Heating the soil and illumination of any territory are directly depending on which it is located in what heat belt. This, in turn, affects the geographical latitude.

What is thermal belts?

Solar heat is differently entered into high and low latitudes. This is due to the fact that the angles of inclination of the rays of our luminaries are distinguished to the surface of the earth. Hence the concept of climate appeared. The north the territory is located, the less she gets heat per unit surface. This is due to the lower lifting of the sun at noon.

The word "climate" in translated from Greek means "slope". It depends on the geographical position of one or another location and is determined by atmospheric pressure, humidity and average air temperature over the year.
On the ground of thermal belts three. It is moderate, hot and cold. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

Cold climatic belt

It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe polar circle, located both in the northern and in the southern pole of our planet, are removed as much as possible from the equator, and in connection with this the sun sends only oblique rays on them. That is why in these areas the earth is very weak.

Winters in these territories long and harsh, and the summer is short and cool. There are several months a year, when the sun rays do not reach the polar circle at all. Such a period is a polar night. Temperature at this time here can be lowered up to eighty nine degrees.

Temperate zone

These thermal zones are also in two hemispheres. On their territories oblique sunlight weakly warm the land in the winter. In the summer, the sun illuminates them more intensively. There are moderate thermal belts between the polar circle and two parallels. In the north of cancer, and in the south - tropics of Capricorn.

The sun in these belts never happens in its zenith. Therefore, it does not warm the soil and air. Moderate thermal belts are characterized by clearly delimitation of seasons. Winter, summer, autumn and spring are observed here. At the same time, the temperature of these seasons of the neodynaks. The closer the area to the polar circle, the winter on its territory is colder. Conversely, summer warmer and longer than the territory approaches the tropics.

Hot belt

Above this zone, the sun always rises high and sends straight rays on it. That is why there is always a high temperature here. The domination of this belt is observed in the tropics. Winter period on this territory is the season of rains, and the summer is characterized by drought.

The hot heat belt of the Earth is located between the southern and along the equator. Twice for a year, namely, at noon on June 22 and December 22, the sun rays fall in this zone almost obscure, that is, at an angle in ninety degrees. Air is very hot from the surface of the soil. That is why all year round in this area is the heat. Only with the limits of this belt grow palm trees.

Thus, the thermal belts of the world are represented by five zones. They include two cold, two moderate and one hot. Sometimes in cold thermal belts, the region of the Eternal Frost is distinguished. It is located directly near the poles, and the average annual temperature here does not rise above the zero mark.

The thermal belts of Russia are cold and moderate. For the north of the country is characterized by a harsh climate. At the same time there is a change of polar winter and polar summer. More southern territories have a mild climate and pronounced seasonality.

Cold heat belt nature

The polar zones of our planet are constantly covered with snow and ice. These are the coldest territories. The Arctic, which refers to the polar zone passes in Alaska. It includes the island of Greenland. Located in the polar zone of Canada and Russia.

Antarctic, located in the southern hemisphere, is a southern polar zone. There is a continent of Antarctica.

The cold thermal belt, which is characterized by a lack of heat, does not have forests. Soil in these territories is bursting. In places you can meet the plots of permafrost. The most severe climate is observed in the poles. Marine or mainland ice arise there. Vegetation, as a rule, is missing or represented by lichens and moss.

Live in the cold belt mainly migratory birds. Especially many of them on the islands of the Ice Ocean. Meet this zone and animals. They migrate from more southern regions during the summer season. The animal world is represented by owls and sands, polar mice and white bears, shrune, seals and penguins.

Moderate heat belt nature

The territories of these climatic zones receive a greater amount of light and heat. Here is not such a harsh winter. Summer in a moderate heat belt is not very roast. The sun is never over these territories in Zenith. Therefore, the climate of moderate belts is soft, and its changes from warm to cold occur gradually. Four seasons stand out in these zones: summer, spring, winter and autumn.

Moderate heat belt runs through the territory of Great Britain, Europe. It has North Asia and North America. In the southern hemisphere, a moderate belt is located on the water area of \u200b\u200bthree oceans. Thus, 98% percent of its area is occupied by water. A moderate belt in the southern hemisphere passes through the territory of Australia and New Zealand. It covers the south of South Africa and South America.

The nature of this thermal belt is very diverse. It is a taiga, semi-deserts and deserts, as well as the steppe.

The animal world is quite uniform. It is mainly represented by forest animals that lead a settling lifestyle. Less extent are the representatives of the late terrain fauna - steppes and deserts.

Roast heat belt nature

In this zone there is a majority of Africa. The south of India and Asia is located in the hot belt. Central America, New Guinea, North Australia and North of South America are included in this zone.

Near the equator there is no seasonality. Throughout the year in these territories, very warm and humid.

For the roast thermal belt are characterized by savanna, evergreen and gentlemen. In some territories there are semi-deserts and deserts.
The animal world is distinguished by an extraordinary diversity. These are predatory and running birds, hippos and antelopes, elephants and zebras, buffaloes, etc.

