The huge tiger Goliath is rightfully considered one of the most terrible and dangerous freshwater fish in the world: in terms of bloodthirstiness, it is second only to the piranha. Armed with a set of 32 large teeth, large representatives of this species, native to Africa, even attack crocodiles.
There are 5 known species of tiger fish, but the most close-up view lives exclusively in the Congo River basin. This predator can reach up to 180 centimeters in length and weigh more than 50 kilograms. A real killing machine.

1. The fish is popular as a sport fishing object in Africa. 52-year-old Jeremy Wade, a fisherman and expert on unusual freshwater fish, and also the host of the “River Monsters” program, managed to catch a large specimen.

2. For the sake of such fishing, he went to the hard-to-reach places of the Congo River, where he spent 8 days waiting for fish in the company of his assistants.

3. Luck smiled on the fishermen.

4. Jeremy caught one of the largest specimens - weighing up to 154 pounds (about 70 kilograms) and up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

5. Her weapons are 32 huge teeth, similar in size to the teeth of a great white shark.

6. There are known cases when goliath fish attacked people and even crocodiles!

7. The fish got its name due to the dark horizontal stripes on the sides of the body, which are somewhat similar to tiger stripes, and its impressive size.

8. Goliath tiger fish is a real predator. It feeds on smaller fish. Dessert for African giant The fish served is kamba, which is abundant in the Congo River.

9. Jeremy Wade with the catch.

10. Goliath tiger fish is a real predator. It feeds on smaller fish. The dessert for the African giant is kamba fish, which is abundant in the Congo River.

The tiger goliath is considered one of the most dangerous freshwater fish today, second only to piranhas in bloodthirstiness. This type of fish is found in Africa. There are known cases of tiger goliaths attacking crocodiles.
The length of the predator reaches 180 cm, weight - more than 50 kilograms.

Despite the obvious threat posed by representatives of this species of fish, in Africa tiger fish are the subject of sport fishing. In the photo: Jeremy Wade, 52, an angler and expert on unusual freshwater fish, hosts River Monsters with his trophy of a tiger fish.

To catch this major representative predatory fish, Jeremy spent 8 days in remote areas of the Congo River waiting for his catch.

Local fishermen show off their catch.

Jeremy's catch is one of the largest specimens, weighing 154 pounds (about 70 kg) and measuring 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

U tiger shark in the mouth there are 32 sharp teeth, similar in size to the teeth of a white shark.
There are known cases of tiger fish attacking people and crocodiles.

On the side of the goliath fish's body you can see dark horizontal stripes reminiscent of a tiger's. That's why goliath fish are called tiger fish.

Goliath fish is a predator. Its diet consists of smaller fish. As a dessert, the giant eats Kambu fish, which is found in abundance in the Congo River.

Jeremy Wade with the catch.

Dangerous predator of African rivers.

The power and size of the goliath fish allows it to swim against the current, which is a difficult task for smaller fish. Therefore, fish that are unable to overcome the strong flow of water themselves fall into the teeth of the predator.

Goliath fish are also kept by aquarium hobbyists. It is placed in exhibition aquariums with shelter and powerful filtration.

Many people think that the most terrible fish living in fresh water- this is a piranha. But there is even more ferocious predator- big brother Amazonian piranha- a large tiger fish. This fish also has a second name - giant hydrocin.

A large tiger fish reaches a length of 1.5 meters, and its weight ranges between 50 kilograms. Such gigantic dimensions are many times greater than the dimensions of a piranha.

In the mouth of this predator there are 32 large sharp teeth. This is a real killer machine, it poses a threat to all the inhabitants of the Congo River, as well as lakes Upemba and Tanganyika.

Naturally, the big tiger fish is not as bloodthirsty as. The diet of hydrocin consists of small lake and river inhabitants that the predator encounters along the way. The worst thing is for the kamba, since it is a dessert for the predator.

