When you are going to the forest, where there are a lot of snakes, still being at home, cross three times and read the conspiracy that will save you from snake bite. Conspiracy is read like this:

"At sea-on the ocean, on the island of Zmeyan,
Seven aspen heights are growing.
And under that aspen Snake-Schucopoea lives.
Her bed is trees, feather her fluff,
On her Snake Skourozhu lies
And at me (name) looks.
I am to you, Skourki, IT,
I am you, Schukourov, please:
- Krinkini you, snake, loud voice,
His Moledtian Posters,
Collect all your sisters, brothers,
All matchmakers and matchmakers,
Grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons,
Grandfather, great-grandfather, daughters,
Young, old and stupid,
Yellow, yellow, ripples, gray,
Black and silver
Blue, green and moss,
Poppal, underwater and field,
Underwear, borrowings and forests,
Marsh, wells and leafy,
On the bitch lying, under the sodes of sleeping,
In the bushes, in the grass, in the sheets,
In all countersight places.
Figure them all and say
Yes with his word strictly setting,
Let them run from me
I will not give me a stare.
And if there is the opposite,
Then Mikhail Archangel comes,
Thunder and lightning will let them and kill.
With me God and all the godfather
Not me, and she forbid me stupid to you.
And who Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr goeshes,
That only a conspiracy of my overpower. "

Snake bite will help such words. Entering into the forest, as if boning your tongue and tell me:

"I go to the forest, and you, a snake,
On Arshin in the ground we wrestle. "

Conspiracy from serpent readable in post

If you go to the forest on mushrooms and berries in the post, then take advantage of this conspiracy - another will not help you in the post. Here is his words:

"Go, my speech, east,
Eastern side,
There, on the sea, on the ocean, on the stone curric,
Stands mountain. Under the mountain - black rune.
Under that car - black snake
With her family.
I will consider all the way
By name to laugh.
I know snakes: muddy, evil, volatile,
Norovy, field, forest and climbing,
Creeping and floating,
Marsh and earthy,
Red, blue, green and water,
Courtyard, marsh,
In the mountains living and podg.
And who from this kind of tribe will suit me,
Togo Ilya Prophet Thunder, the lightning will beat.
Which word changed,
Which word forgot.
All the Lord God will correct,
In my place will send.

How to talk bite snake

If someone bit the snake, you need to say twelve again:

"Snake with Gaduka walked - and the poison lost.
I poisoned - I am corrected.
Fat snake let him burn
And I have nothing hurts anything! "

Complete assembly and description: Prayer from the invasion of snakes for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Everything happens in life, and better to this "every" prepare in advance. In our country, limitless opportunities there is an unpleasant opportunity to meet a snake. And that this meeting does not end with serious poisoning or psychotraumatic shock, it is enough to read a conspiracy in advance from snakes.

Conspiracy from snake

Grads creeping are different: black, white, red. However, special conspiracies will allow you to protect you from any kind of reptiles. They not only won't give a snake to bite you, but will make your meeting simply take place. It is important to understand the purpose of the conspiracy (scaring the reptiles from the dwelling, protect against the bite for the adhesives of the house, a conspiracy from the meeting), since the words of protection depend on it.

Conspiracy from the meeting with the snake

If the prospect of meeting the snake you glad little, then before going to the habitat of this crawling reptile, read the conspiracy. It is important to keep in mind that words are read solely before the care of the house and it is in the house itself. Text conspiracy against meeting with the snake:

"Snucking, snake, the side of the pricks you are. I'm unclear, you are harmless! "

If you go to the forest, then this conspiracy is suitable:

"Along the path, my legs go along the path. The snake does not see them, the snake will not touch them. You have more forest, I have less stress! ".

If you get around the reality, it was not possible and this petty crawling creation was caught on the way, you will note these words for memory:

"Snakes, snakes, touch me not dare. The earth shook, the water will break, the forest will disappear, it will stand for me, I will protect me. Snake, snake, look away from me. " If the crawling creation is very close, repeat in the fast pace: "Your whole forest, just give me peace!"

If you would like some kind of protective gun from creeping reptiles, then you can make an appropriate amulet.

  • find a small round stone white;
  • make a hole in it;
  • touch the thread and read these words:

"Tsarina Serpent, Ladyman Sea! The will of your whole snake subordinates, one of them is powerful. You see the stone white, like your wonderful face, protect his owner from his children. Your word is strong, the will is unshakable. Hold in the handles of your serpets, let those good people and me, including ".

Another plot that spend on the street. Take the handful of the earth from your yard. Distow it in the wind and say:

"God, remove me, (your name), from the snakes of all sorts. This creation is yours, you are subject to you. So protect your daughter / son (his) from the danger of this. I believe in you and in your power, in your power and your help. May it be so. Amen"

If none of the conspiracy fell in the soul, take advantage of this:

"From today and in the eyelids, any evil spirits creeping, biting, staggering will not meet on my path, in my district, my house and my family. Snake any will crawl away, will not find me in the forest or in the field. My word is strong, my will resistant. As she said so to be. "

Conspiracy from bite

If the snake bite does not catch you, and medical care is not foreseen, then nothing remains here, except for how to suck a few drops of blood from the bite and pronounce:

"In the brunch of the sea, in the blue, far, in the depths of deep, where there is no light, there is a lady sits by the sea, the serpent of the queen. It sits sadly, in the dark cries, white light is not backed. Sit there, the evil queen, and not see you of the earth, if the poison you will not take your own back to your kingdom, the fire. Remove your sting, poisoning on the sea to break and me is heal. And then, in honor of you, I am a cake, I will praise before the gods, and again the light will illuminate your dungeon and you will again find it on freedom. All sores are sick and freedom to do! Amen!"

Conspiracies can be shorter. However, in this case, blood from the wound is not suused, but washed with cool distilled water. Then sentenced:

"A man lived, evil did not do forever. Bit the poor snake, yes from that and died. And the man for the good acts, recovered over the day. "

Conspiracy from the penetration of the snake in the house

People living in private houses are more susceptible to the penetration of the snake into the house than residents of apartments. Therefore, they just need to know how to fly housing from creeping reptiles using conspiracies.

"Each of his own, the bird is the will, the tree - the driver, and the land - snake. Snakes, snakes, do not joke: My courtyard is fiery, you will go side to him. Do not frighten me people, do not put in the garden! "


Meeting with a snake case is not pleasant. There are different conspiracies from snakes. The words of each of them have a specific goal: to protect from meeting with the snake, protect against bite or keep the house from the attack of these animals. Depending on the circumstances, it is important to choose the right protection text.

Useful conspiracies for all summer. 02:33. - conspiracy from meals

When reparaging, it is important to choose the right time and place. For better protection make an amulet. Let snakes do not meet on your way. Good luck!

