On our website we continue to tell you about such an exotic pet as a lizard. We managed to find out whether it is worth getting this pet at all (read about it), what types of lizards are suitable for home care and, for such a pet. However, as you yourself understand, a cozy home is not all your reptile needs. A lizard needs to eat something so that it can grow and develop. And, since you have taken upon yourself to take care of her stay in your home, then the responsibility of feeding is also your task. But how and what to feed the lizard?

We invite you to find answers to these questions with us, and our publication will help you with this...

What do lizards eat in nature?

Most lizards are carnivores

To begin with, let's remember what lizards eat in natural environment a habitat. So, most of them are still predators. Therefore, it is not surprising that natural diet Such exotics include insects, worms, and even small vertebrates. Larger lizards can afford to hunt fish, other lizards, amphibians, snakes, birds, mammals, and do not deny themselves the pleasure of feasting on bird eggs. It is true that there are herbivorous reptiles, but there are very few of them. Yes, and they, mainly using plant foods, can sometimes afford to switch to the diet of a predator. By the way, predator reptiles also sometimes arrange fasting days for themselves and feed exclusively on plant food.

If you have a herbivorous lizard, then be aware that she loves fruits and vegetables. And, if you have ever dealt with turtles at home (read about the peculiarities of keeping them), then, like them, lizards can be prepared with vegetable and fruit mixtures, periodically not forgetting to offer them another type of food - for predators.

Well, based on the above, we can conclude that although there are lizards that are vegetarians and lizards that are carnivores, they are mostly omnivores. And, if so, our task is to create a varied diet (the richer it is, the better), not forgetting that the main food must be given to your reptile (for vegetarians this is plants, fruits and vegetables, for predators this is carnivorous composition) daily.

How often should you feed your lizard?

What about the diet is more or less clear, but we will return to this issue a little later, but here What should be the feeding frequency for these reptiles? If you think that lizards, just like , can for a long time to live without food, the main thing is that there is water, then you are mistaken. Lizards need several meals a day, and in the hot season it needs to be fed 3 times a day, while for the colder season it is enough to feed the pet 2 times a day.

The time for feeding is chosen when the lizard is active. If you have several lizards, then make sure that the reptiles do not fight over food, therefore, it is better to feed them in different terrariums. After the lizard has eaten, it is better to remove the remaining food.

Putting a reptile on a diet and limiting its food intake is not worth it. As a result of malnutrition, the pet may begin to get sick and die.

What to feed your pet lizard

And now, the most interest Ask– what should you feed your pet lizard, given that it eats several times a day? Well, you can offer your reptile various insects - spiders (only non-poisonous ones), crickets, mealworms... Some give small reptiles or bird eggs. However, If the lizard is small in size, then it is better to protect it from eating mammals. This is fraught with indigestion and can lead to illness and death of the reptile.

You can also prepare a nutritional mixture for your favorite lizard. According to those who have such a pet in their house, lizards simply adore it.

How to prepare a nutritional mixture for a lizard

Take carrots and meat in equal proportions (although some owners are categorically against giving meat to lizards - they prefer to replace it with insects, larvae and other living creatures, but grinding meat is much more aesthetically pleasing than putting earthworms through a meat grinder), and skip it all through a meat grinder (carrots can be grated), then add some lettuce leaves to the resulting mixture, and vitamin supplements, calcium. The lizard will definitely like this dish, and she will willingly eat it for breakfast and lunch, but for dinner she will have to be offered something else. By the way, It is recommended to feed young lizards using long tweezers, but for older lizards, food can be placed in a bowl.

Also remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after feeding your lizard. So, just in case...

What to do if your lizard refuses to eat

Group lunch

This question is very often asked by reptile owners who are not yet accustomed to their status as a lizard breeder. Well, perhaps you just simply overfed your pet, and he decided to arrange a couple for himself fasting days. Just watch the lizard's behavior - if it is still active, drinks water well, but simply refuses food or eats very little - it's not scary. The reptile may thus relieve its body from your overfeeding (a symptom of the latter is frequent belching), or perhaps it is clearly hinting to you that what you are feeding it is not to its taste. In this case, it is recommended to reconsider the diet of your pet or pet.

It is not uncommon for young lizards to refuse to feed themselves. In this situation, you can try to interest the reptile in breakfast or lunch in the following way - squeeze out the contents of the mealworm and lubricate the lizard's mouth with it. She will definitely lick it off, and then, having tasted the delicacy, will greedily reach for food.

Does a lizard need vitamins?