It is not easy to hide from a large tiger fish, since it swims well against the current and eats small fish as it goes, which are difficult to withstand the powerful current of the Congo. This predator instantly reacts to sudden movements in the water and splashes, it can pick up even small vibrations well, so it is difficult for victims to hide, they have practically no chance.

The large tiger fish is called so not only because it has the character of this dangerous predator, but due to the fact that the sides of its body are strewn with dark stripes, that is, its coloring is similar to that of a tiger. The fins of the fish are usually red or orange color, V mating season they become the brightest. Male hydrocynoas are much larger than females.

If we talk about the Latin name - Hydrocynus goliath - then it was assigned thanks to gigantic size fish, because according to historical information The Philistine warrior Goliath was the largest among his comrades, his height was 2.89 meters. Although the size of the hydrocin is not so impressive, it has earned the name of a warrior.

The Aborigines call the large tiger fish mbenga. At the same time, they say that this predator often attacks careless fishermen; it can cause serious injuries, for example, bite off a finger. Of course, local residents do not like these predators.

But among Europeans, large tiger fish are of great interest, since they enjoy catching large fish. The host of the TV program “River Monsters” went to the most impassable places of the Congo River to meet this predatory fish. Presenter Jeremy Wade spent 8 days waiting for the predator. Naturally, he was not alone on the river, but together with his film crew.

Jeremy, of course, had to catch a big tiger fish, since he has been fishing since he was a child. During his 52 years, he visited the most diverse corners of the earth, and discovered there great amount unusual river inhabitants.

Goliath is also called the big tiger fish or the giant hydrocine. This is one of the most unusual freshwater inhabitants with the appearance of a real monster. In Latin the name translates as “giant water dog”, and it really is this river fish fits - she has the teeth of a predator, large, with sharp, huge fangs. In addition, the goliath fish has a powerful body, large size and... a brutal appetite. What is known about this creature, and is it really so ferocious?

Basic data

Due to its rather decent size, keeping goliath in a home aquarium is impossible. However, any zoo or exhibition hall will not refuse to have such an original specimen in its collection that attracts visitors, and they are often found in such aquariums.

IN natural environment The length of giant hydrocines reaches one and a half meters, and their weight is 50 kg. And at first glance at this fish it becomes clear - this is not a vegetarian, with such and such teeth! Goliath - mobile, dangerous predator similar to a piranha, only more impressive size. Using your powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth, they are capable of tearing large chunks of meat from their prey.

Of course, exotic lovers dream of such an extraordinary pet. And the goliath itself may well live in captivity. Only it requires a huge, at least 3000-liter aquarium. It is quite undemanding in maintenance, but, in addition to a spacious tank, it requires a lot of nutritious food.

Living in the natural environment

The first description of individuals was compiled in the 60s of the 19th century. Its habitat is African reservoirs, from Egyptian to South African. More often, goliaths are found in Senegal, the Nile, Congo, and Lake Tanganyika. Since hydrocin big fish, large, deep rivers and lakes are most suitable for her. Moreover, representatives of this species are not loners and lead a gregarious lifestyle with their brethren or other large predators.

Goliaths are gluttonous, insatiable and successful in hunting. Their diet includes fish, aquatic animals and even crocodiles. There are several recorded cases where they attacked a person, but experts say that the fish behaved this way by mistake, without considering the “prey”.

U local residents The goliath is known as the "mbenga" and they fish for it extensively. But, in addition to this, they offer this activity as entertainment to numerous tourists. According to fishermen, it is not easy to catch such a large fish, no matter how strong the fishing line is, it still will not withstand such weight. Therefore, the fishing line is replaced with durable steel leads.

Scientists have been interested in these original creatures for a long time; studies have shown that they are contemporaries of dinosaurs. In nature, where hydrocines live, it is difficult to survive, so individuals actively evolved until they turned into dangerous, predatory creatures. Although goliaths have fewer enemies in nature, humans remain the greatest threat to them.

