - serves as a symbol of the public.
Square - according to some interpretations, means conscience.
An ordinary stone is crude morality, chaos.
Cubic stone - processed morality.
Hammer - used for processing wild stone, and since it belongs to
master, it also serves as a symbol of power.
The shoulder blade is condescension towards the weakness of people and severity towards oneself.
Acacia branch - immortality.
Coffin, skull, bones - contempt for death, sadness about disappearance
A round hat is a symbol of liberty.
A naked sword is a punishing law, a symbol of the struggle for power, intrigues
villains, protecting innocence.
The dagger is a symbol of preference for death.
Several emblems serve as the seal of Freemasonry. The most common (large) is a circle, in it there are two mutually intersecting equilateral triangle. One of the simple seals is a six-pointed star.

Opus Dei

This organization has $42 million on its account. One headquarters is located in Rome, the second, 17-story, on Lesington Avenue in New York. The Opus Dei organization (from the Latin Opus Dei - God's Work) unites 85 thousand sect members from 60 countries, while there are two sections - male and female.

In the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church, Opus Dei has its own jurisdiction and its own prelate (leader). This order was created not so long ago - on October 2, 1928 by priest Josemaría Escrivá. The goal set for the Order is quite noble - to force representatives of all walks of life to fulfill their duties with dignity, to improve the results of their work every day, and to achieve success in everything. The main thing is a sacred attitude to work. A member of the Order does not have to be a Catholic. The founder of Opus Dei did not talk about asceticism and withdrawal from life, like representatives of other religious societies, he spoke about the revival of religious consciousness in society.

The sect obliges its members to receive continuous religious education, but they can renounce their personal lives only at their own discretion. Political views are also not controlled by the Order.
The Order has a complex membership system. The highest category - "numerarios" - has theological education and academic degrees. These members of the Order take vows of chastity and obedience, and maintain a strict daily routine - readings, prayers, pacification of the flesh. Josemaría Escrivá, in the early years of the founding of the Order, lashed himself with such force that the walls of his room were thickly splattered with blood. To commemorate this, celibates wear a spiked chain on their upper thigh (hair shirt) for two hours a day. The ropes cut into the body, especially when a person is sitting, and leave bloody wounds on it, but even greater torment is caused by a rope whip, which they use to whip themselves on the buttocks until blood appears. Self-flagellation is applied without fail once a week, on the day of “vigil and sacrifice” appointed by the mentor (usually on Saturdays). There are other ways to “mortify the flesh”: get out of bed instantly in the middle of the night; sit without leaning on the back of a chair; there is exactly what you don’t like.
They are followed by "oblatos" - they take the same vows, but do not have theological education.
“Supernomerarius” are one more category lower. The vow of chastity does not apply to them, and they can be married. This category may already include women.
The most numerous category is “cooperados”. These people do not take any vows, but constantly cooperate with Opus Dei.
“God wants to be served freely” - this is the commandment of the members of the Order of Dei.
This Order was recognized by Pope John Paul II for its achievements in the manifestation of mercy, however, opponents of the Order accused it of connections with the fascist organizations of Franco in Spain, with anti-Semites and attacks against other Catholics. Where is the truth? Secret.

Bohemian Club - The Bohemian Club

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (11 sq km) vacation destination located north of San Francisco. It belongs to a private elite men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club, organized in 1872. Every year since 1879, the world's most influential people come here in July for a two-week summer vacation. The first members of the club camped in various places, including Muir Forest and the redwood grove on the opposite bank of the present meeting place - it has been unchanged since 1899.
The original purpose of building the recreation center was to entertain club members and their guests. Sleeping houses have been built throughout the grove - today there are more than a hundred of them - and here there is a strict “table of ranks” - who lives where during these two weeks. At this time, club members behave at ease - they walk. They drink, act in theatrical productions, have fun - they say they even urinate on trees.

The motto of the Grove is “Spiders who spin webs do not come here” - that is, it is assumed that all problems and commercial interests should be left outside. However, there is provable evidence of political and commercial transactions made in the Grove. The Grove is notorious for the Manhattan Project, which was discussed there in September 1942 and later led to the production and testing of the atomic bomb...
And this despite the fact that the symbol of the Bohemian Grove is a wise owl. A forty-foot owl made of cement stands in front of the lake in the Grove and since 1929 has served as the site of the annual sacrifice of the effigy, which is set on fire to symbolize the purification of the participants in the ritual. There are rumors that vacationers in the Grove are characterized by manifestations of a homosexual nature, but no one has yet confirmed them.