If you want your reptile to be healthy, look bright, and behave lively, it must include vitamins and minerals in its diet.. If you have a vegetarian lizard, you can crush these vitamins and minerals and mix them with rice and fruit. For predator lizards, you can prepare a mixture of food insects and add vitamin powder to it. Some owners even specifically inject mice and rats with vitamins before giving them to their lizard to eat, or inject the latter with minerals in gelatin capsules. Do this or do more the simple way– each owner must decide for himself. The main thing is to avoid substances that may discourage your pet from eating or spoil his appetite...

By the way, calcium can be given to lizards in the form of cuttlefish shells or in the form of crushed eggshells (the eggs must be raw).

Lizard - quite exotic a pet. If you don’t want to walk your dog, clean the cat litter box every day, and the noise from guinea pig unacceptable - you can get a reptile.

She doesn't publish loud sounds, does not wake you up in the morning, she does not need to allocate a lot of space in the room. Having decided on a reptile, you need to know how to keep a lizard at home.

General information about lizards

These cold-blooded individuals are predators. There are many types and sizes of lizards that can be kept at home, from large and clumsy to small and nimble.

Each type is interesting in its own way for both professionals and amateurs and requires an individual approach.

Lizards unpretentious and are not very willing to communicate with their owner, which is great for those who prefer to look at pet rather than messing with it.

Depending on the size of the reptile and its type nutrition can also be quite varied. Some representatives, like snakes, can generally go without food for a long time.

Lizard in nature

Today, science knows 9 subspecies of lizards. They are common on large territory Eurasia from Central Siberia to the Atlantic coast.

Within the borders of Russia range The distribution of these amphibians is quite extensive: from the Caucasus in the south to Karelia, Leningrad and Arkhangelsk regions in the north, from Lake Baikal in the east to the borders with Belarus.

Sand lizards vary in size. Depending on the subspecies, the length of the animal can be from 5 cm to 25 cm. Females are slightly smaller than males. Males have a bright greenish-yellow color, while females have a white or yellowish abdomen.

Respectively biotope natural existence lizards are different. It's mixed and coniferous forests, damp wetlands, steppes and forest-steppes, dry rocky areas. These reptiles lead mainly terrestrial daily life, but can climb rocky slopes and trees.

Lizards do not go far from the inhabited territory, digging narrow holes in the ground. During hunting, reptiles do not move more than 15 meters from their burrow so that they can take refuge in a shelter in case of danger.

Common lizards feed on invertebrates: worms, snails, insects, often eating neighbors and their own young.

Selection of housing

Cell selection directly depends on the type of lizard. There should be enough space in the terrarium for it to move freely. Reptiles require a certain temperature.

If in winter the temperature in the apartment drops below a certain value, you will need a heated terrarium. The temperature in the cage, lighting and air humidity must be controlled. When choosing a home, you must adhere to certain rules and know how to care for a lizard:

Filling the aquarium

The filling of the aquarium is large meaning. This can be a composition of branches, potted plants and pebbles. All components must be natural so that the animal does not develop skin diseases or allergies. The branches installed in the terrarium must support the weight of the pet so that he does not get hurt by breaking them.

It is not advisable to use stones as soil. It's better to give preference special substrates, paper, pieces of bark, coconut shavings. To select the ideal terrarium, you will need to monitor the lizard for some time. If you notice that the scaly insect is eating the soil, the base needs to be changed. It is strictly forbidden to use “bedding” as soil for feline toilets or their equivalents.

The reason for carefully selecting bedding for the terrarium is that if swallowed, pieces of soil can become lodged in the intestinal tract, causing illness and even death of the lizard.

Microclimate necessary for a lizard

To maintain the required temperature in the cage, many reptiles require infrared lamp. When choosing it, you need to know that different lamps emit different quantity heat. In order for the lizard to feel comfortable in the terrarium, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • choose the most suitable temperature for your pet by finding out at the pet store how much heat it needs. Most reptiles require an area with a temperature of 32−38 °C;
  • The reptile also needs a cool area, so the lamp should be placed in the corner of the cage. In a cool zone, as a rule, the temperature should be 21−24 °C;
  • The temperature in the terrarium should be checked regularly, taking into account that different parts the cells must be different;
  • At night, turn off heating lamps and replace them with a ceramic heater.


As already noted, for the normal maintenance of scaly animals at home, you will need ultraviolet lamps in the long- and medium-wave range. They are turned on for about 12 hours.

Reptiles need an area where they can bask and bask in the light. Therefore, you should prepare a lamp flooding Sveta. To add a spectrum of illumination, ultraviolet radiation is added to the daylight lamp.

The lamp is fixed inside the cage in such a way that the lizard can reach it and bask in its rays, but not get burned.

Most of the cage should be in the shade.

