"Forty is the new thirty!" - the fashionable motto in Hollywood is sweeping the planet with might and main. At the “dream factory”, the face and body of the stars are their main capital: Western divas carefully monitor themselves and do not look their age at all. Russian beauties do not lag behind their foreign colleagues - and in our show business there are also quite a few representatives who manage to outwit time in their “forty-somethings”. Moreover, many celebrities are sure that life is just beginning at forty, and right now they look much better than when they were young. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published photos of 10 celebrities who look better at 40 than at 20.

Lera Kudryavtseva turned from an informal girl into a glamorous blonde. Photo: VISLOV Ivan

Lera Kudryavtseva: 42 years old

Almost a year ago, the TV presenter married hockey player Igor Makarov. Spouse younger than a star screen for 17 years, but this does not bother the couple at all. And no wonder: Lera is now in the prime of her beauty. As Kudryavtseva admits, she looks and feels much better than 20 years ago.

When I first came to television, I had African pigtails and piercings in my eyebrows on my head, ”recalls Lera,“ Then I looked like a kind of informal girl, which seemed cool to me. But now I feel different and I look according to my feelings.

At 22, Anita Tsoi weighed more than 100 kilograms. But she was as charismatic as she is now. Photo: VISLOV Ivan

Anita Tsoi: 43 years old

At 22, Anita weighed more than a hundred kilograms and did not even dream of becoming what she is now. In an interview, the singer often tells how, thanks to the most severe diet, she turned from a chubby clumsy girl into a sexy slim girl. This transformation radically changed the life of the singer. Since then, Anita has been trying to stick to her new dimensions and does not allow herself too much. But she can easily go on stage in short shorts or a perky miniskirt.

Natalie still looks like during her hit "The wind blew from the sea." Photo: VELENGURIN Vladimir

Natalie: 40 years old

Recently, the performer of the hit "Oh my God, what a man!" celebrated its 40th anniversary. But it still looks like in the days of its old video "The wind blew from the sea." In the Evening Urgant program, the artist even allowed herself to go on stage in a swimsuit! Natalie got married at the age of 17, and her marriage is still strong, the singer is a happy mother of two sons. According to Natalie, she is proud of her age, in which she likes to be much more than at 20: “Finally, I found harmony, peace of mind and I'm not afraid to be myself.

Halle Berry still has a figure worthy of the Miss America title!Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Halle Berry: 47 years old

Starting her career as a model, Halle Berry won the title of Miss America in 1986 and became the first African-American woman to compete in the Miss World pageant. Now the actress is 47, she recently gave birth to a son and looks better than ever.

When I turned 40, some kind of magic happened, as if a huge burden fell off my shoulders, - Holly admits, - I felt that now I have the right to be myself and say what I want.

Cindy Crawford, 48, recently posed for a daring photo shoot by agreeing to pose nude. Just like at the dawn of your career!Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Cindy Crawford: 48 years old

The slender body of the model and the mole above the lip drove millions of fans crazy. At her age, Cindy is still a luxurious woman, although she admits that she had to make a lot of efforts for this. Fitness plus plastic did their job, and today Crawford is still being shot for covers, easily competing with young fashion models.

Now I like my figure even more than in my youth. The body that I now possess is the result of my labor, and I have best relationship, - says Cindy, - If you look from a purely aesthetic point of view, I had more beautiful shapes at 22-23 years old. But I didn't enjoy them for a minute, because I was too busy comparing myself to the rest.

Cameron Diaz during the filming of the film "Charlie's Angels" and now: the figure of the actress has not changed much. Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Cameron Diaz: 41

Cameron Diaz has become a real “mouthpiece” for Hollywood actresses over 40: in a recent interview, the star said that the American film industry puts too much pressure on women, preventing them from aging calmly. Meanwhile, the lovely blonde admitted that this is the most best period in her life, she knows and feels much more comfortable at 40:

Getting older - what could be better? - says the actress, - Now, for example, I know much more than ever. I am grateful to God. Now I know myself very well. I feel more empowered than ever. Yes, and regarding physical form I'm better now than when I was 25.

Jennifer Lopez says she has never had plastic surgery. And we believe her! Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Jennifer Lopez: 44 years old

Recently, the actress had to quite bluntly state that she never resorted to surgery to improve her appearance. A plastic surgeon tweeted a photo of J. Lo in his youth and now and wrote: “In these photos before and after plastic surgery, you can see a lot of changes. Before this, @JLo looked naturally pretty, but now she looks amazing.” The singer immediately reacted to the provocative message: "Sorry, sir, but I have never done any plastic surgery in my life." According to the star, when she turned 40, she learned to accept herself:

I like the way I look, but the ambitious girl inside of me constantly says: “Let's achieve this perfect shape, like never before, and show everyone!

Jennifer Aniston can still easily undress on set.Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Jennifer Aniston: 45 years old

At 45, Jennifer finally learned to be happy: she stopped grieving about her ex-husband Brad Pitt, found happiness with the imposing brunette Justin Theroux and stopped worrying about how she looks. The actress says that now she feels more comfortable than in 20-30 years. And that she doesn't like being told she looks good for her age. According to Jennifer, now both men and women after forty look much better than 30 years ago.

It used to be a completely different time! Now, men and women in their forties know perfectly well how to take care of themselves and how to take care of their health, therefore, putting enough effort into this, they look much better than their peers 40 years ago. We know how to take care of ourselves!

Carmen Electra during the filming of Baywatch and now: which one do you like best?Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Carmen Electra: 42 years old

Once she replaced Pamela Anderson, starting to act in Baywatch and pushing the busty blonde on the cover of Playboy. Now the actress assures that in her forties she feels much more confident and interesting than in her youth. “I feel better now than when I was 25!” - said Elektra in an interview with In Touch magazine.

In her youth, Dita was a red-haired beast. Now she is a sophisticated brunette who has made a retro look her highlight and source of income.Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Dita Von Teese: 41

The burlesque star made her fortune turning striptease into high art and her rather ordinary appearance into a retro image of a silver screen goddess. “Now I know my body better and know how to handle it,” Dita admitted in an interview with Closer magazine. “When I was 18-20, I was fatter, I drank sodas and ate fast food.” Dita also said that in the 90s she was a real party girl, taking the club drug "ecstasy" and LSD. As a result, her weight dropped to a shocking 41 kg.
- I was very thin, - recalls Dita, - I was very worried about how I look and how it will affect my health. I remember looking at my photo and seeing the ribs showing through. This was my motivation to quit drugs.

Many of us are quite sensitive to questions about age. The stars are no exception. Some of them do their best to hide the true year of their birth (remember, for example, Paris Hilton, whose driver's license and passport do not match). Add to that miracles plastic surgery, which helps adult ladies look like a girl, as well as a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle that either enhances the effect of beauty treatments, or, conversely, nullifies all efforts. So it turns out that very often we cannot guess how old this or that star really is. Some people look 40 at 30, while others at 50 manage to keep their eyes sparkling and smooth skin without a single wrinkle. We decided to compare our and Western stars of the same age, and we offer you to evaluate which of them looks younger and more well-groomed.

Surely each of us had stories when we met classmates, and even girlfriends kindergarten, which after years separations were recognized with difficulty, if they were recognized at all. Indeed, on the face of each of us, age is reflected in its own way. So celebrities of the same year of birth often look very different. Surprised or not, Renee Zellweger and Tatyana Bulanova are 47 years old, and Renata Litvinova is the same age as Pamela Anderson. In our gallery, we have collected 54 photos of domestic and Hollywood stars of the same age, which will surely surprise you.

Alicia Vikander and Paulina Andreeva, born in 1988 (29 years old)

When the producers decided to film a new version of the Lara Croft game, it was Alicia Vikander who was chosen to play the young heroine (formerly played by Jolie). It is not surprising, because the actress, thanks to her teenage figure and childishly plump cheeks, can be given a little over twenty years. Do you think Paulina Andreeva, who also turns 29 this year, looks just as young?