The climate is determining for the geographical position of natural zones. Where dry and hot, the desert is formed, where it rains and the sun shines for a whole year - the brown vegetation of equatorial forests. But, in one climatic belt, the boundaries of several natural zones may be.

Climatic belts and natural zones

First of all, consider the table.

Table "Natural climatic zones"

Features of the climate of natural zones of the world

Equatorial forests

All year round here is very hot and tropical rains are walking. The average temperature in winter + 15 °, in summer about 30 °. Per year drops more than 2000 mm. There is no clear distribution for seasons, all months warm and wet.


Winter - Tropical, Summer - Equatorial. Brightly expressed two periods: drought in winter and the rainy season in the summer. About 500 mm drops per year. The average temperature in winter + 10 °, in summer about 26 °.

Top 4 Articleswho read with this

Fig. 1. Drought in Savannah


Arid climate, bright change change is observed throughout the day. In winter, at night there may be even lower than zero. In the summer, the sun warms dry air by 40-45 °.

Fig. 2. Frosts in the desert

Steppes and forest site

Winter moderate, summer arid. Even in the warm period of the year at night there may be a decrease in the air temperature to a minus value. The sediments fall predominantly in winter - up to 500 mm per year. The peculiarity of the steppe zone is the cold penetrating winds, which are from the north.

Deciduous and mixed forests

Characterized pronounced winter (with snow) and hot summer. The precipitate falls out evenly throughout the year.

Fig. 3. Winter in a deciduous forest


It has a cold dry winter, but hot summer, which lasts 4-5 months. The precipitation falls about 1000 mm. in year. The average temperature of January - 25 °, in the summer + 16 °.

Tundra and Fierotundra

The climate is severe. Winter is long, cold, dry, about 9 months. Summer is short. Arctic winds often blow.

Arctic and Antarctic Desert

Eternal winter zone. Summer is very short and cold.

Record low temperature was recorded in Antarctica - 89.2 ° and -91.2 °. In Russia, the lowest temperature was in Verkhoyansk - 67.8 °.

What did we know?

Climatic belts determine the natural zones. In some belts there may be the boundaries of several natural zones. The vegetable and animal world largely depends on the weather conditions of the region.

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Study of the geography of Russia
By natural zones

The course offers new, or firmly forgotten old, approaches to the study of the traditional course of the geography of Russia. It was in the natural zones that the geography of the USSR was taught in the 4th grade in the prewar and first post-war years. At the same time, not only about nature, but also about the population and household of the country. Such an approach will allow to put already known and studied theoretical concepts on the actual basis, link nature with the farm. In the informative part of the course intentionally applied a simple style of presentation so that it is possible to use this material in any in terms of class preparedness.

The study of geography on natural zones provides for the consideration of the population and production in close connection with natural conditions and resources. The influence of a person on the environment is also evaluated by zones, the ability to improve natural conditions and compensate for the damage caused to nature.


No. Newspaper Educational material
17 Lecture 1. Zones and belts as the basis of the zoning of Russia
18 Lecture 2. Crane North
19 Lecture 3. Taiga
Kontarm work number 1
(execution period - until November 15, 2005)
20 Lecture 4.Mixed forests
21 Lecture 5.Steppe and desert
Kontarming number 2
(execution period - until December 15, 2005)
22 Lecture 6. Subtropics and mountains
23 Lecture 7. European Russia and its framing
24 Lecture 8. Asian Russia
Final work (Execution period - until February 28, 2006) The final work is a seminar on the topic: "The connection of the placement of the economy with natural conditions on the example of one of the zones."

Lecture 1.

Zones and belts
as the basis of the zoning of Russia

Russia, which occupies a huge space in the north of Eurasia, is not only the largest, but also the northernmost country in the world. At its limits there is the northernmost continental sushi point on Earth.

Offer students the following questions.

Canada is considered the Northern Country.

1. Compare the breadth of the most northern main dots of Canada and Russia.

2. Compare the breadth of the most northern island points of these countries.

3. Compare the latitude of the southern points of these countries.

4. The border of the United States and Canada at a high distance passes through parallels. Determine the breadth of this parallel. What big city in Russia is located on the same latitude? Is it considered to be the northern, or southern city?

The results of these measurements can be depicted graphically (Fig. 1). A sufficient accuracy of measurements in all these tasks is half generators.

On the latitude of 69.5 ° there is Norilsk, a city with a population of 180 thousand people. Where else on this latitude or north are cities with the same or greater population?

Murmansk, latitude of 69 °, 430 thousand people.

St. Petersburg, latitude of 60 °, 5 million people.

Moscow, latitude of 56 °, 10 million people.

Ask the same question that belonged to Norilsk, in relation to Murmansk, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The answer everywhere will be the same: the same in the number of people or bo "there are no cities on the same or more northern latitudes.

