Mushrooms are an integral element of many delicious and unusual dishes. Most often we buy them or collect them in the forest. This enjoyable activity, but it is much more convenient when mushrooms grow in the country or even at home. Want grow porcini mushrooms right on your windowsill? Then the editors "So simple!" will tell you how to do it.

Growing porcini mushrooms

How to grow a lot of porcini mushrooms at home on the windowsill. Sensational video!

Now you know, that is, just on the windowsill. As you can see, this will not require much time or money. So why not try it? If everything works out, you will be able to treat your guests to your porcini mushrooms during the holidays.

If you decided to take this adventure, tried to grow mushrooms at home and everything worked out, share your results with us and send us a photo. And share this with your friends!

Ekaterina Khodyuk’s main hobby is literature. She also likes to watch a good movie, enjoy autumn, pet cats and listen to the band “Spleen”. He is interested in Japanese culture, the thinking and way of life of the Japanese, and dreams of visiting this country. Katya strives to live a rich life, full of impressions and travel. The girl's favorite book is “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera.

The porcini mushroom is rightly considered an ideal among its relatives. His appearance appetizing - meaty brown hat on a snow-white, weighty stem, and the taste is excellent. It is called white because it does not darken when cooked and dried.

Until recently, there was an opinion that growing porcini mushrooms was difficult and unprofitable. Today, the myth has been refuted by many farmers specializing in this type of activity. The reason for unproductive cultivation was considered to be the programmed complex symbiosis of the fungus with trees, their strong connection with the roots, which reproduce exceptional conditions for mycorrhiza. New developments by Dutch breeding scientists have demonstrated exclusive varieties of porcini mushrooms that can reproduce in sufficient quantities in summer cottages, greenhouses and cellars.

Technologies and methods of cultivation. There are two varieties: extensive (in natural environment) and intense (artificially). Extensive cultivation methods:

  1. We purchase porcini mushroom mycelium.
  2. We choose a place with growing deciduous or coniferous trees.
  3. We are preparing the area for planting. Not far from the trunk, remove the top layer of soil (8–15 cm). You should get a bare area of ​​1.2–1.7 m, in the center of which there is a tree trunk.
  4. We lay a thin layer of compost on this area, and on top - mycelium particles in a checkerboard pattern (every 22–30 cm).
  5. Cover with a layer of soil. Use a sprayer to water the treated area.
  6. It is advisable to cover the area with a small layer of straw after this. To preserve moisture.
  7. Periodic watering with the addition of microorganisms is required.
  8. Be sure to cover with fallen leaves from frost. With the onset of heat, the shelter must be removed.
Cultivation of porcini mushrooms with caps. Mushrooms are harvested when the flesh turns green when bent. Soak the hats in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per bucket of rainwater). The diameter of the pieces is 15-25 cm. We place 13-16 pieces in a bucket and add 15 pieces of refined sugar to form a nutrient medium. We lightly knead the caps so that the ripe spores get directly into the composition. Leave the resulting homogeneous mass to infuse for a day. We even use wormy and dried caps! The landing site is prepared in the same way the previous method, but the landing is different:
  • Pour the resulting composition (2.5 liters per square meter) onto the cleaned area of ​​soil on top of the roots.
  • The mushroom tissue remaining as a result of straining is laid out on top. The area is covered with earth and watered.
  • Soil moisture is constantly maintained.
  • The place is covered for the winter, and in the spring the cover is removed.
  • You should apply 6-7 buckets of water per tree trunk per week.
Planting material. Buy from reputable suppliers. Study carefully all the characteristics of the mycelium. If there is a barely noticeable ammonia smell, discard the batch of goods. The color should be orange with yellowish tint. At home, the bags with mycelium are cooled, ventilated, and then prepared for planting. They crush the filling of the bags without spoiling the packaging. Sterility is required for bookmarking. What will help increase the chance of mycelium germination:
  1. Choose mushrooms that grew under those tree species near which you plan to create a mushroom greenhouse. The trees on the site must be healthy.
  2. After picking, the mushrooms are soaked and the next day placed in the soil. Seed material cannot be stored for more than 8 hours. Frozen mycelium is unsuitable for planting.
  3. The alcohol is poured in first, mixed with water, and then the caps are added (1.5-2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water and 25 g of sugar).
  4. Before planting, the cleaned soil should be treated with a disinfectant solution. We use a mixture of tannins. For wood – 4 liters of solution. Made from tea or oak bark.
  5. The landing period is until September 15. Later the mycelium will not take root.
  6. Don't forget to water the area regularly, especially in hot summers.