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York banker David Rockefeller, then chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, and Harvard University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who later became President Jimmy Carter's national security adviser.
From the very beginning, TK was conceived as an organization in which the "best minds in the world", representing the three "sides" (North America, Western Europe and Japan), could discuss problems and DECIDE the fate of the world. The Society's purpose is to promote close cooperation between the three regions on common problems.
In some circles, the Trilateral Commission is considered a mechanism for achieving a New World Order - and from this point of view, the Trilaterals are enemies of freedom and serve to establish a monopoly on the world political power in their own interests. From the very beginning it was clear that the Trilateral Commission represented extremely narrow sections of the population in each individual country.
There is an opinion that the commission interacted with Soviet organizations, made a significant contribution to the preparation of the Soviet “perestroika” and today cooperates with the Gorbachev Foundation.
The Federal Reserve System of America is private organization. Currently, there is a visible distance between the Federal Reserve System and the government, and this is most likely being done intentionally - to control the country's financial system in the interests of the owner of the Federal Reserve.
Rockefeller has a small executive committee, but from time to time he invites prominent citizens to join the Trilateral Commission. This strengthens Rockefeller's influence, since new members are at least sympathetic to Rockefeller's objectives in their private judgments. The forces that delegate their envoys to these bodies actively support the “new world order” and make a lot of efforts to promote it in the lives and minds of people.
One way or another, the Trilateral Commission turned out to be a fairly effective organization, capable of analyzing the situation in the world and influencing it.

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Secret societies are a source of intrigue and mystery; they are often blamed for all sorts of bad events and conspiracies. Many people think that members of secret societies typically wear hooded capes, use satanic or obscure symbols, and perform strange rituals involving sacrifices and offerings. Also, some associate secret societies with meetings of wealthy men and women in various mansions or clubs where outsiders are not allowed. Films such as The Da Vinci Code, National Treasure and Angels and Demons only reinforce these ideas.

Secret societies are a strange mixture of ritual, money and deception. Many conspiracy books are dedicated to them and documentaries. Are they really groups of rich or ordinary people who plan and control all world events? Do they really want to destroy the world? This is quite difficult to prove, since their activities take place in secret from everyone. There are many methods that members of secret societies use to maintain their secrecy: ancient codes, handshakes, and even symbols or jewelry. Some secret societies have been around for a very long time, and the older they are, the more conspiracies there are around them.

But are the secret societies discussed in this article really secret?

1. Opus Dei

Have you seen The Da Vinci Code? Before the film was released, many people did not even know that Opus Dei existed.

"Opus Dei" (translated from Latin means "The Work of God") is the more popular name for the Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God. Opus Dei can hardly be called a secret society, since it is already known to the public. However, conspiracy theorists call Opus Dei a dangerous cult that is the shadow hand of the Vatican. Its fanatical members commit unspeakable crimes and engage in self-harm as a form of penance. Others claim that Opus Dei is working against the Catholic Church.

2. Priory of Sion

In the film The Da Vinci Code, the Priory of Sion is presented as a group that protects the successor of Jesus Christ. One of its branches is the Order of the Knights Templar, which arose in 1099. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Priory of Sion. Some claim that the Priory of Sion is a hoax created by the Frenchman Pierre Plantard in order to provoke controversy around Christian principles, as well as continuers of the blood line of Jesus Christ.

3. Thugs of India

The Thug society is believed to have been founded in South India in early XIX century. It was a secret group of thieves and murderers. First, they strangled their victims using a handkerchief, after which they took their valuables. Unlike members of most secret societies, the Thugs came from a lower class background.

4. Ancient Order of Druids

Let's talk about love for the Earth. The ancient order of Druids was founded in 1871. This fraternal society has roots in pagan religions and Celtic mythology. Its members are called Druids. Similar to the Masons, they have masters and lodges. The first members of the ancient Druid order were London craftsmen, carpenters and merchants.

Druids don't perform strange neo-magical rituals. They believe in the value of friendship and goodwill.

5. Improved Order of the Redskins

The Improved Order of Redskins secret society is another fraternity consisting primarily of Americans who wear Native American clothing and accessories. The group was originally called the Sons of Liberty. In 1773 they took part in the Boston Tea Party.