Russia occupies the northern part of Eurasia - the Eastern third of Europe and the Northern third of Asia (Fig. 2). Within Russia, there are northern and eastern extreme continental points of the mainland; Both they are in Asia. Mainland is most elongated from the west to the East in its northern part, that is, within Russia.

Natural zonality is adopted as the basis of zoning in this course. In the future, we clarify, to what extent zone can be considered natural, and in what areas the nature is so changed by a person that you have to talk about natural-economic zones.


Regular combination on any territory of relief, climate, surface and groundwater, soil, biocenoses are called natural territorial complex; Generally accepted abbreviation for this term - PTK. To refer to the same concept, the term is also widely applied. landscape (German Landschaft. - terrain). Industry of physical geography, studying natural territorial complexes, is called landscape studies. However, different experts understand the term "landscape" in different ways, and hope that in foreseeable intimacy they will come to a common opinion. You can consider PTK of different levels - from small characteristic sections of the earth's surface to a geographic shell, which is a global PTK.

This multi-level of natural-territorial complexes makes it difficult for their perception at school. We use only one of these levels - natural zones, which, as experience showed, is perceived by schoolchildren easier than other generalizing concepts.

One of the fundamental laws of physical geogaphy - law of geogial zonalityconsisting of due to the unpainnable laundering of the radiant enepting of the Sun in shiPots and unscruited moistening, the entire complex of application conditions and their individual components are consistently changed by shypers, as a whole, simply relative to the equatopa. As a result, arise poly zones (Greek Zone - belt) - Protected areas with close climatic conditions, primarily temperatures and moisture, which define in general homogeneous soil, vegetation and animal world.

On the plains of the zone is elongated, as it turned up, along the papallels, shittoofly. Zonal disappearance, soil and animal MP create an expired area of \u200b\u200bterrain. Zonality is marked by antique geognephs, and the larger formulation of the law PPINADEFITS V.V. Dokuchaev. The names of the zones are given by their most physiognomic sign - the type of stability: steppe, forest, tundp zones, etc.

These conditions are defined by many facts, one of which is zonalny, DPUGI abonalny (here is a Greek negative console but-).

Geological drainage avison. It affects the geogial conditions mainly indirectly, the exfine and in part more than the soil.

The relief in that course, in which it has been pronounced geological design and tectonic movements, Azonalene. External (exogenous) Relief formation at large methods are due to the climate (the activities of glaciers; PPCs associated with many years of metroleamot; periods and deposition of sand winds and pumps.), Therefore, the exfolf has both zonal chets, although zonalone, as a privile, not curtail faith , and complicating their small.

In some cases, the main in the formation of natural conditions is not zonal, and local factors - the nature of rocks, the arrival and outflow of moisture, etc. For example, in several neighboring areas there may be a similar character of floodplain meadows, pine bors on sands, swamps. This phenomenon is called intrasonality (Latin prefix intra- - inside).

In the ocean, the zonality is also inserted, although it is about the observer, it is less obvious than on land.

In the GOPs are ordinary for the Pannin Shpotnaya zonality inferior to the place high resistance.

What determined zonality

Usually, zonality is considered as something primary, predetermined. Meanwhile, it is the result of the interaction of many factors associated with the latitude, but by no means limited to the well-known thesis: closer to the equator - warmer (For the northern hemisphere, you can shorter: south - warmer). Ultimately, zonality is due to the climate. The climate of Russia is determined mainly by the fact that it

Lies in high latitudes;

It takes an extensive area within the largest mainland, there are places in the country, very far away from the ocean;

Opened to the north, to the Arctic Ocean, and from the warm southern countries fell off the mountains.

Recall the belt allocated on Earth on various features. The heat distribution on the globe depends on many reasons, but in the most general traits, it is certainly determined by breadth, so the position of the territory is light belts Already largely shows what climate is there. The illumination belt is determined by the slope of the earth's axis with respect to the plane of the orbit. The boundary between polar and moderate illumination belts passes along the northern polar circle - parallels with a latitude of 66.5 °. The north of the polar circle is the summer polar day, and in the winter, the polar night - the longest, the closer to the pole.

The northern part of Russia lies with the polar circle, there are a polar day and a polar night. White nights are in summer at a distance of 6-7 ° latitude from the polar circle, on the latitudes of 60 ° and higher, that is, on a very significant part of Russia. Behind the polar circle white nights precede the onset of the polar day; After his end, some time is also observed white nights.

For polar circles, to a latitude of approximately 73 °, in winter, at night, the light is light, although the sun rises. In Murmansk (69 ° C. sh.) You can walk freely through the streets, the street lighting is quenched.

Before the northern tropic, Russia does not reach very far, so that the sun in the zenith in our territory does not happen.

Invite students to the task.