Porcini mushroom mycelium is a good planting material, but it will only develop when certain conditions are created. Mushrooms are not plants; they require a different approach.

Mushrooms are separate kingdom living organisms. They differ from animals by their immobile lifestyle and the absence of characteristic organs and tissues. Based on this their for a long time considered plants. They differ from plants in the way they feed, since they eat exclusively living or dead organic matter. Their cell walls contain chitin, a substance characteristic of insects.

Anatomically, these organisms are a collection of cells united in threads. The difference between, for example, mold and the fruiting body of a porcini mushroom is the degree of self-organization of the threads. In mold they are located and grow chaotically, but in porcini mushroom they combine, creating special forms and structures. It is this form of a large hat on a thick stem that becomes business card kind.

Poisonous species They took a different path - their spores germinate on their own dying fruiting body and quickly form a new mycelium due to the decomposing remains.

Fungi, like plants, feed by osmosis, that is, the absorption of solutions from the environment. Only these organisms are not capable of primary synthesis of organic matter, so they feed on ready-made organic matter.

All this needs to be known to those gardeners who decide to take up artificial breeding mushrooms in your plots. Your future pets need to be provided with a lot of well-decomposing organic matter, moisture and warmth. What mushrooms don’t need is light.

The porcini mushroom has another name - boletus. Boron is Pine forest. However, this name does not mean that boletus grows only among pine trees. He can be found among different plants, but he still prefers mixed forests with a predominance of pine trees.

In order for the boletus mycelium to develop well, forming an abundance of fruiting bodies, it is necessary that a lot of easily decomposing plant organic matter accumulate on the ground in the form of falling leaves, needles, growing and dying moss. In the forests White mushroom grows exactly where damp earth Thick moss or lichen cushions form.

Boletus in culture

How to grow white mushroom mycelium? This can be done as follows:

  1. Find a mushroom clearing in the forest where only porcini mushrooms grow, dig up the soil along with their fruiting bodies, transfer it to the site and place it somewhere in the shade damp place. This method is good because you transfer not only the mycelium of the porcini mushroom, but also the conditions for it further development. The disadvantage is the danger of transferring other forest inhabitants, including those undesirable for your site.
  2. Growing mycelium is possible from a single mushroom cap. The main condition is that the mushroom must be old, and the cap must be large, with traces of beginning decomposition.
  3. Buy ready-made mushroom mycelium on a specific substrate. In this case, growing a mushroom is similar to the first case. The only difference is that you buy pure culture from nurseries. It is guaranteed to grow exactly what is shown on the label.

However, buying, extracting or replanting is only half the battle. At this stage, the question of how to grow mycelium still remains relevant.

Growing porcini mushrooms (video)

Planting and care technology

Your piece of forest with mushrooms will look even more decorative.

How to grow mushrooms in an artificial forest? It's very simple - do the following:

  1. Near the tree trunk, remove the top 10-20 cm of soil with a shovel. The result should be a bare area 1 to 1.5 m in diameter with a tree in the center.
  2. Place in the resulting ditch planting material, then cover everything with the same layer of soil that was removed at the very beginning.
  3. Water the planting site carefully through a sprayer so as not to wash away the soil.
  4. Cover the area for planting porcini mushrooms with straw, grass, leaves, sawdust, and peat to a depth of 20 cm.
  5. Make sure that the place where you plant the mushrooms does not dry out.

A mycelium grown according to all the rules will yield a harvest in 2-3 years.