The Improved Order of Redskins was founded by former Sons of Liberty who decided to go their own way and still do. active work, claiming to be America's oldest fraternal organization.

6. Order of the Eastern Templars

One of the most famous members of the Order of the Eastern Templars is the madman Aleister Crowley. The Order of the Eastern Templars is often called a cult. It is also associated with the Gnostic Christian Church, or rather, is one of its branches that practices the Law of Thelema.

Essentially, the Law of Thelema is the belief that “a person should do what he wants.” It is the right to live as one pleases, but not to conflict with those who do the same.

7. Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucians were members of a secret religious-mystical society. Their views were based on ancient philosophical teachings. The Rosicrucian Order was founded by Christian Rosenkreutz in Germany during the late Middle Ages. This secret society believes in the sacred knowledge of humanity from ancient religions and cultures. In the 17th century, the Rosicrucians became known throughout Europe as a brotherhood of sages, hermits and alchemists who mixed science and mysticism, which was contrary to the canons of the church. The original society is believed to have disappeared over time, leaving only small groups that still practice the Rosicrucian traditions.

8. Assassins

If you have ever heard or played the popular game "Assassins Creed", then you probably already know enough about this mysterious order of assassins, which was originally called the "Ismaili Nizari". The Order of Assassins arose during the era of the Crusades. He was a sect of fighters who opposed the invasion of Christian forces. Many of the original records of the Assassins were unfortunately destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century during the defeat of the mountain fortress of Alamut, where their headquarters was located.

It is known that the assassins were secret fighters who, on assignment, killed known opponents, thereby intimidating their enemies.

9. Council of Nine

The Satanic Church, control-hungry businessmen, or an ancient Greek cult? One popular theory is that the Council of Nine is a cult. New era, most likely related to the Ennead, the nine major gods in Ancient Egypt. Some conspiracy theorists claim that the Council of Nine is a group of rich and powerful individuals who want to enslave the world. There are also those who believe that the Council of Nine consists of otherworldly beings (outside of time and space) that look like ordinary people and seek to seize power over the Earth.

10. Dragon Court

This exclusive and influential brotherhood emerged in the Holy Roman Empire in the late 12th century as an attempt to unify the various leaders (both royal and aristocratic) and restore power. It is believed that one of its founders is Vlad the Impaler, the man who is behind the story of Dracula and who supposedly formed an alliance with the Holy Roman Emperor. The goal of the Dragon Court was not only to find Jesus' blood relatives, but also to gain supernatural powers through the practice of alchemy, vampirism, and mysticism.

11. Club 1001

Of course, every secret society has its own purpose, we just don’t know about it. The 1001 Club was founded by biologist Sir James Huxley, along with royal figures such as Prince Philip of England and Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. The group includes very influential people. They are extremely rare. There is virtually no mention of Club 1001 in newspapers and magazines, so we know nothing about its members.

12. Thule Society

Given the proliferation of World War II and Nazi education in recent decades, it is surprising that not many people are aware of the Nazi secret group the Thule Society. It was an occult group dedicated to the study of the legendary Aryan race, a key aspect of Hitler's arguments for ethnic cleansing. According to members of the Thule Society, the Aryan race was an ancient civilization of people with light eyes and hair. They lived in Northern Europe. Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank and, most likely, Adolf Hitler himself belonged to the Thule Society.

13. Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones is a secret society that was founded at Yale University in 1832. The rituals and secrets of society constantly give rise to intrigue. Their holy of holies is called the Tomb and is a mysterious Gothic building with no windows.

Many members of Skull and Bones are now influential political figures. These include George Bush (and his father), John Kerry, Austan Goolsbee and others.

14. Bilderberg Club

The Bilderberg Club is a secret society for privileged people. It has about 120-150 members who meet once a year in a closed conference. The Bilderberg Club was founded sixty-two years ago. Only rich and influential people can join it - bankers, politicians, heads of large companies, and so on. What they discuss at the closed conference is a big mystery. Establishing a new world order? Everything is possible. This is just one of the conspiracy theories that exist around the Bilderberg group.

15. Knights of the Golden Ring

If this secret society is still operating successfully today, then slavery still exists. The Knights of the Golden Circle are a secret society founded in North America in the 19th century with the goal of establishing slave states throughout the American continent and beyond. Ideally, the Knights of the Golden Ring wanted to subjugate Cuba, South America and the West Indies, whose territories were inhabited predominantly by black people, and turn them into exclusively slave states. It is rumored that the Knights of the Golden Circle secret society's membership declined significantly after the end of the American Civil War, and it eventually went underground.

