Philip Kirkorov finds the opportunity to simultaneously be open to his fans and reliably protect his personal life from the curious. Any fan of the King of Pop is sure that for many years love for the only woman, Alla Pugacheva, has lived in his heart.

Nevertheless, the first wife of Philip Kirkorov has long been enjoying family happiness with Maxim Galkin, who built a real fairy-tale castle for the Diva.

It’s hard to believe that an adult, successful, interesting man has been leading the life of a monk for many years, sighing for his first wife. It is not surprising that the personal life of Philip Kirkorov regularly becomes the subject of the most incredible rumors and sensations.

Everything in the life of the popular performer changed five years ago, when Philip Kirkorov became a father.

Philip Kirkorov and his children, the story of the birth of Alla-Victoria and Martin, rare family photos

When in November 2011 the media reported that Philip Kirkorov had a daughter, many did not immediately believe it, deciding that this was another “newspaper duck.”

When Kirkorov confirmed the latest news, they overshadowed another sensation - the wedding of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva.

The reporters felt deceived: how did Kirkorov, who is constantly under the gun of cameras, manage to become a father, and no one even suggested such a turn?

With redoubled efforts, journalists began to look for the mother of Philip Kirkorov’s daughter.

Nikolai Baskov was the first to tell the media that an American woman gave birth to a child to Philip Kirkorov. Later, the happy father indirectly confirmed the words of his colleague:

We decided that the birth would take place in America because we found out about the pregnancy too late and it was already difficult to transport the child’s mother

However, journalists were unable to find out any more information about Kirkorov’s new wife.

During the christening of Alla-Victoria, which took place when the baby was three months old, there was a interesting case. Alla Pugacheva, who was present at the christening, wished her ex-husband another boy, whom she jokingly suggested calling Maxim.

Kirkorov promised his first wife that the baby’s name would definitely begin with the letter M. As time has shown, the singer was not joking, he already knew then that he would soon become a dad again.

Four months after Alla-Victoria’s christening, Kirkorov’s second child, son Martin, was born.

And again, the name of the mother of the artist’s second child remained unknown. No matter how the paparazzi hunted for the king Russian stage, they were never able to take a single photo in which Philip Kirkorov and his wife were present.

Gradually, the excitement around events in the artist’s personal life began to fade. Kirkorov was in no hurry to demonstrate general public their children, enjoying fatherhood away from prying eyes.

On Philip Kirkorov’s Instagram pages one could occasionally see pictures of children, but it was impossible to see their faces.

In April 2015, Philip Kirkorov showed for the first time what his children look like, inviting a film crew from one of the central television channels to visit him.

Now the artist’s fans have the opportunity to see who Alla-Victoria and Martin are like. Most agreed that the kids are very similar to Philip.

After Kirkorov’s children became heroes on television, the singer no longer hid them. On Instagram you can often see new photographs of Philip Kirkorov’s children.

New photos from 2016 immediately collect hundreds of comments and “likes” from the star’s subscribers.

Philip Kirkorov and his wife Natalya Efremova: what we managed to find out about the mother of the singer’s children

When the program was being filmed with Kirkorov’s children, his daughter, showing children’s crafts, let slip that “father Philip and mother Natasha” were helping her. It was then that it first became clear that the kids had a real mother, and, therefore, Kirkorov had a new wife...

Almost nothing is known about who “Mama Natasha” is. After his daughter’s confession, Philip Kirkorov himself said that they really have an ordinary family, and the children’s mother spends enough time with Alla-Victoria and Martin:

We have a normal family. It’s just that my mother is not a public person. We already have enough attention, our dad is a star, our grandfather is a star. And she doesn't like it all. But the children live in a full-fledged family.

Such revelations only fueled curiosity about the person of Kirkorov’s wife, but more specific information was never found out.

The artist confused everyone even more by saying that in addition to dad and mom, the kids have attentive godparents:

Everything is fine with us, Alla-Victoria and Martin have both a father and a mother. The children also have amazing godparents - mother Natasha and father Andrei Malakhov. They are real mentors for children. I’m not even talking about myself - I’m ready to give my life so that everything goes well for them.

It turns out that “Mama Natasha” and the mother of Kirkorov’s children are not the same woman.