Every year the yield of the plantation will increase as long as conditions are favorable for this.

To stimulate the decomposition of organic matter to the desired state, the substrate can be watered with a special solution containing the necessary microorganisms, for example, Baikal EM-1. Periodically, the organic layer needs to be topped up.

Mycelium of porcini mushrooms (video)

Gallery: porcini mushroom (15 photos)

" Mushrooms

The porcini mushroom is considered the most valuable and most delicious mushroom. Finding such mushrooms in the forest was considered great luck. Grows this type in forests that are at least fifty years old. However, progress does not stand still and gardeners have figured out how to grow porcini mushrooms in the country or garden plot with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to do this step by step at home.

For good growth, porcini mushrooms require certain conditions - air humidity of 60%. In drought conditions, even if there is moisture in the soil, the fungus stops growing. Since the body of the mushroom is not protected from evaporation, it dries out.

The temperature regime has great importance for good growth. Fungal spores can grow at a temperature of +9 degrees, however optimal temperature good growth of mushrooms is a temperature from +19 to +27 degrees. If the weather is warm and rainy, mushroom growth will continue for 30 days. The white mushroom can grow up to 13 cm, and the diameter of the cap of such mushrooms will be 17.5 cm.

The lifespan of mushrooms is 13-15 days. After of this period In time, the stem of the mushroom stops growing; after two days, the cap stops growing. When spores begin to form, the fungus ages.

Conditions for planting boletus mushrooms on a personal plot

Boletuses grow in coniferous forests, as well as in birch groves and in places where oaks and aspens grow. The roots of these trees have beneficial influence on the growth of mycelium. This feature should be taken into account when planting boletus mushrooms on personal plot. You need to plant mycelium in the garden in the place where spruce or pine grows. The resin of these trees has an antiseptic effect, killing pathogenic infections around.

Borovik cannot stand being next to fruit trees! The mycelium of mushrooms does not take root near them!

If there are no pine trees in the garden, you can place the mycelium next to pine wood buildings.

Mushrooms will grow in the garden plot if you choose the right place away from fruit trees

Technology for growing mushrooms in the cellar at home

There is no need to create additional lighting for mushrooms to grow. Accordingly, they can be easily grown at home in the cellar if you follow the growing technology. Boletus grown in the basement will be different from mushrooms grown in natural environment inhabited only by caps that have a lighter color.

When preparing a room for growing boletus mushrooms, you must adhere to these recommendations:

  • the floor, walls and ceiling must be concreted;
  • the walls should be whitewashed with lime with the addition of copper sulfate. This will prevent the mycelium from becoming infected with all kinds of infections;
  • equip additional air ventilation;
  • the temperature in the basement should be maintained from +12 to +15 degrees;
  • The humidity in the basement should be at least 80%. If the humidity is below the required norm, create additional humidification;
  • Ventilation hatches should be covered with mosquito nets to prevent insects from entering the basement.

To grow mushrooms, it is important to prepare a substrate. It may consist of sunflower seed husks, dry corn stalks or sawdust deciduous tree. Dry the substrate well so that there are no signs of mold or rot. Treat it with hot water.

To grow boletus mushrooms, it is better to use mycelium grown in a special laboratory. You can try to grow seed material from mycelium brought from the forest, but in this case positive result not guaranteed.

It is best to grow porcini mushrooms in boxes filled with substrate. To prepare the substrate you will need:

  • hay;
  • sunflower seed husks;
  • sawdust.

Sterilize the substrate and then lay it out in layers in boxes. Place the boxes on shelves at a distance of 7 cm from each other. The mycelium is buried 5 cm into the substrate. The room temperature should be 24 degrees, humidity 88%. On at this stage there is no need to ventilate the room. After the first shoots appear, reduce the temperature to 10 degrees and begin to ventilate the room.

Watering is carried out twice a day using a spray bottle. Water for irrigation should be warm. Turn on the lights for six hours a day. After 21 days you can harvest.

