This dynasty dates back to pre-revolutionary Russia. The showman's parents are Tatyana and Walter Zapashny, who specialize in training wild animals. Older brother Edgard also works in the field of circus arts. Askold Zapashny spent his childhood behind the scenes of the circus and at the age of 10 he could work with lions and enter their cage.


The artist was born on September 27, 1977 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. He is a representative of a famous circus dynasty, which includes many famous trainers.

All photos 6

When the brothers graduated from school, their parents decided to temporarily move to China, where a summer arena was built for their performances in the city of Shenzhen. It was 1991, when the country was going through difficult times. Touring in an Asian country allowed the family to save the animals from certain death, because there was nothing to feed them, and their maintenance required impressive amounts of money. Since then, the brothers decided to go blonde to stand out among the dark-haired Chinese.

The Zapashny brothers took over the baton of family success. They have traveled almost all over the world with their shows. The artists visited Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Japan, and Belarus. Despite his hectic touring activities in Russia and abroad, Askold managed to graduate from GITIS and received a diploma with honors. He speaks fluent English and Chinese.

Zapashny began his career in the circus with a relatively prime numbers: juggling on a horse, performances with trained monkeys. Askold Valterovich masters many other types of circus arts, such as tightrope walking and acrobatics. He has been performing with wild animals for many years; in 1998, his father gave his sons the “Among Predators” act. The artist honed his skills so much that he managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records by performing the longest jump on a lion. This number is considered deadly.

The Zapashnys turned out to be successful producers; they own the Zapashny Brothers Circus enterprise. Their list includes many shows that have gone down in the history of Russian show business. Askold Zapashny himself became the owner of the titles “Honored Artist of Russia” (1999) and “People’s Artist of Russia” (2012). For some time now he has been the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. The Zapashny Brothers Circus prepares a variety of performances for spectators, which include performances by tightrope walkers, acrobats, clowns and trapeze artists. However, numbers with trained lions and tigers are the trademark of their enterprise. However, in the show programs of this circus there are other animals: parrots, dogs and horses.

One of the areas of career development for Askold Zapashny is television. He often stars in popular shows, participates in television competitions and games. Askold starred in the Channel One program “ glacial period– 4”, where he studied figure skating, working in tandem with athlete Maria Petrova.

The artist is an active participant in social and political life Russia, is one of the confidants of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He can often be seen among celebrities signing petitions and appeals to citizens and various politicians in the country.

Personal life

Since 2009, the artist has been married to a woman named Helen. He has two daughters: Eva and Elsa. Zapashny does not like to talk about his personal life; he rarely gives interviews in which he talks about his wife and children. The reason for this state of affairs is the threats from fans that his family periodically receives. Teenage girls in love with the trainer sometimes promise to throw acid on his wife. Askold Zapashny even told reporters about the fact of his marriage after the wedding took place. The couple’s relationship developed rather slowly; at first, the artist was not sure that he had found his soul mate.

At the time of meeting her future husband, Helen was an Israeli citizen and was studying at the University of Minsk to become a doctor. She served in the Israeli army, tried to work as a model, and worked part-time in stores. After the wedding, the artist’s wife began to take care of her family and children.

Askold is one and a half years younger than Edgar, and his daughters were also born with a slight time difference. Eva is a little more than a year older than Elsa. The artist admits that he dreamed that his children would have a small age difference. But he did not try to put pressure on his wife in this matter; Helen herself went towards his dream. He hopes that someday his daughters will continue the dynasty, and is already thinking through acts for the future “Circus of the Zapashny Sisters.” Happy dad He chose names for his daughters himself, trying to make them sonorous and beautiful. After all, in the world of show business such things have great value. And Zapashny Jr., like his entire family, has plans to raise and educate the heirs of his circus empire.

Askold was born a year later than his brother Edgard Zapashny, but strict dad- Walter Zapashny did not allow youngest son fall behind The brothers even went to school the same year, when Askold was very young. Due to his age, discipline was a little harder for him, but his dad did not allow him to slip into bad grades, keeping a vigilant eye on the boys’ progress.