Prayer from the invasion of snakes

From sustainable death

Under such circumstances should be called to saint martyr Sadoku., Bishop Persian (February 20 / March 5), who accepted the martyrdom OK. 311 years. This saint in a suicide prayer asked the Lord God, so that salvation receive from his behalf.

In this case, the prayer can be holy Martyr Harlampiy (February 10/23). Before his death (in 202), the priestly prayed diligently for the Lord and that his power would be there, there would be no seaside ulcers.

In captivity of enemies

Being in captivity of enemies, it should be called about his release to Most Holy Virgin (See Help with disadvantage in the family, about release).

Under such circumstances appear to righteous Simeon Godhodets And Rev. Peter Athossky who tried very hard in captivity (see about delivering the suffering).

From death in war

In such needs, they call prayer George Victorious (April 23 / August 6), Great Martyr.

great Martyr George Victorious

Jaco prisoners freedom and beggars, a common doctor, victorious Great Georgy, the moths of Christ of God, to escape our souls.

Hardened from God seemed to be a piety of a honest, virtues of the handle by collecting themselves, sowing Bo in tears, cheerful jokes, suffering from the same blood, Christ was happy, and prayers, holy, your everyone's forgiveness.

Holy, nice and all-willed Great Martyr Georgy! I collected in the temple of yours and in front of the icon of your sacred barking people, Molima, the famous desires of our petition: moths with us and about us being shovel from our landscaping of God, and we will graciously hear us, asking him to be allegedly, and will not leave our salvation and life. Needed petitions, and yes it will strengthen the Orthodox military, you will destroy the strength of the enemy who drives the enemy, and they will shake and fall, and the keenness will be shortened, and so they will notify, Yako we Imam Divine Help; And all in the sorrow and the circumstances are a multi-member Javi, your intercession. The mind of the Lord God, all the creator creator, save us from the everlasting of the torment, and always glorify the father and son and the saint spirit, and I confess your imagine, now and is also confident and forever. Amen.

saint Nikita Novgorodsky

Oh, the bishop of God, Saint Nikito! Hearing the sinful, you will go to the sacred temple of this glass, and the honest image of your barking, and to the sacred Race of the fallen, and dyingly blatants: Jacns gray on the throne of saint in Veliky Novagrad Sea, and "I am properly adequately, the rain with a prayer and Paki Grada with a fiery flame to leave, the prayer of the relief was given to the Taxo and now Molima, about the St. Nikito's saint: pray to the Lord, hedgehog to save the reigning degrees, the great novagrad this and all degrees and countries and Christian countries, Flood, Glad, Fire, Hoody, sword and from all enemies of visible and invisible, Yako and the fair for the sake of your prayers of your Sausemi, Slavm the Most Holy Trinity, Father and Son and the Sainchitude of the Spirit, and your graciousness, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

From sudden death

From sudden death in case of damage removal, it should be prayer to to the priest Via, Bishop Sevastiasky (February 10/23), deceased around 316 years.

Before healing the date, which was suppressed by the bone, the rules prayed to the Lord God about the gift of such grace to him, how to help others in such a death hazard.

When attacking beasts, with the bite of poisonous snakes

Primarily appeal to Lord God. And read prayer Honest cross .

God will resurrect, and the guise of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of our gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to hell to heed and correct The devil, and we have been gratifying you the cross your honest to the defendance of all sacuostate. About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Delo, rejoice. Fertile Marie, Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

reverend Alexia, man of God

Oh, the great Christ, the holy human man of God Alexie, the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord, in the earth, this is given more than grateful to the wonders! The proud of graciously on the upcoming of the Holy Icon of your people, migrating and seeking from you help and interpreting. Prosterly to the Lord God Case Her Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and unwitting, in a notworthy healing, who is an imperienced interpreting confederation, which is a vigorous ambassador, the whole conspiration of the peaceful and Christian belly and a good response on a terrible court Christ To her, the waters of God, not to the hope of the hope of our hedgehog on the Bose and the Virgin Mary, but they wake an assistant and a patron to salvation: Yes, your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humans of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Slavimago's Trinity and Poklagagoago God, and your holy intercession, now and is confronted and forever. Amen.

In the threat of drowning

In the threat of drowning appeal to Most Holy Master of Our Virgin and Nestlodel Mary In honor of her "Savior Savior" icon, otherwise called Lenkovskaya (Novgorod-Severskaya) (December 20 / January 2).

The Most Holy Theotokos in front of her Lenkovskoye icon, or "Savior of Untusting"

The intercession is zealous, Mati Lord Vysnyago! You are with all the Christians help and interpreting, the same in the troubles. Watch now, from the height of your holy, and at us, with the faith of the preching image of yours, and Yavi, Molim, the ambulance in the sea floating and from the winds of stormy trampling sorrowfully. Mostgniy and the whole of the Orthodox Christians to save in the waters of immersing and rewarding about the seven rich mercy and your generotes. CE Bo, your look looks like. You, Yako deliberately with us, bring our humble praying. Not imama Bo neither kind of help, no presentation, no consolation, tokmo to you, o, Mati of all mournful and attacked. You are on the bose our hope and the intercession, and you are hopefully, ourselves, and each other, and all your life we \u200b\u200bbetray our centuries. Amen.

During disasters and invasions of enemies

Under such circumstances, they call the prayer Lord Jesus Christ .

to the Lord Jesus Christ

Soon, before, not even enslaved by the enemy of the hula, and we stress our God, our God: Pueby the cross of your fighting fights, yes, you are so-seeing, how can Orthodox faith, the prayers of the Virgin, one humans.

blessed prince Alexander Nevsky

A quick assistant all diligently for you commemorated and warm our foremost to the Lord, the holy burglary great princess Alexandra! The pride is delighted to us unworthy, many lawlessness are not satellite to themselves, to the Race of the Poles of Your (or to the Holy Icon of Your) Now flowing from the depths of the heart to you arise. You are in life with your jealousness and defender of the Orthodox faith, the faith was: and we are warm in her warm to God with prayers unshakable approve. You carefully passed the great accomplishment of the ministry carefully: and you are your help to stay a coherer, it is intended to have, nasty. You, having won the shelves of the sacuostats, from the limits of the Russian echoma: and on us the devoid of all visible and invisible enemies. You, leaving the raised crown of the Kingdom of Earthly, chose a silent life, and now righteously the crown with an impersonal crowned on the heavens of the kingdoms: Overacle and us, humbly molim, the wednesday is quiet and serene, and to the eternal kingdom of the procession of your concern to us. The same with all the saints of God, pray for all Orthodox Christians, let them retain their Lord God, the grace in the world, health, grant and every well-being in the Rivest Summer, and I dream of Slavimagon and Bless God in the Trinity of Slavimago. Father and Son and Sainry Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