Gwyneth Paltrow and Elena Korikova, born in 1972 (45 years old)

It seems that Gwyneth Paltrow refuses to grow old - it is too difficult to accept the fact that the actress will turn forty-five this year. In every second interview, Gwyneth does not get tired of saying that she began to take care of herself only after 39 years. It turns out that Paltrow uses cold-pressed sesame oil instead of cream. Maybe this recipe is worth a try and her age, Elena Korikova?

Keira Knightley born in 1985 and Olga Buzova born in 1986 (32 years old)

The fact that Olga Buzova was carried away by injections of fillers, her fans started talking a year ago. The lips of the former TV presenter have become plumper, and the cheekbones have become more expressive. However, the question is: did the “beauty injections” serve well? Or maybe it's the shade of the hair? We are accustomed to the blonde Olga, as well as to the brunette Kira. In any case, it's up to you to decide who looks more natural and younger.

Pamela Anderson and Renata Litvinova, born in 1967 (51 years old)

Now it looks completely different than even a couple of months ago. All the fault - anti-aging procedures and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), which ultimately transformed the entire face in a radical way. Her age-mate Renata Litvinova, at the age of 50, works with her own appearance so competently and subtly that she looks, on the one hand, amazingly young, and on the other, absolutely natural. Aerobatics!

Jennifer Lawrence and Regina Todorenko, born in 1990 (27 years old)

Yes, yes, the star of the film "The Hunger Games" Jennifer Lawrence was born in the same year, 1990, as the host of the program "Heads and Tails" Regina Todorenko. More precisely, then Hollywood actress even a month and a half younger than Regina.

Anne Hathaway born in 1982 and Ksenia Borodina born in 1983 (35 years old)

Ksenia Borodina, like Anne Hathaway, always looks young and fresh. Moreover, both stars, unlike many of their colleagues, are sure that at their age it is too early to resort to injection procedures, it is enough to use effective beauty products. Who do you think looks younger?

Margot Robbie and Nyusha, born in 1990 (27 years old)

Margot Robbie impresses many as an adult, experienced lady. But Nyusha, thanks to her bright makeup and outfits, looks older than her 27 years old.

Miranda Kerr and Svetlana Khodchenkova, born in 1983 (35 years old)

Stately and luxurious Svetlana Khodchenkova in her youth seemed older than peers. Maybe it's about serious roles or the talent of a truly "adult" actress? But at some point, Svetlana began to systematically get younger from year to year. But Miranda Kerr continues to look like a young coquette. So this round of the battle between domestic and foreign stars, in our opinion, is especially interesting.

Meryl Streep and Nadezhda Babkina, born in 1949 (age 68)

Meryl Streep is not the kind of celebrity who struggles to keep her youth, reshaping her face and "stretching" her skin in all sorts of places. The actress prefers to age naturally. But her peer, Nadezhda Babkina, clearly believes that such a position is yesterday, and boldly tests the advantages of fillers on herself. Who is right in the end?

Shakira and Dana Borisova, born in 1977 (41 years old)

We're left wondering how Shakira manages to look like she just graduated from university, so Dana Borisova is likely to lose this battle. However, the fact remains - both are 40 years old.

Scarlett Johansson and Maria Kozhevnikova, born in 1984 (33 years old)

The actresses have a lot in common: both started their careers from filming humorous films, are involved in politics, devote a lot of time to their children and ... look great with their crazy work schedules! How they do it is anyone's guess.

Demi Moore and Ingeborga Dapkunaite, born in 1963 (55 years old)

Ingeborga Dapkunaite admits that her daily beauty ritual is not original: cleansing, moisturizing and thorough sun protection. Demi Moore is a lover of "heavy artillery". They say that the actress has repeatedly done facelifts to maintain clear oval and smooth skin. Who looks better is up to you.

Jennifer Lopez and Evelina Bledans, born in 1969 (48 years old)

They usually say about such people: "Women without age." Indeed, to believe that Jennifer Lopez and Evelina Bledans are 48 years old, you will have to check with the cold-blooded Wikipedia. It seems that for the last 10 years they have been “mothballed” and do not change.

Jennifer Aniston and Tatyana Bulanova, born in 1969, (49 years old)

Many Jennifer Aniston fans are sure that now, at 48, she looks even better than at 35. She naturally has healthy color faces and smooth skin, not to mention luxurious, still thick hair. However, quality care nobody canceled. According to rumors, Jen spends about a thousand dollars a week on special face masks with a placenta alone. Our compatriot Tatyana Bulanova certainly does not save on beauty either, but whether she manages to look as young is up to you.

and Irina Bezrukova, born in 1965, 52 years old

Both actresses do not age in soul or body! Over the past 15 years, Irina Bezrukova and Elizabeth Hurley have not changed much.

Sharon Stone and Elena Kondulainen, born in 1958 (age 60)

Despite the fact that Elena Kondulainen will forever remain in our hearts as the "Russian Marlene Dietrich", it is impossible not to notice that in her 59th position she lost a little. The actress practically does not appear on the screen and looks somewhat tired. But her peer Sharon Stone definitely uses some kind of effective elixir of youth. To verify this, just look at fresh photos actresses. The difference, so to speak, is obvious.

and Maria Shukshina, born in 1967 (50 years old)

Both actresses look good. However, if Kidman has already registered in the office of a beautician, then our compatriot prefers to fight age-related changes on their own. “I think that it is important for an actress to remain the way she is at any age and grow old naturally,” Maria admitted in an interview.

Eva Mendes, born in 1974, and Natasha Koroleva, born in 1973 (44 years old)

Selfies of Eva Mendes and Natasha Koroleva without makeup are gaining hundreds of thousands of likes - no wonder, because they look much younger than their years. Both are happy with their beloved men, both are sure that strong feelings- pledge female beauty. But whom does passion warm more effectively?

Megan Fox and Pelageya, born in 1986 (31 years old)

Can you believe that Pelageya and Megan Fox are 31 years old? We do not argue, Megan looks great, but her skin is suspiciously smooth and toned, and her expression is a little frozen. And this means that the actress abuses injections. Pelageya, on the other hand, looks much more “alive”, if I may say so. In the age of Botox, this is especially valuable.

Kate Upton and Alena Shishkova, born in 1992 (25 years old)

Kate Upton regularly makes lists of stars who look much older than their years. But Alena Shishkova, in our opinion, looks the way it should at her tender age. The correction of appearance, which this platinum blonde resorted to, also, of course, affects.

and Slava, born in 1980 (37 years old)

Kim Kardashian is a famous lover of anti-age procedures. The reality TV star regularly makes anti-aging peels, injections, masks made of 24-carat gold ... Let's just keep silent about plastic surgery. Our compatriot, singer Slava, is no less reverent about her appearance, but she does not abuse beauty procedures. At the same time, it looks no worse than its American peer. Give naturalness! Do you agree?

Britney Spears and Ksenia Sobchak, born in 1981 (36 years old)

Of course, now Britney Spears is trying her best to return to her previous indicators (it should be noted that she succeeds), but at times it is difficult to say how old the singer really is - 33 or 43 ... But with Ksenia Sobchak, on the contrary, everything is clear: it looks year by year everything is cooler and younger, well done!

Born in 1981 and Vera Brezhneva born in 1982 (36 years old)

Two blondes with Slavic roots, two strong personalities. But the challenge has been thrown: Ivanka or Vera?

Natalia Oreiro and Anfisa Chekhova, born in 1977 (40 years old)

Each new photo of Natalia Oreiro and Anfisa Chekhova delights great amount fans. Many do not understand how on the threshold of the 40th anniversary you can remain so radiant and cheerful! Apparently, it's all about the natural positive attitude, thanks to which Natalia and Anfisa look great. But who is in the lead?