He is engaged in mass catching of these fish, poisoning chemicals coastal vegetation, pollutes aquatic environment, which leads to a steady decline in the population of giant hydrocines. This state of affairs has attracted attention local authorities, environmental services and environmental organizations who are trying to save such unique river inhabitants from extinction.

Appearance of individuals

Despite the fact that from the lips of boastful fishermen you can hear about 5-meter-long goliaths caught with your own hands, the size of these river inhabitants is still impressive. For a river inhabitant, one and a half meters in length is already a lot. In captivity, individuals are not grow up more than 75 cm. Individuals live from 12 to 15 years. The description of the individuals is as follows:

  • torso oblong, strong;
  • fins small, pointed, orange or reddish in color;
  • head large, with a wide mouth, equipped with large, sharp teeth– there are 32 of them in total;
  • With their teeth, fish grab and tear prey without chewing. These fish have teeth replaced by new ones throughout their lives;
  • the body is covered with large scales of silver color with a golden tint.

Difficulties of content

Goliath is not an aquarium option, or rather aquarium enthusiasts cannot afford it. But it does well in a commercial or species tank. Although some people decide to keep young of these fish in a home container, but due to their rapid growth, the question arises - what to do with such a giant pet?


In their natural environment, tiger giants most often eat fish and small mammals, although they do not refuse plant food or detritus. With such size and needs, they have to eat a lot often, so goliaths can be called omnivores. At aquarium maintenance The diet of hydrocins is recommended to consist of following products and feed:

  • live fish;
  • minced meat and fish;
  • shrimp;
  • fish fillet.

Initially, until the individuals have fully adapted to the new conditions, they feed only on live food. However, later they enjoy eating frozen food and even artificial feed. Young animals do not refuse flakes, but as they grow older, pellets and granular formulations are introduced into their diet.

But if pets are constantly given live food in sufficient quantities, they may become more picky and picky, refusing other foods. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to a mixed menu.

Aquarium content

All the requirements of goliaths are mainly related to their impressive size:

  • several individuals require a tank with a volume of at least 3000 liters;
  • filtration is necessary, and the system must be powerful, capable of creating an intense flow - the goliath in nature prefers to live in fast-flowing rivers, and its habit of tearing food into pieces leads to rapid water pollution;
  • These are freshwater fish, so there is no need to add salt to the water;
  • Large driftwood, stones, sand can be used as decoration;
  • You can do without landscaping the aquarium; in addition, hydrocin needs space for swimming.

Who do goliaths get along with?

Goliaths are not very aggressive per se, but they will hunt any living creature that may be suitable for them as food. It is best to keep individuals of only one species in one tank or add large, protected fish, for example, arapaima, to them.

Sexual dimorphism

There are no obvious signs, but in a school of goliaths, males can be recognized by their larger, more massive build.

Getting offspring

It is impossible to breed large tiger fish fry in an aquarium. The bulk of the babies are caught in natural reservoirs and raised. In nature, goliath spawning lasts only a few days during the rainy season. To continue the race, individuals migrate from their usual home to small tributaries, where the female lays a huge number of eggs in small, overgrown areas. When the fry appear, they immediately find themselves in warm water with an abundant food supply, and as they grow older, the current carries them into large bodies of water.

Goliath fish attracts the attention of tourists and zoo visitors. This amazing creature lives on earth for several million years, has gone through centuries of evolution and can withstand many unfavorable factors... But today it depends on the person whether such an extraordinary fish will disappear or will exist.

Goliath fish photo

Video about goliath fish

Goliath fish (lat. Hydrocynus goliath) or large tiger fish is one of the most unusual freshwater fish, a real river monster, the sight of which makes one shiver. She says it best about her Latin name. The word hydrocynus means “water dog” and goliath means “giant”, and all can be translated as giant water dog. And her teeth, huge, sharp fangs speak about her character. It is a large, fierce, toothy fish with powerful body covered with large, silvery scales, sometimes with a golden tint.