No matter how hard the reporters tried, they were never able to find out anything about the natural mother of the artist’s children - the wife of Philip Kirkorov, whom he hides from prying eyes. But we found some information about the godmother “Mama Natasha”.

Philip Kirkorov's wife Natasha (this is what many fans of the performer thought) is engaged in business. Natalya Efremova has her own business in the trading sector.

Philip Kirkorov and Natalya Efremova met many years ago. They were brought together by a common interest - both love branded clothing.

Natalya owned branded boutiques in Moscow, and Kirkorov often appeared there to choose something from the Versace or Ferret collections.

Alla Victoria's godmother avoids publicity, so she tries to appear in society in discreet clothes and dark glasses.



Seven years ago, a joyful event occurred in the personal life of the king of Russian pop music - he became the father of first his daughter Alla-Victoria, and then his son Martin. Now the singer’s whole life revolves around children, for whom he is ready to do everything possible and impossible. If something happens to them, he tries to intervene in the situation as quickly as possible in order to save the kids from any trouble. The children of Philip Kirkorov made their dad seriously worried, what happened, and why did he, abandoning everything he was doing, rush to help Alla Victoria and Martin out of trouble?

Philip Bedrosovich tries to ensure that his children receive the best, so he sends them on vacation to the most prestigious resorts in the world. Kirkorov's heirs spent this summer in Greece, a country with excellent conditions for recreation, including children's recreation.

They were located near Athens, in an area that was miraculously spared by the fires that engulfed mainland countries. Many learned about what happened to the children of Philip Kirkorov from the latest news, and the singer himself at that moment was in Baku, where the Heat festival was taking place.

Despite the fact that Alla-Victoria and Martin were in relative safety, Philip Bedrosovich, having received the sad news, without waiting for the end of the festival, at which he was present as a specially invited guest, flew out to the children.

In an interview with reporters, the singer expressed condolences to the country in flames, because this tragedy in Greece was one of the largest, and the death toll in the fire in the Kineta area reached more than eighty people. Everyone local residents and tourists located west of Athens were urgently evacuated, and among them there were many who were injured and injured.

The fires in the country were caused by abnormal heat And strong wind, which contributed to the rapid spread of the flame. Despite the efforts of firefighters and volunteers, it was very difficult to control the fire, hence the number of dead and burned people.

Concerned about the tragedy in Greece, Philip Kirkorov took his heirs from the country engulfed in fire and took them to their historical homeland - Bulgaria. After what happened to the children of Philip Kirkorov, he decided to spend a few days with Alla-Victoria and Martin to make amends to the children for not being with them during the terrible disaster.

Philip is happy that Alla-Victoria and Martin were spared the tragedy in Greece, and nothing terrible happened to them. Judging by latest news, now everything is fine in the singer’s family - together with his children, father and Aunt Marie, he lives in his luxurious three-story house near Moscow.

According to Kirkorov, the mother of his children is also with them, who takes an active part in their upbringing. And the singer explained that she never appears with them in public by saying that she avoids publicity and does not like social noise.

Alla-Victoria and Martin live almost the same way as all their peers - they go to kindergarten, attend clubs and sections, play with friends.

The appearance of Philip Kirkorov’s children seven years ago came as a real shock to everyone, because the singer was not married, and nothing was known about his novels either. To questions regarding this side of Philip Bedrosovich’s personal life, he openly answers that she gave birth to children for him surrogate mother, whose name he keeps secret.

The daughter and son are very similar in appearance to their star father, who dotes on them. Alla Victoria was born in America, and was brought to Russia at the age of three months. Seven months after the birth of Alla-Victoria, it became known that Philip had another child - son Martin.

Since Philip Bedrosovich himself, who is constantly on the move, does not have the opportunity to be with his children all the time, they are raised by numerous assistant nannies, led by his Aunt Marie.

“I know that in my absence the children will be fed, well-groomed and engaged in educational games,” says Philip Kirkorov.

Whenever possible, Philip Bedrosovich tries to spend time with the children - he loves to pamper them with toys and various surprises.

Martin has already taken his first steps in show business, recording a song with his dad in the recording studio of the Uncle Max restaurant, owned by Max Fadeev.

The son of Philip Kirkorov also tried himself as a model, taking part in Yana Rudkovskaya’s Top Mini Star Models project.