Kate Hudson and Victoria Bonya, born in 1979 (38 years old)

About secrets perfect skin Victoria Boni does not know unless the lazy. Almost daily, the star publishes self-care tips on her Instagram page. Indeed, at 38, a beauty blogger manages to look 25. For which, of course, one can thank not only genetics and proper care, but also filters ... Kate Hudson, by the way, also knows how to use them, but even without Photoshop, she looks great.

Angelina Jolie and Chulpan Khamatova, born in 1975 (42 years old)

Talented, generous, wise, beautiful by nature, they do not talk about the secrets of beauty in interviews, but prefer to draw all attention to the problems of the disadvantaged. Such a human position cannot but ennoble, and yet, who is better preserved?

Lisa Kudrow and Lolita Milyavskaya, born in 1963 (54 years old)

Lolita and Lisa Kudrow are a great example of how you can age in different ways. Today's Lisa only remotely resembles that perky and cheerful girl from the Friends series, and Lolita, on the contrary, looks even better than 20 years ago.

They are the color and beauty of modern Russian cinema of the new millennium. It is pleasant to watch their talent, ups and social life, and the beauty, charisma and charm of these women captivate thousands of fans not only in Russia and the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world. This rating of the most beautiful young Russian actresses is based on popularity, demand, fan reviews and external data of actresses.

To your attention Top-80 Russian beauties of cinema.

Agata Mutsenietse

She was born on March 1, 1989 in Riga. Height 172 centimeters. Known for films: Closed school, Beautiful life, Quest, Civil marriage.

The actress has been married to Pavel Priluchny since 2011. The couple have a son, Timothy, and a daughter, Mia.

Agniya Ditkovskite

She was born on May 11, 1988 in Vilnius. Height 174 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. The viewer is known for the films: Agent, A Matter of Honor, Luck Island, Dancing to the Death, Viy.

Agnia was married to Alexei Chadov, they have a common son, Fedor. Now the actress lives alone and has two children.

Alla Podchufarova

She was born on October 24, 1987. Married to actor Ruslan Yagudin. The couple has two children. Best Roles: While the fern blooms, Freud's method.

Alexandra Zhivova

She was born on October 31, 1984. Height 158 ​​centimeters. Notable roles were in The Man in My Head and Temporarily Unavailable.

Married to actor Vyacheslav Shikhaleev, the couple has one child.

Alisa Starovoitova

Anastasia Zadorozhnaya

Actress, singer and TV presenter. She was born on August 30, 1985 in Vytegra. Height is 173 centimeters. Popular films with the participation of Nastya: Love in the big city, In love and disarmed, Bad neighbor, Beauty Queen.

The actress is not married, but has been dating figure skater Sergei Slavnov for a long time.

Anastasia Evgrafova

She was born on October 17, 1990 in Tallinn. Height 175 centimeters. Known for paintings: On a white horse, Vasilisa, The Pretenders, The Red Queen, Catherine, The Second Life of Eve.

The actress is not married.

Anastasia Zakharova

She was born on September 10, 1987. She starred in films: Think like a woman, In captivity of deceit, Between two fires, Perfumer.

There is no information about the personal life of the actress.

Anastasia Samburskaya

Actress, singer and TV presenter. She was born on March 1, 1987 in the city of Priozersk. Height 177 centimeters. Filmed in films: Univer new hostel, Women against men, Friday, Take a hit, baby.

Since 2016, Samburskaya has been in a relationship with musician Alexander Ivanov. Nastya has a son, she hides his father's name.

Anastasia Stezhko

She was born on September 5, 1989 in Kaliningrad. Height 176 centimeters, weight 58 kilograms. The actress is known to the viewer for the films: First Love, Angel or Demon, Traffic Light, Black River, Five Minutes of Silence.

There is information about the relationship of the actress with Cyril Zaporozhsky, Anastasia herself does not comment on her personal life.

Anna Andrusenko

She was born on July 3, 1989 in Ukraine. When Anna was 6 years old, she and her family moved to Sochi. Height 165 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. She starred in the films: Closed School, Farewell School, Angel and Demon, Major, Fugitive Relatives.

The actress is not married.

Anna Glaube

She was born on December 9, 1990 in Moscow. Height 162 centimeters. She played roles in the films: Inadequate People, Time for Daughters, Time Limit, Force Majeure, Military Fitness, Hotel Eleon.

The actress is not married.

Anna Gorshkova

Actress and fashion model. She was born on November 28, 1983 in Moscow. Height 171 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. The viewer is known for the films: Poor Nastya, Two destinies, Passenger, Golden country, at all latitudes, My love, House with lilies.

Since 2008, she has been married to Mikhail Borshchev.

Anna Kalashnikova

Actress, singer, model and TV presenter. She was born on June 13, 1984 in Stavropol. Height 173 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. She starred in the films: Unfaithful, Special correspondent, Bros, Manticore, Amazons, Angelica, Next.

Anna is not married. There is a son Daniel from Prokhor Chaliapin.

Anna Mikhailovskaya

She was born on July 3, 1988 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. The viewer is known for her roles in films: Margosha, Barvikha, Kapitansha, Molodezhka, hillbilly, fashion model.

Since 2013, she has been married to Timofey Karataev. The couple have a son, Miroslav.

Anna Popova

She was born on June 28, 1986 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters, weight 58 kilograms. The popularity of the actress came after filming in the films: One day there will be love, Think like a woman, Father involuntarily, Stolen wedding, Pretty women, Queen Margot.

Anna's personal life is hidden under a curtain of secrecy. It is known that the actress has a son, Daniel, Popova hides the name of his father.

Anna Soloveichik

She was born on March 20, 1986 in Moscow. Known for the films: Traffic light, The road home, Kitchen, Believe it or not, How I bought happiness.

There is no information about the personal life of the actress in the press.

Anna Khilkevich

She was born on October 15, 1986 in St. Petersburg. Height 160 centimeters, weight 51 kilograms. Filmed in films: Univer. New hostel, Barvikha, Redhead, Lucky Island, Snow Maiden, I don’t remember, All about men.

From 2011 to 2012, Anna was married to Anton Pokrepa.

Since 2015, Khilkevich has been married to Artur Volkov, the couple has a daughter, Arianna.

Anna Chernovich

She was born on February 10, 1993 in Moscow. Height 169 centimeters. Filmed in films: Hotel Eleon, Matilda, Dislike, How I met your mother.

Anna is not married and has no children.

Anna Chipovskaya

She was born on June 16, 1987 in Moscow. Height 168 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. Popularity came to Anna thanks to her roles in the films: Color of the Nation, 1812 Lancer ballad, Spy, Thaw, Leaving nature.

Anna is not married, she already for a long time meets with Daniil Sergeev.

Arina Postnikova

She was born on June 10, 1993 in Nizhny Tagil. Height 165 centimeters. The viewer is known for the films: The Eighties, Survive After, Almond Taste of Love, Save Pushkin, Loneliness, Ghost for Two.

Postnikova is not married and has no children.

Aruzhan Jazilbekova

She was born on June 25, 1987 in Alma-Ata. Height 175 centimeters. Unmarried. best rodi: Golden Horde, adaptation.

Asya Domskaya

Actress, model and dancer. She was born on June 12, 1993 in Tula. Height 173 cm, weight 56 ​​kg. Played roles in films: Angel or Demon, Muzaika, Clinch, Fugitive, Young.

Glafira Tarkhanova

She was born on November 9, 1983 in Elektrostal, Moscow Region. Height 172 centimeters, weight 54 kilograms. AT acting Glafira has more than 50 film roles. She starred in films: Gromovs, Lovers, Vices and their admirers, Lace, Flowers from Liza, Letter of Hope.