Planting with mycelium

If the mycelium was taken from the forest for cultivation on summer cottage, then it is worth considering that it needs to be planted under a tree of the same species, otherwise it will not take root. In order to plant mycelium, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil under a tree with a radius of 70 cm from the trunk. The depth of the removed layer should be 26-28 cm. Fill the resulting depression with the prepared substrate:

  • soil removed under a tree;
  • leaves and pine needles;
  • the bark of a tree under which mycelium is planted.

Growing porcini mushrooms on an industrial scale

Place the mycelium on this mixture and sprinkle it on top with soil mixed with sand and pine needles, press lightly. Then water the soil from a watering can and wait for the first mushrooms to appear.

You can also grow mushrooms from caps. To do this, collect ten mushroom caps with a diameter of 12-14 cm. Hats should not be wormy. Next to the tree where the mushrooms were collected, also collect:

  • some soil;
  • needles;
  • leaves;
  • twigs.

This will be needed when sowing. Wash the collected caps and place them in a bucket of spring water or water collected during rain for 24 hours. After this time, knead the caps well until smooth. You can grind them through a sieve. Drain the water separately into a container and start preparing the bed.

The top layer of soil next to the tree needs to be loosened and watered with water left over from soaking the mushroom caps. After the moisture is absorbed, you need to evenly scatter the ground caps over the surface, sprinkle with soil taken from under this tree and pour water on top. The soil must be constantly watered moderately. Water consumption for one tree is 40 liters. The temperature of water for irrigation must correspond to the ambient temperature.

Dilution with solution

To grow mushrooms using a solution, you need to take overripe mushrooms and chop them finely. Add 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon of gelatin to the chopped mushrooms. Pour water into this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and pour this solution near the trees. When this solution merges with tree roots, a fungal root is formed. After two seasons, it will be possible to harvest the first harvest of porcini mushrooms.

By burial method in a summer cottage

To grow mushrooms using this method you need:

  1. Collect young mushrooms and chop them finely.
  2. Bury finely chopped mushrooms next to the tree.
  3. Water generously. Water consumption per tree is 40 liters.
  4. The first harvest can be harvested after 12 months.

A bed prepared for growing mushrooms by digging in

Using mycelium in the garden

If the mycelium was purchased at a specialized store, then it can be planted as early as May. Sowing work to sow mycelium can be carried out until September.

How to plant. Technology for beginners:

  1. The growing site must be chosen under a tree, where there is a sufficient level of humidity and lighting. On an area of ​​3 sq. meter, it is necessary to remove 30 cm of the top layer of soil (the mycelium package is designed for such an area).
  2. We line the bottom with a layer of pine needles, put leaves and bark from the trees under which the porcini mushrooms grew. The litter layer should be at least 10 cm.
  3. Sprinkle with humus.
  4. Mix the mycelium with sand and sow on the prepared bedding. To prevent the mycelium from being washed out, it must be sprinkled with humus on top. The humus layer must be at least 4.5 cm thick.
  5. Water the area using drip irrigation. If there is no such watering, then you can use a watering can.
  6. Make sure that the soil in the garden bed does not dry out.

After some time, a mycelium forms at the planting site. With this growing method, you can harvest mushrooms from one place for five years.

Reproduction of boletus mushrooms by spores in the garden plot

If a few mushrooms have grown, they can be propagated using spores. To do this, you need to take an overripe mushroom and remove all the pulp from the cap.. Its structure resembles a sponge. This pulp contains fungal spores. Chop the pulp with a knife or grind in a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass. Place the resulting mass in a two-liter bottle, add 3 teaspoons of sugar, 20 grams of baker's yeast, fill this mixture with rain or spring water and place for 10-14 days in a warm and dark place.

Next 150 gr. Dilute the resulting liquid in 10 liters of water, strain through several layers of gauze and pour into a watering can. Spray this solution near growing trees. You can also water a bed of newly planted strawberries.

In order for the spores to penetrate deeply into the soil, it is necessary to spill rainwater on top of these areas. The places where the spores were planted must be kept moist. Next season you can harvest mushrooms.