The singer’s daughter became the face of one of the issues of L’Officiel Children magazine, starring with Yana Rudkovskaya’s brother and son for its cover.

Do you know how old Kirkorov’s daughter is? What is her name and who is the girl's mother? If not, we recommend reading this article.

The long-awaited child of the king of pop

November 26, 2011 Russian media reported that Kirkorov's daughter was born. The famous singer confirmed this information. His first child was born in one of the elite clinics in the USA. Baby got it double name Alla Victoria (in honor of the late mother of the king of pop and ex-wife- Pugacheva).

Who is she - the girl's mother?

Philip Bedrosovich could not stop looking at his princess. He postponed all his affairs and concerts in order to spend more time with Alla-Victoria. Many people were sure that Kirkorov’s daughter was born. However, the singer denied such rumors. In one of the TV shows, the King of Pop spoke about the girl’s mother. Allegedly, this is his old friend Natalya Efremova. She doesn't public figure. Philip also claimed that his mother lives in the same house with him and Alla-Victoria, takes care of the girl and is involved in her upbringing.

New addition to the family

On June 29, 2012, during a concert in the Bulgarian capital (Sofia), Kirkorov announced good news - his son Martin was born. The audience gathered in the hall congratulated him with loud applause and shouts of “Hurray!” Philip's son was born in the same clinic as Alla Victoria. The difference between them is 7 months. This once again confirms the information that Philip used the service of surrogate mothers. Be that as it may, the king of pop loves his children very much. He does everything to provide them with a bright future.


On April 8, 2012, Kirkorov’s daughter found her guardian angel. After all, her christening took place on this day. Preparations for such an important event took place in conditions of increased secrecy. And all in order to prevent the appearance of paparazzi and representatives of the yellow press. Philip invited several photographers who captured the most touching moments.

The christening took place in the Church of Elijah the Prophet, located on Ostozhenka. Philip Bedrosovich carried his daughter in his arms. The girl was wrapped in a snow-white blanket with a veil and lace trim. Eyes famous father glowed with happiness.

Popular TV presenter Andrey Malakhov was chosen as godfather. They have a strong friendship with Philip. But the name of the godmother is not disclosed. Rumor has it that she became the singer’s longtime friend, the same Natasha Efremova.

Despite the fact that the girl has a double name, she was christened Alla. The ceremony was attended only by Kirkorov’s close relatives and friends, among whom were the Yudashkins, Lolita, Nikolai Baskov and A. B. Pugacheva. They all prepared gifts for Alla Victoria.

Kirkorov's daughter's first birthday

On November 26, 2012, the King of Pop organized a grand celebration for his eldest heiress - Allochka turned one year old. People close to him came to the house in which Kirkorov and his children live. First of all, this is Father Bedros with his wife Lyudmila, Galkin with Pugacheva, Ani Lorak with her husband. Gradually the room filled up luxurious bouquets flowers, toys and beautiful clothes. Alla Victoria received these gifts from celebrity guests. Everyone was seated at a large table, which was literally bursting with delicacies, dishes of Bulgarian cuisine, expensive snacks and noble wines.

Present tense

Kirkorov's daughter has grown up noticeably. She is already 4.5 years old. Alla Victoria and her brother Martin are very similar to their famous dad. They have dark hair, big Brown eyes and a sweet smile.

At the age of 3, Allochka began dancing. She also studies English language and masters modern gadgets (tablet, iPhone, etc.). Philip does not send his children to music school. He believes that his son and daughter should take an interest in this themselves. But forcing them to study music is wrong.

In 2011, Philip Kirkorov became happy father. First, the singer’s daughter Alla Victoria was born, and 7 months later another family member, son Martin, was born. Photos of the singer with children were instantly filled with popular publications and social children. But it is still unknown who Kirkorov’s mother is; many sources claim that the mother is businesswoman Natalya Efremova, her photo can often be seen on the Internet next to Kirkorov. will talk about the biography of Natalya Efremova further.


Kirkorov gave his children unusual sonorous names. He named his daughter after the two most important and significant people in his life. female singers, ex-wife Alla Pugacheva and her mother, who died 20 years ago after long illness. Kirkorov's son was named after a foreign famous singer— Ricky Martina. Kirkorov’s close friend Ani Lorak admitted this in one of her interviews.