However, open to the world, the cheerful Askold enthusiastically completed his school assignments, but with even greater pleasure he worked in the circus: dad trained his sons from a very young age.


In the 90s, when the country changed in an instant, and family business The Zapashnys were in danger due to lack of means of subsistence; they all left for the Celestial Empire together. China welcomed talented artists warmly. Now Zapashny Sr.’s responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. And the boys had no choice but to learn on their own.

Askold liked new areas of work for him. In China, he learned a complex intonation language, learned to juggle, stand on horses, and train monkeys. Only in the late 90s, with his return to Russia, Walter Zapashny initiated children into the complex intricacies of training predatory animals. Having quickly learned his father's tricks, Askold will be included in the Guinness Book of Records with his famous “longest jump on a lion.”


However, the younger Zapashny is still considered a flexible, attentive person, with a more flexible character than his older brother. Even his beloved learned how strict he could be only after living with Askold for some time.

The famous trainer met his wife Helen on tour in Minsk. A student from a local medical university was introduced to him in general company. He liked the girl, but in the chaos of the evening he didn’t think to ask her for her phone number. Only the next day I called a mutual friend with a request to arrange a meeting with the girl. However, Helen immediately rejected both of them.

Raised in a strict Jewish family, the girl came to study in Minsk from Israel, where she lived with her parents for many years. The girl was clearly determined to get a good education and return to her homeland - and no romances! She fled from Haifa because an annoying gentleman was bothering her there.


Zapashny did not back down and terrorized his friend about the beauty’s phone number, the friend advanced on Helen, persuading him to give the number to the beautiful, kind and warm-hearted, charming and to the famous Askold. Having heard that Zapashny was also famous, she flatly refused. The battle for the phone continued for several weeks until she finally had enough. She allowed him to give the number, strictly ordering his friend to tell Askold: not to let go!

Only later it turns out that the friend did not give anything except the phone number, but Zapashny, fascinated by the girl’s persistence, did not intend to pester her on the first date. He immediately felt that his attitude towards Helen would not be superficial, which means there was no need to force events.

His girls

The relationship with the girl went on as usual. Both tell how difficult it was for Askold to be accepted first into a strict Jewish family, then for Helen into a large and closed circus family. What a terrible situation the girl was put in by celebrity fans who threatened to beat her, pour acid on her and even kill her. The lovers had to hide both their relationship and their marriage for a long time. Only with the birth of his first daughter did Askold decide to introduce Helen to the public.

Now they have two daughters - Eva and Elsa. Eight years ago they first entered the circus arena. The Zapashny children will most likely continue the dynasty, which today numbers four generations.

Segway juggler, roller acrobat.

Askold Zapashny
Date of Birth September 27(1977-09-27 ) (41 years old)
Place of Birth Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Citizenship Russia Russia
Circus Zapashny Brothers Circus
Dynasty Zapashnye
Askold Zapashny at Wikimedia Commons



Graduated with honors Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS). Speaks English and spoken Chinese. [ ]

Personal life

Wife - Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin). Daughters Eva and Elsa, in the spring of 2010, first entered the arena of the Great Moscow Circus, took part in the New Year's show at Luzhniki. [ ]


Together with his brother, he founded the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, became the scriptwriter and director of a number of circus shows, including: “Colosseum” (2007), “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods" (2010), "Legend" (2011), "K. U.K.L.A.” (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013), “System” (2014), “Mistress of the Dead Lake” (2015), “System-2. Human factor"(2016).

Participation in television projects

Social and political activities

In 2011, together with his brother Edgard, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial in the case of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin for the third term. [ ]

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation and a confidant of the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin. [ ]

Member Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2016.