On the day of the summer solstice, the sun at noon stands in the zenith over the northern tropical. At what angular distance from Zenith will it be on this day in the southernmost point of Russia? In your settlement? (Obviously, as much degrees, as much as the point under consideration is from the Northern Tropic.)

More accurately characterizes the climate of any place its position relatively thermal belts. The boundaries between them are carried out by isotherm.

The border of the belt of the eternal frost and the cold belt serves an isotherm of 0 ° from the warmest month. In the eternal frost belt, the temperature in certain moments can rise above zero, but the average monthly temperature is always negative. Isothermary of the warmest month - in most cases July; But water has a colossal heat capacity, it slowly warms up, and in separate places the maximum can go to August. This belt is a significant part of the Arctic Ocean; Russia belongs here small polar islands.

Cold belt is limited from the south, too, the isotherm of the warmest month - July with a possible transition to August, 10 ° C. In the cold belt there are all the major Arctic Islands of Russia and the north of its mainland, including the Yamal Peninsula, Taimyr and Chukotka (Fig. 3); There are also small areas where the July isotherm is 10 ° C passes on lower latitudes, but these sites in the mountains will not take them into account.

The rest of Russia is located in the northern moderate belt. The average annual temperature of one of the warmest cities of Russia, Sochi - about 16 ° C, that is, it is still quite far from the temperatures of the hot belt; For most of the European territory, it does not reach 5 degrees, and the Asian is predominantly negative.

There is a system of belts associated with the general circulation of the atmosphere. When studying this topic in school and in high school, these belts are described, but there is no common belts for this system; Let's call them atmospheric pressure belts. Meanwhile, these belts along with thermal create the basis for the occurrence of air masses of different types, on which climate classification is built.

Table 1

Atmospheric pressure belts system

Latitude (in both hemispure)
Pressure Temperature Vertical move
70-90 High Low Descending Low
45-60 Low Moderate Ascending High
20-30 High High Descending Low
0-10 Low High Ascending High

The system is constructed based on the unreal assumption about the homogeneity of the underlying surface on Earth. The location of the continents and oceans, the relief of the earth's surface distort the picture very much, the boundaries between the belts of fuzzy, there are transition areas. However, the objective existence of the belts of doubt does not cause.

Based on thermal belts and belts associated with the total circulation of the atmosphere, the system has been built climatic belts.

There are several climate classifications. Of these, the most widely distributed classification created by Professor Moscow University Boris Pavlovich A "Lisovo. It is based on the fact that there are air masses of several types, differing at the place of their formation - arctic (in the southern hemisphere - Antarctic), moderate, tropical and equatorial. They are clearly correlated with atmospheric pressure belts - in the order in which they are shown in Table 1.

Table 2 shows only those climatic belts that are in Russia.

table 2

Climatic belts of Russia
By bp.p. Alisa

Name belt Prevailing air masses Characteristic
summer winter
Arctic AU AU Polar day and polar night. Strong meal in winter. Precipitation little
Subarctic Wool AU Western winds prevail. Winter high pressure, strong frost
Moderate Wool Wool Active cyclonic activity. Western winds prevail. Well expressed seasons
Subtropical TV Wool It's hot in summer. In winter, cyclones from a moderate belt with precipitation

Note.AB - Arctic air, VUSH - air of moderate latitudes, TV - tropical air.

In the belt of the belt, air masses uncharacteristic for it are completely or in this season. Thus, the inhabitants of Moscow, located in a temperate belt, sometimes experience the effects of alien air mass: in winter, strong frosts are caused by the Arctic air, which is usually incoming from the northeast, and in the summer, hot and dry weather can cause tropical mass of air, especially since it is not far - In this season, they can form over the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

The position of Russia in the system of climatic belts is visible on the map of climatic belts and areas in the atlas for the 7th grade.

The Arctic belt in Russia includes almost all the Arctic islands and the strip of the continental outskirts of the Asian part of the country from Yamal to Chukotka, little where exceeding 500 km in width.

The subarctic belt begins in the west of a narrow strip along the coast of the Kola Peninsula, it expands to the east, his southern border passes south of the mouth of Ob and then goes almost through the shortest line to the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. In the east, the width of the belt exceeds
1000 km.

Almost all the rest of Russia lies in a temperate climatic belt, distinguishing quite significantly in the degree of continentality of the climate, on the effects of oceans on the climate.

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus there is a small plot with a subtropical climate.

Natural zones

Eurasia has all the natural zones that are found on the globe. Of these, the Arctic desert, tundra, taiga, mixed forests, steppes, deserts of moderate belt and subtropics, as well as zones, transitional between those listed are present in Russia. Squares occupied by subtropics and deserts are very small. Some believe that the most arid areas of Russia should be attributed to dry steppes; In the future, the arguments will be given in favor of the fact that the deserts in Russia are.

Mountains occupy a smaller part of Russia. But the area of \u200b\u200bthe territories where the latitudinal zonality is replaced by a high-dimensional explanancy or combined with it, it is still very large, not less than 4 million km 2.