Kirkorov and Efremova during baptism

Mother's secret

After the birth of Kirkorov’s children, there was only one question on everyone’s lips: who is the mother of Kirkorov’s children? According to official information, the singer’s children were born to a surrogate mother. Philip Bedrosovich himself refused to make any comments on this matter, only confirming official statements.

Even before the birth of his heirs, he admitted that he had found a woman who was ideal for the role of the mother of his children. According to the singer, he did not want to expand on this topic, since he is very superstitious and does not want to harm his children in any way. This is where the information about the mother of Kirkorov’s children from the mouth of the primary source ended.

Happy father

After the birth of his son Martin, Kirkorov answered all questions from journalists about his personal life that he was no longer going to share information on this matter.

According to him, after Alla Victoria was born, he told the press too much, which later had a negative impact, turning against him. Kirkorov said that he would be careful in future.

But society was eager to know the truth, and journalists closely followed the singer’s life and his photos on Instagram. Gradually, a certain Natalya Efremova began to be noticed in the singer’s society: it was she who was assigned the role of the mother of the singer Kirkorov’s children, they were increasingly interested in the woman’s biography and looked for her photos on the Internet.

Natalia Efremova

First, information appeared in the press that Natalya was the godmother of the singer’s children. Philip himself did not comment on this. Over time, Efremova began to be noticed more and more often at children's parties of the Kirkorov family.

Efremova came under the radar of cameras when she appeared at the “Christmas Meetings.” Moreover, the fact of the woman’s similarity with the singer’s children was constantly discussed.


The truth was revealed during the filming of one of the television programs, where journalists visited Kirkorov’s luxurious mansion. Children's spontaneity and openness put everything in perspective. They said that “mother Natasha” lives with them. The children showed their drawings of the family, in which you can see another woman. Kirkorov himself said that he has a normal family, no different from others Russian families. And in this family there is both a mother and a father.

The singer said that their mother is not a public person and does not like everything connected with it. And it’s true the woman is not registered in in social networks, and her rare photos can only be seen on Phillip Bedrosovich’s Instagram.

What is known about Natalya Efremova

It is worth noting that little is known about the woman’s life, but some points from her biography are still known:

  1. Natalya Efremova is a native of the city of Lvov. The girl was born into a military family.
  2. It is known that when Natalya was 14 years old, her family moved to Novosibirsk. The girl lived there for about a year. After this, Efremova’s family moves to Moscow, where they subsequently settle permanently.
  3. Natalya Efremova followed in her parents' footsteps and graduated from the Institute of Military Translators. But fate prepared a different path for the woman, and she left military profession, retiring with the rank of lieutenant.

Natalia Efremova

Business lady

It was in this field that Natalya Efremov was destined to make a career. At the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey, the woman worked in the elite clothing boutique “Prestige”. After a very short amount of time (1.5 years), Efremova took the position of deputy head, then became general director. It was then that Kirkorov and Efremova met. This happened 10 years ago. Since then, Philip and Natalya have had a strong friendship and trusting relationship.

Similarities between children and Natalya Efremova

Currently, Natalya Efremova heads two companies and is raising children. The singer himself says that the children’s mother is constantly present with them. She has to take most to take care of their upbringing due to the singer’s frequent departures on tour. In addition to her, Kirkorov’s father and aunt live in the singer’s house. Recently, the entire star family spent a weekend in Bulgaria. The public learned about this from the press, where photos of a happy family always appear.

Efremova’s personal life is shrouded in secrecy. The woman herself is not a public person and does not give any comments on this matter. It is only known that Efremova has an adult son. He is 20 years old and lives in one of the apartments in Moscow, owned by Natalya Efremova.

Why she?

Many are concerned about the question: what guided the singer when choosing a woman to play the role of the mother of his children. According to one of the guesses, it was the similarity between Natalya and the singer’s mother that became the final reason for making the decision.

Kirkorov and Efremova

As you know, the singer idolized his mother Victoria. So, according to assumptions, the choice fell on Natalya Efremova, who became the mother of Kirkorov’s children, adding one more to her biography important event in my life, some photos from which can be seen on the Internet. All that remains is to be happy for Philip Bedrosovich. After all, he is after for long years uncertainty in my personal life, I still found and created my own ideal model families.