He is a supporter and active promoter of the circus with animals, speaking on the side of competent and responsible training, which is based on dynastic work experience, disclosure individual abilities animals and humane treatment of wards. [ ]

Awards and achievements

  • 1997 - Winner of the Golden Troika circus arts festival in Yaroslavl.
  • 1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (July 30, 1999) - for services to art .
  • 1999 - Title “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers.
  • 2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize.
  • 2002 - Laureate of the national Circus award.
  • 2005 - Laureate International competition circus artists in Saratov, the main prize “Golden Troika”. Special prize for high achievements in circus arts he was awarded international prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award.
  • 2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back.
  • 2007 - Laureate of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Izhevsk. - Main award “Golden Bear”.
  • 2008 - People's Artist of Udmurtia (October 13, 2008, Udmurtia).
  • 2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain). Also has Public awards from the governor Kemerovo region, Governor of the Bryansk Region and Governor of the Novosibirsk Region.
  • 2011 - For the second time, together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”
  • 2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”.
  • 2012 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (March 21, 2012) - for great achievements in the field of cinematographic, musical, theatrical, choreographic and circus arts
  • 2012 - Order “Key of Friendship” (August 31, 2012, Kemerovo region) - for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to their work .
  • 2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and letter of thanks from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
  • 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from V. Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma." (January 20, 2012)
  • 2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to military trauma. »
  • 2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”.
  • 2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote.
  • 2018 - For assistance and assistance practical help in the preparation and implementation of a set of measures aimed at social support of family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma, was awarded badge Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs" (

Askold Valterovich Zapashny. Born on September 27, 1977 in Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR). Russian circus performer, predator trainer, juggler, vaulter, tightrope walker, acrobat, teacher. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus (2012).

Father - predator trainer, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Mother - circus performer, deputy director of the Great Moscow Circus.

Paternal grandfather - (1900-1982), Soviet artist, founder of the Zapashny circus dynasty.

Paternal grandmother - Lydia Karlovna Zapashnaya (1905-1960), daughter of the circus clown Karl Thompson, who toured in Russia in late XIX century under the pseudonym Milton.

Older brother - (born July 11, 1976), circus performer, predator trainer, People's Artist of Russia.

His grandfather Mikhail Zapashny did not have circus roots and came to the arena as a longshoreman in Yeisk; his remarkable strength was noticed by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who invited him to try himself in the circus. He began performing in the then most popular genre of French wrestling under the pseudonym “Eaglet”. Then he began to master other circus genres. As a result, he founded the legendary circus dynasty.

Circus biography Askold Zapashny began at the age of six. Since childhood, he learned to perform acrobatic stunts, juggle, walk on a tightrope and train monkeys.

Askold first entered a cage with tigers at the age of ten.

When Askold was little, tigers killed his grandfather. He said: “I don’t remember it well, just two moments. One time Askold and I came to visit our grandfather, the second time there were tears in the family, my brother and I were taken somewhere and said: “There’s grandfather in the window, wave your pen.” It was the Kuibyshev hospital. He waved to us and the next day he died of gangrene. The tigers tore off his arm, caused a severe infection, and he developed gas gangrene."

Later, he witnessed how tigers inflicted severe injuries on his mother, leaving about twenty huge scars on her legs.

However, he decided to continue the family dynasty.

In 1991, Askold graduated high school. Then the family received profitable proposition perform in China. The concluded contract made it possible to save the animals. Especially for the Zapashnys, the Chinese side built a large summer circus in the Safari Park, near the city of Shenzhen. To emphasize their foreign origin for the Chinese, Edgard and Askold began to dye their hair blonde.

Speaks English and spoken Chinese.

In 1998, at the celebration of his anniversary, National artist Russia's Walter Zapashny handed over the "Among Predators" attraction to his sons.

Later, together with his brother, he founded the “Zapashny Brothers Circus” - one of the most famous and authoritative in the world. Together with his brother Edgard Zapashny, he went on tour around the world.

Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

Askold became the author of the script and director of a number of famous circus shows, including: “Colosseum”, “Camelot”, “Sadko”, “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods”, “Legend”, “K. U.K.L.A.”, “Terrible force”, “System”, “Mistress of the Dead Lake”, “System-2. Human factor".

