Boris Livanov, the son of actor Vasily Livanov, was sentenced to nine years in prison in a maximum security colony for premeditated murder. As reported by the Investigative Committee of the Moscow Region, the verdict was pronounced by the Khimki City Court at the place where the crime was committed.

The Khimki court of the Moscow region sentenced the son of the famous actor Vasily Livanov Boris to nine years in a maximum security colony for murder committed on New Year, January 1 in Khimki. As told to an correspondent official representative Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region Yulia Zhukova, 34-year-old Boris Livanov was convicted under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia (murder).

The investigation was able to prove that on the morning of January 1, Livanov Jr. drank alcohol in the company of his wife, and also big company their friends, including a certain Igor Khromov. Drinking buddies celebrated New Year 2009 in their friend’s apartment in Khimki. During the feast, a quarrel occurred between the men, which escalated into a stabbing.

According to media reports, the quarrel arose after a group of men woke up the sleeping Livanov, heading to the store for a new portion of booze. The actor's son took his drinking companion to the landing and beat him there, and then stabbed him several times in the chest and neck. Khromov died on the spot from his injuries. According to some reports, the actor’s son committed murder out of jealousy towards his wife.

As the Rosbalt agency previously reported, Livanov’s lawyers tried to prove that Khromov died not from knife wounds, but from blood loss caused by severe alcohol intoxication. Experts hired by the defense argued that the wounds inflicted on Khromov were not fatal, and that the deceased would have fallen into a coma anyway, since the level of alcohol in his blood was 7-8 ppm.

Vasily Livanov himself was indignant at the tendentious, from his point of view, course of the investigation. “Starting from January 1, 2009, the media unleashed a bacchanalia of publications due to the fact that my eldest son Boris Livanov became a defendant in a criminal case,” the famous actor told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper shortly after his son’s arrest.

"Someone named as a source in law enforcement agencies, gave the press information of an investigative nature back on January 1, when the investigation had not actually begun yet, and no witnesses had even been identified,” the actor was indignant. He argued that the investigation “began to be conducted literally under the dictation of scandalous publications, without taking into account many facts that were obliged to expand the circle of suspects in a criminal offense.”

Livanov Sr. told the publication that he considers his son “an adult and independent citizen who has long lived separately from his parental family,” who, “naturally, must be responsible for his actions and deeds without any connection with my name.” Meanwhile, some media outlets have already disseminated information that Livanov Jr. had long quarreled with his parents and was repeatedly involved in various criminal cases.

Let us recall that in 2003 the name of Boris Livanov was already “flashed in the press.” Due to the fact that she wrote a statement to the police against Boris Livanov dear mother, whom he threatened with violence. It was reported that Boris tried to attack his mother when she came to his apartment, where he lived with his wife and daughter, and found something terrible: little Eva was in tears, Boris was in a drunken stupor, and his wife Katya was handcuffed to the radiator (so the husband , fearing that Katya would leave him, he held her back). Then, based on the complaint, a criminal case was opened against Boris, which was later suspended - it seemed that the mother took pity and asked not to proceed with the case.

Boris Livanov, son of the best Sherlock Holmes of all times and peoples, famous actor Vasily Livanov, found guilty of murder by the court of the city of Khimki Igor Khromov and was sentenced to 9 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony, the official representative said investigation department Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of Russia for the Moscow region Yulia Zhukova. “The investigation had a good evidence base, and despite the efforts of his father and wife, who refused to cooperate with the investigation, the criminal case was brought to court,” Yulia Zhukova told reporters and summed up: “In our opinion, the decision is fair.”

According to Zhukova, the verdict has not entered into legal force and, in accordance with the law, it can be appealed to a higher authority within ten days after its announcement. If a cassation appeal is filed, the verdict will not enter into force until it is considered. According to lawyers, the court did not impose the most severe punishment on Boris Livanov, since Part 1 of Article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a punishment of up to 15 years in prison.