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

And precisely because the collection of secret information is a very important activity, in many countries of the world secret agencies play a very important role. Failures in covert missions can lead to dire consequences (the 9/11 attack is one such example), while successful missions help the country avoid many tragedies.

We present to your attention the ten best, in our opinion, secret world agencies of our time. Please note that these are current agencies (sorry KGB fans).

Number 10 – KSRS (Canada)

The Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSRS) was formed in 1984 from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Like the CIA and MI6, the CRS was formed as a civilian agency with no ties to the military or police. Canadian secret agents worked both inside and outside the country.

They tried to monitor and prevent threats to Canada's security. KRSC came under criticism after the 1985 shooting down of Air India Flight 182 carrying 280 Canadian citizens. KSRS officials said several strategic errors resulted in the loss of black box data. To date, no one has been held accountable for this incident.

Something to be proud of: From 1988 to 1994, CRPF agent Grant Bristow was infiltrated into the Canadian white supremacy movement and became the head of security for the Heritage Front, the most well-known organization white supremacy in Canada. Bristow's activities led to several arrests and prevented several "acts of retaliation." His cover was blown in 1994 by a Toronto journalist.

Number 9 – ACPA (Australia)

The Australian Secret Intelligence Agency (ASRA) was formed in 1952. His responsibilities included collecting classified information, counterintelligence, and especially countering other intelligence services in the world.

Most recently, the Australian government published a contested claim that allows ASRA to cooperate with other organizations (like the CIA) in various paramilitary operations, but does not require ASRA agents to personally participate in them.

ACPA has been criticized on several occasions, including one incident in 1994 when it was accused of keeping the personal files of thousands of Australian citizens secret.

What you can be "proud of": In 1983, during a training operation at the Sheraton Hotel (Melbourne), an ordinary low-profile agency attracted unwanted public attention. What began as a test of the organization's readiness to rescue a foreign secret service agent turned into a "total release."
The agents participating in the training put pressure on hotel employees and guests, and used physical strength to the hotel manager, thereby fulfilling “his mission.”

Number 8 – PIA (India)

Agency foreign intelligence India's Research and Analysis Unit (IAF) was formed in 1968 as a result of a major lack of intelligence required during the wars with Pakistan and China.

Unlike most Western agencies, the PIA was formed as one of the divisions of the Indian federal cabinet and does not bear any responsibility to the Indian Parliament. Much of the PIA's attention lately has been focused on India's neighbor Pakistan.

During the Kargil War in Kashmir in 1999, the PIA established links between Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups and also infiltrated almost all paramilitary forces in the Kashmir valley.

Something to be proud of: PIA played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh in 1971. The agency helped raise a wave of irritation with the ruling regime among the population of Bangladesh (then this country was part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan), which led to the formation of the guerrilla army of Bangladesh.
The FIA ​​undercover infiltrated East Pakistan and carried out a number of secret operations, which helped defeat the Pakistani army.

Number 7 – MOSSAD (Israel)

Israel's extremely active intelligence agency (MOSSAD) is involved in intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism and various covert operations.

The director of the agency answers directly to the head of state - the prime minister. MOSSAD is a civilian service and its members do not have any military ranks, although most have served in the Israeli military (this is mandatory).
The most famous unit of MOSSAD is the "Department special operations" or "Metsada". Metsada is responsible for several assassinations, military operations, sabotage and psychological warfare.

What to be proud of: In 1960, Mossad agents learned that Adolf Eichmann, a famous Nazi criminal, lived in Argentina under the name Ricardo Klement. He was kidnapped from the country by a group of Mossad agents and transported to Israel, where he was convicted and executed.

Number 6 – FSRC (Germany)

The predecessor agency of Germany's Federal Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service (FSERK) was formed before World War II and was intended to monitor the Soviet Union.
Currently, the agency is a kind of “early warning system” for the German government about the emergence of potential threats to the country’s security (tapping of telephone conversations and electronic surveillance of the international communications service).

The annual budget of the FSRC is very large and exceeds 430 million euros. FSRC has been embroiled in several recent internal scandals involving wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, and they have also used reporters as spies.