Since 2005, she has been married to Alexei Fadeev. The spouses have three sons - Yermolai, Korney, Gordey.

Daria Zhovner

She was born on September 20, 1992 in St. Petersburg. Height is 164 centimeters. A young aspiring actress in cinema. Known for her roles in the films: Streets of Broken Lights, Closeness.

Daria is not married and has no children.

Daria Melnikova

She was born on February 9, 1992 in Omsk. Height 163 centimeters. The first picture with the participation of the actress is Cinderella 4 × 4 It all starts with desires. The viewer Daria is known for the films: father's daughters, Rules of theft, Such is life, Zoya's apartment, Steel butterfly.

Melnikova has been married to Artur Smolyaninov since 2013. The couple have a son.

Diana Pozharskaya

She was born on February 3, 1992 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region. Height 171 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. Filmed in films: Concerned or Love of Evil, Infinity, Eleon Hotel, Eternal Vacation, Vitya in the Law, Mystery Game, Cruel Joke.

The actress is married to Artem Aksenenko, no children yet.

Dina Tasbulatova

Evgeniya Lapova

Actress and beauty pageant contestant. She was born on November 22, 1985 in Novosibirsk. Height 174 centimeters, weight 56 ​​kilograms. She played roles in the films: Sleeping Area, Gamers, On the Game, Big Dream, Breter.

The actress lives in civil marriage with a businessman from Germany, Vitaly, they have a daughter, Eva.

Ekaterina Vilkova

She was born on July 11, 1984 in Nizhny Novgorod. Height 70 centimeters. Known for films: Stilyagi, Hotel Eleon, Christmas trees, And the dawns here are quiet.

Ekaterina has been married to Ilya Lyubimov since 2011. The couple have a son, Peter, and a daughter, Pavel.

Ekaterina Guseva

Actress, singer, Honored Artist of Russia. She was born on July 9, 1976 in Moscow. Height 168 centimeters, weight 49 kilograms. Her acting career includes about 60 roles. Filmed in the films: Brigade, Serpent Spring, Heaven and Earth, Hot Ice, Palm Sunday, Talyanka.

Ekaterina has been married to Vladimir Abashkin since 1996. The couple have a daughter, Anna, and a son, Alexei.

Ekaterina Klimova

Actress and romance singer. She was born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. Height 175 centimeters, weight 57 kilograms. Films with her participation: Poor Nastya, Sins of the Fathers, Second Wind, Boiling Point, Plague, I will never forget you.

She has been married to Ilya Khoroshilov since 2002, and has a daughter, Lisa. She was also married to Igor Petrenko from 2005 to 2014, she has two sons, Matvey and Roots. Since 2015, Klimova has been married to Gella Meskhe and they have a daughter, Bella.

Ekaterina Melnik

She was born on February 18, 1982 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters. The audience is known for her roles in the films: Spy, Moscow Ru, Fizruk, Someone else's life, Crime.

Catherine's personal life is hidden from the press. The actress herself does not give any comments about her loved ones and relatives.

Ekaterina Molokhovskaya

Russian actress of Belarusian origin. She was born on October 28, 1985 in Polotsk, Belarus. Height 168 centimeters. She played roles in films: Univer New hostel, Vangelia, Moving, Youth, Bones.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Ekaterina Shpitsa

Russian actress and TV presenter. She was born on October 29, 1985 in Perm. Height 158 ​​centimeters, weight 45 kilograms. The viewer is known for her roles in films: Adam and the transformation of Eve, Katya, Masquerade Rules, Metro, Women's Day, Graphomafia.

From 2010 to 2015 she was married to Konstantin Adaev. The couple have a common son Herman. Now the actress is not married.

Elena Podkaminskaya

Actress and model. She was born on April 10, 1979 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. She starred in the films: Adjutants of Love, Protection against, I will return, I will remember, Kitchen, Love for rent.

From 2009 to 2015 she was married to Alexander Plyatsev, has a daughter, Polina.

Elizaveta Arzamasova

She was born on March 17, 1995 in Moscow. Height 172 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. She starred in films: Her children, Daddy's daughters, 72 hours, Ekaterina Rise, Wasp's Nest.

In 2013, Lisa got engaged to Philip Bledny. Now the personal life of the actress is under the curtain of secrecy.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Actress, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky. She was born on December 20, 1985 in St. Petersburg. Height 170 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. Filmed in film projects: Half a Day Demon, Own Alien Life, Admiral, Klushy, Bounty Hunters, Anna Karenina.

Since 2010, she has been married to Maxim Matveev. The couple have a son Andrei.

Irina Antonenko

Actress and beauty pageant contestant. She was born on September 1, 1991 in Yekaterinburg. Height 178 centimeters. Known for films: Wasp's Nest, Elastico, Phantom, Golden Cage, Ship, Red, Frenemies.

Information appeared in the press that Irina was dating Stanislav Bondarenko.

Karina Andolenko

She was born on September 20, 1987 in Kharkov, Ukraine. After graduating from school, she independently moved to Moscow for permanent residence. Known for her roles in films: Rowan Waltz, Rich Masha, Arithmetic of Meanness, Thirst, Doctor Anna.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Christine Asmus

She was born on April 14, 1988 in the city of Korolev. Height 164 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. The viewer is known for her roles from films: Interns, Cinderella, Real love, Light in sight, And the dawns here are quiet.

Since 2013, she has been married to Igor Kharlamov. The couple have a daughter, Anastasia.

Ksenia Lukyanchikova

She was born on January 15, 1993 in St. Petersburg. Height 178 centimeters. She starred in the films: The Red Queen, Wasp's Nest, Secrets and Lies, Pearls.

Ksenia has been in a romantic relationship with actor Ivan Zhvakin since 2016.

Lyubov Aksenova

She was born on March 15, 1990 in Moscow. Height 175 centimeters, weight 56 ​​kilograms. The audience is known for her roles from the films: Briar, Survive after, Loves does not love, Embracing the sky, Motherland, Walk Vasya!, Night guards.

Since 2013, she has been married to Pavel Aksenov, the couple has no children yet.

Lyanka Gryu

She was born on November 22, 1987 in Moscow. Height 173 centimeters, weight 64 kilograms. Famous for her roles in films: Nude, Barvikha, Children under 16, Looking for you, Duel, Golden.

She has been married to Mikhail Weinberg since 2010. The couple has a son Maxim.

Margarita Abroskina

Young Russian actress movie. She was born on June 25, 1994 in Moscow. She starred in the films: Wanted Love, True Script, Save Pushkin, MiShura.

Margarita's personal life is hidden from the press.

Marina Alexandrova

She was born on August 29, 1982 in the city of Kiskunmaisha in Hungary. Height 158 ​​centimeters, weight 51 kilograms. She starred in the films: Azazel, Poor Nastya, Grandmother of Hell, Kotovsky, Ekaterina, Milky Way.

From 2008 to 2010 she was married to Ivan Stebunov.

Since 2011, she has been married to Andrey Boltenko, the couple has a son, Andrey, and a daughter, Ekaterina.

Marina Mitrofanova

She was born on June 7, 1992 in St. Petersburg. Height 168 centimeters. She played roles in the films: Beautiful Life, Ekaterina Rise, At the Far Outpost, The Order, My Best Enemy.

Marina is not married and has no children.

Maria Berseneva

Actress and model. She was born on May 30, 1981 in Moscow. Height 174 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. Popularity came to the actress after filming the film Margosha. And also she played roles in the films: Don't Steal, Without a Trace, Family Detective, Major and Magic.

The actress is not married, has a son Nikita from ex-spouse Nikolay Bersenev.