After a television program dedicated to the singer’s children was shown Philip Kirkorov, debates and discussions continue on the Internet. Having shown the faces of the grown-up heirs to the whole country - a three-year-old Alla-Victoria and two year old Martina, Kirkorov doomed them to their own fate - to always be under the gun of television cameras. Of particular interest to viewers of the program, which took first place in the TV viewing ratings during the May holidays, was a curious detail - the name of the “mother”, which was accidentally named by the star’s daughter. As it turned out, Kirkorov’s children have a normal family, with “father Philip” and “mother Natasha.” The singer’s children do not suffer from inferior upbringing by a “single father”, because, as Kirkorov explained, their mother is simply not a public person. However, many have asked the question: how can one woman be the mother of two babies born just seven months apart? SUPER shed light on an intriguing story by establishing the identity of that very “Natasha’s mother.”

As it turned out, Kirkorov’s children call their godmother, a close friend of the singer, a 48-year-old businesswoman, mom. Natalia Efremova. The woman has been keeping a low profile for three years now, while playing an important role in the story of the birth of Alla-Victoria and Martin. Kirkorov and Efremova have known each other for more than ten years - Natalya once owned a huge store fashion brands in the center of Moscow, where the king of pop often visited. Soon the acquaintance grew into a strong friendship. IN Lately Efremova retired from business and devoted herself entirely to the role of “hearth keeper” in the house close friend. As the singer’s children themselves openly said on the air of the program, “Mama Natasha” is always with them and lives at their home - in country house Kirkorov on Nikolina Gora near Moscow.

Three years ago, Efremova first appeared in public and was captured by cameras during the christening of Kirkorov’s daughter Alla-Victoria. Natalya came out again at the end of 2012, coming to the “Christmas Meetings” show, where Kirkorov performed, and instantly found herself in the spotlight of the press. Since then, Efremov has been strenuously avoiding publicity. In circles close to Kirkorov, many are surprised at the step taken by a woman who actually dedicated her life to raising the children of a close friend. Many people notice another striking detail - the clear similarity between the woman’s facial features and Kirkorov’s daughter Alla-Victoria, suggesting that Natalya may be her “genetic mother.”

Let us recall that the “genetic mother” of Kirkorov’s other child, Martin, has already been recorded by bloggers as singer Anastasia Stotskaya, revealing a striking portrait resemblance between the son of the king of pop and her own child, her four-year-old son Alexander.

By the way, from a medical point of view, the mothers of the artist’s children could well be: different women, and one. After all, in order to have children, a man only needs to take “biological material” from any woman—eggs, which can subsequently be fertilized with sperm and “planted” with several different “surrogate mothers.” In this situation, children from the same father can be born almost at the same time - as in the case of Kirkorov.

A professional child psychologist shared his opinion with SUPER about why Philip Kirkorov “appointed” one woman as the mother of two children and what role she could play in his family. Sabina Pshenichnaya.

— Kirkorov did absolutely the right thing by not depriving his children normal childhood and creating for them “ correct model family,” explained the artist Pshenichnaya’s actions. “And here it doesn’t matter who the woman the children call mom really is.” Growing up in a family where there is only a “single father” leads to certain developmental disabilities and severe psychological trauma children.It is very important for a child that the mother’s object is the main, reliable one. Without a mother, children are doomed to feel aboutloneliness and uselessness. There will be no main thing nearby - a loving maternal object who would admire and enjoy the child. The father cannot fully perform the maternal function.

But how will a child feel if in the future, for example, he realizes that such a “mother” is not his own?

Of course, trauma and stress. There may be very strong mental disorders. The child will always subconsciously feel that he was born in some wrong way. But eIf the father - in this case Kirkorov - can give the child a permanent and reliable maternal object, a mother who could be a “holding” for him, then this is good. The main thing is that this “mother” does not change - all “transient and passing” options The child will be terribly injured. This is especially important for girls.Single-parent families always affect the feelings and development of the child. If this was also hidden from him for a long time, then all this can lead to severe depression. If you have children, then you definitely don’t have to hide from them later how they were conceived. And under no circumstances should you hide from a child of a conscious age who the woman next to him is.