The name of Askold Zapashny is twice included in the Guinness Book of Records. For the first time, together with his brother, he was entered into the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back. The second time - he and his brother were included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”

As Askold said, the act with a jump on the back of a lion was staged in memory of his father, who was the first to conceive of this trick. But he and his brother brought this act to perfection, they did what their father could not do. And it became business card Zapashny for many years - a leap that no one can repeat to this day.

According to Askold Zapashny, fear and a sense of danger are integral components of his work. He admitted: “And I, as a sane person, am sure that it is simply impossible to live without fear. Because fear is a natural feeling that allows us to survive. As for philosophy... then indeed, a person who works with predators, still continues to be afraid of them. I sensibly assess the risks. Only a crazy person can not be afraid... When you do such things, first of all you rely on your experience. And at this moment, somewhere in the subconscious, you analyze the details. You you know, for example, that you can do something like this, and the next moment you quickly react to some inappropriate behavior animal, you read his thoughts in advance, since a lot depends on his mood. And secondly, after performing such stunts, I always thank God for the fact that I am in Once again survived."

Askold Zapashny - jump on the back of a lion

During their long career, the Zapashny brothers successfully performed in the most different corners planet, including China, Italy, Finland, Estonia, Monaco, Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. Askold received his recognition from the state twice - first he became an Honored Artist of Russia in 1999, and in 2012 he was awarded the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation “for great services in the field of circus art.”

On November 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation appointed Askold Zapashny to the position of artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

Since 2013, he has been the director of the World Festival of Circus Arts in Moscow “IDOL”.

In 2014, he was a torchbearer at the Olympic torch relay.

In 2016, Askold Zapashny became one of the creators of the series “Margarita Nazarova” and even starred in a cameo role. The Zapashnys also acted as trainer-directors in the project. The television series told the dramatic story of the life of one of the most famous tiger tamers. Soviet Union. Despite the fact that many of the plot lines of the series are fiction and do not fully correspond to reality, the work was highly appreciated by film critics and awarded the honorary Golden Eagle 2017 award for the best television series.

Askold and his brother share their memories and some secrets from circus life in books. The works contain stories from the lives of trainers. Askold is also the author of the children's book “My Friends the Tigers.”

Repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels. In September 2013, together with figure skater Maria Petrova, he was a participant in the Channel One TV show Ice Age 4. Participated in one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” - Askold appeared as an illusionist.

Social and political activities of Askold Zapashny

In 2011, together with his brother Edgard, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

In 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections.

On March 11, 2014, he signed a Collective Appeal to the Russian public from Russian cultural figures in support of the President’s position on Ukraine and Crimea.

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the party " United Russia"in the elections State Duma VII convocation and confidant of the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin.

Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2016.

He is a supporter and active promoter of the circus with animals, speaking on the side of competent and responsible training, which is based on dynastic work experience, the revelation of the individual abilities of animals and a humane attitude towards the wards.

Since September 2018 - Professor at the Department of Circus Directing at RATI.

Askold Zapashny's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Askold Zapashny:

For a long time consisted of civil marriage with circus artist Elena Baranenko (born April 3, 1970). But after eight years of relationship, they never reached the registry office. As Askold explained, incl. due to the age difference: Elena is 7 years older than him. "With Lena we have a big difference at age... it was important to me. The second point: we basically got together by accident. To some extent, my mother influenced this. She was very helpful to our life together. Elena seemed to her to be a very good girl, and it so happened that we really began to live together with her, and we both felt comfortable. It was a comfortable relationship. I loved Lena, and I probably still love her, and under no circumstances will I say any nasty things about her. But I never saw her as a wife. And over the years it began to depress me. I understood that the time would come when I would be embarrassed by her,” he admitted.

After the separation they remained in great relationship, work together in the circus.

Wife - Helen Zapashnaya-Raichlin, originally from Israel, served in the Israeli army, studied at a medical school (her mother and father are also doctors).

As Askold said, both Helen’s parents and his mother were against their marriage. "I never suspected or thought that the resistance would be so strong. It was real war!,” he recalled. However, despite strong resistance from relatives, Helen and Askold got married.