rev. Iovu, Shumen and the Wonderworker Pochaevsky

Oh, Presentation of Father Jew, the inkoms are hardly lived by the lives of the Bogomdrome mentor, meekness and abstinence, cleanliness and "chastity, britality and purelyubia, patience and ridges from the earlyness of youth to late old age, tireless Mobility, the faith of the Orthodox Great Jeb ' Lightwood luminous and holy by Pochaevsky monastery invincible defender! Watchy by Okom's landscape of yours on us unworthy of yours, to you diligently on all the days of resorting and fugitive people, before your chicken and multi-purpose relics (or to the holy icon of your) Having gathered and more reverently, the victims of the victim and we are all, Like to the stomach and piety, useful and safe: the soreness of heales, a faint rustling, the mournful of the console, who outdated the outstanding, the weakwell, and defeat the dollars, everyone, Thanks to you from God given to Darui, on the Fooshest and Reservation, to save the soul and in the health body. Ascending, the worship of God, the most disgraceful prayer of our government, will always be in the powers of our world and silence, piety and prosperity, in court, the truth and grace, in the Soviets wisdom and the good perfection, and is approved in good human faithfulness, in evil The same fear and fear, in hedgehog to break them from evil and create a kind, yes Taco in the state of the Russian kingdom of Christ grow and multiplies, and God will be glorified in it, wondering in his saints: Jesh, the Father and Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confined and forever. Amen.

In such circumstances, the St. John Novgorodsky, Boris and Gleb, the Great Martyr Dimitri, Solunsky, Reverend Nile, Dimitri, Phaisia, the Great Martyr, Dimitri and Gleb, Great Martyr.


Even in solving domestic problems, we are also helpful to our spiritual means ...

Even in solving domestic problems, we are also helpful to our spiritual means ...

"And Pruzi and Caterpillars, they are not the same, and shed away all the grass in their earth, and I will boast of the earth of them," says 104 Psalmopevets David in Psalm about one of the Egyptian executions, which Moses on the command of God brought to Egyptians . Very far from time from us this famous biblical history. But she suddenly becomes closer. With nature in recent years there is something unusual.

When in July I came to the sister to visit the right on the Samara Luke, I did not believe my eyes. Merry summer difference on a mountain, which stands the sister's house, disappeared. Forest here is a hundred meters of free space with rare oaks and wild apple trees, sweet forest strawberries, souls and an atrociety. As it was wonderful here to walk, enjoying rustic views and scoring.

But all the mountain is completely overlapped by the Tatarn! The prickly weeds above the human growth crowded to the house and the garden, cling to clothes. Thickets of the Tatarn Significantly covered the ancient Zhigule Mountains, the village was surrounded by a dense ring, as if taking her captive.

And the mighty oaks in this summer were not like themselves: instead of thick green crowns - the coupling, twisted gray leaves - they were eating the caterpillars.

Something has changed in the house: on all corners, a mouse Mouse was laid out, and Tatiana complained that there were many mice and they openly run around the rooms, behave brazenly. At this moment, the mouse ran out because of the Russian stove and stared at us, without even thinking to escape at the sight of people.

It turned out that many in the village suffer from the invasion of mice. Hamsters began to appear in homes, which were not seen here. They quickly bite everything in a row, and catch them even harder.

But the most unpleasant "surprise" was the meeting on the mountain near the house with a black snake, which slipped right from under his feet. I complained to Tatiana, and she admitted that a month ago "caught" the guy on the terrask! In Christmas, someone discovered a snake at home in the bathroom. In the old Buyan snake, there was so much that now in the forest goes in rubber boots even in the heat.

The invasion of the unnecessary guests was attached and the townspeople. Many Samara residents started mole in apartments. This attack also did not go around me. I had to wash the waters with soap and vinegar cabinets, revise products and throw out cereals, tea, spices, dried fruits, dried herbs, sugar. But even if all the laundering and throw away all old products, mole may appear again - its larvae live one or two months. All edible, I began to keep in the refrigerator.

On the clothes, too, attacked mole, of another species. Ate the soul laid in the cabinet, who had to scare it. I mercilessly threw an isolated carpet, socks, a sweater. But in the evening, the apartments were again started to flute hated "butterflies": a sign that invisible larvae continue to be methodically destroyed. The only remedy against them is Dichlofos - helped for a short time.

But in the fall mole finally began to disappear.

Not only cleaning home and throwing infected things. Helped prayer, each and sprinkling of the rooms of holy water. Reading akathist Martyr Trephon and the Tipper to him, where there is a specific request to help in such a misfortune: "Food is divine, good, enjoying the heavenly of non-smoking, famous for the memory of your memory and save from all sorts of need, annoying animalphibes, yes, you always : Rejoice, Trifon, Martyrs Strengthening. "

Thank God for everything! This is a relatively light invasion resembles the soul of the immutable gospel truths not to have anything superfluous, not too hope for the earthly: "Do not collect a treasure on earth, where mole and rhine will be exterminated and where the thieves do up and steal, but collect the treasures in the sky, where there is no mol Nor the rhine exterminate and where the thieves do not dug and do not steal "(MF. 6, 19-20).

Sighing freely, I decided to look into the Internet. Dozens of articles started with the same word, "invasion" came to the specified words "invasion of moths". Journalists seemed to be consumed, the problem of the invasion of the creatures was far from private misfortune. "Smolensk threatens the invasion of mice and rats." "Petersburg is experiencing the invasion of ticks." "Mole ate Minsk chestnuts." "In the Crimea began the invasion of caterpillars." "Amur region was attacked by apple moth caterpillars." "The invasion of moths on Bashkaria." "Chelyabinsk attacks the hordes of the poplar pray." "Unprecedented insuming of ticks in Moscow and Moscow region" and so on. But the most frightening messages - about the invasion of snakes. And there are also a lot of such messages (although it is necessary to make a "amendment" to the cryptice of the Internet, the case of a glowing situation).

Animals become aggressive, rapidly multiply, migrate from familiar habitats. From the invasion of malarious mosquitoes, ticks and midges suffer from regions where they were not. As the cause, scientists point to the abnormal warming of climate.

"Sin mutations touched not only by the person himself, but also the world in which he dwells," Oleg Woztyaev writes about the asked world in the book "How to evade the temptations today." But now the situation is much better? Countless creatures go to people by leaving their habitats. "Ascension the sun, and gathered, and in the lodges they will lie," says the Psalmopevets about Skynce, that is, young lions, in 103 Psalm "About Mirlym Being". "It's so great God's wisdom, indicating a person's day for a fearless field work, and wild animals and animals - the night to save food", "according to Archpriest Grigory Razumovsky. But now this order is broken. And animals, violating the fact that they are initially commanded, as if they are taken by people for the desecration of nature.

How to protect yourself from this?