The total ratio between the belts and zones in Russia can be represented as follows (Table 3).

In the atlas for the 8-9th grades there is a map of the vegetation of Russia. It gives the types of vegetation much in more detail than in zones, so the zones are poorly read. It is better to use the Eurasian natural zones map in the atlas for the 7th grade or maps of the natural zones of Russia in the Atlas of Nature.

Table 3.

Belts and zones in Russia

Population and large areas of Russia

In European Russia and the Caucasus, that is, 30% of the country lives, 3/5 of its population. In other words, the average population density to the west of the Urals is much larger than east. The main feature of the composition of the population of Russia is its multinationality. 2002 census recorded over 160 nationalities. Russians make up 80% of the population. Only on most of European Russia, Russians are the indigenous population, who lived there almost always, they came to the rest of the places when other nations lived there. But now the Russians in many such localities make up the majority and have long been considered the indigenous population. The second largest people of Russia - Tatars (3.8%), then Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens, Armenians, Mordva, Avars, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Udmurts, Azerbaijanis, Mari, Germans, Kabardians, Ossetians, Darginians, Buryats, Yakuts, Kumykov, Ingush, Lezgins (0.3%). All other peoples together make up less than 3% of the population.

Most of the listed peoples have their own national territorial entities within the Russian Federation. Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, Kazakhs and Azerbaijanis constitute the main population of the five former republics of the USSR. The mansion is the Germans who are always in Russia and in the USSR there were many times up to two million (about 0.8% of the USSR population), but they have affected the departure to the historic homeland, assimilation, as well as the fact that a significant part of the Germans who lived in the USSR are now in Kazakhstan; In the population of Russia, the Germans make up 0.4%.

When characterizing both the nature of Russia and its population and the economy, large parts are usually allocated: European Russia, the Caucasus, Urals, Siberia, the Far East.

This zoning is produced on various features.

European Russia is mainly flat. Here the whole is a latitudinal zone, all zones that in Russia are in European Russia, only the Arctic deserts are not on the mainland, they are located on the islands. In Russian plain, the Russian nation and the core of the Russian state, the main part of the country's economy is concentrated here.

The Caucasus includes the balance of the Caucasus and the actual Caucasian Mountains. In the Caucasian mountains, it is better than anywhere in Russia, a high-rise explanancy is expressed. The Caucasus is populated with deep antiquity, but in Russia entered only about 200 years ago.

Ural shares European Russia and Siberia. The area called the Urals includes the Ural Mountains themselves, and the Earth on both sides of them. The Ural was the first major ore base and the first area of \u200b\u200bthe country's heavy industry.

Siberia is the whole Zaral part of Russia, except for the river basins flowing into the Pacific Ocean and its sea. Siberia is very large, its area is approximately equal to Canada Square or China. Because of the huge Siberia Square, it is difficult to consider it as a single natural area. Rather, we highlight Siberia because it is, along with the Far East, the territory of a relatively late mastering. This, as well as the harsh natural conditions of Siberia, explains the small density of the population, and a relatively small violation of the natural environment.

The Far East is a territory that includes basins of rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean. The main feature of the Far East is that most of its geographical features are due to the proximity of the Pacific Ocean, which manifests itself in everything in relief and tectonics ("Pacific Fire Ring"), in a climate, in direct connection with countries lying on the shores of the Pacific Ocean .

Questions and tasks

1. Can the southern border of the cold belt do not coincide with an isotherm of 10 ° C, applied in Figure 3? Justify the answer.

2. Formulate the main signs on which large regions of Russia are highlighted. (In some cases, two traits are possible for the same region.)

3. Calculate how many times the average population density in European Russia is higher than in Asian.

4. On the basis of Table 3, highlight the natural zones, exactly corresponding to one climatic belt, and zones located in two neighboring climatic belts. Make the same with respect to illumination belts and thermal belts.

The climate of Russia has a special differentiation, incomparable from any other country of the world. This is due to the wide length of the country in Eurasia, the inhomogeneity of the location of water bodies and a large variety of relief: from alpine peaks to the plains underlying the sea level.

Russia is mainly located in medium and high latitudes. Through the weather conditions on most of the country harsh, the change of time is clearly, and the winter is long and frosty. The Atlantic Ocean has a significant impact on the climate of Russia. Despite the fact that its water does not come into contact with the territory of the country, it manages the transfer of air masses in moderate latitudes, where most of the country is located. Since there are no high mountains in the western part, the air masses are freely passion to the Verkhoyansky ridge. In winter, they contribute to mitigating frosts, and in the summer they provoke cooling and precipitation.

Climatic belts and regions of Russia

(Map scheme of climatic belts of Russia)

4 climatic belts are presented in Russia:

Arctic climate

(Islands of the Arctic Ocean, the seaside regions of Siberia)

Arctic air masses that dominate year-round, in combination with extremely weak exposure to the Sun are the cause of severe weather conditions. In winter, during the polar night, the average daily temperature does not exceed -30 ° C. In summer, most of the sun's sunlight reflects from the snow surface. Therefore, the atmosphere is not heated above 0 ° C ...