As reported Russian media, 74 years old Vasily Livanov He was taking what had happened very hard and tried to help his son as best he could - he hired the best Moscow lawyers, regularly visited Boris in the pre-trial detention center and attended almost all court hearings. The lawyers tried very hard. They even developed a cunning move, trying to convince the court that there was no murder of Igor Khromov at all, and that he died, they say, not from his wounds, but on his own initiative - as a result of alcohol poisoning. “The knife wounds that were inflicted on Khromov were not fatal, but the dose of alcohol he took was lethal,” quotes a statement in court from a medical expert brought in by Livanov’s lawyers. The publication writes with reference to an examination that 7-8 ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of the murdered Igor Khromov, despite the fact that already 4-5 ppm can lead to fatal outcome. In addition, the expert argued that due to intoxication, Khromov’s blood did not clot well and that’s why he died. However, all these arguments did not impress the court and 35-year-old Boris Livanov was found guilty of the murder of Igor Khromov and will spend 9 years in a maximum security colony. As the publication writes, Vasily Livanov, after listening to the verdict, approached the cage in which Boris was located and through the bars silently shook his son’s hand. “Dad, we’ll see you again,” Boris said, after which the saddened Sherlock Holmes - Vasily Livanov left the meeting room.

"News Synthesis" recalls that the crime of which Boris Livanov was accused occurred in New Year's Eve on January 1, 2009 in the city of Khimki near Moscow. As the Free Press writes, Boris Livanov and his wife Ekaterina celebrated the New Year in the apartment of their 38-year-old friend Elena Gorokhova. In the company of guests was also Igor Khromov, with whom Boris had a conflict. During the quarrel, Boris Livanov grabbed a knife and took Khromov to the landing. There he punched his victim several times in the body, and then stabbed him three times in the chest and neck. Igor Khromov died on the spot from his injuries. According to the publication, immediately after the crime, Ekaterina Livanova threw the knife out the window and it disappeared in the snow. The police with metal detectors searched all the snowdrifts around the house, but the murder weapon was never found.

Boris Livanov, born in 1974, was detained on the same day by police officers who arrived at the scene on suspicion of murdering Igor Khromov, born in 1979. On January 3, the Khimki City Court decided to arrest Boris Livanov and take him into custody during the investigation.

Vasily Livanov reacted very painfully to the fuss that the press created after the detention of his son. “Starting from January 1, 2009, a bacchanalia of publications was unleashed in the media due to the fact that my eldest son Boris Livanov became a defendant in a criminal case,” Vasily Livanov said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Someone named by a source in law enforcement agencies , gave investigative information to the press on January 1, when the investigation had not actually begun yet, and no witnesses had even been identified.” Brilliant performer of the world's greatest Sherlock Holmes also stated that he considers his son an adult and independent citizen who has been living separately from his parental family for a long time and, naturally, must be responsible for his actions and deeds without any connection with my name as his parent.

TV presenter, writer, son of the famous Soviet actor Vasily Livanov and grandson of Boris Livanov. Boris Livanov was born into the family of the famous actor Livanov and animation film artist Elena Artemyevna. Boris has younger brother Nikolay, cartoonist.

Biography of Boris Livanov

He studied at the Shchukin School, GITIS, and was often transferred due to poor attendance. Boris Livanov's only film role was his debut in the film Don Quixote Returns in 1997. The directors of the film were Oleg Grigorovich and Vasily Livanov. Boris's father played the main role of Don Quixote, and Boris played Samson Carrasco.

The son of Vasily Livanov found new love

41-year-old Livanov Jr. changed his life dramatically after leaving prison. Boris became a writer and met a woman who managed to make him happy.

Boris spent 4.5 years in prison for murder. After his release in September 2014, he lives almost all the time at his parents’ dacha in the Moscow region. There's an heir there famous family writes a book, conducts family archive. IN soon 41-year-old Livanov has a two-volume book coming out. It is possible that one of the chapters in it will be about love.

Boris Livanov proposed to actress Maria Golubkina. In the “Million Dollar Secret” program, the man said that he had been in love with the star for 25 years. They are planning to get married in the near future.

According to Golubkina, she is not afraid of her fiancé’s past.. Maria Golubkina: bad marriage, years of loneliness and the upcoming wedding

About six months ago, Boris Livanov began communicating with Angelina Frolova on a social network; they once studied together at GITIS a long time ago, and even met. Years later, feelings flared up with new strength. “Spring began in autumn for the first time twenty years ago. And then there was a long winter... And again we have spring,” Livanov poetically confesses his love.

Now Angelina and Boris try to spend everything together free time. Both changed their status on social networks marital status to "meets". Geli, as Livanov affectionately calls her, has two sons - 14-year-old Klim and 16-year-old Demyan. Boris also has a growing daughter from his first marriage, 12-year-old Eva.

In early February, Boris signed documents, officially allowing the girl to live with her mother, Ekaterina. For more than four years they fought in the courts for the child. “Since January 2016, Bora was given the right to raise our daughter,” Ekaterina Livanova tells StarHit.