Of course, it is almost impossible to find goliath fish in an ordinary home aquarium, however, they are kept in exhibition aquariums and zoos. The fact is that in nature the giant hydrocin grows up to 150 cm and can weigh about 50 kg. One look at its teeth and you immediately understand that such a fish does not feed on vegetation. This is an active and dangerous predator, it looks like the other one in every way famous predator-, but unlike it is much larger. With his huge teeth, he can tear entire pieces of flesh from the body of his victims.
Catches a bird in flight:

It is a pity that its size does not allow keeping tiger fish in a home aquarium; it is only suitable for huge volumes, from 3000 liters. In fact, it is quite unpretentious and the only difficulty in maintaining it is the volume and a large number of food needed for goliath fish.

The large tiger fish was first described in 1861. It lives throughout Africa, from Egypt to South Africa. Most often found in the Senegal, Nile, Omo, Congo rivers and Lake Tanganyika. This large fish prefers to live in big rivers and lakes. Large individuals prefer to live in schools with fish of their own species or similar predators. These are greedy and insatiable predators, they hunt fish, various animals living in the water and even crocodiles. There have been recorded cases of goliath tiger fish attacking humans, but this was most likely done by mistake.

In Africa, fishing for goliath fish is extremely popular both among local residents and as entertainment for tourists.

Underwater shooting in nature (English):


The African big tiger fish can reach a body length of 150 cm and weigh up to 50 kg. Size data constantly varies, but this is understandable; fishermen cannot help but boast. However, these are record specimens even for nature, and in an aquarium it is much smaller, usually no more than 75 cm. Its lifespan is about 12-15 years.

It has a strong, elongated body with small, pointed fins. The most impressive thing about appearance Goliath fish is a head: large, with a very large mouth, with large, sharp teeth, 8 on each jaw. They serve to grab and tear the victim, and not for chewing, and during life they fall out, but new ones grow in their place.

Difficulty in content

Goliaths definitely cannot be called fish for home aquarium, keep them only in commercial or species aquariums. In fact, they are not difficult to maintain, but their size and gluttony make them practically inaccessible to amateurs. Although, juveniles can be kept in a regular aquarium, however, they grow very quickly and will then need to be disposed of.


In nature, tiger fish mainly feed on fish and small mammals, although this does not mean that she does not eat plant foods and detritus. Having such sizes, they do not disdain anything. So it is more of an omnivorous fish.
In the aquarium, you need to feed it with live fish, minced meat, shrimp, and fish fillets. At first, they eat only live food, but as they acclimatize, they switch to frozen and even artificial food. Juveniles even eat flakes, but as they grow they need to switch to pellets and granules. However, if you feed live food frequently, they will begin to refuse others, so the diet should be mixed.

Goliath is a very large and predatory fish, which is obvious. Due to its size and the habit of mature individuals to live in flocks, they require a very large aquarium. 2000-3000 liters is the minimum. Add to this a very powerful filtration and flow system, since the feeding style of tearing the prey to pieces does not contribute to the purity of the water. In addition, tiger fish live in rivers with powerful current and loves the current in the aquarium.
As for the decor, as a rule, everything is done with large driftwood, stones and sand. This fish is somehow not inclined to create green landscapes. And she needs a lot of free space to live.

Keeping with other fish

The nature of the Goliath fish is not necessarily aggressive, but it has a very serious appetite, and not many neighbors will be able to survive in an aquarium with it. It is best to keep them in a species aquarium separately, or with other large and protected fish of the type.

Sex differences

Males are larger and more massive than females.


It’s easy to guess that they are not bred in an aquarium; mostly fry are caught in natural reservoirs and raised. In nature, they spawn within just a few days, during the rainy season, in December or January. To do this, they migrate from large rivers, into small tributaries. The female lays a large number of eggs in small places, among dense vegetation. Thus, hatched fry live in warm water, among the abundance of food, and over time, they are carried out into large rivers.

Sep 12, 2014 admin