Subarctic climate

(Area along the polar circle)

In winter, weather conditions are close to the arctic, but summer is leaily (in the southern parts, the air temperature can rise to + 10 ° C). The amount of precipitation exceeds the amount of evaporation ...

Temperate climate

  • Continental(West Siberian Plain in the south and in the central part). The climate is characterized by a small amount of precipitation and a wide variation of temperatures in winter and summer time.
  • Moderately continental(European part). Western transfer of air masses brings air from the Atlantic Ocean. In this regard, winter temperatures are rarely reduced to -25 ° C, thawed. Summer warm: in the south to + 25 ° C, in the northern part up to + 18 ° C. The sediments fall uneven from 800mm per year in the north-west to 250 mm in the south.
  • Sharply continental(Eastern Siberia). Incontinental position and the absence of ocean influences explains the strong heating of air during a short summer (up to + 20 ° C) and sharp cooling in winter (reaching -48 ° C). Annual precipitation does not exceed 520 mm.
  • Monsoon continental(Southern part of the Far East). With the onset of winter, dry and cold continental air comes, which is why the temperature of the air decreases to -30 ° C, but there are little precipitation. In the summer, under the influence of air masses from the Pacific, the temperature can not rise above + 20 ° C.

Subtropical climate

(Chernomorsk coast, Caucasus)

The narrow strip of the subtropical climate is protected by the Caucasus Mountains from the passage of cold air masses. This is the only corner of the country where the air temperature is positive in the winter months, and the duration of summer is significantly higher than on the rest. Sea wet air produces up to 1000 mm of precipitation per year ...

Climatic zones of Russia

(Map of climatic zones of Russia)

Zoning occurs on 4 conditional areas:

  • First- tropical ( Southern parts of Russia);
  • Second- subtropical ( Primorye, Western and Northwest regions);
  • Third- moderate ( Siberia, Far East);
  • Fourth- Polar ( Yakutia, more northern regions of Siberia, Urals and the Far East).

In addition to four, the main zones exists, the so-called "special", which includes areas for the polar circle, as well as Chukotka. The division on the sections with approximately similar climate is due to uneven warming up the surface of the earth by the Sun. In Russia, this division coincides with meridians, multiple 20: 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th.

Climate of the regions of Russia

Each area of \u200b\u200bthe country is characterized by special climatic conditions. In the northern regions of Siberia, Yakutia, negative average annual temperatures and a short summer are observed.

A distinctive feature of the Far Eastern climate is its contrast. Traveling towards the ocean noticeably change from the continental climate to the monsoon.

In Central Russia, division at the time of year is clearly: the hot summer is replaced by a short autumn, and after a cool winter comes spring with a high level of precipitation.

The climate of the south of Russia is ideal for recreation: the sea does not have time to cool down the warm winter, and the tourist season begins at the end of April.

Climate and seasons of the regions of Russia:

The vitality of the climate of Russia is obliged to the extensity of the territory and openness to the Arctic Ocean. A large length explains the essential difference of average annual temperatures, the uneven effects of solar radiation and heating of the country. For the most part, severe weather conditions are noted with a pronounced continental character and a clear change of temperature modes and the amount of precipitation at the time of the year.

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Tasks: form knowledge of geographical location, sizes, borders of Russia; show the effect of the geographical position on nature and population settlement; teach the skills to characterize the geographical position of Russia; Secure the ability to calculate the geographic coordinates of objects on the map and the length of the country in degrees and km, using the cartographic grid.

Move lesson

I. Introductory conversation and preparation for the perception of new knowledge.

Starting to study the topic of the lesson, the teacher reminds that the concept of "geographical position" is already known to schoolchildren and they know how the geographical location affects the natural conditions of the mainland, natural zones, states. To remember these knowledge, the teacher proposes to answer the questions:

1.What is included in the characteristics of the geographical position of the territory?

2.Why is the study of any territory - the mainland, the country begins with familiarity with the geographical position?

Specifying answers, the teacher offers schoolchildren to record the concept of "geographical position" and the plan of the geographical position of Russia. This plan can then be used when characterizing the geographical position of individual regions of the country.

The geographical position is the position of any object on the earth's surface in relation to other objects or territories.

Plan Characteristics of the geographical position of Russia:

1.Position on the mainland in relation to the equator and zero meridian.

2.Extreme points and their geographic coordinates.

3.Length in degrees and km from north to south and from west to east.

4.The size of the territory of Russia.

5.Position in thermal belts and natural zones.

6.Ground borders. Neighboring states.

7.Sea borders. Neighboring states.

8.The influence of the peculiarities of the geographical position of Russia into natural conditions and the life of the population.