– Before this, grandfather Vasily Borisovich and grandmother Elena Artemyevna were listed as guardians. But Eva missed me and told dad about it. We went to her guardianship and got everything done. Borya, with whom relations had improved, signed Required documents that he does not interfere with our communication."

It must be said that not so long ago, Catherine told reporters that her daughter did not want to live with her grandparents and decided to run away from them to her mother. However, later Vasily Livanov denied information about this and stated that Eva did not enter into any conflict with them. The grandparents took care of the girl and were attentive to her.

Boris Livanov is a Soviet film and theater actor, in his filmography there are over thirty films and more than twenty roles in performances of both Russian classics, such as “Three Sisters”, “Woe from Wit”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, and foreign ones, including including “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Othello”.


Boris was born into the family of provincial theater actor Nikolai Livanov on May 8, 1904. About the talent of his father, the founder of the future acting dynasty, can only be judged by how it manifested itself in future generations, because film archives with Nikolai Livanov’s performance simply do not exist.

During civil war sixteen-year-old Boris Livanov fought for a year under the command of Alexander Strizhenov, whose sons Oleg and Gleb also became famous actors. But soon Boris was expelled from the army due to the fact that he hid how old he really was.

Having chosen an acting profession for himself, Boris Livanov began studying at the 4th studio of the Moscow Art Theater, and made his debut in 1925 on the stage of the same theater in the play “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich”, playing the role of Andrei Shuisky in it. He also participated in the productions of “At the Gates of the Kingdom”, “Untilovsk”, “Othello” and others. The actor’s bright character was noticed by viewers and critics after his roles as Count Almaviva in “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” and Nozdryov in “ Dead souls", staged in 1934 and staged by Mikhail Bulgakov. In this role, the charm of his personality was especially felt.


In the theater, Boris Livanov successfully played roles both in the classical repertoire and in plays by modern authors. For forty years he participated in many productions of the Moscow Art Theater.

In the 40s and 50s, Livanov made the most of his creative potential. Among his notable roles are Solyony in the production of “Three Sisters”, Chatsky in “Woe from Wit”.

The directorial work of Boris Nikolayevich Livanov began in 1953, when he was commissioned to stage the play “Lomonosov”, where he also played the role of the great Russian scientist. Since then, Livanov has combined two jobs in the theater, acting and directing. Boris Livanov directed the plays “Our Youth”, “Front”, “Boss” and became one of the first to work in Soviet time directors who began staging performances based on the works of Dostoevsky in the theater. In The Brothers Karamazov in 1960, he played Dmitry in his own way. The last theatrical role played by Boris Livanov in 1963 was the main role in “Yegor Bulychev and Others.” At the end acting career Livanov continued to work only in a directorial capacity. The last performance he staged was the famous Moscow Art Theater “The Seagull” by A.P. Chekhov.


The main thing for Boris Livanov, of course, was the theater, but he played many more roles in cinema. He began acting in films before he began acting in the theater. He played his first film role in the fairy tale “Morozko,” beloved by viewers to this day. Later, Livanov starred with such famous Soviet directors as Eisenstein, Kozintsev, Romm, Kheifitz and others.

Among his best film works: Dubrovsky in the film adaptation of Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky”; Prince Pozharsky in historical film"Minin and Pozharsky"; captain Rudnev in the heroic film “Cruiser “Varyag””; Lomonosov in the biographical film “Mikhailo Lomonosov”.

In 1953, the actor vividly played the role of Prince Potemkin in Romm’s historical film “Admiral Ushakov.” Contemporaries who saw him not only in films or on stage, but also heard the characteristic Lebanese bass with its famous pauses on the radio, recall that Boris Livanov was very popular. In his last film work, he brilliantly played a surgeon in the film “Degree of Risk,” based on the then sensational story of the outstanding “Thoughts and Hearts.”

Personal life

Boris Nikolaevich had an extraordinary sense of humor, his well-aimed, well-spoken phrases often became aphorisms, and he was also good at drawing cartoons and caricatures. One day the famous Kukryniksy invited him to work together, to which Livanov said: “I can’t. You’ll have to sign: “Are they Kukryniksy?”

He highly appreciated the talent of Boris Livanov. He was awarded many government awards and state prizes for acting and directing. In 1948, Boris Nikolaevich Livanov became People's Artist THE USSR. Theater tales are still told about the actor’s relations with those in power. He did not fawn over his superiors and was distinguished by freedom of speech and a sharp tongue. Once at the Moscow Art Theater they presented a group of young actors by name, and the day before Khrushchev spoke at the CPSU Central Committee with a public exposure of the anti-party group Malenkov-Kaganovich-Molotov.