According to the popular belief, by September 27 - the Day of Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - snakes lie in the holes and fall into the hibernation: "Neither the snake and no reptile is moving on the Earth." Afraid of the cross.

The Orthodox person knows that the main means of protection for him is the cross of sign, prayer and repentance. We are hoping our hopes on God, the Queen of the Heaven, all the saints, the guardian angel, they have a preservation for themselves.

"The power of hope for God is great. It is an impregnable fence, an incruise wall, invincible assistance, a quiet pier, an uncomplicable fortress, irresistible weapons ... Safety derived from hope for God is much more reliable than the power itself during disasters - says Saint John Zlatoust in "Conversations for Psalms", Psalm 9 and 10. - Great power of hope for God. Her unarmed defeated armed ... before them the elements forgot their nature and turned into their favor, the beasts were not more animals, because the hope of God converts everything. Friends of God are afraid and the elements, and the animals and respects every creature. "

P.S. This article I passed on Friday. And on Monday, November 19, at three o'clock in the afternoon I walked on the 13th Samara microdistrict in the clinic. Curled for the multi-storey "candle" on Kirov Avenue by the trail, reducing the path. There were several tens of meters ... and flinched: a flock of huge dogs flew towards me. They were six or seven. I rushed to the tree, looking for protection. But the thin naked trunk could not protect. The animals surrounded me and, viciously, lean and barking, began to jump and tear clothes, trying to bite. It helped me that I had a very long crap coat with a hood. Nevertheless, one of the dogs rigged the left floor and the coat lining and the teeth slaughtered through the thigh. I tried to fight back with a bag, baptized dogs, shouted tearfully: "Lord, humbly!" Nearby there was no soul. All this happened not somewhere in the forest, but the average in broad daylight in the city, near the busy track. "Yako Psi Monszy Commander Me" (Ps. 21, 17). A few more minutes - and the dogs will ruin me ....

Gone along the pedestrian walkway along Kirov Avenue, as if in some movie, a man with a little dog on a leash and two women were peacefully walking. "People, help!" I shouted loudly and long. It was the last hope, hope for a miracle. Dogs suddenly stopped, as if surprised by my voice. Having lost interest to me, they ran to the side where the voice flew ...

And so many such hungry flies running on Samara! No one from such an attack is insured.

Protectors of animals with foam in the mouth protect against relevant services governing the number in the city of stray predators. But we somehow reluctantly defend people who cripple these creatures.

Fortunately, I remained unharmed. I am sure that I was saved by the saints, the Holy Mother of God, Archangel Mikhail, who I read the prayer every day. Now I put the point - and I go to the administration of the Kirovsky district of Samara with a statement about what happened, with a request to take measures and caress the evil flock. To other people do not become their victims.

As it became known on November 21, the mayor's office of Samara decided to allocate 5.5 million rubles per caustic dogs. Someone will save it from trouble.

Use of materials is possible only with the written permission of the publisher.

Animal bites, snakes, insects

Conspiracies from ukuusov

How I sit under clear zage

And under the clear sun

They will indicate me oak,

And in that oak nest,

And in the nest of the Snake Laverver.

Remove your poison and divine, and cracking,

And native, and subsecutive, and watch, and water,

And minute, and half a minute.

Take your poison! And you will not endure your poison,

That will be Mikhail Archangel to punish the drinker.

2. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Snake Kleman, illness in stone, plumbing in Lyko. And now and confessed and forever. Amen! (Three times).

3. But the snake, a litter, why are you a slave of God (the name of the rivers) ate? You have no water drop in your mouth, and I have a sea in my mouth. Separating, blowing and spitting three times on a busting place.

4. Lord God pour

The Major Mother worship.

The prechista of God's Materia because of the throne got up.

The servant of God (the name of the rivers) was given.

On the blue sea deck,

On the deck of that three Virgin Mary.

They whisper about Ghada,

They are about Ghada Ropchut:

Gad, reptile, accept your poison,

Then you will be hell you everywhere;

And in the thrones! (9 times).

5. Ten time to read the prayer "Our Father", and then the following: "On the sea on Okian, on the island on Buyan there is an oak, under the oak Rakilan bush, under the bush lies white stone, the Runzo is lying on that stone, under that Runa is a snake Scorpio. She has sisters Maria, Marina and Katerina. And we pray for you, we will bow all four sides: I will scold your vanity from the slave of God (the name of the rivers). " Start on the water or salt, and spray the face of the patient.

6. Speak three times above the crude aspen bark, which is rubbed later the wound.

From the sea, because of the mountain, the serpent was out of a white-named cave, endowed the Troy ticks Iron and took out the sting from the black reptile, from the motley gadnitsa, from the Medezanitsa, from Vhearshi, from Yeah Yarza and Rinants.

7. Snake Macedonian! Why do you, all the serms of the eldest and big, make such flaws, bite good people. Collect your aunts and uncle, sisters and brothers, all relatives and other people, to take her sting from the sinful body at a slave; And if you can't hurt your stall, I will find a thunderstorm cloud, a stone will beat with a zipper. From the formidable clouds, you will not cover anywhere: neither under the earth, nor underway, nor in the field, nor under the deck, nor in the grass, nor in raw bodies, nor in the dark forests, nor in the ravines, nor in the pits, nor in oaks, Neither in the holes. I will rent from you twelve skins with different skins, I will burn you sick, dispel on the clean field. The word mine will not let any century, nor in the age!

8. Testing your finger with a bruoked place, they say: "But a snake, you have a house in a cave, in the slave of God (the name of the rivers) in the village; You, Lita Snake, far away, and the slave of God (the name of the rivers) to the sky is high; You, Lita Snake, a stone coal in the teeth, and the servant of God is white, not pain and not Pukhne, from now on and before the century. "

9. From biting Gad.

For the sake of the sake of the Mother Mother's Mother, the graceful light of the world, retreating from me, wicked, snake evil, podglodnaya, Gadda Luta, Snacking people and cattle; Yako mosquitoes from the clouds spread, so and you, the tumor is evil, disadvantaged, stretch from the slave of God (the name of the rivers).

All the saints and all monastic brethren: Inaks, hermits, postmen and dryheads, the miraculous saints, become me to the rescue, Yako in days, Tako and in Narchi, in any place, the slave of God (the name of the rivers). Amen.

Conspiracies from the bite of insects

1. On the sea on Okian, on the island of Buyan there is an oak nor Nag, nor dressed, under the oak there is a lime bush, under that lime bush lies a golden stone, on that stone lies Fleece black, on that ranne there is an inert of Zmia Garafen. You, Zmia Garafen, take their sting from the slave (the name of the rivers), learn from him ailment. And if you won't take your sting, you will not pick out the ailments, Io, I will take two bobban knives, I will cut the Snake Garafenha sting, I put in three chests of iron, the ban into two locks are German. Wrench heavenly, earthly castle! With this hour, from noon, with a half-hour, there will be a lifeless every Kozulka, and her sanguage in Silver. And you, Zmey and Zmittsy, Couff and Dress, Medeanniki, and Sarachitsa, Run, run away from the slave (the name of the rivers) to this age, to this hour. My word is firm!