II. Getting new knowledge.

1.The physico-geographical position of Russia is characterized in the process of dialogue and performing practical work No. 1 (p. 6, 34-25 in the working notebook).

(A) Russia is located on the territory of Eurasia in the North and Eastern Hemispheres, only the Chukchi Peninsula is located in the Western Hemisphere.

B) extreme points and their coordinates:

northern Island - Cape Flygeli (81 ° 49 "s. sh.) On the island of Rudolf in the archipelago of the land of Franz Joseph;

northern Material - Cape Chelyuskin (77 ° 43 "s. sh.) On the Taimyr Peninsula;

Cape Chelyuskin was opened in 1742 by the participant of the Great Northern Expedition by the North S. I. Chelyuskin and named it northeast. In 1843, Cape received the name of his discoverer.

south - Mount Bazarduzyu (41 0 11 "s. sh.) In the Republic of Dagestan;

western - Kosa Gdansk Baltic Sea Bay near Kaliningrad;

"In the Kaliningrad region, on the coastal spit, is the Western tip of Russia. The Baltic Sea, part of the Atlantic spread over the oblique, is almost always gray under a cloudy sky and dull blue when the clouds will disperse.

With hissing Kiel Boat crashed into the coastal shallow. We jumped up and under the screaming cries of gulls, almost by the knee tightening in the sand, began to worry on a cool dune. Naked mountains of sand, like verakhans in the doodles, with striped ripples, with rare beams of sandy oats, with small bird traces. But more often the hills are covered with forest. Dunes moved, burbing housing; Now they are almost all secured.

I chose on the crest of the dune. They are here the highest in Europe. Sand is very small, Golden grains are visible in it, probably amber.

The comb offers a view on one side on the endless sea with a white noisy bar of the surf, on the other - on a calm closed bay. A narrow green braid tape stretches for tens of kilometers.

A striped red-green pillar is tight on the spit. He marks the most western point of our Motherland. "

7 - 10.);

eastern Material - Cape Dezhneva (169 ° 40 "ZD) on the Chukotka Peninsula;

Opened in 1648 by the Russian landlocker S. I. Dezhnev, who first rewrote this cape. In the petitions, Dezhnev says that he bypassed a large stone nose. INXVII - XVII 1 centuries. We mentioned this Cape called the necessary nose, Chukchi nose. In 1898, it was renamed the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the opening of Cape at the request of the Russian geographical society in honor of his discoverer.

"Standing under the drizzling rain at the very eastern point of Asia, I felt that I was standing on the edge of the earth and what a huge mainland was extended, the name of which is Eurasia.

The picture of this Eastern tip of Asia was before the sullen and majestic and produced such an impression that I wanted to see as much as possible and remember to report it later. Dezhnev's cape is a completely naked rock of different rocks, steeply shameful from the water whimsically diverse ridges. The vertices of these rocks, cut off by the teeth of all sorts of forms, were covered with a giant fog blanket, which quickly rushed black squabble clouds, driven by air flows in different directions. " (Pershin A. A. Cape Dezhneva. The history of the monument.);

eastern island - on the island of Ratmanova (170 ° z. d.) In the Bering Strait;

In 1816, Lieutenant O. E. Kotzebu opened (as later it turned out, mistakenly) island in the Bering Strait and called him in honor of Captain Lieutenant M. I. Ratmanov, together with which he in 1803 - 1806. Participated in the first Russian round-the-world swimming. When it became clear that there was no islands, the name was transferred to one of the three islands of Diomide.

"... here's another hour our ship persistently cuts the blue crowd of Bering Strait. Water here is a vigorous color. Ice, transparent. Above water is a steady gomon birds.

We keep the way to Ratmanova Island. In the east, this is the last slice of land belonging to our country. Behind him is the island of Kruzhenstern. But this is not our island - it belongs to the United States of America. A meridian runs between the islands, from which the time of the coming day is made.

Covering Ratmanov Island from the North, we turn out between the islands of Diomide. The Strait is restless. Bottled Waves Throw our ship from side to side. ... Go from the north to south. Far at the horizon of the Lilac Coast. On the right stone block, formidable and solemn, towers the shores of Ratmanov Island. For four hundred meters, they take a smooth plateau, almost sheer stone descending to restless water. The coast is fantastic beautiful. Autumn sun, crystal purity of water and the same blue sky cut into a transparent frame, which seems even more convex and solemn.

To the left of us the American Beach. Island visible clearly as on the palm. The same shepherd shores, stone scape and white surf with their foot. ... In the vigorous eyepiece binoculars, the American village of Elika. This is a small village where the person lives fifty Eskimos and several Americans. "

(Karpov G.V., Soloviev A. I. Kresttomatiya on the physical geography of the USSR. S. 7 - 10.)

Students apply extreme points to the contour card (Task 2 on p. 34 - 35 in the working notebook) and their own coordinates independently determine. A teacher can use additional material in the presence of free time and formed skills to work with a contour card from schoolchildren.