Something to be proud of: During the Iraq War in 2003, the German government refused to provide US President George W. Bush with military units to participate in the coalition. At the same time, two FSRC agents distinguished themselves by handing over copies of the Baghdad defense plans that were developed by Saddam Hussein a month before the invasion.

Number 5 – MSR (Pakistan)

Poor coordination between the Army, Navy and Air Force during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1947 led to the formation of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) a year later. Since then, the agency's influence has steadily grown, thanks to the influence of Pakistani leaders.

Since 9/11, MSI has worked extensively with the CIA to prevent terrorist attacks by both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, as well as Pakistan's homegrown terrorists. The MSR is a deceptively active and powerful agency, known for its style of waging "stealth" wars.

Something to be proud of: In 1980, the MSI foiled an attempted plot against the President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, during a national parade.

The conspirators, who included high-ranking military commanders, planned to carry out a bloody coup in the country and replace the existing rule with an extremist Islamic government. The MSI arrested the alleged plotters and their supporters before the planned coup began.

Number 4 – GDVB (France)

The General Directorate of External Security (GDVB) was formed relatively recently, in 1982, to replace the external counterintelligence service SDECE. The Directorate is responsible for collecting classified information and carrying out preventive measures to detect and find the activities of agents from other countries of the world directed against the interests of France.

Although the agency is low profile, this did not stop them from bombing the GREENPEACE fleet, which was protesting France's nuclear tests. Thanks to the work of New Zealand law enforcement agencies, the conspiracy was exposed. Two GDVB agents were arrested and found guilty of the death of a journalist who drowned in that incident.

What you can be proud of: The GDVB Agency quickly demonstrated what it is worth. In the 80s, a group of Soviet spies collecting information about technical developments was exposed Western countries for the USSR. This is still the largest group of secret industrial espionage agents ever uncovered in Europe or the United States.

Number 3 – GRU (Russia)

When we think of Russian intelligence, we usually think of the KGB. However, the KGB was dissolved by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, while the even older Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) continued to operate despite the fall of the USSR. The GRU was formed in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin, and dealt with all matters of military intelligence.

Since that time, the GRU has taken part in many significant anti-national uprisings in Eastern Europe. If you believe the words former agent, the GRU has created a number of secret weapons depots in the United States that are available to Russian special agents.

What you can be proud of: The activities of the GRU are not very noticeable. But it is believed that it was involved in the assassination attempt on former Chechen President Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who lived in Qatar until 2004 and was accused of collaborating with al-Qaeda. The assassination attempt took place in the Qatari capital, Doha, with a direct bomb hitting the car in which the president was sitting.

Number 2 – MI6 (UK)

The Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, was formed just before World War I to monitor the activities of the Imperial German government. Over the years, MI6 has been involved in every significant conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, MI6 actively collaborated with its American counterparts and shared classified intelligence, as well as taking an active part in covert operations. MI6, with the assistance of the CIA, took part in the overthrow of several ruling regimes around the world, the most famous of which were the revolutions in the Congo in 1961 and Iran in 1953.

Something to be proud of: 007 stories aside, MI6's most successful recent operation was the hostage rescue in Lebanon in the 1980s. In particular, thanks to MI6 agents, a serious internal conflict within Lebanese parliamentary groups, which made it no longer possible to hold hostages.

Number 1 – CIA (USA)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947. The agency's activities include the following three main functions:
1) Obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners,
2) Propaganda and public relations,
3) Secret operations related to the security of the president.

During the Cold War, the CIA was given greater freedom of action because American government believed that such freedom was necessary for successful opposition to the KGB.
As a result, the CIA was involved in many successful operations and failed attempts to eliminate unnecessary leaders of countries. The most famous among them were operations in Chile and Congo (successful), as well as in Cuba (unsuccessfully).

What to be proud of: Bay of Pigs Invasion may be the most significant, but BLUEBIRD (the James Bourne films starring Matt Damon) is more shocking. From 1951 to 1953, the CIA conducted experiments related to human mind control, which involved research into the process of creating a new human personality (or several) and replacing memories. For this purpose, electrodes were placed in a person's brain, which made it possible to control his behavior using remote transmitters, and electric shock treatment was used to erase his memory.

Shh...quiet. It's a secret

As you already understand, intelligence is not only an exact science. Dress up in it with successful operations, failures happen. Intelligence gathering and covert operations are extremely risky, requiring a lot of luck in addition to sound calculation (often everything is based on guesswork).