Maria Gorban

She was born on December 26, 1986 in Izhevsk. Height 173 cm, weight 56 ​​kg. The audience is known for her roles in films: The Ugly Duckling, Game, Kitchen, Healing, Odessa.

Maria has been married to Kirill Zotkin since 2016. The actress has a daughter Stephanie from ex-husband Oleg Filatov.

Mariya Kozhevnikova

Actress, singer, TV presenter and political figure. She was born on November 14, 1984 in Moscow. Height 172 centimeters, weight 65 kilograms. She starred in films: Univer, a gift of fate, Red Mountains, I believe I do not believe.

Since 2013, she has been married to businessman Yevgeny Vasiliev. The couple have two sons Ivan and Maxim.

Maria Kulikova

She was born on August 4, 1977 in Moscow. Height 174 cm, weight 60 kg. During the period of her acting career, she played about 80 roles. Known for films: Desantura, Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka-3, Dove, Wasp's Nest, Perfumer.

The actress is not married. She has a son Ivan from her ex-husband Denis Matrosov.

Maria Poroshina

She was born on November 1, 1973 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters, weight 65 kilograms. During her time acting career there are about 80 roles played by her. She starred in the films: Brigade, Always Say Always, Montecristo, Shuttlemen, Black Blood.

The actress is married to Ilya Drevnov. Maria has a daughter Polina from her first husband Gosha Kutsenko.

Maria Lugovaya

Mila Sivatskaya

She was born on December 3, 1998 in Kyiv. Height 163 centimeters. Unmarried. At the moment, the most striking works were in the Last Bogatyr and the series Grand.

Miroslava Karpovich

Actress and model. She was born on March 1, 1986 in Berdyansk, Ukraine. Height 170 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. Childhood spent in hometown and at the end of school she left for Moscow. She played roles in films: Daddy's daughters, Salute, Bride, New Year's Tariff.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Nadezhda Bakhtina

She was born on August 14, 1979 in the urban settlement of Pushkino, Russia. Height 172 centimeters. The audience is known for her roles from the films: Heavy Sand, Reflection, Gypsies, Carmelita, Queen of the Game.

She was married to Alexander Nikitin. Now the actress is divorced, she has no children.

Natalie Starynkevich

Actress and model. She was born on July 12, 1988 in Moscow. Height 170 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. She starred in films: Second marriage, Nika, Shuttle women, Dream, Scar.

There is no information about the personal life of the actress in the press.

Natalia Bordo

Actress, singer and TV presenter. She was born on April 5, 1988 in Moscow. Height 172 centimeters, weight 48 kilograms. She starred in films: Golden, climbers, Veronica, Second chance, For you, Grandmother of easy virtue.

Since 2015, she has been in a civil marriage with Marius Weisberg, the couple has a son, Marius Jr.

Natalya Vinokurova

Actress and singer. She was born on April 14, 1989 in Moscow. Height 169 centimeters. Known for her roles in films: Marry Pushkin, Anna Karenina, Mistress of my destiny, Love is not show business.

Natalia Gromushkina

Actress, producer, director and singer. She was born on September 29, 1975 in Moscow. Height 165 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. Starred in films: Women's stories, I'm happy!, Marry a general, New Year's marriage.

Since 2012, she has been married to Ilya Obolonkov. The couple have a daughter, Iliana. Natalia has a son Gordey from her first husband Alexander Domogarov.

Natalya Rudova

She was born on July 2, 1983 in Pakhtakor, Uzbekistan. Height 172 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. At the age of 12 she moved with her mother to Russia. The viewer is known for the films: Tatyana's Day, Breathe with me, Amazons, Jamaica, Love in the city of angels.

Natalia is not married and has no children.

Olesya Vlasova

She was born on September 14, 1974 in the Moscow region. Height 175 centimeters. She starred in the films: Ashes of the Phoenix, Year of the Goldfish, Female Doctor, Dreams.

Married to Igor Rubashkin. The couple have two daughters - Appolinaria and Barbara.

Olga Arntgolts

She was born on March 18, 1982 in Kaliningrad. Height 165 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. She played roles in film projects: Three Against All, Lapushki, I'm Nearby, Samara, Three Roads.

From 2009 to 2015 she was married to Vakhtang Beridze. Now she lives alone and brings up her daughter Anna Beridze.

Olga Kuzmina

She was born on June 16, 1987. Height 157 centimeters. Best works: Siberia. Monamur, First Attempt, Ghost. Little is known about his personal life. Olga is married to a man named Alexei and the couple has a child.

Paulina Andreeva

Actress and singer. She was born on October 12, 1988 in St. Petersburg. Height 175 centimeters, weight 56 ​​kilograms. Filmed in films: Locust, Thaw, Method, Myths, Sleepers.

Since 2016, she has been in a romantic relationship with Fedor Bondarchuk.

Ravshana Kurkova

She was born on August 22, 1980 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Height 180 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. When she was 12 years old, her parents divorced, and her mother took her daughter to Moscow. Ravshana is known for her roles in films: Barvikha, Hardcore, Without Borders, Crimea, Adults Only.

The actress is not married and has no children. Divorced twice.

Svetlana Ivanova

She was born on September 26, 1985 in Moscow. Height 160 centimeters, weight 47 kilograms. She played roles in film projects: August 8th, Dark World, Legend No. 17, House of the Sun.

Divorced, has a daughter Polina from her ex-husband Vyacheslav Lisnevsky.

Svetlana Stepankovskaya

She was born on January 9, 1986 in Krasnodar. Height 181 centimeters. Film projects with the participation of the actress: Walk Vasya!, Salvage, Angelica, Hunters, Deffchonki.

There is no information about Stepankovskaya's personal life in the press.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

She was born on January 21, 1983 in Moscow. Height 179 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. During the period of her acting career, she played about 80 roles. Films with the participation of Svetlana: Trap, Surprise me, Lavrova Method, Warrior, Viking, Mata Hari.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Tatyana Arntgolts

She was born on March 18, 1982 in Kaliningrad. Height 165 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. Filmed in films: Marriage by will, Photographer, Furtseva, Champions.

Tatyana is not married. The actress has a daughter, Maria, from her ex-husband Ivan Zhidkov.

Tatyana Babenkova

She was born on June 21, 1991 in Voronezh. Height 160 centimeters. Best works: Policeman from Rublyovka, Free diploma. Unmarried.

Tatyana Khramova

She was born on November 29, 1988 in Nizhnekamsk. Height 177 centimeters. Unmarried. Best work: Dislike, Fitness.

Julia Agafonova

She was born on June 18, 1981 in St. Petersburg. Height 170 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. Known to the viewer for her roles in films: Closed School, Women's Doctor, Ermolaevs, Mother's Voice, Book Thieves.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Julia Galkina

She was born on December 24, 1984 in Kursk. Height 174 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. Played about 70 roles. The viewer is known for the films: Queen, Hairpins, Someone else's happiness, I love you any.

Since 2009, she has been married to producer Ilya Makarov. The couple have a son, Michael.

Julia Zimina

Actress and TV presenter. She was born on July 4, 1981 in Krasny Kut, Russia. Height 165 centimeters, weight 52 kilograms. She starred in films: Carmelita, I am a detective, Court, Heiress, Book, Woman of his dreams.

The actress is not married and has no children.

Julia Mayboroda

She was born on November 7, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don. Height 165 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms. Known for films: Black Goddess, Kill the Serpent, Karpov, Serious Relationships.

There is no information about the personal life of the actress in the press.

Julia Peresild

She was born on September 5, 1984 in Pskov. Height 168 centimeters, weight 56 ​​kilograms. She played roles in the films: In the Fog, Hero, Edge, Battle for Sevastopol.

The actress is not married. Julia has two daughters Anna and Maria. Peresild keeps the names of the fathers of the children a secret.