Osa, mother all Osam, you are not my mother. Axisons kids, children of children, you are not children. I take the cream-grass, sushi on the cheese Bor, the LSG in the green meadow. Sunday, fly on smoke; Osa, run in the raw boron. Word lock, key language!

a) wasps, wasps, iron noses, do not burn me, I'll give you a father, let's give a cake.

b) wasps, wasps, bouquet noses, do not burn me, do not flatter me, I am a uterus you, and you are my kids.

4. From Sanging Kozuli (insects)

Clamps salt into the water and burning in front of the image of the candle, read over the water as follows:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. At the sea on Okian, on the island of Buyan there is an oak cheese, under the Oak standing there is a bed, on that bed lies the girl, Zmein sister. I come to her, I bring the complaint to Kozhulya, on the already, that "your saws ate my cattle, and if you won't take them, I will complain about you by Nikolai Roman and Nikolai Solzynsky."

"No, it's not so sad, the slave of God, I myself will take them, the ailments to be expelled from the lived, from the bones, from the bobby, from the inner abdomen and from hot blood; I will write the inscription on the water, send the water to a bromin man (the name of the rivers). Amen". Then you need to sprinkle the patient with a sprinkle and give it to drink it.

5. Conspiracy on the expulsion of ferrous ants

Behind the sea blue, beyond the sea, in the middle of the sea, the island of Buyan lies in the middle of the sea; On Tom Island, Buyan is standing oak, under the top of the oak, seventure seven elders, nor composed or related. An old man came to them, led to them the darkness of those black ants. Take you, elders, three iron roeers, colitis, chop black Muriyev at seventy-seven parts.

Behind the sea blue, beyond the sea. In the middle of the sea is the island of Buyan; On Tom Island, Buyan is a house, and in that house there are Kadi Iron, and in those faces there are silk brass. You, elders, nor composed nor related, collect black Muriyev in the Kadi Iron, in the Silk Tnet, from the slave (name).

Behind the sea blue, beyond the sea, in the middle of the sea, the island of Buyan lies in the middle of the sea; On Tom Island, Bujan sits the Bird of Gagana, with an iron nose, with copper claws. You, Bird Gagan, Sit at the house where the Kadi Iron is standing, and in the frames there are black Muria, in silk brakes; Sit together and firmly, do not let anyone, distinguish everyone, all biting. I speak the sim plot of the slave (the name of the rivers) from the Black Muriyev, to this day, to this hour, by his age. And be my conspiracy with a lot and strong. Who will break it, the black Municipality will eat. My word is hard! "

Ant, ant, don't bite me let me give up

I am you, the whole family and tribe, and your king.

Conspiracies from biting by animals

1. From biting with a mad dog

Tsar Gleb, I do not force you, dissuade from every reptile, from a bad sophistication, from a crazy dog \u200b\u200b(some wool); I strictly discharge (the name of the rivers) from the bones, from the relics, from the veins, from the capitals, from the composition, from the half-suite, from the buoy head, from the rib bone, from the combustible blood, from Susko's abdomen, from fractional intestines. At the sea of \u200b\u200bokayne, on the field of sown, on the high mound there is a house of iron, copper relatives, silver gates, gold locks, locks, not to wash the locks, shawls did not disgust.

2. Conspiracy from biting with a mad dog

At the sea, on the outstand, on the island on the Buyan, there is a house, and in that house I sit in Staritsa, and she keeps the sting. You, Staritsa, take your sting and come to the slave (name); Take out of the slave (name) sting mortal.

Being spoken by the wounds in their hands, on the legs, on the head, in the forehead and in the back of the head, on the eyebrows and chin.

Be forever in the eyelids on the dog of black, gray, red, gray, red, white, sit and still do not go.

3. From biting with mad animals

At the sea on the okayne, on the island on Buyan there is a cool Mount Zion-Matushka, Oak Starodub grows on a steep mountain, under the Oak Staruga lies the chain of iron, lick around the oak, the old demon is tied to this chain, you, you, you, Dog, old demon, leaf your face, his rage, his biting tooth. If we bite the slave of God (the name of the rivers) into the white body, let your black swollen in hot blood, then you will whimstone any disease. And if I do not waste your biting tooth, I will come to you, the Slave of God (the name of the rivers), with iron steel, with Bil Iron, Ignorant of the prayers of the Lord of our Jesus Christ for centuries. Amen.

At the sea, on the okayne, on the island of Buyan, stands Mount Ararat, on the grief, on Ararat, there is a protected stone, on Tom on the stone sits a grandfather sits gray-rough, white-worn. I bow to you, I pray, Iébavy me from the dog, from Cousa, from a variety, whitish.

Conspiracy is pronounced above the water.

5. On the sea-ocean there is a white birch, under this white birch there is a cast-iron board, two writings are sitting on this cast-iron board: Tsaritsa Psari and King Psar. The slave (the name of the rivers) comes to you, asks and begs you: Collect you all mad - and legs, and potackers, and greyhound, and order them to remove your rabies from the slave (the name of the rivers), from his body, from his bones, from Blood him. If you take your rabies, you will get a salvation from the Savior, and if you don't take it, I will tell the Savior and the Mother of God. The Savior will go to you with the holy spear, and God's Mother with an iron rod. The Savior will punish you, and the rabies to take out will order.

How to read a conspiracy from snakes and gady bite

Everything happens in life, and better to this "every" prepare in advance. In our country, limitless opportunities there is an unpleasant opportunity to meet a snake. And that this meeting does not end with serious poisoning or psychotraumatic shock, it is enough to read a conspiracy in advance from snakes.

Conspiracy from snake

Grads creeping are different: black, white, red. However, special conspiracies will allow you to protect you from any kind of reptiles. They not only won't give a snake to bite you, but will make your meeting simply take place. It is important to understand the purpose of the conspiracy (scaring the reptiles from the dwelling, protect against the bite for the adhesives of the house, a conspiracy from the meeting), since the words of protection depend on it.

Conspiracy from the meeting with the snake

If the prospect of meeting the snake you glad little, then before going to the habitat of this crawling reptile, read the conspiracy. It is important to keep in mind that words are read solely before the care of the house and it is in the house itself. Text conspiracy against meeting with the snake:

"Snucking, snake, the side of the pricks you are. I'm unclear, you are harmless! "

If you go to the forest, then this conspiracy is suitable:

"Along the path, my legs go along the path. The snake does not see them, the snake will not touch them. You have more forest, I have less stress! ".