Feeding lizards

Lizards eating plant and animal food. The basis of their food is insects: earthworms, spiders, grasshoppers, crickets. Boiled chicken eggs are very nutritious for reptiles. You can diversify your pet's food by mixing shredded cabbage and carrots with pieces of meat.

Lizards are fed infrequently, but in one meal they can eat a considerable amount of food. Young individuals are fed using tweezers.

Once in captivity, reptiles may refuse food, so food should be provided to them directly in the mouth. After two weeks, they get used to the situation and begin to feed themselves.

Any pet should be taken to the veterinarian at least once a year. If you notice painful formations on the skin, they should be eliminated in time so that the lizard does not die.

It is important not to forget that these are warlike creatures. They often compete with each other and can even attack humans. Noticing that one of the individuals is being oppressed, it stands resettle or give it to friends. Otherwise, such a lizard can simply be hunted by its relatives.

Large representatives of this species, not receiving appropriate feeding and care, may covet fingers household members. So you shouldn't keep large reptiles in a house with small children.

Quite exotic. It is suitable for breeding for those who do not want to walk the dog in the morning or clean the litter box after the cat. The lizard does not make loud noises, will not wake you up in the morning, and does not need large area for habitation. In short, the animal is ideal for keeping in home environment. It remains only to understand what small lizards eat at home.

Rules for feeding lizards

IN summer season this is done three times a day. In winter, the number of meals is reduced to two times. What is the best food to feed? First of all, insects:

  • spiders;
  • crickets;
  • mealworms;
  • small mammals;
  • bird eggs;
  • cottage cheese (used as a feed additive).

From food of plant origin, the lizard is allowed to give:

  • lettuce, parsley, plantain, clover or spinach greens, dandelions.
  • Vegetable pieces are great to eat - cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, carrots and even raw potatoes.
  • In the fruit group, apples, pears, grapes and melons are suitable.
  • Lizards also love a prepared mixture of finely grated carrots and chopped meat.
  • Young lizards are fed using tweezers. And older adults eat on their own.
  • It is very useful for the lizard to give eggshells, previously crushed finely, calcium tablets, chalk and various preparations intended for reptiles.

House conditions

To breed lizards at home, it is assumed not only the correct one, but also the observance of certain conditions for its life. They are not very complicated, they are quite easy to create.

  1. The first step is to select and install the terrarium. It can be of any shape, but the height is at least two times the length of your pet.
  2. The bottom is covered with earth that does not contain fertilizer components or other additives. Coconut shavings or sand are also suitable for this purpose. There are special mats available in pet stores. It is allowed to cover the bottom with pieces of bark, torn paper, and shavings.
  3. Be sure to place several branches in the terrarium that will remind the lizard of its natural habitat. You can decorate your home with pebbles, artificially created plants, and plates on which the lizard will crawl.
  4. A prerequisite is two temperature zones in the terrarium. The hot area should warm up to a temperature human body(36 degrees), and cooler ones - up to thirty. At night, the temperature should not be lower than twenty-one degrees Celsius. Heating of the hot zone can be done with an incandescent or glass-ceramic lamp; an infrared element is also used. The underlying soil can be heated with a mat, which is available at the pet store.
  5. A lizard, living in a home environment, needs constant light. For this reason, an ultraviolet lamp should be located nearby.
  6. The humidity level for a lizard should be between fifty and seventy percent. Such conditions are achieved in several ways. Place a bowl of water in a cool place in the terrarium so that the lizard can freely sit in it. To increase humidity, spray with water and use moistened sponges. To prevent fungus from forming, you should monitor the quality of air ventilation.
  7. remember, that

The lizard is a rather exotic pet. If you don't feel like walking the dog in the morning or cleaning up the litter box, and the noise from a guinea pig is too much for you, try getting a lizard. Domestic lizard It doesn't make loud noises or wake you up in the morning, it doesn't need a lot of space in your room, and it doesn't have fur, so it's almost an ideal pet.

How to keep a lizard at home?