Photo: Boris Livanov

Molotov's patronymic name is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. Among those represented was. Livanov instantly reacted to this combination; his remark immediately followed: “Vyacheslav Mikhailovich is innocent! ...And Lazar Moiseevich?” , the son of an actor, said that according to Stanislavsky, any person of art has two paths - to love art in himself or himself in art, Boris Nikolaevich had a love for art in himself, he clearly understood the value of the talent given to him by the Lord.

In 1970, Livanov was supposed to be approved as the head of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. During his vacation, while Boris Nikolaevich and his wife Evgenia Kazimirovna were vacationing in the south, the theater troupe turned to the Minister of Culture Furtseva with a request to appoint him as the head of the theater. Having learned about this, Boris Livanov was very worried about what had happened and did not enter the theater for two years.

He lived only 68 years. There is a memorial plaque installed at house 6 on Tverskaya Street, where he lived since 1938. In 2003, the release of the “To Be Remembered” program was dedicated to him.

Livanov’s personal life was always of interest to his fans, but was closed from prying eyes. His The only son Vasily continued family traditions and also became a favorite actor among the audience. The grandson of the famous actor, born two years after the death of his grandfather, was also named Boris. Unfortunately, his fate is quite sad. He brought a lot of grief to his parents. Having started a quite successful film career in his youth, Boris led a wild life and was convicted of murdering a man. Now he is free, he has a daughter, Eva.

Selected filmography

  • 1924 - Morozko
  • 1927 - Kastus Kalinowski
  • 1936 - Dubrovsky
  • 1939 - Minin and Pozharsky
  • 1949 - Battle of Stalingrad
  • 1949 - Fall of Berlin
  • 1960 - Dead Souls
  • 1968 - Risk level
  • 1970 - Kremlin chimes

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He is a genius man who succeeds in everything he does. Without him, the idea of ​​Soviet and Russian cinema would be incomplete.
Vasily Borisovich Livanov managed to prove himself in various fields. He starred in a large number of very diverse films, directed films and animated films. Wrote several stories and fairy tales. speaks in his voice a large number of heroes who can no longer be imagined without the characteristic Lebanese hoarseness.

The image of Sherlock Holmes he played received recognition from film audiences around the world. Even the Queen of Great Britain appreciated the work of Vasily Livanov, calling him the best Sherlock Holmes of all time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasily Livanov

Appearing on movie screens for the first time Soviet Union Vasily Borisovich Livanov became incredibly famous. Many film connoisseurs were interested in everything that was connected with this artist. At frequent meetings with connoisseurs of his talent, the celestial himself tried to talk in detail about everything, including his height, weight, and age. How old is Vasily Livanov you can find out from the most various sources, including the Internet or encyclopedia.

In the middle of last year, the famous Sherlock Holmes of Russia celebrated his 82nd birthday in a quiet family circle. Despite his venerable age, he still sometimes agrees to speak to his fans and tell them about himself and his generation.

Vasily Livanov, whose photos in his youth and now can bewitch, has a height of 177 cm. The artist weighs about 76 kg.

Biography and personal life of Vasily Livanov

The biography and personal life of Vasily Livanov can interest any person who has watched a movie with his participation.

The boy was born in July 1935 in acting family. Father - Boris Livanov played equally excellently on the stage and in films. He directed film projects, becoming one of the most famous people that era.

Mother - Evgenia Kazimirovna was very beautiful woman of Polish origin. She painted paintings, some of which can be seen in various art galleries throughout Russia and foreign countries.
In addition to his parents and relatives, the boy’s development was influenced by many famous creative figures of that era. Vasya listened with admiration to the speeches of Dovzhenko, Cherkasov, Konchalovsky, Pasternak and many others. The boy didn’t know what he would become, so he did a little of everything.

He saw himself as a hero who would accomplish a large number of feats, which would glorify himself, as a traveler or tamer.

In parallel with regular school, Vasily Livanov attended art school, showing himself to be a talented aspiring artist. Therefore, after receiving a certificate, he enters the Surikov School. But, after studying for only a year, the young man decided to become an actor. He takes the documents and submits them to Shchepka, one of the best theater universities in the Soviet Union.

From that time on, he was engaged in creativity day and night, often forgetting that he should sleep or eat. After theater institute, the talented young man was invited to work at the Vakhtangov Theater. Soon Vasily Borisovich made his film debut, playing in “Unpaid Letter”. But the biography became especially famous after the role of Sherlock Holmes, which he performed so brilliantly that even the Queen of Great Britain called him the best actor performing the image of this character. literary hero Arthur Conan Doyle.