If you get around the reality, it was not possible and this petty crawling creation was caught on the way, you will note these words for memory:

"Snakes, snakes, touch me not dare. The earth shook, the water will break, the forest will disappear, it will stand for me, I will protect me. Snake, snake, look away from me. " If the crawling creation is very close, repeat in the fast pace: "Your whole forest, just give me peace!"

If you would like some kind of protective gun from creeping reptiles, then you can make an appropriate amulet.

  • find a small round stone white;
  • make a hole in it;
  • touch the thread and read these words:

"Tsarina Serpent, Ladyman Sea! The will of your whole snake subordinates, one of them is powerful. You see the stone white, like your wonderful face, protect his owner from his children. Your word is strong, the will is unshakable. Hold in the handles of your serpets, let those good people and me, including ".

Another plot that spend on the street. Take the handful of the earth from your yard. Distow it in the wind and say:

"God, remove me, (your name), from the snakes of all sorts. This creation is yours, you are subject to you. So protect your daughter / son (his) from the danger of this. I believe in you and in your power, in your power and your help. May it be so. Amen"

If none of the conspiracy fell in the soul, take advantage of this:

"From today and in the eyelids, any evil spirits creeping, biting, staggering will not meet on my path, in my district, my house and my family. Snake any will crawl away, will not find me in the forest or in the field. My word is strong, my will resistant. As she said so to be. "

Conspiracy from bite

If the snake bite does not catch you, and medical care is not foreseen, then nothing remains here, except for how to suck a few drops of blood from the bite and pronounce:

"In the brunch of the sea, in the blue, far, in the depths of deep, where there is no light, there is a lady sits by the sea, the serpent of the queen. It sits sadly, in the dark cries, white light is not backed. Sit there, the evil queen, and not see you of the earth, if the poison you will not take your own back to your kingdom, the fire. Remove your sting, poisoning on the sea to break and me is heal. And then, in honor of you, I am a cake, I will praise before the gods, and again the light will illuminate your dungeon and you will again find it on freedom. All sores are sick and freedom to do! Amen!"

Conspiracies can be shorter. However, in this case, blood from the wound is not suused, but washed with cool distilled water. Then sentenced:

"A man lived, evil did not do forever. Bit the poor snake, yes from that and died. And the man for the good acts, recovered over the day. "

Conspiracy from the penetration of the snake in the house

People living in private houses are more susceptible to the penetration of the snake into the house than residents of apartments. Therefore, they just need to know how to fly housing from creeping reptiles using conspiracies.

"Each of his own, the bird is the will, the tree - the driver, and the land - snake. Snakes, snakes, do not joke: My courtyard is fiery, you will go side to him. Do not frighten me people, do not put in the garden! "


Meeting with a snake case is not pleasant. There are different conspiracies from snakes. The words of each of them have a specific goal: to protect from meeting with the snake, protect against bite or keep the house from the attack of these animals. Depending on the circumstances, it is important to choose the right protection text.

Useful conspiracies for all summer. 02:33. - conspiracy from meals

When reparaging, it is important to choose the right time and place. For better protection make an amulet. Let snakes do not meet on your way. Good luck!

Coast Conspiracy Snake Bite

When you are going to the forest, where there are a lot of snakes, still being at home, cross three times and read the conspiracy that will save you from snake bite. Conspiracy-charm is read in this way:

On the sea on the ocean, on the island of Zmeyan,

Seven aspen heights are growing.

And under that aspen Snake-Schucopoea lives.

Her bed is trees, feather her fluff,

On her Snake Skourozhu lies

And at me (name) looks.

I am to you, Skourki, IT,

I am you, Schukourov, please:

His Moledtian Posters,

Collect all your sisters, brothers,

All matchmakers and matchmakers,

Grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons,

Grandfather, great-grandfather, daughters,

Young, old and stupid,

Yellow, yellow, ripples, gray,

Black and silver

Blue, green and moss,

Poppal, underwater and field,

Underwear, borrowings and forests,

Marsh, wells and leafy,

On the bitch lying, under the sodes of sleeping,

In the bushes, in the grass, in the sheets,

In all countersight places.

Figure them all and say

Yes with his word strictly setting,

Let them run from me

I will not give me a stare.

And if there is the opposite,

Then Mikhail Archangel comes,

Thunder and lightning will let them and kill.

With me God and all the godfather

Not me, and she forbid me stupid to you.

And who Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr goeshes,

That only a conspiracy.

Such conspiracy words will help from the snake bite. Entering into the forest, as if bit yourself a language and tell me such a spell:

Conspiracies against snakes: how to perform

Conspiracy is a magic spell that consists of specially selected words, and if you read them in the right way, they will have a healing, blessing or guarding effect. Reading a conspiracy is aimed at protecting a person from poor influence or cure it in a short row with the help of higher strength. All this is accompanied by a special rite.

Conspiracy from snakes in the country

This article will talk about conspiracies, the reading of which will save from the reptiles who are afraid of many since early childhood. And this fear is called "herpetophobia", it manifests itself in different forms: from simple discomfort, when a person sees a crawling creature to panic fear and stupor - in this case it is not necessary to see a living snake, you can simply see her drawing or toys in the form of a snake.

The reasons for the fear of the snake are different: someone is afraid of a bite, someone does not accept her appearance, many snake are associated as an embodiment of evil other forces.

With creeping animals, many people will take and believes, so believed that a person who met the snake on his path, waiting for extraordinary life turns ahead.

They believed that happiness would come to the house to those owners to which the snakes were crawled into the yard, the misfortune was waiting for those from the courtyard of which these animals "ran away." It was considered a crime to kill a guy found in the house or in the courtyard or a snake - this animal could pretend to be a house. And if it is offended, he could send a fire to the house or something worse.

There are still differently used differently prepared charms, ointments, tinctures, the use of which will save from the non-desired bites of crawling snakes. It was important in ancient times, since there was no special protective shoes, but a recognized fact - the snake bites not because she is a very aggressive animal, but because there is a threat to her life or a lair and she is protected .

Previously, to protect against poisonous bites of these animals, burned branches and dry leaves of a poplar, getting ash of them. She rubbed the soles of the shoes and the tracks sprinkled in front of the entrance door of their own house - believed that the rolled ash would not miss the poisonous snakes inside the housing. We wore with them, tieting on the thread and stones.

Snake on the site

Types of conspiracy and what to do in a specific case

Conspiracy from snakes happens the following types:

  • against the attack of the snake (or to not meet him in its path);
  • to snake not crawled into the house;
  • against a poisonous bite.

Conspiracies against the attack of snakes

Consider conspiracies of snakes that are ranked first. These conspiracies read before going to the forest or other places where the creeping is inhabited. In this case, you need to read the conspiracy words before exit:

"I will come to the forest, and you, snake, to the whole Arshin under the ground we got."

Or the following conspiracy:

"I will come (the name of the walking) into the forest, any gadet under the stump climb."