C) then students independently determine Russia's length in degrees and KM from north to south and from west to east.

The length of the mainland of Russia in meridian 100 °

in. D. is 28 °, or 3108 km.

The length of Russia from the west to the east along the Arctic Polar circle is 160 °, or 7120 km.

The results are recorded on the contour map (Task 3 on p. 34 - 35 in the working notebook).

D) Russia is the largest state of the world. It covers an area equal to 17.1 million square meters. km.

In the process of the dialogue, the data of the table "Square of individual mainland and the largest countries of the world", shown on p. 7 textbook. Schoolchildren conclude that Russia continues to surpasses in Square (Antarctica, Australia and Oceania, Canada, USA, China, Brazil).

"There is only one country in Europe where it is possible to understand what space is Russia," wrote Gaido G Azdanov.

E) Almost the whole country is north of 50 ° C. Sh., Therefore, large areas are engaged in forest areas (Taiga dominates), Fondra and tundra.

E) The teacher gives the definition of the concept of "state border", the students write it to the notebook.

The state border is a line that determines the limits of the state territory.

The length of the borders of Russia is almost 61 thousand km. Western and south borders are predominantly land, but northern and eastern - sea.

Using the Atlas Card "Geographical Regulations of Russia" (p. 2 - 3), students independently perform the task 1 on with. 34 - 35 In the working notebook (the boundaries of Russia are applied, they define their neighbors and inscribe their names). The teacher draws the attention of students to the fact that with some states Russia has marine borders. Here it is also necessary to define the concept of "territorial waters", which is also written in the notebook.

Territorial waters are marine waters adjacent to the land territory of the state and the composition of its composition. The width of the territorial waters is 12 miles (or 22.2 km).

2.The teacher explains how the geographical position is influenced on the peculiarities of nature, household and life of the population.

Russia is the largest state in the area. Naturally, natural conditions on such extensive space are distinguished by a large variety. Many of the nature traits of Russia are associated with its northern position. More than half of the territory of the country (64.3%) is located north of the sixtieth parallels. On the same latitude in Europe there is only Finland, Iceland, most of Sweden and almost all Norway. But in contrast to Russia, these countries are intensively heated with warm water and air jets of the Atlantic and therefore have a relatively mild climate. Russia is characterized by severe climate: low winter temperatures and its duration, less precipitation, large annual temperature amplitudes. With the exception of some small regions of the Predka Caucasus and the North Caucasus, all Russia is a cold northern country. This directly affects all spheres of economic activity and the daily life of people. Huge tools are spent on the fight against cold. For a long harsh winter for these purposes, a huge amount of energy resources is consumed. So, in Moscow for the heating season, about 3 tons of coal (in units of measurement of conditional fuel) are consumed, in Norilsk - 7 tons. Only 40% of the territory of our country people can build cities and villages without special expensive measures to protect against adverse effects harsh natural environment. Large heating, construction, clothing, food will increase the life of Russians.

Especially adversely affects the severity of the climate on agriculture. In the cold country, it is necessary to have an increased content of animal proteins in the diet. But intensive animal husbandry in Russia is difficult due to the lack of more valuable feed crops - corn and soybeans: they can ripen with us only in limited territories. About 45% of all agricultural land is under insufficient moistening. The most agricultural land of Russia refer to the risky agriculture zone.

Cold space of Russia at a huge distance is washed with cold and cool seas. On the seas of the Northern Ocean, floating ice will be held throughout the year. In the most severe winters at the coast of Russia, almost all seas are freezing, even those of its southern borders. In addition to the ice, dense cold fogs are prevented in autumn and winter navigation. All this makes it difficult for the work of the ports of Russia, requires additional costs and special measures to ensure their normal functioning.

In general, the influence of the main natural features of Russia on life and the economic activity of its population is controversial. The northern position of the country, the cold freezing seas that wash it, the long-term Merzloch deteriorates the environmental qualities of the natural environment, complicate all types of production activities, reduce people's living standards. At the same time, the extensive spaces of Russia with well-preserved natural natural complexes are of great value as the environmental potential of the country.

III. Fastening the material.

In order to consolidate the material obtained, students respond to the following questions and fulfill tasks:

1.Measure distances in degrees and km along the 70th Meridian and the 60th parallel.

2.Determine the shortest distance between Moscow and Vladivostok.

3.Calculate, how many times the territory of Russia is more than the territory of France - the largest state of Europe (France Square - 545 thousand square meters).

4.Determine the border objects according to their coordinates: a) 43 ° C. sh. 146 ° C. d.; b) 54 ° C. sh. 170 ° C. d.

5.Does Russia and India have a common border?

6.How would the nature of Russia changed if the equator crossed its territory?

IV. Summing up the lesson.

Homework:§ 1, finish practical work number 1 (Task 2 on with. 6 in the working notebook).