Filmography: films starring Vasily Livanov

The filmography of Vasily Livanov includes about 200 roles played by him in different aspects. Particularly loved by viewers are “The Blind Musician”, “Don Quixote”, “The Master and Margarita” and others.

The famous film actor voiced many cartoon characters. It is worth remembering, at least Carlson, the crocodile Gena, the Boa constrictor from “38 Parrots” and many others. He himself was involved in directing animated films. For example, he created the New Bremenites. Whatever Vasily Livanov did, he succeeded and still succeeds.
The personal life of Vasily Livanov is also busy. He was married twice. Raised three children. Currently, the world cinema star is raising his granddaughter Eva.

Family and children of Vasily Livanov

The family and children of Vasily Livanov are known to many. The popular artist was born into an artistic family. Many of its representatives were engaged in art. Livanov's father and grandfather were actors, my mother was very famous artist.

Since childhood, the world cinema star dreamed of big family. He regretted that he had no brothers and sisters, so he decided that he would have several children. In two marriages, the famous Sherlock Holmes of Russian and Soviet cinema had three children. But one of his sons caused him a lot of trouble, which Vasily Livanov himself and his beloved wife prefer not to tell outsiders about.

Son of Vasily Livanov - Boris

The boy was born in the spring of 1974. They decided to name him Boris in honor of the popular actor’s father. During his childhood, the boy did not cause trouble for his parents. IN adolescence Boris disrupted lessons and snapped at teachers, so teachers often called parents to school.

After school, Vasily Livanov’s son, Boris, did not want to work. He drank with his partner. Even the birth of a daughter, who was named Eva, did not save the situation. The girl suffers from cerebral palsy.

In 2009, due to drunkenness, Boris killed a man and was convicted. he was released before his term. In 2015, he settled down by marrying the popular actress Maria Golubkina, who even divorced her husband Nikolai Fomenko for this.

Son of Vasily Livanov - Nikolai

The second son was born into the family exactly ten years after the birth of the eldest. He became a real outlet for parents. He studied well at school, attended various clubs and sections. After graduating from school, Vasily Livanov’s son, Nikolai, entered one of the theater universities Russian Federation. At the same time, the young man studied at an art school.

After training, Nikolai becomes an artist - animator. For example, he took part in the creation of such cartoons as “Masha and the Bear”, “Fixies” and some others.

Currently, Nikolai is married and has a daughter, who was named Alice in honor of the popular heroine created by the genius of the writer Kir Bulychov.

Daughter of Vasily Livanov - Anastasia

Vasily Livanov’s daughter, Anastasia, was born in 1963 during Livanov’s first marriage to Alina Vladimirovna Engelgard. The girl did not communicate with her father for a long time after her parents’ divorce, considering him a traitor.

Father and daughter reconciled after the death of Alina Vladimirovna in 1984. Nowadays they talk on the phone quite often. Anastasia has two sons, each of whom is married and raising children.

Ex-wife of Vasily Livanov - Alina Vladimirovna Engelgardt

Our hero met the girl in 1957. The young man sought the girl’s attention for quite a long time. Finally, the fortress fell and the young people got married. The wedding was big and noisy. It was attended by many celebrities of that era.

In 1963, after the birth of their daughter, scandals began to arise in the family with or without reason. But for the sake of his daughter, Vasily Livanov endured. But when she went to 1st grade, famous actor left the family.

Ex-wife Vasily Livanova - Alina Vladimirovna Engelhardt in every possible way incited her daughter against her father. Yes, she herself did not want to communicate with ex-husband.

Vasily Livanov's wife - Elena Artemyevna Livanova

Met famous artist and him future wife at one of the evenings of meetings between film artists and their fans. The girl was 14 years younger. But this did not stop Vasily. He began to court. Soon he confessed his love to his chosen one. She was very happy about this because she loved him too.

The wedding was modest. Only the closest people were present at the wedding.

Vasily Livanov’s wife, Elena Artemyevna Livanova, leaves work for a while, devoting herself to caring for her husband and sons. When the children grew up, she returned to the profession, becoming a cartoonist.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasily Livanov

Wikipedia for the popular film actor exists. Here you can find out all the most detailed information about Vasily Livanov. Besides creative path, the page presents the most detailed list of works in which our today's hero played. Here you can read which characters he voiced and what awards he was awarded.

But the actor does not have an Instagram page. This is due to the fact that Vasily Borisovich Livanov considers the Internet an evil that should be avoided.