The marriage produced two daughters - Eva and Elsa. In 2016, daughters Eva and Elsa entered the arena of the Great Moscow Circus for the first time, and also took part in the New Year's show at Luzhniki.

Filmography of Askold Zapashny:

2009 - Foundry (4th season) - Askold
2011 - Cool guys- cameo
2013 - Zapashny Clan. Ours among predators (documentary)
2013 - 12 months - cameo
2016 - Margarita Nazarova - TV cameraman

Bibliography of Askold Zapashny:

2008 - Intrigue (co-authored with his brother and Anastasia Takki)
2008 - How we train dogs (in collaboration with my brother)
2009 - Camelot. Shards of Legends (in collaboration with his brother)
2011 - My friends are tigers

Awards and titles of Askold Zapashny:

1997 - Winner of the Golden Troika circus arts festival in Yaroslavl;
1999 - Honored Artist of Russia - for services in the field of art;
1999 - Title “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers;
2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize;
2002 - Laureate of the national award "Circus";
2005 - Laureate of the International Circus Artists Competition in Saratov, main prize “Golden Troika”. A special prize for high achievements in circus art was awarded by International Prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award;
2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest jump of a lion with a man on his back;
2007 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk (main award “Golden Bear”);
2008 - Honorary title"People's Artist of Udmurtia";
2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain);
2011 - For the second time, together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses”;
2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”;
2012 - Honorary title People's Artist of Russia - for great achievements in the field of circus art;
On August 31, 2012, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, awarded Askold and Edgard Zapashny the highest award of the Kemerovo region - the Order of the Key of Friendship, for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to their work;
2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and a letter of gratitude from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi”;
January 20, 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from V. Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “For active work in preparing and implementing a set of events in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma";
2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma” ;
2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”;
2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote;
2018 - According to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. Askold Zapashny, together with his brother Edgard Zapashny, became his ambassadors;
10/05/2018 - For assistance and provision of practical assistance in the preparation and implementation of a set of events aimed at social support of family members of internal affairs officers who died in the line of duty, and disabled people due to military trauma, he was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs "

, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Profession: Citizenship:

Russia, Russia


Askold Valterovich Zapashny(born September 27, Kharkov) is a fourth-generation representative of the Zapashny circus dynasty. Honored Artist of Russia (1999). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012).


Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). Speaks English and spoken Chinese.

He began his circus career as a horse juggler and monkey trainer; with these numbers, together with Edgard Zapashny, in 1997 he was awarded the main prize of the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art in Yaroslavl - “Golden Troika”. In 1998, at the anniversary celebration, People’s Artist of Russia Walter Zapashny gave his sons the “Among Predators” attraction.

He is also known as a vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler, roller acrobat, etc. He entered the Guinness Book of Records with the trick “Longest jump while riding a lion.”

Together with his brother, he created the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, as well as many circus shows, including “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods” (2010), “Legend” (2011) , "TO. W.K. L.A." (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013), “System” (2014), in which he acted as scriptwriter and director. Artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus.

Participation in television projects

Political Views

In 2011, together with his brother Edgard, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial in the case of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

In September 2016, together with his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Personal life

Wife - Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin). Daughters Eva and Elsa have been performing in the arena of the Great Moscow Circus since the spring of 2016.

Awards and titles

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An excerpt characterizing Zapashny, Askold Valterovich