Julia Snigir

Russian actress and model. She was born on June 2, 1983 in Donskoy, Russia. Height 168 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. Filmed in films: Vaccine, Die Hard, Freezer, Great, Sky on Fire.

The actress is not married, she has a son Fedor from Evgeny Tsyganov.

Yana Enzhaeva

She was born on September 26, 1994 in Saratov. Height 171 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. The audience is known for the films: Kitchen in Paris, Hotel Eleon, Sparta, Shameless.

Yana is not married and has no children.

Yanina Studilina

Actress and TV presenter. She was born on August 6, 1985 in Omsk. Height 168 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. The popularity of Yanina brought the role of Polina Zelenova in the TV series Ranetki. She also starred in films: City of Temptations, Once Upon a Time in the Police, Stalingrad, Ostrov.

Since 2009, she has been married to Alexander Rodnyansky. The couple has no children yet.

If our editors missed or forgot someone, indicate this in the comments and we will definitely make corrections the next time the rating is updated!

If you compare their photographs taken two decades ago with the current ones, the difference will be almost imperceptible. Looks like some Hollywood actresses have discovered the source eternal youth. In our review - phenomenal women over whom time has no power.

Elizabeth Hurley

The actress seemed to turn back time. The photo on the left was taken in 1997 - Elizabeth Hurley, 32 years old. After more than 15 years, she is still the same brunette with blue eyes and gorgeous brown hair. In the picture on the right, Elizabeth Hurley is 48 years old. The name of the actress thundered after her stormy romance with handsome Hugh Grant and the role of a sexy siren in films about Austin Powers. Elizabeth Hurley has since given birth to her son Damian in 2002 and yet remains one of Hollywood's hottest actresses.

Andie MacDowell

For the former model and face of L "Oréal Paris, success came in the 90s after the release of such films as "Residence Permit", "Groundhog Day", "Four Weddings and a Funeral" on the big screens. Since then, she has not changed at all : The same slim figure, lush curls and a dazzling smile. Today the actress is 56 years old. The main secret Andie MacDowell - stay stress free. "Even if I'm really worried about something, I can go to yoga classes and relieve stress," says the actress. “I feel great after yoga or horseback riding.”

Minnie Driver

She made her debut in a big movie in the role ugly duckling in the 1995 film "Circle of Friends", but, nevertheless, every year in real life, the actress becomes more and more beautiful. In 1998, she was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Good Will Hunting. Since then, she has shone on the red carpet. Today, at 44, the actress looks better than ever.

Brooke Shields

The photo on the left was taken in 1982, when the actress was 17 years old. Since then, the hairstyle has changed and mimic wrinkles have appeared, but Brooke Shields has not lost a drop of beauty by her 48 years. The actress became famous as a teenager thanks to roles in films such as " Blue Lagoon"and" Endless Love. "Clean, toning, moisturizing the skin," says the actress about the secrets of her beauty and youth. - "Protect yourself from the sun and drink water." Well, Brooke Shields undoubtedly has good genes.

Daryl Hanna

In 1984, the blue-eyed blonde appeared on the big screens as a naive mermaid in the comedy Splash, in which she played with Tom Hanks. By 1987, when the photo on the left was taken, Daryl Hannah had already played several roles in hit films and had become a full-fledged Hollywood star. More than 25 years have passed since then, but the actress has retained her beauty "as if she had just come from the beach." “I use organic cocoa (raw chocolate) for my body and hair and olive oil for my face, plus veggie biodegradable soap,” Daryl Hanna shares her secrets.

Winona Ryder

In the photo on the left, the actress is 18 years old. In the picture on the right, Winona Ryder, whom we love for the films "Beetlejuice", "Death Attraction" and many others, looks the same as she did 25 years ago. She is now 42 years old. According to Kim Collea, the actress' makeup artist, it's all about nutrition: "No matter how boring it sounds, Winona eats a lot of salads and drinks water in huge quantities."

Heather Graham

This hot blonde was 21 when she appeared on the big screen alongside John Travolta in Scream and has hardly looked older since then. “I try to sleep 11-12 hours a day,” Heather Graham shares her secret of youth. "That's really what I need. Sleep is doing its job." The picture on the right, which captures the actress in her 44 years, is a confirmation of this.

Gabrielle Union

In the photo on the right, the actress looks as young as she did 16 years ago - in 1998, when the photo on the left was taken. Gabrielle Union is now 41 years old. Last year, she was included in the ranking of "100 most beautiful people"People magazine. "I stay young thanks to my novels with men younger than me!" Says Gabrielle Union.

Carmen Electra

Her hairstyle and dress may change, but the actress herself has not changed a bit since 1997, when the photo on the left was taken. Today she is 42 years old. The secret of her beauty and youth is regular skin moisturizing and make-up removal at night. In addition, she happy man. “When you are happy, it is reflected in your eyes and brightens everything,” says the actress.


It is very nice to see when women at this age look great. Girls, I recommend everyone to take care of themselves, regardless of age, go to the gym, monitor nutrition and be princesses))

They turned down about 20, of course. The women in the photo look quite their age. It is worth considering the processing, of course, personal care, makeup.

Plastic surgery, Botox, and Photoshop have NOT been canceled by anyone.

09/03/2014 14:11:12, I will listen, I will stand

They look good. They probably spend a lot of time on their appearance

Well, why can't you look younger than your age? It is quite possible if you go to this from the very beginning and do not stuff yourself with all sorts of harmful substances, that in cosmetics, that in food. Everything is possible, not even possible.

the title of the article is wrong :) You can't look 20 at 40. And most importantly, it's absolutely pointless and does not bring any bonuses.

And photos - they are such photos .... It depends on who, how and where will take pictures. And he will process it :) Yes, you can’t hide the figure, usually. But sometimes photoshop works wonders with the face :)

And, by the way, I did not see any directly incredible results from anyone. Moreover, I will say that with their capabilities it is possible for many to look more decent ....

Well, yes, they got excited with twenty, of course. Ordinary well-groomed aunts forty years old)

At all their 40+ and look. There aren't many actresses like that.

and also, stem cells work wonders ((no, I respect them all infinitely - they have to take care of themselves .. BUT, this is their job .. so for a minute .. look good and continue their career, otherwise fresh heads will easily replace them.

In the photo they all look 20)

05/05/2014 12:29:09 PM, Fake

When women stop, it is not known why they should try to look 20 at 45-50.
Explain to me, why is this all for???? Look good, well-groomed, etc., of course, it is necessary - this is an indicator general health and energy at the age of 50, these are valuable qualities :) but at the same time, declaring that it’s all exactly “like at 20” .. it just looks pathetic. In life, it’s always embarrassing to even listen, not to say yes ..

05/05/2014 11:15:37, read since 2012

it looks like it’s time for you to see an ophthalmologist: (Or is it such complacency ???

Yeah .. These photos just confirm that despite the whole arsenal of cosmology and modern medicine it is impossible to turn back time. Ladies over 40 look good, like very well-groomed and well-groomed forty-year-old women.) But, alas, they are by no means twenty-year-olds ..

05/05/2014 08:11:37, Ahh

Despite a layer of plaster and photoshop, none of the actresses IN THESE photos look 20.
But do not worry, dear editors, add more plaster and photoshop, and, you see, it will work out.

Comment on the article "Actresses over 40 who look like they are in their 20s"

Mourning as fashion The dress in our usual understanding of it is the merit of the famous trendsetter Gabrielle Chanel. It was she who, at the beginning of the last century, "liberated" the ladies from corsets, frills and uncomfortable long hemlines. Every woman knows about the little black dress, but few have heard of its history. Oddly enough, but the reason for its occurrence is not a social event, but mourning. In 1925, beloved Chanel crashed into Cote d'Azur, but she wears official mourning ...