If still on the way they saw the crawling animal, the words should be talked against him:

"Gad, the Earth burns and you will save you" (or instead of the word "Earth" add the list of words "stone", "sand", "grass"), and if this animal still approaches you, you need to immediately pronounce quietly and immediately : "I myself (myself) grief and you also sleep."

How to get rid of snakes

It is possible to make for yourself and the talisman-guard, which will act against these animals. To do this, take a little white stone and read it such lines:

"On the window, the island of Buyan is a big stone, on it, on white, the fleece of Maha rests inside him - all the scaly queen. Socially, Mach, all his creep of hissing subjects, do not give them freedoms, hold themselves, do not release themselves on good people. "

With the use of land and followed by dispelled it in the wind, the following words read:

"I get up to the Sherny Face, sprinkle myself with water from the well, coming out of the doors of the house, leave the gate and turn to the east to the sea-ocean. Before the sky - highly, and to the sea - very far. The scaly of his stale does not have and it will not grow. So it was always and will be. "

"From the present time it will be killed and without one's own sting, any creeping, any poisonous reptile on my intended road, for my back, on both sides of the world from me in a clean field, in a dark swamp and in the forest herbal of stricmes are destined to come true, and snakes everyone From my road to get out. "

How to avoid snake bite

Conspiration from the bite of an animal

Conspiracy from the snake, which has already bitten a person, read as quickly as possible and need to be released from the affected part of the skin on the body a couple of blood drops:

"On the ocean, a big oak is growing in the ocean, there is a linden bush under it, a stone is hidden under it, the fleece is set on it, a snake of Garafen is resting on it. You, snite, pick up a poisonous sting from (the name of the person), take away with his staining from (man) ailment. If you don't want to do this, you will not take back the disease and sting, I will take 2 knives and I will cut your sting. I will put it on the bottom of the three chest and a ban on 3 castle. Earthlock my cherished words and desires. "

The following conspiracy against the bite of the snake involves washing the place of bite of clean cold water and the philantal of such words:

"A snake sits on dry ripper and lowers his sting in the pure sea. At the bottom of the sea lies a big white stone, from which there was no fruit, like sting down. "


Such a conspiracy was used against the action of the serpentine poison (in parallel with this they squeezed the poison from the busted place on the body):

"I'll sit at the dawn under the oak, and on it a nest, and in that nest lies the snake of the Laison. Take, you snake, your poison back, and if you won't make it, you will be punished with a whip. "

Snake bite conspiracy

Prayer from snakes penetrating into the house

Many people living in the village, near the forest, people suffer and dissatisfied with the fact that snakes on their plot are permanent and unandoned guests. In this case, conspiracles are read, so that these animals are not covered with the territory of people.

According to one place, it is necessary in the early morning on a Sunday day from different field colors to weave the wreath and hang it on an ash or maple branch, pour a tree and read the following lines:

"To the grass - flowers, to the ground - water, to the hole - the snake. You, field, meadow snake, polly seemingly from here, do not touch adults and children. And if you do not listen to my words, the earth will not let you go, and the sun will not be heated. "

Carefully selected words of conspiracy, uttered at the right time and under the circumstances, will have a positive magical impact on who they are read and will be removed by a person from snakes, meetings with them, and also neutralize the action of the serpentine poison.

How to get a snake from the site

1. Hang on the section Chinese bells. Snake will scare this sound, and the ringing of bells will not annoy you.

2. Ly the dry mustard on the plot. Its smell scares snakes. There are 1 kg mustard for 10 acres of land.

3. Follow the grass regularly. On a smooth lawn, you will always notice the snake. And snakes love to hide in thick grass.

4. Remove the area by the fence on the brick base. The height of the masonry should be at least 40-50 cm. This is a good barrier from the unborn guests.

5. Prepare a kerosene solution. Divide the fuel liquid with water 1: 2 and spray the area along the fence. Snakes do not tolerate this smell.

6. Bring hedgehogs from the forest, because they catch snakes. Put them with a saucer with food and milk.

Zmeelova tips -

To make sure the snake has already gone, or vice versa lives in the house -

It is necessary to scatter the path from simple flour, a thin layer near each door. If the snake is still there, then you will definitely see the characteristic flour trails that the snake will leave, crossing the flour "track". If those in ten days (or two weeks) will not appear - it means the snake has long left the house
The best way (but not humane) catch a snake in the dwelling, it is unwinding and decompose the tape sticky layer up. The snake inevitably bursts into it and start racing - thus wounds the whole tape itself (all the spreaded piece). All this happens with noise and crunch.

Snake in the house -

Pour into the slot between the boards any dissolved garden herbicide - the snake will go in English.

"I meet my snake, immediately run into the kitchen of coffee to brew. At the same time I scream to her: Arrange more comfortable, dear mother-in-law! ..
So here for twenty years I survive. "

Snake on the garden plot -

Treat the boundaries of the site can be simple ammonophos, sodium or potassium salter, etc. Herbicide can give the best effect, but the smell of it is opposing, and keeps a long time. In the spring, it is necessary to carry out this processing several times with the interval in two weeks.
Bournans will begin to grow hard.
Purify the perimeter of the site into the solid strip. And from the side of the forest, if it does not harm it to any other, you can still duplicate a wide loop. Spray carefully, so that the cultural plants did not fall; From the height of centimeters thirty. It will scare the snakes from fascinating.
The year for a year is not necessary, but usually the main activity of the snake lasts from April to October, so it may be necessary to repeat the procedure and in the second half of summer, especially in a rainy summer. In the opposite styuit, a hot dry summer, when the feed base of snakes (rodents and insects) move to human housing, where there is always watering, additional processing will also be required.

Scare from camp -

Snakes do not tolerate C / x chemical fertilizers. If around the perimeter of the camp, scatter in the form of a "track" of a salter or almofoska, etc. - Snakes this "barrier" do not interfly. You can also come on different. It will be necessary to take with you one or two ampoules of any gardener herbicide. Already being in the parking lot to dissolve them in water, in PET bottles, and also spray the line around the perimeter (for this, make several holes in the covers). Effect - guaranteed. Only amber at herbicides is not the most pleasant, I would not have poisoned to them pure forest air. Three days no phytoncides will turn the resistant smell of chemistry. Rest will be touched. It is more relevant to the cottage or estate in the forest.

Prevent unwanted meetings -

Any killed or crushed snake wriggles in agony, all her muscles will greatly spoke. At the same time (especially in females), substances containing appealing ferromones are distinguished from anal. If in a simple way - the killed snake involuntarily highlights the smell of readiness for mating. And since the snakes have the most perfect snuff apparatus - then the neighboring individuals will instinctively frank "for the wedding" - in exactly, directly to the source of this smell. Therefore, it is desirable to carry a snake away from the housing and, if possible, to join (and even better to avoid this procedure and break in peaceful).