  1. Before you decide to buy and keep a lizard at home, you should select and install a terrarium for her. The lizard must have its own place in the house, otherwise it will simply run away and may get sick or injured. You can choose a terrarium of any shape, but its height must be at least twice the length of your pet’s body. The bottom should be covered with earth, but without various fertilizers or additives. Instead of soil, you can use coconut shavings or sand; the store sells special mats. Rodent shavings or pieces of paper are suitable; you can line the bottom with large pieces of bark.
  2. In its natural habitat common lizard loves various trees, at home she can put a few branches in the terrarium. You can decorate your pet's home with various stones, artificial plants or climbing plates.
  3. Temperature conditions. Keeping lizards at home requires the constant presence of two temperature zones in the terrarium. The hot zone should be heated to 36°C, and the cool zone to 30°C. At night the temperature should not drop below 21°C. You can heat the hot zone using an incandescent lamp or a glass-ceramic lamp, or you can use an infrared lamp. Heating of the soil will be provided by a special mat; it can be purchased at a pet store.
  4. Lighting. At home, lizards need constant bright lighting. Be sure to install ultraviolet lamp. If you decide to have several pets at once, take care of several heated areas.
  5. Humidity. A humidity level of at least 50-70% is considered ideal for keeping a lizard. There are several methods to ensure such maintenance at home for a lizard. Place a bowl of water in the cool area of ​​the terrarium. The size of the bowl should be chosen taking into account the size of the lizard: it should easily climb into it. You can achieve the required humidity by spraying or using damp sponges. Do not forget to constantly monitor the quality of ventilation when high humidity fungi may form.

What to feed pet lizards?

IN summer period You can feed your pet three times a day. In winter, feeding twice a day is sufficient. What can you feed a sand lizard at home? Offer her various insects: these could be spiders, crickets, mealworms, the lizard will not refuse bird eggs or small mammals. At home, lizards willingly eat a specially prepared mixture: mix finely grated carrots and chopped meat in equal proportions. Add some chopped lettuce and calcium and vitamin supplements.

You need to feed the lizard during its most active period. If you have several pets at once, you need to feed them separately. Be sure to make sure that the lizard eats everything without leaving a trace. When your pet is active and drinks water well, but eats little, there is no reason to worry.

Young animals should be fed using tweezers, but adults can easily eat from a bowl on their own. Always wash your hands thoroughly after feeding.

It is necessary to install a terrarium for it. This animal must have its own place in your home, otherwise it may get sick, injured, or simply run away. You can choose a terrarium of almost any shape for your pet, but its height should be 2 times longer than the lizard’s body.

The bottom needs to be covered with earth. It should be without various additives or fertilizers. Instead of soil, you can use sand or coconut shavings. Pieces of paper or shavings for rodents are also suitable. Alternatively, you can line the bottom of the terrarium with large pieces of bark. Lizard in natural habitat different trees, so you can put several branches in the animal’s housing.

Keeping lizards at home requires the constant presence of two temperature zones in the terrarium. The cold one should be heated to 30 degrees, and the hot one to 36. The temperature at night should not be lower than 21 degrees. You can heat the hot zone using a glass ceramic/infrared lamp or an incandescent lamp. A special mat, which you can buy at a pet store, will provide heating to the soil.

Pet lizards need constant bright lighting. Therefore, install an ultraviolet lamp for it. If you want to have several animals at the same time, you need to make sure that there are several heated areas in the terrarium.

For keeping lizards, the optimal humidity is considered to be at least 50-70%. You can create it in several ways. Place a bowl of water in the cool area of ​​the terrarium. The size of such a bowl should be chosen taking into account the size of the pet: the lizard should easily climb into it. You can achieve the required humidity by using damp sponges or spraying. Do not forget to periodically check the quality of ventilation in the terrarium, since high humidity can cause pathogenic fungi to form.

What to feed lizards at home?

In summer, you can feed the lizard 3 times a day. In winter, two meals a day will be enough for her. Offer your pet various insects - for example, crickets, spiders, mealworms. In addition, the lizard will not refuse to eat small mammals or bird eggs.

You can prepare the following mixture for this animal: mix chopped meat and finely grated carrots in equal proportions, then add chopped lettuce leaves and sprinkle a small amount of vitamin and mineral supplement on top. Please ensure that the latter does not have a pungent odor that could kill the lizard.

Feeding should be done during the period of its activity. If you have several, they need to be given food separately. Be sure to make sure your pet eats her portion. When the lizard is active, it drinks water well, but at the same time eats little, there is no reason to worry.

Young animals need to be fed using tweezers, while adults can feed on their own from a small bowl. After feeding lizards, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Many people today, when thinking about purchasing a pet, opt for the so-called exotic animals - Oh. What is this? A tribute to fashion? Do you want to stand out and emphasize your individuality? Or just a desire to experience new experiences? Be that as it may, in this case the most important thing is to be able to properly maintain your pet.


If you have purchased a small tropical lizard, plant its terrarium abundantly with plants. They will maintain the required level of humidity and allow the animal to drink. After all, these lizards do not drink like ordinary animals - they lick droplets of water from the leaves of plants. To ensure that drops always form on the leaves, spray the plants several times a day, usually recommended in the morning and evening.

In their natural environment, lizards must seek shelter from time to time. Provide your pet with similar shelters. Place them according to their features