“Excuse me, Your Excellency,” he began (Pierre was well acquainted with this senator, but considered it necessary to address him here officially), “although I do not agree with Mr.... (Pierre paused. He wanted to say mon tres honorable preopinant), [my dear opponent,] - with Mr.... que je n"ai pas L"honneur de connaitre; [whom I do not have the honor to know] but I believe that the class of nobility, in addition to expressing its sympathy and admiration, is also called upon to discuss the measures by which we can help the fatherland. I believe,” he said, inspired, “that the sovereign himself would be dissatisfied if he found in us only the owners of the peasants whom we give to him, and ... the chair a canon [fodder for guns] that we make of ourselves, but I wouldn’t find any co…co… advice in us.
Many moved away from the circle, noticing the senator’s contemptuous smile and the fact that Pierre spoke freely; only Ilya Andreich was pleased with Pierre’s speech, just as he was pleased with the speech of the sailor, the senator, and in general always with the speech that he last heard.
“I believe that before discussing these issues,” Pierre continued, “we must ask the sovereign, most respectfully ask His Majesty to communicate to us, how many troops we have, what is the situation of our troops and armies, and then...”
But Pierre did not have time to finish these words when he was suddenly attacked from three sides. The one who attacked him the most was a Boston player who had known him for a long time and was always well disposed towards him, Stepan Stepanovich Apraksin. Stepan Stepanovich was in his uniform, and, whether because of the uniform or for other reasons, Pierre saw a completely different person in front of him. Stepan Stepanovich, with senile anger suddenly appearing on his face, shouted at Pierre:
- Firstly, I will report to you that we do not have the right to ask the sovereign about this, and secondly, if there were such a right Russian nobility, then the sovereign cannot answer us. Troops move in accordance with the movements of the enemy - troops depart and arrive...
Another voice of a man of average height, about forty years old, whom Pierre old times I saw him among the gypsies and knew him to be a bad card player and who, also changed in uniform, moved closer to Pierre and interrupted Apraksin.
“And this is not the time to speculate,” said the voice of this nobleman, “but we need to act: the war is in Russia.” Our enemy is coming to destroy Russia, to desecrate the graves of our fathers, to take away their wives and children. – The nobleman hit himself in the chest. “We will all get up, we will all go, all for the Tsar Father!” - he shouted, rolling his bloodshot eyes. Several approving voices were heard from the crowd. “We are Russians and will not spare our blood to defend the faith, the throne and the fatherland. But we must leave nonsense if we are sons of the fatherland. “We will show Europe how Russia is rising up for Russia,” the nobleman shouted.
Pierre wanted to object, but could not say a word. He felt that the sound of his words, no matter what thought they contained, was less audible than the sound of the words of an animated nobleman.
Ilya Andreich approved from behind the circle; some smartly turned their shoulders to the speaker at the end of the phrase and said:
- That's it, that's it! This is true!
Pierre wanted to say that he was not averse to donating money, men, or himself, but that he would have to know the state of affairs in order to help him, but he could not speak. Many voices shouted and spoke together, so that Ilya Andreich did not have time to nod to everyone; and the group grew larger, broke up, came together again and all moved, buzzing with conversation, into the large hall, towards the large table. Not only was Pierre unable to speak, but he was rudely interrupted, pushed away, and turned away from him as if from a common enemy. This did not happen because they were dissatisfied with the meaning of his speech - it was forgotten after large quantity speeches that followed her - but to animate the crowd it was necessary to have a tangible object of love and a tangible object of hatred. Pierre was the last. Many speakers spoke after the animated nobleman, and everyone spoke in the same tone. Many spoke beautifully and originally.
The publisher of the Russian Bulletin, Glinka, who was recognized (“a writer, a writer!” was heard in the crowd), said that hell should reflect hell, that he saw a child smiling in the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder, but that we will not be this child.
- Yes, yes, with thunder! – they repeated approvingly in the back rows.
The crowd approached a large table, at which, in uniforms, in ribbons, gray-haired, bald, seventy-year-old noblemen sat, almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their homes with jesters and in clubs outside Boston. The crowd approached the table, still buzzing. One after another, and sometimes two together, pressed from behind to the high backs of chairs by the overlapping crowd, the speakers spoke. Those standing behind noticed what the speaker had not said and were in a hurry to say what was missed. Others, in this heat and cramped space, rummaged in their heads to see if there was any thought, and hurried to say it. The old noblemen familiar to Pierre sat and looked around first at this one, then at the other, and the expression of most of them only said that they were very hot. Pierre, however, felt excited, and the general feeling of the desire to show that we didn’t care, expressed more in sounds and facial expressions than in the meaning of speeches, was communicated to him. He did not renounce his thoughts, but he felt guilty of something and wanted to justify himself.