How to disperse on peaceful -

Snakes are often dangerous, there is no dispute. But it is quite possible to reduce this danger to almost zero with its correct behavior in the campaign or on a picnic.
As a rule, the snake bites, defending, and a person falls into such a situation for inconsistencies. That is why, according to statistics, the number of busting among the local population is incommensurable less than among travelers and tourists.
It is necessary to be careful in the forest, and in the places of the convenient habitat of snakes (and in the steppe and in the mountains, respectively). Such places are usually shrubs, forest edge, glades, boulders, high dry grass, forest robust, swamps, lakes. You need to be afraid of various rafts, Nor and do not climb into them with your hands. Collecting mushrooms, it is useful to have a stick with yourself, which "tackle" grass under the trees, shrubs. Walking along the path, especially in a warm quiet day, look under the feet, so that the snake does not step on the sun in the sun. They love to relax on the paths after the rain, when everything around damp. "Love to bask in the sun." Also need to carefully look at feet when walking on places overgrown with high grass or shrub. Snakes attack, mainly on a moving object.
If you unexpectedly noticed the creeping snake, please, give her the opportunity to leave. If the snake accepted the pose of the threat, step back slowly backwards. Avoid harsh, frightening snake movements! It is impossible, defending, put forward hands, unfold to snake back. If you have a stick, hold it in front of yourself towards the snake. Do not run away from the serpent member - you can step on an unnoticed other. Keep calm in decisions, actions, gestures. Remember, the snake is dangerous that you do not see, the detected snake has no threat. Seeing the snake it is enough just not to touch and move away.
In the case of violence, for protection against teeth, sufficiently dense sneakers and spacious jeans, not to mention boots. In addition, before bedtime, in nature, it is necessary to thoroughly inspect the tent and sleeping bags, and in the morning inspect and shake the clothes and shoes. And you need to be just attentive.
The main way to protect for ordinary viper is a secrecy. Often, people coexist with snakes and are not suspected of their existence.
But if you, in your inattention, come or sat on the snake, or they decided to catch the snake in his hands - she will be defended differently - to bite. They are protected by the attack, and if for some reason they cannot wage, or drive into the angle or not enough devivers to quickly retire or recently have been recently.
Often the consequences of improper treatment of bite turn out to be more dangerous to the bite itself.

Remember that by destroying snakes in the natural environment of their habitat, you thus apply irreparable harm to the very nature, disturbing the balance between individual species. In particular, create prerequisites for mass reproduction of rodents, including mice.

Everything happens in life, and better to this "every" prepare in advance. In our country, limitless opportunities there is an unpleasant opportunity to meet a snake. And that this meeting does not end with serious poisoning or psychotraumatic shock, it is enough to read a conspiracy in advance from snakes.

Grads creeping are different: black, white, red. However, special conspiracies will allow you to protect you from any kind of reptiles. They not only won't give a snake to bite you, but will make your meeting simply take place. It is important to understand the purpose of the conspiracy (scaring the reptiles from the dwelling, protect against the bite for the adhesives of the house, a conspiracy from the meeting), since the words of protection depend on it.

Conspiracy from the meeting with the snake

If the prospect of meeting the snake you glad little, then before going to the habitat of this crawling reptile, read the conspiracy. It is important to keep in mind that words are read solely before the care of the house and it is in the house itself. Text conspiracy against meeting with the snake:

"Snucking, snake, the side of the pricks you are. I'm unclear, you are harmless! "

If you go to the forest, then this conspiracy is suitable:

"Along the path, my legs go along the path. The snake does not see them, the snake will not touch them. You have more forest, I have less stress! ".

If you get around the reality, it was not possible and this petty crawling creation was caught on the way, you will note these words for memory:

"Snakes, snakes, touch me not dare. The earth shook, the water will break, the forest will disappear, it will stand for me, I will protect me. Snake, snake, look away from me. " If the crawling creation is very close, repeat in the fast pace: "Your whole forest, just give me peace!"

If you would like some kind of protective gun from creeping reptiles, then you can make an appropriate amulet.

Everything is simple here:

  • find a small round stone white;
  • make a hole in it;
  • touch the thread and read these words:

"Tsarina Serpent, Ladyman Sea! The will of your whole snake subordinates, one of them is powerful. You see the stone white, like your wonderful face, protect his owner from his children. Your word is strong, the will is unshakable. Hold in the handles of your serpets, let those good people and me, including ".

Another plot that spend on the street. Take the handful of the earth from your yard. Distow it in the wind and say:

"God, remove me, (your name), from the snakes of all sorts. This creation is yours, you are subject to you. So protect your daughter / son (his) from the danger of this. I believe in you and in your power, in your power and your help. May it be so. Amen"

If none of the conspiracy fell in the soul, take advantage of this:

"From today and in the eyelids, any evil spirits creeping, biting, staggering will not meet on my path, in my district, my house and my family. Snake any will crawl away, will not find me in the forest or in the field. My word is strong, my will resistant. As she said so to be. "

Conspiracy from bite

If the snake bite does not catch you, and medical care is not foreseen, then nothing remains here, except for how to suck a few drops of blood from the bite and pronounce:

"In the brunch of the sea, in the blue, far, in the depths of deep, where there is no light, there is a lady sits by the sea, the serpent of the queen. It sits sadly, in the dark cries, white light is not backed. Sit there, the evil queen, and not see you of the earth, if the poison you will not take your own back to your kingdom, the fire. Remove your sting, poisoning on the sea to break and me is heal. And then, in honor of you, I am a cake, I will praise before the gods, and again the light will illuminate your dungeon and you will again find it on freedom. All sores are sick and freedom to do! Amen!"

Conspiracies can be shorter. However, in this case, blood from the wound is not suused, but washed with cool distilled water. Then sentenced:

"A man lived, evil did not do forever. Bit the poor snake, yes from that and died. And the man for the good acts, recovered over the day. "

Conspiracy from the penetration of the snake in the house

People living in private houses are more susceptible to the penetration of the snake into the house than residents of apartments. Therefore, they just need to know how to fly housing from creeping reptiles using conspiracies.

"Each of his own, the bird is the will, the tree - the driver, and the land - snake. Snakes, snakes, do not joke: My courtyard is fiery, you will go side to him. Do not frighten me people, do not put in the garden! "


Meeting with a snake case is not pleasant. There are different conspiracies from snakes. The words of each of them have a specific goal: to protect from meeting with the snake, protect against bite or keep the house from the attack of these animals. Depending on the circumstances, it is important to choose the right protection text.

Useful conspiracies for all summer.

Snake trail from a difficult situation. Real for everyone ...

When reparaging, it is important to choose the right time and place. For better protection make an amulet. Let snakes do not meet on your way. Good luck!