And failures, such as the unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Fidel Castro in the 60s, only confirm the fact that operations do not always go as smoothly as in the James Bond films.

Considering the pace of Russia's revival, soon this list will be modified ;).

The history of the emergence of secret communities and “clubs of interests” goes back centuries. Everything unknown traditionally gives rise to a lot of contradictory facts and speculation. However, many of the goals, principles and charters of secret societies have reached us undistorted.

Secret societies in Russia

Circle of sixteen

This opposition group included young aristocrats of St. Petersburg. Years of activity 1838-1840. The members of this secret society of radicals and secret revolutionaries were: famous people, like Mikhail Lermontov, Pyotr Valuev, the Dolgorukov brothers and others outstanding people of its time.

Young people professed the ideas of the philosopher Chaadaev, who pointed to the “spiritual stagnation” of Russia, and therefore was outlawed. After the “circle” was discovered by the authorities, most of its members fled to the Caucasus, following Lermontov.

Black redistribution

A secret society with populist tendencies. Formed in 1879 in St. Petersburg. Its members did not attach much importance to politics and relied on the economic struggle. The basis of their ideas was the Russian community, in which the “Black Limiters” saw the origins of socialist development.

Welfare Union

Decembrist secret organization. It was founded in 1818. It had about 200 members. Its participants set their goals moral education people, enlightenment and alleviation of the lot of serfs. However, this society also had hidden ideas: the abolition of serfdom, the overthrow of the king and the establishment of its own political system.

In 1821, in the wake of persecution of any secret societies, the Welfare Union was dissolved.

European secret societies


The most popular secret society in Europe in the media, cinema and literature. Now this order is perceived by many as mythical. However, historical evidence claims that such a secret organization existed in Germany at the end of the 18th century. Members of this society had radical views. Human rumor credits them with inciting the French Revolution and the October Revolution in Russia. Also, there are rumors that the Illuminati created the USA. At various times, Goethe, Ferdinand of Brunswick, Winston Churchill, Barack Obama, the Bush family and other famous people were called members of the order.

Based historical facts, this secret society did not last long. However, rumor says that the Illuminati simply went into the shadows and decide the world's destinies to this day.

Order of the Eastern Templars

The founder of this secret mystical society is the famous 20th century Satanist and occultist Aleister Crowley. Members of this order widely used esoteric practices to change the state of consciousness and transition to other levels of existence.

With the growing popularity of the “father” of the organization, Crowley, the Order of the Eastern Templars conquered more and more new followers around the world. Thus, the organization has almost ceased to be a secret, however, according to rumors, this is only a tactical move to attract new members of society. The Order of the Eastern Templars continues to use prohibited satanic practices in their rituals.

Bilderberg Club

It is difficult to name the founder of this secret organization, but there are more than enough famous members. According to rumors, the club includes representatives of the royal families of Spain and the Netherlands, European and American tycoons, and representatives of the world's largest corporations. You can only get into this undoubtedly elite club by receiving an invitation. This practice has existed since 1954.

The initial goals of the club were to fight the dominance of American culture in Europe, however, over time, radical ideas gave way to peace-loving ones. At least that's what the official version sounds like. And since the club is strictly confidential, and meetings of its members are held under conditions of increased security, ideas about a worldwide conspiracy are heard constantly in relation to the Bilderberg Club. At times, the club is even called the One World Government.

Thule Society

One of the most famous German occult societies. There are versions that its members were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg and Adolf Hitler. This society was created after the end of the First World War. The idea of ​​the “club” is consonant with the idea of ​​the Third Reich - the superiority of the Aryan race. This is not surprising, because over time, at the instigation of this society, the German Workers' Party was created. It later evolved into the National Socialist Party, which gave birth to Nazism.

Thule is the mythical land where the origins of the Aryan race are located. According to legends, it existed in the North Pole region. This is what the followers of the society were looking for.

The most famous secret society in the world is the Masonic Lodge

The Masonic Lodge is one of the most famous and controversial societies in world history. According to various sources, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain and many, many others were Freemasons. the mighty of the world this." The symbols of the Masonic lodge are found in many places

As in many other secret societies, one can become a member of the Masonic lodge only by invitation and after undergoing special initiation rites.

Not only secret societies are surprising, but also other facts. .
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