Provided that the technology for growing boletus mushrooms is followed, taking into account the characteristics of their growth and adhering to the recommendations, growing mushrooms is quite possible.

Porcini mushroom mycelium is a good planting material, but it will only develop when certain conditions are created. Mushrooms are not plants; they require a different approach.

Mushrooms are a separate kingdom of living organisms. They differ from animals by their immobile lifestyle and the absence of characteristic organs and tissues. Based on this, they were considered plants for a long time. They differ from plants in the way they feed, since they eat exclusively living or dead organic matter. Their cell walls contain chitin, a substance characteristic of insects.

Anatomically, these organisms are a collection of cells united in threads. The difference between, for example, mold and the fruiting body of a porcini mushroom is the degree of self-organization of the threads. In mold they are located and grow chaotically, but in porcini mushroom they combine, creating special shapes and structures. It is this shape of a large cap on a thick stem that becomes the calling card of the species.

Poisonous species have taken a different path - their spores germinate on their own dying fruiting body and quickly form a new mycelium from the decomposing remains.

Fungi, like plants, feed by osmosis, that is, the absorption of solutions from the environment. Only these organisms are not capable of primary synthesis of organic matter, so they feed on ready-made organic matter.

All this needs to be known to those gardeners who have decided to engage in artificial cultivation of mushrooms in their plots. Your future pets need to be provided with a lot of well-decomposing organic matter, moisture and warmth. What mushrooms don't need is light.

The porcini mushroom has another name - boletus. Bor is a pine forest. However, this name does not mean that boletus grows only among pine trees. It can be found among different plants, but it still prefers mixed forests with a predominance of pine trees.

In order for the boletus mycelium to develop well, forming an abundance of fruiting bodies, it is necessary that a lot of easily decomposing plant organic matter accumulate on the ground in the form of falling leaves, needles, growing and dying moss. In pine forests, the porcini mushroom grows exactly where thick moss or lichen cushions form on the damp soil.

Boletus in culture

How to grow white mushroom mycelium? This can be done as follows:

  1. Find a mushroom clearing in the forest where only porcini mushrooms grow, dig up the soil along with their fruiting bodies, transfer it to the site and place it somewhere in a shady, damp place. This method is good because you transfer not only the mycelium of the porcini mushroom, but also the conditions for its further development. The disadvantage is the danger of transferring other forest inhabitants, including those undesirable for your site.
  2. Growing mycelium is possible from a single mushroom cap. The main condition is that the mushroom must be old, and the cap must be large, with traces of beginning decomposition.
  3. Buy ready-made mushroom mycelium on a specific substrate. In this case, growing a mushroom is similar to the first case. The only difference is that you buy pure culture from nurseries. It is guaranteed to grow exactly what is shown on the label.

However, buying, extracting or replanting is only half the battle. At this stage, the question of how to grow mycelium still remains relevant.

Growing porcini mushrooms (video)

Planting and care technology

Your piece of forest with mushrooms will look even more decorative.

How to grow mushrooms in an artificial forest? It's very simple - do the following:

  1. Near the tree trunk, remove the top 10-20 cm of soil with a shovel. The result should be a bare area 1 to 1.5 m in diameter with a tree in the center.
  2. Place the planting material in the resulting ditch, then cover it with the same layer of soil that was removed at the very beginning.
  3. Water the planting site carefully through a sprayer so as not to wash away the soil.
  4. Cover the area for planting porcini mushrooms with straw, grass, leaves, sawdust, and peat to a depth of 20 cm.
  5. Make sure that the place where you plant the mushrooms does not dry out.

A mycelium grown according to all the rules will yield a harvest in 2-3 years.

Every year the yield of the plantation will increase as long as conditions are favorable for this.

To stimulate the decomposition of organic matter to the desired state, the substrate can be watered with a special solution containing the necessary microorganisms, for example, Baikal EM-1. Periodically, the organic layer needs to be topped up.

Mycelium of porcini mushrooms (video)

Gallery: porcini mushroom (15 photos)