Elena looks normal, looks like a woman, not a tattered cat. The actress does not have to be written worse than all of this company looks like Irina Rozanova. Extremely bad plastic. He is blue and passive. 01/25/2017 20:40:35, an acquaintance of an acquaintance fucked him.


Yes, if dapkunaite did not do any plastic surgery, she would be older than Yakovleva

01/31/2017 02:57:19 PM, Nata333

Yakovleva always looked bad. The same can be said about her game. I don't understand people. who admire her

01/30/2017 02:44:08 PM, zhanna6

Then sorry for the spoiler about Mary.) 01/02/2017 13:16:40, the cat is in the Tardis. The actress looks 40+. Adequate appearance, adequate behavior, adequate clothing. I did not notice. but some even at 15 look unimportant. and at 20 .. but at 15 and at 20. well / it doesn’t matter - it’s not younger ...

This is if she got married very early and lived with her husband for about 20 years. Yes, for some reason they look older. Despite the fact that in my youth (at 20-25 years old) I liked men much older than me, now (when I am almost 40) I would not Actress Demi Moore is 15 years older than Ashton Kutcher...


Surrounded by 90% of couples of the same age, and marriages in 20-25 years. These are friends and friends of friends.
AT ordinary life I see different options, but I noticed that if the husband is much older (more than 10 years), then the woman looks older than her years, as if approaching her husband, while she can be well-groomed and beautiful, but older. At the same time, in two cases, after a divorce, a second marriage with peers and immediately the external age leveled off to the present.

In the first marriage, the husband was the same age, in the second 10 years older, but it would be better the same, but according to the passport 10 years younger than me)))

31-year-old actress, United Russia deputy Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to two sons with a difference of 1 year and 1 week. The youngest, Maxim, celebrated his first birthday a week ago. And the elder Ivan celebrated 2 years the day before, on January 19. Now a young mother and former gymnast is participating in the extreme show "Without insurance" - and tells how difficult it was to recover from two pregnancies and childbirth. “I will not hide, it was difficult after two pregnancies in a row to put myself in order, and even more so ...

Conference "Fashion and beauty". Section: Figure (how to look good at 52). I just see that in my environment, who looks after themselves for about 40, they look like that. 08/20/2015 12:16:41 PM, Pies from Lovett.


And I have such a friend. You can look at Yandex gives out classmates, you can not go there, look like this * Nadezhda * Huseynova 46 * years old * Nizhny Novgorod(remove asterisks) Now she is 46 years old, on latest photos with her granddaughter, looks in my opinion at most 26, and especially does nothing, eats only little all her life.

20.08.2015 11:46:39, [email protected]

Last night, the 68th Cannes Film Festival opened, on the red carpet of which all the stars of overseas and European cinema lit up. For the first time in history, the jury was headed by two people at once - famous directors, the Coen brothers. Like last year, look at best outfits celebrities. Julianne Moore, 54, this year's Best Actress Oscar winner... ...and Australian actress Naomi Watts chose sparkling dresses with feathers and sequins: Lupita...

40-year-old Hollywood actress Amy Adams, five-time Oscar nominee, finally got married. The most interesting thing is that with his chosen one, Darren Le Gallo, the star of "Charmed", "Julie and Julia" and the upcoming film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", has been living for 14 years. Young people met in 2002: Then for 8 years the couple was engaged: And their daughter Eviana is 5 years old. And the other day there was a small ceremony for the closest. One side...

44-year-old actress and mother of many children Uma Thurman is relaxing with her family on the beaches of St. Barth and does not hide her beautiful figure: 50-year-old Brooke Shields, covering upper part body in a sports bathing suit, however, is so famously worn on the surf, which is understandable: the beautiful actress will be young for a long time. An actress of the same generation, 46-year-old Ashley Judd, is clearly proud of the results of her work. plastic surgeons showing off her smooth face and plunging cleavage at the premiere of Divergent Series...

34-year-old actress Kristen Bell ("Veronica Mars", "Resident Lies", "You Again", "In Flight") and her husband, 40-year-old actor Dax Shepard ("Knocked Up", TV series "Setup", "Me name is Earl") are happy but very anxious parents of young daughters - 2-year-old Lincoln and 2-month-old Delta. Even when they had only one daughter, the couple began " crusade"- a campaign against the publication of photographs of celebrity children. "Lincoln can grow up very shy and not want her ...

Everyone has bad outfits, but 40-year-old actress Hilary Swank seems to have won the unspoken celebrity dress-up challenge. She came to the premiere of her new film "Local" in a dress that is difficult to take unambiguously. It looks as if the actress accidentally removed not only the raincoat, but also the blouse in the wardrobe. The photos caused a flood of comments from all over the world, the most used words were...

The actress showed fresh pictures of her sons on the air of the American show The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Megan Fox, 27, is the mother of two. Her eldest son, Noah, is now a year and seven months old, and her youngest, Bodie, is only two months old. Megan Fox plays leading role in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The actress returned to work less than two months after the birth of her second child. She actively starred in the film during pregnancy. “I got pregnant with Bodie two weeks after the filming started...

by this age, they both will already look the same, and at that age it certainly doesn’t matter - 50 or 70, especially if the woman is 50 and she is not an actress or wealthy. But you must admit that at 20 and 40 both are great and everyone can and wants to.


Thanks to all who answered.
The conclusion is that this is not such a general phenomenon :)

I know a couple, he was 50 and she was under 30 when they got married. He is a successful businessman, divorced, very athletic, good looking for his age, she is pretty. After 3 years, when they had 2 small children, he had a rupture of the aorta, they barely pumped him out. He only moves to wheelchair, speaks with difficulty. Children on the wife, of course. Everything is fine with the money, it is difficult for my wife, but she seems to be coping. I don't remember any other couples.

The French actress with a luxurious figure and a sensual mouth is celebrating her 50th birthday today. The French film star boasts memorable roles and international prizes. In her youth, the actress adorned comedies - in the film "To the Left of the Elevator" with Pierre Richard: Later, her work was awarded the "Cesar" awards, in 1995 she sparkled on the Hollywood horizon in the film Mission Impossible paired with Tom Cruise: And in 2002 for the role of a slutty maid in the detective story "8...

Svetlana Kryuchkova correctly noted that until the age of 30, an actress needs to sleep with a director (for the sake of roles), and after 30 - with And now she is over 40 - she looks at most 30, well, a little over 30. We had a course meeting recently, and some my classmates look like 20 years ago.


I really like the way Vera Vasilyeva looks. does not change for decades. my classmate looks much better now, at 45, than when we graduated from high school. I just didn’t recognize it at the meeting, and then I was in shock. but there is plastic, a lot of money and careful body care

Maria Aronova with young years plays older women. I remember being surprised that she was only 72 years old. It's just the type of appearance. But, probably, until retirement it will look about the same.

don't worry, there are people who look at a certain age. moreover, they look at him at 20, and at 40. and at 50. so it seems that who is in sight (singers, actresses) and at 25 they do the first tightening, then every 10 years. More precisely, they did, before the advent of more benign ...


In the photo in the videos, I would give groomed 24-28
In the photo of July 17, she is 25 years old, the one that only has a face is 35 years old, the expression of her eyes is very ... I don’t even know how to put it, some kind of age-related fatigue ((I would have given well-groomed 50, if not for the rest of the pictures

I remember once Oleg Menshikov was asked what was the most difficult thing for him when, at the age of 40, he played a 20-year-old boy in the Barber of Siberia. So he replied that it was difficult to restore the youthful gleam in his eyes. Then I took a closer look and compared it with the game in Pokrovsky Gates, where he is 19. Heaven and earth. At 19, you are overwhelmed with happiness from the fact that you live, that you are young, you still have everything ahead of you, and you do not need to PLAY, because. it is a way of life and feeling. In "The Barber of Siberia" he played well, although it is clear that this is a GAME! Now, if only to return the nature...

I am 39, and often they give around 25. Yes, the skin is young (although my problems are visible closer in the mirror) by nature. But it is often said that it is an unblurred look, a glint in the eyes, a slightly naive smile that “deceives”. But this is also from somewhere and from someone I don't know ;-) I don't try on purpose, it just happens that way.

08.05.2007 19:01:50 Olgas

If you really don't want to, then don't be fooled.
people get mad at the age of 25 if they don't take care of themselves...

And at 40, and at 20, it’s still worth looking decent :) Decent looking is better than indecent! Vetlitskaya again - both blond and mini. Yes, take our "pop" and actresses - Lima, Ponaroskvaya, Glagoleva, but there are a lot of blondes over 40.


Well, from the height of my age :-) - and after 40 my tail is already hanging out - I think that a woman at this age has already developed as a person and can afford not to depend on someone else's "decently-indecently", but simply evaluate by her own sense of comfort . I’ll make a reservation right away that now I don’t take into account the limitations and features of the profession. I feel comfortable changing my hair shades monthly, often quite bright. Well, let's say I don't wear mini for a long time - I just don't like them on myself, but bright colors when they suit me - why not. And to figure out whether I will attract boys or scare away men ... oh, really, I won’t. Maybe because I am aware that if I, due to personal characteristics, arouse the interest of men in my person, then it is by no means the length of my legs and the silhouette of my clothes :-) (I am this at 20, 30 ... didn’t shine :-)!) I just have to be comfortable in my daily image, it must match my pace of life and my sense of space. And - this is my opinion - do not toil (do not worry! :-)) You are with this: 10 cm or half a tone to the left or right is considered vicious. I think even so you are unlikely to go to work in shabby mini-shorts, a top to the navel and fins on your bare feet :-), and not because your legs are crooked, but simply because this is how you will feel uncomfortable.

03/18/2005 03:01:58 PM, Nat*

1. What is bleaching hair?:) To deprive hair of any color? I like it when the hair color varies +/- two tones to natural. This is regardless of age.
2. Different is acceptable :) It rather depends on the type of activity. For workers of free professions, long flowing hair looks quite harmonious, for office workers - the higher the post, the more modest the hairstyle.
3. Minimum - one and a half palms above the knee. Plus, this is not paint on, that is, not tight-fitting. The shorter the skirt, the lower the heel.
4. Those who go :) The main thing is to be beautiful.
5. Bright I like the one that is rich in color, not neon. Always appropriate bright outerwear(short coat, jacket) and bags. Once again I will write that this is all IMHO.

general. I don’t have anything..(well. I’m embarrassed, I understand..because after giving birth, not all parts of the body look the way I would like. Is this not enough? and the choice of lighting - contact;) 02/03/2003 20:38:47, Siniy.


well, what reasons a husband has - this is understandable ... Firstly, the process itself (and the result) greatly excites, makes you look at a woman a little differently .. After all, such a process is still associated in the mind with both beauty and depravity .. And it's not for nothing that men love to look at pictures on the Internet and in all sorts of magazines
Secondly, the memory will remain, "what we were" :)
And thirdly, you can brag to your friends about what a cool wife;)) or you can brag to your friends yourself :)) or lovers;)))
(Third paragraph can be deleted;))

In general, from all sides the thing is useful

When I was young and very pretty in every way, and also when I was on my honeymoon with my first husband, he also expressed a desire to take a picture of me on a Polaroid.
What was my surprise when my friend told me that her husband (he is a friend of her first husband) told how mine showed him my photos, showing off - that's how cool she is. I was not just in shock ... I was just smeared ......
The fact that my first husband is an idiot who to look for is not even necessary to say. And you shouldn't judge everyone like that. But! Think about whether you will always be sure that these photos and video documents will not fall into the eyes of those who should not.
If you are 100% sure (although this, alas, is impossible), then try it.

Youth is not only a time of natural beauty, but also a period of self-discovery and inevitable mistakes. Makeup "a la a saleswoman from a kiosk", crazy hair color, stupid haircuts - all these celebrities went through at the beginning of their careers, but by the age of 40 they finally learned to look dazzling. This is an occasion to reflect and stop being afraid of the increasing years!

Victoria Beckham

Who would have thought that Posh Spice, who adored mother-of-pearl shadows, torn haircuts and an excess of shimmer on her face, would become a style icon, one of the most elegant women in the world - a designer Victoria Beckham! Over time, Vicki realized that she was wearing a discreet make-up of brown tones and a lack of a smile - the star just knows her strengths and knows how to hide flaws.

Christina Orbakaite

Kristina Orbakaite in her youth was not very skillful with cosmetics, and the crazy styling in the style of the 90s left much to be desired. In addition, a few years ago, the singer very successfully performed rhinoplasty, which not only did not spoil her and did not deprive her of her individuality, but changed her face into better side. Today Christina is 44 years old and she is mistaken for her son's older sister - isn't this a success?

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore worked on her face - several successful plastic surgeries helped her achieve the appearance she dreamed of. In addition, in her youth, Demi had a lot of mistakes with hair and makeup, but at 52, she looks great, thinking through every look to the smallest detail.

Jennifer Lopez

At 20, J. Lo was a hot Latin American beauty in the truest sense of the word. But then she wore a strange brown lipstick and dark hair. Over time, Lopez realized that she was much more focused on the eyes and blond with the effect of sun-bleached hair.

Lera Kudryavtseva

You will never give TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva her 44 years old, the star blonde looks so beautiful. But not always everything was so wonderful - in her youth, Lera sinned with crazy hairstyles (small pigtails, for example), thin eyebrows, too bright makeup. In addition, the star made a rhinoplasty, which benefited her - now Kudryavtseva is considered one of the most attractive TV presenters in Russia.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker's experiments with style began at a very early age, but they were not always successful. Sarah wore ridiculous dresses, hats, did not know how to make up at all and did not follow the condition of her hair. But what progress! Today, Parker is a favorite of fashion magazines and a recognized style icon.

Dita Von Teese

It's hard to believe, but Dita Von Teese was once a blonde! At the age of 20, it was difficult for Dita to distinguish from the crowd of pretty girls until she found her own unique style. Today, the beauty image of a star is associated with pin-up, black hair, porcelain skin and red lipstick.

Angelina Jolie

40-year-old Angelina Jolie is currently very reserved - this applies to the choice of outfits, and hairstyles, and makeup. The image of a confident mother big family Angie goes very well, although we remember her completely different. Once upon a time, Jolie was a real sex bomb with a daring, sensual look. True, all this was accompanied by unsuccessful "clown" makeup, dark lipsticks and not always suitable hair coloring. But even in the sun there are spots!

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston made the same mistakes as many other stars - she dyed her hair too dark and did not know how to choose the shade of lipstick. But now 46-year-old Aniston has nothing to reproach - her beauty images are always flawless, and the haircut successfully corrects the oval of the face.

Anita Tsoi

In her youth, Anita Tsoi weighed more than 100 kg. However, this circumstance did not prevent her from being incendiary and cheerful. But whatever one may say, at 44, the singer looks much better than at 20 - and the point here is not only in losing weight, but also in taking care of herself in general.

Sandra Bullock

characteristic features the image of young Sandra Bullock was doll curls, blue shadows and dark lipstick. Fortunately, the actress quickly realized that all this splendor categorically does not suit her.

Nicole Richie

It is difficult to somehow comment on the images of Nicole Richie from the time of her stormy youth. Let's say right away - it was, to put it mildly, not very ... A fan of glamor style, pink shadows, lipsticks and blond, Nicole also suffered from excess weight. Fortunately, Richie has managed to turn into a stylish and sophisticated girl in just a few years.